Wzii'S ' V:v "v I ai & ,s4? '! ftljtf S? ,-- DRINT8THIB' if ' dWl NKWS WHII.K IT IS NKVI .. . .- , -. .. .-..... ... - . ....... - . . A 4kW.gBy a - i i. ' 'if 4 PUV L ' igggffOT ,W gk. w . ' ' m - m -gew iimntut0 ftigraia 1 ct ! aw1""'"'! jr'n";'- .--..... ., . wCTumnrowmB , aW"? . mil' T fmiawiMiwjawBBt aarsc Laca TEUTON ASSAULT Still More Severe KLAMATH PALLS, ORBOOHV frONDAV, SEPTEMBER 28, 19H trt,r o . , NOW MORE VIOLENT lensorshiD Rules Made .. ...' t J i i" - "W ! a , 'tFtA'i ja :4. t I xtHf.wM' titi!".' i --j ,' gftVmnVK -1 ' Wl'l K tJBjK- "I tossians Say Iky WiD Enfer Berim W first rf SWWWMWMWWMMWIWWVWWWWWVIMWWWWM fiT i - i, 11 - i- -MV,W v . ALL RESERVES ARE THROWN INTO LINE German Cavalry Crossing the Ruins of Louvain University, Which Was Burned i i i " 1 f J . ! if W l i ' T . I kiM !( Krvlr' nrmHkn nil "( iKr rif4i.' IwjOw.ntlU',' IIm.' i.m; lutltiK-ir . ., I, i. ' - jj . , ' tMM( (x-m inuti ittr irl fwrWil ilio rllltn f Hu mi !( Ii.ni4rtl' hk -''' Il i wnitrrt Hull Ihp fimMAHi lm Binr.1 Utc lrnf. nuil rtli' lntv m IW ni UhW Hf fM'. MWi ' lMl4)tuii r (nll. iti' Uh' I'tm.li Mil hoM Hir. .MU.Irl. " -- ' ' t-"""v w . .IMrflftn u( (ttf UU lu MAIM rMHli4.4l ni H. yumllu luti Jnllr.t. Ik hulling lUrtt h Imvn ! nlhl lt'l lU)'. ''ff I'littn), Ullti U Iomt A Hutlu illililt m) lliCiitMii Mr umMus h Utlr MilMrli U iltr ,Uiw mI .rMM, Thifrllut Im Itrmk iltp nlllr !.. tu-. tf4ftl lltvir, Il U iliHi iHst IIm OrTMum mmtlr ftrtnl iMynnrl rlmt;r 1 Ump Vttmli Irmriira, Intl lfcl Ik tltM'r ..f f tir ttlllr Iio'iirIk ill. M44rlullxH illr. HMltH r.r i, mM mut. l ht mvw h frtx-a. u. " IMM iU, ami IImi flfMVtt.altWMltM t not tiMlrrlally rlumsnl. MHilwr huw rtrMWjf MlMlt HmiI llif twlllr I iUmhInK mwrtl n tltm. i k ( ImM Mtw llr Inlurt, lu llif li.w of t ruut Mta IW Urrma Hltl. Il M vMil IImI lltowmmt ut frrli lnioM tuur .v "wi Into ih rmy; - ItoKt M4m r MrriNrlMT mHy .. J i ii hi r - n-- 1 - - -- - 1 IBQMHMHIBIHmMR i i -ww " .1- wvwanBrrrc iac" i j wwiMnMHiHHMB - MpiitwsA; e i, JkafVtiit 4 mu.k i i i ' i in i i ii in iwiwii .? - i j. - - -- - , ...... ,t. . B,r,.liiiiiri,TT..ir. . . 'iTniirirfriri,-nrnMwiWM SIX CARPATHtAN - MSStS UiMKU . BY MUSCOVITES -IHK ILVYlltK, ACTI: ARM' iaUlr lUt Vjlu iVttU Ljhmf, awl I'rpt l Arr tluit ,,lt wIHCmi ' - I. lllllM- S0T tor 4vU Ayi &-- " j -jtl 4-!at'r, -J. - KoliMVr Kt MofmitkU.f 4'Vc ,ja '.i.alsJif.'AiJu 56lmi-'35 :rtTce'irr7"3ri:-""ip. '" " " PCTROCRAP. isu, J.w-U-i T uoubc4. tit lUe KumUjw efltttirartU ix of i ho Crpthhn, : - It la., 1'rcJlaed.lkAt. U JfiTMll uili nter' Berlin by. JMUMrjr'l - The entire actle'ry Is kow.bmv lag Wf9tard. r I ? J- UIMMA.NV IH UIIHIWriq MKHI.IV, (U fM MhM),.MrH. Tti Mcurml tff It oiltmtll wh it-rrlMni, Mfif tltm l m lll rwull, ll Ui tiMui rrtilrr U knIiiIm. uibumuUHl iiu. K'rrnrli to rirrnumi ml Hi, ieM,l. ., - - ! Tlw (Jrtii.au. iuUatal (Iw4r MMNtatv on llio lirlltl .r lltr Murw, m4 n. iHmilxinlliMt MMHitM Vrniim fort. , Th fliiniH iWHiuttt . Ike (mHM rkilil, Hie IU uJn nil Mr T.iubip t,, m u iMMrr WHllIC I ' oB&SESS3li Thl iihuioeranh how tho remain of wl wan. cnnidere4 one. of th erat universale of Europe, the University of Louvata. which iiutnri) with mo.t oilier building Jii thai rltr when the Oirmaaa Bred It, bcauao Ihcr Mid they had been attacked by cttJtenst Great buildUo ot la, unlyirull)' wr loreled lo ihe ground, no the pliotogrnph dhows a troop of Herman cavalry marching acroa the ruins. Tho burning of JUouvata..la th! chlof rtmrita agnlnnl tho melhodii of (lerman warfare that the Belgian king' commUftioncra to the United stale have presented to President AVIIiou. r MEXICANS MEET BRITONS SEE A TO PATCH FUSS! DOVE IH FUTURE liril ninillfinn ,VanFosenofAsbUnd;Botuna. Rer. IrrH gTll.Hllrll 's "V : Iadlaa UhMlos. supplied RETURNS HERE It Is reported' tbatar baa coBtmeaced btwee-tR tie's ir and aeraoaBa. This U aleac U raH road" iuat taslde tnpMt grHi froatie. from EydkuBBea to Trek. The tieraaBs are is great fore. aad are M-Mglr:lfetMMs4ftk battle in wtwly Kafc .,) Saow and rata are alaaat aoBllBH oua. - ,y 1 Urn' MMLm vi w DTUSSeiS .y. a Huge Hospital HKI'HKSKSTATIVKH OV CAKKA.V MKMIXW CRXSOIWH1P, IT Jg H.ID, XA MKCT TODAY AT aACATK.' CAS, IN HOI'K OK 8CTTUXO ALt TltOUHIiKH '1 BRetafy ultl Prtu Horvlo . ..f " V I.0NIK)N, Hui. SHUnott Mlglu, MUBlry W0W war, g4lnll. Jy'iv.mnU, have fall, (he " bl". uf tlm war, and no will hl ihny have bn l.Mvy ob. W I. today rl,yfJi.iifiUk, 32B,B tho wtog'nWwiHi " 'ly (iid emclently. . v JpWW' minimi) uvM y, . yquug, Knallak uv w- i I'urlH. 2r u- KtHts) ,l4yw Ja ' Mf J ?' t ,,,t'' .? "" ""Iglan eaaMaJMtBuiaaAia - il ;?! . M-itj8SS2 tlullvd I'teaa Hervlc WABHINOTON. . C Hopt, SR:r V. H. Consul John I). Carruthora Wle? ki,o timt ruiirpsentallves of Car- 'miitik mul Vlllit will meet today at lXnfnteran In nn effort to patch up thoimenta that will end the Qermaa igltt. Th cafe lire ii, the ,,am" kreach which nnnln threatona Mex- Tliero Is much tieculatloB a, to' the niovemeni ot tne new troops, tne ARK XKW MOVKS THAT 1XL KXD FIQHT 1XIHAX. TROOTMI .VOW IX THK KIK1.D . by C. C, Coop (new In district); Klamath Palls. Ret. Ernest C. RJch arda; Merrill, supplied by Rev. A. ,tiawinorne inew in aistricti. i , Rev. George II. Feese, at preseatf : . f a cnurcn, : me aaie, i iiiy m,nniwi IMS IUKk rroaa Trtst. " " J Mr. and Mrtt Marios Barawt, Mr. W. p, Uarnw and Virgil DU re turned from a huBtlB trti totkvt SuBtmer Lake couBtry. They bagfed a couplo ot deer. M, K. COXr'KKKXCK MAKKH SKV-, Portland district. lu charge ot the Lakevlew has been assigned io Patten, In the (railroad wtll.he aiteaded three. i tip Teal Creek. H. V United I'reaa Service . ..LONDON,! Sept. 38. Military otn rials declare that the ed ot the war In In sight, They nay that behind the CMiHorsnlp tliero itro new develop. KRAI. CHAXOKS IX KL.M.TH HKV. KKB8K AKSIOXKU TO a! IORTL.AXI DISTRICT Any Money m8BM United Press Service PORTI.AND. 8opt. 28. The fol lowing appointments for the year in , -. Success f Botunza Firaer Says "LVcWctly Yet" ....'... .i i !..-. r. -.. ear are minimi., n uiih-i.o m ,,"'i(.0ll penre. tlnur.l av hero mid there, vhere n ' bo,eVcd lhat most ot the ,0.00 bnardtdahon front recalls tmuumult. tornvd lu tno United mrkrove uerman tra..i ..,.,,, w .on8j 'villa's army. wlion ike war begau v "nuiMMiHrr hi which ihe t'lly. hn; ' -"'. ' j ,-T . . i.S7ta . .. 1.11 !... nrgMMtMlt noapiiais,' sum flHii$"if wenilerfnl. Practically tivefy; Mel kaH tho rod croiw In II MlndeiirduMta are rorolved no 0HerTk beds iro nnorvedforj in wenneetii raiiionui !!,.. r The lolul tixpeiidlturea at Astoria io ImproVo harbor facilities will amount to half n million thla year, ii,, Woman suffrage has given Chicago llrltlsh. Indian troops are- said, to bo In1 action. . llumora uro rife ot a disagreement between Uonernl. Frenek and onleers of ihe goneral Mlaff. The war, oBtce la j mot opilmUtlc, however, -' . Woiuoit employed In tko cigar andi J tobacco factories ot Pennsylvania out-i .number the men by overl.Ole. ' Have given un'tholr housoa, aiiailmroltlte largest voting Uat of auy Amer-i iendleton Is worklnler a new Ii hftrdly n wmun in me wnpi i'r .w ,v ggP'ggH iggggggfi lfgggggggg gggggggKi!lggggggggH gggggggwMggggggH Iggggggggf BggggggtggaH poatomce building. , Hlgiior Francis QrlKqn of Italy. Is In Portland to locale JSO.OOO acre of land for great, okeete industry. v, t M t The, Union Oil eoi ceav pleted lto,d4trlbutlBg.Ut at,.. Iter. K. O, KtcltMib Klamath county were made by tke Methodist conference today; - District UBerln(endent, Rev, H. J. ten WiM Thanksglviug Day, 19U, J. H. It Is safe to assume that when f jJkr !Faught ot Donansa, a dry land farm-'two years are up nest Tn'anksctvlnc fer, purchased eleven' hog for tke sum Day Mr. Faught will have leaetj of 85. Four of the herd Were bar-1 250 hogs In hln.kera. The herdeon-' rows ana seven were sows. 'gists solely or the iMturml lacreaae. 7 two or the barrows were raitenea 1 ut,fTmf ggure-tkt; be und sold, brlBgrng 140, Tke other! boob keablertox deliver f rem 'i' two were butchered tor home use. . The oven eowa were ueed ast a ( nucleus for Mr. Faught'a prevent 'herd. A pure-bred boar was Import'; ed from Illinois to be used In building inn his vnffa hArd. During ins Mr, Faught sold 1550 worth ot pork, and tkia year he kaf old 115 wortk. He now lie 17 need of sow and ekeau. with 1 sowa bow ready U.kurrew, , up tttfa!BMka keee'.M-: threshed jrkeatkay, and ae yet kekei ! . - , . ;...', jt ". riM ixty-Bre'er rajaek. ' i's?-.C!,i .-.- ':':.- 'smsLiST' s.TJT?'' lxty-r jpy ruMke . . , mti "i 'if?rvj sh a kattfne 'wltklaiVfilJ ' ga .nner. rrosaeiyxuere ;mtv j .! w ' in ? ".- .i . ..w'. ..lilS".''!. "Ii'i"rt , rMMla)to4afetAx'f- 'VAyTi 3. ', . Sxl&:te H c'l h . Wl 1 i rt. , A'y - A Jr ,.' -M'l wl VLJ ;-r?'i .z : .ix L"'-1- 5i,' JTfcV I r9r,flri"j j.. ij' .1 5 t A..-A .f?i ", VV . -Hif j a,if Jlirt't,' "! l I ' ISi .. .f.V I' J . l c c iyj"S A?B I'r t . L. ' ' :' f -4 i -