FREE! FREE! PRINTS THE NEWS WIIIUC IT IS NKWS .Mnllt Vrr M. 'J-'71 Auto Rides to the Merrill District Fair Friday. FREE! FREEl Hftft 4xtmmg, ItteraU. KLAMATH' FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. Prk. n Oar TTS ?!! Writer Describes Ruined Forts Germr frT., , But Cant make Advance ... ... ... Proceed as Decided Allied Troops Suffer Heaviest Losses $W Resemble thejCraterS of Dead VokanOS Troops Won By Rapid Mmnct fc W n " T PtS! TW N German Guns Quickly iuined Steel Turret Walls, "" NttM ReSt Ard- Days Of Campaign . ' tng To War Office UlNlNlN, Hfl. 17. 1.4ml Kltrlirrr, .( king lit llir (ihiim. nf nl liaU), itrfUrnl lltMl llir lldr i Mra Im llilttrtl in ratio til llir mIIIo. .trtjulwir, Mini llil llwiMgtl lltp Otignlr nlll iin..ul.trOI I. Umg. IiIm1) l lultnlH. IIwkUmiI lw IKJ tftlltllliU In ilk ImMImI In ll. foil III ipilrl ii.olrnlinriil. Tlir Mr fffiix ' ('( Unman) Im irM-alrl) It r, j. ir.linii. llir bUrAtifr, t'UI mi fat ! ftlrl, Tlw utrlu i.ftlir ..ij ilia I wliai .IIk'iI dtaAlaf Oirtr tin lrM lia In lur llir lllr. I Mil. vH ?-H,',l4K l"Mllllur uli'tic llin Hm. tlllliiinl IHIirll (tuM. Ttie fc-l"ttHnil rr llr (Irtttiali In tlllill4i In c Hti.r, lu( llir Mn-e. Trie IJrrineM altaika i llie ttiiinlr) tuv (all"! TtH llli-' ItMMMi itlirlliB llir (! Ihii it) IimIX Itrrn tirntlrr tlmll 01 M 1 1 air .turlna Hip war. Tlir Hrtiii.iii oilllln) l mki Ttw Frrmli r-lrr l iMtlhS ImiL. llir mini.-, i.l il.r itnitii pilim' kil llir llukp ill Vl4lrtlililf tt llts Vr TUt rlM-ll)' tight ttlMtf, t4lllrt III III." I I'll It Itik .III") IHII ii4hrmiI liatr brrn irltidiMnt. unit mr fliilmilne l rwiir llir' olfrailtr. Tltr prnaaMrr w llir altlr' Irfl l iilull., mi trillion rlitrtil. bar twrw mi IftMH llir I'ori. il'-li'n.p ttmt lllirr t-rri-.. mull nf tlir rllrlliK nf I'iImp I'tnlrfirL, William' lunr, il lirrouft rr Ix-llrtrd In ! romiirllrtl In mlu- llin .rr nf rnllln. i:rt)tr-t rlr lllr ftltlr lltir t lrHlnl IiiiIiIIiik. iIiiiuhIi lln lnks rrlnrunliuc. rr itutkin a tlriniuliint MADOOX-LOOMIS GERMANSSENDING CASE NEAR END BEST TOJATTLES i14w,imi n:iNjlit:ia i.ii,h aim: iii:iu with. MAIM! Till .UTKHNtMlV IN, IlltWVV I'ltOM IICMHI'M. .SI sriT r( hi;ii.('i:i uv M.tniM:s .ii KLUMTII IIIMI.TV HISi:itVi: lUVIsloNs -. . yr ayJL wMjgiy jn ij . ""'"'"---hum VffiClifcinffrff"?Tf '" .tij- V hDQBBBBHHBBBBBBUB iJiBcvBBB ''i .aflsBw . i BvSsBwAvxvMvMvMflBaHnaWawMvMVU' T InBBBHiVBBBBBBH ABBBbV ft BBBSMBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBaBM H99BPVVbV H 1 " JH&BWBBBflBk .Bflflflsi. .BflflflflflflflBBflflflflflflflflKvBBBB9BB?BBH pElafiK LvBLvBLvBLvBLvBLvj HBCBBVLvBvBBvXBBBBBLvBflBBflBvBblll JWf or VBBBBKbBBL t BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW lBflllKTPSQ! JT SBBBBBBBBBBBbbVbVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH 1 1 Sj-WIf. bbbHbbbBbbbhbbVIbVbbbV '"BIHILvbIbL LVflvflvflvMvflvflvflvflvflvB'VflvflBBBTlBVMvKBW QLVbLVbUi BPaflflflBvBflflflflflflflflflflflflflflPSSBflKBflflflMLullBfll i A-HClfiflflflflflflL BflflflflflflflflflflKBflflflBSHflKtlBBlBflML X. IVCIAbHBBBBbV VHr .BBRBBBBBHHBBBBTBBBBBBBBm VBV B. 'navrpBaBflflflflflB BBflflflflflflflflABBflBflHBBflflflflflflaViRRBBflflBvBw. bbJ ' "nfEflBflflflflflflk LBflflflflflBpBflflflBftBflflflflflflB&. SbbWbbBBH jELaBflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflft BflflflflflflflflflflBr AaBBBBflflflflflBBflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflBi Bflflfl BBB.flflflflflflflflM 4!flflflflflflflflflHL BflnE'Wfl'BflHBBflflflflflflBBflk. vBB. Bl.Bflflfll -iHflflflflflflflflflfl B' -''.rBBBHlh.BflflBBBBflk. vlv LLLLl VIRS. t - ICSBSMbbHbbbW .ibL H .WbB-' A A A'' ' J-aHK 'tWCbHbbbB. 1 baE jf KbbbbbbbbT M1" aff A lByC 11 & Ab3 K VlLbbBbbbbbbbbbW bbbbM M Afl IBBBBJBBBBBBJ It. 4 4IBk tf JBBAvBt-BBBBBBBBBBB. .BaBBBH U V BT BVVBBBBl EbBH Cm j? V V 9VVPfiHkBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBk 1 BBaTrBBBBlVaBBBBV 1 V. BkVL ,7;BBBBBBBBBBBkBBVBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBH, KHIH L jyT- - BBBBaBaWaf-SBBBBBBal. I litliMMMKaBBMBBBBWaCLBBBBDI ll:i:i.l.V, (la Tli Huu-), Srf. IT. TIk? wr olMre- loOay win--I.-l llir rtilloiilnx to licmuin rmbwlr HiruuKlinui I lie witrltl: "Tlir I'mirli anil KnxIKIi rrport of jlclnriro ntrr our nrmtn la I''i7iin- arr not Irup. "Tlir rvlmil f tlir (irniuut Mrl mImk a a t.racllra maneHVer. ll lu n rffrt-i uliairrrr on our t pollan iar ParW. Mil altrmH of llw Frrnrli lo birqfc llirtmitli iltt- Grnuan rrtilr hava lvu tilorlnuljr rriulrtl ljr our forn." Tlir Krnrral iafT ajr iltat llir I'rrarli lnom an limllj- pral by ItoWr friiill.-M axaiullo uMn llir mj1bI luring lirlil hjr lint OrrmaJM. Tlir ururrnl alafT rtplain llir ullhilraital from in frBl or I'ari by ijliiK Hiat llir f;rrmaa iroopw Mrrr all liul rtluulnl by Ihrlr nptd law aloo of Kranrr. It ilrrmrd mlritablr lo rrllrr and rtt, while aap. ilr, rtr arr rtinceu train!. It l announrrd that at all poiata, llw Ttrucli nrr more on the ofro-li- llian lw olTrevilTr. Tlir war ofllrr InsUts tliat thr ficruuta lorrr ai in no way Itumlrai J lij- llir alllr. anil lliat I'arU will br Inrrfctnl ulirti llir rampaiira plana arc tmrkril out in full. . Thr. war olHre today anaouacrtl lliat oitinx lo Hie adiaau-nl ar or (nrral tom Houara, ronmaaairr of tlir Krrtuan rorfw bctwr the coat. ntaniU of Grorral Ton Uurluw ant) Crown lriarr Kmlrrlck H'tUJan. be lia brra rrplarrd by Graeral Toa Klarai. fornirr war miaJatrr. fajrral run llouara U BH years old. FOR FARM TO BF DEMOCRATS NOW . OPERATED HERE1 IN CONVENTION i;oitll ISUl.VU lVKL.4M.iTII RIV. UOXXKCTiCtlT LKADEBn ' iiOOK Kit IS SOI.! TO XKW ARRIVALS, FOR THE .NOMINATION OF MA. . WHO 1LA. TO RAISK FCR. HAX OVER BALDWIN FOR GOV. IIKAIUNG ANIMALS J.IIXOU OF CONNECTICUT Tlir ilcxj.liift of tlio S,0PU ilMtlPK" ull broiitht t') J. A. MailUm vn. Cliarlf. Umrnla mIII noon l In Um hahiN of llir jlir. flr Bflrr litre" 0t n( InkltiK Iratllliony III" ntlor Hftt, U, M. Ooclll fur MaJiluj anil J. II. Cartuhan for Uio ittifrnur, ntr laaklos lliplr rliwliic ariiumlila (lil ltrrn(H)ii, TIm null U lmi lioi Ihr ttaillllK M tlir Maililm liullillliC for (Im lmlll l taucb on iho Merrill road. MmliIo Hp itini totiiU iiiliir,lrfiiriii,il h jiroiny in him. A nlnp'poiiiut dHUKliIrr wa Imrti lhl inornlnR lo llriuity County t'lurk 'li y. ) ui, B, Wfr. IfutUil I'tr.i tivrvlr A.VrWKUl'. H-'. T. Tho CJor iiui rtr- Iiie ItH'lr main lirr4 limn llrlelnm, mnl urnitluc Itirltt lo ItllMlrt nlnl rntlKr. ltriTc fnrrr arc ri'i'tacliiR lUnn, ami truln IiimiI nl iriiiip nn- airrtmtltii: mutti from Al In t'lmiii'dlc. I'lillrtl 11 Hrvlcr urtTI'.NH, Hint! . -Cuurlnni from lliuttrln report Unit tlir (Irrmnii riK ulnni lirri'iiifnrn IhiIiIIiik DruMi'l lmr Ini'ii nl l tl Frrnch front. NiiVnl nrrr ntiil "IrtlnlaUirinnra" 'nr rtlrliiK ttu'in Till iiliouiernph ulioix wlij- ilio Inrla of I.ikki' allpr n Knllant rtlt nnro of ii I in ila). could not oiii;cr linlil nut In for., tin' (irrmnii on- IiiiikIiI Winn Hit. kalncr cot hln . llrM 10'lnrli kuiih Into piny, Kitiu ,lilrh litnl not liovn board of until 'llil war i"ctfil at tliry vro umnl on furl ntiil nupKi-niril for war ve il no ninonr)itir mi'el roulil with, nl tiliil Them. It nUo bIiowh why l!n lliu Iiriixy Kim. Thn lurrvt at one fori of Naniiir, nld to bo thr strotiK t In Itclcluiii, null lu thr co ilayj, Itrport had gone forth that If the (icrmatm IikiK nine day to rapture I.Iokc thoy would require many moro lo (iik Namur. That U why the ur rrmlrr of tln town within threw days vum mi inirprUlnK. The photograph allow that ollil maaonry more than tweuty-fho fort In width and as mauy fit deep had befn torn to pieces by ,Ulu contained a rapid (Ire sun of til's 1 HclRlan fort, It, u-as made or stI more tlmn a foot thick. That was en caned In masonry and sunk In the 'uroumi. Hut the U-lnch shell tora (thr dcfeiiae to hlu, and one shot vent Jiiri beneath the steel encamcnt had lifted ll clear of Is position, had Jmnmed It from the hole shown In the background, and ll had fallen forwnrd. The men wlihlu It were, of coun.0, killed. , Big Parade in Morning Bud and Autos in Line Before Going to Merrill II) Karl 11. ton VIKaiid I.Ii:0K, HeU. l?.-(Vln Als l.i ( hiipprllr ami The llnrue. Ik'lajcJ by the llrlllah ci'imur) The haltered fin (a ol'Ke, for day the nitiiilra- ;ilon of 1 li ontlrn ch Illicit world 1k- caiino of their heroic ilofetiMi iiKaluat ihn (iiTinaii IiiviihIou, urw the tomb of lluninaiiil. of liraM) men. Oiu-ii reprcHonlliis liiau'a hlKlioal Kiniliu an vork of defcuiH, todn they inn ureal iuIiih of tirolceii con iiold ami twUteil iitcel. Hi'cp lu Hi oho minx aio the Imilloti of many of their defeuderB, few of whom tuirvlu-il the lire of the deadly (Ionium hIoko kuuh. It ta itlmotit Im- A llllle touch of the Merrill ill.lrlct 'lr will bit Klvim In Klniimth FalU tomorrow moriilnn, for nfltr the mi-tomohlli-M, over lty lu numbor, line In front of tho court hitu mnl lkti a hoard Iho people to bo hauled Merrill freo of charge, a pnrntl will Im hold on Main atreet. Thli 'll Mart at 10 o'clock, In Iho flrat auloa will ho Iho Klninaui Kixlla Uridmcu, who liavo loimlml ihelr nervlceH lo Ihn hUccohh ' Urn Merrill event. Member who wll Play ure (lw)rg u, Mitchell, jlalldi Kowoy, Oacar llreunomnn, Hud "an, John Hubbard. Igniter !.. Tor- WllllKlir. A. I. Wlaliavil flliilr Armll.l John Hlniikey, IlowiirdKvoroK, Clum.! iiuii'iiinton and Ctarko. Kucli auto will b dncomted with Abwrlcan flau aud peuuanta with I'tMd "Klamath KnlU la Willi Vow." miller pcuuiiula unit llimu will he Klvon to tlioo mnklnK the trip. A mlln out of .Merrill the atilos will ntfuln form Into u proceHHlou, ami Iho Klaiimtli ilelegntlun will inirailo MerrlU'n hIhIh, with II aim wiivIiik and the liniul pluyliiK imlrlotlc nlnt. Oliulrmau l.oo, of Uio comiiiltteo lu iliarKo of (he oxoiiihIou to Merrill. H(iilen Hint hit him lociiluul a InrKe uiiinher of ri'iitienin lodny for renor ViiIIiiiin lu I lie nuloN. Ho Htnti'H that It Ih IiiiponhIIiIii to rmurvn moiiIm, and mivineH nil who deiilro to ko to pee iho iiwiioik of Uio marhlmm for ac- rom diillmm. All or tlitmo htivo prombeil lo liiiul nnvernl of the ImI(. nra mnl Ihn lllirtlea lim bollIK lltllllO up now, Undoubtedly thorn will ntiil ho roiiio HiiilH vncant In tho inornliiK. nud Ihoan tlll without acrnuunodn Hon nIioiiIi) ho on liuiid nt that time, poulhlo to approach them, so horri ble U the utenrh from the decompo ItiK bodlen of nunc of the brnvent sol illcrM who ever fought In battle. Not one fort mirvlved tho terrible rain oi oiI(ikIim from tho now 4 2-ccutl-metre kuiih which arc the latent pni ducl of the Krupp factory. That I.Ioko wan able to hold out lit nil was due to tho failure of the Herman commander to have these guns tiroiiKht up nt once from the rear. The Runs were mounted live miles nway from the forts, but so accu rately had the Herman aviators aimed them thai hardly n shot missed. They dropped repeatedly on tho 13-foot nice) turrets, which projected only I three feet from the ground, finally j making them Immovable and useless. Fort I.antin presents tha most ter rible, aspect, ll Is on u high ridge, nnd looks for all the world like the crater of an eJttlnet volcano. Three of the 12-centImctro shells drove through about twelve feel of con crete aud earth Oue of them, In ex ploding, set off Uio magaxlne. Of the entire fort, nothing can be seen but a great jagged hole In the ground, thirty feet deep. Huge blocks of ce ment were thrown gieat distance, and the fort's chilled steel turrets wero twisted like tin. Parts of tho bodies of the gallant defenders were recovered and burled. ALAMO HEROES TO BE HONORED ASSOCIATION 1.4 IOIt.Mi:i 'HI CO I.. I.IXT FUNIM FOR A .MO.N'U.MKST TO THIC MKMOIIV OF TIIK (IAI liANT TK.VANS United I'loas Hurvlco SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Hept. 17 The Iioioch of thu Alamo, whoso hopc liiHsareslstauci) ugaltut Huuta Auuu's army llluutrutes hoiuu of tho bright- (Ml pages In Texas history, aro at last to Imvt n great monument vrected to thijlr memory. The Alamo HeroeH' Monument As sociation has been orgnuUed here, nnd Is collecting funds for the con Htriu'tlnu of n beautiful, appropriate Pile. Auxlllloiy couiicIIh have been form ed lu every Texas county, nod thous ands of dollars have been subscribed. Tho monument will be erected lu Han Antonio, of course, nnd probably on the grounds of tho present Alamo, I'lidoi-goon Operation. Mrs. Will Houston underwent an operation at the niackburn hospital this morning. l(e this afternoon she Is reported as rallying ulcely, nud tho surgeons are gratllled oer the re nulls thus far. SERVIANS DODGE AUSTRIAN TRAP CUOWN I'lll.NCT. WITHDRAWS HIS FORCKS, LKARNINU THAT THK AUSTRIAN!! WOIII.U VIIK HIM Ol'T IN SiaVON'IA NIS1I, Sopt. 17. ll Is today ad mitted thut Crown Prlnco Alexander has not boin able to Invade Slavonla nud start riots, as he had planned. He withdrew whou ho learned that the Austrlnns had, planned to trap nud annihilate his command. Tho combined Servian and Monte negrln Invasion of Hosula continues, i A deal was cloned ou Wedneaday whereby Mrs. Frances dorr sold Gorr Island on the Klamath River to Hans Morficnson and Kml I 'Peterson. They will utlllie the Island for raising m'nk, otter and other fur-bearing an imals, with which to supply the fur market. The two men are recent arrivals from the Middle West. Tbey claim the Island, which is near Klamath Straits, Is Ideal for their purpose. Genuine "Moomt" United Press-Service CHARLESTON, Mo., Sept. IT. William C. Ilrower U a progressive candidate for congress from the Four teenth district of Missouri. To show that he Is a genuine bull moose r bo today added tbis slogan to his cards: 'Progressives and republicans will le-uulte when the chickens roost with the hawks." United Preas dernc HARTFORD, Conn... Sept. 17. With strong Indications that Bryan F. Muhan of New London woaidfe) favored over Governor Simeon K. Baldwin for the nomination for Unit ed States senator, the democratic state convention opened here today. Mahan's supporters declare tint fie uiil b a two-to-one choice over the JtPte, executive. Baldwin's supporters admit that the nomination of their man to doubt ful. inasmuch as he has persistently refused to do any active work In hU own behalf. The preliminary cam. naignlng of his friends has ben badly disorganised. An eight-piece orchestra will ren der the "old numbers" at the Orpheus theater Sunday night, and any num. ber requested will be rendered. There will be tho usual picture bill, and na change la price. Sics West on Klamath Woman Makes Complaint That We're Lawless The latest appeal to Governor West to clean up Klamath Falls comes fiom Mrs. C. A. Moore, who for sev eral weeks has been soliciting adver tising for tho register at the Holland House, llegurdlug a teller she has sent to Governor West, the Portland Telegram prints the following dis patch from Salem; "Complaining that she had been grossly insulted by drunken men lu Klamath Falls, while the police stood Idly by, and also that the district attorney has refused to Issue a John Dee warrant for a person who had written ber a threatening and vulgar letter, Mrs. C. A, Moore, proprietor of the North Pacific Hotels Supply ilouso of Portland, has written to (lovornor West, urging him to clean up the town and to compel the officer to cuforce the laws." Mrs. Moore has been hero for about two weeks. She baa divided ber time bctweon soliciting advertising aud condemning local authorltUe, making charges that she has besn nearly robbed and assaulted, etc. 8ke; has stated to some that she started; i) the Investigation la. San JtaHWfeio; that resulted lu the sentencing of Ruef. 1 ir - Z VV J J I iSin