Sto I . Tiii 'prints thic "rKUTHAaJ 8 WHILE IT It NEWS OFFICIAL NEWiFAFl f -WfflWT' w 'HK'MMiWVWHIWaai'.Ki i. .wrrj -T r, 1" i'.. il iMI ; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, J9I4 Stlfc yfi . " Pvtea, Wm iturnhm mm I mw mm mmW SPECIAL VOTE ; CJINNO! BE ON NOVEMBER 3RD' '.' ",!,: M,'T , w.ur .uviiim: ' "' gHtrel Ulrrlrl l lSe ! III Mr!"? l tUf Mc AHkrw) tsnl OucImW I'Ml I'M Iw Um I'riH W Kadrsmt M Ttl rUrt , llM AUu ' '' ""r' HI!" tofTlMf T HM.r. I A awwrnl lo bv a special ! llM os lb MrlloH of the rly tak' ll etr It? Ak)' mmI hel-Ton ,Vrttlf 3tJ, lb dAle of lit row nly U Ul nrrl elttlu, which Iim t ualf 1 hrr, rame lo an end' teesy, found' that Hiefe; lll set be mOKlcnl It me inroake ! til Crowds Besieging Flour Stores jUlfRS STRIVE TO " i CUT OFF GERMAN 1 COMMUNICATIONS iMMMMMMMMa " uffiFSuSJMforf&n&r titto&mtltlimftiil'ii' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBX tfy J sK fe.'fflflFV 'j3TjBBai2r wBaaJBBSsrBYVBeBlaaBSBSrLjBX kj mmmmmmmmmv ,iii?iEj rsMMi'i.MriMMMMMMiMMMMMBHMf MMMMMMh'wI LMUMaaM tMMKS bW4bB 'bbbbbBLbbbbbbbbbbbLHKbbbW'? MMMlMiHrw HnHr aBMM BH Kmmkkkkkkkmmmkmwi MMaVMMMr.? 'IIIMbW MBBmV MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMPf I BBBbV MBY9nMMMi) '?? ikhB SIImV MMMMMMMMMMMMMMTifMMBr 1 "J Mr.. asadsltH flMMMTtt IiaMVtS BMMmMMi9MMMMMMTVka MMMhcCSr SUs'TJbBBbV t BMBr5SMa HHEBBBBBBBbMbBBBBBBBBBBBbWbBBbV LBBBBBBBBBVBBBBTMilii YBBVt3fi BBJlJiil I BBBBBbUEHbBBBBBbIbbIbBBBBBBbHF BBBBBBBBBBBBBBWbVVHSIbBBW MbBBBBBTBB I I I TBBBBBBBBBByiBl BBlBBBBTr HW IbWBBBBbMbW1 LbbbbbbbbbbbbK M" PV t 'IbJWWH'bSbWbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbV i It bbbP ii- Jl lBBBlCJHWr H I ' "kldlJ .HPw"::,Bb - s. (urr prtllwlttaflr, Tb malirr ty rota up Junius lixr intrr, n tir ruuurii A imi mmo u ).l ttf In lfc rv UwaiIou wrlri U. (jSMlIoa or Ihe cllr IaVIuk urer Ibc (arnttatl' (illlfa(Um to IIip htIJ, not iif rlbl under Hi Ankrny (Jluk. TttU oul4 nllow Id lty in1 Ulo hi-f wptifif U 4ftM4 4 SM l 4l4M of lht otmoilmii' ir r, TU ,cttvrDftint Ih ri'1" UlrJ It4l lbl wihiI4 lw MiklfKiniT. prix i(44 itir maltrr U iu( tUff ihe aW, B'i liiv i'l !? Iltlr vti,l fer ik tMbtfer of l obllaUoB.I U ror I Mi thai in rlllon al tlrl, ut30 I In rou,B4 Inal , Urr vole coul.l lt (tolM on xcnil ( tUtlloB dkr. Tlir lii bfii fonlluudl f4tt t.( llntlln Kl'l H" ' J,ll, ,, n,)U' cr Jnc' ,hc r bn Ttil ttiAicKrah ak-M .n mtof lt .rlitrlil irtH;l, IiO Uop Jammi-d with rowi. wonx-n and children. ai)kcu in lu-, jiut.lilr In lif Utsi Ihr Uut inUht not lone rt-main oiin. : - HA It TAX III I.I. IK AttOITKIl BV HOL'MK United I'rrsii Karrlce. WA8HI.V0T0N, I). C, flpl. i. Hy a vole of 334 to 1SS. tl bouse or rprMntatlTos to- dr pMttd the I'nderwood war tax Keaiure. WORLD SERIES TO TEUTON COLONIES JAPS PREPARING BEGIN OCT, 8TD. SEIZED BY ALEIES FOR BI6 DISPLAY "KAISER NOT AT FAULT" CARNEGIE Armies of von Kluk And von Boehm In Critical Pti on the Right !dW i t! iiav jiiiiNMiv tivsci'j Tin: AUhTitAi.iAXK taki: imaxi iHOHiMmuiu.t'oMMiiNfr.iM. xi;v cirixia. axi MKIItAlW'.UTtiltTtltiCMNi: IIIIITIHII MAIIIXKli CHXL'fVIXU )l Till; MAJOH MIMMIX j LIMA IMMXI " ' ' jKTKKI.MAKKH, 4CKT HKTIIKXKD IV AHVIf 'IM IWX-KIVKO KIIOM JAPAX moM yxnot'tU S.'VS PMC1WU.V HAVTHATTHKWAKWILtXYT MUTA1IV M.4CM1XK FORCKII I.VTKIII-KKH WITH IAHIH.IIV1. THR BLOODY WAK TION IX THR FAIK CIIICACU. -W 86.' mlA' ctmtilutilil(i hb tlr 't I" Ih" Ullld Pfrta Hartley LONDON. rt0 85.- -Admiral I'at- t'nlied I'rraa SrTlc , ; HAN KltANCIBob, Sept. JS5.-A vice revived ttrfreaa Tkt.(rem IUIim fk.. -t..llu .....IJ 1. . . .... . . ... li.i .."i;i tt..i"l' Irnnm'i W ..7j . '" V " " v ' " "iihawy will Man irn urtowr . on,v .-. -. ' ltrukl Yamawakl. the JapiuM com lttl a llm fnr li. TJ.-r U .1 - .l.M ra nfrt UtrtHBIIl III tt rUHP.l wrUla leocth of ilmi lb uletllon prdlne o I'rcldmt II II Johnwn att U adverlliad, and It would be or tho American laKui. and iiu-mUr Impoatlbln (o mt all ol lhe rcjof ihi. Nnilonal bsli.ill ctmmllau Uafied I'rew amttm . , NEW YORK. Sept, 35. "It waint K&UVr Wllhelm who broughrott tfie present war, it wan the Pruwlan iallU tary machine which forced hiaa lato It," oaj-a Andrew Carnegie, who re- LONDON.Sat. 25.-U was iMrMtlMgkt Hmt U- Am I B m. 1 1 I "m. JF. 1 OHMHaaU OrWM (TOOpS OJIVC MM laMfM l, Bolottgne, and wiU b uppwted1 by a aaw,Fi Mat froas tkcMobiltxatkm dtitr. v i j It i balMVd thattlM AM aw it if laMaf i w anay to roMplttt the itolatiMi of tM.Gawmaji riffirt, The war arffica as ainai !! fa : - U L.uL.1 1 s -i.1- i"VJX 1 MBaf VI MOT MSMIVI VMl Ml 3(ifafcii mta Cnlted Praea Serrte r-4 'tM A 'i as : 0j 9t rftAJ It will l. . k uul T . . ...... "";; r ""T"' " "" ""Idar altrr the Amfrkan and and inailitM ' unwii iuo iuwn n',.,uonfrr lo the pana Pacific ex -,, .Mr,,nB if riwinn, ni ' , ...... . ,... . jisrtwr nf Freqrririf Vt ..KiTO, iss sap....iM .? ..t T..o-;it..---! (fal Ot Kal.or Wllbelm l-apd, In Oer.' t -..,. h ,,rM,it,B for partlctunw, W on "" Maureuata k n..l... , - - . I. n.. . lip ll ftrw iiumrt. PARIS, Sept. as. The pofMleei ot alM.:aile' left ia i ( .lag. le attteaare coavrtaatly hoBatmtallaUt Nab flerpaai i ! Abac ad Otoe, wklMt altraaplaakW aaaMt ahmf &-Ut'.l . t -f -t V-,' . msl?JhMijrta. I c.lrarbU If NotnmUr 3. TbOM bo with to fl tho waur r llwlnalil, thouih, hnpi' lo have thr lrilo rallrd rarly ihU winter, m i be nutter ran Ik eltle4 In noma ar blorn time lo (urn the wnlor on la ih uprlna, ... N Hrte. i r fr (- ( . K. (I, llotwon, iupryUlaK nglMtr 4 lh larllt dlvlilOH nf I lie r(tana ilta imlf. raase In Thartdar hf MHo fmm the I'll! HWer pfhtU II vlll rimnd a foualn of dar on Dm KUatalh pnijrfi befero aiiftig iio I'ortUiid. i, . .' ' I..... TT - Wt 4 rmmrton lll linatl 111,000 for vinc. " i Uiwd 114,01 l'iriUitt Johnon aorll tlicto a no truth In roporla lliat Ortnhor 10th ha Urn dcfldrd on t for UrlltiK tho nrrlf. "J l In our aim in atari nud HiiUIi Ihe ai-rk an early aa oalue," John, nun ald. "I helltr c ran arratiBo lo ittay the Rrt amt on October iilh. Thvre U no rraxm for delay. In Ihe im thai tho IWwlon N Uonala nnd I'hlladrlphlii rluh of th, American Irague are conlondera for tht world' lllle, two gamra will UoJ tdarrd conieciillvelr In onrh city In- atei oplternallnK each day, of w tlm cu hetrn'New York nl rim- ladehihla. Tho Mare for lhi 0xinlnu rtm, IH U ilveldf d hy the flip of a f oln ) ' . ! . ...'. lulled 'rei Jterflce IIOMK, (AllKlo). Hept. -Tho I miMK, (AIIKin;. nep. . " Orinhor rrelKj, nttl ,8I occuplfd ,the city of the dale', ,W m Utm uaflKi o(I ,,. I)n. ballon in the exhibit trom Scotland Japan' exhibit, he tald, will be of "I know the kater well, personal-1 Increaaed excellence becauae of the,!)'. I ! know what he ha done inability of th. Kuropeaa nation at and planned for the food of hU peo var lo participate. P'e. and In the Interests of peace." rirnaaai rommuBkatloBa. If they avcrm! kt wMrhoeIMe aHk'BV"kB roaaiauuMb o xoa Khdc aawt to BoehWoai the right of ttte Hate. Tkda WMaM ! force to Klak to either fall gadc o .to"bT WaeWa rarvUi"wk4 curroiuiiled obj three aides by the foe. nnllan coaxt. t .vnr a hombordment French iLouvaiii Matter Kaiser Catches a Uiltliih marlnni occuriea we town and ImprUoncd the Auitrlan xarrliion. , ,uS.& WiU Be Probed Cold in Trenches RUSSIANS MOVE DESPITE RAIN Hutted I'reaa Semee HKU1.IN, Sept. SB. .The govern mint lodayi authorlaed an Independ ent lawjer lo make a, detailed iBTeeti nation of the happeBlaga at Umvaln, tthcro the Oermana are charged with 'wn'd.liis prlcelcea building. I United Praaa Service Old Board Has Power Wll.l, lll-SUMi; TIIK OKFKXMIVK A0A1XHT TIIK OKKMAXH .T PltttHHlA 4IKIIMAXH IX lt)l.,.M AHK PAI.I.IXU HACK The KreaKfe reater ia adranciag at IUiIchm. i The loaaes hare bea eaonaoaa for the nut few ilaia. , ka r.A . 6 It U aaaertetl that the Geraian defease la wrakralaaa4 trait la expected. j ,. A Ilordeaax lUaaatett aayK to Klitk haa beca tiearfyrlaWeU.4nh alllea' left to agala'la actloa, Haitian .desperately, bat the aHaattoa a at materiallx'.rhaaaed. i The battle haa really, hrrnaie a j r Il II 4 M. J i 'J 1J SI aeries of, avlcht .attacka. , There LONDON, Sept. 35.-Sevral re- . mery d-eta eTtry , ... rt Uhij 'iJmmmm poru hate been received that Ka.aer j ja-rlea, y.. 'mSTSSSP Wllhelm caught a severe cold white ..... , . i . -.,.., Avaiaa Kauniim la iy riKaxiii a .aaaaaaaa mm . Uaaaaviner nf Pjaaaaa F Stw MCMMSN,0ld Majority Returns 1'iilud Pre Hervlc I'ICTllOdHAI), Sept. itimoiuired today that .( I'T t s ,' "Wllhlho rrappolnung of Gkarle 8ton An w member of I ho Htalo Pl,h nil (lame rommiaaTonf the orlg )mI Iward, three membera of which '"lined becauia M. J. Klnwy waa n jneajtor, U pracilcally fetrnodi lo I'ownr In tho conduct of the elate' mi affair. Tata Halled.wlth 4o I'ibl in all part of Hputharn Oregon, Hloiio ircured many ronceatlona r Klamath, Lake ami Jackaon coun. llM. Ihu lime of lite aptll, flfteeii inoutlm wko. Hione, J, Krank Hiighea d li, k, Duncan tendered their rea inatlon. with 4ho anderatanillnK " they would go on lha board again m, j, Kinney WaaraainVKd. fleoraB Kelly laniiaiKii ui. ...i..-. ti.... Ul U W held that Wnl rnuld nnl Ktbli, aa Kelly waa apaolnted by '-oard, tl tlf i Three othor membera wara appoint. !, aa4 ilaca that Km (ha per MUal ot Ut aUto'g Kb aad game de- t1 Uiilted I'rei Service niMiLIN, Sept. JC It U learned 'that I'rinco ltadilvlll, the aged leader SB. It wan or the I'nlWh delegates In the rlech- Iho ItUKxIanajainK, ha been arrested In Russia, tire advancing In flnllcla today, des- charged with being a apy. II la to pile tlm rain. The armies are co-op- no ruurtmartlaled. vrntliiK from tho iixtreme north, near' . t ., TTT 1 - .. ri t t 11. -t ram iruuaiat rrnniitr. tiirctiY. onrlmenU havo undargoun bl!mmlli by wat In u xlgtag line lo tho changw. The pollrle havo nlno boon foot hill- of tho t,arpntnian. xomewhat different. " tlcurrnl Iteunekampf ha reanmed About nine month ago, Comuil. ttu offenaive In the north. j aloner ICnn, nno of tho new mrm-l The IliiMlnha uro holding tho (ler a.riea bein, rolgiied to tnko Hie ilnronf lui.n til Kn'ruHln, nud nreUrlvlng.'1""0 r" a at. Wnio warden, 'In HI place for-',, out ot Poland. I 'ABIB. Sept. 35 --With bo coun- rarr ClmmlMlouer Duncan wan cli.; The dormant are evidently prepr-,rloa again at war, today waa the aa- en, and with fltono'a recent ..ppolnt- g R rVal defeiuo along the VUlula. ver.ary of tho beilBnlng of the t thero nro tlireo old members, unuili 0f Dauxlg, '""" " , ' -.. ... ta iv. loaar aiu was ias aaaivsr- lendlng some time in the Uermaa trenche during the rain. According to a dispatch from Geneva, his pay xlclaus are taking great care to pre ent pneumonia as a result of the ex-poture. IA ......aC nuiiivciaau wi Siege of Paris Feared Zeppelins To Attack London failed Press Service OSTUNU, Sept. 35. Thu maneuv er, of the Zeppelins around here, It Is feared, forecasta a Zeppelin attack on London. The British aviation officials here are reported preparing a fleet ot ar mored biplanes to attack tho dirig ibles If they attempt this. Rcaed this asermlu: 'I ' ft '! ' ....-...i ., .. .. ..L.... t-. . t.i!. t. : !- r "a v miihw irn nwiHlx-s, urtn Hutracti aj mtmnm kUat artillery activity. The alMew madeaaother ijight gsia last ajjtojair," It has aeea aaaeaaced that the hoatbardatta ,of the taedaalj at llhlecas has heea reaewedi hat aa details are glreau , x , -J The"(oiTlga eJace axakes the atateaieai that General SteaajetY aa eaaa maad of the Fifty-ihlrd Oermaa lafaatry has'tosued' the'eoatataad'ta hUl aU rYearhatea, wouaxled, armed or aaarated. It to alleged that the order said: "Uerataaa ahoald aot leave a stasia llvaaic Kreachawa hehhsd hasa.,,'i meut Ihero nro Kelly, Duncan nnd Meno, n majority Just who Meno succeed Is not known here. Meno believe, thoiiKli, that lie ha been named In lWo of Clllrord. Hlone'n fommlnslim oxplre Mny:a, lfllH. Hporlsmen nro keeplnB their ear close to the ground for tho unnounce ment of tho first meotliiK of tho board, for It Is expected Ihnt there wUl be aomo upheavals', nnd some tin sapUymsnt .tra forlorn of the praaeat omelals'f 'Aaked whetheior aot the Mwaaat beard will nhldo by the former beard'a appolatwenU, etc., Stone replied that be doesn't Know. Polish Statesman Arrested by Czar United Press denies ANTWKIIP, Sept. SC Tho torslgn oli'.co today states that (Jerinany haa made a ponce offer to Belgium.- King Albert, it I reported, declined tho proposal, In the past four years Tillamook vsloptnent over 1761,000. ,sary of tho signing In 1555 of the cel ebrated treaty of Naeaua, lisurlag re ligious liberty In Germany. doing to Califormla. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. 0, Kllgore, well known residents of Lorella, leave to day for Stockton, Calif,, where tbey will spend the winter. They are mak ing the trip In their ear. Women have colds In their heads much less frequently than men be cause tuey are aot ihshssn heavy head coverlaM. - to Austrians Try to Cross River; Fail United Prsaa Service NISII, Sept. 35. It la reported that the Austrians endeavored to cross the Danube lo attack Belgrade, but they were repulsed, llefore they retreat ihI the Austrians shelled Belgrade tor live hours. Heturn From Trip, Mr, aad Mrs, William Iuuel re turned Thursday night from a trip to Portland. The Pendleton Kttlgbts of Pythias plan a new lodge building, to st 186,000, ' " ' T'- -'- -' i I.Hi !, .. imir- 1 ,... III . .1 ..-t.ll'. I1PII l I ! am m m l Ma, nM' ManyOfftoBonanza WW " , X ! - . . Several Atfos aid a Bari Rcprcsqaa CtMaty Silt a It wasn't m big a delegation as akin game, aq, the( "uuiptis went to Merrill that left here thkt morning for lloaanxa,. out wbe the fltteeu or more autos, loaded with boosters and band men hit the Clover Leaf City, tbe natives realised tall well that the county seat Is with then. The district fair being held thera la tbe big attraction. The following muaiclaas donned uniforms, dug up taatrvmanta and trekked: A. L. Wishard, A. Y. Ti dell, Bad Bean. Oeerge HuUhiaaan. John Hubbard, Oscar Brennemaa, St B. Hinry. Oeerge MItckall, Laatar TerwHllger, Ralph Dewey and Jota fttankey. A fair wkhout n band la In tha same bent with n elrena wKhaut aidades raaas.aad a .t-fiLfiS .. v,- KUmatb Falls musicians wlir ha greatly appreciated. - "" " ""- ' .The good people of BoMUMay long known their soil will ratoa the best of everything. Now" I of the couaty uey hays i creditable display. This M n bit '(imt: n nmstfo i Another feature of tee , fair lathaUk4 roster I which has.aeplendld raasttotre, Lladuced to play there aak IiiHm i .we ajaaaai jaavavasajaaaai aTaa. Uelwe4;aMUi smart - ' .) aaahly " ; aonaM'lai iH' Beaaasd -.': - - r ,,n ItiiarstMjgarlt ,y ' ',wt4 . UlMlimafafaa hnailntllMMT t v, 1 d .- 'fT H- f-o ii ' i".- -1:1. j ' . - . ties j