r Sfe MV"' rV fv" Hral& - w - PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER' HKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS . l i --.1,1, , a. -, i i a i .rrrtr r, rrnn Tntn ,. a xx..rrmrm-! KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1914 ii it rt Mmm- a"w IS NOT BELIEVED GERMANY WILL ALLIES 10 MOVE AGAINST GERMAN USE ANTWERP v RIGHT WING NOW "vl ummtt Stallings' New World Champions Won the Title in Four Games r aT.fr "" t-- - -" ' ' '"' , 1 . M-m"1 . aw. ..,... .r ,, ' - JT XW JUT"" 1 " 1 't'DU (6fc- k, ' ""J ij -- - ivSCt v &99 ' .u.i.im "o tiiiiv mhu.ii iimhik i.i:kt , i .11 II Wf, Amelia IM I ha lHrl ( tl,,r'iKtilt aHl Hrlgiaa ,tv 'rrwrlM III IVMllr tlr ihfNMUM ,Ui: il !,. Uwa HrfmU rd In llliriil. 1't.llrd ' Kmlra. LONDON', On. I3f TIm general PlBlim it that Kalr Wilbelm will b(H tluUlv the lieUliallly f Holland kr urine A it l f t " " llrman iiaval tut. NauI n put hold that If Orrun itrwi'l 1" roiiMntral hef navy at Aaltrp. iM "III W ih bIHm. They il,i l( th Orrrnan warship are td id Antwerp ll would b ay t bloka.l0 IV mouth uf tha 8fln-l.lt Hltrr and Mill llitnt tit. II U ! poluled nut that tlm Ocr man thlp, In thl r, would .I lont In lat Wllhliahen anil Ulllt ltti Hi KnglUn aL Tar IkK f new from ih front ln dlf(l thai Helghim U lh wntar of. illt)r Ttr I ho dnubl hut what Ik cj.rnnh drn wcupM (IhenL I'rriMiAilonk at bolng mad (or an rdinrrurui along lh Lya, The at ltr, rrlatwred, at ln Herman 1 f8otl in tKltrle, BBLrBv aLrrJBaW Jl BBaW BBLrrBr aBBLrrB .bbW BBBBBBLrrK flBBBT BBBv Bttek. BBBBb .IBBBm aBBBv BBBr BBBBft BwBBk BBBr BBBKr BmBBt BBBf aBk BBPB BBBB) BBSS BT BBB! aBBi ' JlBff W WW .':-.. IBBM W BT BV .akv A' aBi t-t-'ar''-,':. rimmss a rr9antv f bwbbkt awi awa aaaw .awaBBBBBBBak. obwbb bwbbv -bwwt- ?- -;: tri .maw .bf.'MHWk. ' MvM-r ,.a B"SfWlPs:5' l a lagl fi!Vs -' KaBaMSsTB.HBiwr ? S'fflwSSfe "vsfiv - ' I ., mm? e1 'B- ,jvmmmmwm4 i&m ) vwawwawwaxar aaaaBk i.r- v t aczrBBW -'.'. r' -wit "". w. -r- ra . - t c i i -;,-.4 . iAi..ir- "-v amj-- JTT --. . vCTti5 "iaWlTP'V F. p 'm". ? 1 BBBBB2aW9BBsBH T"""t vAVBl I bbbbbbbbbbbbHIbbhbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb v V j v- a (f SJtr " v I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBB Wml - m oy L, -"i JjlS I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBaBBBBBBBWSaWlayBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW .--vii -i --?,. ,4'd'l2i3il laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaiaaaaaaavHaavaaaaavaaaaaanaaaaaaa M & -r sls ist;ritfaaimii VMi TIIKItK IX XO HA.JK APPAIIK.NT t f IJA-tiillrV i-Vnth Aviation Corp I nifornifiic Aclhr "ABaJ Jhr I'alnil Work of Till Korr U Prr tenllBK llw IfctiMMaaratia r Hip frwan AinwnWaTahryaMa t'ottfJ I'hm tWrvka railifr. Ih-al. I-S Omn-ll, r.Kliran. Ilr. Mann. Sdf, Drliml.il and Whaling Crnlrr ritv.W iS rlKM Vrl.ll4 llugvr. Tjlrr, Htniut llworr, Oil- lU.llom rtiw, Irll I., rljjtil 4.NlM-llr. Mllrlirll. Wltllc Cnnorw (mw.rt), ltu.lolJ., SUralivillr, OlMrlirr, Martin an.l i;rr. Not alnr llio liUlnry t t-aM)n llrli llloa coutl Iiojkj lo vrln. The fiHd sln-d up, Ilrnder ami I'lank. fan 1U all ail Uie sraaa 01a ma Li.ii 1,. n.u rt,! l wundvrful woirk-nf Connie Alack' ihebd.nlncHil. were twltcd frpl, chloo wnich kept I'hllndelphla In the KliNVVAV I'AltK, lllii, trl. 13 r,,UA)lc,j velvran, who In four waJon iiatUll the traditional batting oyw ot runnloK all the time, and which cop- Urr-tlue lh' I'lilUdKlphla MU i,rK., aiiiw.urh machlm. Imro ratnurad Ihree pnnant. ba(Hkrr; -Collin n tin Trl ot He- fe-l on Tnnrat aiw pennsm iur mn T ', Irll m rlehi J lft, hnlllli aiHt i'iMii. II) ll.tl, Mii:itll.lN rtt Attain Mttrh la Actlaai., United Prfcw Snrlea - -' JXlUS, XH, 13. c'cordlaglle IIm- latcjil war otnea adtKea tato aMlr-' boou. the allien tiaic Mgun oaesuva luoi'i-menU against tfr roanaiaada of 'von Kluk and von BoalrttjpR the Oar iman right. Tne.Fresch startt4 tktar move In tho vlclottr of Ilaxebrock aadj UeUune. , I Tho Oermana still occupy LIU. la the center the French, have advaaead 'considerably along the Maeae, aadt have advanced atoag the Soath Var- dun road toward afetr." Thft-sltuatlon at-tha astreme rif bt jls unchanged. - Cavalry enconalenrcoBtTBUe uk-j a8nglH, f iQ r Tho rehabilitated franca, aeroaau- tical division la ahnwlBK uanaaal ac tivity? It 1 'patrolling aad fravaat-j inr the Oermaaa' front- attacktiig Parts. ' ' r I Irllf bj a wie t llur lo on ihl Lulll up lariceir thl rar l.y Manager lo' I"1" the ana In awe, and aa ihcyKMIIIcuddr alnggr. r- mnplelelylty r urotneny ixve. h.im, ueu- - I'Alllrt. Orl. 13. An annoHMrv' rurnoon . Uprtta Hinlttitea llotton Kiallina. fmvd iheml capable finUhed ahead In the American jpuwled by the oaftilng ot Ite Dodder. I'lanw, tapp, whim,, jacrnnia, j WILL 0R6ANIZE ,v mrnt iinm iiurnaaua imj mat quar (f vt- III Uie breii prodded for (bit Hl wr, dan toirrntiii'nl omriau at Havrv.) .., ik.i .i. ii-i.Lv ...,.l .- all k..i h imi iiiv urii kh taiuiai iu (" .,....,. ,.i,,ir. ... nirf otrutrtl Irat hi wnininK --,.,,.,., ,,.,,., AaaaiiA nniaiakliT league thl rar, they wer held toitonUna. . Itaker. lavU, Oldrlug and thq Mur MfllSJH V II if Mail H 1k?i.s tronca eer. Whether or not Matk'if Uojii will pliya will ror years remain in me If UraLII U UHI1I11IIT Not only Uie majority or Iho Tan llul It waa like tho "one ho hay." he nuto to rtcuteraie ni yt is racmon 01 wie , t"'. .1. i.. i.. nil inn tiinv tierU am the war llie icam went 10 iuccea la.prDoicroaucai. uuvjbiwiu tijyi v x . .,. ?,-?,. ,y i. n the ehainplonnhlp of tln pU)en, and they uulahona the old UhKi flwg winnein In all department in addition, ihey irformtl an un Wlonll'lp In jour utraUht game .wH. rowlJ not figure out any way by, front of llnaion Tho wonderful in.(cellar polUon for a f.w years the (Continued on page 41 (CHAMHKK OF COMMKHCRI.H AIM In In l"rllad. Sheriu r rfw I in Portland, at tending (he Htftto Orand ltdge of the KnUht of I'rthlA. Mr C( the limit Atiitrr M Collier oboerved C.'(iluin btu Da; h) gnlng Into the wldwtd Ui ilitHttlng alt Iho quail the law alio, 1 Clergymen Gather to Hold Presbytery Here No Wonder He k aSmiling A bill m prohibit the tale, under; urete pnauiea, of laioilratlnK llqaor 0 minora within Ik adailr tlty ami warlllwe JuriadhHIan of ln UilUd Htaie. waa faveraaly ratord lo the hnune by the eommlllta on almhollc llmior Iraffle, In readlno, for tho.S.uitheri. Ore. delegate, from Jackao.i. Jophlne ,,, tn.,.. i....i, ni,tla will iirrlvn to- t.l,l l,rh a." Ma -w.. --. uf KlaniMh couniy firi naaaii---- - - -arnn rraTa ' " ...- . iMrVWiiWii 'Uteri ar ow mu who My UY mr nnl niUrrlUlim ml wro not iVctd tiy U, I will wager Hint nny on In Klmu ilh Knlla, and alnoat any on In Oregon who read at all, will Mm what I ant talking about when I mention the following thing; i, Vou mar not tin able to recall n aiugln Hn of fl.ivertlnlB f nny one of.theM rompanlea that Ihcwv galling alognna npply lt. Did you aver hear of "Ilia Matior'a Voice," "Ool.l l)ul Twin," "THara'a a KMson,V"Aiklho Man Who Owna One," "It 'oaia," and laal, ihat good old alogan of Mr. Help', 'Th 67 Vtirlotl"r Aa I aald In n rvcvAl laaiiq, ovor bualnwia man U nn der Uxor mid every ImalneM man rud uihertlnlng, and l cannot "'III II. A good deal la aaid and written uowniltiya nhmit tho Wrholngy 0f adverllilng. Now I don't know much nboiil Urn l'Hlunrogy of II I hardly know wlmt lliu word mcaim hut If 1 tu naked-lo daHno advorllalng, I ahould do It In mm Monionco I'J' ylng ft la having the right Idea and ttalng It nt tho right limn. To my mind there nro Juat three fundamental principle l ndvcriUIng; (1) Ha HoimU; () lie Bwiilbloj (3) Ho I'or llent; and you'll win, aa atirti aa tho aim rliw nnd et. u n.ii.i.ii I.. ii. . . . ... ........I.... .l.,l.,Ara llllgni. umi.er oi - """'''- Kolluwlng U arrhal tonight, a it have arrived from UkeUew and part. connection Mlnlalrra nnuw('h a praUo Ber. lco. Mualc and refreahmenta will follow (hi. The remainder ot tno i program follow'. Wadnwday morning, 9 a. m. Pralaa itenh-fl by v, Aery of Mt, Ukl Hull mil lluflnlahed bualnea New bualnettH lteoit of Committee tutermliwlou for Luncheon 11:30 p. m PraUo nervlco led by Hev, 1 "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie" lloud The Herald tomorrow. "Daddy'' wlll'tell yon why ho awya Ho lloiuial Par.latwn0; M , , . , ' --.'." "" ii ilo Botulblo, M W - - - --- .----- "" ' . - ' ' ' Ctnwford ot Ijikevlow ; ,, m, iteport of Commlttvoa p, m. Hoport of Commlaalonora to (lenernl Aembly. Public Knpe- chilly Invited for this number i p. m.- UuMneaa ucuslon .,,,!,.. Inn fur Hlnner .a - irin ..rvlce. led by? Thl. grinning countenance la that Itov.'w, l, Vuwter, Orani Vnas 'of Johnny Ker, guardian of tho key Moderntor'a Addreaa ltunwaaek and playing mnnager of Sermouhy Dr. 0. O.Mabry, rcprent.tu, n0tou liraven, tho now champs. Ing tho (lenornt Agacmbly i( 8 not ulono becnuiWDt tho success BBBBBBBBBBBBBj BMBBaBHNBaBalEah aVtattaHifiBBaVBa? aVB. Teachers Gather tor the Annual Institute 1 i- RA.NUIXti FOKMKKTING ) WO. MB.V AT V1IICH AX AUXILIARY! C.VX UK FOHMFJ. 1 1 P r On tlu following day tho delegate will Journey to Merrill, whom Hov. lAndeiaon will bo duly inatnllnd n in tho aerlea that Johnny can smllo ho hna other rensona. I.nt winter. Chnrlea Webb Miirnhy Jlmntor of Hint church. Following thl ()( tho ohlcigo Nntionul I.oaguo con- ItUpliinnod.to take the visitors inrnjp,, h J:v0ra Uttll oumved his duck ahonl In thnt dlatrlcU iisefulne "with tha Cubs, tleorge ... 'Hinlllnvs. runtlua- about for maleilnl 1 jwt irSst ite . . i A Woraens Auxltliary to theKUaa inth Chamber of Commerce la the lat-l CTIb (f,Uil IV UV IW VLWS HJ fv I KumxauoUj, in an oiaer ciuea is iae alate thq auxllliarlea are yaluabla ad- f Juncts to the ofganiraUoa. f , Kvidenco of the Interest being tak- otllclals, when schooj problems from , Letters are to be tent to a number en lit the Klamath County Teachers their wiKte will be discussed. ot prominent women club workers, institute, which open tomorrow and, Thursday ecntns a public meet-The" m b aked a ty je,r contlnuw In sculontho remainder of ins m bo held, to which all are in-kfrlnt, to a U 9 b entta lf tho week U tho number ot teachers vilod. At this meeting Mr. Ayers will 4ni near future. from outside districts, who are here Kle n lecture aleng: educational lines, t -f ready for tho session!. Educators and two other features of the even-,'a,n, i,e Toaighi. who will participate are also arriving luB will bo solos by Mrs. Hen Carl Kwanna Kncampment o., I. O. Outside educators who will tn"ke Thomas and Mis AuguaU Parker. O. F., meets tonight in regular aaa-i part In tomorrow's Institute sosslona Refreshments w 111 be served. ion. Conwon up. nre Frank K. Wells of the St te De pnrtmont ot Kducntlonj FranK Shep herd of the Oregon ARrlcultur.il Col lege, and Fred C. Ajers uf the I nlvcr hlly ot Oregon. On tho second day Mta Hoofer, who Is to inko up play omul work, and Professor Plttmen of tho Oregon Stall! Normal" School, III also be here. One foatu're of tho Institute will be n convention of ?hool board & &,( Boers Fight Englaid Uprisings Are Serious, Accwamg to lW Rftrt: I.eaguo tlig this er. hi! took tho world's championship fit. well. Whon It Is considered that tho Hoston taa- J $ I It waa stated by the goVc rameat bu- ii ery more come. LONDON, Oct. 13, The war of-. Chine is comparatively tinig, there Is nco admits today that It Is havlmc'reau here that ,there;has b a cer-j every re-ison for Kvers l. look for .other trouble, bestdea tho tight with tain amount of dissatisfaction In tntj extra money in tho years to Germany aud Austria. Open, rebel-Cape provinces since the resignation ( tllon hns been encountered In South (Of Commandant General Uayera an 'Africa. tho appointment by the South'Afrlean Anii.rii-tiicti iiutre Hrni.nl wllh . pnvnrntiiin t of Colonel Marlfx (o Knn. to VoivOse. nw,nR gun, and aided by tho Oor-'iupercedo him. Vd hult to foreclose on a farmimud aniaw African troops, ar the disturb-, polonei Marlts. U defiant, and baa lion was men ngaini nnd Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrs, JoHopr H, Knowland, wife of CongroHBiuim Knowland of California, In making Mump speeches In favor of her huabnnd's candidacy for tho Unit ed Slate senate. with which to bulliLup his second di vision lenders, grabbed Kvers at ouco. His wisdom Is apparent to all. To begn wlth,.Kvre,algned a Coii' tract for HO.OQO a yar for four yenrs of hi service', He also waa hnnded it fat bonus. Besides hl sal ary, ho Is to recolvo an Wra f 2,000 every ilmo tho Hraycs wind up In the President Wilson hns refused to change his nlUlud toward iho Colo rido strike situation, nnd Indicated eitaa riidm a-iYiamraaiui uiuat awifuti Iholmla, of .ettlontent already agreed y ,akp u, NttUon um n to bv tha mlnera or aland reponi1bU-n"nt Ity before the country for iho reaull. TJiey not only took U, National by John Ooetx. through W. II. A llenuer, Tho Hen was imule In an at r..,...., -pian Airicau iroops, aro me uisiuru-, juoionei .uru i uumuii, auu w, Alton LonK(irs Martial law has been proclaimed Issued an ultimatum to the CaitowV Dervan today (thrQughout South Africa;. lauthorltlea that they wjould lavade tha? ) Tho British government has Just unearthed a plot on tho part ot tho fort to collect 107, repreaentiu Doew comman(ied by Colonel Marltx. wages (Hit) tor umor m cost ot nc Hon. lookiniTitOWunl the establishment ot a rioer-republic in tho Northwest Capel "'"""' I provinces. Sen ic Inter(ata. omcjals do not attoinpt Jo-disguise "Tho Hook of Life" was the sub- the gravity of tho Hoer situation. Jeci used by Klder Swandler In hta TIo illmatlsfuctlon, there dates back sorvlce at the Christian 'church lastito tho rsslgnRtlOft otloneral llyerav tlwt division and B,000 every time fnigut The meftlng waa wolt at, rather than, fight he Germans. tenurut ana one young may couieseu voivnet nu is mo vuiuinw her faith la Christ. "Tha Two Wills" ant of one of the thirteen mllltaryjaadirtHia.tae, la tonight's subject. dJsU-lcts ilong tin? Orange fllver. lnlon unless they werejpermlttedfo tneot'and conduit with qeferats mmr aor.-Beyew" andWef Jl Mil!irR-( loyal aoldlera of hM'eoasaadUlaaall ipipnaoaeu uiem in-uvrMsM ; west Africa. He now. head. a Oer-j'rf. man farAji sr mad with. (Uraaaa ' aMBM. Wlfc bestdea hl own Mdwlavr,. 5 ( i 'The hureau saya. that the aerunrt ft, BjQvwnoroi, '7F5rJr MrMo aaaJ-CotMMk1 .J- a.J'Lt " wt rtunw bw w.,v t v .. ST7- t -,T?' K, -yir - i nwnnjeiajaiivwywv'"w,,p ' ,w-w. - tS a- y M it". M 'J"