' ,-r ftij,. v;i 3-.N (.7 rseiEfe J- wx", Fmm&-jm wt(MtfchiMUMw i I 0. WV. aim3m;$IIS;C ,v 9 A -If iMTi.THE mam a A a m. ahaB Lt a A M ! .. jr ' '- ,.il UaUeMTCTMTQWK' , i, w eLJ' HEWS WHILE IT 18 NEW! ' Mpv? WAr'yyuic ? " Hk ' va OFFICUIMEWBPAPU I Vr r mi22k2J'' h if s. w? I 'Mjm l-A ,T5 H V-Ke. 4v v , KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WKDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 19H 1. mi ,. i 1 4 --- h - j rg'ft.' ..lUTaTHE f Wlf v J i .!. ' ;tHyv: A'- h '4AArirrar w4A4A k TILII lIIII 111 l 1T1 fl IIII !W "" 'F f r r 'r4"4 "er W 4" 'r "P - ft- v ;. m ffforz ?v P. I I 1 1 T . I I 1 I I ! 1 I ! ! I I i M - 5U foVfi. hi: K .3 ir 't ,. HUNTERS LEAVING. FOR THE MARSHES SHOOT DUCKS' German Prisoners of War in Corral in Great Britain THIS " I'MJVTIFII TMW VIlAlt Dig UNaaed lr I J TltU Wire, J wl Tw4 Fettle Arr Martin for ite ler '" ,u ,N Hrartw lr Hm DrrwiM of In Hen l lb HlBlag "rr n lltttr murrain rfftmkM Tannery. im ( oanf.iwT Tk Ifcttrawt awatt4 for hunting Ilivs. Up b. Hal tbi .H'Huwciii kit bf -'HhliiK up lhlr ltugun ltd fuSMii lit, fJlUnliut Ibrlr rfpJt. Utt Uu etldcnr enough. Add II Mr inclol, bt etodu or tirl HMt a I bo Mrhi d UVcp loda) Wr Ihe w nJrrl rulU Ik ot KHw.r. for tlucfct urn! m It flow CHlplwr ttJmry U. Tli 'm llwfi U llrt Im r eo. tllte d)r Tk ibi arw4 t'pr Klm tlk Uk i tx(iuUr wtlh I We 4ur UiMNi and liidtofnj- at lxbrk Ik Kuftn pUuiIion will kRV wiklM oa KlswHi UkttjN Ihf way It MMhtr Uforlio villi ho htmUrt, Itarkt b4 rr mt mM in lo pWtlllnl ihli :tr, n hr rtianrn r alwMh iMrnlB wtivhiiH r Trf rtK. IM44 Mat ( dl for the fal of tb 4uk tMiw, lowar mr wtwf In Iho iilovrr, jkrkMiliw 4 UII MTMQii. ITALIAN TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYED -ttTMKKM .1 MIXI." IN THK AIHU ATIO AMI WMT ASI CKKW OO mwx I'mmur im to mk MAMI V tTAI.V " i,(yri f itH l'rM Nrtk. a t kf M4)r (liii M riXMrM4 Imi ttnrk n wIm J iki Adrlinfc ito CwMwhlfi, ni Ik boat crw r Imi. " s Tk rc.ort hmt mhmhI Mk MlU AwrUn frotmr, iM tk MliiMtr or MartaM U lntiltUaff (k rtHHor, Jrtltk hu not Ihvr f4wirM4.f A Tkb lulUu )imkUM4ftr at VImm h bri ItuirtiMMl to wW -IMI Mimt Hit) mIhIihi rika Airkitlc f tkt Auairlao. nU dmand thai ll w OKontlnuad, fill It belief ikai Ikla will U Ike JN 'l' l'JlBg is kTMeh kttwtn tte two foutilrlM; aa It a not MD(d J Aulrla will pay attention lo fa liroieM, Kkldi will forra Italy lo Hl tlllWl nrllni. fcl n. f J f A .V ! 5 . K"wror VI)am ka Ukan uy M NUquarltira In LHiemburc. whera (protaetaa- by Iknii., trna M a lrft rorce of airman, 'il .1 t t :l'Sf At, XlaBaa3'iT-iyB'!BTl'5T''fcalBBajBs,iaiaBl aflkaVaHl I H " m V -J Z ri "i A )k. a49aIaZfe. i .Hb Sl HflB BHBh J-MkM mrM WdaH fHnfflJ I K y 7y yigyKawjr gg &-7p!BSflKHUflH''fliMiEflH'iH HHiLBm . k ffawMaCaV lui AHIbK llaHaHlLlHatiHHH ' BB""flH flKIX I 1 aKjaEZC2S U'Sm AiBMHfll aRHHaHaVaBIBBBH 1? v , - '. - VrStlna(aBML Wa' t t In "ra' a fVrATaV' - mwv Tj" 2z,fj'lfj1 rHPvHCqCVkBLOaBSaPlrytaaV fclt I aaaaMMfakli f 1 f 1aJaiifcJaWal3aP f m iinwT aS MP MM I l.aBBB PHL -i-- ILZS l awi fw. J - J B ? aft 0taMfta tv -IO"J ... . , ' 4 ftlwtf u ffl?4 ib.feKS&J-i.i t - --"i 11; ti --- a - Ab ta F ! iff WAvf-s. .hnirr kawn MiptHri ta aremMi thaarK liHw at MTfral ytli. H mm ratal that tfcr kmak vM Jbrt jjw JJ -r iS -isss.". 5CWt'lA. 55r VMaVlMrl. S-mlM1 miMsW.: IMaaalMawv1alwariiH:aiit'f AWWCfp ajr III j Jf1 ''I1' . IOfn llin X rtiifr of r,tM til lUvm allifn tnkrit In llif liatlh- f Ih'Uitirtaiiil wm ok o, hart- len iiUccd lit a blr barll wire nirtal ' Hi" ltrllii Ku.ttrtititmt TliU mrllioil t hoiainn ilivm U an Imllntltm of lite Amcrtran KovernmrnfK nttliixl of Imiidltna Mexican priaon pi laLiu on UiPTfii Iwfttfl- lal JH T)it iitUuncra hao txn Blrfo Irni ana food. The botorab abow the lenta or to ibe right, lathe HtMiM v( Ibi? eitpi U a Uf firm ai w'hkb tbsy arfi tolllna thtlr tlollun prcparatnrr lo waaWng thew. TIj prlaonm are peraalttad to to about M Ibpr '. MlHiln llif rtitlo.ur'. llxrtr ,rnfuK Ibry nHir about tlu iHMiKrr aiil ulrfj! Ibe Orian national anthem. Some of Ihew pray rortb ucrw ot llm t.vrinau ari, v . wmmamrmsBsemsmm , Otwillli ptwttct tMa WfM MTir lh (tffmw out of Fnum akfa km"' ; , , GenNBjr ! j t i take oM-ai ?5T t" A 41 r..vji .. ." K SOC. JL3"rm VM. BIB. i. JW . .4 l,"jf -. rTF5o!l'i Ji .1 r- - ,r.".," - .4.iF4w(if wify . jj rj3 Ja mm laaat aMu , . v ., i p-TFaSfJssf3 :..sea&? 'fe-J"; it w t pawiwi rtktrt i!nmhbmmbi imn $ " JfAi s " J- . bM lAaMrcifi. M rnraMi a Mlc tf WaMifk. ""' - mi W 1 , ' lonnn ucinmiv DUUU nLflUflfll I a a. ta ai a a. w kki lh Sk AWa ih k at aWk a i UrWT niu run ;nrinio tLcunit unuro uuu m i S X KLAMATH FARMER: FEDERAL OFFICES DlMlER TABLE MADE ON WORK w - --. , Jfc. "r -i- H'aHe4 Praaa Safrffaa I'ARIS. ieptf Rru (rea itk Mt aiw nlatlc aa to taw rmTanBartlaaaitkiAiaM: KaaMra ara,aaC(faaa"Uat Uk Gerawa ricM?HM: bnt thla, MlUtary aaliara wUt not ta. . of . , . -j So af aa U.y knaw, Uar ay. UH wiwiMsa aaa not laianawy, -' ' fH'.NTV AflMMTLTI'ltlHT HAH I.IMITM HlII'I'I.V lt)K KKk: IHKTIUMtmOV TO IIKV FAHM imi TIIIM k'.M.I. ,ItOflt,Vt: lTiaT MltiHUMK IN IMMrrtllt WlkMAM MAHTIX'. FOIl HKVK.NTl-.WVEPKKCKXTOrTHK III! AIMKI) AT THK tlWTHIItUTION ' YI-UKM A ItKKIDK.VT OF KLAM? KXWOUOB IHKK COMPLRTKD .1 . OV IHlMTKUk VtAMH UV THK .TM VAMM, BtK HCaWCXLVf ll)' fatnm In Klamath uul J who bat a I ml of land ti! for, IVUtTY IV lim'KH (HrraM Mx(tal Iknkw) W'ASHISUTON, I). C, 8pl. 30.- AT OBEWHAIN HfOMK TSUI YEAR HY McCOHVACX. TO RHCL.UM 7,M ACRR8 1 -5 TImt irAtte a4fktfac Wr villi ft . "" -rT""ff?:,' ,' - a - V . t-aiar . I JnnBBfciBWjt pHiwaWWnmni, ! '. 9:fi -FU..h4fw. dkt tkntk tkranth tka not t auke anyeeinnnt tat a4Taaea MmmnmfmMiPvrr. - An aeMa'rTiaw. tm tot khia aftarabon, aays ta rnaAW.fn- V- - - i-p-'.-atrnKSny Icalb auddealy look Ur. William' According to E. . McCornatk, who ilartlii, an old-llma rataat of Klam- ' lHvnuly recUUnln 7,000 acra of fckla la.MJ T k a I b 4 .. tlnui lliU auuimr, or auiumvr,,,, ,,,,. , wl,rLiH ,. - nin fop-ath Fall, aa he wu altUas at the . " "" " 'w "" ""T uUtJlItll I fiTinHcur. h.I- f"r railway mall .y, both or Mr. Rll.a Obencbaln laat nlbt. Heart .onUt.ued by lko drc4sft "Klth Tkla ta farwwl. and n lint-t nut ucd for a Rrnlti r'l Miiw .iimmvr. i,i.n ., bn fnvorablr reoorted lallura waatbocauae. Queen" and the crew until cold to eonitrtt, former Hnator Jonathan! The pioneer dentin waa reeling iwcertl"U ln' , . . , w .. .. 4... ..... ..!. Vh,nh.Ui.ta.k.iMri Thla dike, when completed. Ul be IIUUM1P Jr. H w-v im.m .., --7 " "- - '.nnnthuKIc r.U ll. In. Tfcl - - "- ... iw -- reclalmad land, after betas paaturad 'for aowo time, will be sub-dldad and turUt Id ItoUml (llahi).r. Ilo haa a llwitrd amount for dinlrlbutloii. The. aral ! for fall plautlus, and Uraly-r InaUla H' lh Um4 Im rJfLll,lalu8 u ,fttiW,nt at ilw nallonati capital In favor of a ronitllutlonal 'umtimliiH-nl dhealiug lh pretldent of 'hi .)cr of appointment or federal omelal In the uvcral ataten, and prt r Uldliia rot- their elotllon by tu euilo In llit'lr rttil-tlrt' dUtrltt. ( TliU eviiutUutloital aiutmunifiu run SAY ASSESSMENT " irr taa mini IS.Nr n hnl,u,er.!:r,"!;. 'cuatomi. colleciora of Internal reyo-i H t . , i,,ju4 staiea maralmla and tll . TIMIIMt IXTKIIKHTM, THIMPHU j I rlct ntlorue. nd reglalcra and re-j .icelvera 01 lanu oincrn. KBIHKKXTATIV, TKI.I THKi 1UlurU0 m cured Manrancc of iimjBmj u ! c r sold aa amall form tracta. CAN NOW BORN : THE SLASHINGS driving the Oermaaa back tka Irat tUM taW'bnpaaa Honed St. Mlhlel aiaca the Ommm announced they had eroaaed the Menaa.. Theae reports apparently quiet the atoriee that the Qerman' right b in rull rerreal. althsngtt It emphaataaa the fact that the French left la-gala-In. The last official report waa ,fTer- aaie to inn mitea, Ta empaaauaa the fact that the general tnratec marement of the allies nertl. at iSomneis programing rapMlr., TMa lIt--i--'l .. a..iil u in vpivc mm HHit ww wnv tfvii or fi. nH.nw ii 11. i -.. . . . ....-.. 1 reauy in program. i- jSs I,.. u.jiJL ? f rjs .! hc r - - a ft lmT.1 aiLJu, Un " . ?( " ! mF .iMann .mw-mmM ;; &,M1 sWy&1 fV 31 A"fre rr? -L.rrf-t f Vx-!!f--ala'ii W ta aa m j. J i j .y . fWGI"" Tff,,",,l,Ffdjm,am (j,- . tak - ---'--"- s w.'W w.wpiwii''''jir ."! .,, .3v3 ft-Wijr ..lffA- W,?, fT JV . " .y -g , ?rtT77' a' JT r .. ' rtfV lU niMaTfV 4 y tt fliltt lrai ! - " . T rr - i . v T'f Lsi.'.. jrvif,7-9r , ;-. BKim, sevt. a. Ta antaaaaaa .:Z la iaane4 ttlMnraabnif?,5f ' T- fii wter . ! ki" ' '': o- aBJlJiitai -yL-''rT:-'y ' ... yi tag reaalSliaKaWtHg ;i?5? rna -SI rjSM jlW' 1 iF juaj 'aaab'airjMt laUvebatlUataaa-ftavAflKr . .. H. -- t "-Wtt A- in-PnlMiliMf flH". g -i; ,'-"';iurl&ji-i anar ftwaaanhampra army Xtwaaa. RlrecaanUh iCnt. aui' imaBJMM,f.,t a rl ' .-. v t!f&KH Pft"WBIWT .a l3ftwi mmmmmwmm L 'ii n " wwsT.iijijiu '' 'j " -iva"- ' j Daal,itarri- J, ;., -3 4 T ... lu ' rt "fl tbericlanvat Oaaate"nat -bagwa t ,A tawo. h. ."1' ' It w stated that Uk Ram I aaa fcaa baea gatelag. bnt-ha baJaaa nac yat nt the daeaataa aa.-t-' a - . KnsawM are aaraaeing w uaamtj WORLD I w --j i I1M al 'jml r lTK w.-i tea Austria Prepares j . . . ,. .1 .....l,lutilk Bttlilwtrt fjr than lirillkOiAil HOAHH OF KqVM. IHTIIW ."1" r"T" I "" ', . -, TMKY IIAVK KICK COMIXtl l.-.iitiiiiiloiil umi'iiUuionl In mith j Iiuiim'h of wiigrttM. ' TImi prliirlpal renaona given by liotirno for ndvucatlng an Amendment iloprlvhut llio pn-aldent of hla ap poliilliiK power nr that distribution m . .a .-..... rs klita I lth lllaa ioi rouerni i" Tliut tha nfcciMd vntuhtlon of lim ber land haa bean Inereaaed while the other land vnluva hate baen dcieed It, the, basis of rontplulnta made to tno i,ent lo dlctato to congress, tnai po. hoard or viiunlUatlon today by Jiikw(,m r tho mipolntlng jwwer u sun F. Kimball. 1). V. Kuykinlll,Ui(w tho prldenl to build up" a ik- r . ' . . " .. -ii -... . . .. ..... .... Judge lh-8kana Jame iiyan, an i""itlcnl m.u-iuiH' wnu-u tn "i o ....mi Una ll.u large Umber owner Thu timber repreciilallMiJ any mm lluual contentions, that tho people of the aevural districts In which federal . Jffr "J ' Umtedtrm amp (; !. ,r.,Sir.WIw'Kf e i T1V 1 n Pat Is 0KK. InA. Je.-lt. fri Ul..a ..'. .ii .. inl iiir "," nf, ramnnia " that tMa la fair' ka ( ai Lri"!n!"' U not emtltable, andaVli, for ai,rcd'.0fflpfts servo are tho beat Judgea as " . I . . .llal.Ma4llfctt JuHtmeiil. ,to tho persona neai quaunvu, i I . ji a .. .1 . I rMltlt -r rjappointmenv or iocbi it-vr iv.i- hy tho president Jomu to uureaucratio n(iVrninent twin Wnahlngtou, and dUregard or the principle or home rttltf. Arcordlng lo n report current In Couslnntlnoplo, Turkey haa conclud oil lo romalH ueutral. and wll not impporl (larmaiiy, England noiliad Turkey that should aha enter (hoiwar she would bo Corner eliminated n power. Turkey will demand that th power retognlaa hr right to abollah extrn-tcrrltdrlal eonveatlona In return L-" tJrtj;i&(. Abater til Thalrlah Pfpara aay thkjL' Ireland la nliwardad with aedlttana poatera AMamiHatp Pft-auada tha ltn en KlitW.kWYry ucaaaU atacalUaaatMta. - ' for noHlraHty-Y rrr1 Under cammaad'ol (lanaral Uman von HandM,'a PmaUa.ayalry-aa1 tt, t,U Tarkit va iaaMtHlmj,a tart army oa tka Bulgarian trjaitar, Dr. William Martin . if t HURMINO MUST HK UOXK IV AC , CORDANCK WITH 8TATK RKOV LATIOXkl, THOl'OH NO OUS VUIKH THIS YK.lt KKHI ---. ----- ---,.----. . . -- .--.--. table with hu uaugnier, Miriam, mr.j aud Mrs. K. Canwnter 'oitOaklandil and Mr. and Mr. 8lla Obancbaln.'j ., , , , " , rt 14 Immediately utter; he;,ad (Had hU wood aBn0UDCM lhat th0 Ume for plate with victuals preparatorr to eat- burnlngalaahtegs l)iegln4tomorrow-, lag. he fen oter mto me tap or Mr.iAii peraena can now nura weir ataan; lt. deHd. A doctor waa aum-;lBViku tkla must be done under the . . sa. . . Oiiri enter KHtucd, hut to no nvau. t t lu iho passing ot Dr. Martin, Klam. atit Falls loses one of lla beat, known residents. An anient' sportsman and . . - . . a proticient ueniisi. ne. naa won trlenda In both his business and rec reation periods here, - y WVhen he opened hla otlce here wnnr yenra oko, tho town waa then clustered nlong the river, with the' probable fcuecess ou hb nest'trlp'lato I'brtck store" building as.taa oenterJJtho woods. Tha doctor opened hht' office Mhere, ! Deceased was 41 years ot age, He and tillhough tUaownaa growalla the aoa ot Alex, Martin ir.. preal, a Way from there, n miii mamiaiaea thenio ollloo uu)llHti laat, and la CHBUIIIIvnt III! liv mwwK rvHmw regulatlotu prescribed by the state foreatry boardt- ' ' Any aaslata'nco needed wllljbe ten dcred'b Warden tlhitwoodor ?hia subordlastea. According to Mr. Cbltwood there have been about flrty Urea ta thla dis trict tkla summer. oue were aerjou. dent ot tho Flrati National beak et KUmath Falls. laaddltloa ha la aur Vlvad by Uls.daughler, aged 18 year two brothers, Alas Martin, Jr. af JSn- ijgane, ana ueorga maroaai sraeam. ) Ur. Martin took on big vaeatloaland two slatK,,r,Jaiaaa Wo4ar every year,, una waa, a aajavra o;ana rs. waiaiaia.oi vmaiaa4 i P hla work aa a dentlat t ,wak,to the to UoUteU location ho haM to. ' ,IM' aeveyal Keeks Into tkt back of , On Friday moralnrrMr. MarUa'a . . . ...klk"' W- V !. 1B u?l.,i mII V !! Lu K iutMk m B WW4r. fromwlak, hevreaM.re HUn.hUea wth!,1fwaa.Tlka"tU as always a big pari at ta year for jr. Martla', nan kkj M wm A 1 heard rlaglai at Ma1 Wa4j about kit lLlr M k9a,wlUtBV.taaa.U Auaarn, ka ka Interred; bytkaaUei Wawe. aaa WUkaaecaaiyaaM ta tM-uakfk r IHQ RawtWiPIVK eWkftpppWBif y RnlE'" Wei TTA,ir,XA,H rfr,at lee te,dMHHwn iMmkqfttfttfzf.. to Battle Italy v n 'THK FIRST TWO QAJOK WBX r .. . .. . -uA t i.lVwi'-aiai' f y . v 6 .. J- H r. ? 1 . .. !. in.. r'i-in . -- W A.iirrwuiniini.1- ,u,pw - it i B.t; ' K.tfir sfik. T 't ? Uc i fif - . TOV, M.rjPKXMbUI United Freaa Service KOMK. Sept. SO.' It waa learned today that Austria la concentrating on her Italian frontier nil available troop, and that aoldlera ot Italian birth, are being tranaferred to -allele and Hungary. Slavic regiments being substituted. There is but little doubt that Italy will toon participate ta the war. The Qerman and Austrlaadlptemats be- Here UUeV .& . Denmark laat year exported 198,'- 000 barrels of aalted herring. -i f ta Onttad, Frees Barjleaw . , . PHH,ADF.LPKIA8et. a.-r"Tli world aerlea gaatea between khaJFaUa-j delphU AthWlea, and, UeBaakeai graven .wjll begin here .Oetonef , ftk J acoraina; iq pinna tafaaaa PT National Commlaelem here tedarr,' . t ut, ."" t-i. i in ill i it -inr ti.r j- ia The trat twa aw ii m rere. The plan ot playing two gai to ii--4l-. tha imiI'i nkll will be made today aad tomerrow by- k Natlmal flsmhsll rJiimlsala-l ' t "J "5 . . - -s. tsv r; f v' ..- a vi t .!. nn HgUW ft ' . t ft 111 Wm - fJ 1 J,-M iTr'll'," M.Km t j.p aam ! aa miki ir-BKlF W iiM pllll lll lU-.i rA I "H B TI k LLi Li B S Jlh HH w . jl Aaaamam .W-a wna "-.i f V,'MV! - 4 "T.. i I m . rsl AW.M :fT!,."1 t?'f. ... -. . MJ ,' 'Vv u 1- UaHed Pre7arvlee l ' i .: lACATBCAJ. aw. .aaa tUkfaf FMaesaoa TUIa aaeihred kaaayka'aar PlkMrMr'Ml! tleiMte la tka eoaeriee wltk.Cati f to'eIM,wHtfca r -w A. a -, J1 . .-. rf . - - -- - - "' .- - t ' k . , . ia4. m f . . ... HJL b. '--.. aa. wai4.wr.1TPkaia'ia ng Huai.imi'aai' 'aaa'aMu. as Ike T!FwT!F..wil? paamt"p."T .' r,"wTr5J atat Okraaaa. . ' J.jlw rr' x n te V. Tr:,4 taCMaltiOHi V vFr . . r ' '... ivtv - -.-. -4 iv : ,. ontnaaaam ItoJMajMaMiM' "w'rT",'ni ' l'"w aaa J a lam -. IT-""' ' f?&U, l ..jrj Tmmm P- "JBHPRPWf' -' JlMkiftaMpCpplHm 1" a Eft i roi ;jAJ - f ki tt' 1 w &. .4 fr i , -5. -3. , Jk -i .a ( " wSs , .'m