'O ?." .N'. r ''?. 5h i. W ll ' " . , .-, w'i- vl'iu ' - -s ;', "-v ... uttfttg Herald PRINTS THK KLAMATH FALLS' , OFFICIAL NEWiPAFUtt NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ' W B.feJ i -.- aaa,.jija30safa i jar .mm T .g-janTOJ.awanaBcaoaaaiaiaaastiiS3Bg: as-, mrrs.-r,- j .Ninth Veer ' M" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SAJ'UBDAY. OCTOBER 3 1911 Oh BIG FIGHT IS STARTED I OLD POLAND I'nlirJ 'f rtervlc MM.V. M. H 1 U.brlli'tnl IfuM tin-ftilnmir .'I lite .,,-, ,( mm drprwU btwlr !" l f Ibr baltl finu Iwlne Mnuril nl ('( nit . l he HhmUii nt Mi AW'trw-HewiM! fiHt lhl ttlll iIiiii.iIih ubrtbrr lb IliiuUm r m rWclrit HkIiiImh tiMililM". .1 hI HMlrirl arm) U lit n' I Inn lt. 'Iln iiirll.n , ",i.- iie b1Urt rtlh-ii, r lll tbrr ti Mutl t Ilk t ! Mf lb Japane..- u', II I lii AMtifuirrMMM ftiKr ntrrillmi-it, lb ttn l ( ' liif ili. lb itri.le kultaar in llrttlh. Odium) l nwklag ikrr!li laml at ('tsimi, Hir Im-i of Hie xwlhrtn IMp bt ItrrM miamiM llir. I aIM "c HJt I'irriKHllUM, M. it, lb nitr noli lo.U) il.tltiM. (IiaI tilth tb trtna lM rrlirMllMK frnitt Mrnittii Bnit ih, ii.ii,ui trltrrtllnu In (UlliU, llw migiftAt I'Uhk tf Ihn riif llf nrr bring rttl tmrliill tnM unit Th platt fttwtbtrri lor lb rrttthlMg nf lllr (lnuaM !tn' b) Hie tt. Ota tight, wltll lb IImIsm Irfi anmMbiinl th Attoirit. iIImIh Ihl. Ih IM urmkN will rtmliln nml (tut- llir (Jrtmmi in miH lnlll uMhMtl l th" I'nlUl) ttxmttet, , n tmI( nf lltii itcrr of Im Un, MlllitMi ItWMtMiM Im-iI lit rt-rr m Wntwit, liavr lMHrit lit wh . , tlM- ! already ilrhrtt ! tSmiMM ul uf MhW Mlliuiy rir1iiMf lltal If lb Utt.Li ulit tin- IIkIiI imhi mtiliii: i I'tAiiiii, il.n CrrttMNo will b Mtiinwllit Ik uk (ur mrr, TltU ImIII l jiul IthInmIm Tltf IIumUh MilMnrt M rnt;iiuitl il(r AiMrtMintttdu Ium IkmnJHi HUtr. wri ( Tnntr. The ImIiIc Iter rtlmtU In llir ItxilltllU ot llif iWlmtltlttit. II rvnrlir. j Hntn l'Ud rnirtb uf itu V'UluU ltlr-r wu-jhtt !Utis;srr. is: -mtuci Mlib ib AMMrt4lrrMN fntfM. ll U nitliMiilrtl IMI lb (IrrtttAM bxl OU.IMIO utrii III lite fornlulit' fwfIbt In ISiUmt, Tb KnUlt tdiiiml it lartJr tiutulx-r nf kiii nml ttfU Hf 4rr, RUSSIA WANTS CHINA GETTING ROUMANIA AID: SORE AT JAPAN Belgians in Trenches at the Battle of Hofstade HGHl' IS HOT NEARROYE ANDMUESE 'ft I nllcl l'rc ScrVu-e - & ywii. ixi. iii ii iai-i wr unuf iiaiintn nmim new iwii... "Ou our left lit violent rnoMgeKrel mlildt haa b ngi tlM fw , IrnUr, (cmili.iM. 'ftiu i)kuIb I particularly Art-re near Koyv, wher w t (jvc (ffpi.lMtJ U iiiiiiiImt nf attack. Tlil U In iltr f tli fate lliat lb crwuiy Iim itforcil aart f i frmit llicr liy nr lrnot. "On lh-rr(ilT. liter l rtotlilnn to rcport'from RbtrMat''Jt! i jr I.. 41. ftnHnA .ILI4 !.. 4lvfjkMfll M tkt ftu CflflMI nny Bitpiniiinl io llu by tin- For! Gruri. but dm rBMto4 MtHi ro.nl or Vnrcnno. la llaraio. TliU or t ncarujr ta tne I. LZ-?. CI Thl tlioloj:riih wa laktu on xli jjobl hct. Hie llrlulnu troos wcro fighting the Uermans. Jt aho U4 k -i o I '" iriulif Kumdlnis ihtilr rrtllwfij- fnun an cxpcctcil nuack. In tho trend. en t was wi c61d Ihe men bal to w r Ihflr irmtii llulitly ImiIiohhI nboul thlr neck. Some of them romuliW In the tronehw for a MlshtatuJ a day wllh no mtr fol tit an thf could arry in their kni.-icUa. Big Doings at Merrill Saturday - Final Arrangements Being Made Today i riHUMAItKHT OKKItilAl-H ANKOU.NCri THAT (SUM tH-YKH . A CHftlCK I'AKT OK TKANHY.V, VAX! A lr' TMKVI.I. HCIHT (X)NTi:.VTH).V Nll'ltJV THAT hill.' IS KKI'I.Ntl TIUITIKri IS Itlill'tTKII, A.M llltlKTI.IMl .IN KVi;it IH KKNT ltttH 'rr Hurvlra liUCIIAHCirr, Oct,,3,-7lt hn bn 'tUlly ftiiiiouiicpil llinl ItUMlu txjm Farmers' Institute, Talks on Community Interest and "Get Together Dinner" Are a Few of the Feature. Arranged , I'll (HrirtuM of tho Kliunatli Wn- with thu affair lumirn IU mircH, hs;U;30 titaa Itihak iiit tuliiAuliullt l . I umm utcu ciuicii vivmvI7 iu iucm I'KKIN. Oct. S -Olilnn hint nJtlul lllti rniiliilliti of Jhiiau Hint tho or imiaIIiim it Wnlhwiii hy tho Inttcr tun nl r' Ioj mil coirtllliil n oi ( Ion of iiuurnllly trunllrtt. In n lm Itoumnnlit tin- urovlnm nf llukovlnti.iitil tllgiilHfil tmUt Cblim hn nnllnoil l Trarmylvanto, ft rftward'lf Hon- Jnitn tlmt Iho nctlmi U rfRnnlt'il a liinut v lit nnlcr Into aclUo niiiKml.'hniHII, mul mlilllhnl If lliornlhvn) u Urn Aunlro-dormany fore."' t luovlitm wro occuile.l II ltautty, mj f (0 KouinanlitiUloiiM wmMlliil nnoiltcr violation. ihiniivrit Hiiimiur TrarmvivAiiln. Throiitthool tho rnmhllc Um hi. The UumUh fnrr alrarfy ocrnity Ul ffflliiK lownid Jni-nti lit rittlly lrt of Miiknvlun. 'Krimlnic. lor I'ncnt Atwlitllon nr loilny mk Iiik the luml arrntiKftuvntii far thnat nirtiinR to no neiu m rrm .-auir- T,(0 ,1(.0ram Brrngv.a follews: i ihO. when Um iion n-clnmntlou IaWh ; lirovUlon nml othor mnth'nt will li J .- Aililrwuo of Wclcom. byt OUctlMiit i Inn Vim llrlmmor and N, 8, Merrill' . Tin. Merrill Mielliu: will nlnti bt a '?- IT. -"Soil Spmbo and Drainage." ifftMin.p'it Initliutt. mul Inlkw on mat- J. (1. Cumit. nrolect manKr. ,1:00 !"'""" " . - - - - OrlKtnal SupprUu Package. .OU-rtU't-Toicihcr uUner Serd to u. Iircad. butter, coffee, sugar, cream and salads orovtdad by Mer rill residents. l'K. cake aud cooked meats furnished by vlnltlug neighbor. -Co-ueraUvu Uuylug und Sell- Merrlll women. Tholr connection turUt. Youth Loses Two Toes HEARST GRILLED LUyd ThoMi R$ Gun on Foot, Watches Motor cqd -I m. -. AAA I V 1 tern of Inturetl lo llto farmcru will b j. 15 "I'liileii Kxtenilou." ilUcu-! ,UK JurtSe J. . "rirath inatlo by IrilKnlloiiUtu and farmer. nion, led by J, Frank Adams, -!:l5 "Co-operatho nanklug.'Mudgo Omt of tho lK..ikerH expected Ih , 1000"Power Dovoloiimeul," ills-' 0org Noland. Dr. Jnmcs Wllhjcomho. republican ctnwloii led by J. 0. Swan. .uao'-CoDoratlV Dalrylus." M candidal for governor ."n, :1B,.Wnlr Mnrement." d.s-i aiacomlnl. nia in ' ' " , .I ciiMlon led by Oeorgo Fry, superln- U 6-CM.porath Cold OreKon AKrlcultural College. Count) , ' Wm. McClallan. a -..!. .Iliivl-il flltkltit Alt ItpAfAit fntt. !. '.. i iiL'i ruiiiiiini iiitiini vi a wj a a . ..... i.nlii ...) miian nr nun iiniJ.ilO!30OUcii!ilon led by Theodore I - TliU Into be mi nil day ovenl. One. Cmo. lion." Abel Ady. featuro iilnnncd Is n "get together" It. 00- "Agricultural Development," ,C-SuriirUe.rl'ackago Number Two IIi-ht r.n ! he served by tho II. Itoland fllaltiyer, county agrlcu-S:00 "Uurul Success,' l)f. Jatuea ' w StoragB." !:00 "Rural Credit and Co-opora- I'lthycombo. INTERVIEW "moii occurred teduy nt Um I'ellMin , "y Lumber company's hw mill, , lhn Moytl Tlionia, son of Mr, and " H, I'. Titomaa of this city hccI ; HUIy hot, hfrnself throuih tho I00'. He wl Ions two toon km a re- i.Ua0U,lt 'rUom ' om eleotrl 'HWr and would rather, Marlmeiil K ohm,, you aud avWe th m. It was a dynamo that, Wrought ut his lajury, In eonnectlou with tho Hearst peace I.Mih. Zinnwitlt Hcttuii. propat?andrt, , , 0oa j. Zumwalt. who was This purtlcular report, circulated rnl,0l, BOlh 0Il accowut of tho lllnesa ,ln beliHlf of tho Hearst plans, declar-Lf l0r sister at Sau Jose, and has been J Ting thnA Kugiand'a beat statesmen iawny ft,r ,on,0 We0ks. U;a returned. m-iiiiM! mi i ui-iefinuia ! itoiu , ijeforo oomlug to Kiiuiiatu rails Mrs. shuuld he I'rnnleil tho Uermans, Is a lurid, fantastic, falsehood. Not ouly U it an-entirely mischievous Inveu- IIIH UK-'Hon, but It U ically another product of tho rotstlam lie factory." Zumwalt visited Smtth at Kugen. Mrs. Ulchard 8, Tlir dim uriildunt of tho liuntlUKt Thin foremoon, Thomas, carr Imi J tho sholuun, wits going uy tnt r"" i.u.m. w "- ol tho Pelican liny mill, now in coursu statkmkNT HUPPOSKh-I of rocoiistrurtloii. A dynamo was in i 1 oHirlon, and reitliig iho iihihio otj ,y rito.M iiiiitinii wtatwii.ij,' The Bho product of tho United the shotgun on his fool, Thomas atop-; ..,,...,...,,,,,,,,, States oxewds that ef Kuiland, Mid lo watch It. "' 'Prance, Oormany and Italy, with a York National Guard. S(x ounces of Presumably from the Jar ca'used by I fflw mora countries thrown In. Itrotol, it Is said, will do .the work; of tho whirring mechanism, tho shotgun (twelve ounces of dynamite. t "In I be W-rrr region and on tb height of tbeJMi hate lut-n -Utclit. but alwayn Hlrady." - j.rHcr lulktl,i Jiato ctibflruMiU th failure of lb fl tack in the tklully of Roy. They eald the Genua w llirrr, but tin.iMe to a(rate tb allies Un. , . '. foiled Press Service '' IIKIIU.V, Ore 3. "We are maklag rowtaai;HSissi ess1 sis and arc iIHvIbk oar nrdgea Ihroagb (h Frrncti lln,' lelln. ft adds: a-l y 4 f 4 1 "Tlu Jmjp of Anturru rontlaUMt. ur artUlerr hrralrhir th ? W -(- srkbiaiaw. ii ! outlying rliaus or fortiHrailoaw tber. WearefffswdtyMrfclsy IMsswi fmiu Imtlrblual Bail. $ J j S f na lak I. PwaiMMt katak A,Afl..iia f ftaam safa-aatatvt nf .bbIbm lalatst IssaMk bW t mm m m . mj iwvunw,tv -- "'' Cmm CT Frvtich fortiiteatloa, the Mncne duite. .!..- Tttc effort of the atHea t aUak aa m U i east sssmI wat Vs mt sh j Uallle tlu. hav bM frnstrald. i,i.uiii r .?l . - . k . - .- "TJ Tac cMr noma avam." jht, j. LIBRARY DEPOSIT IV KX1IKA VOIt T4 HKUVE ALL THE PKOPLIs STATIONS WILIt BE MAIXTAIXK1) THUOCCHOUT TUK OUUXTV . tlons are, not known yet, st K la about certain that Pons to. UtrtfuJ I Illy and Fort KUaaath will a ajaoaurj the number. As fast as there is ! QTATinilCDI iyyrnjuan4rromotherMurMuirttTk Olnl lUnUl LnllllLUv.ni bo Interchanged' from tlaiV to- Ijooks arallabl at the'daterent asa Hon "-" - l " "This service is notonly to'sssv tended to the coMsMfss.hsJsj Klamath Falls people a watt; east-! eluded Mrs. Brockea broach." l-f dltlon to the library I taiehTk as H"-?' ucd to esuoiisai tin sat .siasisai ,ine maw perxKta.w lawesif-.s tlons at Mills Addition a : As the Klamath county library .near- lug completion at a cost of .000. m h9 mnfy .,,. la t i,,it Intttltillliin avrirv ftntirt l .- .. ..., .....-, , " (able to all." wll be made to glvu the people of the . Hero oa Visit. whole county the benefit of the Instl ftiitinn fipronllni? tft Mr. .T f? riprutc- enbrough. who will be librarian. 'x5- Applegat 1. her. froaaj "We will servo not only the city ' Applegate ranch on. On La-. circulation, but will establish deposit v,sl,ln her dau8ht,r- Mrs. Waalsy O. stations 'through the county," said i""" ltrockenbrough Mrs. "Wherever ai .i.wir rne iiiU i nxnrM.ed via will When a survey was made or ! nil It. wilds of llollvla all longitude was 3 Wo wilt establish a u) umber of thesoi ured V the aid of' time stgaata BMt .ifln.M!i (at!on ihls winter at several iby wireless from a station 119 asllesf points In tbo county. The exact loca- from the base of operations.' Hates Pursuit; Gives Up Man Wbo Broke Jail Here Surrafars kPartks. m i It's better to bq in jail Hum to feel Hon, broke out of the eouaty JaU.a t that one Is being pursued, according Klamath Falls, and for-threa f; Trotol Is the imiiia glyeu to a new ! explosive said to bo the safest high oM'loslvo known. Ma formula was worked out by Lieutenant Harold C. Woodward, an oftlcer in the New was exploded, and (ho full cimrgt. strurk ill youth iu tho foot, blowing off twi loos. I)rs. Truax uid Muni nro nitondlHK tho Injursd lad, it,.ii.l PirMiK HorvlCH u .. . . . 1 In .. .nnilil.intltm util nJ ut.ann LONDON, Oct. a, Tlio tiiooo ue-. t " " ( iiounces n iillogod Intorvlow with pit unnninril member of tho Drltlsh cab inet, cabled to Amorlcu, and printed ( for children the mutters are turned down to project below, the wheals when used for the fomer. . The South African oxen'are clad In "trousers' to ward off the ravages of the tsetsa fly, " to Charles Spencer, an accused boot-'aaw the world, wandered lnt the Jg' f fg legger, who escaped jail uere a lew tico siuiiuuriast hibui, afw awi, ,, mouths ago with Jay uroom. uem to seuu i uis morats Jwwaa ajstpjaai - y-jj, legger, who escaped jail here a few llco station, last night a4'air HaVi ., 7 oraiM waa massv tho grand Jury for burglary. For, over to. the United aus atvarmwira - mat reason, ne surrenuereu iu io , umco ia,iw; '"p j; WwHtril-Jr-p? autUorlUea at Portland. ty Jail. Bpencer will he, awiiijMtSs$r Tha following Is from tho Even-Itomorrew wowlnc'' ; t $$$$$' ..' Ing TelM5 t J " m iini of thta httmt4 f-?- '. ' "Because ha wanted to so UtaiSpeaeer toU AsslstaaX i UsH4 ' fstawa H; - wm mmwS'- Ua ajgs mmi n.m LaWVBBBWaWami T business at Klamath rails ana waa. District Attorney JseajUv tired of his travels through Mexico. lag, 'l want ta go 1 and California, Charles Bpencer. who Klamath Falls, and J nn luu 27. haartna- "that ha waa be iaM foidoi aa seasVasT't about to he IndloWl lor.-giving Uwr JAs,soon 'i;pyUaaa;MX,i ., . to an Indian on tht'KUwath raaerya-Into-bwainewa,','' , "-'jV .A $ i ,