- Wri PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALL v --'-' afCwjh OFFICIAL NEW1PAMCX NKW3 WHILE IT It NEWS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914. Frlan, Flja ' IWaBBBr BY aBBBBaBBBBr a. Wttath " ' JMMfe( Wd '& i i T i tfrifiignmrnirtTrmrrrnrTTrrri-niif ivni i-iiriiiiiinwinii-- m n m -.,. i nTTrwr'"-' r- '" "' ,u !t. iii'm'iiiiii i1,1. , mB..i..-.,'.nn,rj-!jL!'.i ;itn St1 i i jmiauaaatfara; APPALLING LOSS OF LIFE IN THE RIVAL ARMIES Admiral Badger Assumes the Command of Atlantic Fleet IMI.VH ,tiu; aihmvo HAIIDSHII tiLTthJ; ImhImi Wr Oftlrr Ijm.Ii fur Krn4l x ll.nr 1M (( tUMIng llffitrr I'liber '' Will Ma a Mine al Ttt I I" A ay 't Ifcf iU. am. .-I Allle H(tr,r,,.j w4tr? IHM Tlrr Thai. '. "TbOWai1 OfflM, failed !'( t(ikn llUlUltl kJ.., l l lhi th nlllHf rVtMllftU, lltoiil rhatue, ll i bellev! that ltr low nf Ihe altl hi brn at tow 160,690, ami It u pocubl I Ml lk auroW Kill raeh 6,tt0 r It U ituM'J thl th Herman lt KtiKumWr the IU two m in. , Tit h' rtttR at doing groat Una-, an.) many of, lb ireiitltj it AIM alth water. HW rtiwttnt tkit Uu- number of Iks llrlllh tcUlett r uft-rtag from theema. L.M. tirti.! ft... tkjt l MMi i-ittif. IRHf ,.. , w ., It U admitted that Tuaaday ttlKHl la nrmtt attempted, lea Umm io kink thiouan the Hatha tn4 Idr tlffl' Kxottit rjf, but UIM, TUB r tmr M Utat ltMHirjN! tirf j . wrar III WiiltM win kit nr lKlltt rn, 'urrf bat lk ftlllr txMm fNIil4 to H4rv. w iMinf hratny ititmn SMHiHHiMilQ M00REW0MAN 10 MOST OF FIGHT AN ARTILLERY DUELLING BOUT LEAVE KLAMATH IN THE MORNING r.V.UIINW AK.TO HASITY THIH Von Heeringen Ir Among 'Comebmcks' lortor Ky TMthc ot I v , m Vew Httih Hut I IrmUMMI on Jrt Hfi MtirrflnK HrMlal f ll.r KrfMnrMllnantlnK llfr.'Hul Till. .U.WKH H.IV Till.'' ABK .III-; .'.. .vcrx?j KiOWiiv i '!. U'hlrh IU Rm fUglaff t Hit !;, Mhow o Rml Prourt' KKImt Hldf llofh MdM ,tn "H ihSWflWEwaffBwuSMW AKMIH U, fltAI'.I.ICM J, IIAIKICIt A lit -ult Hi en cuxutUr i'ttltr twUheii Ihctiuel liy tlit-lr titlllaIKo tu.l b.iirJ. It!ir Aimiral Vl.ttU J In Ul ltiell IIUJllon. KlPtCFuT ...... Ctu nl lilnT m In comwand at mr f rWmH.r r lit. AtUnll TamHCT) n4 .,. taBdtd m,rJnw bfllw bi ajitHtoJ, Ad- amj ocftur.ltvl theMW iwru for tbe Unit- Mtrat "f-ank?'ilcitttfr !' In rl Hutr. iwrnllni; a wlilemtnt of lb cmwiful. ll foniirrit;J llt the troufcUv. wavy arucrBl Iwatit tor a yr. At T,,,, ""I'"'' l,,fl UnU4Hl H',M lln.f. Iha allfiM arlta tl bt Ikat lltue Ua'.wlll b r. b ! w" " u,t Of a " - ZJ. -ZZTL-T"' r , - . .-- --- - ,--. -- "J HnMr.Mf, urtrr ywrn of ffrdfrtt ijrv(ttf itnumS from Jtrttlccr iHaL llt Hnrla - - --,-. -...- -, ...,.... M Ia lb Wti bHU. Ta war of-1 T1if nw of Iwtfc ltetlgsr tja'K"'fn' aiMi mo i.niwa mat If I tnnfldcnl Ibat (lt'bltli will Vlrar S.rr,. nn Hid ti.H.urs.t. fwaK. ThU nih.k after HuertUU ...... .. . '... i ' li..! .... i '.S. ".... .. - . -ft. ..... Itia.t tu no mo urmae vwmhmi, 'munini KV tr limy uuui mun Hickman Is Exonerated Ctroner's Jtry Siy$ ShMtkg Was Justified i U Jh-h ffoaii bf Daacan'a Tew ' llm.mr. Mm llMHir Frtwt. :' ' ' 'rr t. .. Moro. who for wreral KHRtMi lu reforwatlon work la KlanH atli FalU, Hi rough arciulnx raca of aimllltiK hor, icUlitc f linatcinarfat. tpi'i to aotattfiltntl 10U h-r, charg- Iik Hint oifitlata arc criminally ncll erdt In thn .toMlgci of their duties. d tent, lut iir'Uh tnmnt latt, wrlt- 1 it r f!'irrnor IjJ'fot'reuardJag coa- dltlon of Iwm'erallty. Iawleaae land depravity which hn allege esUt herw i to ly. Iiiuath Kalta. Ac r'rdloa to rouBtymcUU. b agreed o do tlil) la tha aaoralnK. TbU agraMNteame after alia sad bn laktrn lata aiwtody a bos a coat; plaint allgta fctr to b aa laaaaa !pron. 8ba waa tamtae4 by Ora Jobaaoa. Catkaaad Merryaaaa ba fora the rouatrourt. WMI' thay held hr In. aafaHoapateat a a few ubjMt. tbrvl4 not dealara kar enoiigb unbalafMad to nceeaaltaU rndlag her lo aa atyluaa. , At tfala hearlaf Mm. Moor 4asle4 th rpportii of.tt reaaarka ahavla l- ge o aava autfa to laeal aae. ae Vlag the Heavy naa Ttic AHU .Tryag' to DMetlce lh trnuiH. f Ctraaaa to Hreak Attack. , I fi a. bk.a ..h.daK.a a m 1 & h a t mj. t m Jk n Uto demand th, naval offlcer, JfjVr-Ueiiitr HrtajJfSSt oi ap j inn i,hmW., , I....I,. ,. - -. k. ,. ,k .,, , WONDERFUL PLAY GIVEN IN FILMS Called Pre Sarvtca I'AttlS. Sept. i!. Oorernor Caltl eiit report that the flermsn Ut lft. but failed. The aituatlon up to ( the jirewnt U aafd to ki Terr aallt' factory to the allien. There h been fierce flgbting. and tb the ranuattle aro heavy, but alll are nlowly adrancloe. The Oerwann are occupying ne rotltlon In their rear aa the preaaare Iihvjwi. and they are. forced bacKJ At ap i olnt baa either aide been net- nally defeated. , With tba exception of the left, all, the rt of th llae la alaaply an artll kry due!, There haa keen little la fantry ftghtlag la the naat thlry-aU Koara. Tha alllaa' arlllery la being Mee4 rgalsat'-th Oeraaaa battarlea i The lateatn aaaoaacaaaaat by thai war oAeo Ula afteraooaacUraa that tkara are a 4aataM raaatta aaywbeia aUag the hattie llae. .The Ightla U at 1 1 ll itrogreaalag, The Freacb are orgupylag taalght baak of tha.Oiae. fatlag Koyoa. The alllaa alaa hold aU tba halchta aloag ,tha Ataaa, faalng the eneaay, wba ara'haavtlr.relaJare- lag. r VAVAVAVAV1 iw BBlaajFVi HaBaBaBaHaBBD BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhC.'' BBBBBKlrwi ", BBBBBBBBBfvBBBaBiAia.!aBBIl: BBBBBBKtflHB'vnBBU alvBBBBBBBWflBBmBBBW BBBBBaWaBKBHaBBKy m aBBBBBD JbBBt3BBBIBBU! m BBBoSC99BBBBBBk ' BBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBM,:i,;A ?& BBBBBBBrnM naaaaaaaaaan9rnanyL! &Acltov GERMANY SAYS ALLIES WEAKEN . IN THE ASSAULT v .t:itIA.V UK KXTKNDKI) TO Cf.VDR U.limOHtTK1.H Lali llalleti Tmm l BarHaTHaya Oerawa Hare Attaeked AMtra .Xear Alae. m ji:lleaial:Maaw, t a Beef-It '!&1&i' ' ' uf eaaaaDtjTwIay. bj. v- SfcJ i - i4: ' 1 IHIi HlrkniaM MM ntwawl i Otahidy Ute tlil ahraaaa, faMawlaal ike fattening renUrt fcf kke. runtwer'a We, the Jary, I if tVoarr Vjtti Vl-Mdaek, ki t aMm. rallllr.1 rae, Ihki Hm fHwU j m oar vrrdlcli 4 nt W Ha4 lkt 4mi u VUUn K. Ktraaai awka Male, uf Hip age, of M jraara, MeltNy, Aawrkan. Heroail Tliat he mm Ut hi deih on (! IWh ay t ntfttmhtt, 4A, Ii. Ui 1, m the nmeli T Ma wafti' er, Mr. Mary Mark, la,! VaUcy, KlaaathroMaiyOregaaj. ThlnlThai heeaiaw'W'Ma'tlNitiii ay Mean t.f a haHet WaamO, Hwial. belag Hrcl tnmuh'gm toth hA of tUa HMaaaa,, k IfMh t of KentrMher, A. I. ItH, nl hat 0 o'clock m aa., tk act kavlac m pcrforaaMl ai IM Mawe) akat Wmcl, aMlwav !" ne tvi4lfta) MVe that (Mk AaJ I. et. t. . .. . jaJIL,,i tiFftl: ft JtftTta' -.. r.ng ia iail.w.i a iii-ari-lirokea iiaMMttaf flw Hng hr-r nn thot kjr hf !' r --..w v..v w firv iaajii-a-v weiiea at the .cetower'a laa.HMl ! ftflernoon, wltiajVlIra; jaUry A. Carkt (Old nf tha'VdreaaiaiaaMa Uad. ''I 'it to the ihootliig, aad ta aeag Jm tnl hnl irfl,lMa hw alforU " )"iro llfo to tk',iMn who fell, l-lwd by n bullet. 4 ',' Vivian Kvaaa wii'ahat ;ad, klllod iwt Imiantly ,Wy .'.Otli Mlekgian. .' rk, raachfiTrlVjU fore Uurk laat nlM." "'f Accordliia to Hlekaun. iu ukiiiMu If tonw, ilia wtfa aiMI kla'BiWX- Mn-law, who iaalMihe iMr Xhr Of liVkka J.lU .Itiu. H tio affair, gad thVmraWata hi -.. Ihal tkra.kaa aa g&fatf. --7, ine two mm ,W wouhl IWIaaePaaa aa, MiaaVaaa'iaH. uiittnf uf Mi. Hickman, there l bit. tern', and that each. Im forblddcu th other to crot lhlr UntU. A a hmuIi, Urana hai had m take a rlr. cultoua couiao to icaclr hU ranch, when be could lmv woJo dm trip ahortar act th Matka ranch, Hickman and Ma wife have hMU llrlng at the Marka ranch, ltJ-t Night, lilckinan ay, ho wvui out' to gat hi row, and found Kraii' calv In hi pature. Ifo drovo them ouCla th road, and then teturttcd hoino and Bcgan.' iHUlitar womt. On thi trlpto tho panlnro ho tok n rlfiu with him, and when ho returned hl wife took the weapon and at(Md It til one aide uf tho liouat. At about U.3t. lllckmun aayn. vaua roda up to wlicro lu- wn iltt- tlag wood, and denunded to kno.v who turneu ma raivca uui im. uiu road, lilckinan anawotnd that hu did Kvann,. according to Hickman, jjoi Ye h4a horae. and aa lilckinan turned i-v-. .i.,...'.'.:. ... ... .. .'.,..::.... WMit aia.gHvaa-mi, aimcn nun n the ,ehHiler with a club, lllckmnn tlwWrat'raated, hut Kvnim followed, wlgg:tliV(club. oitdmrltilng Hick man pit tho hand. 4 'Hfckiuan aya ho waa pu raited In thla way until ho rvnvhvd tlio lioiuo, gad cam to tho rlllo. Ho aaya, ho picked thla up in tho hope o'rj top ping Krana' onluught, UuV that Kv aaa atlll caaio on with tho club, no he pulled tho trlMr whllo tho gun, un der hla arm, w pointed hnckwnrd, The' bullet pierced KviuiV liontt, rioyd Brandenburg and two olhuru wero driving by tho Murk plaew JiiHt At thin time, nnd lllckiimu caljud to them, nftor which ho went OjUi II, lif.'Koberta placv, uud iclcpltonwillic aMrara uud tho nolghbora, ,- When tmllHt during a coaveraatle with aa - lolhr man, and waa auto tha subject I for a tirade from MraTafoorerwho ac-i Jued him of being "one of them white alavera," and "panned" him to a iiucen'a tantc. II taatlBed aa to thU, and Mrs. Moora adaaitUd It. Tbcro I much tadlgnatloa cc- ircaned hero at tba auaaer in whlcjr lOovtrnor Vet haa pablUhed tbU tllK MASTKIt ill.Mi," HIIKKanrMkomaa'a charge brMAaaat After fliiK.ThtccrAH,Tiiitfcinum.t, lnVMtlg, ,u vricUr bHt ta. A year ago General von Heerlncen, then the aeraiaa er aalatatei. W 'the target forjealhiac deauaclat:ofl ai me naaoa oc tae uenaaa peoale and tbe"Cemaa Breaa, aa tba malt of being charged, with BarUclatioa fat the Krupp scandal, la which oaloan of tba Oeraaaa araay and aary. war accused of receUiag pay froaatha gua aaakers for jeeeaaaieadiBg.tke fCradtyJMr Tha'eryekaaiwai o atroaaf tkat yob Heeriagea raalsaaal hla RUSSIANS STILL HTAK THKATKIt TO- tead, gave the dt-talls of her vtatoc- Urn' IhtktiWh tiArmrill -" a ihm I'ortland and Saleat aaaara. There la talk of the various loeai araaalaatloaa taking steps, to giro, a4aal pabllclty AT TIIK MOIIT AM) TOMOHUOW AFTER AUSTRIANS HKVKKIi COLUMNS OK THK Itr TBKATIXG AKMV ARK CAlTUn. - KD, MAYS BlHeHAX UMPATCH TO KKUTKR KKRVICK 1 two Mrtir aMaf ; wha Brandenburg and tho otlior reached Ih't'bodrtha musclca woro aljl;ulv- erlnf, hut Kvaiw was dwid, ,, - jlpu.ty Hherlff Lloyd I. Ijow; and Coroner Wlitt)nck Went outltet.Poo VkMey; and J Hickman utraajfiirejl hlwself. Tho body of Kvnkaf wat hraagUtln (or anjutmaat,. ..A u In fulfillment of hla promlaa tojton refutation of thee ekargee. khr KlniualU Iralla ptoptoa scrlo of 1 high la t'la) in motion picture.' MlllKlnV M..I1IM tt ,t!M Utlll AlAllPI,!., it) plijer In standard production,! Manager Houston till evening will' present Tho MMtcr Mind," la fh'uj ivels, lit thu Htar t hea ten TUU will! alua to tomorrow' bill. "Thu Master Mind" I one of tho must powerful drama of tho day, and l( mado the groat reputation enjoyed by Kdmund llrcce, Dreeae, tondmany of Hie original cast,,. appear. In tha THIS PARTY DID NOT VISIT FAIR . j - Tho play 1 now. balng produced at) .rnrtlnud by the llKr Stock cowia ny. nnd Is creating a furore th,er. Th play deals with a acheatlng hardened master criminal, whose mentality Is so strong that ho movea hla hench men llko pawn on the cheoaboard. ami I not seen himself, J! plaaaa, ilivp, nli-uiisoruing vengeance on ine district attorney wjio had' hla brothae electrocuted but In tha laat. ha, shown n flnKli of truo manhood. WLti, KVKRKTmCA COHK TO ORIKa, AB MD THK OJiK . bkxt to, hki.1 nroinr. Says Ruttiant to Kill All Germwu IlKltlftN, Sept, llj. Oeueral Sar ins or tin; Uussinii urmy, Who waa captured by tio.larman, w'a tilled by court tunrtlnl today, it is thafged that Oonoral i'artoa' troopa'had heaa given ordorl to .kllj al) mHle'lahabl Unt.H In, Kaai .Prussia, and to aura tho vlllsgesr Tha xerdlct'pf,the court niurtlnl Jiga'aoiaaaa aaaHaead, j :K-'rt,r r::j".";. ;l "T raneh pi .about a quarter 6f5av,H4 iioutli;flttMarha'.r. HV.tv awrrM . lauoui a.yaar;ao -ataiiaaiamavr Mvaaii6'mra'-'rif'aeVhW..Maay. - 4J. ", $:' At. 3, o'clock thla aiaralag, Coloael M. a. Wtlklns aad J: R. Kraratt reached Klamath raMa. Aad they ware not at tha MarrUf falr.elther. ' lloth gentlemen wtraeathuataatip. oyar Jtha Merrill .ceWMfatlaaaad on rriday bay left Rly la Kywt'a car, headed for tho Alfalfa City: Thay were caught In tha rain, though, aad with tho car sUlddlag giddily la the muddy road, the geara were atrlpied In tho eftort to control It.; v' Of course, this. atlahap; could only occur mllea from aaywhare.Afterla wait of several honM.jtHaaaaker car cams along, aait;. thla, ' .!; It a ef forts to help oa(a)Niay jy was ao disabled., , 2L " .' it waa 10 lu the aaaja waWthe rtar went out ot eoaiailaataa It1 waa about midnight whaa'lUw aecuaaaU of both-the dUablad.aara reached Bo- aaaa, t tfe .. . JV-- 1; "Bat It'a all, la ;a , BlaUaae." Bay Today voa, IfMrtageaJa regarded tonar orUeTaaajy pf warijr beroea, aa a reaalt at hla brilliant work ob, the battloleld. He Is In commaad of tho German force oper ating agalaot the Preach ia Lower nobly every tba Freock. attempted Inratloa by l &Ltt .."'.. ..t-.'. "latf Xf I.KULIN. Seat:., la. -Am- aBcUl taiemestfaed today' staVaa that tha battle la lVaace la atelt -areareaalag. and that the riHUataneo of, the elite i Dreaaing, Ili aaette1mJlVir?g navefceen eataaded to:iaaada-Buaf of the original positloaa of tha French Haea. It U deafed'that the CermBK 5 bare esaaiiateal -their ap ply p( ammaaMioar ad'' the tatet meat Insist that the Genua eamt tnunicatlon with tha soared of ub Pile la perfect'.1 f A bulletin iaed Uto" tht after noon by the war oc aaya: j 'A deeWva atoekbr tk Gerauaa ., baa beeai 4eMvaa4: ti gatlaat the alHaf line soutko'r XeayLvBAd la tl4J. gio. ul'oag tk, ie, Ome .W A. Thla atUckaa1ardclaat4 la by : , ttfe" TheaT,a1atrpirtiriy:- corpa aad aarta or ehirdtrWaaa aid Teaaltedls'decaiara gate by tha Qemaaa. BeaaoaIS .tomH.vka:ba;ulaal,wfc,.53 r. prlsoaera. ' f?2 " '.. J .1 . 'i.ktf.iib '.'Tr r n . j BOATSIWSOf Alaace. aad tbua.far baa withstood JliFmiikII HMIFTft, AND irTllMKH TURNS TURTLK ' BrXIKVHw) THAT ONXY TWO O &MWjak XOYV AUVKl . 4 lUalted Praaa Sarvtca LONDON, Sept. 19. 'A dispatch toi the Reutera New Agency from Petro grad, alatea that tho. Rnaalaa purftnlt ot the Auatrlana still coatlauea, aad that the Austrlaa force la suffering heavy lo, Tho Rusalana have occupied Saa- domlr after capturing aeyeral col. umas. of tho Sixth aad Fourth Au- triaa corps, la addltloa to thirty big field tuna aad aa cnormou amount ot ammuBltloB. Near Javoraw the Raaawaa took 5,000 prlaoaera. Thewar. aalce re- port that la addltloa to the Anatrlaa troops, 'tha Qermaa cavalry 1 also teeing before the Ruailaaa. atallmeata will be played U Callfor nia setting. Tho bill la oa agata to- alght. Tomorrow sight a' alaayaleca or- cheatra will, play aa. "old aoag" pro gram. Aay aumber re.ueatad by tha audleace will be rendered aad la ad dttioa there will bo classy picture. LUCILLE LOVE NOW IN S. F. MUCH KXTHl'HIAKM WAH MAM. FHBTKII ia8T .IOHT, A.,ThV MOYltt SHOWED HKR .BOAT KXTKHIX(l.OIAKX GATK . - j 2. 1 L Wllklaa t4ay. ..wl'i P Imm jaiaad la amrOiaVm aMTtaW. Back in tha, good .old U,, 8, Aria Luclllo Loye.'- the awyla; keretaa, wheaa adveatuf balag ahowa 'la a aerial pictorial at the) Ohpraaajthe atr,teaea 'erowaa,hoaaaa'theta oa Fr'ia'Baa; Laa) kiaCall fit tk audiaac aaatly ree egwlaa QoMea' Qat. aM,okr fma , aHajmi h r,aaeaav,'aa taa "gki r- T'R-i.'Ti f? JfvK . M a..11 a nPR.r'5?JFTirKVW,Ah;1 S l ap rHafPV , IWv w mwt lw' t.j ! All. Uermaa aad Austrlaa consular cSicera'la Egypt have been ordered out ot Egypt by Great BrlUia. Thla action waa taken to stop the pro Germaa aglUttoa by the outaed ol clau. RumIb. Eagland aad Franca are try tag to keep Turkey neutral, aa-. surlag her of protection should atiof keep ut.of. the wax. . United "'reaa Service ASTORIA 8pLas:NiH aiaaaaaai "'--C!V,.' cauieo beea raeaiva4ofttaswaiiok4af Ua' "JdsPafJt&f2kjak.t'Wa' by iha deck la4ambaV ohtfUac taaaMfateaaaah'a'baaku t to tura turtle.' s ." -w . Accerdkag: to paaaeagwa oa tha steamer Beaver f which' arrlvad'hoeu tbls afternoon, h'ai '.two Uvea, we saved out oftherawr aad paaaeaaar list ot'74.- . w&irf'.i - 1 Borneo a. a talaahoaa llae ua porte oa;atakotaay 'aad. eboay pole. Head Forester Is Coming Gave Is Eqedd D At CmmtHmk i P- Henry S. Grave, forester aad chief of tba forestry aervtco, la expected help for the road of Klamath aval from, the East some time next week, for tho purpose of looking .over the roads la national forest la, Klamath and Jackson counties. Ha will go to Crater Lake from Madtord', aad front tba lake will coma here. The Chamber of Commerce haa not fully, outltnod It plnaa for. tha ea tortataBaeat of tha foraetry hoad.bat alreaajr; plan are belag. mado for a. ra'tlaa;aad eatertafament that will do" tha "towa iuatleo.'..wjj ,v - ' ? tbo louowiag tiier rvom win u. Staal, auperlntaadaat ot-Orater Laka Matmaal-Parh.' talWaf tha poaatMU Hlaa from qfa''tHa): v " 'r ., r,For;,aaita.imat,I;haya baaa; r w H . J can reach 'the. fdrea'tvaerytco, aad. gat' Jackson county wlthia tha'aaUoaal1 foreata. Chamberlain haa :''ka tka matter up wUh,Qrava,Uad wlraa aia that he will be la Portland ahaat the 24th lat. aad ha thinks ha (Oaaveal! will probaWyvaxraaga. mattawa.aatla- a Aa am''' "t'v1v."t 1-. iHL'iBrur. maaaiBamaF bb ta iiaTfi lam m , - "li?MilfJpyf4ll!a.ia -i '' ,r-i-T . , Jf t, 'r "a A. mt-wrrvwmmmmwzmmm bmbjb "i AV ' 1 ?.rti- Crater Lak If yi Hag, bias to Klaajatk Faita' aa la guaat . or tba Chambeeaf raaimsnn .1 I wtHaa 'Ur"thriiai'irl-Thi'iV'j . ;'rr v. -s"-i iy,, --a J , ..f ; i v i.ir eiiisiM, !.' aaawar v7 L U 'J, "Jl..! . !' . t ' - ' , Jt 'I 4 .lPIWMlPi.fl k4M tryBamsivir.af.waateaaaW papM',,' mh&M mM'- & "i ' 'ii .:-i Q? iff K . '. 1-J.'-"ir, UiyjW ..-' - ef 1 ." ' "j. i Wl cr1-" rj' r rf- - RfC;j " " ''v'.,' ' 3 S J & .v; 1 rtr i.' I ..