WORLD'S SERIES SCORES BY INNINGS AT THE HERALD'S SCORE BOARD IN THE COURHOUSE YARD Ituatmn Mtmlb PRINTS Tl IK KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WIIH-K IT IS NI2W8 -, "f W"- .Ninth Year V". '.' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1914 Prfc. ftn h Allies Say They Have Regained the Territory They Had Evacuated East Indian Prince Who Gave $1,500,000 to British War Fund frW1 i I'tltl-, Oil. H, -4VI) nNrli-M III KHrtl Inn niv iMinl In l,r urn III !' iila'i'- till ! ' IIiIiik nf lln l..( Indian imik. fl ,p .irriiuiti ( IiUik III the I'UliI ( It'" MlllUli iiiiiiiiiiIihIiiii line-., ami . r(.illr.l llfl lilt Hlr Mt'U kill 'Will, )li llrlllll lH' nitinil" llIK I'tl'HI) liuiniil III Iglinii, . , ),, ,, I l.j I llii-) Imk1 trru flitrtrl III MIciiipU in mi i.ft M ininimiuliiilliiiu, the. uUIe l( III" Imi lis lakt II oln.lli. I linn, I In. Mri of inulllil I,. rm rlriilr rt lllll'iltr! lllll, IM'III llie Itltil In lli.i IMglnii (imillrr Oil lli Irlt rtlxl III Ii Mrili lln" mmi) I, a mi pmiiir, utiilrir,. In rrttolli Uir lie li Mlllnlratill. patlriil I) north ( in, Hlirn III. iviiltld U pi"""1' nut llllilr U'tnUHl'lm failM.ilili. In li.. 'I lip mfitlin 'f Itif Inn mli) r- ni ni'H .-a.l mil aliuu.i . lr lln V'Ml '"" Tim fttlin tUIlM In hi URnlnxl llm Kirwli t wi, ,,l ,. iin. l,r nrtr ntf ltrl In Jrlrlit prl"Hl). llHI., IM, H.ttw Ulrl InliitiiMlliiii irg.irtl'ni' Mm h.illli nf Die .Uiur, I...M llnK tlifttwtlrrtmt "tllP tiirwl IU((" U lliat i lllnltl linr il llm ftgtil l'. rtlrnitrtl lit fmnlhrMi llrltftulil. The llrniwti r rpi trl mm I nil H.iif InMni unit totatr) ImII.- lit n llrmpl In I HI olf llm IttllWll nilMliiiiiltnliu U lln I'uglUll t limim I KLAMATH DISPLAY PALLS FROM SEAT ATPRODUCTSHOW Oil IWI; DtAD I'linm-ci or thih itwiio.V am: uiiui. i is t mi. toiii. o.s i:iiiiut.t tih: mo ogn is iiiwr.niux wirn miou iv iintTia.M ittcritiN. tmi: ih;tii or ma.n tiu-.iu: m:.tativi: ki:.t, too i.t nhjiit ! Ek ill TtvJL 'VggJL . ty riB V F i 4. igTt&i'flgraBaaaP - . I ,lf- "" ' WITH BELGIAN VILLAGES IN FLAMES, AVIATORS SHELLING TROOPS, ANTWERP MUST FALL MILITARY COURT GERMANS DEMAND THE IS KNOCKED OBT SURRENDER OF THE OTY; BELGIANS SAY, "NEVER!" SLI'ItllMi: COI'HT OKCIUKS THAT MII.ITAIJV COURT HAS SO At' TIIOItlTV TO TltV CAHJX. A.VII ITS ItKriSlOV IS VOIDKIl 1 ' t'illed l'fe Snrlce i A.VTU'i:itl Orl. H. li I-. ri'iir1fl Hint tlir- IJrljtUn caaoot boM liillifl firorri K4rvlr ... ., .. '-IliU illy nijaliiit lie Uinuars wort-lliuu two ilu) longer. The OtrlWi in.unA, -. "t- -"10 BU'j,,e wrwktil ujiihw1Ij Impregnable jwltlon. and the lirlgtea Iommw mm jinmi court of ttiln utato ha handed I t don lu !ecllon In the ca ot Dn ' ""'""K- I3IIII, who w rotivlcted and Jailed ' It)' a military court .it Untie. Vullt'l llm Strrlie Tin- mi promt court held that the AMvrilUilAM, Oil. . Kvi-ry t IlLiKe lllilii a tvf miles of Antwerp lulllino iourt had no authority to J u burning. Tin m-lRlau. illl lonllntu to try caw, und vol.lid the trial and .Mmgn tl,. rlt, ItM-lf U tllt Intact. Uerrr and other outljig towM fc-nit'iici of (3IIIU, who wa remandd .... to the ciMody of the militia for a " ''-' . ji-MrnUjr. l.ermn iiltrlb mi lire to lhca loirw. trial by thc'n-Kuliir district court. , T'"' fllr,' Walhrm heen IiIohii to pieces by the big alefe gum, ThU ileclitlon U final, and knocks iln Krrlin n-rUlilnj. Muiiy linii, In eernt tlllnseH haTc been leveled out th military court completely, and' by tH- terrible nrtlllery lire. uiftm thai thu military authorities ran no no furthtr than makluc r-' ri-sU. Civil court! inuit trv the nrlK. -' - nuvTt i THE HAGL'i:, Oct. H. Gernuin a Lilor ure lombrdiB .Uitwr, I -?? tf U itoitctt. I bo KUmatli Climlf ill Cotuiui'io i-ii iilebl lr.tlt-.l tu tar lldt-ato in tho I'utllatiit Maliul6Ctur rr ami tattit I'lu.lurU uliiiw, l ! tfM in 1'nrtUinl beitliinliiK OiioUn 37th A faro I On 13 lect liB4 tn'fl Iwnr4 lor aita(rlciittural dlnpla)' tfom hriv At Ul lllslll' inprllllC It wa ilr flitl llial Brrtrlary leiri5i (. Illofcer i( Hit ofchtilmiluu hImiuM ntlptul i'ii" !ii' a a Klamath rirtfrntatlt Coiini) ASrlriiliiirli II, ItuUml Olnlv )tr ma) nl) nttoiul, In nimwrr ini tliiik iurdlitK ooll cotiilllloiit, fir. A Utftn patt of thu aerlciiltutat alt I'ltilt Urln; Kalbrfnl for tlm I'rtlialun 1'Jtlflr intrtiiutlmiAl Ctpoitlilon will te irnt to llm I'orlUn.t nhow. In ail4l Hmi, tlm ilUplay nf Kraltia. uraimeii vl forage crop to bn iimM a per mmnii ICInmnth nxhlblt. will tie yued t ihe land nhow Heldr tlm pro lutu f tin, noil, butter, rtir and wher comiitoit.ii of that nature will . Itirliiihd in (hf dUpUy, Hy In I bo Ktamatli !' alluli to ' uutK for th Indian tertlir, a Mil"! Ut iitcbt flion drlrluc a frelehter'x outfit iliivkn a Krade. thr watmi failed to rixpnlul to tin brake, anil in bl effort m Uii Dm U-aiit lin Via Ibtnxii from Ihe urnl III bead kitufJ, a t(H-k, klllliiE him. I'orourr WlililiKli u t I'hlltHiuiu maUlnK n lnelleatlui Tlm arc) Unl nc'iirol near therp. b a rlilllllt tt bOr. .Hid he dWllMltllited and a ilrlvlnc the freight nco-i to Kle the fr-llilr a rhiiuce to If) hU nadille. i ttv The Mali. ajah of Mysore, n oealth) llinilmi ruler, hasi Martled tVA, l..t,.l. I.M V M.H k.H ()tbrr aro proTldlnj- a hotpltal ship. Tlio Maharajah of Huwa hai offered Adjournment Is Thought in Sight Uulied 're Service W'ASHINOTON. U. Oct. S. United Tress Senrlca THE HAO L'K, Oct. H. Geruuin atUtor IItIkUh nlrnren hate atlackeil them, but vo far the aitraatage Is wttb the la. tailer., their inuihlne. bring fuoter. I It U liellcvet) that half the impulatlou of the itr ha fled. The -ui-rcntler of Antwerp m deitmnileij by the Oermaas. This was ' tefutetl. ltefore till-, the (icrnuuit coullneil their tire to the forts. After tkt rrfu-al tht-) Ke the peuplc two bour- to leave the city, and tbea 1 The completed war tux hill waa prt- hlft army. hU treasury; Indeed, also!1"1'"- bofor?. t,le cnaU' thJ ofler ,!iuont of the illy Itkelf. Thousands He I In wnlc. The Dutili frontier U littered ulth I I.COO.uOO in t' i war fund of the em pire He care vl . t U known In hla native loi.tue r bfty lnkli of cold. The moue) will I mi used to transport IllmJofi Kiioin fr in India to the bat' tie line In Kiabce Twrha Hindoo XAH-e an ml' ic -olilb-r to Join In Ida .ir. nii'l a half doten Hindoo prlnrr are nrcomp.inyliiK them.; hi private Jewelry. Maharajah Hoi kar, the Nizam, and other princes have offered their state' horses as noon, and congressmen aro now hope-f K'xxK ilothlnc ami personal errecU of the refugee. fill of adjourning about the 15th. I The lat Antuerp dlmtch reportM shells 'dropping ererywhere the iletnirllou of houKs. remount. Many chiefs will go to the, l.ninnlngl-.t N Here. front The Maharajah of Mysore Is W K. OlendenniuB, field ranKer for IMiitvd I'reas Service l.OXDOV, Oct. H. It i iuceleil that Antuerp will be forced to sar- equally tlnlng hi part. I.loyd OeorKO tlie llureau of Kntomology of the De salt! the other days "Our resourcesil'artment uf Agriculture, came lu last will come In. not only of men, but of night from Ashland. Today he goes rentier mhjii. rash. We hate won with the silver 'on to the Silver I-ako country to soend The llrltl-li tlreuilnought Imvo been inav-el ut Ootend and at Freaea bullets before " a ctiuple of weeks tltero. invesllgatln? hailnir cities to lrcent the enemy from UiUug Om coait totraic aad estaa- the bark beetle situation INhltig a Zfi-iwlln bn-e for an attnek ou KngUiitl. tine! In I'ltlr. I! t) Argra'ea b'lt Ibis moriitliE (or iMrrls in aid ml the Morris fair and Clve atteiillou to matter of business III the Untie Valle) metrop"H- A coitespoinlt'lit at Unite! a) the lUtMli reslmelit uf llerinaii leser'es wnn uimpli'lely auiilbllnli'd b) Hie French. Hwiueflaml lifts refused to give lrinlMliui to (lermiiny io eml troops' sotiM her territory. Iinly hn talieii, ootlco ami w not allow thv (lerj "istis to Molale Hwl.s neutrality. The (icrinnit ctuler liuideii shelled Hie clt uf Mailm. India, and set lire in (An nil tanks and small houses on the luubiir When tin tort open ed (Ire tlio llimleii lotlred. I'll" whtilc affair was our In ilflerii minutes. KEARNY STATUTE UNVEILED TODAY m:w .icitsr.v iio.voits tiii: ikm. ouv ok rA.Mtii .; vi:ti:ha.v ok MKXH'AX AMI t;ivii. WAHS WITH A MOMIMKNT The Coos Hay Home Telephone The lluck box aud crate factory at - J company has been sold to Tortland KuReiui Is rushing the completion of Wood to Salem. I To Medfotd. capitalists. , their plant. .V WMWMiWWAMfWVVVW .VWw MM.---.--- Hear French Tonight Visiting Agriculturist to Address Mass Meeting 11 T Trench, miitn Icudnr nf tbn xtcitHit.ii work being tun let! on nroiiKh t10 co.iieialluii of tlm Unli 'I Htntes Depiirinieul of AKrlculliim JUKI the Oregon Agricultural College, l Kliiiunlli Knlls, goliiK over tlio "'fill work ulth tlm now county nitrl Jl iirlst, li. Kulitnil fllHlsyor. Ho will 1'rofessor Krencli Ihin been engiigml m VKtl'llslllll Wnrli I.. .1.- k!....ll..u..ul I "". n in lliu innii,i-n Jr llfleoii )(,nrN or moro u,, i, ,.. "'I's one of thu best Informed men on '" problwoi, 0f UC(. countrlM a tliu Kliiiiinlli iiuiiitiy. To kImi nil Hu' Ipniiltlo U t'lmm'e to lienr tilm, tint 'ifliiinutli CliHinbi'r or t'omiitori'o bus niriiiigml (or tin lu.nimnl mxetliiK m hoiiiliimrters tonlttht, when i'lofessnr 'I'reiuli will lie Hid Hpeiikor. This l mil Hi" llrot till" Hint I'io- ftwHtir Knuirli bus mntl l Hie Klnm- nth country. Il wiib hero working Willi M. A. McCiill, anil slfo Hint jlliiiu he M Iji'i'it htiOMtliig Kliimiitli 'KnllH, lior ptioplti, her hi-IiiioIh nnil lior ItturrmiiiilluK coiintry nil over me west. iNnrthv Ulilled I'ress Servln WArtlll.NOTO.V, 0. C. Oct. S. -With Imposing mllltniy pomp an equestrian statute to Major (leneral Philip Kearny, lit'ro of the Mexican and Civil wir. the Bid of IiIh natal state of Now Jersey, was unveiled to day In Arlington Niillonnl Cemetery. It wis tlio llrst equestrian statue per mitted to be raised lu the famous burial ground. Secretary of War Harrison, also a New Jersey rltUen. grit lit oil n special dispensation to permit the Kearny ktniiif. ' Tlio slntiie. the wink of Sculptor IMwnnl 0. Poller of (Ireenwlch. was t null United to by New Jen-ey cltUen generally, through tlio Keainy Mtinii incut Commission, eieateil by the lasl alate leKlsluturo. Many piomliient olUclals irtlelpat ed lu thu dedication ceremonies todu). New Jersey mllltln, InrlmlliiR crack cnvitliy It oops nnil ninny uimy troops, partlclpiiteil, Heni'iiil Kenrny Wh killed diirliiK the Civil War nt tlio buttlo of Chan tllly, Vn , lu 1S2, Ills body was llrst Interred lu Trinity church cometory, Now York, and ro-lnterrod (Ifty yqars litter among war horoen of Arlington, Advertise Now-and Never Let Up "IWOIiV" This Is the way I site up the advertising situation In Amer ica, In the largest city, or lu the town of 2,000 Inhabitants. It Is Inconceivable that any Hanker, Merchant, Huslne. iiwtu or Professional uiau, should ceusi. or oveu curtail his nilxertisliig just when tho country Is ou the threshold of a tre mendous dmiblo harvest the natural harvest of our unprece dented crops and thu logical harvest consequent ou tho the itr lu Kurope. II Is under such conditions ns tlio.-.o that aiHertlstng reaches the leulth of its power. The man who listens to tho yellow pessimist uud slta back to "wait for thing to settle down," Is .xleldlng his common sense and enteiprlso to tho baleful Inriu enco of Idlo sentiment, nnd. actually starving the goosu that lays the golden egg. To every business man lu the city of Klauutb Fulls I glvo )ou this definite, uncompromising mid cheerful message: "Keep the columns of the dally newspaper bristling with nunouncemeuts, aud thus open wide jour doois for tho flood of piosperlty that Is bound to ru. Make bay while thu sun shines. Wo won't Imvo another chanie like this lu a hundred em 8." This Is the very, hour when wo bhoiild rush Juto print to u Ki eater extent than over before, because, unless tho earth opeui it nnil huiiIIowh Hi; nil up, there will be gieater prosperity In Amerlci thU winter mid coming" year thau over In tho history of tlm lepublle, Wo aro not ut war. We are not likely to be. Tlio wni ring world looks to us for Its supplies, mid we can't Kcrp puiiipcilt) do.wi, no matter how hard wo try. If my adyh'e li worth' anything' to you business men, It Is hern oi.uvoyVd to )ou In six werds: ADVKUTlSliNOW ANH NRVKU LET UP. Kenil The- Herald tomorrow It's good. i iij . j u i i i . i ii WW i n yriAi'WJWVVrVVr'Vy i in'iOiriMriryrMyvisr Dr. McLeod o( Seattle will lead tho, praise service. tho General Assembly On tho following day the -eUoUrs i Kvllt tnurnnv t MArrlll. -vhATA aW. I Tho program for Wednesday ol-lAui,en)on w w auly mU c'lews: ,,..i..iii..i.i...i in-uji U.U U.aoivi unua.wviva, 'w-gif Tom Wood, recently adjudged In- Attorney C. M. Onelll and II. M -ane, left this morning for Salem. to(Manntug are In Med ford, atteaatag enter the asylum for treatment. , tn federal court. Thu women members or the single Mme. lllancho Zaacharle do Baralt, tax colony at Arden, near Philadel- famous In America and Europe for plilu, have formed a tire brigade with her learning, haa founded a cultural 'Miss Ida K. Severn, a former actress, center In Havana, whose Influence ts at Its head. International. Presbytery Coming Southern Oregon Ministers Plan a Duck Short Also Holl calll Unfinished business New business Iteport of Committees Intermission for Luncheon :30 p. m. Praise service, lod by Rev, Crawford of Lakevlew 2 p. m Iteport ot Committee Presbyterian clergymen and elders' from Josephlue, Jackson. Douglas. Klamath and Luke counties, will gath er here Tuesday for the annual South-, em Oregon Presbytery. J, B. Musou 'of this city Is the moderator of the or- 1 'ganlzjtlon. , Tho choosing of Mr. Mason last t year was a great compliment to the,'- P. . neport of Commissions to 'local man. Tho moderator, who U Oeueral Assembly. (Public Bps- head or the orgmiliatlon, Is usually n t clully Invited for thin jiuMber.) minister. 4 ! u.. Buslnowi Sesslwt.. ' Tho unit m-ssIou will ho .esda i. ' JntcrmMsloa.fpr DIB -T evening, when n recoptlou will be held 7:3 " m" 5'W m'vc!' '!? by B,V' ,for the delegate und a praise Ber- W. D. ter, Orautg Paaa Vice will be held. Following this', ,.Mder"t0r "" ! there will be music mid refreshments. bcmon Dor- a' a; Mabry, repr. Wednesday morning, 9 a, ra. -Praise lt' Is planned fo lUka'tka vMtamjpr service by Rev. Avery of Mt Lakl, j duck shoot lu that dlstr 11, " ." 1" i cfin ,. y' ?& at -sm '9