iaitfttftuj Wtmlb PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER' NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS -iigwWnwT"ii'wwni'!"w vMK-ir-;mmfrmr mt me K- Math Veai So, M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 19M rrfaw, Wr Eh BATTLE LINE IS FROMWARSAWTO PRZEMYSL FORTS HtillllN"' Mil"! II OI'TIIIIIII! M.0 (IINTIM'I Hiil I'm"" hIm 0 I'oiiug.tl IktUml War I'l. tti-rtoaii). INtkUl llmrnM Ultre llil Out. llnl Mill VH Vnuiti lur It Wmcll). b-i Ilri-Klrd uiMlutt Kue lbl4ljlMT War .Wu, I 6llJ l'l HiU WAHIIINOTON, I, C. Oil II Tb (oll'l"j rable U berl lrrrti-4 from I'rltiwrad "lUllle h' begun ii n llu n iindirig In) Ihe uuiury around UatMte l'n the flrf VUlul BMI Hth. I I'nerujsl, I'UMIhS it continue further .mlli il.su I'rieiM)!, and in th llttei Imkttrr The Kt l'rnlii lluu mm u unchanged General von Moltke, the Afeu; JVar CAief of Germany GOVERNOR HUNT ORDERS MILITIA (blll free Hervtce LONDON, 01 II - A M4tl4 r incy 'llpirlt, unconfirmed omrUt j .) tint It U rixtrt4 lhal I'nriu. itl b deflated "or on llerrosnj Thr offtrlsl or liurnu penult' Ihr tuMlralltin of Ihe dispatch .lth out Atiy gusfanle of It mil li tuicl that In mtMl MiU He llwi are pledging ipt. lion a Colnvl Msrlls. Pi SHksVssHRIIsflHHHi I pr3 liIPIPIP&'?Hr: liflSisiiH ill siiiHlkjfllK PwEiiiS I t'i'i SBBBBBniBHSBjPBSEfBBBBBBBBH B s siisiiHM'llrFsiiiiHH V SHWSiBwWLiiiH F SHF,i!lBB i wi iiHmmSiiiSKsiiH Bl Li? S9i5tBBBBBflx2'?fi3BaBMBH $4 S .fSBsBHeP5liWaP! ! BBBJBBBBBjBBjp&Sa aMBPP'ellgi 9 1 iBiiiHHP2HWiai9sW.(i IU - iiiiHiCiiiaSHKHwll -'BB fj $f iiiHHHiiHBnSJKfl'LiBs IU ' f uTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTasuTeTaYr 4BTeTeTeTeTeTev'TxBBY'iF v "0wfVuTeTev iVm . I SBBKPvjBBBKBHH mI id HVSHhvBBBBE'?jlHBSB!BJ EBJ it! SVVftBHSS9BHSjBLcv9H H ".. STAL-iriiWlwr'-diiBHHIii'i? S ' SiBIBiSBS&SJSMSBfcfTOtteStSwMRflHHBBwfSE'5-' I TO THE BORDER 'I III," W.ill OI'lICi: .KKKS Til KM itr.cAi.i.i:i JURY FINDS FOR THE DEFENDANT i ,'iiuai. o.v cii.tiuH: or mootm;- ill.MJ Itll'lTK I.V S ItKVIIHKAI., ' with tiu: i'iivrii r iii:i,ii Mill thi: CiWTH ItillimliiK lkM(inir of III Or-ilrr. Arl-i Kim Ktrcillltf (inirlal .Vulllln Allur to hour of il'.-IIU-ratlou, tbt jury ticaritiK (Im irl.tl of U'. I.. Mdion, cm clinrjcc of m-IHni: liquor o an liiillnii. relumed a virillcl Into Wii.liliHtHin OIBclal WIImhi nml if J nut lee court It fuor ul tin.- uV j ,, , ... . u i. Irndam. The tomplalnlm; wltni ' ' wan Jack I'almi-r, an Indian, and It It) M.ij Chum i'r, Hut Hum Itrfuw Lrld iy llir ileff ii' tnat he made thft ; NEXT BATHE i TO BE WAGED BYCHANNE In lmllff HI lnlnlloo. ,hnrKt In nlrlt of r-icnBe for the I nlil I'ruui ,firlf I'lMIOKNIXt Arl.. Oct. H. (lov. riuor Hunt lu uruVrt'il tin- I'lmt Arl xona iiillltU to In rcaUlne upon a imiinrlif notlrf la ten to Naro anil iioin ilm brtril'T oRnlnut lh nr rlitK Cnrrnniolst and 'lllaUt. Hlmul Inuwiunl U notlflrd Wanhlnglori. altachlnK of llio tuant of Jam (.alo, j nnothir Indian, a few day ago. V. II. A, HcnniT appeared for Ml-i ton at today' litarloK- , I'llltril l'ri fWrvlce i U'AHIIINOUIO.V. I C. Off. H., 'olon'iuK a confrnre Ix-lsvii lr-l-V:it Wlliion and Hocrvtary of War iiarrUou, lhf announrrd cndlnK lUoternnr Hunt a tlsorou riupt A report from llcrllu ha It thai Almnnarh dr notha. chief of otaff of t lttt he not aend the tullltla to the llriiKt l ton MitltWi. ii"i(ip of ih- the lmM-rll euuard, utatloui-d at llr border. 'famon man ho nnKMl the ar of Hit. undrr ltu rummaml of Huron von j ,uj, jiunt ai luforraed that he '!; caliii I'rani". ha. htn d I'lcttrnbi tc Tho lavt "Wr lU" di- mKM nrcflnltate a war with Moxlco. " ?- ,.,! x t .a ... . I ,jf(. riM f flint lh iMXllliitl or rlilrl ill tfrlln- Him a iturri'Hoinronurr of Humit'1"0 K'",r, ,,,n' '"', '"' ","rtl "h" rori)-nlnlh Infantry hrltadn and J,;n MAKE THE LAKE A DUCK HEAVEN vi:vi:i(Iial'si:h timiikh comi-.v. v is shiimix; wii.h kick a.vi Wll.ll CKI.KItV KilK .l-SPKX IKK I'laVTING IH'NKIItK, H:Ik(uiii, Oct. M. Hip Orriiian nilrancc rMtlnMcw. Bl- tile rorin anil fnvalr)' !mrn Imcii rnouulfi-rl 7m than twenty mlUm from tho iluimiel p'rt. Tlit' Imi-rU-tl inaviInK of truofHi by tin- allle imlirati thf oppt owt of titanic conflict. Tin- analtlr trill hf funrmotm, a the rouatryaldc'l aVkt uml ilrtotil of any iov-r. VnMrlilp forblil the trunuiluiou of ntn tht apyrotlwte locattoa of tin? Ualtlf Kround the alllrn haie iIumcu. It It Iraroed that ctrBcb' incut aro bi'iiiK prffxarrd. V..lci.-IUrl. hlilii'tto tinknottn out. formerly fhlcf of dlvUion In tho ici-n Mct ot (irriimli) IpUrr. Varloiu tin iirrn ulvnn hi tal ar drparltntnt. roh'triiflloti harr an ohi'mt'koininandrr Itrd I'rma fifrtr I'llfU'SMV Arli On 14 iv.t I In Ull tlllliln urtp limit rnfitiM In mArilrv hi In.f t.i.i ... i t.nH t hi... m ...... ...... .-..--.. ... ... iauji.' uuu, iMjnu muuuu Aipcu LiKr. .. ..i. . .u .lll,!. .A t.. M..U . ..... . ... Kuiitiiiuift iu iuv ..iiu.m iu w inuj iTo barrels ol tin rJ arc on liietr With a view to maxlne this a still better duck shooting country. th Weyerhatiaer Timber company haa ar- t ranxed to have wild rice and wild ct?l- ery, two favorite food of thU great 1909. In .. IM-H ..,.- ...,,,..- ,, .... -1... .. .h iii.tMii , llil. iii.iti ti Kaurr idirttr nna n El pa. iMtit.ivi "in nM. ... . .... .. i Mllmalo hr trrth of Nrlt- "' " """ ., , . , 7knu . i ,,,,.,, rBnV5"Hnn minuiB none iorncuvrer.,w,jrfrom Minneapolis. tnrrr. It 1, .Jmlllntl, foimUUfcK' " '""", "",." ,"" ,u" ' 7 " V. .". . "7J . .-V,,r,r,'"lS,Wfc - . "Attpcn Uke la on I hewrrer The umtr of Herman. I. .UlMr-l U i " i u.i-.uon .. ... ...........w ... " " " V """" I "I am a wr loln man." aald he., the Weyerhau.er ,opl uekno.n. aliarklna- Kn.land .,,4 the r.mmal rd a dhl on In li.o '- '.rd infornjp(j f ' va j . . . i . i !. && & htiiukiiii ai a"riar rn rirBrrTiBraiiii ir,K.p to r.M rr.... . r,-.,.r .. ............. -"""; ",. ' .ment that our border muat be pro-falwaya been open to l. ik.. ri i r. mitittiii ill iiim nmrni i iiiiiiiiii1! iir .iiitm hi i . ... .... , .... i ... i ihv ,... .... 'iM-trd. ir the eovernment wont, we.' Jackson K. Kimball. rrKlllli'ni nnim-ii nui-r Pitchtr Bush Wins, Anyway ttalivd l'im )Urlf I'llll.AlHIt.l'IIIA. On, 1 1 I'ltchrr )t llu.h of Connie Mark. amireKf llaa hat It turr ih balance of Ihr Wrml.rr of the Athletic Iu one tr lfl. at any rale. Il wa inarrlnl lhl afternoon lo Mim Hylvla Mc Mahnn, a prnty Utile la-year-old I'blladelphta ml, mi I'ari. Crtirral VoUlila-lllieU , an Infantry arrordine l Hie rurretii iue of the htm Somebody on the Line to Portugal PIGSKIN CHASERS he property of e, but Instead reserve It has tho public." aald the company's will." ; Heathers Orcsca rer-rjestativc. - Hunt admitted receiving telegrams) "The company Intends to Keep this from Ihe Mate department and uarjlako open for the benefit of sports department, hut refuses to dlscusH men. and their object In planting the them. fulled I'tffM 8eii.ee LONDON. Of I. II All I'orluaal lUtpalfhr are delayed for (mn rea ton or other. One filed on Tuesday .iti.i. irlntliie to a fahlnet ineeilnc The Voting Men' ClirMlau Aif'lii hrt held, arrived here Ihl after rUihin if iiriMiklyn nnnnuitre Hie ,110011. J refelpt of a gill of lano.ouo from -" 1 J4in II, llockefeller. The amorlallon Queen Amelle of I'orlugal has o l roudiirilni a campaign lo ralne unieereil n a nurse In the KnglUh . PRACTICING HARD DENIES GERMANS CAPTURE OSTEND - rice and celery is solely to make the Shooting better than at present." On the Sunday following the ar rlal of the seed Charles J. Ferguson 'and u number of other local sports 'men win accompany Mr. Kimball to (the Uke and assist In sowing the seed. WMw. iiovs tint: riucn-icixu IIAII.V NOW Til OKT IN KH.U'K1 Kill TIIK tlA.ML' WITH AHIIUM 1 Hi AIM) Id'AlKD KHOM MADKID 111(111 ll.TSO.fttiO for new building. army. 1 ....... . .-.... ! 1V ff00W I 'tp1aSptaaMaastMs "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie ft I u. "lie honest." hecau adertllug down'l create value. It merely tell about It. The goods yon advertise niu.i possess Ihe merit In lliemselvesi all Ihe prlulera Ink In the tuirld will not add lo or iMmrt from the. nnallly of Ihe good. I 1.8), "lie aenallilr," ht cause ninat oAf whii lend iidverllae meiila have good common sense, and yet It U strange Hint n great many peiiple when Ihey go lo writing advertising copy talk ahout everything else hut the Ihflig Ihey should talk about lo Interest people In the thing Ihey have to sell, I believe the ninlit thing lo do Is lo Pi down on paper what you would be likely lo say orally If you were talking to n person. "I nay, "He persUlenl," beenum people soon forget. Ah I Mltrltta former Issue of Ihe Herald, the hnrdest Ihlun lo ' Ibilgy. is yesterday' newspaper. If you don I hhiik o, ir m ilnd.uiL nr nn..w 11 U iihvnlutelv neccHanrr In adverlls-i t i fll jjilyi) Iminedlftlely, bill II Is equally na Importniil lo adver ' Uiu'reatw n reputation for fair dealings, prestige, or good vfail, niU very liualnriw House In Ibis city Hint Intoinl iiiil build up n uuuln.'NH mid make u tompolency for lailer iluya inust h'aVe ull of Ihe.o ijualltlea to succeed, and therefote I say again, above nil things, "He persistent." Daddy will tell you tomorrow In the Herald wbeie ale loally tutu. 1.1 ...... 11.1.1. i ...ii..i.iriv r,ir iivnrv bus uess man III 7 ' "" IIU city, ""'iwiMeawiowMvwxiniwxuKewwKm THAT fOHTfOAL HAH DKCLAK KD WAH ON ilKHMAXY, UL'T 18 MOIIII.I7.IM1 Tft001S Allhougli schools are cloned owing tit Ihe teachers' Institute now In ses- on, there Is no cessation of work for the football candidates at the Klam-'iiu(j .re., .Service, iv 1 It county high school. They are lak-l .nvnos. Oct. li.- In an official I lug advantage of the vacation to de- 8,a,,,mcu, ,0iiay ih.e war 0mc, denied ,ote their afternoons to strenuous h- mmi tlint the Oermaua had cap j football practice. Iturod Ostend. The nrst game 01 tne 10r.11 srasuii furtnr dUpatcbva from Madrid !wlll he plaed it week from Saturday, mipor, ,ruo the word that I'or- .vthen Ashland high school will lino up U(a, hB(1 Jeciared war 0 acrrauny. tigalnst tho local gridiron knights In. ,t ft),(l fUrti,er, however, that the first round of the Southern Ore-,,0 , u roparlng to place all gon chitmpionsuip struggle NOVEL DANCE IS MERRILL EVENT KHKKTS AND PILLOW OASirs WILL UK .tPFKOlMUATK COSTUMKS AT BIO AKKA1K FOR THE HENK KIT OK LIBRARY Decidedly novel aro the plans made for u Hallowe'en "(lhot Dance" to be glten by the Merrill Library Club at tho Merrill opeta house-on the night Much In- . . , . 7. j 1 !of Friday, October 30. The dancers aim 11 11. j(cr nrmeii farces at the disposal of ... . . , . , lerest Is being maiiuesieu in Kngland. whorever and whenever It la reported that the attnn of the troops Is already under way. ! " - ir.iiKi.iii". j game, and there Is talk of asking the U(tCMWiry. business houses to close during ,h,1lmoi,int0 time the game Is on. r WAR TAX AFFECTS DRINKING OF BEER IK DKHIKAHK IX COSHUM1TION fOXTlXUKM AT lHK.8KXT 1LTK IT WILL MATERIALLY EFFECT WAR TAX IXOOMK United free Service WASHINGTON. I). C. Oct. H. Secretary McAdoo today Informed the ueuntP that tbu pending war lag bill will raise 1106,400,000 nnnually. If tho reduction In beer consump tion continues aa It baa for tho pait few mouths, McAdoo said that It would reduce tho total to 190.491,000 or lea. Great Was the Fall Thereof I) ulted I'res Service 1'IIII.ADKLIMIIA, Oct. 14. Six count 'em slv looters greetod the returning Albleilca' train, which ar rived four houra late. Mack had ruUhlug to say. Cosy Little Divy Among Braves ! Dulled rre Bertie IIOBTON, Oct. 14 The Braves met today and divided th spoil of their victory In tb world charuplounhlp aerie. 8eecbea wore made by Oaff By, Evara and Stalling, and tho club then tlUbanded for th muob. are requested to attend draped In sheets and pillow cases. The decora N tug committee will supply sufficient "kpooky" effects to make tho ankers come. The dunce Is given for tho benefit of the Merrill library. A Bpeclal In vitation haa been Issued the candi dates. Following are the commlttoea In charge of tho big affair: Floor managers Mrs, S. E. Mar tin. Mrs. Hay Merrill, Mrs. It. L. Dal ian. Mrs. W. C Dunning, Mrs, Al Cnan, Mlsa LoU Harrows. Decorating committee Mrs. It. L. Dalton, Mrs, Roy Merrill, Mrs. R. H. Anderson, Mrs. V, C. Dunning. MuhIq committee Mrs. C. S. lllake, Mrs. Al Coin, Mtsa Lola Harrowa." Advertising committee Mrs, 0. S, lllake, Catherine I'rehm. Hy- tt'M. I'Hir.l.ll' SIMfi f.VICIS, Oct. l. It l not denied here llutt, iienerstl vo Boctun'a ni-my U inenarlnK the French left. ( Gem jany could not have selected a britcr fleld In the vrfioleor Earofe to attempt lo bottle up Ihe allien. The Ih-lgian narrowly eacaipetl atoji llun iu their Mtrtitt fivin Antwerp. Tiu fiVriimn force relestMHl from the o-taulliig of Aavtwes -re SMMsr ndiaiiclint went and south totanl tie roit. The atortlrw esieni OeiMU (oluittit has Ix-en ilclacheil from on lUielim'n arniy anil is also inarrhlac tuuanl tho KtUIIli channel. VJ J Thi forte U stcingUie In uu arc and Iu n northwesterly dire ctlasi. The country along lite channel l u llat. and U sot culled f er deffeeMM agaiit! aaull. To ihe north of thU lie Hollauil. a neutral couamjT, aad H il.e .! it the KnglUh cltannel. i The logical ruute uouhl be for French, ItritUh ami llelf-UM U tilp 'M.iillntartl along the roast uutil they rruch a more siUtafebt-heAlllflfM. UnonUial reixirtk are received of tlie rn.unitloei of lite attiea' atUek iiMin the German center. Tlie minister or war Is silent regrrHCthh. At latot, ny the iicrtnan cnter is tteakcnetl aa tlie result ot the.wltav iluHiil of trtHiiM tounnl the northest. .1 force l heiajc hurriedly BMteaed llien lo ueitken the German right. , ....... v T,f Lrr The uar odlce ilenie tlie German claims of ilefeatlror'tite FrVuch caf niry divisions on the left recently. Talk Ankeny Canal That Is as Far as It Got at Last Nick's Med-f The United Statea haa sent a formal uoto to Oreat Brltalu Inquiring t the recent Interview attributed to Sir l.lone) Cardeu, British minister to Mexico, criticising President Wilson for withdrawing American forces flora Vera Crux, was accurate la any part. .. Just when the special election wll! this section enumerated, and for the be held for the people to vote upon purpose ot acquiring water right ik- glvlng the city council power to con., volved In said contract or contracts. fer with the government for the tak- and tho relinquishment thereof to tke Ing over of the Ankeny ditch. Is a city, and the council has power to do matter yet to be decided. At last any and all things needful or coLveu ulght's council meeting, Councilman lent to secure the dUcontlnuwica of O. D, Matthews suggested that action se of watcr'trom alt'or'any-part of be taken in this regard, hut instead, the Ankeny canal." there was a discussion of the matter. Councilman Rogersfftnd Matthews, that las.ied a couple of hours without named aa a committee,' and" CityAl an) thing helng accomplished, torney Kutenlc have beea In corrt Tbo council has been at work with Rpondenco with the reclamation aer the Department of tho Interior to vico officials for some time, to brlag bring about the transfer of the canal about conditions permitting the traaV to tho city, so It can he closed. This' fer of the Ankeny canal to the city. the government oppresses Its willing-' Tho reclamation service has sent legal nesa to do, providing tho peoplo of'udvlsera hero to take up the.matUr Klamath Fulls to adopt tho following wRU the local committee audi for Charter amendment: of contract has Deen arrived at "The council has power nud author- through these, conference, t I Ity to enter Into an Indenturo and. In the opinion of Mayor Nicholas, agreement or contract with the Unit-las expressed at- last nlgat'acouBQll ed States of America, whereby thejmeetlng, the city haa no'sasuraaee city slmli assume. Iu wholo or In part, that this same contract will he dgaed the obligation to furnish and deliver! by tho government, despite ,fJ"f eliher through Its own water system jments. Tho mayor beljeves'that ioaie m tin, -.iii'i, tim avatum nt nnv nubile I tlmo should bo elveu the matter.' aad Wvlco corporation, water, not exceed-1 ho wishes to have all correspondent Ing forty miners' Inches Inchea under, betwoeu city and government o-ciaw six Inch pressure, to thoso persons, 'In this regard published In full for tlie tjholr heirs, successors or assigns, en titled to water from the Ankeny ca ual, under any existing contract or coutracta with tho United States aud Its predecessors In Interest In aald ca nal, and to buvo the United Statea harmless from ull-claims for damages that may arlao out of, or he In any manner based upon, the said contract or contracts. Tho said council has also power and authority to ordain such rules aud regulation regarding delivery of and distribution of such water aa way be deemed useful, and to appropriate out of the general fund 4 1 s V0teri,v - m , ,, The mayor also took the stand that tho government was trylBg'to aaMI iv "whlto.elephaaf) 4ajhjl( seemed to be very Wlcku. a though' loollj! far jtMlileicjahldi mlirlil nrlsn in the iletrlsaeat'ef tie., city. -frtl j ,'M All sorts of view oa the matei t -wore given at the 'prolagd4eW'.'ii ' , lon, and much of th htotdry sif ,,. troublesome waterway was Pek1Mf. r Another meeting .0 tha &&., ,he .held MW&rae&li45- tlme It la bellsvedl llWHPIW money ufflclout for the purnoeea Ib the point will Jba jMNMgjPi'... . t iw. . 1 -1 .. ., - '"'SXvt?l " m,::v:;:;::::::::::v.:;;v.v r.-....i i---- J, . - I' iVj'