The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 07, 1914, Image 1

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Craning ftraUi
1sWlwjfpWWfWHMWWWir - rf T
ndaii yr '
Frlee, efre
mwr MV.U.HV ih iu;m: TO
gtriy Altk Hur-"- WW Hfr
Tbrir "U.tlMi of Mr" Agalnt
BrifcagArtftfery in the Battle of the Ifencf GERMAN RIGHT
, OttiMH lUgM, Wrwr- I'M
Ml Mrhr An AllestipH
Ifeaatog Mo.rrocet -Tfw Ktrt
jbeeds Very HrMriit.
Itealmng ili(
LONDON. 01 7.
uWatnash tlh( In Fncvto j-jl-j
Mtfr tllttift llflll'h ttMMil!lf4
tariff, lt s.nitr4, tiB in order-j
ditto l& Tbrse dusky Hoot!!
"lute ibolr "la)lUm of fii j
ttd tan Kluk and ton llohttt'2
-r office bn grrt fallh In
ttots lioep. l I believed that the
til W atU to check the Hanking
BttMi of Uhlan n tJarntan
MiMioMI hsitrrt?.
Tkr I. u great lrw hrs. nl
tktl II U i)WlllrJ that the tier '
mi rhjM U gaining. I
$t!m?tvp " ' ' ,li! filwSf 'TflHIMWra ? t ' P5p
HtfL ,& "f.-sF ""IwI'iA , 'R' v4 ife
MLalaE Ms &!
United Prase Smc fi.
BERLIN, Oct. 7. (Wlrcle tU SarTllIc) It U muaomt94 UuM
MfieratlT more by von Klk ! roe Blebn aralm h
VtrmtU left to retreat coaaMerablr. The allic wltttdrew
mtcr to relaforc thla wlac aal arrrt dfstrr.
Arrordtef to oflklal report, the Orman offeaM o the riffct
roiHtantljr larreaaiag In It f fectlf eafaa. The Frtmch ara beaac Mpl4
ml Mfarl ratelooeU.
It 1 atatrd that th Oerawa uttofM hare bee wltbdrawa
MHilel, becaaae thef are atdtd elacwhef, aad that thm Fjraaca t
llila poaKioa.
i United Pru Serrtca
PABIH, Oct. 1, A late btUJetla from the f roat thJa after oa I
Cirrmaaa roaUase ihelr eareloalac woremeaU Is the aortawaat of Praaer.
" j It aar the battle roatlaaea Tloteat
. f on thr Frearh left, wMca I
Antwerp's Fall Is
Expected' Quickly
By the CeriTianS Prolonsed r tbe & of earalry
ritrudM to the f Idnltr of M
Labavtee. t ,
Tbp battle near here I oeclartd
ThU l.lS.i of llflllh art ll-rjr lu (I, l.attlo of ihf., thick .,r( t. Ix'Rlnnlne t. r il Ro down a (j. ,0Ht t..K.ndou mllltarr ll'nlted ITea. Serlc
ti.Hl lttt Ih hlxfiirk' aIiiiwm ihts itlftlf silt I llliilir uhfrli ilia ntaTtit IhImk hi iltrt f. i. iA. ...... . .
"'""''" ' " ......... , . ., "I'm i iwi un. aiht iiic uucJinree of thce eum im. Htn.iv ni-i ?
(Via Wlrole-u).
jcapture of Xntwcn la a short time U ' No dcwii
reoorted centered at Arateatlerea. la
the Wocvre dUtrlct. whafa tka Oar- '
(man crown prince to coa.H taa
Teutons are vainly trying to cheek
SlUtA im rurk
Turkey Said to Be
(Ready for Bailies
. NoaMtlltar
ittil I'lrJH H"llf
f lltiltM till 7 '(It tlrrlrwl
It h jttiKiuiKd titttl llui Attftlnv
(irriiinn llUi'i U hoi(iil.
It U rHitleiI that (lie Iluwiiiit Niif
ts4ilor at Ciitliitl U futtoti l'
rM5 of ttio pmhitrcti ts itt' u
knm i.i ni:vict; which ah-
uv.iw.t, ki. , Aoa-muimrf. ,...,.,.,....
tirHaitte .Klmi r.MrdB ha M?" " mm in. .!..
l,MJIHt t; KltltOH
In Vnkx Tfc- AUlaUlli. J" '""
L r ' -.' - - . aat
rte4 (ipecutlOM hleh hP i.B,'?.w ',u,r'' mnT
k I. .Utd that ihr ettllra llri.',1'.1 ,!"' T.Mr .h i"""1"1 'I'lr",'. ' !'CM ,w, "",1 "tlafaclorllir
kk aHltluturr fortw, ImIiuUhk.111 ,w ''""""' ' '"' "'" iwtwl dt the Hil 8tt and Saving
Ike Iseltb rmlmrnu, ai In arllonJ "" 'n,,"r"'"' ' " uan.. and UI I , ued licnaffr In
,in rfj'i
nt(l THK JtMl', AM) LOOKS
: A romance of ncveral year' dura-
Uimmw'lUf mmhlno h J"li0n camo to a hamiy culmination thli'
"Daddy and his boya are here.'
Some people may not have beard of
tuornlrtK. when Itrv. J. S. Stubbioncld
unltcil Joscjih I'ospUIl Jr. and May K. them, ao a llitlo introduction Is in
llajlrok In the bonds of matrimony.! order. "Daddy" la C. J. Garland, a
tt kftiittnt: il tho nccdunw of ihc'Tho ceremony aa norformetl at th past master at the art of InaiillliiK
H I C ' nMomr. 'Ihlt device add the de-jl'rbterlau Maiue. "jei" into tho builneas of merchants.
WKMCra jpfeadS nO 000 I-tst IK lilu, uMtiij the vIum of tl Thu c6ttplewro for yeara residents kno nail over the West for hla un-to-
wm JWtVW -jJOl lira i. ami j'r'nls th new balance In of the Ilohemlan colony at Malln, In'thc-mlnute wothoda, and the "boys"
llirOUyn llUllffary. CaJarmAll ElstimtC ' f,,nata1'l'lP"l, which their parents have been prom- -ro Cheater Armstrong; and FT. Sber-
j VC rillwal bltliiiat Artotd.i.,5 to tho omclalu of ihn! Incut. For a couple or ) ears the bride idan, equally versatile at this ouslueu
, , J" bant. l.ieio I abjolutply no chance 'and her parents have been living In rejuvenating- game.
UH4 Maw Hertlce ifBlloil lre4 Hetlc of "rir ,n ,hl" wn Tnl ,Jr,, t! Klamath Fall, and tho groom haal The trio arrived last night from
JJWDON, Oct. ;,.A Va(ra ",..,,, n . - ,. ... (i.,'P",ct,1'. "' nr1 in 8ohorn Ore-bcen here, connected with tho Whlto'Seattle under a special contract with
late to the News Mate that holer j ""' . L' t .".. 'son. I Mmk used by the Icadlm?! 1'ellcan hotel for about tho aame'The Herald. They wilt soon bo mak
MfcMsdlng througboMt HugryJp'Um"V' "J" "prmi,n "',,", haitka of tin. nation, and reflects length of time, iloth aro favorably lnR their cheerful calls at the more
Mtkls are alarmad. far at 30PiJ erratly to tho nrourenaUo spirit of Known both here and In Merrill and prominent business bouses. Watch
rs Kaoois at liutfaiwel have been J
tUjd la frar of att MmIc.
X . f
vim irM mnm - .
THE HAtJIJK, Oct, 7. It la a
Mewl that n Oerman dtalroyer waa
li la the North He by lthr,n
of a torpedo. Th location of
lt oteurrroce U withheld.
Tfce crtw of the wrocktd craft was
d b a Herman cruiser.
Ititrnthm to rir.
Tim wiembera of the MrthodUt
KpUcopal vliurtn will tenner wi"
I Inn on TUursday etenlng at the
church o tholr tmatnr. ltv, K, I!
Itlchard and wife. A fine itroKram
has been arrnnacd, and reliMhmoiita
w(l he sefved, A cordial Invltatlnu
la exicitded to tll meiubeta of tlit'
church and their friend.
'the locnl Institution.
All itraeiinla In Italy nre worUInK
triple thi'tr itannl fri.
Yes Fans, by innings
Hold's Bit Scoreboard Will Show Series Games
. "Jloaiiu rlvp ,e world series re- thla )citr na imtul. At mo nitt', it'
,U,,MM ItlH'io I tniy lliwiim miutoy ItPic. Hj
AMlu tlin llvmlil ymrr i. i...i.,.r i,...! iwn lnin ilUrnM'icil by tlin l'ii'l-
.l!i, ... " -" ...-lr"
7 "' llila ituealloii from Ihe'ein hf thn AthlelM
lUM fsna ui. ii. ....i .. i ... i.. ti i.iih.1 iiin.i.riip It hiioiiu
.1 7-""l l VlllOtail BHI1UIV III I 111 IIMl (liilHMi " --
tlmt niHIiliid Hhurt nr a miintie i
pni llodlon III possession of the I'lmm
plonshll". All nedll U iltle fliaWW
for hi work thla enr, hut with tin'
exrepilon of hi pllclilnis lff ' '
vioefttlly Hhort In other lino. HI
leant 'wad crippled ("till mnro )oster
day, when "e" Smith, third sucker,
fracturod'A log at llrooklyn,
llut then, thaio is uhwiju nn olu
ment of chanco and tho fnna want
tha acoro by Inning. Therefore, tlmy
will get It,
V? Wiitr, Ui it ha known that tho
'iZli' M U"',,,l' iM Hie
JH bf the gamea right hoi off the
. Kiting Ul0 re(mU of Moh gn
ii!v,,ayml' Tho u, K0 h0ril
"' posted In the court house yard
"? "W nd for the time tho game
aJ'?M,on' w,u be the ,nr,e tor
M follower of tha national game
Im hay It 4oai oat lhat
22 McauiloHUy aad HU bard-
2 ,Mt WIf gang fit Phlla-
i i oart away tha gonfalon
!..-: I!'
The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie
Many people In our city or Klamath Falls will no doubt on
.lr wh) we use thoabote cnptlon, "Tho Mutual (llrl and Her
Auntie." Well, "Daddy" will tell yon why. Kvery buslneaa
i oik em lu this city I going to bo gUen an opportunity to meet
"Dndil)"or one of "Ills Hoys," and some ohm of them will exT
plain the reason why w are using this caption In the talks In"
Tim Herald.
lu behalf of this paper, alt wo ask Is it few momenta of your
time, nnd we are quite euro that there la uot a business concorn
lu thl town that will not be Intcretiti-d In whin wo will show
)ott, and It doe not cost a slnKle cent to learn about It.
Wonre going to ghoovery business concern lu KKIamath
Ftlla mi opportunity to o thl,,nnirthen It will be up to them
to decide upon the merits of "Daddy" feature, as to whether
they wluli to make, n tontinel or not, for some new and llvo
reatuiea In nderlllng In their leading p.iper The Herald.
Wti cannot tako all or Hie business Interest Into this plan
with us, ullhoiiKh we ahall kUo al nu oppoitunlly to come hi
with u. uud II will ho the old piopoiltlon "Klrst ime,. Ilrsl,
iierved," f
Itcnu'infior tlin two objects In udvcrlUlug nro to sell goods,
Immedlntoly, or to cictito prestige or good will, (
Should nn) person ho Intetested lu this fentuiu and Uh io
imiku contract, phone or nddres tho office of Tho Herald,
nnd tlioy til aond "Daddy" or oue of tho boys dowu to see you
ul onto, although wo do not want to miss one.
(Continued In Tha Herald tomorrow)
ftfljwiWwiViVi'-'fl ' i
tor them and their announcements
through Tho Herald.
"This is oue of the brightest towns
ve ever had the pleasure of visit
ing," said "Daddy" this morning, af
ter giving Main street the "once-
I out." ''With that new court house
and library going up, to say nothing
jof tho work on the city hall, and the
'industrious air noticeable at all of
l)our bright, inviting business houses,
jit doesn't look to me as though Klam
ath Falls la In the throes of any panic
or that there Is a growth of cobwebs
(osor the business men here. You can
always Judge u community by the
typo of Its business men and In this
respect Klamath Falls Is second to
; Oppoae IVopoaetl !
j United Preaa Service
I SACRAMENTO. Oct. 7 Tho Farm
ers' Protective League of California,
(representing thirty counties, met re
'eently In California and adopted plans
to oppose the proposed universal eight
hour law, the home rule In taxation
'proposal, the water commission act.
nnd several other measures that were
declared to be detrimental to the In
terest of agriculture In California,
'Klka Io KtitcrtalM
1 Tha monthly "ladies' night" given
by Klatuath Falls Lodge No. 1247,
11. 1'. O. 1C, will bo held tomorrow
evening In tho club rooms. Especial
plana huvo been made for the enter
tainment of the fair guests.
FUots of Great Britain and France
are bombarding all tha fortlfled poa(
itona of Awatria In tho. vicinity of
Cattaro In Dalnatla. ' ,
details seem available regarding
It Is stated that the forts the movement near Lille.- It to gea-
at Kessel and Urochem have surren- crally admitted that the Gena-aa"
dered, after b ng battered by the blr.'plan to raid the Urltlsh line of coai
slege guns. munlcatlons, ' ,.
It Is stated that the bombardment H ' stated that" measures nav at
o( the Inner ring Is beings rushed. ,readr been taken to check thto. but
The general staff is confident that n0 detaUs ttnS tven oaU
the Belgian will not renin much.
The staff saya the Uerman successes
are uninterrupted on the western
wing In France, and that tho French
are gradually being driven back,
Third Hohenzollern 4
Is Hurt in Fight
German Vessels
Are Damaged
t &'' &&
Unl;d 1'rass Service
TOKIO, OctT. It U reported Jhat x.
the German unprotected erutoec Cor
moran and two gunboats were daaa-
aged by Japanese shell fire at Klao !
' Chau, und were beacned to prevent
United I'ress Service 'sinking Tho Japanese- and Brltteb.
THB HAOUE.Oct. 7. Prince ElteWB8l,,p4, tia tha BombardawMU.
Frelderlch. the second son of Kaiser The harbor forts hllv bn damagad
Wllhelm, has been wounded In tho to s0me vxteni-
knee, and has been taken to the rear; " w
rla,l,TlrorainKtodlspauhes,:United States to
Censorship will uot permit the mes- . gfav-ja- TKnrilMM
sage to show where the prince - mwm
when wounded. It Is stated that he
fell from his horse while leading a nullej preas Servtca J
chr'- . KEW YORK. Oct. 7 Local atraalp
This Is the third member of th-.;0uUderssar that Awerlc kaaerdwed
Hohentollem family to be invalidated. two ttar dirigibles as -result of tha
during the war. i European war. Colonel Saaa Rahar
three weeks ago reported the result
.Mike 1 on the Lift. ot bs imestlgations abroad, aad rec-
Mtke Flinn, who has been employed ommended the dirigibles.
at the Ewauna, box factory for samoi
tint. la nAMftnail ir lita vnnm .if Ihik ff. Ih.. Incl ,UCint V.ll V, nam lhai
Oregon house with a severe attack of jpopulatlou ot Germany has Increased
stomach trouble.
from 48,000,000 to 66.000.000.
Bonus for Tuber Seed
Oregon Farmers Ottered liAKaent by (ktsiilin
(Herald Special Service)
CORYALLIS, Oct, 7 Uy growing
known varieties of potatoes free from
, r
tlou, which was tx'cently held la
Stoclttou," said Professor F, D. BaHey '
of tho Oregon Agriculture Collage
Plant pathology department, who at-
disease pests Oregou farmers mav fce-,,enaed (ho coi,Vention. "At the close
cure a reasonable bonds from Callfor-'of the convention n permanent organ-
....... .. . . ... .. p.o.-
nla growers who waut th poutoej , nation io uo Known a tne raewc
for seed. In the San Joaquin delta Coa8t l'olrt (lrow er8UAl0c,t,, '
reglou 40,000 acres ot potatoes ate'118 "!. an1 a resolution paaaed
grown auuually, and the growers are "'Jr ' " poww 1r-w-
ible of r" ui "icu lHar --ra.
anxious to get reliable
Beed supply In Oregon. aud If the
right kind ot reputation Is made for
the Oregon product considerable
quantities will find a ready market
at Stockton. At the present time
much of the crop that goes from Ore
gon is said to bo u badly mixed lot
that show uo Indication ot selection
of desirable types,
"Serious losses resulting from the
Inroads ot fungusaad Insect pents
led to a potato emergency conven-
nar Wetter
states to Join In the organisation:'"'
"Oregon growers have a In4 nwaj;
tunlty here, and It Is to "be hoied
that some action will be taken to
profit by It."
Plans for organising this' work wlH
be considered durlagconventlen week
at tno rouege, NOTeuwrae iw"e
camber 5
that, step
demand fort Oregon- iyfc
, aud It to AteietlM'lltaBi2,H1&t.
swllt be lwa e wtM&M$"M
or Oraaon-arawa aeed Mia- Pi) '&.
& 'JEA
,nK7...A4: x '
XWV h ,
rU "-