ITJ' l- - .v Herald HINTS THE ' KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER HBW8WHIM5'','SNKW8 Vi"w - jaaattiaaega!TiWJT3- -x ty: .t, tp- a. i$ir KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOJ, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1914 Trie Five OlM ,, --. . t l h Huimtta GERMANS NOW OCCUPYING OSTEND 4-mW-. ... iiirJTt-iJw'-y-u-vVVj'rtr-Vj " r f GERMANY MAY BE PREPARING FOR A I SUPRE MEASSAU juji 'i. "at.imm.d m ""Uv U Awl t" '"' ' '! ittU. la Alt H uHM -u Itth alUxk-lMK Minmiiiii, IhimIi mmI Ij,sI!,I, ,t.. I initlUiiiil ii I'v lnlr.l Ut.- HoH 1S" Alt tkllUnk. tin Irtiitm. I'Allltf, tM t -TM AfMnvHN lkrtRlr'll"l1l?M KiVl.fl Ullfri list" Ix-rn MtfWti4 flnt Xtyr lt Ik" r tfctUW ' UXi (tsl teitltMJI At ft !" '! ) lb ll initm '' tit til Ir. .e til 4f flty f- 4 UAbVtn mur)Hrtil Iff ? kp Otsun fiw; in M MlslM frfct l! Inlet ilrtrl tt)rfV ' kms'sb ihrl I rrwuy J l tit km) r irrf HtuiynJntM tin' lf'. ij ,UI t clftlt ullnnH i itnih I'UhfV f- n IWJ iw I rrmud t rn'fnt etiril ttntnsiiMnn ! nlk.n Lf it-o u.iwuua lloiiiiau 10J frfls IM1) Crowd Overlooking World Series Game MEAGER DETAILS BEING GIVEN TO WORLD BY CENSOR MBBBftBaBBWflBaBBBkPsBBBBBBBV BaK1" JBBBYaBBBBBBBBBBBaBaVEi "SbbbbbbV V l&arBBWBlBBVBBBBHaBBmaBHJBBV H bHbVH SsdnBBBw'aBBV iBHPriir'H nQK9nnn9nHliBiJB!SBBlJI 'HH-VVflHIHIi ISHEnit 7X'ViP474KikUFdBHVH ;QBbbbbKbtI HbbbVbWb? ,Ii. t i ;" fcV'i HBQPHp'' BBBBVBBBBlBH3BBpMBBnMaBJVABBB St ",W ' .V.lMllV .ISWyaghiiiBKBBll" lMUBBBBBBBBBm-BSKlg 1 ff flUml w i'-fBJtaftACMyWaBJBBBBM fJBBKl BBA w ra VBBBB? BBB'ABBnrjj9B, VSf BHaaBBBi IfA Jl tt- VBWllBBVHflBBMil'1 !BBBBBrKmBVB?K rll vlF ""11 VSBBBBBBBBBMttJiiBI b ? - 4 5 1 v WVkflBBHw vHH ivwvSSBHBEAkSI (i a- kflflk M 7SHBB; vtVevV cjLBkBBBBBr riiiii rrw sMicp l-)lO.V. Ocl. 10. AllhouKli oitlrial Infonnailon I lelai; wUhlirftf ilmmcli rrnrhlf It U IwHercil frtIn tliflt the Gwnn hare occupied (Kirml. one of IJrlehim' prlnrlpnl MrolcBle tM"-,, ' KagllnlJ' (liat. When tlio Int oatK left llicre Ms forte of tMan w already tll lilt- iirnr tlio rltjr. Coinmuniration 1 lntinuitcil. , It l hrlincd tlutt the allies rrafiinied thp city TucUir ad wrt Mitltlt to Jirrrrnt hrlng lolatcd. ( iilteU I'nitB Service IX).'IM). Oct. 10. Mall ailrlccs, ti the Dallr Clobo Mirlluit CrBiWi aralrr patrol orcuplnl 0cml for a fnv hour Tn-Mlay. The tory ! not say whether nr not they Mt 'he city. I'nlieU 1'rfss Serrlce THE HACCK, Oct. 10. Practically alt of Belgium U now held bjr.tlift Girniau. f!enman from Ghent occujilrd niankenbarB yesterday,- wHh hanlly any reltcncr. Tliey Imtsedlalely ptecll toward .l ... - (Xot Tle rest of the forcsolnj; was deleted by tb censors. It tt considered likely that It means the movement to occupy OstecdJ tt .... ..rttPit t.t 1 .iSli.'rllilin hi l fil paro o( lit t n.., mtIi -tti the Uoston llravcs nnd the . i t i i . .. it . .a. . -,. . .l-.. .! 1 ft -t- I'D" cll"t8 IT 1 OUt!! tTtfKntr tv thp "Biinii tt I'nr iiikii ntr tin? inni!irt mHtin, Athlvtl l Shllio park from the jsd stsr.d. Hat with seats of that fn- r ttrtinr tlttti prtixre of ' lklll) ttUUly lttir illllUK' Hit fit tiirrrnptlfin. flip gih ij iwiiuti l rolUtl txtdllriii Another Marconi Station It Shut 1'illwl P(rM Hrtr WABIII.SOTO.S", I). (, Oct, !. Tfc n)' dct'orttnctil lina urdvrtl 111 Uttconl l.tllim at llnnidtilu cIihuhI yllhlii it-ntjrruur Imurn, if t Timber Sale Gives Klamath $29,750.00 REDFfELD SAYS O.K. BUSINESS 1 lllvU OK DKI'.lltTMKVr OF COM- MKIICH S-WS TUAT IMPORTS HAVK IXClUiSi:i, AS HAH UK- m.m ion oru c.oom (HriaM HimxUI Kertlc) fllal tocltlto1liT l IhU coiitny ... ...... . nro K. C. Umm. Hi" well known' y h iM-nlr-rour hour.. le ml V, uc. .. - - - - , of ,,,, , nni, hfKlpry rxiilnntiilon U glvpn ifienr ht rrceiiily pm uifo llLi or;:;; Tb- .lmlr I. .II.M -n V tM , 8crvlco "" m mewnRO. inauiniiii -v - - m!tt,y 2,7 10 Here on tllO WftteMlien u-AMIIIVtSCTON I) C Oct 16- ' "-- ' . ., ... ...Ill t)iicn t;re'K, on inu i eio British i Cruiser ! Caught I'nIKsI l'rc Service r nvnnv rw-t. ih Kinrt nrf rontlncctl tliat the Gcrmama iumihi. (L4r.blceru.saaa.atJDAteatLaiMt clt(here along tiie DetflMa c hoping tho to force the ItrltW eet to titiiy olTt.lorc. ThegWrt retejr ntonnlett on lrnln, ready to be mhed to-lhe cnt. IcfuKer iay Ibafllie Briioili tasiif f nnniiiilacina: the CTtmimm tit- tlier iKcuided the coat were premature. Tney say tuai me Btggeac aun are more toverfol anil orr eaally handled than the "gMwtfcejr: ajjaltKt Liege, N'auiur and Antwerp. MARTIN BROS. IN ! THE LUMBER GAME Balkan Allies Win From Auttrian United Pre"W SerTlce LONDON. Oct. 16. .TUo Moateua ,Krin consul geueral has made a Ute- inent that the Montenegrins and 8er- Ivlans overwhelmingly defeated 15,- WAHK STOCK OK THE UI ooo Austrlans uear Serajevo PL'ltCIIASE THE YAllll AMI HAltlM IIASIX LVMIIKK COMPANY AT MKKKIUi Austrian batteries and hundreds of prisoners were captured. rt ihr term of itHilrnllly, ),nmm l.tiniher roropany Th . . . . . ,..l.l !!' prill' lT M Crek, on th wwt side at .iKbrnalh t.nWo, In township 38 Bouth, (f ' " utiiKe l. 'l ntl f 21,000,. i-,....s.wwwSW.V''' i'iii'" ! " "'VT "The Mutual Girlani Her Aonfic" Tim Muiunl Olrl mid hfr Aupllo wll b very mwU In -vl-'Imuo in Thr lloruld tlw each wrok, mid ll will l'' vv,,r' ma" nn.1 unman In (Im eliy of Klnmnlh Knll lt H''l' v wl",,, "I'oii oiif of thf inge of th pnprp. 'I'herp will h i-oiuo koo.I IIiIiikh orteretl wtflt week, uuttiu spfclal tlilllB, l1 l,!,,,', prlct. Hint. wo ar quite w HI mwl with iho nppmvnl ' tviry utmd litim (twiit-r and i-vory ! limiHivlfo. Very itiniiy r Dm tudug himhtpss l'ol w1'1 ,,,, rrlropiH "l Uu-ri. itfitt tlin,loiii will hi- Hhoi In The Horahl I'otorv )'H simp In (he morcN, Kvory poi-Min lU(troird In ihi r"1! "f IIMiik. In Ihti muttp of cutting down thin i'W, In Urn muUi'P "f ImvliiR it handy guldit to rpf'P . whnrn thU run p nfenm. I'lUlioil, will lo in kepp pom. tnh n Tlu llprnlil's Mutual llrl nd llor Auntlo pitgp, ' ,..ijiiF ...- In lonklng nvpp lmt pago, nnd nrndliig'tlio ninny hpIpipIUI l'rKilint, cap nnfidy miyt "Vntir nrt trlnl may lin nn oxporlmonti "Vnur fiiiiiro trinls will ha u hnblt." ' " ',')All)Y," Himd Tlio Herald ittmormw, tnrv Hod Held of th Department: Commerce aud lbor. has written ' utilise ' . n" .n.i..n . ..,.- Sonwtr simmon regnrdlng the com- CZZZl D" wt "f Wcsu-rit yellow plnp and gna0B ot the entire conn- kugnr I'l't". 2,000.000 fept of lonln h,cU ,e rpglirtU , nromUlnB. nr xtnii qrjii.iiuu rrpt oi wnne ur. (n Mk rommellt(i on u,c situation ho Tim company I m P for the Urn- , . . .. ... . .. (trt .... tl....wnil ,"lu l-tir ill tut' rum l ." ! " Mr th Wwli-ru yellow pine ad suior "U It dear that our ItnporU rcch. ..)... and SO cent Pvr thousand for i-d the low point Ho last of August, 'tl,M itouglaa nr and whlfv nr, They 8lnc hcu Ihry nw rlacn. and the .plan to erecl n sawmill on Klnunll present tenupno Luke for the sawing of this Mmbpr. ' further lnerak l lmltled that This snip will bring Into the re.ii commerce suffrfl n tevero shock nryof Hip I'nlted M.iti npproxJinale- during H'P "w weeks of tho war. y 188.000, nud sr. per cent of IhW'mi both bollgereiit and neutral n. .....! i... o,....i inniiv for' iions arc turning toward Anuulca for VZ: d U-." (ihe. 8upp1K Pdncloally shoes, the , textile ttu Iron. ii DRY CANDIDATE iHamburgAmerkan Tft nnr.i iirnr Liner Is Wrecked IU aTtAK next Vnlled Pre Servico LONDON. Oct. 16. The admiralty today announced that the cruiser ' llivwke. while cruUIng In the North Sea yesterday, waa attacked by a Gar- man submarine. me sumnormr struck the cruiser amidships with a torpedo, and tore It to pieces. 1 Out of tho cruiser's crew ot 5 ntiiv 49 have been saved. The mhw- 'tiiR Include Captain Hugh Williams nmi th.t other hlsh olllcera. I All England Is today demanding re- ...,... r. il,.. tlnu-kn disaster. Thet IVHftl " ... --- ...imi.liu la .holnir rrltlclzed by tue , ..villi......, ....... ...w .people for Its failure to check these disastrous submarine raids. It Is reported thnt the disaster oc curred far from the German coast. .and near to tho llrltlsh naval base. Tho peoplo aro asking where the llrltlsh fleet Is, The lumber yard and builders' sup niv store conducted at Mtrrlll for several years by the Ulg Basin Lum ber company, has been sold to Martin nroa. They nlan to continue this line In connection with their other Inter ests here and In Merrill. With he disposal of the Merrill Ivard. tho Big Basin company has rld- ided Itself of Its branch yards. Some time ago the yard at Dorrls was sold to the Northern Lumber company. Naval Activities Seen Off Dunkirk , Suited Press Service LONDON. Oct. 16. It la under stood that a number otjiMtUieshlps nlrtrk'.M have been seen "off Dunkirk;- convey ing transports, and further south) ves sels are reported nearloc JPorUgal. 'Two Klamath Permits United Press Service LONDON, Oct 1,- Tho admiralty ,......,.. . r(,K WKH. ASPIUAXT.h . uunounecd tlml the llrltlsh etuis- (JI.OIHII. . t.l.l..ln, .." , . . ii-mhure. et iiiiiiivuim o.i.... .., ... Kerns Bros. Get Permits From Council KOIt THE SAME JOIl THAT SIN XOTT HOLDS AMI EVANS SEEKS IS COMING 8M)N AtnvrlPtn Biimatin, liner Marltemanlu off Manila Harbor a Cause for Kick ,jr .-.... ..........m. "'"'-V.. m,"-'-'-"-". III. .uto Kitmi Portland. cv tv Low toturuod last night from I ... i.ii.i. I'm timid, where he attended tho state Urui rZ from tnV convention of the of Pythla, ! Second Oregon dUtrlct, will soon bo .here to make, his campulKn, "",,,,,,,. , Han IV.inelsco. .oCrc Sn rim., Harry Gallagher a we,, known 0 ea v MB . k a his mmpilRn on yonng lumberman, leave. Monday for !,ho ,rol.lbtlon Imuo. largely, and Oakland to spend the winter. HU tno l'nu"w'' ' ' ., ,hi.hirothop has lust opened a lumber promlacH to worn tor iiiu... i , ., - Jbltlon, should ho be elected, tH'1" ere. United Press Service ' t WASHINGTON. D. O.. Oct, 16. Tho llrltlsh ambassador has made a complaint to tho statq department, alleging that neutral nations are us ing tho port ot Manila as u base tor supplying German cruisers with coal. The department has' promised to In vestigate, t (Herald Special Service) SALEM. .Oct, 1C During tho n.mrtAr undine Sentember 30. 1914, State, Engineer Johu H. Lewis Issued 173 permits for tho appropriation oi .. Thnan nermlts give the cost ot proposed works as approximately $3,000,000, and Involve tne construc tion of 230 miles of canap lines, the development of ao.iou noreiuwwt, and tho Irrigation of 13,100 acres of land. Tho issuance of permits by tne t.t natnar'a offlce Moy be taken .. n index to the general develop ment throughout the state along ir- rigaiieq a I"'Vi''tT ........ tuiu Tha faaa collected by this ueaari- ' T" ' I ........ . .J.'... I Austin. Hayden .returned Thursday nt during tne past quarter - from a business trip to Ban Francisco, 1 those collectedJn the same period Ut year by 25 per cent, and the money deposited with tho state treaaurer during tho first three-auarwes pi, 10H, amounting to J10.173, exceeds tho appropriation tor the administra tive expeuses of the offlce fop tao en tire year. Tho following permits waft Was during he past g.unrtrJclCWma'th ceunty: ,' Emlgle Egert of'Hlldebrand, ror h trriuHmi nf 93 acres, dmrtlnc water from lluck Ctek In tsttimi CJ township 37. somit, rpe a TVrf7a, . ,jii ' " ' n.w,i'a wiiinmeuojiuoi"""; - , f&m n t, ..! i isr iirrui nr abb. isrA.Ti.. , f I .J y the development ot l,t9 AjmgMmi-i,. KUmtth, Rlver;Ht M.ijswyf fY,, : t.hip 3 iduth. rrnMt T $;, g.y M ,..' -, tf f cv