WORLD'S SERIES SCORES BY INNINGS AT THE HERALD'S SCORE BOARD IN THE COURHOUSE YARD. te u mtttg Mtvalb PRINTS THIS NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,. ' Mnllt !iNi UI,M 1 9 awfjawK. .i. Afcaai.Tr--.. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1914 rut jsRt- Prlco, ltr 4 RUSSIANS, BELGIANS IN ACTION ANTWERP, THOUGH Braves Take Opening Game RUSSIANORCES BADLY BATTERED, Athletics Are Outclassed Badly in Comparison STILL HOLDS OUT - I and i-rc jiitr 1 1 I'. 'H. tl, Anm-ep H!I IhJi). tui msjiIimi Gcililitit liHfi.lon, .VII 1 oljlii tin I-hhIhiiIihuiI of the fnf rciilliiiirtl, jii.I lain -,ll .trinl, ft, . llif ril) Hi" GVrwalt nf fcllni II10 rottKr h) Milnlot, , Jlir .rt(rr Mll nf ltlr It-lsfnll ,irM) l.. rri, l)il'lrt tutu). IU11K IUt Ml ixit urtt. Ir-itl foirr ! tinit llin fnl. I ni nlili ulllilml.U !, t ('if lt"lt;(it r' MK.'illlilHU, TmU) llin tllli.,rtilrll li'lilMllt, (irriIMl ltllnr Mle foil-' Ijmll) limning T tin tll, inl Hie In.iiiIi. Htr lintii ilnif(til rr mm loc liUll) rlim. Ilw llin lrMrllllrul, h) tolliltteei, lm mm MtuUiig &1) and llljllt IHMhiV, ),. l,-;,-it (t,r npllliiUllr. tout t'fnr( tlm it. Ii-iiw of ,tllHrI ll tl'llllMMlS Ttir .irllll. 1) of Hi llrttfiait fut I l In lite ii-tld) li.iinllr.1, ihn , Kli.uuil lti-trulHil lllIK amtttllrl)' lll'-l flit, llll. ' tlte Mtttttan iiilol ma .tttl i loritt tl- til), hIiIIc lit.- ill) n illifr nutj (iiltc diimall .i lll.lll ln fcW. AUSTRIAN BOUND MANY ATTENDING TO URANO JURY FAIR AT K B aMv JX .i l.x;f AIHSn9HHKe: MaaaaaaPmSiaB BEGIN A MARCH AGAINST BERLIN lrriUKJIUI), 0c. O Tti. Itufait rrulcr, fullr moblllieiJ at War .iu, Iia .(arl'-il on tlie llrst lap of Uti? uilvanrf on lUrlln. Tln wuriifllic ut that ll'ft nrnt wliicii Inc!iiilc moiim of ihcmt'i iihi cnirli-nt moment, u alrrndj- In nctton. Tlir mm arc gtitlmg faito an imasniu-nt urtiuml UlorlAurk, nrouml VtMuU anil llilHjr mllra from Tltoni. II K iialiil (ImL tin- HiisLint au nou uitlilu nitirtyiilx mll ot I'iiwii, llif lli-l German Inlrtior MlmnKliolil to t rnrountrrril. TIk- tixtitiiij; U ronllmiou. Th llu-sl.m arirnnre i KtrAdjr, orte( t IIic ntt i-ulirliiiliiK fore i'uiK'il. Hj- KAIII. ron.WIKG.WU (I'tiileil Vrevt f,tatt Corrt-ponilt) . 0 ORRIS lll.'.MRil.K'i:, Mon iki r of Hit Allilwli-i K4-!";' .TI44VCi MnnnKfr of llio llmvr MIS I II Mil, 1 i mill i ! ci'oitr win: ,su rim, imii.n is in.i,i;m:i nv iiomk' I HUM niMl'ATUIUTS ! I'All.t'lll KI.MTM I Al.lA IIIM VMMJ. KlUt, .V"1 l.olis ill' IMIOI'l.i; JUflt.MCV 'H 1IIIC TOWS soimii'ii.v c,i,ironM. IS ? KUmaili I'nlU U vll MiiniMtnioii riilniiiK mi 'uiitli)hliii Ttiur-. tt aiuriimm which lirmichl ilui tin et tlm iHirtH fnir Unay, fur in nilill dr thai riiatli,t Kitrprn, tililimigli lin'tli'H tlir Klaiimlh rutin Imii.I. ultlrli hM orr nU mliiif In him mi I1' l"1 fnriiiwii fr ih lluiln Vl Mlllhc .. , U,nt U f .Ma n.'y MMOM'OIH, l,..r.. I.v tii ulii. MIUbiMrru arn nruMtlr mrl Mr. muMU W"" lwv,,,e a" ,,rvy- JuMlfn nf tl.n ivjiro (lux en lioiiiiil' AHhU fnlr, wlilch iH-itnn Thumiln) Kutrrrw itft xn llm nrllnn Of ! hl"J c't,M K'morrnvr iflpln, lint hnt- Krna Jun Ho -vtn irlnn.i.,1 iiHlnvjnntf lfltl fomimmlfy will how llu jm bum! furninlinl liy Kimo Cnokn A Knlitin of Mnlln. , ('uiilt Uilv ami Ciooruo Stnlllnp -rlou anil xolrmn nml kllrtit a anyillsbt up at tbo coratnanJ of tlie pho JiU noi hlOi uil In 1I1U woj. In'maiufier tho same lm known. Ho'toRraphor. Thoy had heard hlra on fuel. ijit' riillt woru miiRlit nfur a llttl and thinks a lot, and ho U10 bench In the act or drums Ms Hi,. 1 lull of cli had won tho iwminitl mlli- vcry othtr day. Thoro U not iia?m. Mid It is known that Stalling In ltd ii 4i;uv llnlli iiii'ii nr? rj much humor In Stalling. Some ofjUKM n tot of languaKo to make his M-rloim-tnliided. Stack I nlmut i hU iilaiom u-ro uriirlsed to sec him .men play batl. It) ll.l,.SIIHIIIIl.S Hits world rliunuiIonhl crlen by de- whllo tins pitching of Umlolph opon.ed HIHIIK I'AHK, Phtladplplila, Orl. 0 fatlni: Corndlui ilcCSIIIIcuddy's the ycs of the Athletic. Uf-orRo Stalllnc and hla lloaion MOrI'1 leallnp Athletics In Ihe opening There noor was a more surprised I'rnw today dcmiMutratiM ilmt lh) ' Knuw by n eore of 7 to 1. bunch of fans than tho 20.5C2 who haw Mill more urnrlo itaiknne tin For thu first lime In IiIb career 111k ml11 ln a total of l9.630 to seo to- their uli-otwi tliun l!elr phenomenal Chief lleuder wa humiliated In a da)' game. In fact. neer In tho hls- ru In the National U-uruo. for the) world nerle mime. Ills control was or' ' b"ll ' arK "ns ttlero L" outltuiil lhee kiiit'rlno InrllM Into Imtt, and he wan forced to his limit, Uir.ltllAI.I.K.S", U lUtlln ami lia ulrrle from Nauru to SayvilW SVi diit-iL-i) ) Arotiiiaii)iiiK iln- CiVrnuin troops Into umU rant of H'lcr- j ImIIhi as 1I1.. Ilrnt KukIIMi AiMiiit orrt-sjiondeut on.the KhmUb frotK. I I 1 i " ' jt d t , u1iii.mi a tcrritic IkiUU ulu-rtlu Hie ltulnnK, uiili lieaTy tield artllkry, iiiiniioiMilttl Hit- German iio.lloii. ' Tfu ground ltooV., uuil Hi.- kiiils ruarrtl anil IliaudcreU wiialorrvp- tolly, Iiul I lie Gvrnuuis IoimI their ground, rrturniuic tike Mrr slowly awd I (lolllxiTiliI). The nutans failed n tnclrT-rrorts to roilup"ari-eTetop the left wine of the d'rtiun force. V-.l-nln) thU part of the bultlefrout vu luint preMMML Laat aiit, liocer, stroni; rt'lnforcemenU uere rusluHl to the aMtktanre of the left ttnuk, nhiili i-iiuIiIimI It to hold the hkIIou in I01I.I)'! action. VMWNVV)VMMNMMWMAMAAM unrlil tin. prod in Ik of Untie Valley I.Uctttork, Krnliin. fiull, rc'ltIile Kutirt told lonnirilni; .niHi.m oii'heedlnwiirk, nrhuol work, ele , form h" tiid 'lliurnday. hut It w ovl "' tllll. 'tit ilmt in. in ftir B0, ,m,t ,iti,.v - r ' ) ntcletled hi family, and left them Antorln want n rock tinnlilui; pliiut tlil for IlieiiiaeUpa, In UtllUu iinemploed labor Manslaughter Is Verdict . "The Mutual Girl and Her Anntie Klamath Indian Tried in Medford Federal Court (Herald HpcrUI Hcrvlcc) A iiuiiihur of Klinmttli Indlium eto Mi:)i'om)( Oct. 0 Aflur the In nttoiulnnco at tho lilal, The cane. Ixiiim' ilclllienillnii. ili in in it,,. u. Hut iiiiiconio of an ntJiiult 11111111 ,rll'l of llioiuus (i, fimlth, iirctmed of jlleall, 0110 of thn moat liiiniontlal.j "ici.iiiici of i.inic niver lleall, n fel.'imtrlnrcliii of tho Klnmnlh iwcrva " Klnimni, India,,, ,,nirinil n vr- (Inn, by Hmltli. Hmlth Btriiek H011II '"ft nf tiliitit -.' 1. .i.i. ..1 1 1 in.. ),.. ii.w.,i 1. Id. linmmiliiii.. and nf- " iii.iiiniMilHllllll ill ,1 1 ' 11 11 iiii'ii. I... ...'-" ,..,...... 'll, lum nitjiK, " (imi. wim tried In (ho fedeiiil '"irlu timri, h, mohhIoii limo. Kod. rl nihtrii-t Attoritoy Itemneii aHked "T III imi t. lien, fill- II.-.I .1 .....H. tur Imliie In nn iiiieoiiucloua utito for Hiivi'iul dii)i, tlio old I111II1111 1IU1I at tlm Klinmttli rnlln hoMiiltnl. Hmlth wiia Inloxlnited nt tho time. Ho wini eiiKUKt'd to miury IIo.iU'h 1 " IMHV tll'ltlVU If It I ! (i tfa""' "' "- ..'' A,t""iO)n Onolll A MiinnliiK of diitiRhtiir, I.uttlo Doiill, who wiu 0110 , n"m"' '"'illH, for Ihotlt.fitiiHo.nHkeillof (ho wltnestea for llio pronecutlon or um n 11 ..1 ., ... ,.. . "" lilt llio itmii j An tixtmiHlou or twu tliiyn ssiim kIvoh Tho defense, declared (lint Smith "uieiiBii to III,) an application for acted In nelf dofeiiwi It wa !( " " 'rlnl. up by tho IihIIiiii'm nttornoyn Hint lack 1 Tin, ilufeiidftnt rocuvcd (ho verdict or mudlcttl nltinitlon, ami not (ho force , !, ,ut ft Bl,w of Auiolloii, Ho l of tho blow, omueil tho dmnlso of, "ll,liillitoun(yJiill. Ilenll. , Ah ' Dndd)'' iild In a recent (none of The Herald, one of the harden) thlucri to llml In ) etci da) 'a newiipapcr. 1 hat Ik why I wild he pemNtent In our nduatlsliiK lieciuso people KouiiyfurKit. If yon don't think It U hard to Hint jenterd.o'ii uowapiipor, trj to llnd 0110 .today, When tlm iiown Ih boiio tho advertisements are Roue, too, so Hint jodturdnj'a adxertlaements will not oll todaj's kooiU. Uory man, woman and child In thin country knows that rail tond UivmliiKii me daiiKurous, yet the railroads do not tako down their "Stop, Look and Listen" hIkhs. They leave them up a a wnrnliiK to people. Now, wlmt tho railroad .eroiwIiiK fclKua nro a a ".amine of tlniiRer, advertUliiK Is to a business: It Is a constant romludcr In people that o aio In biiilness, and calllnn tholr nttentlon to thethliiEijou hliotosoll, T((J,"'fI r'r 'T' ' ' ' Hvery onco InVi while a ninn will fcay; "I 'lon't havo to niU ertlse; ovorj body known I am In business. Why should t ad- hi Use." Ho lemlndfl mo ver) much of tho fellow with bluo.,KogRlos' who was wlnklui: ut 11 Klrl-ho know ho was wluklnif, but tho i;lil didp't. This man knows lie Is In business, but 'perhaps tho public mli;ht foiKQt. 1 am oftnu united what are the beit mediums for udtortlslug. Of ionise, that depends somewhat upon what ou aro roIhb to sell. 1 think, on tho whole, that newspapers aro thu best mediums, hecnuso people buy newspapers and stumble Into, the. Hie advertising. 1 , . Head Tho Herald. Moro by "Daddy" tomoriow. WJW( I :. I I '.I 1 ! ! ,vvvyiVrVV'VVVVV1Vi'i'Sli'VV-V (Continued on ran 4) NO GAIN BY THE rimiOGIUll, Oct. O. It 1 stnteil Ilmt the uithdraural of the Rm hin forit-s from their HK.iii(ius at IHumJec in ilie fiallciau rnnipalaw, was tloue ulieu it was lirnet that Ilia Auslro-Gcnnan poltiOBa at KIHart tliroiish Tapumv t .Veil Sunder uero huireKuihle. n lly txithdrauluK precipitately, (lie Kiisshms In ml the enemy to pursue, mill a battle is umf raiting iu the open. ' The bombardment of rrzemysl rontiiiiies. Hiemian ariatera report breaihr In the tit)' twill, ninny litilldiux ikt.tixi)el, and dead uaburted la llio street. ))e, All Oild Pelloni ' the winter's work will be chosen and Klamath 1-odRO No. 137, 1.0. O. P.. practice started. Visiting brothers will meet in regular session toulgut. ar Invited to meet with us. All members are requested to be preii- - lent. There will be work In tho Iuilla- Handon will have a new steam "tory degree, and tho degree team for l.iundry. AISNE Registration Is Now 3602 www ? 44 i ' ,! imtcd i .,. 8rTice IBoolcs Close Thursday; Last Few Days Sees RmIi PAniS. Oct. 9. In soneral, the sit. "" ' .nation Is uuchanged. On tho left, the 1 www www ' cavalry of both sldos are In contlnu Kor ,ht tlrst time iu tho history or Second Ward ?. . , ti ous ntclon north of Mile. Klnumtu county the good ship "Itegls-, West Klamath Falls 117 j Tho lino of battle extends fromjtratlon," that great pro-election pre- jShlpplngton ..... ... ,. v 77 ,Una To Airas to Ilray and Chaulues. Umliinry. uteamed past tho 3.U00 Mills" ,. . . . , .'.'T. . . 163 , , . . . .mark. ThU afternoon a total of S.C02 'Mulln , , . . . , , . ;i4 .Hoyo and I.tsslngl. 'mmn m tha roUs Qrove vat- -JJ ligagemen.s o. ......or ......or.anee Hlut look q hare mU 1)on .Wood m.or ..,.,. ..VJAttfrf .... 108 occurring In tho reglou of tho lut). County (jierk Charles. Do Lap, as Lost Ittver . 140 llio held up a bunch or a huudred or1 Ie Lake ..-;,. 309 Engagements or minor Importance' aio Woovro, Artllloiy conlllcts progress along tho untlre front. The. situation is not changed In tho Voiiges tiud Alsaco. Thn nlltna ArA nilvnnplniF. nnd HinrA la llerce, continuous fighting at tho' southwest angle, where von KJuk and son Doeum's lines (urn sharply to the north. Continuous lighting Is apparently 'confined to tbo two oxtreino wings. Tho west line extends almost to the frontier of llollsud. moro "blank A" registrations from outsldo products. "In addition to the Increased registration In town, wo nro kopt busy entering up tho county reg istration." The books will close Thursniy night. The registration, by precincts, fol fel fol eows: Fourth Wurd ...,,,.,...... 331 Kast Klamath Falls 381 Third Ward ,,,,,..,..,,,, i.. 4S0 ff? 16 105 " at ft 4aa T.a V -mn iuUk lalry Odcll lnn Vll..u Klamatli lko ...... . , .7:, . , , IS l'luvna 80 49 md ........ , ,.,,., . FS5X Worden Midland Hlldebrand Hprague Ith er .,.,.,...,..,, . l Langell Valley . . . 117 Swam ,,,, .4 n l , . . f,jj fau III AUoma , ........ .. . .. WV M j- Mt. Ukl r,,,,,,,,,.. I ' -5 ,. , in j- r f r4, '( "L