r V .V, r W S": r 4V t ( r U lt I PRINTS THK WIHI.K IT 18 NEWS MIWS t S. ji v ii ifl sjr uMITHi t'lWT"1 H v fca" - 'tSSAawwa" "- - mm"" l? ?uimftta iterate KLAMATH FALLS' - OFFICIAL . NEWSPAPEJU rTTrr-WTirrrmTirras- Xli v ran j No. tl,l KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, J'KIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 19M Price, Frr i i '-1- iUBSlANIADVANCE LIKE STEAM ROLLER Vienna Fears an Invasion U tllo '' u '' ,MM,-H '"""' '''k'Mr' I MM Owf Olid M w, I,U (. !-! drrhhVt rt irtimto Iho M.U-I In I'nuttm. I'MiKiir The Me f - '' "' M'rtl "' -'rmmriil In tho mrit b m krM rfnuuuNrl. It wH ho'or.letr.1 . ti lri.tiit niUf Ml TBTfil? lli.U. iMlrwt ti d.i. ' In ll'p moMhio, plM MK miMd.'d pir-paio I'iw.ii.' Ir tttlrtHIM'tiH) iplial, Th tsotrwarj ImlhMui. if I" bo irimilil..) tfcre. The Military tVum-ll mU ir.'ml l.r ImiucdUio Imtl'lniih n f ihr atmth "t Vlrw. lP, fie Germam Submarine Which Sank Three British Cruisers GERMANS STRIVE TO TURN BATTLE WEST .SgnnnnnnnnnnnSu- tfrMliMMfcAaiUwAiMmMMLiMMIM ... . jj i n JiMaiinitiMii ff t ftrJEhriWaMtn CflfHi v M --Blte-gBgBnu. - n wZiFwWW3xKl slgnnnnnV-nnra.'fa'',anlfi V4' French Drag in Big Guns I'Altl hrt. 'i. "WV ronllintr our itnojfu- rt Im rlgM ml lf f li-IJn," wyi ilif Jj-.t nnrftflico balUlitt. - llif:illli HI lia Iutii -irimnlr rHnorcnt ljr HlHrtjr. $ hiin lilK KM, irlijliiallr tHllt tor iiw w Krriitti iwTt YrtSi liuc In mntrrliil inlit inonlrr Itrlil U"ct, nml lliwi I In timitatu at ttir nnelr at tin- Aline auit Ofr, r(li r llie J 11 U iin! i-xI'mhI Hint the bomlxTilment icli ll.rc j.uc1 i 1 ff-.4nslltc ir !Im rrint nwcri- Kainel by th alltr. 1'llt'HHtAIK tM. 'Jt It U NiutmiMrril iliai il J.nii mk h full Ylii.1 'I w lluiuu nliniurli no fjirit.liif In illnfiatf (lira frflln llorllll (ink I'lll'K HMllull CTlliU'ttt. tllO CrCSH". iml lnlMW-llil !, tt.rn IruHirwIlml rr IIh " Al4Wuklr (llia" ,KUe, ItliPUi ctlhvr ! J Theory ll.alliv. wH bad UcktUI. thr-truUrr ba n ofll. a4War lmk MiK'Hitli Mwlr rrrr, f r)jy ,jc.nit!,a Tti ubmrhtv nrruuiplUliH bor work In iwouly mlniitct It w mjiII Th UJ I a 300-lon f TIrir U tMiDl WMIK rl uf MiitiMt. rei, wlllt H lurlt Iojjh-iIo tiUj ttiot l onJ--jmnl Ijunw. Hrr pn?l In ihlri-.' kol u bc urrat and j ti,. hio t)-rtiM nr 'w im"ihwIku U ir.iM.-l -i IrM Vtnf udr ir 1-rfnlioM and tll. Ttj atr IM'IikI) rMtrtttlml, ml li flufil h r. i i i i i w1 'mmam!lfmf!i!iSSSSSS!f!S.l, ' JBL."J."giggaaggHHWBgBgBygBg!Bg I HllMt lrei J-'tirvtei. ' IMItlS. Iri. a. TIic Clrrmunt art- nli-witr mMr altrd atM-thrtr-Ktmiiitinlrallimo nr- In mtIiiik ttiif;r. Tlic kaliwr'ft ir arc rroUllntc i!ci)rniivj' rjr uiov-mr tlke, allint. It U tleclarrtl tliat (lie lfMrrolr rfiarurU-r.trf.Uielr HaMtear VMM that tlw Herman fear a lrt of their forre In tlc trlaagle NiWa) MM ! ronflurnrc of the AUac and Otoe arc In iktuKtrr of, betax cutoff. ,: The UeraiaH are utrirln- (urlouidjr tu ilrivo the batUe Itoe IwrMiw . T ft HmUm alrrW",, " ,,n (fr"M" ninHidrMlloii In, PMI ..r, AHd AUtVl MMM) lttmr, Ihr. .iiMff M) Hint th ( ftrm at HttMalkl lnclwtnt WMNr rtrnit of ih ratller IVrtMOMPrM! Tti Mllw artJf MtHlT tllWMd lai SMll, ml MltBllliC tin (tirrwamt mmI ,tirtrUaj lit ! U, ! riuwil Ihr Md Ithrr j la M.a-1 rtd h lir' Mlw kt tlaUU. j Wrdlr T" raHMrt liJT Ufiu. ANTWERP STILL 1D6E COKE TO GERMAN EMBASSY BEING SHELLED HOLD LAKE TERM WARNS ROOMANIA VI British and Japs Holland Resents Shell Kiao Chau England's Action -c. Kiti..voiovi:iir,Hei.twi:iTo m.uihhkikm ji'iuht, who iKc.m.MrriM told that aw iios. Till: C'JTA lATUlth KY Till!! CIDKIt THi: KU.MATH COUXTV llltl miei: t.T.VS utlKV .Mtitivri:i IIAVK NOT ttH'ItT HOLMK HfJHT, WILL K i lll.ttt: IM.TOIIKK lOTII TILK ACT TOU'AKD ALSTUIA WILL ALSO INVOLVi: THK KAI NKR'K CtlUXTKV IX IT tf.li IVM mrH Uwllwl rr fWrtk TOKYO, tht 3ll In mnirled thai UOTTHHDAM, ) KinCoM i nn iim ai Svr fiii "" --- jllilK'l l'l--1 .ScrICi Tt..rUa ANTWi:itl Oct. S- Word Itaa Juxl Ijih-u received tbat'Unlled .I'reM Service -The bombard. Circuit Jnd Coke, In etinreo of Uie llKHI.l.V, (via The Hnguo). Oct. 2. that In a lengthy rman ainbaiutador Itoumnula that any ilrclartttlon or war or oiistne act Ucm Pl lb .oulhem rorlldrtUOM "hfwn Judlcl.l Ulitrlet. will wn-.u U uud.n.tooU J ! Ifinri tlm Oclobr term nf the circuit 'Mnfnmnp. fh.. fl Tfc llrltltb and JH ! nllln enii triisUiid'a Inlcrlrrntce lUiroiilluuo uulnifrrupled. Ut iilichl nlfIlrl , uw,. county tor Judo Ilon-;al ijucbare.t warned i, bt' b not yet AlturabM !) Ibe cwiir.i,i llulliid U cmjniu-u ltl0 rity. L'jt tu llil ttnt.i ti ItSr. 1C.3 vth. 1'Utt follow lite day. with Court iiard Austria would nUo Involve Wta Uij titer, t in ItncUnd U iiviil hj(m, moMoM hao not been umM, Mid' ne,,orlor lUrhardtion, ho will leave '(jeruaoy. Onman m.Wer arn bll! the (vrl) Unit f ibo llulr.b trndo. jnVtatotn mj thai nonn of tbfin hav' for ijtkcvlew. i u vc-ji aUo announced that Turkey U4 Iwrt, and Ibflr fir I ry f Hurry hl, llK Holland I blnKM,w mounicd. Judgo Coke will be remembered ha cxiwlled all Ituwlan corresiKinrt- ftlt, while the work of the Ownan uIH-d and rantnrkd by t ilrllitli. Te rjermaim have iaid moi of , ,, .,, wI)0 decliclJ Ul0 t.nt. AtUlar-a It itrv ft1rlitffit S ; Nw llnhic trlch aro f Ulm'd to bo Ceilon xwrly Mjwrta tm valued lmH'nlott tu moliiuro mid lr.b mora than 186,000,000. llir) ii "Pl l ater. Ihe auburban village Ouiia an !-' ,,, of uurdocb . the County Court, ed at lloynioiMi'iiutcrt. inimcii. in- . ,.....,, ,,. moval of tho court dcrcl and other vlllacc. Tim ln-jhollR nts iiecllon wa? against the babUanU of thi-40 vlllar.m la fl?l ..ininiiff. allli ,! vxaa nuatalntnl br flOii-r lo ihU city or Into Holland. . ,..,., , Pacific Coast Past the Crisis and Has Great Things in Future OaltMl I'rraa Hrvlc - KA.VnUN'CINCtLtM. I. That I'acllle tnM liwlttr li J Nied Mfrly Ihrutigli a iwMlii irjrlMit rrUl and li.t 'UIhI to 'Wi oownd aad MnriKykm hwillhy dane, with drndld irniUr 'f Mcaily iBiiiruvr-HieM, la (h &Um heiv of I. O. HhimdM, miicial iif baidim KrMl (r ii,, MtHttlirm I'acHIr railway. ItlKmilm ha jut rclurnMl fnnii an pH,ndl lili f mI. Ho prVhn,ol from f in,t)4MI,tMM ft faVI.OOO.tMMl of ailidlr null iu' for M rouiimny fem varhma ua and from noaily thmiand llrin-t. "Tim era of etlravMRMHra and wuat U now a tldnu of Ui I'"-'." M llhiiadra lw.ro. "A reWtUoM haa Mt hi, and rtodo mil now Kotllnu owa to Miund awl troNtmtlrl llvlim. I Kolloo tho al tliuw aw dae Uruiiy to tho UNdHly laro iirollla whhli had Imvw tiwdo duihijt Preicdligj perkxt. fraMM aro not wi largo, now, hut giMMla,iv -IIIiik mom rajildly. "llm i-oimiry trado la RruwhiK airmiitor. It I aliiinitor than I ho ailo In ihn iliy, Vop0 Hrtt Mit hiiilnu mi man) limnloa now. hut 'a-y an. Ihi)Ihk the ihlHKa Ihoy wed. "W'hvi-o hofon. h HMMNH would my'7n for a hnl, alio now xi)a "!. and hooma Horfortly iMtlaMotl, lit Uo hulrN Iho hluh lrhod room w w lielntf taken, but Iho hotel i.ghttor Uiowa that U uuuiUor of Wiimi ia jttt h Umo, If MWi larger than iH'foro. Tallura mo aollhiK "a i'ManaVn ruttM, aitoo mom aro alllag ohoaiHi- pilitil ahwa, and ") KihmU Horn, are atHw tewor rli-sl, god, Tho lomidalnU of ,M,ril Him an how ramltiif.rhlolly fmm Miomi hualuoaa timionia that tf dealhiK In lHHrlii. " "Thn hwn wlw ta mil wrmwrlHX noiiioIIiIhk llndu u ready maikot . flI.L. . " r -. KiNNia, N. E. RAILWAY MANY 60IN6 TO HAS RECEIVER EAIR AT FORT i t'Ai.iroitMA i:m:ctiuo mm: has iv aiiiution to wood iuvkh tlDTSTANDI.Ntl DKIITS r .MOHH t h a i: i i: v i: ,v million. IHItl'K UKOHIVHIK. l'i:UHAI' VALLHV I'HODUCTS TIIKRK WILL UK A DIMII.AV KHOM A MAI.I.V TAHM : WHO HAS WORK FOR A WOMAN MOTHKIl OK FOUll SMALL CIIIL llltK.V IS IN' NKi:i OK KMt'LOV MK.NT IS A GOOD XUItSK AXD AlilAIU)l!M AVOUKKU wrt. TfiU would clear Oic way for th troop to retire write wttmmmj.,? I'ractirally the entire army held for the ilerraae or Itarla luirleil into the mnlrt, with ail other reaenreit.' The Certnawa iMV reinforce!, drawing from the ithelm fort iiihI fruiit AUaco, tioateg lo the tide of battle. ft ItKULIX, Oct. 2. (Via The Hague) It U taauwrt Hurt DM aWM loft U allemptimt to Manic the Gcrmnu. Stepalwro been tahotl 1m Crw tiale thto. Tltc HghUac la wahily wet- of the Ob aadiMrtlt ut Xfi. Xear the hommr, the alliea aaaault waa mi Mevere that aoaae. Oewaav-f. tin were abMaxSoanl. Klghtiua; north of the Kommhc wa a the mini wvere. Here ttwr iwrwr reneatefllr mIImummI to break Ltui TmuIom llae. '' 1 i f 3 Xikf - . -rr -gr -yin fuu..ff French trooiw operatiag trow Xa acy hd1 Toul are a aMiwtt the m.ii. Ttutf luftVM ..km urHl ta.ffl.tt karMrta ItillMiaaaM . . 7 "ji K IBS . " i ue oave urea rerapiasM. JIft(, y LwKi Expo Palaces to tY Time Celehratc Itlrthdaya Culled Preaa Uerrlce AVASHINCTOX, U. C, Oct 2. IT 1I- ii a 1 1 1 1 rMraain ' Keprrsetitatlve Carl Hayden. Ariio-' DC lTliaC A MSMfinm j na a Brsl representative, today cele-J rTaVneV OP he7n ome a,', WJNDOX. Oct. 2.-A ttpM law. and Itenreacntatlve Callaway of iCobenhagen aays t hat; , lf lesas, 4 2d birthday tlvaly. Ait. 4. VKrt Jt; and Itepreacntatlve Callaway 0r .Copenhagen aaya r1"? is. alio celebrated their 43d ana wounded have reached CologM- Tfc ..... '.vrnntftlnn liiiilcllnfl tkere kr BM anniversaries. respec- "" T":. ."ria" J converted Into hetfftMfcw t Wv Who has work for a willing woman, a woman who la an experienced uunto and experienced In nil Hum of house work t She I the mother of four cblldrau. nil atteudlug acbool, and la In aertoua need of employment. She. does not ili,li..,l nreaa Horvleo Klamath Kalla will b well repre- Ulv PiMvoiwcn. OpI. 3 Thfi'aenled at Tort Klamath tomorrow,! Northern California Hlcctrle llallNxay'for In addition to a number of nuto.aoek charity, but a chanco to earn a lomimiiv operating n half More l0i nmblln parties oi couniy aeai ran, uviug jor nema uu jr.uiB ., l" llilrtlit tho Melnlty of Sac. amen. 'tin, Klamath KalU Military band will h hlglily recommended Tor her oBl lo went Into tho hai'il of receiver dUvourso harmony at the district fair cteucy. loalortlty atlornoon l''- IhaUlo thU, tho Koater Stock,' Havo you omploment for audi a ' .. ... . Ji i...i im..iii... ,. niiihnr-.tmiiwiny. which played hero this woek. woman during tho houra school la In i... i i.t L.Mi.i m Loon SUiM to up-' will play at tho Fort two nights. point thrco roctjlvor. Tito ouUtmuU Korago crop and livestock will bo i..- .I..I.I. ,P,li,intn ill.7r.2.000. .tin, urliicloat feature of the Wood iiir '' ri- T. .,.--, ,.,......- . iM.i lllxer Valley diipiay. ruai section is j " " Ideal for dairying, ana tomorrow tnoi natlvo expect to show the whole county u thing or two along that llne.i Doubles Oils, thero will 'bo a base--ball gamp, athletic rncea, a bucking' coutoat and a dance In the evening. In addition to tho Fort Klamath o- blbltn, thcro will alao ho a display at - tlm fair or fnim products from the K..U..I ir s.,rvic "'(' of Jo,,n ',,ki au Bterpi'la- NACO ! A Jl.,o3 '.8. -TlmuHandaot lnK Malln farmer, ThU consists of Amo.loa.'.a with Held Kinase, nra to. -onion., beets, rutabagas csrroU. cab- day Hooking Places, of vantage from , hag., etc., of a quality ihat Is surprls. which to watch a prospective battle IN. i.,.i ...,... -j aim riiholn under tloneruL Muvtorenaa tin.l the Carra'naa forces l-nd la Iiiiprw l. f a ft. alftl a...h "Skf I & hat.rl.l "" nnilur Oonural llUlljamill lllll. Amur- GALL TROOPS TD PROTEST BORDER t Bt I -M? fftaH1 lean troops' havo bcon calltnl from ed on Wednesday for appendicitis, la n,..ir cuiiiiiH at tbld nlaee and dial rib-1 pronounced rapidly recovering by mod ulomr tho International border to ,1'rs. Johnson Cathay. Hla caq, HcrslonT If so, call up tho Horald. Wo will be glad to Inform her of tho employ- BIG BUNCH OF CATTLE COMING Word nrrh ed this morning that the flint bunch of 1.300 cattle from the ZX ranch lu Lake county had arrived jat Mauuel Vlera's ranch In Yonna valley,. Tho caltlo are being driven, to this Nlne-venr-old Klmer Smith, opo'rnt.; point for shipment over tho southern 1'aclic, n'here are 1.2S3.876 registered au- protect Amurtcnu Interests. w'js acute ' .tomobllea In the United ftUUa. President Wilson's Proclamation, for Sunday'? Praytr for ? irt .5 '!a Ily Urn preidtteut of the Tnlteil States of America. A proclamatien: v 'Whereas gwat natious of the world lave take up an ajsalnwt ouo another and war now draw million of men Into battle whose, ta counsel of htateamen have not beH able to Mure ftrom terriWe "And. .Whereas, in thia, a in H things, it ia. our K.vttes duty lo seek counsel and succor of Almighty God, humeUng owselTS iK'foio htm, ronfeming our weuknoM and our lack of any mMon (j thrim llihign; "Ami, Where, it is tlw especial wlah audt longhag of t ... .,... ....t..i c:.... i.. mm.am mm.i ..ui.hi null frleaiHtneas. to ..I lilt' t Ul.ni .H1- ... f.M MM" .m. .- .. ' . tlm cause of peace. ' " J. SiAffMOiS "Tiorofor, I. WixHlrow WUson; preiddent of the United State of America, do designate Sunday, the fourth do r ui $&wl Itrayer and -uppMcatloa, and do request, it God-fiatriUijI r" f iWt ldr on-lluit day to their place or worship, there t uaW m .i...... ... !..!... !nj ib.1 nvullip the 'counsel of UMSV straight tho thing they cannot govern or alter, taking pky est Han miOoa. uow-tn the throes of conJUcl, iu ItUawrcy and good lug a way where wen can see none, ho vouchsafe ids children) peace again and restore once more that concord among! men.. tloim without which there can be neither happlBosa nor true t nor any wlmtctome fruit of toll or thought lu Iho world; prayhss lo Ihl end that ho forgive us our sins, our ignorance of Ida kJitff our wiltullHOHS aud mauy errors, and toad uh In the paths of to place- of Wlou aud lu thoughts aud couusels wise. ' " k f . , i that purge and fJh'4 id isoA -s3p In wltuesa whereof I have hereunto set my handlaad j ansaj mm -1 1 ; $ -f the Vnlte.1 States to ho a.xed. "' TOJ 4, . eighth day of,SrstiSl,'iaj It i.u..ki u-ul fiiiiitn laiar I tf A Aluel lea Use anWajajajaaaiaaawTj tt ,v t i -t ,'it J SiXll Of utm at the city of WaahJsgten, this. eighth day of, the year of our Lord, one tfcotiaaad ah, huntlml and fonrteon, a .. ... - . . - .! . mz - & '' Iho InilepcaHeure or the unHetl male or . thlrty-uinlh, (Slfaed i miwimmf '""piipii'iR "By the 1-tNMtail . , ,Mfi Uittli " WWILIMH JKN.NINCMI MRVAff, SeHarrof mH? - - """ T ,,,,,,,,,,,!T,,,,," '?mm!frTm!SZrntrV! a ." 1 'ii i svj jp ? M fci . Ji; Sf 7)