WATCH YOUR HORSES ! ! ! Lots of Autos Going to the Bonanza Fair This Week t Mttuib PRINTS frf i. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NtWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. Fife ITf a Osate cm lxxtnxm v 'wnnwwun iu r "niimwiiiirnrrmmir-fii 1 w w nunm -i .u . nm ,, inRAI MAN LOST YOUNG BELOW KENO; ON A HUNTING TRIP uim,iii:n am: IN TIIK HIJI.Il MMlKIMJ I'OH HIM MIIIUM VlltrHI. KomiMN Ml lltf .IrtlflfUl HiiMt Work. I.HI 44 Minlg lr a lrrr Hmmi U'rf tu Hate Mri o. A. Ilarrle MM ,MgM, llm Hu Far, No Tntr lis Um I'mtml )( line? In I'm Wxt. Ulcbl t'Mlr BID III lllo Held lt -iy look In- for U'illUw CiiniUrohu, (oifMtli t it Nvhofield l'frwl Blear tumr rk at lu cuuit Idato ll. CimtleUtSU ton br ! U( Uof Hundsy aliernoon, Mil) yands) morning Ciuilfmati( 7o Waller, lb" Urahntu brother i4 K, II lUnry Ml In the Ultr (r lor lx-r hum In Ut vicinity of tk rmli much im lb Klswulti K,fr 0. A lUrrU ln earlier nuj' lumber Msarblni, and nil ttrl (hei people io Rkmme r;u;m p.;.. UCCT lU 11 lUATU "M i-pwmiviiiiijo iuiuo WILLI 111 lUHIflHIIJ all tim: riii'nnt oitowi.,. TIONrf MILL Hi; Itltl'llltHltVIIIII, .t vi:iios 'tti in: iici.ii' tim: L.tri"iiii: uvxk Non-Combatants Killed EXPO OFFICIALS MEDILL CASE IS VISIT KLAMATH BEING FERRETED BY THE SHERIFF A Uip mwllllg )l KM at linujttlir tu xt'llaro u ilit toon ihmjiiIi.j, muvrinriit lii il. county xlll Im. liU IIib latter pail ul llio Mruk, lien rep.j l-riiiihri( nil ill limrliorrli young j .tJ.o' lUKAIlllttlllilU III llm nHlliti IFight Along The River Aitne Continues With-1 will hi: here to confer with LOCAL COMMITTEE RKflARD INO MOUTHKRN OREGO.VM EX- II I HIT .XT HAS VHAXC1HCO out Advantage For Side IX)W AM) I3IMRTT GO TO L.1KK tall) .o,uMc. a( tlio ClnUllMt tUutth, l'rlrtft will l Imlit IVIiUx, Hfiiur-l In)' Ana nunilnr Ttxi ClirUlUn i:ulrotur Mkllrr I Unit II) WM. I'llll. nl I'trM rtrrvlco ,11'hlMM I'AIIIK, 8il. :i Tim iilniti day I'llOTKHT DKMTIIL'ITIO.V ul llm baitlu Mtonc I lie Ataitt? rouiln- f 11. eiirUUm. ,J l'r.l.yirrtai.i"rrr,,,,,",,,,,,'r'W",,,,,M"f,fd" rhtitrlu., ll,, Ki.-mmI, laeu .! U.J ' , ,!' . , , , , . K r,u,f, i ,, voanc IvoHrt' T tl r r ' T "V1T?,'-J Iriy ol II... H,.IM l,urc, r IliUli" ' T''' ."r,"Cl,",, h"M"w tUy will !, l H.WIU.H, ! ," .. .""'T' ","" .'7"'"".. " .... ipirriiUlUf Horn Hi Ml. UaVl Hw, , .7 " fMy. ih ii. Merrill rlnM Bt)." . V ' . T.'.: "u --.. . -.t ... iHiHrutai wciiib Jllf uniln .til ll !( MUf lllll. Al boon all aiiil)!l Uutn lcvlbrr hO Klrl al Himstii, II II. Itiiiimmi nl I'umUiiiI, .uu Rt4 irlkrr lor il CtirUiUn i: ifor, Allil i:rp lUWrr, ir-lrl nf ,n mtn CliilttUn Kilrir Ho rloir, Mill t ltr ' ijrtlrliA! lit lh- orli. IkaI .-,ri lll atm liJttA1 Ihrni, rllMl l'rB 8rrlco. WASHINGTON, I). C, 8ept. 5 1 Tlu Prracfa offlcc to4y c- lilrd Ibo Krpch ombay here thai Kmnre tutitnlu to tb orlit's Judgment, tim drtrue- Hon of Hlilem bj- Hip nermann an "u revolting h "' TudIUm." Own! (Inlllrul ay llio (Irrraan tnlrntlmiMll; 0rrl on Ibn principal ImlMInc. Tlif rrtnrli U'll In tr In o oiiU (1 nk rim Kliicl,' nimmnnd. Tb ulrfnglb of tb Cereutn pol tlotu along I be Altno arr now real linl, Thf raultlM arc jtaggrlng. Ttfl C'tnuii trnli-r, unilcr rn llu Tlnri U nn ImprovcniwU In the Mmw. U MtfUlMliiE to iiltf the alllei raihir. able wtathcr. our force havn h.nlt0 b talked. and atoi i,", ""I b(lirldll llitroda), iirar Crittnt. Tlia lighting na r- A French adratic today toward ltn ... . w.,hhftM tkjll. v ai ikU MMiiu ii'A httln lin lll Iw li-ld f-'ti- aumtHl ovtrxltrt todar. jnlngr rnlM the bfllel that the . ....... . .. .. . . . ......... lituf. anil In ll.M alleriicHin a ntoeraini ri. !..... u.J.M.rl. i. uu. .tbln:ln nf Klnrk nur inrrl. icraiwranir. mere I an imprOV- ih iiim imi ciwiim !," ;" , - :; ; --.--- ,.r: --, v..-,-..-. --- - ."--- -";;. T' "" V -, ..i . .. Urt t K'f-t'S Va41g wUk UutU, ' " '" c,,r" '" ""' tt,rU,"C ""' Irate the riiemlm' llnr. ar ncbllni: n iiiik onjtiiTci i oeiierMi io oe ' "- - .., MalatlvounuWaUMltr gMM..1" f'll'lliiri ami Immitirt Inr i!rf"rfel'. Ther hv de rc Coniilnn IIU poiltlon U reiiortM forward. Til llttt Ttrr tig MttlHig rrtTrl, l''efm M I.k IhIiI Hfltilrdar af lir Ihm, , men are reinforcing; hU command. ,liat of the French and OrlUab." Ua go atiraftc of Cgj0ga,,l' ' nlng KumUy morning " ' Io order to confer with Caleb T, (Oliver, manager of the Klamath coun- jty exhibit for the Panama-Pacific In' Uroatlonal oxponltlon, and V. A. Del-' iell, V. T. Ie. E. It. Ream, H. II. JKdmoudg and C. U. OmIII, the fair (committee, recardlna- the Southern DKitMN. (tla The Hague), 8pt. Oregon exhibit, a number of oclaU 2- The (lerman bombardment of -of the Southern Oregon P.-P. I. K. As Khlenu u necenitltated becauac tbo clatlon will be here tonight. bc-ovU-.i French fire wa from that. Among the rJiltom, who left Aah- Hand at noon, are Vice President llr KAItl VOX WIMiA.M) ISearcli Will Be MaeV at the Lake County Hmt for Rvlilence Rear4 log MedUl and WUUaM, aad After Tliat, OperaUoM WW Be OaVrlerl on t th Vkiaily of Keoo awlaaw ad of Heaaauav ItesoWed to unravel the nayitery polnL It la atated that the German nrtllleryini'u were glrcu orders apare the cathedral if poaeible. Frohbach manager of the Jackson Ue4lU' tbe carjnter who left here n The following atatement has lieenlcounty exhibit. Mr. Oliver is a Tiee'Mr wUh Fronk WlHlan-a. and baa Joseuhton of Roscburr. Scretjirr J.' ... to ,.... , n.. J' '...; k iconcerning me wnereanonu or jacx m . CU,M.M .Jk U.aUlB ft AIM.. HU 31. . president of the organization. I not been seen since. Sheriff Low and At tnts meeting, it u neiieTed, Ujaiih- a. r-mmeti leu in is aiteraooftrer Idetalts for the exblblu from South-! Lakeriew. There they will maketfl- given out by the war eMce: 'The battle along 'the Alsne con tlmiMi .!.!. ,W.. .I.m..Iiu..u..I.....J , , ... i 'era Oregon will be discussed. Wheth- iTestlgation to see If Medit! eTer reach- The Herman force, are holding their. f h0 exJjIblu 0re. .here, as William. ild he did. ...-.., .. ... ,..E .r,r, ,,- '"cjgon action will be Intermingled, or. -WIIIUbu Is la the county Jail, otfenslw. , whether each county will have a por-J-hargrd with the killing of Allen Mc- Oulng to the rain and unfavor-jtlon of the space. Is another question ; Lod at Midland last month. After he and iletllll left Kcno SprlBgx, ful- at T iiVlixIt lliPto will lf a OhrUllait 'lth)llni' .kNM- tl.lth Ml fllM lUirU H4 tur hint until tkfiir t o'clock lbl morning, then be ranie Uti o on and ptrai. I In? aUrm. TfcU tnnrnlne -iaKliri niani-d out to Kour id trrtltnry near the Conies rch Ir t'on.lenstk Thus far. they l' mKtlng at oe( irponed. icnurl Htlnaar nlghU rhtirch KiindA) ali-inwin aunthpr prngram lll be held, and th ciinn'' lion will tiiiulMilr with a union you lie the rtirUtlnti EFFICIENCY MAN SAWMILL CONCERN FOR OREGON WORK1 SUED ON A LIEN SHEPHERD IS ON Two Million Men STONE CHOSEN ON THE JOB A6AIN; Fighting Battle In , GAME COMMISSION Galacia Campaign MERRILL DISPLAY MAY GO TO EXPO OLIVKK COI.Vti DOWN TO PICK OUT HPtvCIMENH FOR THE KI.AMATH KXHIBIT SOME AT CHAMBER OP COMMERCK lowing a rew days employment on the jKdler ranch, nothing has since been (heard of Med 111. Some time later. Williams returned to Klamath rails, . lth Medlll's team, outfit and carper- t ter tools, saying that afedltf went oa to Lakeriew and Allures. ; Williams Is also said to have wora clothing belonging to aledlll. He ha told several conflicting stories regard-. lng iledlll. and the orYclate are al most certain, that Williams killed J MedllL After Investigating at Lakevtev. Low and Earssrtt will g toKeeM 4 liltll.MA.NT WHO XCOUKI) Wllltl.ll Itl-IT tl.V la.MIINU OK MAIttNK? NOW WIIITI0 FHOM, VnUtA ,,eM Sfrr CI'IIOI'i: (KiVI.II.Nli:.T WIM. MENU :x.,MH,0'V,',:M,:VrST,,,U,l'c,, w'- William O, Khfiilierd, the little i (;uirnnlU ulitt He Km tfnllatil IreiB ii. a. iti:.NHit, iiiti.Mi'i Atmo.v '""- , . V ;, ' , " " istan fiirrionclont Iu Mexico gave TO lll.'COVKK AI.I.I.'dCH Ul'i: O.v'thnt preM awicltlgn n world beat on I'KIIT TO ( OH'r.'KATt: WITHJ .w.itit;t;i,Ti itihTH thtm hi:fit! OF TIIK FAUUI.K (ileraM igeetol ItorvtM) WAfllllKOTON, I), c. Hept. 3I. rIUlug Hut ih Oregon farm nerds sdentloc biinlnes organixallon ns rupch n dm4 Ali rorporttlliin, and ! thi the Oregon farmer suttera wote frnm InrlTlrlc-ncy and leakage of ct Mem than frnm any other nno e, llm Untied Htale government ' Ptri'stlng in puce nn elKelency ex P't In ihU main tu co-opcmlo wUli Ike cumity farm i'jn-rU, Theifl men ul make a syatewalk tutvey nl tondliltiiis, and will formu le, If poMlhle, a schedule of aim M"ilon Io elltnliiAle present waste. Thin eo.ernment expert Mill to operate illrecily lth the Oregon Art ntulmral Cullcgc. the expense of the line of ork 0 be borne Jointly "X Iho giiernment and the slate. M MUll NO ClNTItAT I ' tho landing of the American marines 'nt Vim Cm. I again In the vicinity 'of the bullet, lie is now In Kurojie, am" Nllt be one of the Hulled I'rem The Newharl North l.tinth. r com- nrmy Vlaat I cohering the war, glvlnc pany re defendants In a suit Hi fore-', h Herald and other United Pres loe on a logger's Urn, filed by lr-!,mlH,r ur, rt.lahlci news while It U Ion Clements, through W. II A. Hm-' ,..,. ner, The ainniint iitvnneii u 6i... .-u. , . n urlIer of ,.,,., ..(,. In IIOii allornr) fee " )( ,) kp,. lUdeni of m-pnts. He the nut are nsked. ,R nnlt nMo ( HP behind the eur- The Orr Uke Lumber ruinimny l ,( ami his forecasls as to who Is tunile n dofendanl, n the Ittmlier ..uiiine tha $rtr. invnriablv work out ouned by the NVnlinrl-Xortli 'ini'iiy 'm-conlliiK to hi iQtiiltlvo outlines. I, InMeil llli -tlK ")lliK II bo- Bfore Rol)g n0 ho tu,,a ,,. o"" tim Orr Uko nmtern ien hM mmk, .U(,j. of ,0 caUMll - Unilltig up to the wnr, lnlerlolnK llnydrn l Ibuk. , , u. ,,,j(,niniio Muler of i:uroe, Tlio II. K. Ilnydon, formerly IrrUntlou ,0t4UlM t ,U lnotlgattons it re to be mmingrr of tli Klnniatlt project, but K, tt Hvrle of three urtlcles. Tins now In the same position on the ,ir. f (H,AI, npponrs In this Issue of Truckee-Cnrson project, l here roIhk u. Hi-rnldIHin't miss them, over (he project with J. tl, Fry, for-' , merly of Uie Mlnndokn project, who succeeded Hnydeu here. 1 i pirrnooitAD. sept. ilto mil-1 lion men are fighting in the third gen eral battle In Galacia. The Russians, reinforced, are driving Dsnkl back ward. The lluulau siege guns have ar rived, and are bombarding the forts of Prtcmyecl. The forts are replying, and the casualties are heavy. ) The war office cwlau further ad-1 vances by tho Russian army. IIKCEIVEM NOTIFICATION- OK HIS I A number of the exhibit a that at- APIHHNTMKNT TODAY FROM ' traded such admiration at the Merrill (iOVKHAOIl WAS A MKMI1KH OF KOItMKH HOAItO C. F. Stouo was Saturday appoint ed a member of the State. Fish and Gamo commission. He received a notice to this effect from Governor West. The appointment expirrs May 33, 1918. Stone was a member of the first I commission named. Afterward he West to Investigate weraor Reports Receipt pi Another Long Letter Ike following In a Halnni dUpaloh '" i") I'orllund Journal! Governor West rm ordered an In "ilMtlor. of agM uttlawftil condl- iT !'M t0 xUt Klamath rails, ""(owing Hi" recei-H of complaints 'iom that ciiv. ......... iu .. .. ' .,....! ,,!! wowa complained of !"ment KUmalh rails, and the otber of lhtt eiii ytjlj'to ltbl ''dbyuegoveraer.. ' It Ii t'lmfgud Unit number of nulls brought against thu doultmm of the red light district huvo never boon brought1 lo trial mid that some of (htm have been on Judgo nonson's rutondnr tfer many month without any hcIIoh being taken. Uovern6rlWest proposes to ascor lulu atsa whether J nil go Ilensou has coaipliMl with tho net of toil, which rehires allt-dgea to rviider mdecl ton J every ' caso within threo meatas aHer It to mkailUad, MeKeiixlo Mmioy IteMily t'l)tle It Kelts, h ll KT visor of Ilia Cnscnilo Nnllonnl Forest, has received luformntloii by wire from tho depart ment nt WushliiKton, Hint (10,000 of thu 170. OHO promised for tho im- iroMwiiuut of tio rond over tho sum mit by wny of tho McKeiulo pns Is now nvullnblo. It will lm here In n Khort lime, but tho actual work of Improtement will not begin until nevt hummer, when tho winter snows will liuo disnppearod. It U the intention to tnku n wtenm shovel and othor ma (hluery to tldt Hutumll, lo ho used Iu tho construction of (ho road. llend llilllelli. in a IliiMiau uianv iiiicr, i:irj . and three others resigned. In an effort overwhelmed the Au.trtaaa at Dubl- ,0 hu Commissioner Kinney remov- ech, on the Ran. and took a thousand I prisoners and twenty guns. ed. Stone does not know If others i ern appointed today or not, United Press Service V1KNNA (via Home. Ceneored), Itriurn From CaliformU Mrr. M. F. Nelson and daughter, fair Friday are to be given space In the Klamath display at the Panama- I Pacific exposition. Others from Mer rill and from other parts of Klamath county will be sent to the coming Land Show- In Portland next month, and to the Portland Chamber of Com merce as a permanent Klamath'coun ty exhibit. Some of the Merrill exhibits, in cluding stock beets from the Tolle ranch, and potatoes from the Burets and Merrltt ranches, are oa display at the Chamber of Commerce. The Transparent Wax apples from the nsrnum orchard, are also there. One big feature of the Merrill show was "Uncle Nate Merrill's exhibit of fresh strawberries, picked ,from the vines that morning. Can the rest of the state equal it? Springs and Bonanza, to laTeattojMe. The residents of that district, will aata .V..1 ffK.v l'4II mfnnw .. amww aw, mm.. t.v ... awM w w..t for some clue that will clear lip the matter. J fcpl. IS. "Our battle line la Russia lMlM ra winrned last night from a was never stronger." saya a war office "' visit with relatives In Duns- statement today. "The new battle line from Prtemyl to Cracow Is en gaged. , "For strategic reasons, the Aus tilsns retreated to this line, occupy ing stronger positions. i.,.t(r, Calif. In From llaach. Uurrel Short was a county seat vis itor today, rotnlug tu from his much on the Merrill road. AmIimhiI Patter lieavee Itev. W. A. Scliwlmley, who aaa heon (ho pnstor of the Cougregstlonal rhurrli of this oily for fogr years, hui lesugned Horn this pulpit. Ills resig nation will take effect oa or, before October 1. Nov, Schwlmley will as- sumtf the dtttlea ns pastor of the Frs Congregational church at l-odl. Calif, Ashland Tidings. M'GUIRE READY FOR BIG SALE r.PKUT MIIOK FITTER FROM SA! FHANCIHtX) WILL RE HERE TO i ATTEND TO THAT PART OF THE HP.LMNG GAME Tonsils Itemoved. Miss Hasel Harnes underwent an operation Sunday for tonstlttls. Hooked n Ten-1'ouuder. Miss Hdlth Pry, n stenographer at tho reclamation service headquarterx, established an oitleo locord Sunday, when she caught and landed a nloa ten-pound trout at the Lost River dUerslon dam. ,1, F. Mngulre la a busy man today, in ranging for his sate of the stock of the O. K. Atkinson store, which ho purchased at auction a few days ago. Mac Kas Just returned from Saa Fran cisco, where he filled out brokea lot, etc. He Is now ,cetUag tha store ready for the big agle tomorrow. In organising his selling farce, Mn gulre secured an eert shoe Itter, ftomte'Phllsdla aae'-seeeerW Kna rraaetaeo. He'wtH'aava eaarie of teat deaarUaeat darhsg tHe gala. I plant. Eugeae Register ltohetnU Is Active Things have not looked so good for activity In the Bohemia mining district for several years aa they do now. Thu Vesuvlua Mining company has beeu active during the entire sea son, taking out more gold than for years. Ten stamps have been la, oper ation there almost continuously. Last week teu stamps were put In opera tion nt the West Coast properties, aad the new management has laid plana for continuous operation. Tea more stamps will he started aa aooa aa there It sumdent water to furalea power for the electric geaerattag Htepe w liWer; Falls. Henry Fay, employed In painting the Foster residence In Hot Springs addition, fell from the roof this morn ing, when Just as he started to de cend a ladder It slipped oa the con crete sidewalk, dropping the patater to the ground, He sustained a gash in the right side of the scalp, neces sitating a few stitches, aad he was otherwise bruised. PLAYS III FIRE; is mi ml . 4 . BONANZA BABY. -"ftERJOIMLV BURNED, IH AT THE BLACK BURN HOSPITAL CASS BKLMi WATCHED WITH INlfEMsW A 3-year-old chUd of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Boaaaxa is at the ntackburn hospital In a serious con dition, as a result of burns received Sunday. The little fellow and anoth er child were playing near the Ire In the White home, aad oae or the other set a piece of rope afire, which Igalted the child's clothing. The baby was rustled here from Bo nanza by C. E. Darley. It Is badly turned about the head, neck and ab domen, according to Dm, Truax aad Hunt, aad it may, be found aeeeasary to graft on skin to save It. BonanzaFairlsNext iUotigtrBifDeiegi Now that the Merrill district fair Is tho Klamath Chamber of Commerce a thlug of the past, and proved such tat the meeting Tueaday. lge.tJWitfji a wonderful success, the Donnas District fair occupies the center of the stage. This la to be given on Thursday and Friday of this week. While the plans definitely arraaged. that tkert,wlll be a great detegallea of Klamath ralla people atteadtag tha M eveat to the Clover Leaf CMy Thia will ae oai ae tacea ay pleas to Uka Merrill. Boaaaxa have a time that wlllaei be eoaa'&K gotten, and a display of products that will open the eyes of all to tha peeal blUtles of that great reaioa. A areat "T . . - . ;;j '. t . , s have aot been'ball U to bo given Thursday' alibi, w.j .. ....... . .r- .. l It U understood "", r,a"' taer win vm inaitr et -j laiavrseiiiir events. laeiuaiaar raeea. f latareatlag events, lacludlag Wueklag eoatesO,, it.n , VM r r4 v ' It' V f ... i (CisHsa. ea s 4v, -... - -r H - I, -r