Uo riM" ' -i ' t4 .... t x k " KLAMATH FALL 'Ml, iWNTTHt -t . . ca OFFICIAL NEWSPAPMt NEWSWHU.KITWNICWS ( I :5 jEtitX -mwtr-TJ-jwH?ewW?i''' ' " r":: KK"i"r--TlWWkt iwww. -- ct- -nrrf "WMMW ktth Year N IM S1XMI11K KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 19K ci! T Germans Charging in the Battle of Aisne EASTERN CAMPAIGN hl4 're iWnlf VIIAN.. iu ""Mr M "" ''""' M,,'' "n1 '"" '""iilianl. , ,i, of f I' M"' ,:,rm ''"' "' ' "' linn Nln regaTl. U ., point HM Um mp"tm tl . . Urnrml Urea. ' MlllUmi I.U--U Ihh. of tli llr-l line, " to aerteaileg l Hr1' M 'k ' "' ,U""' ,,tw,u',,M't' '" Uvk "'")"' .ltg iUf Ala. mm Ikrana '' .". Hu-Ui.. Im it.n .l.. r..r- -car Ag.lw. tmrrt" p iM wU,, W,M,U Mr' '. ' TbetrrrwiB Ihwuw wata l"r the Hunk aim! rrar of III..- .Hbc1 ana- In-vM lwpwM H 'turn lb llu-Uli crwlrat -rmr. ThU mllHMi ! .np. The rcatral Ma-lea mf tr.fiHr mWHI IImUm IN.Un.1. , ;r.-l !. Mmm U In rj.-ii. j The 44 Mil wVi H ! hcllrvul. U -w t." J.Vjwss juitc ( rtiir.twtl ! ItH- Mlr-Uw Niokr. Tl mlt'MMff - lrv..l) In .. mmu Mt JrrMM. $ OT ,5, h ,mrIM lti. TI.Hr ll.. In Mi- mr...ln .. IT..-imI ttw iirtMMIN WW! AlHrtMl IMH ll Ul,.-ln. .OIHIMlail .to ... ( uoo.tMMI. TlM HMMtolM IMI l " MMiMiM-r in . CHAUTAUQUA MAY 8E SECURED FOR KLAMATH FALLS MM'.U. ItL'KlNKIW MKS' l'PPOI THKMOVK C" Ur.fW-t l M4iHf (trcliH4, MmI W ' J t ilw MsMrr l1Nl 'Tlwwwrtw ( i -I'nr Off On-VUtltttttm. HboMld There Me ,y Btn Ar. n.niM a W Us rmiiw at U aar u..- i .i,J),ti thai hn ratrd In Kranfo if tieirly iwo reck the battle of tb AUac, which Is .). .Iiiitr n IlirillUH ljIinil (Ul ir in ih........ . , . ,, , ,, - I ni innw!i! "- - ... i... ..., .u- f-.n.. in u-hirii Mm nerHiM r anvcn ih iruiu umn "'" " ,.. t i. i-. .rrl.t l it... .HtlilnK Mn(. ..f Ontotf. 1.1..I lMr tt, U-llewl to mor Inporununi """ " - i :. . ,,,.,, 4hllt lhe fft. ,h0oli them down In pIIm. When they win It is because ,,. .-., . il,i. Th (lPfiuftu. as h been tola rosny iirar. " m '- "" - .kl kJ iHlJtHML I mmmrmmmT iBincis bet Pelican Bay Building niii i iiiii mill i mi v bltlUUL IUNCI0 DAMA An AntiAlltlPod li I W!iiMW,iTU.V 9M,(MN IM IMH., TWIUr: AMOSU TM: IH i aaaao specialists for Allies Try to Turn KXI NINE d-u. r u duui uciiuau t From the InUrtJa IttalMMBMtt iol Klamatli U ar, jUkiac la ta Miroponlifon, it lookn today a tamtck tiiU city, with others maklwc latef lectuai f50gte, will hare, aB an- . (nittl Cbaulauqua asalyM.WUi. " onn, exc-pt Ion.- rery hiwlaa. mmf. .proached"tolay baa ylhililliltt . ...n... .-. .r. lutUnliaa "' A Jay B. Hard, repreeeatis the KM-- . oa-Wliite Chantaaqaa 'Syaiaai ac-1' companies by Elder 8. V. HarVw af the Chrif tian charch, thta attaraaM Vsaa a casvaaa of-the baaieea. swaa,; to aecure flf ty atcaaturM to a at4fe.t each of the alroera of whlth ari t. i aboulder oe-ftlt;aay eeiaK there micbt ia eiaiaw eCa Chea- taaqua aawaibly here uia Um i mbV mer. Early lataa-altwrwaa' erer. twea.tr aicaatwrea ha4 eeeaaeaan. " ? STR'S' . -i"'.. V ; M&. Mllu VBTWiiLAi li mil iibImiIi xmv arw wi jm'.imi. , .St v-'J M-AMIM MNAU. J. Tke MbnU - . 1 SlalLJC tV ta I liKATUINAti Lt'lKltS FtUlM J VAItlOfS IXHTlTirriONK WIM. a?l!rWfCT WHtK HKMR THK KMITIOVNHNT t.lTKH , ;h felln.li Hr 'MU.h,r ,m,mny.to tka 4ck cbalni kgJLf ' ,. IwiUH.K OVTHK MONTH f ri i ha faiiiiiiiiiiiiE m inn imm .-- " -' .ea . ""- s. a ijr ir win iviiMumiift " ' p""' - .T" .. . . ik.ur M,o,r4 by ,., n. Kltrn the llraW.tUhl hand or VgZ .,, ' , . ....... i. i. ,.... iihii. imiiii xiillit will bo..B4a?oet! riau I...1MV 1.. HI. IttlflrTIDH' III II. I. tl.f. ..t... - .(. annual Klamath :iiuu. .Itflfef IIIO mirinso " "'" .....- . -. --. 1. -- ... .... ,i...-i..- .i.,.. i.ini-Vu 'vi..rri.iioiiilcni IVlrson loou for the .... ... ...'iittvon u- nnr.ww"nin i... ...--,. ,.,...... nu iu i.dii.i mill, wuirii i iu wo " " . : . ..... ...... .... .!....- p i.m in M t.v .r r.... . .-., hlrll wa biirnril, alt'l ll lb" oI,l h..r. .. i... .i....,,... .Lmn. Jwk !i il Klamath CouutV hlKh school mill, will bit roMtiilelw In every ilrlall. )2 ''. , . ,.,. ,, ,.. ....i,...,,- rirtaWr II. IS. and 16. ""Wort of apiwrtToalBg aniTilifriU'inori iirrIJpul of iliit iViinlmiij atlaa wl.ool fund to the varluu "Vr lit bflicuu Ibe cmctum WkM.to II. ..J. Uk ..MI.I..iMjt ffM.Il . . .... .. ....... ...... fiinliliTlilr larger than Ut mj iuinr irt'iiiNii nwfiiiivui ... i V.l H.I. .... t li.,r..IUlllhli tfiti.a I" ' ' ' ". 'l"" ' '"'"". ,.3..i an.t a MinomUon l6 lnrnw. o UIMillilllnJ, Tn mn hlllldllie ! t U 63 l' uyt" " " .. lUtb UlMilfi rKflvw lt MMiIrr t?l fr,H, and thrvo merle. hlb. An. ,.1,ert ,.HVlllt: cinch oicn- ItaU aitKraonntrnl, atiit 11 tor each rin'X SU wl by 6. fwWFano to nR iri,c bockll mi Trout pow,r set MMhfr Hiinloyed. Korwch ipll en.. awnra niii, wiii .v ,-... -....'. . . k ,n fr,t , ,KW IrMlol rfh dlitrltl rocetve iib .!.'"- anwrimrM,. Awiltrf anuea aa . , eaMpa with thrw"arm Hlioail , . .- v m W ' J i ni ae -. io an(J n J(U tm BJOtr AnoihT mHr aaeenUnm,..! !. e iiiiwuu i. "- ., . ... ..rh li:uu, -.u. ,.-- ,,, urhln ami t ti y " . r '.......-;.. ... .... wlilconuln it... lumlHT unrilni; 4. f '. ru ,7.. '7, "'..,T. fuiur inmnp iiuim ri"w for the r -iin""l. l ante etatetii iiaeaB 4eMP alferii I ... .'.. .!. - Ikl.'l.l.. wllll. ntnlnr .huno. and C'OUBtT HChOOl .citiat i mi i m i iiiavu ma iwiw -. "-- --,, lf t j . ,. . ,, II .... u itf.Uj.1. JalkAUaMlttte lIlTaei III TV . i------- ...... . .. .--..... ....i. .ni mirVM. -inpiiiin.iiiniriiriiVfiuniiiuceTciuciu.il '"" . ........ r .i.i rnrpii.r i.ln,.. r.mnii'. Tim M.aioaa will be held . . IIIL 1IMK' 111 IIUIII i IB) .! 1T .-... -j.. --..- - United 1'reaa Service citensloa haa been ahorteued. t la PAUIS. Oct. lIn a auprcme eKort V believed the esey U niMMC aeeaer. to tura both wlBBB.of the OeriBan4 u "- "'- jnciimia. ?j5 nrtnr thn alii ar relnforclBfi heav" - - , I . . . .. . I. Ily. and hare taken the offeaalve er- The iauonjon im 5.i!"J' erywnere. Cbautauquaa Ik itly,Weateni la OreceB the foUowtac aire lletetf with theatt ,.:lloeelKar-. teae. Setel, f Be Mae, MlMlaMMlV aVBeVaVF' MbbH aMaMPl'MaU. aWpV , gpekaee bb4. Weatehee. . ;f hMW CaMf.. ?aa aWtta. BaaaMBU Helewkt'aaw OntVl,im$iiiNi -oteer elUea ltete4: -r V 'f'ftyl, The aeaeaiWy Va aia j'tr ;a .mi rill be made JamiarjriL1" iimiuiiTVii ftta ""raoM K i W-aBBBmWfl .Af-i " to th tnluer or direct in inqinm .T ""M ...iahirt. ThoetlKer to bee Heavy UW.V- "The nut alry In tt. iithln ". .,lwU 0d.cr"of the atuh lever tpye. ' in w rflntaili lim aunmiiK. i"iiij ,. ,ra .. the lun- and heVlM. which furwlh Ihe t..- . - Uu, ,vy,H ,0 lho .sj.er (tve twaor to drlvn thu mf blnery en , Ub alaahor la to bo a ..... .hi. yn.ii.! inrv. whoro Iho manufrtc-: ' . : - .......... ,.i.m ,ni r nv.-v.,f w.. i.- in a i t ""'":. ...Zw.i. .... I..!!.. TLeinw '"',r' """ '"" V "" - . ' iri.re..nilft(.ry bout Id IhA quit.., - "V " .. -V. - - -w aii ray rlKlit held hare laat alalu. Im ft "Yoiiiik" I ludd and "Knock it" Carroll, Huddle wa knocV.-d allld l'f. KarvlHi JHANKUACIiCOfOcl. I,. "-'- ,,.,,, .i Ti -inve aaw iannr, nun i.. n.,turli.K macMwHi will .. locntl.. The! . owrheaa ,n,e. The rt. third HK.r vlll contain tho w"6 fcom tin. mill will he burned k.Iiloimrtmcnt. which will Kl 'w lualiel-oncnucd, hrkk-llned burner, h, charao of Mr. illhUerr. ffarf mill U5Jrf , llln1iu,tlfr nm, ,00 feel hl.h. earn In llm -uru. nt ih K.ii Im 'Uulpwd n follow; ' Apparent vuulnlod fmaa ii.h fall) "T in ion al WO wnicu insca mn "i5 .in i. CSO-l.tiraonower uoriia. eajtdyofO.A.C BBBBBBBl Mrss5?j W" "Jtr- 'J'flio HKli.r which drive the anw Inlll Aptaren run In In rod from it.h fa T hw ion allde watcn mi.ra mp it .ii hu n USO-Lorai uiMU ....iu....i ... . ...... .... ... ....... ..... U....M illl Im ohnraliHl a .. ... i.ll..r l.nlnnirliir (o m,-,y .1'iiiiiiurq tw mull, willlii m4ii(.n ii.n """.' """ " mere an: . hiivi ..Vw..... -- killv liul . ....i...- ............ ....ni':iliiii h lliov I'liliT till ... .. i ...in ...i. ii. w.ir.. imt ilnmaicod . Karlr thU montauf ikatav '. iiu. 'mill u team drutf nw will buck tliv .... ,.,,. ...... nlu , iheae will bo ndded TO-, io liaalfeflBa; rfl,'rocu. Ior i.i tho limited icnsih. Whin U() moM) totnllnc 9 taller " vfiaenrnui, from whiaa hn died, the iorh are ui.inu mni "', power, tw buiwiw mr m wi - " ' "" .....m l r.2 feel h.v "2 foot, and la to bo built of tm n contract for name Having b(n lot to Mr, J. 8. Klllolt "A iilanliiR mill S4 feet by '. feet 'will he hull! 0 feet from the aaw mill hiillilliiit. Thla plant will bo dnvtn Iu ilcitt.clly, Kuntjrnted In the aaw mill onglno room. The ahavlni rrom thla Plant will he blown o the main boiler houao. "Tlio report that box factory will be built noxt year l erroneou. The aaw mill bulldliiK proper I built largo i.mii!h for tho Inalnllatlon of a hoii- BBS ra----- toutnl roaaw and a aecond odgor claaatM anil loro flocka of iiUKrudHu.r, If biialnwa wnrninlH. The two ...... . . ..n ...in i.i.v.i n runacltv of poultry. uami ii " - ,, lie. portion of rollvge ground ir.U.oOO fe.t In "' i',m,r;ii ,f " " cowprlahig 01 ncrea l(..K lintuudlal.w night ami day U would P ""'" y uhout lliv vornl biiiidiug. ia r.u,u, " "v-..".':.- -hi aal.y H.lgn.cd aa ll.o lawn ndyen The " ?"T "" campua. ThU truck I bound on mo trom mo .. north eftttt nnd out i by tho city oi-MiniieiMin, . Sorva UK on the weit by Cat.. "Mr. b Hill Htor will bo tho on llwn "veiiu which divide thu cam- Klncor In cl.uigo oC 'e0"; jT' rUmlho'llvealock hul.d.nga and e,.,.4 wUh him , to JU w or J J Hioiihiia, ., .... ',u,.ftiii nf tha tom. TM ttmpual Iraveraed In all 'l"' "w ; cuBW, except for the rectlon. by broad arlvo wJg." t! eu .U ol Mr. U,w, r 7rr?? ",77n,erly of Wau.au. .aBBBBWJRS .! "" Mate It dm for (be Coning Farmers ;tT" iiulidlue. Oeteeer II. IS. and 16 Juat what Inauuctor -wilt be here haa not definitely" been aettled. It ia axiWted. ibeua-h. that Deputy State Superlutendent K. V. Carleton, who la well kaown here, will be in attend ance? and participate In the work. 1 llural M-hool work will be taken up) by Frank Shepherd of the Oregon t Aarlculturnl College. e U. Orltla oil tho aame Inatltullon will dlacuaa school agricultural work. Kapeclnl attention will he iwld the rural achoot problem by M. 8. I'ltt man of thi Oregon State Normal achool. Mr. Httraan" work at the laat Instlttito wa found extremely helpful. Tho University of Oregon will bo r,M.rnnl.d bv Prod Z. Aver, head of the educational dvp-wtaaant. A prl-t mary Instructor will alto be secured, and other dopurtmeuta will be con ducted by local teacher. At leant the noon meal will bo acrv- .mI the lenchera by the high achool cafeteria, conducted by the depart ment of homo economic. A public meetlna- will be hold Thursday night. at which question of importance to both teachora and parent will bo talked over. A meeting of tho school director of the county will also be held during th'o Inatltute. Thla will be October 16. and tiroblema from the dlrector'a standpoint will bo threaded, over. V rreBch- ngar issiBBttarrArTiaorr'eTTT l . ... I M.U . .. .. . ... . . '...,... .... ...., ... M ..y f rt AH, . av. Thu nchunc is me nouew jci,,juhujij or uuuj . 4..t.... with several hand-to-hand encounter. - Several towns hare changed handsl Uoahardbag Aatarerp four time In the day. 'United Freea Service Tho nlllea now hold tho original, ASTWEKl. Oct. 1 The bombard Ocrman advanced positions near, ... . . Sommo and West Olse. . ,.rt it.. n.run It U stated that the Oermans rlaat wnCftft bwt mi u Is beiievea mat me nig aiege giw. DR. MARTIN LIES IN STATE TODAY used to reduce the Uege and Namur fort, will be brought Into play, i The progress of these ponderous weapon la very alow. t-'reactt Attack Malfeaaeea United Preaa Service DKKUN, (via The Hague), Oct. . .-" ' i viJ '71 .i: 'H.!ft aooa- aaa;;eve.lafskktkW; Ciaaiee lane iwciuwii. lanviaaa, entire change of eatertaJaateartalear every two" days. -sr4 --e ' gHaraMtae Fai lato KCeet Halted pre, 6eM?0$J M I nasnuiuiun, . .., m. .. w auaraattae for ,crvlae tabi agalaat all cattlellaltwi i aJart llllBola ceuBtlea: Cookr. Lake: W L'o.n an J "- -' ;eecC;to4ay by tiraa,i&. .'.J iRdttetry of 'tae? aaiaiaiWjayy;y ' JV'S fnHtiXa-.eBeaajaiain't.Ja i ml i lit , ft aav- t & ii aaaa ... ' ' 4 cMiibrX.BMaRe from -the eaaatles- tee- breeding purpose UBJea' .ThDKKU l nu.el'mi'ch' tueerc.leay:tlakia RKMA1XS AIIK IUEMUVKU TO THK The war.offlce annouBca. the Preach - wl,IBmttoli iMetkat'ia 1 . .... ... A Lam.. V IS...I.A are. rciniiirc jumwv , MAMOMO TKMI'Li:, AM WILl.anlj are atucklng the Oeraaana Bear IlK KKIT THKBK UNTIL SMli'.,Mu,hua- U fur,Ber: Tne enemy coniinues u eaww for a complete Investmeat sear Teal and Verdun, and is being assarted by the garrison of those tort, we are holding our lino Intact every where In thla territory. VKO IN THK MORNING Kacortcd by a uuiaber of lodge member, the remains ot the late Dr. William Martin were takeu to me Masonic Temple thla attemoou. where they will lie In state this afternoon and thla evening, to give his many friend an opportunity to nay their lat.t respects. Dr. Martln'waa a pasti it! rand Maater of the local lodge. In the morning the body will shipped to Auburn, Calif., where will be interred. Private veteraariaa laAetlea,l"e; r if Home Kreai WosaWal. 't!l . '.if 'I ' . "V .5 Mrs. Wllf HdttsW. whareatl underweat an orwtiea at Waktira i.: iSSM avnitii ha left that laUeHa ia recovering spleawWly.aa her ajaBK . I. . . .- . . .''. '- fi . ! . ...... H...I K. - - ' in'MKia T- )llla will TO!""1""1 .- '' 1 TT- ' - jjJ- .. l( Xyw ." !), t aa aaaC W ..tf "I H' aim I nf!fH i . I I aaa. alta A I afta Aa-i-iAff.at WfalWafl I IIIMV I IIKI'IIN I aaft W i .apilF ''r Mva ) .war.;-. .f DRVAI.I.IH, Oct. I. Oregon clt will bo inlareated Ih learning tu-iit and character ot the prop. rt IbteivalM of the Oreana Aarlcul- fl College. The college farm and nun iiipii.rf. mo -.- ..u... Ui.i.i. , . ..,.. , aiTin ! which r located ar. bi.iuin.. .... ...... Iw pasiuro. meadow, Held, g;r. MT" "n orcnarda, ! tbo buiidnn r, an" Mu'pa4 wltli lilt VirlA.i- au.i..... .- i ... i. . '" -niciea or apparai-s, ma i'Mftary and uteaalU.tkai. am baat ;y to Mrv (be lataaai. uee,: t IH .. . a -:.. .. IK... ,v " -w0, awTefar httMrea Going t I'rinevlllc. Chostef 11. Do Lap, A twin brother of Deputy County Clerk Cha. P, De i.nn l lino from Ashland with hi family, visiting hi parent. County Clerk C. 11. Do Lap and family. Af- i..f aAvnrni dav here. Mr. De Kan and family will leave for Prlnevllle, whore they will reside. ARE CONFIDENT OF ADJUSTMENT NewUatrre lle$l BeTaWilll-i m tt"Y3hf"i 1 .. ySj' .ex '&' a?!. .W,;.li ;qW' ' .. ? v. rl j vn:i Wlsconaln, wlo hna Invested la our company, and who arlaaa to hla aew tieid valuable knowledge gained through years of experleace la the Wisconsin Valley. Mr, Taadoa win be secroUry of the coatpaay. IrVe have been able to keep our termer organi sation together, and meet of the old UaMed Pre Service WABHINOTON. D. 0.. Oct. 1. It I thought, among official .circle here that If the peace conference scheduled roe today at Zacetecaa la uaabte to come to an Immediate settlement the! vn... .!.- .Ka hVA triA rlirhl in 1,-ui mat i.' .., ..v ,i JmenV Literary. Club Inend toexerchse Hhla right Intelligently. In order to 46 this, they have arranged, for aowe discussion of the uew Initiative measure. Thla work has been, taken, up by the leglalatlve department ,ef the nn -i i .'' ,h r. ' ... dlanutant will agree to aa amlatlce Library Club, of which Mkw Kaok ponding further ncgqtiatloas. It tjliwkla l chalraua. The aseetlaa conlldeutly stated that aa adjustment,, 0JWB t0 tots ,, aad-weawa. will U reached. . ,. . r AalvjMjt j S . w-- w- r- - , r - ",tf ,- (Continued on pal 1VV0. l.audoii, formerly of Wausgu.'blowa at aarUm.,,J ... .- .. .. ...u-..nn...iAAiM-J will U ai.MaauL.y.'.waaB at alto im IJaaaa, ,- t vvi;-. tjef In the month twoidlawuaeleaa wM. a held. .iM4,f?i f The date ot these dlaaalea ataat- Inga have not beam !ajaaj.-; - Taa .UIU, MMJlmmmSmi-: 8ZA ." itartkuui. tht Idea helaaV te aiva.aiM -I, .-j: veteaeaHeaa ; laa-i nn iiiirnuri.- at. - - '... . ---w' iAi'',ii awiAi"'. ' Noveasaer eieetlea. . "&&.$&$ laakv" .n-'("i--r " - i . -. i .' . -. . ... ia , mloua eehoal tUMia af loMt h Cakeitv Sahal aVati eat Pred. Peteteea, Tj 'ar aaatova te am IM H'.BHkM it-.... .m.i aenaB-HVM .' "STPP "M i y "" or trn aalatfl af gMMreut CJ T-U; .'-.." M 'fs