"r . ;i 4 m Sty literal!! PRINTS TIIK KLAMATH FALLS' f OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER HBWS WHILK IT IB NKWS ,jutMaw SlaUi Veer X " rlI.WtHimi.nrii Iiitiii. i Jir,-f,iH.JnTnTJTT1 . -.,. KLAMATH FALLS, OREqON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 Pric. WUm "Rivers Run Red," Say Despatches From Battle's Front iinri-irvwvAwji. iAAMVVWWMVVWWVWVMVyW VWWV( unltM GERMAN RIGHT NOW ADVANCES: I'altte l'rt tfertlce I'Alll. S-4. aw. Th tVnth tMp ,i n,f . n i . nMl. jK,. tH eVrkl Ik Wrnmtn, in Mf'rr In ni'n mi an miImikp by If m m In. tamd ttmiuutU of Kink IMnJ t'N ItOelilH, Thr (.Vttitan mdrnsur In rlwek llw allir and (Hi Hu-ir line lmr-i, galea and Sir, Vumiln m Mrreful. Xn !? alllr Ml ti ln rr ialsmd by lr"' If"" AntktM M ltll m, ami l UkMIhu Intnl. Il WadmlHrd Owl h Herman lk llto uririi.lir rrrU), "ml lliry tled tUiHiUlly alene: Hw lielgtiu of tin- ;liir, ( rUtuti-.l dial the nlllr hM trgalitnl tdf Ht ol ilirli inrln.rj M the Ml, and by i -rlr of b)iurt thnrgr .iiMrrJnl In rulnjnu Hlr. tfetnlle. Tbry luMt Ifl'l M tin Htww, doltim; In pin rut ll tlmoii Msa, a Ik llrntMN lrv Ka an nrmr by, The Oman' rmlrr U MfttatoK l-frl larilrvtinliit; I" Hip lllt aeal of It r'Wfi" l rHnfurv ilm OrrmH tight. iMnl adllcr ay Ihr nlllr' right I advancing, lull that Hip UrniMii adtaare tnuaid fl. MihWl I rthhl unliYri, IliU inm lm. tn( Ix-rn eke lo rrw the Mil. ( (Jcrrsl Jitrirr I rrlafMrting hi lrp i all pulnu. (Iitun)' iiii sad strand line f rrMf r and part of lie tiilunlrrr at rMtE-il, ThU U Hir u)frtt Mnali', If thr Orrntan arj drfltl H - their rvtr-i luwnl IW-Ulum. II tWy U. lb alUr hf ImHN ? hrr. , ; TV Iomt Il4l kilto MW Imiwl MHtwlrnli. " '" it m imiimmuhu: to kntimat: Tin: M4i$, iiirrTiii: iuvi:its AKr W:iHKTI.1 TO H KI'XXINO KKII. WITH THOfHANDS III" WJttV HIATIXO IX THR. Ul lUlil, llKlrH H-tf. tlii Kffmli niv matttrafnc lllnl VR MM WC1 ou; Belgian Sharpshooters Pick off Germans on Retreat BERLIN CLAIMS ALLIES RETIRE IIKItLl.Y, (via The Hague), lr. .0 It l iinttai)cct by Ik w olWrr itwt Hir Orrmjui Hht, for thwe in (Uagrr by mm of tWBkks wwwi by (he alll, rrpJd tke alllc tra tnllr aloac Ik Alaa now ml wtth lb blood of the battle's Tkt'ta. Tlie aillc. thoncli rifi(orttii, are uUe to its" la the lot trrkory A rrlra of violcat aaaatill m UHug autlc all aloac the liae. The morrarat of the army aloa the Maew coatlaae, rHn tba Fit bi rrtirlwc. Tlirre H bo iaterraptfoa la Ibo botJbardaient fro Mum and Vrrdaa forta. A.MHIIlTIOV IK KKPOKTKfl. nlicd I'rwui Sentlca . . IIASYI., Spt. 'M. Altkirrh rrport aay tkcKreach -n"-"-"-nlfTli-l9th rvglamtt of German reaerre near thcrv. Tbey ambaabed aa ar. morrd train, ami the coaaniaader. tno captains and two lirawaaaca were killed and the other raptured and wounded. ' ' " I'llKI'AHKI) FOB THK U!T .STAND, f foiled Preaa Serrlea .. . AXTWKBP. Sept. U6, It la beHrrel that the Gertnaaa are prepares to make a atand in Snwtnern IWfli-w, thould they be driTcn oat ol Fraaee by the alliea, '" ArUtioa sroats report ratrencbrtmu nortt, of Mom and alone tba :riieM, iieadre and Henae rlvera. (A 4frtM &. -51 J Bavarian on Trial Jap and German l Gentian Officer Fiffht in Air n The llrltuti nii;i) rapidly rcoicanU-'l nftar llic (leruisna, who tore It lo iilcctii, Wa retreat tluoush lianc, end lltT vcro wrcral balllve bvt'wn llelslai) aDil the kalr' forcen remaining to hold them lit clirvfc ThU (iliotiiKrapli oil"" HoIbUii harilioo(er pfrklnc off Geriaan from behind a trench dug for- the i Cut Htlillnc Thou- ooldlor hare cut hole ihrougb It to tkatr baada need noi bow above an target. Itl'KSIAX TBOOPH ACTH-K. I'nlled Preas Service PETRCBAD, Sept. a. Report of the fall of Prxymet are expaetad aay aalante. The Fatern facta are all' weakening aad the mala ftaaataa araar la rontlaalag on toward Cracow, to raptare that c. At Cracow, the ati A Herman general la the w CTi'imaii and Anatrian force are atatlantd. Uair4 I'ifaa lltiilrt Untlrd I'rr Hrtr OUTBXU, h. 34.--H w an I'KKIN, ?!, S - .Adtkrn liom ounci Itxlajr thai the Oerntab mill Khamunic ate in tho oitoct (hat l,ei UrytaihoiUUiai llrueUr tryliBll,", llor were innuvriu t aunUtr ol IUrlau aoldlvra. The 0Ver ,,li' ('''''' '""' ""'J "" a1' ktri I that th llavartan werw!'BC,llw!l '' Utr. Ow Ja'- tealTlat tor lit nwaiw r nnt-h imt""1 rasthlnc wrecked and iho! pHeM ef r. It ft alao auted .JJfJ,'' . u Kiel on ii(aen tan nae I COMMUNICATION ILLUSTRATED SONG MAY SURVEY THE RE-ESTABLISHED SERVICE TONIGHT MARSH THIS YEAR Land Leuing Bill ' Servian Are Pasaes the Senate; Slowlv Advancing ,I.U.t; WAV AIHU'MI Ttl IIKACII . INTKHKST1XG FRTl'HK TO UK 1XIHAX IIIB1UATIOX SKHV1CE OF-K ; ? J house. tilled Vftn Sarvlca WASHINGTON. D. C, 8ept. 26, The senate today pasted the Alaak&n coal land leulng bill by a viva voce j tote. The bill has already Passed the killed. The Jaiutie4 ati'l Ain linmhardlna the ntiicr nn (fid Uavatlant U growtnK, forta. -I Hydroplanes ' Bombard Cattaro Tin: mi:h'AX iwpitai. n"i h'iiu: iti:iiitT that vii.ia AXI ZAPATA MAV t'XITK M HUlrr U Martini. I J, W, Tyrrell haa riH-lvd word of Ika marriage of bU n Inter, MU Kve-Uliillnl I'rcaa 8rlco lyn Tyrrell of Pottland, 10 0. N. Coin, waBIIINOTON, I). C, 8et. mock, a noiftinriit Aiwcny tm,i ',T,C5rM,l,le commuulcatloii inrney, ne caupie win reiuo in me tilVKX IX (X)XXKCTIt)X WITH, THK VOt'XG PMiPLrTK MKrrT 1X0 THIS KVKXIXO FKTAL8 HKTL'HX FllOM TRIPJ . OF IXHPKCTIOX AKOUXD THk'5o,j, Aroand take. nd Mrs. Leslie Rogers. Alex Sr.. Mlas Ida Morayer and PH0PO8KD PUOJKCTH I .United I'rcsa Service NISH. Sepu 26 Tbe war oftce kas Issued the statement that Krupa&la It the only place where Austria atlll kas a foothold In Servta. Fighting, aa been going on there for VwNk,ai4 It la said the Servians are slowly ad tvanclng. Gfforu to, cross ,tkaOMla and Danube rivers ba met with !? pulses. Tue government dealaa tk "ahoa bin" utatf. hivvo bfcn rC'MlablUliod between era Crut and Mexico City via Nogalm. Thla w4n made nt'eesaary by the de struction of thu telegraph and tle- I'altad I'tta Hcrvttfl, KOMI., hji. 3.Tha fleet of. , . 'rtsch h)drilane have hu kow. Hck to Mcvn ,'HiB Lttltro, It la not known aal t'Mll Miller lift Friday for Mrva. I..i - ..i- Miuwn Vnm Crut and 1H bii ilamaio was Inflicted. , latter a day's visit here. the capital and the acatructlon of tho ,, .., 5)nillrnail track for oiue dUtnnco be twi-on tint two cltioa, Tho olflctnla have been advised that ll'ii.Uhnt Carrunxn anya Hint It would io Impoimllilrt for bla to treat with Opnornl Znimtn. which atreiiKtliena the rumor that '.apnta and Vllln will ,unlt their forccit. Au added attraction for tbo con- (Veutlon of the Klamath County Young People's Societies will ba an illustrat ed aong "xervlce at the Chriatlan church this evening, luteratate Field Secretary II. II. Hottmaun of' the ChitHtlau Kndeavor Society will con duct thin, nnd no naa with him aome beautiful colored atcreoptlcon slides Good Football Season Uu of Material ad Lots of Enthusiasm Shown 'V it Utl.t. '1. " " b rrft' ' M kluda of WW WMMtai and Ave. gams. In ihTL? ' '00l,"l,, ,ho bl topic at ra!r .Mh (,'0,,",f ,,,h wh001 jr. ' T,,t' lotl iudei nru much for S V "" ',,"W"r "" MllkM or.... ?'" "m,, n",l n alumni 'Mlo,, M, nBhl) M- hav- "J1 " eauiurlni I ho floiilhvrn Ore- tmponihli. "'Mo play Mvrrlll bin., Two garnet for A! . ! nM"roU w,' M adAnhlnndhlihsohooli. Ilava?? cr"on Mo"sbcher be 'a It-am. Many of tl.a boy. are Mm, but all . ..i...L.. ...- Kin luii viuay ngnieri, "" "' "0l MrVM, will apvclalUu uu i liu bnckllolil. With thjn form of trnlnliiB Ktcnt' roHUlls nro x pocted With thu oxcoptlou or tho atuduuls who nre Inlurealvd In lnunla, "bout t-vur toy In tho hlgli achoul In it can didate for tho football nqtiitd. AmoiiK those 'who ahow ilnihca of roil nullity or Ira Oronl, Lnwrenco Motachen kackcr.i Hcd Htovrnrt, Bill McMlllnm HUum Pngo In llio fmckflolil, nnd 'iHtrlhip" Hlcigor, n piucny iniiu i-u pautidtir nt quarter, (liuvea work ut ctator la good, nnd pn tho onda It Is a lkt between Noel, HonU. Hill and Knl, For other puRltloiia ou tho lino Mel. haia, WaiIo nnd Clydo Shori. vori llfowbttkor, Hvort-tt, 0'I,oughlln nnd (lie La Prnlrlo brothtira nru showing otava. 'Unktmbaehj n Cenjrnl school star ofuat year, and otlior jdnycro WM bo t iMkool Nt week, nnd win Aht far places, tin io Salem. , Mrs, F. II. Delxoll and the MUc Jcephlno anil Iamih Forrest camo In from Clilloiiuln Friday night. The MUno Forrest loft IhU utorulitK for Snlcm, nnd wit acconuinnlpd by Mm. DeUell nd fur n Weed, Mrs. Doliell will return to Uhlloqiiln Sunday. SueH on AwoiiiiI. Suit to n-cover 20S.iiS, nllcgtfd iluu on uciiuunt, wns commenced in tho circuit court by ths Farmers Im plement nnd Supply houso ngninsl J. I,. Fielder nnd J. u. i.ouuen. j, u. Uutenlu U attorney for tho supply liouno, ganpn .annnBrTnnnnnnnnV. nnKMInnnnnnnnnnV i gHtiiM bbbbIL: -?. iflBSaasgasnw nnnnnUr''4mVlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl nsnsnsnu;rTaggggggnnw nnnnnnnm e !' nnnnnnnnnnnnnnf KinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW i glKLHgllv . 1 Lj Chief Kuglneer V Indian Irrigation service, DUtrlct Superintendent U M. Holt and Cost Accountant Frankland 'returned to day from a week's sojourn on the Klamath reservation, looking over the Klamath marsh and the Yalnav country, where reclamation may be takeu up later. "The trip was In reality an oppor tunity for Mr. Keed to personally see i ths reservation,, so he could gather 'first hand information regarding the 'question that may arise," said Mr. Hoiu "It is possible that some survey work may be done ou the proposed' Klamath marsh project this fall, as there aro some appropriated fund! left tor this, but thla will not bo taken up until after tho Modoc Point work I tlnUhud." Mr, i Martin , Miss Stewart will make a trio around the Upper Lake Sunday in Hoaers' "juration torn Vleaaa that the Ser. ( - - - ----. .. -i vians ore suaeriag irosa eaatera. it is also announced that the bwalbar- iment of Belgrade coatinuM. Coon to Move Shop. C. U. Coon, "the Electrical Mau," Is preparing to move bis electrical store and motorcycle supply house from ita present location to ths old shooting gallery on Main street, between Sixth nnd Seventh. Counter Attacks Cause Heavy Loss i. tTnllitd Praaa Ranrlr f LONDON, Sept 8. A atateaeat and 'Issued today was aa follows; , "There has been much activity by I.eave for Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. U. K, Haydeu children leave next week for Fallon,! i Nov., where Mr. Hayden Is Irrigation the enemy along the battle front to- inanager of the Truckee-Carson pro-day. Some heavy counter attacks Ject. twere repulsed with conslderable;loss." Fort Will Show Class Iteer Will Suffer. There la to bo au exodus of city II. II. Kottmann Will Teiicli School. MU llosn Krupka, ft llH urndu nlo of thu Klamnth County tilKU bcIiooI hn been chosen to teach at thu Poo Vixlloy school. t !--! Vf Hit ums Tonight. ,-, Mr, Clmrles F, Htonu l expected tonight from Portland, where she tpsut sevoral wasks. for song services in connection with tho work of. tho young people. There will ba uo admission okarge. Tomorrow Mr. Rot t maun will Join Klder Hiulwn lu the morning" service ut tho Christian church, A chance has beeu made In the Sunday program ot the convention. otttclals today, tor Mayor Nicholas, Police J ml go A. I- Iuvllt, Patrolman Sam W'ulker aud Contractor tlarrelt rv ilia t.'llal. aS.a U.,..M,,AM.. wi u 11,11 diiuui llsel'lUUUIUUI, JJIfU t Ject, with Z. J, Powell and, H. H. Ed- .monds, leavo for a deer bunt in the. Dead Indian country, near Johnson's I Prairie. Thoy expect to bo back Mon- I JForaie Crops and Races Will Be Among Featves day, lad an with venison. County Agriculturist Kolllu Qlals yer aud Karl Chandler left this morn ing for Fort Klamath. It the weather Is right, they plan to go on to Crater Lake Sunday, so aa lo make It possible for Mr. Rott- . --. ,., rrr munn to talk to tho women aa well aa, Community Social Purity," by ra te the At 4 o'clock a the after noon glOmea and boy a wlii he asked quest, taking up the problem of' tke dance. Tho' meeting la open to all to leave tke church, and the AeM sec- women and girls ot the age of puber retary wilt speak out ot kta expert- Ity. Younger girl are not Invited, eaoe and traUlag on "PanenaLand and will not he naaaltted, (Herald Special Service) FOHT KLAMATH. Sept. 16. At u meeting ot the boosters of, the Wood River Valley , called by Jas. C, Pelton 6tthe county fair board) plana wore outlined for the district fair to be held hero next Saturday, and, the re ports ot the committees show that It will be a hummer. The fair will be he)d only one day.. The premium list for exhibitors will ba the same aa used nt Boaaaaa. Although It will he a little iate for tho heet seleetlen at eur agricultural product, thla part of the fair will he a surprise, tar the Wood? River Val ley claims to be able to show the best forage crops of any, part .of te county. A purse Is being raised for fool racing nnd a bucking oontaet,? -The Fort people gave' away 16GQ in prlaea at heMnly;. Tlme.l whJthnlso brought sixty Warm Springs Indiana here, and there la no deubt but what we will spend a little moMgta thtp way at the) fair. . . ltt if The' bead et committeea are aefel; f lew: " " -4 ram. exhibits. Ray Leoeley; Many :v.. -a etnelrJW.. C.-' tHseaWerdatwe';, -r;, f''' air. .Q4n and Mr, ,TnfssIWi,vL!i J nay spocts. jqbb wwer. -v . J ,, ( y v l Ml OLjM 4'Hi ? - ... " 'v:;. ' 'd- "h