WUDAV, rtOTCMMtW , iOI THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OltBOON I'AOW TrlMC HciirY fOrd d l06 tO I ncfln ruQg Selecting Spoils of War in Front of a French Church the Cigarette Habit Iteury I'"''1 ' ,,,0M' lterltl iMf'H'l" booh lutef IMfinnii of hit ... Amrlrn boy ibmi lie I In rorJ .l'""luit. irinr. inter wrliiii 1 T .... one iaif.tioH nr ,,,m ,,y T,,,",IH A K,,,"," ' "' ,,!.( i Mr. Mois activity lu i-iw, t mloy tUttM, mr AiiKfK-mi yo" mni rtio nuinoiou teller uint tilu or lulliiitiny (fniii mi u ml tWlto .iiid. Noi tens Mr' VotA " tm "M, l"om,l,,'"t '' H walN '' Hi Otllll Thin . . .. l.ilu.uiur l. . ,. llh...i. I.. ..... ..il.ll. .1.. .1. i. . III Sll UIIIOlH" HiTw" imiiim'f n ill'iwill'llllllllisi) UKttlllll vhlcb be l'lli'a l Mtltutte "IHi tlaitle. Mini good j,nifl( ntul wttit rltfl smoking, wteiitlflc reasons m.. in. csiclul in mk It 'r ,,ut ' mr Tim bonk I iMiii.l under the title, po U t'l I" eor ,a "'" Tli' V Arlnt the Utile While' iov-r j& jeers of , butllml ne'ftUver" 11m firm million long hope ' young men witter ngu i.ilmu.ii'.l, mi :tat v the de Ihtl "a1 '"J ,0 "" " pf "" mu'1 fn"" " 'lustier, but ft imw tliii ttttlilly Um deteterluus hIU1ii I Mmly . ftii'i anyone, ,(TkI f i'hyte' !" limy hnvr a mp) by undue l the jr, Void Imt compiled In a iwt il-Vftl Moior company of Hritilt for li MOVIE SHIPPING MEDFORDITfcS IN LAW EFFECTIVE KLAMATH SWAMPS TH1NTI.V rMHW MKT.U. 4MNt,llNIIIi; III Villi V.tl.l.UV hI'OIII., ;M'Mti:i I.V HI'ANK WUMil" MK.V IJIHUiM lllli IIIIMM T1U pliiilort4i kiiMH ftu ltit'rrlnu ltitUlrttl uf the Krtiich wilack on ihu (.mtinui rflu-atlus In the Mesux district. 11 1 Turcot. th firce HI KV.J Alrhitn tmo)M rnlN d u the altl of Prau tittw l(i))ix.Ml tn front of a church ttt the vIIUk of .Veufontior. after Urhfnx frfgh(-n('t (nrmun In? fore f(livl Hi iklik- ft t uiiiiriti.Hl itf Mm iHlri.illni til.lliftb Tli iMfiiitriMnliL rif tY I !imtiiiM lf.krtts.vi In rA4. utifl ftttM nu (av f1..l maa r.llM,l n.u:i. mi'ht m: mu nm. JOV tiii: iuvk HiMmriMi i.v tt br Tlluo, Mm, UlB f,, nbhuicu. ' ' ' 1 mMTU..MWHTAT).V ! TIIIHVIIIMrV Tliftl Jlnl(ril utMrtmurii nrti Im.j ttiiiiltiK mot niul iimrn luirrt-mwl In VIM !'' t'te uiiiiii;(1TOM. II. C. Ui. I S, Ipi4hk tey rUUw fr '" 'rL ll In KUnulb n.wiir MtKi! t'kr nlm wiit lhli riti uul l.y ibi Mlotlnc rr.u ... i'.,!.rofdrrofUmlnUriUlt '""' ," ,M- cwlwi f m MrH OoiBWri'r CoiuwU.loii, litlnln lt- '""' fl'"', r. tt,tlPw fllmii rROt l nblpitJ ' ' ' . , rfi In lUHlly rlwl, w.UI r.. Mwnbrr f . huiiirr a ottH Uj, ur In Hrkirt Mn rk i Ittj-I i)l bl I'Ott. - j I'aJti fonurr I ruUllo filmi. HW llruwu, I'runk VImii ami Wm, j rtM b cblHJ In flbreKrt cmp 'Milter teflo ibU murnlne by uu for TkPBf nlro fruUIIH r,jMrt ntiKUmmb rmniy, 4tn limy lll thtt nrrnlne nl'wm r rtl ttHiil thfr itffwu-rouii.iirltete. English Woman Writes on the Kaiser Ueil KurojH?. That the kaiser "means nothing" by them aitiln- to their significance. The schoolboylib side of the kaiser. ( although It mar at times embarrass needlessly the solemn and deserrlnc (icrsoii, one condemns less sererely. Indeed, It Is possible to be pleased by Wrc intnr fnr Yparc tn thp Urman Prmp'iTCZZ bis daughter One day the prln.cpss shocked her igoTerness by makinc the "pop" of a cbttmpagne cork with ber lips and lnil tbn rrmttlniter nf tho week liumins durl, blrli i iphiii4 io lw iiuxt ptubllful In llm Ktaiimth dUj 1 1 Irl this fall, l X.fl.. Un.li'Hn K..t- N,kJ. IT..nAl- MnM.k icheeks. and then imltatlne the Kurxlc avutJ, KiuvuBaiB uui iivi i.ssv.is -. !. mviiaiui Described From a New Angle, That of Hit Life in His Home Hotel Arrivals :i Jtf Williams Imyc tbU muriiluc tin a ilurk hiiulliie tili lit Klmth l4V, n t, i(MMIt li1!! ll J,IH l I'Alm tell yrtetly fur Kl.tmsth lake ,m mt a diitk huntlns uli. jot wine Into a glass. "Wboercr , taught you these unladylike accom fpllshmentsT" asked the governwi I "S a ah! It was papa," came ithe gleeful answer, "lie ran do it splendidly." And she gurgled again in the hope of developing by long practice a talent equal to his. I Klamath Fnlta, Oregon, did t on the J 1th day or Mty, toll, llln In tbl" atntti Hworti Htntnment tinJ Appllt lion So. 0753,1, id purchawi the ti RV, section .1, Townnblp &9 '8, Unnge 10 K, Wlllnttiutto Merldlnti, mid th timber therein, under tho prot Ulofj of tire Act of Juno 3, tS7, ind nrti nmcnilatory, known ns the "Timber ami Stone Uw," at such value as might be fixed by appraise mrnt, ami that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have ben appraised at A total of J257.5f, the timber estimated 3K5, 000 board feet at .0 per f, 600 juniper ots at 3d, and the land f50.ne: that said applicant will offer final proof tn support of his applica tion and sworn statement on the Stli day of Oecember, 1014, before C. II. Del.sp, county clerk of Klanaatb county, ,it Kiamith Falls, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Isium, by Ming a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which, would defeat tho entry. - JA3 F HimoRSR, Register. 10-2; 1 2-4 h .tclnilnftrlrtt .Votkc Notice U hereby given that the iib- derslgned lias been appointed adssiB Istratrlt of the estate of A. P. Hutch- ens. Alt persons having claisB agalnn the esute are hereby settled to present such claims, with prayer vouchers, to me at 414 Walnut street. Klamath Fall;, Oregon, within six months from date of notice. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, September 8, 1014. SADIK HUTCHENS. -15-22-2h While IVMnui luit Ltotjcl It, Webster, Jiilin J imsnsR, A r Huttwr fwflieiJili C K. H-nlian, rUrramenlu; J. I I'syn. I'ir.iio, o. I Kirk, leire Itlntaon I, Had FrsncUto. tltttrl Mall W (' lisllen, MsllllJ It. U lsltoii, Mr, kb4 Mrs J I, AiUm Jr., I,', M , imbb, Mrnlil; Mr and Mrn. V, 0,F Hu.qr, J, C Mitchell and wife. I,'. A j Smith, K, W MrCord, cliyj J. Jacob, II. von (terllchvn, drok llateo, Oeo.t Scbnltner. O K, Campbell, (tan Frnn ttsre; i:. Illlltaan, Walter DUoti. Foil Klamath; Winnie Htalb, Iceland, j Pole. J fill li llnNia ami mitt, fllul. I ; It Hrtwks and wife, Roe- rrmiKemcnlf nhlMunnd fourilijcou-trutt erg. News ot Our Neighbors ''"x'J1 JJJlll ' I li'ifl'I'L1 1mlt anil rrtgrt of .Vrerby roiiiiiiiinlllt nimnlrletl In the I'rriw. Jarkkdii IwIhmiIs Win enmity schools wnii first j .oltcd I'reiu Service I l.lltU.. Url e VllH III mv i -i pc:sr drsn f Kaiser WIS- srrtirdlns i Uiumi 1io lia Ikiumii tin War Lord, U runtnlmd lit u botik of inemoira Just iubllsbd by 'tl Anim Toptiam, who for some itr actd a i:iKllU ROernf to llm kBlt,rV ilauitbter The "iol. lotions" ol MUsTopbam fonialu, be-l.ti-- lt picture f ibn kaler lilro-j aelf, a number ot Interesting niorles' of tho kulser rouri. Fiom the numerous- stories ami in-' 'rlilniu In the book In hleli bis urn Jest) flRures It Is ponii t "?-, a ery Krapnif mm YESTERDAVli COAST LEAGUE RESULTS Ill schtKil exblblu for Western Ormm,en utwllracUvn iJrrMJ1or 'u 't the state fair at rtntem, nrronllitg 'ruler "f Oermeny. alike td message from It. IVIenmn of tbU Hon f moiiarcli and bis role ol bus- ' .... i. . i i . .. . i4 . fi... .......i. i.aml mtil iiiirrnt. Otkltnd , , .,,,.,,,, 9u Francisco ...,,,,,, 5 It. a ii. v to K. 014 and Hibmldt, Veolre MMob illtt litkrsr. H.' HHiMlMM iWJ'Ait&tt ami Kiiloit; 'Htahtey ii. t:. 0 1 a. I ami In imt i it sninewnen in tine ") " : ... I'iiiiiiot Im found. The nrartsl up . .... ..... I.A.... ... .ll ..MIllllld 1 lirmcn io hid- .-nt .m- .r, ,........-. . IIUIII'llUHl' 1 -"- Il... . ...4U s...tili. u ,t nl 111 tint it a mil t rortUid mid l-oABtelr. Mmi-,,(wfc rMlWrolM In wireless com- ob- fWlttniHl on arcounl of rain tntras that will uhotesirsok JU many ,n, nwiiyt nB nenttei of awn nro rorefully guarded secrets, been nildod to the equipment of lH United mates army slgual corps. Housekseplng roows. ,aer erltge i Tilln.le r(M lll) kM ,K, ,,. aJala. ROOF? Iv- t J IT IX HHAI'K VOH WINTKKY W.D.Miller (leneml HswnInk and lU'tmlr Wm I'NONN IwT "' uy Thus rmiio tlons douteil liern some jenrn Kti fnilm our only clinuce to Ih mixed Ui Hli ny romi'lten Hint might bring us Into tint u'liv. In beaen'a name, do women . ..... ..i.. h. jsks: ami bo ilirontenetl onu GmWi agggggg4ggat. glH g geglglVglnglglglglglHglglglBBBBW LaHp'Vmja JgfKfgfgfgSBBBgfglBBBBBW " - gigilA giK-f iSBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. ggigWCi;;.;' : gfBBBBBBgfBgfBBBl .BBBBbK -f IJgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl IsBBBBBBWdS taMPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl rBBBBBBBBBBBsH SBBBBBBBBBBBBBbH JgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IvIbBBBBBBBBBbV 'sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C IBBBBBBBBBBBBBktfBBBBBBBBBBBBBK KfJg4HBWISI77'SslvaBBBBg4BW .'fagfgfgfgfgfHg'j' r -t7-r-t-"jj IIH .'"CaSlfiBVVBBBgW li aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW "fr' .BBBBBBBsPDSlSBaSBBBB gfs gfBBgfBgfslgS2l ISf jTlTJsBBsSi. I VsBglBWarV allHMBB V ,Vll'R' mU'VmJ? Jsslsr lMw BMXJk bT ! 1. BT 3 .iitttrlkBBBBBBBIgBK 9 "assBatlllllBP & .i.u ...,i.,l l..i ..lki Tli jiuiir.U lmllll anil IHirtlu ' . -.1.1 -....-.. -ii.., "iiatia" ot Ibe princess U tery wire iiMtin m luwiiriiiivii ... ., -. . . i county et of llm (nc.lra.-M,.t- much nearer ih kaiser of hlkU l' . La i Huu Htes. aliemaiely. Kuehlug nml fero-. fwd Huu. iuu, C(ml(u.i ,V CtM.,.c. ," JolB llce thlnitt. IW, Afler making diligent ifli over body around lilm le kept oxer ' o Ua . .. . ... .... rn.lv 111 ho on the moo liexi, .-!'! ''ias:;:;::::;---", It ran be safely nMertrd tbnt tbe Ire jMorlnird M we ... """-" let. .tallon iilileli bss been reputed eitled eerjuti - - , . . . ... i.. ,1.1. . ii..h.-i in., vim. the erottii prinee, ns locaieu -.i.nnwii.iv ..... ...---. .....illni!. mow typicniiy i t--". "; c lil d 1(0. e.iruei i'i superlteliil 1mIai. All thliiKt o jdiilu to tbe kaiser. not oueptluK tint mysterious n Itrmldeiico; nil excepting urn s. eettes. Ho admit that l m "0 iiiiiellubt eonnertei with tho present unuenmui" u.v.... Uir ItosebillK New. i:tlilil Iteiittel Active Local dentists hold u meollPK lure on Thursday, nt whlrh time cinisld- Arahl., illseilKSlOII llroVllllod Willi ft- gnnl to tho iriioseil no .. i.ii. i,nu I.....H iniiiiiii.il In Oregon. "miicu wiiiso "" " , . , ... -OJ1,in. ,, n.i :.'...:. ..,, .,.., n, tiailoL't,. ilollmny,wltlinoitui'erinoronu i-ei, u ... -v --- "-" ' . .- l,.M1iie the Curonoau (or KnglUb) ...... w ,. ' . "" . . "..'.. .,, ih-rorate their cells. itini uio i.n w -' - """- u""",-. ', , ,,,, when o,n Mv,,,,. -.... nt tm NoM'iniiereiei'i ion. urn n.. .n m... ........... - ,.,.,.,.. nollco iimi our visual xutlon Is an iiltogotmi'"" v r-... ...... ... .,.. . HOW'S YOUR .i-. "'"i""!! uranice qi tieini.r- i wn-iv , .....i,.. ..ie but nor. Not nt least ju now, wiieu we nru, - ! '.. ... ii,-. i.rwttli hulm it. did not muko tlenr, m p. ,y .. .v . mrrlaKO weio filghtened by a III nipeni .... in "" .- - - ' . ..,,. w0ry UH IIKUIIUK ' lr f him miu mi u... - .mil tberowllh. Hoveml of tho den- hmm tbU Hbli.m " i ' clvlllxutlon. would e'BBltit of guns. H.U In iiltoudiiiu'o lit Hint livening ,HTy inucu .'". , ... . . , ,,.,, ,,. ltlllIiy annroclatlons of Tho muster of the homo wua pro- ..i.... ...I...J...I ii... lu.lli.f Hint tho II1IM1III1K iu.i.i'ni.v.1 im. ....- --- .... . "'" " .. . I . ..... 1....4..H inui.H Will. Ml"""". ...-.-,.---. --- .- . u,n, i, -f- -- ,,,. ....-'.-obi- King Kuwaiti, wno nireaciy Knew mo For iniinnco, piemy -i - -" - .. i.. ,,f .. mnre dlnlomntlc jlo to M0I .lion upon mt UngHsU gocrucsH who (0 tho beauty itml attraction bt the The sniggering rudeness ot tho re mark was met by a counter from Miss Tophnin (whom tho knlser en mo to spenk of iib "our Kngllsh Dread- , ..!., in.ii 8iifftt.,B'l"l but It remains ono ot thoao cbarml if l Mnw hl ,., vcry wo nave n he- worslilp lte)nolds and Oulusboro ami Neison. in fact, one could nil a column wltb hi numerous Kngllsh preference. That wo are at war with ao very En glish a foreigner la one of llfo'a larger Legal Notices .Votlre for Publication (Not Coal Lands ) Department of the Interior. IT. 3. ljind Offlce at Lakeview, Oregon, September 11. 1914. Notice Ij. hereby given that Henry A. Crimes, whose postoffice address HEADACHE STOPS, NEURALGIA GONE Dr. Jutes' Hetdaoktv Towdtn fife iastaat relW OoK die Kerve-racking, splittixur or daD, throbbing hradachea jield In just a few monitnU to Dr. Jamem Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 cents a pack age at any drug store. It's the quick et, urwt headache relief in the whole wbrKL Don't sulferl Relieve the .iKony and diitrc itowi You can. Millions of men and women s have found Uist headache and neuralgia iniry U necdleu. Get what you ask for. APOvtamjSk .. . li. II1I11KH lliai lil Its Ml iwi.' nam wvum .....a. a. I B whom lie moi ... ... '"'"""' , ,UnorPntly. Most ot the knlser'a ironiw; jei wo uro nl " """ "" promised a gitrl.i lto " J , of humor-ami !. bo with . "-re b t ter ly and imiiiy. linl II ll.tl i i, i. ..'..-' ' . ... .. ...,..... iiuiiiH wnii m-iiiiiiiij .. ,. theni Home or HIS iiiiernncea us niaicaiiiair uiiv dentiil lnw,jeiittonorm.iny, ovotldK ' ftro 0wn ,f, lh, ,nmo criticism. ted lii Oregon, much woiso i...... ." - itritKiraiiy mail we yvi u.. itoi Tho liuaslun spirit peeps out every wiie.o If wo look at Wllhelm II. close- imssngn of tbl proposed law would bo n Krent slop bnckwiird and n rPllectlon upon llio gooil name of the tdnto ot HosiibtirK lioviow. UreUOII. IIOSOIIIirK HOVIw. I . J.,a ...mil l-n.tlu. n.i,,lrvulil ITn hail a nofllU iwii see UK lltTllonnmi i-t '- .. ,...r.. ......,-.. . ". i Tbo United Hlft e lllipoil a,uvi inn uiiiini, .ii."." -- . ,,,.,.,. Head liussnrs 000 mIIom f miner,,. wl. a ,r. or f ij,ht wU1 rlde clileNy to Kuropo ,. n.n iirt time lu tho unl- iim. ..-- -- . ..... form pt tliun tbo bis, "Hoi o's tho man who made such u fearful bunglo (bat slob, blamlrl) with his horses," said tho kaiser in Ho has a of Kipling iramea ana nuug in uiajwuu . hw.k-, . v room! his favorlte.book as a boy walroemiag his bumble servant. "Frank Fslrlesh": he likes Dickens: The slgnlllcanco ot Instances like .T4a'i MWl UW M Th Harald. .Invadea KniU Tii... head ot tho llrnl regiment thut ho buys his horse In Kaglaad or Ire- this caunot be exaggerated. They are uv.de. KaiUbd!'' l he gead. to Loaaoa tor hU tea; f essential barUarlwa, aot ot civil- Hutumotu (No. G27 Equity) In tho Circuit Court of the Stateot Oregon, .for the County of Klamath. , Marlon A. Clement. Plaintiff, r. Oscar F, North and J. W. Newbart. (doing business: under the Ursa name, style and description of North ft Newhart), co-paxUers. Orr Lake Lumber Cosapaay (a corporation), and Oscar Fanao, Defendants. To Orr Lake Company, a corporation. one et the defendants above named: In tbe name ot the State ot Oregon. you are hereby required to be and appear and answer the complaint tied against you in tho above catttte'1 cause, on or before the fifth day of November, 1914, and If you fall o to appear and answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, wilt apply to the court for tho relief prayejLfarJn. the co--plaiut. which is as follews: That four certain claims for log- -per's liens, filed In tbe clerk's oBce ot i tbe county court, Klamath couaty; j Oregon, on tbo ISth day of 3eptsm- ber, 1914, by Marion. A. Clemsnu j plaintiff. Charles Stailworth, Ed Kel-.i ly and Joo Clement, aggregating tbeil amount of five hundred fifty dollayes and twenty cents, which last threes claims for liens were duly aselgaed to the plaintiff, be foreclosed and Judg-'f jment thereon obtained, together wltk,. tcren uouars ana twenty cents, ciernt : ' nlins fees, twenty-five dollar attor-". eny's fees for preparing said clalaw. and one hundred dollars, attoihiey'a fees for foreclosing tbe same, aad tor costs ot suit. That the logs; and lumber upon which the same le attached and held to be a valid lien, la located and situated upon the follow ing premises, to-wlt; Beginning at cattle guard number 4 ISA on the Southern Pa-"' elite right ot way, in Section five," township forty-one, south range eight, east of Willamette Meridian. Klamath county, Oregon, extending thence southerly along said right ot way one thousand feet; thence westerly and at right agtea,wlthjJ Butd right of way, one thousand! feet; thence northerly aad parallel with said right ot way one thouaaad..' feet; thence easterly to tbe place of' WE ARE READY FOR THE HUNT ING SEASON With complete line of SHOT GUNS, LOADED SHELLS, AND HUNTERS SUPPLIES Come mill Kee Us BaUwk Hardware CmmmMmy beginning; aad The west i quarter ot Section six, towaafclpv The west halt of the nerUeasf t i'J forty-one, south range eight, eettv ot Willamette Meridian. Klaath) ( ounty, Oregon. That said property sold upon exe- , cutlon, and the proceeds applied to'; the pa ment of said sums of nwney above mentioned, due the plaintiff , herein, and that you be forever barred ? dud forever foreclosed ot all right, title nud Intercut In and to said proaw erty, nml for such other and further'' teller nR to the court may seem aueu: ami ns io equity nppuriam. This summons U served upon yi$ by order of tho Honorable Henry Lti Oensou, judge of the above entitled court, which order is dated Seetets-I1 bei 19th. 1914, Tbe date otirftj V. $?! J vi . publication Is September 93d. lW nml xTiV last datevof publteettea W November 4th, 1914, . & t.f!.- . tj M AUION Ji, OLKMKNT. fplffl , - "J "1 W. II. .A. RRNNR.' AMf4f Wf, : T S, Plaintiff. .- ' . -ij?5r HiK.- VJ tsj 7 14 in mr. ' " i t" i tfijijt mm vtv ' -V,wmiSuiii . e