-11 WATCH YOUR HORSES ! ! ! Lots of Autos Going to the Bonanza Fair This Week PRINTS THE NKWf WHILE IT 18 NKW8 v uritmn Mvvalb KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ...r-. --srwrwww jGata iar u' ' -SiWwiaw3w!ww1Tr -2r:r;: "ir ,j. -t)B. -jKai-aMrs- rjsraasa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1914. ALLIES TRY TURNING von EM'S WING VWVWWVWWSiSiVWi, wMwswwvwvwvyvwyvMMwwMyvwvywwMWwwMwwwl GERMANS RETIRE JIT CENTER AND LEFT OF FRONT: HAIttttilt till.t, IMhHltH d Viet Kprlf" j WAWIIIN01ON, It C. H-pl ' w si. iijt on aituu.i luiAiiliniiUi vol th io today iitd Hie Hlver rni'l Harbor lroprls. j Hon bill. Till allow 130.000.- 00 (or Ui trntrotcmniii of Imr- bor farllltlM 'and (I.Bi.t..l ' throughout iti country 11 TtlM taltfl.lf I..I. it it... t.lll ,r,.... A WV IIU'K'o WHM'K W I1JIII. ft,t Ulfr0 d,y rillbu.(rr . I'll" Mllril.tltmuU JMirtm by the fmimllr cfi r"Jflnl 1 , Belgians Sighting Machine Guns on an Automobile OF t'AITCHK AHIss AIkm-i oumpoI In Tumla (lip, ft FUbk, llul Ar- Pi-rtr.l MaWllll I' IUlll-Wcle Von Iom Hur4iM' ftXMNWMMt AL Itr. St) lUrvMNk Will Fall tUtk Sum, I'wn- ( All l WVak, lU ! iUmIi- IMItlH, w,.. -."J. OftWUI. atv Mral llul f.'rtiiit)' Mrrwgtli U l lb AfM Tttr) Krlki llMat wiliim fwiaUtu '" -Urr Milt h- Ngtrttait 4rfmltr tuier'r nwulilf f IVmrli tiirtwr, 4 1W r)4.rt m u GoffB)ur jUt' Urttl u- llul ttr allUV turning SMrtr! m( Km- left oliHM-, ! thai Ihr Krtman rrMlrr 1. ! If f Wing. Tfce irm rrnlrr a Ml Ml lu rrrnulr iUMdrt egmtlrr Mo Ik. Ualltd ft arke ?- "w" I'AllM. pt JJ Garl Jofii tsaorl in War Minister UU4ern-t 1911 im motunrm of tKtraliii-i IS urn ifce (tvrman right flank contin ue. II jay llrtirral TOa Kltlk lift Utn ewtp, i rllr II U Ulirtrtj ibai id Qcrttian tnw lf ot rrtliunro t,ao rtacbed iltvtr imllb, am rtftn t rtmiKllnl lo Jfop Uck, llrnrral ur rmru from pvvrf krrr loJItaln mn-rcM (or lh atllr4 (orc. Actordltif o tl,c war IBf tha Gr mm ri itinit nrilv yMlpntar l rrulo Mnu of iho lln lhau at no ttbr llmo In I he ballla. Thy wrr WOl ariitr Iwl ,r,n ItlilvlKa and h . Ib, ind aim analnM lha lilhU ot u Muco u Vo.rV, ll U Utal, thouli, (hat Um Urr- ASSININE BILL CAUSES LAUGHS uet'MMii: mrrt:it mtm u i ,UMi;i AT .ITIIUItirilS M:UIMI'i:it MAN, HIT i:i''UT IK l.t'lHI'lliH'ft IMI till Tltri U tnufh UuRh!r iiif nrt a "war bulUUu," jMftHM lit ,Urt tu Ibo ti)U tii)U rarl DiU mnrnlxn tUv bttlUllii l l)tx"rHlii, all In onl" Hal, and at.tiiurli atlfnllun l kHii to lu nrthosraphlc roriorlur a lo lia puntluaClon. rontlcuu y Itw akct, Wblfapr ll wai wrlitm or smiled by Mr &lr or mid oliior irr nivl known. InillU sbUK)liy, far from lctuit (bo amld tlii, tna'fci Hip butlctltt a liugv )) I jaf?;'jViltlHaW-r-j-im I I 1 I 5 w3rafi5at '-trfii'WiffBBafcM iajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfF f ikaHHiiHHfi tkdaiiiiiiiiVlBiiiiHaiiH SsVssEWssssWss9sssssssssssssssssssm 1 WBiiajMBMHBlJMMBWWWBaW AUSTRIAN LINE IS ENVELOPED; CZAR ADVANCES! i AX AIIMIKTICK W TAKKKN TODAY AT 1'IlZCMiX BRITISH LOSSES HEAVY AT AISNE, SAYS WAR DEP'T. JLO.XDO.V HATS THK OEKMAMI AKK , CRUMBLING i ThU U lo IVraait Ccrllloaa to Lafi Hi- CHjr WbUh VVUi (too B Vudtr Klrt VHy at tlie OthT d of the Itaille Uac I Alau Uei tteactlrd TotUy bjr Uus Profrir, mad Tmopal irajiur- 10 sucmtiniij waiBiotr- fe Klak la Taken aa ImdUmtiom Thai the Kaiarr la Xrartii ttie ld or Mia Hiring AOricea Abo Rccalf rd 1'rrtatre for aa Attack:. There That the fterntM i Rifbt I Going Bark Fire Mllea Day. Hliu I lie nlirt uf thr Utniun Irom Dm vicinity of I'arU ban bKun Ihe iielf Ian army ba been beard from uolii Tliry Imvp ial.ru tlit rltM, ami liAttt Ixni rultlnic German conimunlc.il Ion. ThU photograph how ono if Uiclr mhclilnr KUit on at. armorrrt RiilomoMlf In action, The un hae tK-4-n tiled to great advantage, moulnE Join hutidrnl of German aoMlcr In the solid farmailont In. which tbey dght. The gun ran hoot about TOO hoi a inlnulr, and ll fn llflimciiU for unprolecifd aoldler to atand up (Wont It. Untied 1'reaa Servlcv ' I'lrrnoaiuu. spt. 22. it u aM.:,,B,,,1 Vnm " tioiincftl that the main Iluaalan forci LONDON'. Sept. 22. Tb loe at Ue advanced, after enveloping tbejthe BrKIsh in the fighting along tba Auotrlnn lino between I'rxem)! and AIne are tho greatfitt thus far In the Jafatlof. ,camp4lgit. The war office announce The real r-ltane- to the advance, "t the gapa have been Oiled. of the Kuwlans la expected at Cracow, Military experts believe the Oer- tbe northwestern tennluut of the bat- " "n crumbling usder the tie 'line. Here the Auatrlaji reaervea'' ha-HWtl. and German Uqdwehr are aaaaed. It I pointed oat that the (altar or , I'rzemyl asked a five-hour araal-jtrie Gennana to so reinforce vo Klak itlce, to give aoa-combatanU a chance la to ellmlnale the neceaaity for re- ,to leave, and j along the line. tkii was granted all Mm. l-avllt lr-. Mm. A. I.. Iravllt Irtl ihU morti Ing lor a lojourn In a lower kUIiuiIp, An her ta-allh UiA heftl poor IhU luro-l tarr Mho will vUll her aon and bin. wife, Mr and Mm, l.ralar LMttllt, i ; IteddliiK, and from them will o In. Oakland. man right Ui licnt forced lo nutmj a nearly north and nuth jtttton. lo prevent Hi turning of tha lln In' thn KoUon region. Thorw vtui Kluk wn compelled to put on the tiring lino all of lit rrln (nifemcnt, in check th turning inn- Jneura of Hip nlllrn. Had Ihnte uc- iM.ln.l iIim1 tvitiitil lin furrnil lha "" nowkero penalrate.1 ftto!vlirrf,nir lf 0 Kluk entire com- trtoch line. The situation c8-llntitittil4( '" frum the all lea' point of Th; -HM Bfrt ,rr,nK mr4 , brM don ciu lliirlnw's lino, which weak- ,u'ii, s,iru k a mine In tli North Hot i North 8o when It -if mqiraiiou are lhat lh- (lercned whan von Kluk was reinforced. iKt,.rit!y ami went down. Auothtr lorpedo sent from TRAFFIC SUFFERS FROM MINES PLANTED BY THE COMBATANTS Two Cruisers Are Blown Up, an Unknown Ship Goes Down, and There Is Much Loss of Life as ; a Result U.1U4 Press CRACOW, (via Vieaaa. via Rome). (Seat. 21. Most ot Ue aoa-reeUeaUa 'and tne non-co-juaU ot t-U city Heft today, durlag the tve boar araala tice. Polish. Hebrews aad I.lhuea- Isna were- h flrst-to leave. I The city la under martial law. The! I governor baa coaSscated all food sup-i plita aad other materials that might b ueeded. The city, strongly garrisoned by , Austrian troops and German land- wehr, is ready for tho attack. Ret ports this dfternoon say the Ruaslaas have crossed the River San, and thai. Cossacks arc ravaging the country as t they proceed treat, shows that "Tne Germans are near the end of tkeir string." It is aaaoBsced teat tkVoerawn rigkt is being pushes! back four mllea a day. CAR SHORT A6E IS TAKEN IP TELEGRAMS ARE SENT TO THE SOCTHEBX PACIFIC ACTHOKI- TIKS BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TODAY , , Mr. Winter faaproves. Within three or four days Mrs. West "Investigates" to pick up the sailors In the water, the submarine launched two more to pedoes, and these two cruisers went down. The emitters were almost blown to pieces. IlittRc tcnti'l stood by and rencuM rlhb. Tho bunt blew up and quickly Trawlers and destroyers nearby 1 tunny of Hiu passengers and crew. sank. . . tcscued hundreds of men from the '" After this the lloguo and Cressy. North Sea. t'nllod I'ri'n Hrvlte nout to Hie rescue of the survivors. Tho cruisers coat approxluiately I.ONDON, Hopl. ti- It in aifiAa the melt we lowering boats to go' f 1,000,000 each. I'nlitd I'r-sa rvlc j nouured that German submarines I.OWB8TOFK, Kngland, Hpl. S2.l've dotroed the British armore.1 - A message Just received says an un.;!""" Abouklr. lloguo. and Cresioy. known ship of about 12,000 tou bur ' Tho Abouklr was patrolling the was struck by a a German subruu- u I In anticipation of haavr HblBBsaata ,- . .... - -- - - - J. Winters will be able to return ' of grain out of here In th nt few from Merrill, acconllna; to Mr. Win-' . -od Ue poaaiklUty ot tkerr be- tern, who went to the AUalfa City on Monday to see her. Mrs. Winters suf fered a fracture ot the hip Sunday, evening, when the Winters car. con taining Mr, and Mrs. Winters, R. C. Groesbeck, Miss Jean Stewart and Mrs. M. Townsend overturned. Ing a car shortage then owls to the demand for cars for fruit shipments, the Klamath Chamber of Commerce today took this matter up with the (Southern Pacific. The local situation was outlined in full In telegrams sent. Sees Russian Thistle 1 Alter GivkftkMoweLetier, He Writes lo Mayor ffl ninnrn niuirt itnitT m uiiun innronuTrnuun uluoco Dfiniio uui iu nin irncoDiicnmno . ; RALLY TDHAY: ENCIRCLE fil IIVlOBHil NMsOu lst AmiMiaHvMHMltf WASHINGTON I'uttltig th cart before the horses, imial, tlovernor WmI, after ho linn Unied Klamath rails Ihrotighntit Northwest by making public Hie tier regarding alleged moral turptl- 1 .", n,, '"- iro, Is now in. latlng. e hM wru)n M,yor SJ " l",,'r' ""k,ng tnt " '"cMenuiiy, this la the aecond lima ' wi has written lo Nicholas ro MMiug the conduct of tat clly'a af ww. Tin luteal Utur was written ";''" ., Pour days before a i o . Ioverno' v lut I'orllaud it.! . p"per" lb -t-t or Mr. latter without making any tod ot ,u inveitlgition at all, la.l'.. .til0,,Bi'rt '-Iv your dwuM0M may wfr.i, . om- iiitliilrallnii recently received from Mrs. I'. A. Moore, n saleswoman, whom. It nppatrs, has been spettdliiK n few day. In your city, "If Mrs. Moore's statement Is trim soma action should lie tukeii Inward prosecuting (he guilty parties." Tho charges are so absurd Hint they tan enslly be dlsprovau. Mayor Nicholas U thinking of contenting himself with sending West copies ot Hie Klamath Falls newspapers, with stories dealing ou the subject. "Mrs, Mooro'ti olmrgos mo so groundless and ho vlnlonnry Hint I don't consider there Is anything to In- VMtlgat," said Mayor Nicholas hl afternoon. "If tho governor wants to Investigate and aand a man hero, ws will ba nulr too glad to help him In vsry way, providing that he will ,be fair enough to give full publicity 'to the tr conditions htr." I.N'STITITIO.N'K AT CK.NTUAI.IA AND TKXI.VO FAIL TO GI'EX TIIKIIt IMMHtrt AITKIt KXAM-j INEIIS L(HK AT IIOOKK WOltKEH HKItK FROM AHHLANH, AMI WILL 8PKAK AT THE MEKI'IXG THIS AFTKUXOO.V AND EVENING AT COVRTHOVHE Hulled Press Hervlit CKNTHA1.IA, Wash., Sept. 2X, The United Htutea National bauk, with depotilts of moro than a million do! tins, and the Union Loan aud Trust company, with deposits aggregating moro than n quarter of a million, (nlleil to open tholr doors this morn liitf. ThU followed an Inspection of their books by Dank Examiner L;'L. Mullt, The Csntralla 8Ute bank at Tenlno also owu'ed by the same 'interests, likewise closed Itt doors, A prohibition rally la being held to duy under the auspices ot the "Out-tu-WIu" orcaulxatlou. A session was held in the circuit court room at the court house this atUrnoon and an ith( at S o'clock tonight. M. F. Chllds, wko has boen work ing for tho teinprac7cAuao In Jack son county, Is hare- at the meeting, Local speakers will also take part. I The Eskimo, pay kk Asjetor1 hU fee aa soon as he grrHrnf. It the H "ki iivmi iv n s. it aui ll returnad. TRIP WILL UE MADE OX NIGHT OF OCTOUEIl SECOND, WITU STOPS AT HOUSES OF THE COUNTRIES "A tour of the world" la the unique social arranged by the Ladles' Aid Society of the Preabyterlan church tor tho evening ot October 2d, ThU will bo given for the purpose ot rais ing funds for the society, A start will bo uiado at the home of some member, which will be desig nated aa some country. The house will be decorated lu accordance with the nation It represents, and charac teristic refreshments will be serve. At each country utrecUona wlU be given how to ranch the next, wblea wlUvb' few blocks . By O. A. STEARNS County Fruit Inspector Some time last spring I called the attention ot our county commission ers to the report I had heard that the Russian thistle had appeared In some parta of the county, and gave th re sult ot my observation of ita ravagea In the state ot Idaho, Wyoming and Nebraska. While going to Merrill on last Fri day to attend the district fair nt that place, I saw a confirmation ot the ru mor aa to th presence ot that dread scourge. In th Ian westward from the Stukel, brWsje, both In the road way and In tc $lds on ltar sWe for perhaps halt a mil, 1 aaw the Russian thtatt 'growing In all Ma crimson glory, unmolested and un touched. ThU. too, on on ot our moat tray 14 highway. ' Waattar H nrnMsM to through Ignorance of it nature or through pure neglect ot their duty by our county officials, whose duty It la to look after such matters, t am un able to say; but would be false to my duty as a clttxen of this county It I failed to call attention to the dnir that th agriculturists ot thl eonnty are facing In it continued reiir. I will call the attention ot th ty court to Section && ' elusive. In' Chanter 17. Yug III Bisiuv oi uregent Section 458 "ll shall he th duty ot each road supervtow In eh road 1UIUathtoatta.lneUUo shin nrto(vLwtnM r . t anAwtnigfrvmtttBWCWUaw. au4 p BSStW WSyWStvC WT M HNNV WP (Htm m i Blat any aaavMrantataui , . ifJrtl t'vW Tin ( . TV WMwwmivw li ... , TfU III., I vi urns w?-PWSHarv- i ! r v-tt -J Af 1 JS. &rir n..