Auto Rides to the Merrill District Fair Friday. FREE! FREEl 3u mitm: Mtmlh PRINTS Tl IK KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WlUUCtT IS N ICW8 i ,.,.-mi, u.n.u Vlnlli KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1914. Prkc rif OmM FREE! FREE! Eh GERMAN FORCE REFORMING TO MAKE ATTACK (itct !' tf'Mlr lltll N. !' " -Wur MlliUln Milli-und .tilMHiur. 41 rjlilnil rlliiK fiLl III'' ihn ilMall'ill ( nllfrtt Im) fo lliu atllr. Ho ) III. (rf,iiui. ImIK lM'rl Itirlr tHlill ! ftlirtil, hill mi- irllrlnK hal. ami) llijll tft "' ,lrl ttlfli'ln Oir llll. in irwllllli III.',.ie. t'fctUJ ' l,",, llt'liMV '' "' H',fi,"' H-t'l HI, 111" Mm imrt atiiittiiiix - lhal . Cri tiMli" M rlirckr-l tlli mIUi nArti! rr irfr hi I'miii.' li. tearful Mil nmr1 hni llirft liU pln mr ikntkltif tiltrlj. 'll4 'r 'IcMI'tf UlMM'N, ""!''. Ill, U'ar ufftir mllfr- Imllirtlr- lic- Herman. li.Hf titr-lnl III rtM'lhiB. ' "" "imlMg tr A hum iinnriiirul. It It hMrrd tli "l 'nt-l ulll I. hc-lurm lhr I'lrmll rritlrnl ImiH"l h) Julltr-, ami llir1 twililor.l rmlr til Hie Orrtiian mi.wii firlnif ,b. lw Duke id WlltlrHllnin I'ftKeJ 'IM Hoftk" I'AIII". hti IM, Ihrtu liiilhwllim thai tin- t.Vriitaii. i-li.titi la(, tl" ltnl riltritlirl In Ibe lint IiIIU iwMIi Alli lMer Imp Iktii ikrli)l h) lh Urin,ii. Mm") imwil, olid U twin te Hiitlrii Ihf ri-f III") uml ln itrl. The mr Mfflf rl-gTH'li lllr MhlitltiS r8MlllU lb" ImIIIp Mlllrli ha Ur ftr-ltie tliiro liiitf im Un iiiitlt'f'n unit rlrn InmUl The irwr sumI til Mm CJrf1w hiiii l If InlinirliiK, m'l'l ll lw lr- ld4ln ilrlrmltf llfihl inrr Mi.MU) "lite .llimlloli U ctirllrtit, tloillo ltd," French Infantry Charging on German Right in Battle North of Paris IHHHH0VliBS'l9B'iM9BVf3vE9vakXn2lfA vvSSSfotl RUSSIANS CLAIM VICTORY; AUSTRIA SAYS "NOT TRUE" li.WKIS COMl.M) CAfHK Till! COXTHXTIO.V OK IjiI-I JVIit.Rrml IMpalchr Alrnt Sliil Tluil n Ijrsi .Vmnhfr of Urf iiwiii llntc tln-n Takru I'rimtaet ' In Hi,- llslidnic In iaUrUB llrrn! C'rtrk Oi-rnun Artlllrr t'nlc Is (uu ul ilic Captuml BmlJrs. PT? VS A, llil. iln.(iir.i'li hut n rrlluii ul I Hiiill liilnnlr) rlinrjjInK rr"M lilll nnil ilnh nl Crrinan (iikm, in ihc flghiinj; mirth f l'ri. Kor wteral iI.ij. ll.r l.''iitmn tiinili mi rltml ! turn th h-II llnnk of I In- I'rrnrli, lull Ulil not furtril In iIiiIiik inorr than prpsklnK ' fw rluxr ilown on I'ario, i in llnm lh nlllrv ttiitihl lirttr txrt-u umlrr llir irulriliiii ul (lie crrat forllllrallon. nml lurtk iK'tih of I'arW. Ill rluirRr xurli a the one khoun linr- I lie 1'iriiih liain rhllilll Ktrvil ollrtiili). ami ulllilu llu wt frtv iia) hair hrukhnl (he Gentian Ikcfort- Uievr. i ullvil I tort rvlC0 I'l.TliCKIItAU, Sept. 116. It I iiati-il (o.Iay tbat Uankl' force of AulrlanM have been cut off , from the Austrian tenter, ami that they VM.'n- unable to rtacli Vnomyiel, which In- Kmnlaiw now Invent. j Dankl vra trapped la this boca twhorln he had hoped to entice tha iltu4lnns. It I announced that C.000 GenBaaa 'are Iniludcd In the military prisoners Itaki-n In (Jalaola. Thlrty-slx cannon, MiearlnR the kaiser's crest were cap-tureo. CHASTAIN HAS UNIQUE PLACE I.Url h) a ItiAl Ihp M'liubtlraU kllltn It4llln vn till' llrkrl at lllfj . prlmar) in l him Iho Humiliation! niirf ,tu.ltirt taiulldal- Th hull, mmmni alw c him a haiidttimr ,il", ami Hip iKH-tatUW tut! nt randl 'lain Ul III" Audi asaltnl him. New Co. Agriculturist -socialists in u. s. troops to i mi ii . i COUNTY CONTEST, LEAVE MEXICO is now in luamau. 'COMI'I.KTK TICKtrr OK COUXTV I L'MIKIISTOOI) THAT ritHSIDEXT j VIENNA. (Ia Home), Sept. 16. The war office today denies tbat Dank! has surrendered. Dispatcher (say that the Ituwlans had almost 'aar JrounJJ his command, hut that his .cavalry cut the way out for the force, land Joined the main force. ' The ar offlce admits the Austrian losses were heavy, but say the Rus sian have not invested I'rzemysel. I l NlRHKVr aiUTir irol'KT H.I'.UK ' 1T A I ail. mui'Mii . iuahk;hat. wah Will Help Allies aim, MniLNAiiJH iiv : ',,., v, nu. Mt'A.Nri AMI I'llllOltl'.KHlVIM LONDON. HHI IC Thrr l I eititaltit: beUet lhal ltl IH ll Uii j .Alll Cotindpiillal illpliimalle n- rlri-lllt ii,fi. iM of alill-Atimiati fretltiE. If J I WASIIIVIITOV Ctll'VTV MAN WIM. I'AltKV ON Till: WO UK M WKI.I.j TAItTi:i IIV Mi'AI.I.--IU:! i cunt iti. or m.cai.i. is ui:i:r. i. m:;inn-ri:i uv kin mam1 ruiKMK t Ol'.NTV. TIIHOIj'tillOUT this Cttott Chattaln, trrtii toart rlmL. I. nnt ihn . eulllue fiinii Ihn annmtiirrnivnt Hint mile taa,aat for lhal .mr a. Ihn ' "- " ,,ul '" !,,P l NatrmWr MU. Hr U aU ih num., ' "f "'," "' Bm' .,. hcoll u, ,lo0tt uf coulil) l8rol.rpjuit.llraHattil t.rJleh,'', '" "'"1"r"' r!l""- auricullutUt. II. Ilolaml (Ualr nr- oUtt ' !thrd Tuoulu) itlchl Itom Koretl Chs.lala li iMtt inrhaiiiotUiUjMr. hd Mm l.vl McIKmal.l ",,, u helne njulnlwl lth ork .lor,, tha ottlre of roiiil dffV ili from Ihrlr lluiiania limn " w comlllloini by Mux A. McCall. taMltiP.l li rfntlPhl l hh i-mi itioM lH. rili;ii lh iiosllluu lo accept ho Ho illtet'lurahlp oi uio ury miiu ucm uiiiirullou ilvpailinuul at Uio Wash ItiRloil Stale I'ulU'Cv. 0niT, like McCall, U u urailuale uf the Orvcoit Agrlculluial CoIIuko. Ilo In (.iiiilllnr wlih tho chiirnclor ot InriuliiR carried on here, iu ho lust ) coiiiluiled tho tlepurttiiotil of a rlciiltuti' l tho Kiilertirhiu hlch kchool with uuileriul ronullx, uml put lit ei.'nil months uk deputy mtrl culturlat of Union county, where dry iitul irrlRiited furiuluK method uro 'iiimd llu cornea lo Klamiith county highly reoomtneudod by iho oltlclnlri lit the AKrlcullurnl Colleco, Ho! for the Merrill Fair! Business Suspended, and Free Transportation! l-'reil If III et vnn Imvn inmlx mi nlnim Mis. II. J. WIltlrM, O. A llnrrl. w Wrtay, plan to . to Merrill i.inl r,'"r. K"" ,,",,,1,,1".r' """ o this jim nro Iu seilous daugor of lmnrll. i:, u limine, liny Telford. ',,l"",, wine IniiiMiuio. for Klamath KallHln....,-- t ltnhlulu. W. T. I'.llloll. 1 A-1 ; ! 'JMLssssB -rsssssssssw .A ! .-''i, sssssssssV , - "V . flssssssY i-- jssssssssI ' T F 'Wssssssssssssssssssy-.-m V Jisssssssssssssr -issss-. oi'kickiis i:.nti:io:d ttm Tin: VOVKMIIKIl m.KtTIO.V IIV tiii: Kia.MATH COUXTV iir.DS WII.Ii I'HRSS CL.tI.MS OK AMKH. f 'l i DKI'KKDATIONS Liege Quitted, Says Late Wire I WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 1G IlKRMN. (via Rome), Sept. 16. The socialist party I to bo repr- An or(ll. wag Mue. today for lhIAn 0tQclal statement Is Issued that entcd at the November election by wUh,lr3Wa, or the American forces .theGermans hae abandoned Uee. fill county ticket. This ticket hnfrow Vcra Crut. No reason for this Is Xnown, and 'Just been Med with tho county cleric , AamnUtrallon officials think thatjtl'fro la no continuation from other , and various county candidates are: , resWent wiUon will not asfc ths sources. It has been reported that i bounty Judce Hen Kaus, Merrill. '.jt-xlcan goernment for an indemnity I Uerman communications have been Sheriff C. A. Day, Klamath Falls. t0 c0er the expenses of the American, threatened, but London and Paris County Clerk Maud Zlnk. Klam-Jom.rntions at era Crus and Tamnico. I rejiorts have not Intimated operation It is understood that he intends to llu Helglum except those of the Bel press the claims of Americans for cians. damages, amounting to millions, for Possibly the troops have been seat depredations of tho warring Mexicans.) to aid the Germans In France. nth Falls. j County Treasurer J. Klamath Falls. W. Tyrrell. County Commissioner (1. J. Zlnk, Mat A. McCall t Klamath Falls. I Justice of tho Peace, l.lnkilte District- C. A. Kdler. I Hon, sreatly regret losing such an on terprlsliiK. clean-cut young man from the community After coming hero in 1912. he enlahllshed the agricul-J in nil department of the high school courito. ami taught It with gratifying I results, utilil he rcilguml this spring to taKo up ino mines oi agricultural 1st. In aililltloit to his Instructions lu agriculture, McCall also took charge' of tho athletic activities ot the high iM.ASTIIKS schoot for tho faculty, and under hlal tutiilago, football, basketball and oth-. i er sports, became developed to such' STANDARDIZING Merrill Fair a Hummer ,i DANCING STEPS ;'AU the Time SomeAiog Doing" Is Proper Slogan ' Meimrlue tu niuin down In tho Alfalfa Clly for tho day. About sixty uulumobllR hnvo l'rii KCUii.) tiy w T. I.eo mid (leiirgo J. ... . . tHM. 1 Kiiunlalii, HUH" misiits, it. ii ren llunl. r. Wheeler, II. K. Wulteii hunt, Dr. (leorgo II. Mcrrymmi, Fred ll II. Coinil. Kil Vaniilco. MrCnll leaves lu tho miiriilug lo as juu oMeut that tho Klamath county! Ills I1MV ilUllf. ll wan inn iii-tiiirkii viiiwui li-.iina aiv iui;iui& iu im t iioniliiii iii remain a low iiais lougor, irecKimeii wiiii hi ino seining oi tiie' hut ho has received several urgent jSoutheru Oregon chumplonshlps, . telegrams. I As county agriculturist ho has been, in hu two ieur of resldonro hnrol equally suec!.sful. Though In m.CmII has won a host of n..ii,,n Dr. Mar u. ii. ' Freil Houston, Dr Uaiiiho, Fred flarrlch. K. H. Ili'it' Wlloi io mnko the trln. nml tliwui I'rnnk Vaunlro. Charles J. Fergusoii. 111 .1 .. ... ..!.. II !. -oi an tiiko Kliimiith Fulls punnlu o of clmriio. Tho Klamath FalU Military luiiut Is also going, mttl Klatnutli Falls will bo strong all day loujt, A (fliiVAHs n( (hu biislui'ss liiiuseit JI'U foreiiooii showed thai all, liirlml I'K Kriiierli.,1 will ,.1,,.,, n, .inmw - . ..... . It. v.l ...111. ....... . r rliltty iiniiti. and elerku mid iirotiil-' Hers will IlkewUo hlu UieiuHuhe tii!Hi)ln. Whllo I'elliiui gnrngo. IHk "mill. ti,o circuit nmrt will ml- hIii l.uinhcr ioiiipiV. ' ' ",l,,,' juuru for lliu day, tho county olllccii Mrs. Fred Hclmllook, i.nn uogi. IH to closed, nml Kliimitlh Falls will ). , Campbell. W. K. Faught. K. " io ilpsurleil vlllugn. Mnwlr-y, Marlon Hnnks. Cofor llro., Tho following havo promUed to Alex Dnvls, MrH. . H. Orlgshy, W. . 'v thvlr cars In front u( lliu court 'Arnnt, George Olmstnln, C. T. Oliver. oue Friday miiriiinir t.. iiu'n wiihrnw and W. H. Ilonnolt. lH for Merrill! Thorn nro others Iho committee has NKW YORK. Sept. 10. A meeting complete tho final arrangements rules ami Archlo Rinllli, .Mr. I.ontinx, rreu umi ( ry, Robert Hunsat;cr. W. r. 'ion somt, K, II. Lnwroiico. O. II. Ilrenm mini, (leorgo Watt, Mrs. Chnrlcit Mar tin, Mrs. Kil Mnrlln. Knl Knriigo two ' i, a i llnluirt' enrs. K. ii. imu, ". '' " , i t It llukl. A JohiiHon. ' M. oni'iii, J""" "' rrlmiils. ollli-.. onlv n uhurl time, hit attained I for tho Operation Of tllO " "l - .-.-. -- -, -- ......,... who whllo they rejolcu nl his promo-J results, ns many farmers will attest, "regulations of tho 'movement to stan ' iinniltn modern dnuclng" is being fiO.000 Germans !Nothinff AboUt I Among tho well known men pred- '-"'J ' Now in Belgium 0. II. UrUllir llnrru Ullll 11 I. tWtrlek, ' A,. Davidson,' K." M milcotsj, Dr. JoUusou, Dr, Cutlmy, not boon nblo to Inlervlaw. Tliey nre aHkcl to call up tho Chnmber of Cora morco ! Ht ,,,olr car',, lilted I'less Service ANTWKHI. Hi'Pl. I5- 'Sx,' i"""' and frimli (lei mail troops am rushing toward lliilglum. It Is not known whether they go to reinforce tho Ger mans lu Franco or to reinforce the (termaiiH hero. Off lo Port bind . Itayniond llrldges loft thl morn ing for Portlnml In his car, accompa nied by Mr, umf Mrs. Iinmul ami Cur tis Holdrlch. Ilrlilson will resldo In Portland. I which has as Its object tho establish .,..,.. ,. , ... ,, . 'ment of dancing studies throughout LONDON, Sept. Is iio,ti. l,lu.l stllttM which will propo liilormiillou horn regunllng Iho bat-Ktl ,,M nlQi ,i regulations and tin on tho lliiltlc, Petrugrud dls-'use them In their studios that they patches vaguely refer to tho presonco may ho obtained by other dancing of Herman ships In tho Gulf of Fin-'teachers, nml bo participated In by land uml tho bombardment ot uupro- tho public. totted positions, but these nro censor ed ho ns to he unintelligible Illy YUltors. Mr. nml Mrs. Tom Garrett are county seat visitors from the Sprngue Itlvor precinct. Hurt Doun Is also u business visitor from Hly, MKimXG IX GOTHAM If anyone harbors the Idea that TODAV TO ltr.GUI.ATt: AND j there will not be big things doing nt MAKi: I'MFOIIM Till: MVItlADiMorrin Krlllay- let h,m aCQulfe an; other one. for from tho opeulng of OK XKW STi:iS the dlstrlci fair In the morning until the last strains or "Home, Sweet Home" at the ballroom the following morning, there will be things doing on every hand. Merrill 1ms $300 in cash to distrib ute In prizes, and there Is great rival ry down there, so tho quality nud quautlty ot exhibits will mako tho Merrill show tho equal of auy county fulr. Tho successful nrrangemont ot all features Is assured by tho person nel of tho committees, as follews: Rucking contest, races, sporting C. H. Merrill. R. 1.. Daltou and J. II. Martin. Kxltlblts -George Ollleld ami Fred Stukel. Speakers Fred Peterson. (Mr. Petorson will socuru prominent men to make whort speeches. Rail Joo Stukel, Jack Crawford, Frank Vincent, R, II. Andorson, cash ier. Women's Department Mrs. C, R make chairman. Mrs. J. Frank Ad- ims. Mrs. I. S. llurrls. MIbs Grace narrows anil Miss Lola narrows q .. q ! .'"lit la rriei navis, iiiauaguiK uuetiur tSattle On ISaltlC'ot tho Uriel Davis dancing studios I Many of tho best exponents of mod ern dancing will glvo exhibitions of tho art at these Dais studios'. Kgg Shorliige Feuretl. The reason, Narcissus! Amateur night ut tho Orphoiis, Fun starts at S o'clock. Livestock N. S. Merrill chairman; John Col ell, M. Glacomlnl, W. C. Daltou, G. II. Carletou. Grains, vegetables, etc, It. C. An derson, J. A. Brown, Henry Parish, A. W. Sutherland. The Klamath Falls military baad and several hundred Klamath Falls people will attend tho fair, and music will bo furnished throughout tho day by tho band. One of the opening fea tures will be tho grand parade, lu which tho long lino ot autos from Klamath Falls, saddle horses, floats, bands, etc., will participate. Priiea uro offered for the best entries. J. Frank Adams is grand marshal. The agricultural and domestic ex hibits will all bo on display at the Merrill school. There will also be u big display of livestock, and In all of tbeso departments prlxen will bo awardod. Following Is tho premium list ar ranged: Agriculture IW iu Prize. J Livestock IOO la I'rUes lloraea Draft horses, Belgian, Percaaron, and grades. Saddlo horses. (Cbatiautd oa ) ' -