f ! r PRINTS THE MlWSWHHKITISNEWB h -- - - ' I""'' 'v ..".. M Mh vmr "' - Cunning Mttalh KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914 - TT.SmBJ.J'iBHCrtt. Fries, Mr Germans Assume the Offensive on the Right and Left ttN, lh. It. UrlnlnM-rtl, Jill' IiViiiiiii. Im(.' giiiinil lli;lil) in . . . .-. 1.-... kiutlul I.. ..It.. "II. II. .I..).... 1.1..1I I tMIHII, RIMI Hlt "t . T -f--"t , -.fi. -. , ..." iinihimh , .,ii.. if, a ttiinl. nllli inliltrr t hating h gtr Unlui-. tin grtinul IbMiklMg IWotCiMrMl lif i rtltlf hiMikk In i-tliml arttliHtnl, I irli lrMj t rltig nl illicit llie (m-ihmm iiii U iIii ptl. flic . tr Irflltg I" HWrt lint iiflruiti nlniiK Mii MurN'. D IU'k ibrie ' lHnMtM, tttillrlt U n'liiitllrtl Itml the UrrtiMini lunr- ifniiuil !( nll,'lw mi lk rM on.l r( xltilf. litxinuiMri. ititlnx' IImI tin- IJrunn smIhi-iI Mlf Ih4 (M'uml Idol llx' allir jrMtlnl toluol trllj. fllll' llUl ' rtttM Mllltll) t jllir- m Ih lll.'Otl 1)' I In I III'' MHu( twUlalll llu ItgMlog 'll(l lltltin t f ltli.no In n ill (I'MollC MlllllMlutl fu.imt (irrtiMii trtliilry (iirrr tit Ursfn !. nit rrHitirl hi ! t-nlii.M 4 Ullr. iIiikIh brftwr III ftrr of ll'r- ril'iii), ttkiMtig i.mtf iik-mI hi M4iliil ul Ibe Hi"- f truienlrro, Around Att, MM tlm fight (Mlikuf Dili N'HIIIK-, (In nlllMlliili I nil. J 'fill Mllk.it ,LurI. 11irt ar nllritMlr wlHhin mill irllirliiriiU. '"lit f'f ("' Creditors Hunt the Duke of Manchester Sp Tfc JafkfJM ' 'I&JyamaH .r 'aaaaaaaaH aVrlT'aaaaaal rvaaaaaH Pw.aaaaaaaaV jMKSJ! 1 -. Of OLD TIMER IS FOUND INSANE riH'VrV COUIIT TOI.V COMMITS) TOM UlMMIH, H'flO ltlXllli:rt m:.k i.t.i.v in nvv os Tiir. gnjhTinx w iiki.kiio.v Manrlimipr, imic nf HOMESTEADS m BEJNLAR6E0 MONK til IV A Mll.l'lOV ,CHI IV IMts fT I : IIIMUi.V,Ti:i IIV i-ri:itiim ihuiitmhxt am M.(IMU,i: l.M ROOSEVELTSTREET PARTLY VACATED 1H.UT HirrUK.V IIMlCliS 17 A.M ih, nitsT AimiTiov, ui:vr.itrs r uvm:ii, AniiiiniM. to eiiimwmi: .iirri:ii llriiUtt Jukt-ii who Ikb' im4irl-tl tiilo nu AiiH'rlinn lml))', lm Iml a (l! (toiiblK In .Wo York Cliy.j jln.i Iduit Hii-I n a tiurt 1 1 mo liv! Itttli rcftiutoar unit 4tUf' ?it) on. (Tin' duke, U m t!iafK-i), hy noma or Ihl itnUlMm, Katti rlittk which tint I Tutu Wood, an old n-tfilrnt of Klninsili count)', living m-nr Alnlln, WHO UrniiKlit let Klantwth Knlln Moti- 'ilur iiinl brouKlit tntiatn tin- romiij' tourt ihU nflcrnooti in !. oxamliH-J jii to liln haiiHx. Ilo vn diIJikIkiM ) I ilium', niul ttimmlUcdi ViM)d im-iitnl cqullibrliiiii apiii-arx to bf In u jillnblp roiKlllou now, but llici" U imiMt that uudfr the ii4( ini'iil lit I hi- porliitli! fit Halcin, Ua urny tii-rtitni- normal ukaJii INITIATIVE BILL TALKS NOW GOINb jl'IHHT '.H IIKI.II UXHT MCJIIT AT ) (II.K.VK. A'l A.VlTlli:it THIS i i:vi:xix; at wohiikx talk i AT I.IIIIIAItV OI.HII 1 r ; i Belgian Kills Fifteen Germans Ab at m JM1 f SI GUM, HAIR DYES AND PERFUMERY HIT BY SENATE si:vi:i:aij .Mir1i.ioxs.MonK avah- 'VT' Aiir.K Ornirrf-intlr ritiinfr Coininltlr of the S'iinli Jmiki n Niiinlicr of Alter I Ion- In ihu War Tat Hill Ummf ot lli ln-nt Ant li !! T tlur S.1IIH rtiltw n Tln-jr rr DhHsc lln Sio.ijUh-Amrrlcan H'r, ;r': y. vrs5 llmultui mi HltUeli th")' nt-ro Jruwn Ifnlltxl to iiouor. Thnt lii illuiicarl. Imtltii-.K i-nlurrn MMr)i In' liat not ( lui'ii all? iu -iilil" to hurceju. Tliv, iliiki iiibrrlril the daiixlitpr ut u vcrjr wrlihy ClncliinntUit wmp yrn niso. lil lnrp (hrtt har int imifh nf hU llrni In ttit I'liltnl .Stnti. WASIIIS'trrO.S', IL ti, tJ. fij i 1l tjlf roumll lt lilslit flfHl fftuiy Uiip h. notinoil Hpiutorr9" Hi ra(lC tit ! of mmrl.ln Omt ! Iw iknUiiMI '- Mtwl. M. Wrl- IT , , ,. . , . iftiiil ll. In lltm Aililltlmi. Tbi wa m MB.irilKabU morP tdnn l,fth,oaftlH 'dMll4w wi, , ,..illl1 , tam of Urnl In OrrKun, l'fiKB luilnit rntrlt ot UiJ ntn- , Ihity ome vt 6o. At tint lint Wt-rlliiK of tliu Council MtMll llio .tr.leimlcl art.. mar all. Cwlintllman Mnllil liclil Ili4l In? irianiMii.nirt...H.lM.t. ... n'ttDxmlil jclln n .artof tlio lru't 'n I) Hklne ui ilrtilcitalril vuraiii Urnl IJottit,K it,.r irrcnl nitrk. TV order Ml! .VowmUr loth. fui flti? ulatlou. Tim otlirr liirin- tor hold ilml tliU toulii, HOI bi Ivcal . itf iiuur, h if linn iivim uti nil h.m rlfwllvn' , , t imriwtr only ' ' I 4. itlil.n lik rftft. llltil)iHki lflit.tlr Tl.l... il ..!..-. -. - !-.. iniMTtiHwiiw; tt wim; ......w kib w V IT ' f .. . M.H.HIiiC ! lMt.T, f KtHM. ImI tli.U(ti, Crtiok, Hlirmnn,Whrl(r. . , '., Mwruw, Han..)', (iMiit. UtnMllln.r , MriWHrwdltoVrrwiimiw. , ' Amm-.I.i N.....M,. f,.u,n-.l Uiik. Kliliiinu I W,,", h U'mltli titvittii, rB- Kmj.lo)P, of J c Mlilill nr lo.!fc"'r,M! Vnlt'"1 w ,,rr,'ai"' l Iodine on ntty rnt of Din 1.30u w"n' ","1 ,,M! N"rWe,t, UMinTTIior "i pf titlo Jlltcl.r. retititUy iur-1 w:r, "'Kel I" 'rtlInB ih Ourman rhu..i from tlm y.x rnucli In Ijikw tf"u"r ,:',a l "'"i ltH Wcru untr Tlw cttln I. IwIiik loil4 ,nr ' ilUMr.'J li' llrllUli l MMUit.l for miiitlK.rn ihiIiiU. " ;wW,',H ""' ,,,kvn " 8t ''url" '" - 'nwiilt dUiiiDilliiiii li n irio court " r'riuii .Mnti.li, , , , Mil Kimll, "mayor of HiAr.r S.lnV Klmr for IVmii Mfh," niul Mm, Knoll r. Imro li- Klntr Alidiotmo of Hinln lia nimln Itr frunitliPlrrinp ranch In lliouortlit'Uiliimatlo roirtKriit.illoii to ll' part nf dm loiiniy. Knott Iim fulled Htatn, offurlni; to co onrli' doltiE rotnl work .imMliwanl llt I'lmldcnt WlUon I" lirlnu almut '') I Iiii Port, linin In KtirnH Local Library Is Free SP of the Work Extended Through Conlribut ions ThrmiKi, i liindnoHn and iinr- itlii."' h0," Kni"n Fa" cHlwiw, J ,,l"""''' l.lhrary Oluli IN at lam " M in fultlll out. or Hh nrnat. 2Lm. '""H ",hBl of mWm 'I" frv i, ,lu g,tnurtt im,,Cf au "',of"ro u "H dr0 lina lncu .'"' J'l auarlrly, for tli jmr r.( ""'Inialnlni tho Institution. J"Mc tpiriii.il ,,or,0 ,mvo C0W8 t0 IMi m"' ,,,ml",,, nml I'lolnHlltnlloH tnt t Un C0Vll n br0l,er no,J( u ' ? ,,ow "yiem iom uto orroct J. A K,,',erl 'UvJUtlon Imn h endi-d , ,8 g,, pbl(,( "'111 icliuul itudent mid puplU of tint uradu KcliooU to malm umi of ttliu hookn, Olio or Hut die oliJmlK llio I'lud nuiiillit In m'i(initlluli vviih 10 furiilflli n coniforliililii plnt'ii wlnr Uiohd wltd mil lioniu rouvi'iili'iiroH fonld aiioml Miur Jit"', Toward tdul vnd tlm reading room a ohtiilillnlmd, mid lla aucctws lit till Voiccl waa mnrkod from llio Htnrt, Tlila lau will Biiccoed ullll morn now, for Iu addition to tliu imiKanliicx offered i!itronn or tdo ivadliiK room will now do ndln in l.akti mlviintugu of tdo lllirury, wild no cont to tlmm-olYqu. Work of maklut Ike iol ac quainted ltb the jiuroort of at least ome of the propow-d lawn, aubmlttcd to llio iHHiple Ujr iultlallre jH'tltlon, l.o iKtii tlartcd In the county. Mm .nlfjdt Kr-d I'etcrton conducti-d a wll atlrndrd dlt,-UMlon at Olcuc, and to day he and Itollo C. (lriK-nteck left 'for Wordiui, where a dlncusslon llt bit ludd tonight l.nl nlglit Mr. Orwsdcck joke on 'i'olltlc4 and tde Common l'eoplo" at fllit I.lhrart r?lnli. jm ltf. tlu. Ij.ltit. , ...""" ,tlvo drpartment of tdo club will hold l.lr,l, tt MrrllMK ln.ll. mcrUng, of ,he lmpartla dU. No that tlm da)s nro IhwiiiIhr Cu.lon of the meiuurwi. nonrr nnu tne par t.rornn no not oilier dIcuIona to he ftld In the? warm u a .-any in too sarennon a c0lltr aro ft, follew: Ihry did k liltlo whllo mijo, tlm SonK- Prldar. October S. Malln. ! ot Kiwi are caMlns about for lnterl Tuwday, October 13. Upper loe' i(imriciK, whern tdo war' proKreiw.' Valley. . taurii. cattle, the prlfo of putiy and( Saturday, October 17. Hlldcbrand.' older momiutoua q.iietlana can be Tuilay. October :o. Midland. . dinciiMeil. A bulldliiK, rent frtni, wild Wednwday, October 31, Merrill. fuel rurituiied, I liletl, and pernoim, KHdar. Otcober 23. Miller Hill. tutfd I'reirf Senrlcn WASUJNofoN. II." C., Oct. I.'!, tla (lemocntilc memberk of the en at. Iliinrito commute, met lolay., prior to the democratic cauciu, and Jiiopted an amendment to the war tax bill, trhercbr a tax of 4 cents will be levied on each dollar' worth chewing- jjnm. ' The committee decided ,lo tax pat ent rnc-illclrics made by private; formu las and rerfumw. hair dyes and Jea ttfrlccH the same as during the Spaa-hli-Anterlcan war. Thti committer added a tax o' sparkling wlnm. These were ot taxed under the bill as it passed the i 1 lerre l.ant, a Uelglan soldier, wai tbelr regiment. The photograph how h- The rate fixed U one eeat ror 'decorated by Klritj Albert with thv an u3irc- nf hie rur.in..i t..4i . Dint and two cents ror lancer kettles. crow or th Order of Uiold because the order or tho king, and congratn- " ,s tiniated that the MMtieaal In a recent battle he killed fourteen latln: dim. He Is now one or tn ,aw provided ror today will add ser German roldlera and. tho cotouel or Belgian national heroes. cral cillllon dollars to the goVera- ' ment's Income through Internal reT- O-WHEN IS THE TRAIL NO TRAIL SAylSmfT M lflSf : IIUI lULriLLCU IHEILi n 01 WD WIIK.V IKHtSi;.Mi:. UHK IT FOlt iSH!lii.H i'JlH AvuiiviDwki XK t'SI.MJ "TIUII. OK Till: lomwemi: rixtr ' VAI.ICK M. SOUTH WOHTlt IlltlVrsS1 . 1 ;- ?" -i e-rf -av. A, -4 z T MEX MIE ALLI.-GUS l'liO.MJSKU Tt 1'AV IlKKOIti: THIS Ity Ullt.V Kl.f ' Suit to recover J7S0, ropreaentlng Kvenbodr knuw ihnt ih -,.! t 30 alleged due rrom Alfred 1 Dob- Tuesday, October 2". Pine flrove l-'rlday, October 30, Henley. 'SdlpiiliiRlon 1 not a paradise track tou and D- M' UrllHth, and damaecs .when very dusty or muddy. These ,le sunned aa a result or their ac- laro the condition iLnsaunnv. m.wt nr uons. ls sougui in m suit meu m the - "llio time. A great many pedestrians There are tuld to be nearly or quite. fro... shlimltnttoti. iltet. nit- ...i ,000 varc,M of ,.1 ,h0 l'dllip-J0,hor Mlburban points paw oxer this 1 "' nine Inland. It U probable that somei.i.,.,- ,., ,,.., ... M l"U UUIIU5 H? BUWIUVI, fatderlm. I'redm. editor or tlm of ihrav will prove nearly duplicate. AbQul 2i000 (j 1-nliiR nuoit iiccoiiiuiodatlona to offer nhoulil itilitri Hob AlmiiniliT, the ,Mot llili'd Hon" of the local branch, VI-It TUKKM HIS LEG 8UHXO VO HKCOXO IX A (IAMK AT BHOOK I.VX" TODAY Merrill ttecord, wna n Monday vUUor'lmt tde nctual number or varieties Is In tde county -it, ery great. mitiiiirsuiVVVu0j0j. WMVWVWVVWWWVWWVWWWWVWWWlVWMWWMMMWMV The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie An announced In )t'tordnyi lnmu ol The llerald, "Daddy" Is KoIiir to have miiiiu heart to heart talka with every business courerii In Ktauintli Full. luvludiuK tde prortulnnal people, and, In (act, eury man, or woman, tdat la expecting public pat miuco, udould lUten, for eory dimlnewi man, oory professional man or woman, nil advertleer, wdelher they admit It or not. Our iiinuiiers, our clutlivs, our appearanoe, our speech, ev ery thing that wo do or nay advortlnea tin, and wo cannot deny It. lilnrii ou limn to ndvurtliu.', wdy not do It rlgdtt Aa 1 said In yoMerday'r: dunie of Tdo Herald, thero aro only two reasons why a man Khotild not miveitltic, ml, nfter all, thoy aro not ri'iuouH, dut exctmeji, In moat rates. I learned a long time ago, aa a aalesmau, tdo difference be (worn n ii'iihuii and an exctue, nowover, the man who makes llieso exruni'4 will ay: "I have no much luinlnoan 1 don't have to iidMirtlHu," or "I davu so llltlo IhihIiu's.i I can't afford to ad xeillim," Now, If u mail Ik looking ror an excimo lie daa one or theno (wo to offer nil tlm lime, Omu In n grout while a hUHlneati man will offer an older cxcuko, willed, I think, la the weakest one In" (ho whtilti category, uiil that Ih thU; "Kverybody here knows mo - I hiivo boim In litialneHH for 'nlgd on Iu forty year.' " AdMrlUliiK U having the right Idea anil using It at the iIkIiI llmo, Thoro nra three fundamental principles In adver tising: llo HonoNtt Ho Sciibllilo! lie lVrslalent! Why do tieralstcntT HocaiiRo Urn hardest thing to And la yeHlerdiiy'a imwapaper, Walch for "Daddy'rt" talks, In Tho Herald only." If j jjij-u-u-.fi m-.M-.r.-.-1-r.-.- -- - oni.i ItlJOOKLVX, Oct. 6. -The Boston i I J raves received a (hard sethack: ik ? their race for the world's chassis- j 'shin today, when third base-asju.F. t ' circuit court by Alice M." South worth, v- Smith, fractured his.. -',WH V. II. A. llenner is her attorney. uilth was sliding to secoad la Ue The plafntltf alleges that In lMO,j-rt Kame with the Dodgers today she sold some lands ror a little overjwhen thi mishap occurred. A J $1,000. accepting a mortgage rorf Smith's average as an laMMac wafer I 300 of this amount. Later, she says, rourth in the Natloaat" League "'hist the derendants bought the proiwrty.lyr. and he also quallfled as a plaih and agreed to pay her tho money duej,lt';r- Who wl,l hold dowa the "dlf and luterest thereon If she would 'ficult corner" for the Braves dutiar make out a release. ('u series Is not yet unnounced. Tho complaint sUtes that she dld( this, aud placed the release Iu the Xrarly HtxwereU. First National Uank. Sho alleges that l-'e -Mills, who has been nursing without satlshlng her claim, tho de-! bolls for orne littlo time. Is about out o say u mil omcrwmo useo," . , . , . , , . ,i,.r ., i,.i. r- ... , , , , . .' rondanta secured her release, and had ol a joias a nurse, and here Is where, trouble starts.'.,,, .... . , ... ., il ii nil iu mu iijuiju rrniius, uuu uui St. Cloud this summer. To preclude the necensity or xvulklng In tho main duxty or muddy road, tho people have made a trail from lllehn addition to Fain lew. This trail threads along the hillside s.omo distance aboxo tho wagon road, aud If uot otherwise used Is u good route for pedestrians. Wo say "ir upt otherwise used," for horsemen persist in riding oer, this iootatli, aud as a result of (roughly shod and newly shod hoofs. as yet she has been unable to recover -Motor tu Agency. tho $500. .Mr. aud Mrs. O. M. Hector. Bob Alexander and Claude Alexander. o- ,e tra . s cut up , ay tnat w Tho flno-t m wwn tor?d tQ th0 K,awalh Agencv MoB(tay. It hard to walk over, especially for. ,.,,.,,, ., nv fnntn 'Thev reoort the roads In noor condl- 11V tUV lUtV " uwyu vnsi K'Hhiv tvva ih i - tf -- -r--. - - - women and school children. The people have protested in vain, ( It looks like any man with tdo least consideration for tho welfaro or his, neighbors would tuke n tumble to tho. rights or others, and uso the main' road. ' One Individual oven mado au at tempt to drive over the trail In his wagou tho othor day, but for what, purpose ho alone knoy8. We just say these few words lu be liaU or our neighbors, trusting that thoy will bo sufllcteut. about twenty-threo days. tlou. v See Big 1915 Travel To Kucourngo Marriage Quick to real Ire, as did Oermany, llio necessity or n high birth rata to offset tho deaths duo to the war, a movement has deen started Iu Eng land to reduce tho marriage fees and to encourage soldiers and sailors to take wives before leaving for the front. Tho Archbishop ot Canter bury has addressed an open letter on (ho subject to a London paper. In Clerniauy a similar movement waa In augurated uouio time, ago. Crater Lake Co. Manager and Photographer Gty r Over 18 per cent of the wage eru era lu Pennsylvania are women Firmly convinced that Crater Lake la to become the most popular nu tlouul ark lu the We.tt iiud tdut great bcueflu aro to bo secured from this dv Klamath Fulls. Alfred U. Parkdurst, manager ot the Crater (Lnko company, and Fred L, Klser, the renowned photographer, came in today rrom tdo park, ou tdolr way north. Tho seasou at tho lake has closed, and the hotel U shut up for tho winter, "Considering the slza uud the now- I uea ol Crater Lake National Park, It rteelvtd more patronage this season, .In comparison, than did Vellowitos Nutloual Park and Glacial National Park," said Mr. Klser. "TJhera "were, i more people at the parhflthto, yaa, .tlinn over before, aud aa' unusually largo uumuer trom uamna.4u,l "There Is no question hut what ua war and the financial Wreat'a their 'effect." said Mr. Parkhurat. "Wat the setison Just cloaed was eat Irely factory, aud we are lotwai terwara to stilt greater are prepared . . " - -i ureat 'arrea -war-ppw-iiarwmr ; KwwvwwKVWWWMww'wwwwwwyawawe. j":'tA W frt i rJp -''ir'Af rt'? - s;m ImwaI ma aa "ST a ' f T "55 Jt"-. !rt ;v:av . m x : s..rm.M.f.LmmmiMi ",ni .- ; - r w Xur "r-at o?J. - ,.' f & V- - h && tr- w r f. nTi .. ' '' ..Via -.. .. fc' r-.J ft n r'.iti r.