The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 12, 1914, Image 1

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r-T jr.T-,,,r,pr,v -wwwW-w--T-iw-.rPp-MPirji - r i T - - I, .I i , ,
i III! iilmaS IIHMlf'- "".- ......, .... - , ,- - .
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supply house is GERMANS ABOUT TO jforester tells WILD THROW LOSES another mill to
LOSS IS 125,000
OF PLAN TO 6ET itirtttui.i THK
Hr' !" I l'lHWMN. Hut II Hail
tyrrad i'lHi'tikmlila Wttrti IMrt
M.l'uunlcrr Kin www iladlt
Hx NiluatUiM HplcatlMly l I
Parti) Covrr-1 It) Insaranc- MrM
):! Hrxili It) Mlrwle.
lira.) of Format Hmics Is (iuri of
pits iuiiMll) siartlug fiow the
tft futtmer In Hie blacksmith shop of
tU psrwns Imptsmenl and Hujiply
llouts liunday morning caused III.
mi w in thai concern. Or itiU 110,.
$o a damage It) I be billldlug anil
115,000 to of slock,
Tfce rtimr spread rapidly, ami
fcftt iilw orJ the fir- bad a ureal
tun. The building tlni largely of
IliMn ftiliiltkirlltltl. tlllill-tl
s4 lh Haines ete further fed li)"' Iwver.
urmir. oil. te , in the paint shop, Vigorous rivalry engagements cob-
nmuoRoiin.bNiMiiiuMHii.) " " ''" fru'" ''".
It.. Ma.mllh shop WM lll l..B,' ",',$ l.rUMM.rV. II .ays hst
n, ,wonj or r tbt pan of thel"" " ur "r
UIMIn(n.i.Mli.lMt.imrakl.u."l't ! "- '" ""
.e.i.,,,,4 A frirk dm wall prevent-!1 ,r,uh "w n" U" "",'7, rT
.4 lb, spired C the RMr. l that ' "" ,b." 't,it"m, r, h Vb"
t-rt C lb. balldlw on lb rr ... "-" "-l-"' M 'lk "-
Uhlt.d l'r. Hr!c ( undrrntond, Uowexvr. tlmt nt lea.t
I'AUIH, Oct 12. -MlllUr) Mrl. .0y of Hi, rear KiisrU uf tlir, rtreU
el.U (tiltik that the Ovruiati ar, Inn arm)-wnr rut off mill drlrpn Inlo
uliottt rMiimi thdr nlfru. none OlnlUnd, tth-r I hoy rp now Intorc'id.
iiu rniitt) aoo nillp front. Thfy proh-
ahly fitHH-t to 1,mti th nlllM tiuay t'lillrd l'ra Hrvlc
and iirorent thm ndltie folnforr. ' PAKIH, OH, J7, A dlitch from
menu to toi th rtitrn-hmMil of thn Natil ny Hint twenty Italian trail
Horiuana n-ar 1,111c. H)rt. caforlFil by the naval flwt, hnvo
'I'll Prrnih and llrhUli Inns urii nallxil, to return lh Italian lrooi
ftMMimfrd the fall of Atitwi-rii, and(fioui Th)hiII and Cyrvnalra. Thru
hrfaii ronrrtitratlnc th forcas a () ttooiiii nr to b rct'lntod hr Hut vol-
Irnd, liji uudrnUxtd that new llrlt.'iihin-r rortia.
Uh irix'i arc now at 0tmd i Thn ontfinlhlu cue of th rtdurn
A rrnal of tht. ()ftmn attack on, of thn trmipa from l.ybl la th (
h alllot rntrr l fii-ied alter a j.rnthm of rnlNtment of th ma. hut
wr' lull, fpnaornhlii forbid the ) It U eonerally belleviM that tb action
publication of th J'lana of the Krrnch.,l a irt of th jirejiaratlon of Italy to
It u rewrtl Ilmt heavy HrltUb rln'iarllrlate
forrotneiil am at 0end, and that I
the Prrnfh, llrllUh and lleUlaiu areifnllrd I'rr.i Hrvlr
matitK there for an aault on the v is.., t ,ir,.i...l
rtiretuv nnn)ielern ln of the IteiMirtu re!-.-h ml from Vienna ttatc! tor Ukvlw.illr, K
on the llu-ltP ml a roiiiln of daya h
V()t;i,l) MAKKK IT HKIIVK VMM' Unlld I'reaa BrTlc Jacoro -a tied. Hank Oowdy, back-; MAX FltOM IMJXOIH LH THK
BOSTON, Oct, 12. A wild throw jitop of the BraTM, drove out a home'
KNTTI.Mi: j by Pitcher lluiih of lboAthItlcaitave run In th tenth frame. ' P0KCIIA8KK
jllie llrarca th third same of the pre-.j Thlse Oowdy person, by the way, I.
ent world' utrlei before one of the iquallfylng as the hitting marvel of the
j I urgent and wlldeat rrowd of fan ever acrlea. Today, In addition to the home Trart of Twenly-sa MIIHoa Vtet et
'wltnemiluK' a world r.rlea game. 'run, ho drove out two two-aackera. . , ... v .
. i. .. .1 .. , n-.t. n.. j t i a ,m ,w 'r ' mBlF l
UlMlttAlft. 1.illlM'r nf rmnMtim ttl
i i Aill waa. three extra framea were
a l.unclirii. at tht. While IVIImn'nec-ary to decldo the same. It wa
.. . . jt . 'In the twelfth that the hero of lat
iiimi'I At Till, lie iiuiliue I'lan
Both Biiih and Tyler played good
ball until the extra Innings itarted.'
' Then Tyler was yanked out In the
year threw thf ball pway. The final i eleventh to save him for future
to Hrli Hie Count l ,y thr Vhc of coro " 5 to j ; games, and Bill Jam., .Saturday's j
i in was on 01 wjo nsraesi loujjni t nero, ipofc nis piace. iiusn coniinura
IIm KoimU.
that alter heavy ilmtrtirtlon
(terttun army
This aitemoon the (jerman eai. an nbndone,t their atlempl to take
ern tt 1. kifemiillitK to anvawre ftrtmi. The Aurtrlan de(etd
rafldln IR t'e PfeKh rftat to thn Htralta ,t lluelnii dUIon near Unritt, and
routed one Cnark dlvUlon el of
Ktub nvt and Klamath atenue
Thf. MtUd nimr Of the two
lk bUftieit
7ri rt all 4n.fuyed.
north aide of (he lit, tile.
.ete HIM with -Kl.'"".,,r?.. IT .? ,.
mii., n K-onmaai - ji.Ti: Hr.AVV HIIPMKXTK, THK
nrlUllr l lli wralward liaa Kreatlv
IMrM.,r.Wi.irw,.1rK... IrnKthene,! M battle line. Con.ld
lent urk in rombatting lh nrs,
Following MvUit to Crater lko.
Harry 8. lmvejf forester and chief of'
It., ffiriwl uatrti-M fin.l Untutrvlan, I.
M. Crlckfton of Crater National forent.
arrlvnl here latti Hunday from Jted-j
ford, Thl molnlrij; Mr. Urnves left
rlckson will
l nletil tbemp gfnlleuieu were.
KUitu at a luncheon at (tm'Whit'i
l'ellruu hotel, nni by the Klamath,
Chamber of Coaimerre, and attended
by a iloieu representative jnen At
ibis time Mr, (irac outlined hi plan '
for a future bill, whereby the present
Reiteration will derive more benefit '
from the national forests,
"tflnre the organisation of the work ,
H has beeu traditional that the fed-!
era! domains were set aside to 'S -Oliver
li.ntidlci! for benents other than those
of the communities Inlviested, and
games of any aeries.' Three times the j In the box.
123.5C7 8S10 11 12 B. H. K.
ItOSTO.V , , O I 0 1 O O O O O 2 O I S 9 I
HITS I 10 2 I I O O O 2 O I
I'HII.AItlXPHIA 10010000 0 20 O 4 8 2
HITS I O O 2 O I 1 O 1 2 a O
IkNight From the CkivernmeM by
W. K. I-sj-i, of riMVtUe, Ills.
laawi Is .Vow In Portia! P-rrlaai
IttK KHlpmeiit for HU BmwmHI.
Yet another sawmill la In sight for
; Klamath Falls.
V. K. Uan of Unnvllie, Ills., wko
ha been In the Klamath country for
two years, has Just purchased approx
imately 26,000,000 feet of timber'
from the government. He Is now la
Portland, 'presumably purchasing the
(equipment for his plant to convert
this timber Into lumber.
The timber Is Included in the Cra
'ter Lake national forest. The tract
,waj recently advertised for sale, and
!Umm purchased it at 3.S0 per thou
'sand feet for the pine, and SO ceata
rr thousand feet for the fir.
The tract of Umber purchased by
lenxthene,! ih battle line,
'pMlti.. AttlMMfit Ad Ihn hnrlhMral mlarl
sklcb.o.loK to the realUr ctiatinKw' ,., , ,, ,,, , lrj.wc
tia t th. building. dimrult in filJ wMwl , ,,, )w
tabdle. They -n. aU ldcd by , u r)( ,hr, , ,,,, .,,
cslm In ,.irrntln a ..rd tn other ... . ,,. f Antwerp have
kslldlt.., Hee, ,t,rams of water ,rath, 0.,pn,. .j, aVoldlnK the
.te nlilrtl on the blaio few mill.' . . ,.-i . ......
urrinan aueropi i rnrnn "
lonley and others suftered more or
result of
te flr4 on the blase a lew mlti
ate sftrr ihr fire broae out.
WUIto s number of men were at
Otk. flchllue (lis Ore In iLm asranii .
Biwr inrr the blsfkawlth shop h ','' hM,,u as the
nf rollai-il. and fallltif, It rarrled"1"'
Hit tbr iiiiil ijiwir Thp men wpfei The
hs U about 1 25.000" Mid
(Hrial.l HrUI Service)
POUTI.ANH. Oct IS. Light re
tKlpts or ratlin was a feature of last
week, with Improved drmand and ex
treme lop grade n little stronger In
prlre. Top jirlcc on steers "c; bulk
of ale f il SO to ICT6. Extreme top
on rows for Hie rek, f 0.1 5. Bulls
City Attorney liutenlc today re- 'to the people of Klamath Falls the
wived a telegram Irem Legal Adviser iquestlon or the city's taking over tho Mr j,mm ta situated moatlr la the
i.fMaka,jb,. & . aiV.tte
Morton of the reclamation -- -s -i "" odesaa Creek watershed. The great
scrvlco f lit Secretary Lane of the
maintenance of the Ankeny canal.
me mauer is now up io .ue un- of f U0m thmk
ell. It Is expected that a special elec-. .w. .,.. -..u ... .i
... .. .-.,.. , . tiu me miiuc, biuwiiu hhvh'ih
that the community reallies no hene'e,n"""'IU " ' '"'Prior nas an- t0n on thU question will be orderea 't,mber purchascd Ic oa the other aMe
nt at all from them," ho said. "The proven me proposiuou or puuing uptat an eany aate.
entire purpose, though, It to make' - - -
Tho receipt of hogs was heavy and
the demand good, with the top nt
f? It. at clone of market.
the forents serve not only tho nation,
but to promote the Interest of the
local community, and maintain the
JoreiU a,periii' to, the
community. There Is much difficulty
lit making this felt. ,
"It Is hard for the struggling com
munity to get ahead and reconcile It-
-lf to the holding back of some of Itsi
resources. There Is the difficulty. No'mivh
tncnt Ik felt. It Is to bring about j
stronger aid that the forest service is
now working for, and this we have'
iom of accomplishing." i
Mr. Oruves then told of- the pluu'
that ho Is now tit work on, to make It ,
ponslhle for tho communities to use:
trecllutrd tu the ground with the Mr lwls, today "The Imuranre ,,,, wh Tt,iiy )(, Bl lrong prl-s.
ieJsc, and by a miracle, almost, on the place amounts to, o
they neaped olthout serious Injury. our Ions l something over 110,000 so
Cecil Weeks struck on the sidewalk tar as we can tell today.
on hi. bsck, lth a window rasing on "It l our Intention to rebuild the sh(H(., nll nmu rtPt,u wore light, thu wealth of the adjoining forests for, "ThlH U the class of meetings we three calves, and for the best oata,
tspof him, but he was not Injured to'lnirned portions of the building. rni un the demnnd strong for first class the building of roads, bridges and dp-' g,0lld ,lolt, mnn) frequently." was three prises of three goblera and,
say eitmt, lon Boiler had his hands will be done In a much more suuiibii. 'quality.
Mdly cm by broken glass In getting tint manner than before. , i wr,..
"Mt of the bulldlne Bfir ih wnindi "Hut tor the efforts of thn volun
of the divide.
v j Where Mr. Lamm's will wUl ha lo-
attended the Water Users "get-togeth- cald 9 not known. It la prohahht.
er" meeting at Merrill Saturday. though, that the mill will he cJom io
, Despite, the rain, there was a good Klamath Falls, on Upper Klaatath
.attendance ana; much or value was jl,, and that, the logs wlUJpe.tawe
, brought out by the speakers aad in down from Odessa,
the discussions. j Tne purchaser or this tract ot tlav-
. At tho suggestion or Abel Ady, br Is no atraBgtJaKlaaaathJRilhk
president 'of the association. platuTlie has been here for the last two
.were made for encouraging farming j years, and during that time baa dose
t'OHT b" the youngsters of the project. The 'much to acquaint himself with Klam-
'detalls will be announced later. ath county timber. Mr. Lamm Is an
SOMi: , Qne of the contMU WU be potato experienced lumberman, and a cleaa-
TIIAT , growing contest. Seed spuds will be cut, live young business man, aad Is a
furnished, and three colts will be glr- valuable and welcome addition to our
'en to tho winners. For the best bar-, business interests.
jley raised by youngsters three calvea!
will be given. For tne best wneat.i"-.. . se-.
The regular meeting of the Wo
men's Christian Temperas Untoa
I. .!,.- , r.illv .1 aliinilv wwMWviwwnwwww
"'- "'' ' i., . ,. .,
IvuHuuura ua nil vi
8or fell with h'lm. 'leer firemen and other eltliena who so
Ihlneltail Motachanbacher was j bravely battled to prevent our Iom.(
overrouio ,f amok while working In the blow would have been much more
Ids rear of the building. Fire Chief serious. Our gratitude Is too great
K4 Wfc,nsld. Jes Hiiasaker, lllrd (or expression.' i
aulll B . .! SAannMHABf I M kJWt m V
(lh- opinion ntimrd by mral whjjwwe nen iurKey8. ... - c v-w.-- -- V
. Tho prl will be donated br water the home of Mrs. George McDoaaU,
1 704 Walnut avenue The meet lac be
.nj-UT-nj-u-tru-i" --' "' " i'si'ii?
"The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie"
There nn many miallncatlous m thu leal success in Vpr
Using, bin the most prc-euilneiil one in my mind Is IIONKSTY.
I do not refer to II In the baser sense, because n man Is ('l
nnw-a-daya unless he Is absolutely honest. There Is nn old
maxim. "Honesty Is tho best policy." There Is nothing best
about It honemy Is the only policy,
No onu knows whelhur a man Is honest but hlinsoll. You
do not know whether I nm honest or not. Our wives think we
arc honest, and whether we tire or not, It Is n ptelty good Idea
l keep them thinking that way; but limy could not prove It to
ave their lives, It Is n good thing sonio men nre dishonest. I
have, seen snino men with so much ability that l( they were
honest some of its would have, no clmnre- they would .got nil
the money,
II you waul (o 'know whether yon nre honest or not. when
mi go home tonight look at yourself In the looking glass. nd
. Mk yourself Hie iiueallun, "Am I nn honest nmnT" You want
t" keep looking nt yourself, too, because, you take It from me,
tl(n tendency U to look down after you link the intention. Now,
It you gel n satlsfuelory answer In the looking Imh tonight.
don'f bother about what anybody else thinks, becaime, If you
I urn untuned Hut you urn nu honest mini, that selHes II.
J If you ruii't gel it satlnfaelory answer tonight, Iry II vnry
1 iI'Mibtiiilll ymi do, mid then you uie on tho rlglii irnrk. And so
' ou'liiinM In your aiivcrtlHlug, und It will bring you lurger results
,t ,"n,l,r l"liioss, und 'put you right.
H, Is Imposslblo io throw Insincere thoughln nt a man or i
Uiv public, und have them catch sincere thoughts.
Iieniember thai sales take plnco In thu mind of thn buyer
Kpi your eye on Tlia Herald and. '.'Daddy's" talks,
- - ... - . t
1 ' "9AAW0WWWWwwwWWAAAr'mm9 m 7-ZZZZl
Vinnnsl nn nni"inrify " as-s-asa-asssa-issi
Rapid Fire Gun Drawn by Dogs I
mmmmmmmMmmkttyYi Ti-a&" i a-j-aaM-BH
If 1 -jaffiy. IIIIIIIMllI-
It J F 4 HBfltM
I IB la-iaVaVaT- 1 laaMlBBaWlil aM
a taaaaaaaavLjRLv aaW Ij5fife ;
FJH K9B , ' ,'v.v'- V
I iraaaaaaaaVHtifrNJ!s -
H aaaaaasaaaaaavaaaaaH -', 'LBaaaEaPaKSl:: JH
I 'raaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaa7!aaaaalcaliB
1 ' aaaaaaaaaaV'aaawM aV!iraaVaaslr
31 BLvviBaaHusssbavtBaiBaaaT
1 9mmmmmammmmmmmmmJammmVv"amsmkKV
So-a?.-mKa?-mmmmmmm-S-mmEmmmm-mmmmmgw'n 7w4HEJamgflmHHHHI
aaaaaaalaaaaaaaV SaaV iiaB5a $!'i!!sl
BBtlf -vc . Hf 'siTwa aT:s4RawCBaasBaaaavp'
aaaaaaaa-b-aaamiQr ,Wf itHi-5 v,- &rL.mftmBBmiKKK
BaaanBs-Sav-1 lsBXiMIrt9SS3SaKL.
"SgmmsHgmJaflgClMBH, j.,- wswtwaVBMMmmaHM
jHKflKB' 'aTsrSaaMiflBaKKlBaaaaaaaaa
BBHK!9lJ' "s?M'Wvmt'!l?tEMEHnKKm
Bfnris . aV'sjgSaw- vTTaMiBPBjBraMfjMwt 4nHps,
'. b -" -r w sjA wVaVr B3k! wfT
y.,MBPj xSt-srrrm v ' 'i- jljaHklk' Hi
pavavxaiiaisa11 ,-tiiai fiossvwt
The work dono by thcMc inteillgpnt
doga lu drawing Belgian rapid lira
guui has been described by thoso
.who hnvo seen them In action na al-. times uuder fire they have crouched
' . , . , . 'xlown quietly while the soldier oper-
most marvelous. The dogs have da.h.A,wl (8 gu, wUidetdly -freci ut0
ed Info battle with the wen, and at.tho (leruiaa raaka,
(Continued oa pace 4)
gins at 2:30,
Withycombe Wins Here
'-, AZ
Candidate Puts Patriotism in Lead f Pettcs
Que of the most patriotic addresses
ever delivered In Klamath Falls. was
the fcpeech of Dr. James Withycombe,
for a ouarter of a century a worker
for thn farmer, and now republican
vandidato for governor. In his speech
the doctor urged upon the people tho
necessity of turning tho resources of
the stato to the development of farm
ing and other vital Industries, rather
than to political purposes.
The barm that this has done in the
past wus brought out forcibly by a
man, who, through long association
with the demonstration and exten
sion work In the state, is in a thor
ough position to know. The candi
date, far from suffering from the at
tacks made upou him by the Portland
Journal and copied by other newspu-
pers, la winning friends through his
work of putting politics in the back
ground while ho works for a greater
Tho doctor la assured a hearty vote
lu Klamath county, tor 1he farmers
and business men have entire confi
dence in him and hU wonderful abil
ity to bring about conditions he ad
vocates. To he acquainted wKh Dr.
Withycombe la to he an ardent nb
porter for him. - sjfcT'ftV
kla la -A k ulalt nSSUh
'combo has paid the Klamath country.
1U uw JUBk in villj-uvv jowia up ftaa
been here many times, and being a
( practical farmer, ts lu a splendid po
sition to note thu progress In the past
.and forecast our future, ; 4
! "You people are blessed with 'a
(country that Is healthful, that la beau
jtlful and that la productive," said ne.
"and l look for a city of. 25,000 peo
ple here. Just when this will coaie
depeuds upon a number of things,
principally the completion of te
Ktamath-Xatron cutoff. J .
"In addition to your farming pos
sibilities, you have wonderful manu
facturing prospects. There Is a wealth
of raw material tributary to Klamath
Falls which must be made up and seat
out through here, and, this will de
mand thousands of workers. - '
"It a matter, of tints), thonga
before Klamath Falls na a, manufac
turing c'eaterHl ceme: fuMy.lH) lh
front. The scarcity of labor here r- "
suits In high wages, and' thto'aiinb
competition with the VtJlJigtMt
lines out of the aneetkssl, '?liirvMie,, -'
present, therefore, aiteMafUMasMsuMv
be thrown to furthertnc Um;mm' r,r
farmlaa-. 'dairvkur: nYa-ftftri4ir.:&
"". rr. r -'i- -'"r"'
ujr --"
j I
1 to
, ,1 .
.!., I'..
th ry.:
fat HkVr Klnalf 'aisisisW! tf i"
lw Md 4aJrylM aenttr ,nNa-w j
land of much wmW&ty' w'?j3.'l
a11 J
-or t
: j-