The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 18, 1914, Image 1

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fcwnitm Iteralil
tlli Vri ' '-."
Price, vu
Fighting Still Desperate; Losses Heavy
ihi: i:Hiitn i:.x,rn: aomiiu
Neither Side Is
Winning Success;
Both Strengthen
----- ...-...---- -J.J.J.J.r -j. -Lrrj-u-LnJ-Lnj-u-L-Lru-j-LrL
Sent by Belgian King to Plead With President .Wilson
11 WM. fllll.l.lf hl.Mr.
I I'Altlit. H'( I i.f n,,, ,.,
Hit. llli- and the (li'tlllalu lidte ai
Lifted Willi Auln. awl llir '' ,'"" '" ""'h UlUIUKU nACll fill.
f lllt-. but (ft, lhro hut !i.i
Cruad U Otrr I..VRI In .VuanWt, , dUtllul aih.iilog.. (Mtirrd by tub
rr nrlii) limn, and nf l.cmit kill
t,l ami wtrntidnd. ituHKi,, ,j ,
ftuuutn ate ri.(t. tu u. roM
'llolli .rnil- flit, ollll Killing !
utf I Hi. Prmrli n till on tin.
iluVlnlie 1, (IcMlUg U KHwl dr
f!o lit )t. rolllnf, noil ,.(ra t
Mo 111 ) (HiRif) I lu (Iff malt II hn a ..I
strrrt I
KttitllMt lc A'1 lUng llrlit tin
lit Main Mtrrl III Kstlihll III
fe ftlld llUM-. ONtl M MlK IMlC
at the Oprm Mw Ttltl.
Ullh Um bttaluf ,iiuw tli,r,t,
th lutinlf taWrca tataut, iKc tlrvult)
limit JjuMftH-l. and Hh lutiM ahnml
ikitJJ '( iilKiMililr, p ! Itir
I'lill..) I'frM Hartlta
lAlllll lLti.1 I n l. ..,,,.-- ...
. ri1'a r--,- , r ... ni4uai '!
"iMtUhVl '." ate lii.l.lluu Hit- Ii.ti ' llilii rtt ri mil
Uaiaf, while lltr rrl of llir (rttj'li-. "Tim batOn rmllliUti, ami ,Mlf luir
ad II Imo. ate ltir Mirtl( !!. I ! ifllirn"
Ufct fair, I Ttil Ili.lU4lr0 (Ut t, pUArk, ..
Atwul ftetj r r( Jut irrrillM,n !. till lil urclH III 5flln.l.
frwta humIii unlit atlrrttiam. " I ho Herman
4 the 'lf wIhi Mln li an Hrif fl." !"HHti mtilKr, it-vcUllj llm
tliaat4tlr.t lo lluil lluil mih. lite! ' rlhn, rtimmitni). h Im--.
,i.ji. l..i lui .m.iiiIm-.I l.. lurttUI.; I,na," rplnfiiftTO li tni. from
rrrr liau.j-Mloll.m l. rtill lilr. '"'"""'"e Tin. IliHUflii Arllllftv
I, I'M I I Ik- MMjril) ! lite i-t.i.lrj1 '""llli: llm 4llftlt.l ..f (l.r. -lri. .
In Hirniili
rr lil.lrl (itt. ii rliow.
lt rain, lnlrl i( llrr(rtlu,
mmU llw lrlt morr rtij.ijdl.lf, unl
to ( Uf k uf iluM,
(HwnM HftUi Ibnlw)
MimilJU., t)(ii Jl Willi J,59
Ik Ulan, u4 o tbi)flul rtnltilt (
trxtucm, Iho flfi Mrrilll 4Ulr(rt fU
II 60 It) full tlUt (lj ariPflKHUl
All etpuu n (ulnc nil tf -iHulr,
ttlil tlir obi faotsr tlUilr Jh
MhMllltnc ot Ihf twchr, llVlltu
luk of ilm,
followlh tho nrih) of tut :0
f1 Ifom KUronth Kull. lh lfprt
U lis) lth auiumobllr for trria
tiotM. KrjfUklr I, nnJiuU.ik
mi il.ln,r anil hi( nllkn rr
IItoiJkI by h Klamath VnU tialfl
llir ok a MitonilM irAtt. lu itiU
rr Auiumotillt., UiHnt uu flnp
ohM, elaborate Hot., 'kIuhjI rh(.
ittn u,i mky mhrr ftuilurro, I'mt,
III. L t.i.i. . .....
.....r. uining a ,!, niiriltxl to a
ion, ami Mm, w, r l)4vpni'r(
id iltuchltr of KUmatl, K, wllh
"I'Mfhw," thrlr tlhrlUnit loaf nml
Korij rrl B,, nitrartml mucli
Kollowlnc Hip mtaiv lli men
o iniotmrHl, una urn iiow,ii m.
loo. Duo to ihn i.udlil work uf
Oar Merrill, itlt, ttr tmtnis lirlil
illliiiiit Ur-U),,
How of Die rull folliiH'J
I'onjr rw IWrl Dulinn rtrt, I'nul
llloo iKnmt; (irlin no nml 15.
8dilli liar rcn V. C. Dnllun'
fll. 116; J. K. AiUmt Jr., kkihiiI,:
'10; Jrk llAitimumt iltlrU. !
Un(t IUIbII. a Krrttrh otliirt
U (llM.flr.1 fcM
TIip KiieIUIi fKNt asitlu iittiti
n KluV. frm tirtaVlrte llm i.iirli
Mu In a orU of flpffi tlrmUliit
Hip KtitlUli ilnivt. trio ffii:nr lrk.
Hlr Clurlw PuritiuoiiV nfilllrry l
l-i r.lli for i ii ni Ins tl.i. no.
I,,,., ,,, i -i -, J-,
iS i mk 'sl$
SBsmssS " Avwit-rEEEEsMBElEET iBBEEEaivv J f J
i '' Bk ?.EEEEVBfc,T .iBEElte YBEflEEEEEH . ZmMlMZ EvEflnX BEBEEE ftfrWl
f IbbbK bKbbm bbbV vbbbBbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH
?' Bv.- BflBBEBBVBBBab
vt beeeebesibeeewbbebbeeeeeeebbeeeeeibbseeeeeeeeeems
i v BEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmLEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEmEm
iVv I1IIbbBbbbbbbB
" - -- yCMfcBEEjr1',ijBEB'
Bm? ''-BBEB
Germany Reports
Her Army Slowly
Making Advances
HKHUS. (lrelc-M via Sarrlllo),
ifkipt. IS. Tbt folio wine I from tb,
, -. v. nimtf m .v Vr Ripe for Htm
"Tfae battle btwn Ibe Olio and
tho Mua la unchecked, but there are'
ur Indication that tbe i'rencJi of-1
fenac lit decllnluc. Vrvach efforta to'
U-ui ihrough tbe Oeruian right harr
jhten broken without notable exer!
"Th German army U nlowly but
nuroly advauclnc."
The talT xar the ficbt U lndecl-
five, but maintain the enemy' re- bolted Prtaa Sernc
Utanie l declining. The staff ay rKTJlGlt.Uf Hrpt. 1H. -All (be
the German renter, though encoun-1 Kuwian aevthpapera today jota tm m
, taring dejperate realxtance, U ad- iWwu.l that Italy Joia tbe Hlf tm
'vanclng. the prt-snl tight. Tbejf ar that If
Captain UYdiro von Mrdlll. a per-' Italy ilo tlis AutrU Mill b com.
(kouai aide and Intimate friend of i-il to iintimllately im for
Vron I'rfnro Frederick Wllbelra
kllltd in action near AUne.
Artonllag to High OalcUl, Bt bf
HIomt, Careful, Private Work at U
Kuropeaa Capital, Houadaags An
Ueiag Taaeu W'hkli Are fitnaiU.
Switzerland Is
-l a tntult or this. It b decUreO.
Crnuiiuj- nill realize lw fatiUty ut
toiitlniiliiic the fight.
It U Uiidrrstool here tfaatt Ifltltr
U'illielin luid led the OerfBaa puiaL
RuinM hv Wr Ut br"rV(t' ,,,, lulr w' iei.
Jl'nlled I'rea Service
i pale in lli- AustnMitrrmaay de.
(Italian Reserve
Called to Flag
I'm.ih Irll lit tlfl.l UmU tie Nulelrtr; Henri CaHuu de W'Urt, MtrUliat leatlt-r In KcIkIuiii ami mlaUler of Ju
iltf; I'aiil II) nun., IIIm-,1.1 l.-mlcrln Itrlelum; Kinlle tie an tier VHde, a mkLiIUi lttUr. Count Ixiula Ue
ltliteitrlitr.. In tin If, errrMr) Iti prlnn- mlnUler uihI imit arrntar ) In the cuiiimiKklon.
" Itofuin tlit fait mlud of the Rril
.Alilollintl Jiwil'lf e will tn) our car.
'VV are consul to Irl them bu th
Jiuti4 of tho liuth."
. H itikn t'oiini tml do l.cchter-
Uuld l'rM tkarvlea
I'KTIIOtlltAO. Ht-M l.MIIiary
KiHi (.rrtlirt UiaI ihe Urriiun will ",l'M'r-reinrr mine iinrae minuter
mil mifiiiil an In lmioM of Ituuln (f Hrlcium ami n-crHary for ih
Olflrl! ailvlc- are that all firm lino c r rr r - -
Irotip r iu'liie vriiii.fn. ireuitf
ahto in aid the (J.-niuii raini'tilKii In
Ilaln l I'ourltiE on Uio frontier.
nti.l tho rouniry It nry i'tcy.
rti)l lleljlan communion of tho Kin- cenrtrnlui: German airocllius on Ilel
nf the IMclntut to tha prealdent of thu slum oll. Hnlde au autograpU let
t'nlted Klatc. the fve member of r ffui the king to the, liead of the
whlrji arrlve'J aboard the Whllo Star
liner Celtic, bound on n mlmilon to Iny
before I'rtlUcni Vilnon the represen
tation of King Albert uf llelglum
.'American nation, the royal rommls-
tlon carrle a lUt of sworn charges
agalnul the Cermins, the truth of
nicn the memben, of the deleft
lion ay I Incontestable.
Km4 rare---l.elanil I'oitt rlrt, Jeul
Hlatennoit econd.
There U a underfill pcellcury in i
(he mhlbltii. and the lltor arell OIIMKIt TACtMIA IIISIMS MAN , I .im:ij THIS,
Wll.l. ul'I'N His lTlll,ISH.J AI.UAVKU TO
niartelllllt: at the productivity of the
Merrill Valley. Tim dUplny of tierdlo
work, Mhlch 1 aim at the vehool
Iiiiii, I hIbo etcepiloniilly Komi, and
rover all iiiniuicr uf fancy work.
There are nlun inhibit of ciillimr)
art that are temptlm;.
Itealde the ethlblla at tile kcIiihi!
liolimi there I u upltiltdld elllry
flno liore, lieep, rattle, etc.
.mi:t iimti: xo.vhav iv thi:'
itmyioi. nt'u.iu.vti i
'("Hiigenpeel' KUe, Tell and I'lf-
of .tivii Out 8ior"" l the latent iiinrcan-
,lll(i enliiblliihinent to open It door
The rlimliiit evtiui will bo nu
night ilnnim at the opern hoiiii".
Can Grow Our Sugar
Two Million Acres of Beets Would Supply Demands
licitv .Monday morning It will be
remly (or the (rutin lit Hid llrUlol
biilldliti:, ni'iir (he poioitkti.
C T. eiliigi'iiiieel, iroprleor of Hut
elatillhmoiil, enme hero recently
from Tiiroinn, where ho wii In the
miio lltin of liuiiliii. ill (oru U n
meinber of Hit' liiilopeiident Chnln,
nml by nil of the Mora inrrlinliiK "a
a null, uiiicli rht.!iitr prlrt'H nro o'
jHlhle lo the dealer, nml ultimately, 10
thv roimumer.
All iirllcle lu (he tor will bo llu,
lieu nml flfooii ii'iiU. n hlKhpr, nml
the Hltick will Inrltido citnilleit, no-
Tho humeleailer hau cauve to
lejnlre, lnct tbo pauago of X. J.
Stimuli' homeitlcad bill, adopted by
both the houitu and benute, and re
ct'inly lKued by tho proaldeut. Tht
proildiyi for leiue of ubaeufo by en
tryiiivli hi one or iwu period.
t'ltder thu old law, tho eulrynuu
won compelled to tuku hla loavo of
;ihnoiico lu oua period. TUo hill, as
xlcut'd by the president, follew:
"An net lo provldo for loavo ot ab-
tiu'o for homeiilead eutrymen lu ouo
or two periods.
"lie It emu-lot! by tho auiiato and
luniHo of rvpreociittitiveii of the llnltcU
HlaU'ii of Amerlcu lu congrea assoiu-
Jt'KV l)Kl.llli:itATKS KOU KIVK
rial. vri pp si.
I nited fitwa Service
IIPRVf (Urn in i. i. .!. ...i' uASiltXtlTDV It r u..i to
that war ha almost ruined Swltier- President Wilson ut expreaed a "ex
land. Orden have been Issued retlr- trvmely hopeful"' that real progress;
Ing tbe army, which has been mobll- "ting made toward peace la Europe,
lied since hostilities began. iTnl the result of laformal souBd-
As a result of tbe mobilisation and'ln-'b1BC carried on vita tbe dlplo
ulnurbances eUenhere, industries, fallc corps of the combatants,
are ruined, exports are paralysed, ho-1 According to a high odlclal, It Is
tela aro closed and the economic alt- l" rarly yet to discusa any ot tae
uatlon is desperate. terms suggested. Wilson, though. Be
r. by reason of stow, careful lares-
A lV-- tlgatlons carried xm for him by oS
AllStna DenieS c,' d private sources, both here
n ! n Bnd iu Kurope. has reason to expert
IveqUeSUllg rea0e(1finlte peace overtures may soon be
! presented.
1KXXA. Sept, 18. The foreign! ThI omc,tt' stated with autaority
office denies London and Paris re-ltnal at the recent conferences be
Iort that Austria has made peace jtwwn Oaron ilethmann-HolIweg. the
overtureiC It says Austria is prepar-lfiennan Imperial chancellor, aad
ed to fight to the last to maintain ignited States General Ambassador
tbe cause of Justice. (Gerard, the terms for settlement were
. not discussed, as one news agency re-.
"A loiul of acre pluulnl
o iH-et would fn u from depend
c ii,,0, forulgn.growii hiigar," imyn
""Hvtlii No. Jrto of tho United Hluleit
ltmr(mt.iit of Agriculture lu nitlliiR
,iloii " Ht' eiio with which tlioiihnoliiloly iinumM, every yenr. Any
nlled Klntc could niako IIhdU liuln- ono of tho lii(t of llllnoln, lowit,
nutnt of (ho rest of tliti world forlKiuihii, MUhimiiI, Mliiiienolii, Nebrn-
liu or Ohio could product) till thU
would he iiniiiri'nry for u to buy
forelRii UKiir. Two'dilnU of 1 per
rem of (ho Improved laud In (hi nio.t
In all lluil would hu reiiulreil lo itc
loinpllsh til roaiil,
"Minn linn tluil ncNKign Ilea Idle.
" gar supply. The bulletin print
- '" ut niueiceii alnieii which Imva
"'(! 'leinoiKirated to be well adapted
7 ,u f"wlng of sugar heel. Th
w nro (iallfornla. Culorndu, lilnlm,
nullum, lown, Kunn, MIchlKmi.
iinneaula, MUiiourl, MnnUnn, Ne
""Ka, NevMdii, North Dakoln, Ohio,
wjwii rinkota, Utah, wUcoimln, Wyo
,'' ThM ttM rontnin more tlimi
OM 1 ,rn.,,,, ",d ftver 37,,ooo'
h..t. .. "" of '"'Proved land. The
B"llUtt continues :
",f ou' fsrraor In four ofjlieno
" HUat three-acre pstch
!",". u u" c,r lbt cou,d rutiy
Mtowd upon to aiasJi a put, It
Jap Aviators in
Action in China
I'nlUil l'ieH Servile
TOKYO, Sold. IS,-
Jiii:im'iiti uvlii'
Mi(Kr, unit then Iiiimi tho heel occur I lor have doHlroyed thu wire-leva Htii
only once lu it Ion. your intiillmi; nv
oral of Ihn othnrti could do II iilouti on
ii Hvi-yiur rotiillou.
"Prom (hi inhlo II inu lm mhui thul
dovotliiK tho propoHi-d a.OOO.000 acre
to titiKar hoot production would have
mi utterly Hlgnlflcant ttoet Id reduc
ing (ho (tcriKiKO of olit r crup,
"If ,llioy woro grown lu properly
convlilurcd rolnilnu wllh r,ny of IIioho
crop itxceiil coiion unit rlfu, Hie offocl
of tho IiooIh In Incroiialug tht) yield of
(hu ut hum would much more than
oouaterbaUuco tho iicrvugu )
from the lutler.
tloim, china, KlniHWat, tlnwiire, ln,bled, Thai the ontryiuuu meutlouud
lu section tweiitytwo huudred uud
nlnoiy-oini, Itevlved Statute of tho
il'iittotl Slatoti, ii nuiouded by tho act
o( Juno 0, iy 12. i'tilrly-HOventh Stat-
utrs, 123, upon lllliig lu (he local
I uml otllre notice of thu bogluulug ot
mii'li ulisencu in hi oplloii shall bo
uiittlltid (o u leave ot absence lu ono
or (wo continuous period not exceed-
Iiik In the nKSrcKiito live monlha lu
ouch year after e(nbllhlug real
deiuu; ami upon the termination ut
mii'li iibiiouri., lu each period, the ou
irymiiu hIi.UI Die it uollco of utli
termltiiidou lu tho local land otllce;
hut In ratio of commutation, tho four
teen month ucluut reldence, as now
leiiulred by law must bo shown, uud
(he perou commiiOiiK be at the time
citizen of the Unltod States,
Omi dollnr was the exteut of the
tiamnges awarded J. A. Maddox by
the circuit court Jury chosen to de
cide tho merit ot Maddux's suit for
damaKim against Charles I.oomls. The
erdici was brought In last nhglt, af
ter a deliberation of live hours.
Mnddox brouKht suit for J2.00U
d.imuKca alleging that lu trading hi
much for tho Maddox building,
Loomls misrepresented the ranch to
Maddox. This I.oomls dented, and
three dnys wore consumed In the trial
of the action. J. H. Caruahan con
ducted I.oomls' case.
(Ion ami two power ittatlou lu Kluo
Chan. Thi' (leriuaiiH have erected
boiuh pi oof rtheltttnt over Hiipply sin-Hon.
Muy Ship I'ltini Heiv.
Clmrlim I'ltcliiT, Win. ltno and
I'clo Giuober left Wednoiulny noon
for Klainiitli Pull, whom thoy will In
on I iti Into (ho cutllo slluutlou. They
u io looking for thu bout market, mid
uu Klumuth Pull hu miiuy udvuut
age ovur othor point It Is likely Unit
tuny will nlilp from that point. Sil
ver l.uko Leader,
CtHiketl I'tMiil Sale, ,
Tho M.'i:. Ladlos' Aid Society will
hold ix cooked food' salo at Hum'
hurdwmv more all day tomorrow,
Artillery Duel
Is Being Fought
LONDON, Sept. 18. The war of
fice tonight Issues tho following;
"Tho sltuailou nt the front is pntc
tlfnlly unchanged. Cavalry troops
havo boon active, but without detlnlto
insults. Tho line have been changed
hut little In tho Inst thlrty-slx hours."
'Ihl continue tho belief that the
iirmlc are ilghtlug to settle an ar
tillery duel. The alllert are unable to
storm tho Uenumi poaltlous, a tho
trenchoa tiro marvelously built for
Tho allies lost heavily attempting
Some Hough RMlas;.
Cashier Leslie Rogers of the First
Xatloual bank returned last night
with Mrs. Rogers after an auto trip
to Medford. They wene over via Cra
ter take and left there Wednesday to
return via tho Qrecn Springs moun
tain road. That route Is never any
too smooth, and with a little rain, it
was a tiresome rough trip here from
In view of a possible acceptance of
overtures for peace negotiatioaa, all
of the work being carried on with the
warring nations are being kept pro
foundly secret.
Home Prom Visit.
Mrs. John McLean returned last
night from a, visit or two atoataa la
Portland and la Middle Western cities
Imports From Europe
From Fogknd Alone, We Bought $20,000,000
So many inquiries have been nude
since the commencement ot the Euro
pean war as to the character of goods
Imported from Europe that the bu
reau ot foreign uud domestic com
merce has propared a summary show
ing the principal manufactures and
manufacturing materials received bv
(he United States from Its European
Imports from England last year In
cluded nearly (20,000,000 worth ot
cotton goods, 19,000,000 worth of
lares aud f 9.000,000 worth of chem
icals; 12,000,000 worth of coal tnr
preducts: 43,000,000 pounds ot
orude rubber, 48,000,000 pounds ot
hide aud skins. 53,000,000 pounds
it block Hu, 75,000,000 pouuds ut
wool, 14,000,000 pounds ot tea, and a
host of miscellaneous articles.
Germany Is our chief source for Im-
to hike tho trenches by assault, and ported chemicals, Its contributions
they now plan to reduce the Herman last year exceeding 120,000,000 worth
fortifications with artillery before re- Other Important articles received
sinning thu assault. from Qermany last year were 1U,-
0,00,000 worth of cotton goods, 1G0,
000,000 pounds of wood pulp, 35,
000,000 pounds of pain and pain
kernel oil; 18,000,000 worth of toys.
WASHINGTON, U. C, Sept. IS. j Certalu food products wore also Im-
Mr mill Mrs. Chmica Duulap ot
Lakevltw are here a guests ot the
former's brother, Horace Dunlap.
ported from Germany, tbe leadlnt
items being 60,000.000 pounds or rice
flour. 7.000,000 pounds of crude co
coa and 12,000,000 worth of spirits,
wines und malt liquors..
Prance I the largest, source of our
Imported silk, goods, art works, auto
mobiles and wlucs. Last year we got
from "La Belle Franco" 123,000,000
worth of art works, 15,000,000 worth
of chemicals, 118,500,000 worth of
silk goods to say nothing ot what we
paid for cotton laces, embroideries,
perfumeries, etc.
Italy supplies large quauHtie of
mucaroul, fruits and nuts, olive oil.
prepared vegetables, cheese and still
Netherlands Is a leading source, for
dlamoud aud wrapper tobacco, and
also seuds u.i hldos. ab, spice and
Holglum la our greatest uource for
dlsmouda, and se.nils us much rubber,
hides and furs and linens. '
SwIUorluud leads as our source) of
Imported cotton laces and wateaes,
and Is Important la the matter ot
cheese, silk goods and coal tar colore! '
Ireland is art la IU wpsJy ef
1 1
,f i