0 Eh PRINTS THIS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WIIILKITISNKWS r fc t - jMuaxaa.aar.sjK: ,- iw -i-s -v-sst -wir ; svatr KLAMATH HALLS, OREGON, 'I HURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1914 PHea, 9tn LEAK SOMEWHERE, THING TO "A RUSSIAN REPORT! Type of Zeppelins Which Were Engaged in Storming Antwerp KtMtamMmi&mmmcefameMmmBum -wbbw nil Ml roitiiMi; II M.I I II tMl' Mm OllliK l l'imliirrl lltiil Nj.lr. n limmtllnu' IiiIomiiiiII'H l(rMii.ii llfKiillnjJ l'li--IW- l.i.llll fv) Hw llll.ltn IUi lllt llio Meg" ol IV) inn.) I nl tip "" 'rllOlms. I taiM "' tMttlre III III.IS.IM, 1.1 (m!mI.-4 ill tit). ,r, .it,.itlliK lo itlrl .iMlrMtntl j llrt. H11..U1, lr-gr of . t I lm. Urn mlwd Ittr lntil'l' nn' lrmlil lurtll)-! Ipk im tin" UiiiMiuti Mnr), s.l"-r (..! Ml)l Tin ,tt.liUn ntr !.! lnlAlUckltitt. InlUJ l't Hrl' I'irritouiui', o.t ift -i h gew- nil u(t tt anuouured i tut ll "III M Urt Urn Huln tami'slgn In ISiIb4 until ihrw l " tl0nU" rtiBfttuhm rclicd In th Mlllf Mtlnfi rt'W Warssw lo VMuU. j Tlit ar "Biro l raiirltttwl lhat t!ffR ilr am at tk hr. TIt' ImIH'B JrdMltl lOSlMpcrl HlM !' o Uicmtnt have Wn Irannmltlrdj , ;'yT. -S5. ; -- .,.-w,-, . . .w. - .. J..- -, .-...,..J- ,v-..,-r . ..- ... a I "1 ifiT i twM ff !fe I st'iSs ?TT- BVAfflfi , fe I TKHir c .inwv lwrjuin wcrertliw nmy MMMi rrr.ji'.:, v mijMmiMm : vxl -i a 1 W iMI h ' I I1' Kn VVi'PllirT flurTlTliWn ALLIES, ESCAPING ENCIRCLING, DEAL A TELLING BLOW ii:i.iM'oiti:i nv tiiouih fiiom i OSTK.l tt.Vmuin ll.ivr Abanloiil Tbrlr Jim1 t(rm on I lie ltl lUnk of (h Ljr, .trrnnllaK In .lilvlrl Givra Oat hf ll.c Frritch Wr (MHrr :tato I lion- In C.Vrman Haada, ftajrs M luilrh From the fltiiw CHI. Uultc.I Vrt Srtle LONDON', Oct. IS The movewmt tof Oencrnl von Bcwbm's arua rmr Wlillo Hie ewolln. 500 Ik tUe asr, a poor mark for harp- In AritWitfU li bomb droftivd or raoro ftt In lengtli. rlilen aboc shootcm. TBe mtwern .eppim r tlilnl'Kennclin raid on tbo cltr. th -loul. and U tha otecured from tontruttel that cen if a nell IM- Pl. ;.mro into fnlc. (be jMrlmn of the -nemr on Iho irlLn ihm it wilt not lamae Bore;" T"' 7," Th "dWi . , . ...-i.. !..!. .i- ...,.i .th. th. ertte. let down obrv' th om air ctawibtr. With srentMnto enc rclf the BrIUdi aad MgiaM ".I .I.'.. ."."..",:. '. 1.... i......ir-i ..rf.'.riuw.nscrf. thehlpmlKbttll nr tn bnnini enunti win. jt-uniTJUfi Mlt" lri wiuj uiq itcidUi i. pwiiiiii .. . ,,. .-, - -, , ! .i-tx . .1.... An . A.,M,i t.tw .,! hrir.ntli hft rlrtfn! bank floit. The reports Ol infr Kaisers u- mmr huiiib ijiiiuiiiiil ni im u uii inai a ! - -T --, . 'ni bit iliw eii. Hi in-oplc ..... . t ikt. tvtn It (a P1pnnjh ili-V Lately tb Owmaiu have add- if mdo of Itet Iron, ana Ji nuigw mwe eiipeiins i '- - '"J-"" Sawmill To Be Built t '..(?! aIaI uwt kftd kkM MAilAlVaMl i.4.iaw ..! iiAriMth he clond bank floit. The reporw 01 me Kcr b uv w.mvmi u. u. . .... .. . . . .,. ...I-,-i- i i,niinti fal.-i ' tli.nl th Ilrltlah and Blclans foraMr- tro H"' lurniru ft "ry mnau tarsia tor reiuuuu i v. ... - - ---- " Tilt' car bon here into account the largo numuer oniy tuucnirawu "" jito rcinrorcemenu ana cBtcasct i..i n.,viiv ,, M,..ir -ntw.1!n. ti,m on dtlicr ldc lo form a prot:lton said to be hW benct mat ne cou.a ir-.u w-r.u-. t.al SrfBc.4i n rmri -r lo be aKatnut bullou from below. A car rorUo the rlUb capital If a dorcn or r , reported lhat the Oeraaa we.t droppr-d br cable for obwrrallon of UKo IhU, mevlni: rapldtr, rerr blBh more of them bombarded the cltjr. CARRANZA NOT . RahPWPrl HnnP for Deyona uiene ooon iu yun n ward Hnn .extending acrow the ! Franco-Belgian frontier, wm aaat back b- this axsault. The BrHeaa jam bearing the brunt of the ficatlaf- u ()t,iwat, eIiImb Information n' FoIiIk th puiTltajilnc of trarU pUn will lw atmouiHVd latrr, wl.tm ctrdlne ttutl' lUn. ol prh umber Besn-eailnu I! 08.- ihpy intorpotBio. tl mtinliirU thai lit ml of IhrUoo fwl beyond OUmr, untninininvni 'It I Mr lnlnll)n 10 build a mill lluMtMt ormr I pad In Ihw.bal-Ua nindt loday lhat a !tmlll U u lih h dally wpacity of 3J.O00 fct ll Irom and In I'nUml. ;tw built ol lltcru thU tall and win- of lumber,' wld onti of Urn liiiijronte.l Tt,. r i.i. n.ni If I.. t.raW tlieiinr. Tht. mill lit lo h In oixtrnllpu wmlelJdtij. "Thl nould cut nboui llmn line In I'nland, Ibo way U hU iflnc oirni.xi, AnvicuH tiu: that I'ltin: imxvkxtio.v wiuu not I .-r rrov uikjxatiox uxtm., AAIWTA Ci.MlS IV ; Cure tor Leprosy United Preaa Sanrtea - PARIS, Oct. IS. It U itated taat the allies. In addition to aaeaateg from the encircling movement of taa Ocrmans. delivered a saiaahlag ataw ho the. kaiser at the jaactlea. of Fraaca jand Belgium. The French are a4- panelng. forctng the wedge of tM German adTance. . WASHINGTON, I). C Oct. 15. .mooKra oil, a product of the tropicals The lat coamunlcaUoa froai thf in a witori mad' pobllc today the conntries. In the .tatement the offi-var office follewa: 'eU!c1V " Tin hA aTfB l Hjatarfataat . - -T VM VSHV VBf avwwp I.POM.oott fct of tumbtT vwry c- ttrwr 4fi mi mm in i' Mtii ! . IftliM l'rM H-rvIr .l'gii ;ruui K.-rKli'. - i W man, and lormer MtMrlnltmdtnt vWorV on tlio ilnt III brKlii thl AUMt.iuu.. w. u.. uct. l. of tlif. Alcorn l,umbr rnmiMuy' fall or ihm wimor. in ornr 10 iinve'.cconnuic mwui au.n., iouia. ill-Ill t Ori is (-lr.)r.M i luv.'l'linl. H li.liT.Miml Ih Uio mftwmcni, ibe mill ninnltiK next iprlntc. In the farranaa huu prctentod hl rojlena. tllW The IlLlJ, L 4.fr.i.rwilh Mm at pml o.her irl. , and lb, mill ..ptn to -m- tlytt a. Pn-ldi-nt of MmIco io the t.rHtlirwliidl, Willi nliM of l.fioA rirl IhiuIx-i mt-n public health ervlco officials hold out a hope for the cure of leprosy, as u rvauU r l al'pnWit SUixtiw Of n new treatment. The new euro U based upon Chaul. Their romplele ploy about Mly nii'ii Hthir.rr nrnl Iweiuy raitnon. Ttif rrimUltie nf (tin HuimIauii by (be Crntiftiii In bi noiilh ha bmuehl lU Souilirrn I'oUml neht bark In Vraw and the VUtuln. :im in I'linlonii. Allorney ('Imrlix J. Stone ha none in I'orilaml i altnml lo biulur mal-lem. Ilrn I'mhii KttBt-ne. Al Manln Jr, for ji-ar a rel- Jml of Klamnlli FalU, but now con- lit Hint I'mm Vlli. ' Mr. and Mr. Ihui Dulu roiunii'il ANOTHER SUIT ;T lieneo contention now In solon at ZacaU'COK. The ronveutlon ban dtutdt-d noi lo act on (tits until thu ZapatUtat aro repteiH'iiteil. A rvctsss wa taKvn to day until October 20. PUBLIC MEETINd rial savr "It produces an apparent cure InNn-0 enemy coming from Aatworp some cases, and greatly improves 'reaped the nelgbboraoodl of ItrMjai ' manr others. -whtle it arrests progress nd Thlelt vesterdaT. The Of of the dheaie in almost every In-'abandoned tbelr position o tk itunc." bank of the Lya. t ' ,,"i - "Between this sectioa aad LaBaaat, however, the situation la nachaatd- "We have made a marked advaace between Arrax and Albert." Jl Belgians Told They Must Fight AGAINS EVENING SESSION . Ulr-d will, a Uiigrlw bank. U hern '' "'K1' 'fom '"u ,,h rui:,liu' tl'lllnc hi. father. Alex Mitfiln r.. ' I'lleii.burfi. Wanli. . t'l rmrfcliiK antualnUnren. Mrs, J. ( Him of Clmilnnooisn. Tmily vtfttiirii In ,.err inn hnv Ttin.. nlnu to fly aniiitid the nrlil Jul; ey, In hpr aeroplane. 1 " wMVWWMVW'AWWWWW'AMMrywvv ww - f i;m.iiiiisi:u im i.ti.Mi'.v.vv AI.I.IStilN THAT IIANfll Ol' IM.IIVKS WlttlXl.'lUI.I.V UT TIMIIICIt rilOU ITS I.A.IS ANQTHER SLIDE IN BIG DITCH 'nltcd I'rcaa Service THE HAGUE. Oct. 15. The last ' act of the Belgian government before . ..,...,.. v i-m!f-ivmvu. m it. transferrinffto Havre was to issue an .... order directing all males between the! Ti'HS Wll.li llU maim: hv t.i- age of is ami 45 lo join tne army ,., v., .... ; within two days. The penalty for dis- , ..,.,. u,..,,,, m orJcp ,g tQ treated ag. AXI t.OCAIi WUMKV WIM. SIXi traitors. "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie )t WIIKlti: HAI.KH lli:.M.I.V TAKi: 1'I.ACi: It U wialor to nmfco kooiU limn It I to noil tlui'm, I know n mfn who linn 1'ii-n In lliu ntaiiufrtclurlng biuliiemt nil lit llfi, and ho n.ty It look him boiiiu time to Mud thin out. Any man with money am ly iimrlilnery mid hire inni to run It mid mnko Reed, but ll lii mil follow burn u Im out do llntl Hint lu ' '!' lll',,',' uoodi. Ill moiitiy U of no iimi If ho cniuiot sell Hnw Kil "Her limy tint iimde, Ho ald It look lilm aoino lo HikI oit Km' Hi mnkliig uf thu goods Ih th Icimt. Wlu'ii you io innnufn lurliiK. goods you am dealing bolli with mn mid molnln, mid i Uii put u Ihouunuil mart' moil In work mid mnko more K'H'di. Ilia when you cross iho Hun mul mmpl lo noil Ihoso KiimU yun will meet it different proposition. When you mnko n side nf niDllilUK. whelher In n nitnll Mure or on the road, no mailer whnt It mn- ho. Uml snln tloos "01 I! rut Hike pine u, u,- ortfr book or mnr tlimounirr- In H poOuillionk or tn the check hook. Hut wry nnle, whollior It Im n paper of phut or it Krnud I'laiio, Mint liikes pliten In tho mind of tlio iHirsim who Imya tho KoniU. A lawyer Is us iiiucli of n Hiilt'sninn lis it Inmlnoss inn. mul "IiiiiiM imti (Iu, Mtmi inf)lcH us any oilier man who In nollinit HiIiikm, botttime ho Is'nlwnys iryliig to soli the Jiiilnn mul thu nry his sidu nf tho insn. When you put this mutter of Inlliio nrliiK the Iminmi mliiil on rli it lirosil, plnne you can soo Hint In uoiirly nil of our rolu lloim or lire wn are using Uio prlmlplos of mlvurttaliiK '"' ni'siiiniikili, llimd more ubout- tills dual In The Herald tomorrow. AllogitiR Hint omployca of U. IN Iloal. lia tH)i trespasstng on thv IiiiuIh of Hie WVyorhnuser l.nud com- j piny, and Ihut diiriiic iki- ami kmj till UII VUHIUVI"IV "I"""' i.w v..- vcritd ll to Doiik'a liilercm. Hut Woyerliiiinwr coiupsny, ihroiiKh Jack miii I". Klnilull, It iiKonl, has com- intillCt'U mm III me circuu mini '" .. fowr fl,iT7.3:, of tho timbiir. The suit was it led by Kuylicndnll ,i,iirU. est Is botng brougUt out. r.siwclally A Forgution. It alleges that tho Doaku u (g ijiey, t ti t the catial enn- Intorostlng wero the talks of Miss tut 3rtS pluu trees, t'outnlnliiK 272,- uot ll0 oioarctl sulllclent for vessels Holer today on playground matter. 70t5 feet ol lumber, woilli 13.75 por ;( aM loet, tli.-u twenty-lour hour. Hinusiinil.itniM 2 nr tree containing j . ; . -..rw r.K..iKS feet of lumber, worth J1.7Ui . . 'H11J III. UUIIIIv I por thousand, and 3G trees for poles, Jq DeClSlOll Yet wo rlli ft oat'li, M'WIA' fO.MI'l.im:i CIIAXXKI. IS ItLOCKKD BY TOXK OK 1.UTII. vixsr.us vu,i. uk AT I.K.VNT 1 HOUHS Joins Her liusbaad. Mr. J. V. Thomason arrived last nt.h frnrn Dinurt Tilahn. to loin her enlng at tho Klamath County ompIoyed by the reclama- chool. when Iretl C. Ayer of, a9 enBlncor of one of the excavators. A fckluro of the Klamath Count) Ic-ncherb' Instltulo will be the session this e UKItAYKD '' chool the University of Oicgon will delncr n lecture on educational lines. The t i . nj public U Invited to attend this. ; ' In addlUon to tho lecture Miss ",ro From n,r' Culled l'reoi Sertlcu Augustn larker and Mrs. Bert Cart COLON. Oct, 15. A now slide In Thomas will slug. Culebrn cut has piled tons of earth WH bo served. ,lll' !) tho county seat. the now ehnunol Just completed. All of the specialists who are to United Preaa Service BERLIN. Oct. 13. (wireleaa via Sayvllle). "Heavy fighting la la progress east of Argonaea aad Beta sons," said the war office stataateat. French official reports of delaytag success In the , Wocrre regies are false." Etaln hi now In Germaa haaae. The French attacks upoa our aeaklasv near Ste. Mlhtel hare beea raalaed,"v Fort Couple Wed. p At the home of Mr. aad Jlrs-W., M. Montellus on Crescent aveaue. Destl son F. Lawton and Mlas Gertrude iBIttman, both residents of Fort Klaai- jath, were married Wednesday aftar noon. The ceremony was pettemad John Shools. n well knOwn rancher! by Ttcv. J. S. Stubbleflfld: Taay wllr Kefreshmenta'of the Palry country. Is spending the reside on the groom's raaea la tae Wood River Valley. held tl) be HlO COSl n.,....,w ., i.. nulllllllltklll of such nV. unrt In llm instruction of teaeh. t .".......... ... : ..-... an emergency, aro removing me ers are Here now, aim muen oi mior-, War Talk in Congress r Austria's Ship Yard Is Burned CAR OF SPUDS FroPortuga. j. Congressman Urges Preparation BnKed I'res Service I.ON'DON', Oit. 15. No word has in on loeulu'd up to this time regard ing I'oi I Hgr decision regtrdluK lioi iloclmaUon of w.r ncnlnut, Germuny. It Is sitld Hint ovi'ii It Uo decides r to CHAMBKIt OF COM.MUItCi: IS IX iti;ci:ii'T of ixguutY fkom OUTSIUK lltYKIt, AHKIXt! CAItl.OAU I'Uicr.s U'nlli'il I'resa Service 1 TIMi:8'l Oct. 1C. Tlio new Aus itrhu dieadnnuiilil, whoso launsliluK'to tuslst Enclaiul In South Africa It hum hiliiidiiU'd for this aftoriiotut ul iIooh not necetisnrlly moan war with I Hm government, hhlpyurd at .Monfnl- Ooriuiiny. , cons on tho Hay or Trlcst, was ui)s- It would bo technically tusktlng In1 Tim Klamnth Chamber of Com ceilously bin nod. Six now torpedo mippiossliign tevolt, ' merco is Jn receipt ot an liumlry from !,(BWUie.lsosetIouslydnmagod. , mr outside party regarding tho prices. It Is believed Hint splen were ro- CoiiHlriictloii or a water course otc for n carload of potatoes. ,..,...ii.i...fr !. blase. from Chicago to the Illinois Hlver nt Shippers or producers Interested .. l.n Rallott n cost of f3,07G,QuO to can obtain further Information re - a.m ..-. 1 .... iIIik titles fvnht tn rlin lllliat C I Miss Mium llresetlo, tlio llret wo- Hie state of Illinois, was recommond-ntrdinB this from the Chamber of mutt factory Inspector In Kansas, is ed In the roport in me spucimiy np-.v w lumlutf that tho stiito maintain nn in-1 pointed board of supervising en gluoom. Tho variety New desired Is the "Ileal Yorker" or 'Burbauk.' J United I'ress Service it-- unholy, and that It la a ataaaat WASHINGTON, 1), C, Oct. 15. 'ho principles of democracy. 1 in speech and uctlon, Issued by Freal-l-. KOUfdeut Wilson, was Ignored on the floor' iIut. n0 matter wkUa (Ma Wtm. ! . ........ .... r, I . v"u.'.---li.ifc IOI congross touuy ui (.uuKinnwiu o niun navamtr nw nr I Augustus I Gardner of the Sixth Missachusotta district. Ho Introduced it resolution for tin Investigation ot this nation's propareduesa for war, and lvisseil some reflections on one wnrrlng nation, "It Is true with respect to this European wnr.U said aardner, "thai my views are not neutral. I am sa il rely convinced that Germany's eause beginning of ti. vlelwrteua nMlaaaf '. have proven heaairea.adata.. ' minded. Wo mut b in Iminilnaiirl allltary i ri 41 ! w to reorganlce our U we cipect to be afcla to raMi tafa ('4 hlgh-handedaesa whea tae aar fkl' A necessity arrlvaa." . " J' Gardner praaeaUd tna raaahl!,' pointed by 'tka' aalaafc InJaW fata tala aeaatry'a naaaainYaw aHW si y ' dustrial hcIiooI, rf 5 A. yiit i r