The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 05, 1914, Image 1

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burning Ultvnlb
-" -,-wfff;!rK,ffy.Ttf;
.sx - -sastrrcc
Prtea, Jtra
German Right Still Being Hammered; Center Unchanged
i;u:iui. nt-miiii: nun ahi:
.luM-iiom l'iitl rrt frtitr
I'rwnlH IIimI llrrttMf) Will Sui '
111 n ill)' I'rthllr IIiiII.IImu
ivkhi iiMii.iiitK ,w ,t r-.ii
( M.i-llrtltig- Fifth! in t'ntrr.
,MI I'nd. ,, In ArtUtt.
U ' I
! American a Zero of the Belgians
j -
I iB
BBBaaHtaLAli.. aTSBTSl
I JBv i
' PElKf 'HWI
vSBTSmw-f.& JjlHv'lliTr4' EP fH0 l a'SaTb'SB'SB'SB'SBTSM
?fo?&L v. v,WMBr aWVJ
onTu oinco idc
Ready tor the Front -I UUIII ulULu nlU.
Will. IN ,1111 ItF.FOItTs IMtH.VS ilM.WMtTIOV I.h To Hi: t.KTIKT.
.ion:tiii:.m.ii , i.n .soov
Ih'mimii War OMri-
(In- lit niimiN Are (Salnlne Ih-rUtrr
I) Willi Tlirlr lllctii Wing In
I'liiiiM', awl Tliul I tie Alllr-t I .lilt-
llntc 111-11 MervrU
l'litr li)' Tnilunn,
siMliiii.iit vt)k,Si Iuj MWou Will 'Ic'Ilrld llrrv
Srt Siiitiiiu-r, l In- McfiliiK l 1(4
llrlrt In ii Ijirge Trill, Willi I'nx
gram .Iflcmixiii anil Kieiilng, ami
n Cli.itigp f Titlcnl lliery Tu
a .III
ill Scleral
'0rrji r
Culled I'rrw Service
1 IJKUI.IX. (via ulrelws). Oct. 3.-
jlotlucal. It U bellcied, U preparing
llld rrM ifetvU
LONDON. IM, i.-ll U toileted!
tfUla Hi" Upr'tlaht hfttp
-nauthrmi I tin J'l. l'tlirlUf
WiMfp Mil Wrtlhulm fotla t
lirtao mitti-tn ml of Attiwrrn'c lint.
4 6fflK. Tb. Ita I not HM.M. . - "' "' J"1"' 'r1 a . ' ,"
l A Wrltaff., ........ . . .... . .. .. ......! H..I-I... ..rt!.. ,.. It Ih knmpl .tUuthti llrltlib kuti
i .in n nt-ii luviru mim iii inif ti'-ni ru'ii hiih -- - .. . . . ... i .1.... ,.
Tb Ulut U MOMliil lhl unlr....,,, v..i, ...hi. ..... him,t lii ili artlun .re klllmt ml " iKl"nl hate bMii lanoea at ;.." "
Tliu Klamatli I'alU Chautauqua
jAmlily U a reallly.
Suiflck'iil mtn and vronu-n Interest
'U In ttui holding of such an educa
tional And entertaining evi-Dl hero
next aiimuior wcro found hi two days
to old the alllr. Late maritluie ad
iilfM alinw thai a tiumlior ot llrltlsh
fttnmnnnluve reached Lisbon.
..... . . . KK....iM 1.. .... .u.
, it J rvported t that tney ar to uej"1- 'is. m i-i muw tunu
.utiHl to lranport rortugt-so troop to enough ero found, and -still more
'tl.r Initio trout In France. mmf an boltie addt-l .
A lUt of thoc iupprtIiiK the or
Itesr ThU iliilBi'h fhu
Ik .hint sutin ialo lh tii lbirf- ,i.fc ,... .,1 ii. nr,i-r of Iho l'rlnto do l.len niiundM "rrtHlliii,
Thrr mo ruhlnK to the i:ider S. 1). Marian, O. A. Slurtu.
'ui-ariue ino cruo in iiiv vihipi i i' imv " - - --- . .
Clrlltun Oill ralslur.. Ih. fill. '. ....... ...- ....... .i...,.if 1.... ui.-.i ...! hi. nanv co. aar!S'l -!nrorce til HrlUtli. . t i-aucUU ii. U. Coatct,. .ucssie
... -,..-,. - .. tlll, Ulllfll ItlllS rtlMt'll IIIHiJ"t. - ,.t,., - .--- . -. , .,,,. ft 1
Thl'nntli and llrllUh inx atj ,)1(irt, m ,,lp Vmor,.4,, ,rci. wf-l alUr arromplUhlni; thrlr ork.' Thf laloM ar oIT.ce talemcnt ay Applcgate. . T. MoUchcnbacher.
upon.. In forr nrr 0,!ftd. Thi. fcho ,,', bn,B r,fcMfl,ur 0f KH,e .Mbrti :i cjulci. to reward thcjihr Herman rlKhi U KalnliiK dclhlyj'rt-n . ;"'e1i ,V,"s"n', c
Ii iWablr 10 i.aitlt-lhalu In an nut. ."....' . ... ... .i.. .In rrarnv. Chandler. K. V. Ilawloy. J. D. Hlght,
w -- --'.-. -r -.- mn rtiiiir hii iiiiniir rni. iiiiinii 111 iim' iiviivii. --- -,-
(Unk',it cwmiinef wllb (ho objl of
dfhlae tbr (rmatii frm llturxn-U.' " " " .... .. . ,. .. ... .
I Irmii null Tun lilil. iiiiimi . . 1. 'i-iiu,
uniJpr A rtUltnl niiciliiB of tbo Women
the ft the line have btyn pierced
French drhen to their
IbrfcUf rIUK Antwerp,
Ijip p dupauhr InaicalP " ,"',,r """ u""' " """ v "" Mul tin-
Ihi-if mp Tfoop. Uicfp. TbU,",'",,',rtor,,,,,'RUU,U,,,r,,lM' 'hrlHlan Trmppmnr., Union vlll lc, r4.c,.--
tof lw nmn ft! Hip Cunndlnn rricl- ' ",",",' i.nTr) 1 '" ,m touuiiroA' nficrnoon at tlu llap. 11 at in 1 0 ar.j tlchtlug furloutly
I . The allle nanWlug operation hate , -f "l0n' J tS:,h"eM"!;' K' E C?,e:
'Lien checks, and at .eral point. In mU ?s l" l-.hU,10"; A No-
' jTtr f l" CUn1.m11 9 C Clnimli
Icr, J. W. Siemens, W. S. Slough, A.
l lt hi-W In the. bpmpni of Hip .,,, rhurcli. bi'slnntiiB at 2:30 Im-.
'libtnl,' IhU pVonlne, nhrli Hullo 0. ..arlaut bimlnp Mill couip bpfoio the llriv I'rom Ml. Ilrbniu.
(liorlipck lll t.wak on
mul lip Cotumuii IWple."
women nro lulld.
.Men and
(Ireat ivpiiiiih)' of power U rlnlmeil
for a )liu of ratiat timneo ihnl
!l-!ii6 pitxtrlmeiiteJ hIUi in ilormnii)
u um niiiMirnmlraru (he tnedlclne moil .SSti ralluny brlilsM rro4lns over thot'Tj ' ' , '.....
.....i ... .!. ...... i. !... . Charles F. Stone, John Hagolstein.
ucsl In the troplr. itstrceU. n. , , ' ... ,, "
'. IPhnrlnt Mark. Ilnv Klnsmnn. It E.
In Milch Urn mw boat U mipplle.1 vslth - . . .u. . , . lh,,w,.nr nP. n..orr Mm .,.,, nr n
Wrtlltt It till l n0iiKM iiOllwjr 111,4 l ilinv vVs,s,Jvlw I y pjaijf Joliu Shepherd
Cnliml I't... iUrrlrw
ANTWIJUI', Orl. 6,TP Kltita.
lion U ruelirnt, orcry fori U In nr
foa," U (ha ilalnmeiil alvrti out by
lb wr ortkn o.y. 'Thp (irtnuu
lino calnrii nowberp, mid !) rn
hobl out iiulf rinliely."
Il U reporte.) ttmt Amnrlmu Uon
ul (Iftmrnl l.'thnlbnrt Wall hai
. ttio (lermnn tomtnaudpr n,rini mi n aubmcrgeil rail.
mto tkd IlelBlau historic hillldlHK.I '
The cominuidr promlned, on rumll-' Alhnti) bulnpi men are Ir'liiB to
lloa lhat the lleUlniik not tuu Hi ratio IT.SOo to eularfie furnUute
for mllliary purpontM. plnitl.
Novel Contest Is Started
Scboolchildrei to Be Rewarded for Best Letters
lit Campbell. W. II. Shaw. W. K. St-e-
horu. iter. J. S. Stubbletleld. Herbert
, U. tlalo. J. C. Smith. Dr. W. It. IJoyd,
,MI.s Kdna Wells, Dr. C. K, Wheeler,
K, K. Magee, C. A. Uai.1. O. K. Wll-
... j lej imii tiv . 11 aiiuiii ... &. .uevii,
. ' ACTIO.V r v t v
KciKJrU Imllcnip That Kaiwr Is D
IiiK Hie Same. Hut I be Rporta
From 1'itrli .ro 10 llw F.ffecl Ttuit
tin- neriiuiu Itlxbt I IJelnjc Driven
lt.11 k. While Hie FlgbUac A loan
Hie luee Hat Keen Ouumed.
United i'reas Service
I.O.IO.V, oet. .-. Kttraortearr
relnfonliiK of the Oermaa left tadl
VateM Iliac the knlter realitea tfae
priui lniorluurt of the aatj'm 4riC
in boliliiiK the prewent 1um. tUyrU
iuiy 1I1U uill prolong, but ot rhaaae
I lie outroiuc.
All the Indlaii mul Colonial UHUafa
uitli Hie
f .
of the
The ulicreubouU of the Caaadbui reg.
Iinrnt Is a uiyntery.
United rreas Service
PARIS. Oct. 5. The- Germans con
tinue to drain their righting unit
otsevihere to reinforce von Kluk aad
von licwhm at the extreme right, tlll
bearing the brunt-of the fight. An a
MM'lltiK, nud a full attendance Ik de-j J. II, McAllister I here from
I-.mI. Iltf.l.wtn lnllf whir.. ho ftt Amnlnvml
II.. ,1- Ul' II...... I ..rnh.r cnmnnne'-'OKUe, A. Oehler. Mltll Kthd OtOSS.
Ilaniilton-i Iteturn.
Dr. It. It. Hamilton, wife and
.l-iinthiAB -. VM (.! Clilrililt' lvll
uu"":l 1Dl",ur" -j -.. P,ui. nt thl Btrnfti. mllltanr bm ant
0. W. White. Mr. M. J. Ucebee. C. C.'from MarahlWu. and lll make their confiJent
home here. They are residing at
forced to
that when
retreat, she
lit (Im order named ulnhi, calo-
'mel, rnntor oil, tlliclur of Iron, opt-'
Mls Mura Dice, Dr. F. M. White. A
in the Count, of London there are,, Y- Tin-". J B. M. Chlleote. Karl Whit-
UCKt J, l. iriiuiu, lll-UCKH i- IIU UUU,
.Seventh -and Canal, and the doctor evacuate France enUry.
wilt have
Thu battle north of the Otoe coatln-
Ih I u IntereNl of mllltnllon, lln)
wlitmr of thu county -will con.
dcl Utter Coiitem through Hie
,,ut",c wIhmiU, offorlug award to thu
''"I'll" (iinl ntmlenU writing liio bot
l-tirat 10 frlviiil or relallve rwlil'
n oiii,tu 0f Kinniwth county, Invll
'( lliciu to Hiiiko tlilr homo here,
J""l Klvliift good ruiiMnnN for nkliiK
' to ninkw the thtugv, Th eon-
"I Mlieinu hH rwelvml tU i-Mlonte.
wtut or rofcaor Frotl I'elermm.
'"'inty iiierlneiniiiu.
'I Ih In open nt once, and to clone
'KOInlier Ht, All I..... .-.. ... i.
,.., . ' "II IVMI HIV III Mil
nailed in it... '!...... .
. xHnmiiwr ui .iiiuiiiBri.i',
rom wlu-ro they will bo forwarded to
; frl""' J'Klwi, who nro to bo o.
couat fr'" lb" ,00,,,ni ,u,f of n,
iJI"m' ",ory' "0,(l' "wu th wln"
w. Not wuch noUbut Moui-h o
iiimldi fhiUtuin 11 lltilo moro hipy
j fur the forluunto rotieMtiitit.
Hcbolarly friend. Iimv would jou
lllin in Mlu ilo dolliir. Imvn your
pliolnginph Mild lotlor piibllnheil In
Hit IimmI piipoiH nud In tlto hlg daily
piipiirn of 1'iirtlund nnd Hiicrnmenlo;
bi known u Iho bent lottwr writer In
tlio county, mul himi pooplo point
you out with prlito ntj a winner
limy himi )ou iuoo iiIouk )H"' 'liilly
walk of llfot Hounds Ki'inl, ehT
If you Will your pllieutri Will feel
Juitllv iifoiul of you, mul love ou
with A deeper Iom'! your ncliool will
honor you with 11 deeper honor, mul
tull through llfo you wilt carry tlio
mark of public ilUllnclloii. Wotth
working for, Isn't It T
Ye, you have Jtul a gooil R chmico
lo win u nnyouo olio, No, tho high
(Oontlnutd on I'M )
The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie
Mr. C. J. Onrland and hl two boy will be In Klamath Fall
neon Tuny are known a "Dady and III llo" In tho adver
IU111K Held, nnd (he) will feature a new plan of advertltlng for
Tho Hern Id one that will bo rli;ltt up-tn-the-mluuic In special
lldU'ltUllIK'. ,
The Herald In. nmdo nil neo.-svary arrnugomiint with
"Umldy," and will nro thU plan eelulvoly in thl paper.
"Diulily mid III llo)'como to !hl paper with thu highest
uromiueiiilitlloiiH tin to (heir elemi, good method of doing
buliieit, nud with 11 Inrgu and urled experience In promt!)-
kjIIiik new, nttrtu'tUti and Npvrlnl feature. Today, moro than
en-r befote. uewNpnpeiiidvi'rtlHlng, If featured corroctly, la the
one liet winner in tm-cntlcd publicity, and "Daddy and Ills
lid h" lime innii) of thene new fouture to show, explain and
luleiext tho IniHlnon pooplo of our clt,. "Daddy" wiy, that
now-ii.du)it n IniHlne conrein of any Mud, no mailer what
they me Helling, 110 mutter whether they 1110 conducting buiine
In 11 town of 400 or u city ot 400.U00, have Just two reasons
why they hould not advertise In their local paper, and these
two le-thoitM me uiinlly KXCl'SKS, Ho also nnyKJthat he
1 rally liellnxe Chut when u IiiikIiiov man tell him that ho can't
iiifoid to niitke 11 certain appropriation for advertising lu hi
local paper, that he I jiiHlflled, mid believe that ho I doing
(hut merchant a good tin 11 by telliiitt him, mid advUlug htm to
advertise hi huKllie FOIl HAI. II.
"Daddy" want euuy busliuii concern In thl live, splen
did little city to keep their 0)0 on hla advertising talks, whether
you advcitlfto or not (Hint' up to you), You nitty learn some
thing to your advantuge.
In a short time, orxanltatiou of a
' Association will be per
jfected by tho supporters of the moe
'ment. They wilt also take up ar
rangement for tho six day "feast of
rcisou ami How- ot soul" to bo held
here. All ot the signer realize the
benclUs to be derived from such a
series of meetings, and are highly
clutcd nt securing such an assembly.
Klder S. i). Harlan, who has been
working for an assembly here, report
that he encouutered a good deal of
opposition owlug to the Ill-fated at
tempt at n Chautauqua lu 1012. Tho
opposition, though, faded, when the
plan of tho KllUou-Whlte system
wero outlined, and somo objectors be
rnuitt supporters.
Tho bureau conduct Chautauqua
assemblies In sixty different Western
cities, many of them In Oregon. It is
thioitgh this co-operation, and tho
booking nud circuit system adopted
that it I possible to secure high clas
entertainers, levtuter and musicians
for the assemblies.
Meetings will be held In n big tent.
It ha been found that thl I much
cooler and much moio satisfactory
than a hall. There will bo afternoon
nud evening sessions, with talent
changed every other day. In tho
forenoon thero will bo training
classes In charge of specialists,
has secured ofHce in th Whlte'bulld
tn. Tliiitna th nMtmnt VfMlf. TlhllA
bUofflce. are being remodeled. Dr-.V?--?:!
will occupy Dr. White's -"'" -
, Strongly reinforced, th,e sJliea mn
To protect the eyes or motorUts at.nd,n5 the,r " north of Arraa.
'night from glaring headlights. K0S."invinS tho German right eastward,
gle have been lnvente.1, the upper The efforts ot tho enemy to break
portions of the lenses of which are i - - wiwwwwiwwiwmww
Jof dark amber glass. 1 (Continued oa page 4)
t --
Fort Fair Is Best of AD
Tnose WboFafled to Attend MitsdEiceieHSUw
(Herald Special Service)
For photographers' uso lu dark
rooms thero has been devised a lamp
carrying several different colored
glasses la a wheel In front of Its open
ing, so any colored light can be ob
tained when dcalred,
people of tho Wood ltlver Valley were
greatly disappointed at tho failure ot
tho Klamath Falls people to furnish n
baud for the district fair here, a they
promised to, nnd as thoy did for Mer
rill nnd Donauxa fair, but despite
this thoy held a display hero that was
easily tho peer ot this yeac' Klamath
county district tali-.
(11 sumu ruHpectu tho fair hero was
superior to tho average county fair,
ThU Is especially true from tho stand
point of livestock, ttchool exhibits and
In addition to tho exhibits from the
Wood River Vajley ranches, there
were displays from Costal and from
The livestock exhibit, housed In
Ryan's barn, was unexcelled this fall,
This took In many exhibits, aad the
judge, C. T. Oliver of Klamath Falls
and Doc Caldwell and Uob Daltoa ot
Merrill, had hard work In decldlag
some ot the awards. Some of their
awards follow;
Heat atAlllou Slsemoro ft I'eltou.
Rest beef cow L. C, Slsesiore.
Hunt beef steer Daa RraB.'fat
and second prises. suful
Ueat ram Jame I'wltougrsl and
second. ' s -" f
nest ewe Johnnlo Moon. 1 l
Rest mule team- Will KlckraM.
first and aecoad. t fy
mi uiuiv louui .r, rt mna, ,
Best pen D u roc hogs Mr. PyWt4.
as far north as Beaver Marsh. Ani The poultry exhibits were JUi
other attractive feature was a dlsnlar . by Mrs Caleb T. OH'fK.'A W:
nt Phln nhuuoll anil RAlvlttn lnM. ' WWWWWWHi.'NiwWWWWWWlWiwJ I
. -- - - ---- ,i f i J-'OSJJi-fiYt
it r cfinunuaii oa HBiiii' h
I l u. . . ti J. Ai. ttt ..Ml.
from tha Copelaad nuwh.
, -r - , -r -r -7r , -,: zr, ,n, i