Wqz lEuromg HralJi PRINTS THIS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WIIIUCIT ISNKWS Miilti Utt,No, u.nu KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1914. lric. Ft GERMANS ON OFFENSE NOW Retreat Stops; Allies' Losses Heavier Uhlans Cut Up While Entangled in Fence I'Ull", "'l 1.. Il'r tiltltr M lof,lollt ! ,1 u'lliwl lltrCHM''1"! lite (iJlilHlMK rlrtt) tlir It-ttii1 lri"M l"-rtll t" rM llio I'rrtuti mllani, nl ll.x llnr llir; It"1 ttillttnl, TM tuitllf null U rt.tlitir, I'll Ulir HiH.usIl ll.r i'U ill l tUlr. lil t'fmiuiir. hl .ll ! fnlri In ir noXll u lltitrtn ftiot I Iiim.." ItiU I lie llfl hiIihImIum lltr nr i.flltt !, luailr, klurr I In' (Jifiiuit ,rlirl ol it lirrt. w, llil llin lirtliuill nri") lll Iffc'llli ID Irluril lit" rtl Uik ll l l-lrrl llml ll kUr' itirr tin r,,iliil lultr iirii mI IJ.4). irliHl) (' ("I"! tl) llirlli ni tug imiiU l iimmiIiwiii u JImm. iiti tin- rinut i.i i,j..t lit riMlllMi nmtllirr Uriitiiii iim U im iilmllui ii'l '.trMr. fftj fur IMM'I -! '( lMrtt, M .r) mil (rfotlll Itrfi.H" lir rtlllr. ml) I'frlrlit ll HirJ ti rlVlrd l rliit Ui .llrti.lir' tfinllitit I" ll'" llrl uiimilil l"til lir fn'lil. I lir- ItrniMii ivll' tutr U Imomltte rluu 'IIh- r l.ft'.sliitf ll MlllrO '" t''. tl I lie Iim- l Ih llr rtr tiler, ANKENY CANAL A iWALKS MUST BE LIVE ISSUE YET: PUT IN REPAIR t mrrMi in sou vv to mumum-notici: wim. m: hi:uvi:u t TUt I.AN ;-, I Tttlt Tills, ir ltnlKIITV iVMIHN OV TOWN wii.1, m itn muo.o to tmi: to m,ki: mih:v.mh Mri:l un.its nut Tit;nt I'l.ttAM'iii.l ion ui.nthii CZAR ANGRY AT MLHELM Wants To March In to Berlin Victor ' iiltnl I'feM SJrTlc )'l 1 U(,(;it.D, Sopt. I.". ll J- umlrrsKi I c l h.it ItunU's proposed H!.iili)ii of .VikIiIj li.i iMf-n abaiuli iitiJ- Iuih b- i ltlll In holil tlir viillrt- lii-i unit -fnl Uir f irt; for llic -nplt e of ltrrlla. ("nun olllrldl. af (Imt Ynr lrlic.l.-t imiv dm. uhlf liatm Kalrr U'IIIkIiii. He U il-liTtiilinl (i MTiuall)- rnli-r Iferlirt at titr liratl of liU flufirlu k. Tin fit Hut U khmiIiik Imti- I hn l utrU will !( III. Alri-ortjr the Aas II Lin Iiom- nrr "-r Z.V),(MH. TJic t;ti' oRirt viij"-. Itir IluilaiiK art al jtkliiK the jlnstriaa?) beSHM lliy ii tv r liiriirroniiiilfc ttelns "fill In IU-oiirt.aiii'i la itit PruMla. It la HiiiJer-tiMHl itiiit iiMTjlinnt arc ilc-viftiiitl priiK tjuli tu prereot tlirlr Jol Inc Ihc ImmIjt. lillcil I'lrjs Sen It VIKX.VA, (tU Itoin.'). Sfpc. IS. TlKniitlritt.-arr eaj-.tHCctlbiMI'-lir-vlnK riollna, Mirt Kirmltw, rtr., Iy thr iirniil'rI. Th gonti imm. at ilniiH fiMxl itrfKitft. Tralnl:nl of linprurrlr rrl tor iounilfl nr arrirlag. itMmj et tlir iiniij- uruton nt the front r ImirieuttrU. o cJrllUa doctors hHpltig. MAGUIRE WILL OPEN A STORE 2: he will re-o-tea the Atktaaon More, u(xnlng on that Jute with a big re duction sale. Whether he will continue la batl nc or not, Mnsulre has not decided. I but. It Is tils lnti-ntlon to close out the Atk!nti stock It he done. Ttuub it t nut iimett bni ib tutli! i-rn nt in tin !(. ili AUltfil rai.al nliaUlilrlil iijct l nil lit (rum luitie a lijenu" ltu Ihffp l i rf rmti lii iH'llmo llinl lk tntrm talll ilwlilii (Milltl ttUout II M ISp nvU rliKtlnn. loJO limn tlip fll)' ruuitrll iut up io the ti'flanuiuu) cimmUliiu tJu inriljn of ttte eincnititriit luiiiliit. U? A ti 1. 1-ii)' rttnal coin fill ornr W llt"3 'll)f, llin lttuiilrlatlly in runuim (tii (urrntiint a u)iIIrHii tu turnUli r in Din itiililr uf vinhT t Ida iltiiSrr llio illltlt, Tlin rummliilo' .!"! fvornli on I hi. Ami II In in tip lo Hrcrciar) lito ul ilui Itiiftlnr Icitrimrtii. Allfr lutin'n niirunl U rUpii ll wnirr mil h jmbmllinl lu ibi' vtii-r nl It Urn)- i.i. for tlu rll) to l-xlm fonlrnl i,c ciivrrmiii'iil will uiwl.c llm iniuU-r Allcr Hint Hie illy will tm nbl In lkt hcllou tu t. tliU ilUcniu I'fwiilin nurwn)'. If tin wrUiie ill onlrr J"f ict'iiir ine, ttrAielilrtiliie, pjIIii: uI otlmr -vUp iutiltie In ha!n "I lilcoll. u niir ovnll. Hi" uli. tliroustiiiui In .-It Hilt l In Drt rl.iM linH IliU wlntrr. lur llin fU) In ollfi t tnfto lllm tlHllir. Ap or. Itiri'iitl'i- lu irniitt) uupr in M lluvn rttm In tu It uliilril out at tail U!it' mwlliiK nf tinil.Cll lllttt (HT III.' clt ti ct'iii a uliliiijlk inpulr iiutlrc, tin' riuii'il)' iiKiitr, nut Hip city, U brlJ UfiUli. lur mi)' ilrtiiniKm tlml iiilitlil be Uvit'biiiliHl ""'li M Injur) ' ibnt wnlk. Ilrlclaii liol Jouii I'blaup, tha ro Thi lltuntratlou itiow a coiuju to cut lvlsrab and telephone nlr ciark (l.rmn rvnlr'. by She scr.r nr f ilu-m noil uji while Ilelj-tau Hold ahead of the main army and spread te ln-ti ibi-y iiimiId lliair nurtlo oor Ibo Urn from a dlnlanct nro hootlns rror nmouc tho peosanU. They In mil ii I ry b i-niaiiKlliie lhm In ldrbt them down Thwiu IJtilum, hnvo oiei inrlably tried to uiaKi n show of for il nfiri (rm-ii tlnoiiKli ublch their h .irad HelRlum mid part of Kranre d ro to prove their nu rubor nero much r- uiiiiliuru found It iMponalblo tu urliii" the Hr It wan their bulnest creater than they really were. ONTEN mm Ml IT IN 00! LOOK WHAT GERMANY REPORT ARCH'S CAUGHT WITH GERMANS IV ADDITIO.V TO I'UKCH.S1XG THK ATK1XSO.V STOCK, UK' ISOVS TO S.X FltAXCISCO TO tiirr "IOIS .MODKI. STOCK" VOV KI.UK oapture niSCItEOITKD TODAV iniui:vAMTo hi: iii:niii;ni.v xkiitiiai. , I'O.S'rtTANTtNOI'l.K, Seil lf - lleporl am ntrn-itl tu urtlelal clrclen Hint Turkey linn nnally ilorldinl lu ie- ' iiialn iifiilrnl. and mil ui'tl Unr- I many Medilfs Check Is Cashed i;ii i:its,Mi;.T is iii.iit.i:u with whiiiidi.dim; tiii: iitri: t;- I TK.NT or THK MISSIS I'HO.M I I'cei'i.i: at ite.Mi: I i I'lilted "'rem Hervkc ItOlTKIIUAM. SeiH. 15. -AiMci from Ilerlln Inillcate that Herman U pliiDKed lulu kIuoiu iner the r-.nultii of Iliu tvnr tu dale. Tho KimTluneiit U 44M tu lu publlnhitiK oul a part or llin Iok-m on Hie bnttlelliildii. Dlnroiiti'iit omt thti failure uf the Kuiutuiueiil In iitovldu (or llin uiicm. plu'ed In reported, lliinlneim U iara lyed ; Authorities Unable to Ascertain Who Got Money Who mailed V. J, Medlll'a rheok J tho Monoplu mure lit llnniuui lmrily i,fU,r .Mfty 11T u ,'t ,,Ml llm nlii-tlft'H oitlce la diulvuvorliiK l "lve. Oiiu tlilK certnlu, mid thin ' -lll'l M.Mllll dill not CUMll It. Al'iordllii- In (ilirlii IMIi.p Vni-ih WltlJnUin, In lull m, thnrat, nf lilllllil A- l". AUU'oiI.IhiiiI hiuh:Ioi1 of do "K away v., Motllll, wiirkoil with Will im tho Udlor runcli at Klmo "ItIiik.. They wurkod IIikio from My. to May u, Mini day Wllllttiim wiih Klvuit n "jwk tlr 10 , Mo,, ,,,, for fl3i j"i iliwlm wuro imido utit lu thiuu by 4l lUill, foriuiui for.KiHor. Wlmii WlllluiuM retunied to llo- Im preaenle.l ,n chock nl llio '"iik of Iluunutn, mid ruculvod cimli 'ur 'I. Tho uiiiuo day Mtullll'ri chcrli tt KUHlied nl llio Monoplo Btoro. llm Muillll check viiduniuiii(iit tlin JnttlnU Ner) "A. J." Innleail of "V. J."' A poll fault iiwido tho "W" look like nit "A" on tho front of tho check. A cumpailiion of tho hIriih turn on thi' Cliwk wl' Medlll'H hIk niitiire hIiowh it lo be entirely dirfor-eiit. I Imiulry In Ik-Iiik mmlo for IIIiiIhiU'II, 'llm lunch fureiniin by llm nliorlfl'e ultlie. II l bollovod no win m ' to loll Jul when WlHlumti mid Muillll loft Kt'iiu Hprlnen, a altu-o (Imt. tlm Mvillll Ihih novor beon hoard of. Dm, Callmy Joliueon, lu tho pri-a enco of Dimrlfl Atlomey Irwin, tlala mornliiK mmlo nn oxamlnntlon of tho wouniU on Wlllliim'M nbdomon mid lK. which ho miy Im rocclvod boforo tiotliK put lu Jull. ' U stU'li It U biillovetl. u Unlit !' urouniU of moU dofeimo will bo hamul. Tho doe tor did not muku nny Matomoitt re KnrdluK Uivlr nxiuluatlon. em: xt'.Miir.it iiu.i.kii ii m ama Tl'tlt XIUHT HIVA1J Till." HAV. ICN Mill IT.. AIIII.ITV TO IlKV. iti:n Mi'sif WITH KIM! I)ii:i:ctixc: SWIFT ' ATTACK, m:i.ti!.XS KHOJI AXT- Wr.Hl" in' XKAlt IIKUSSKUS. ' I The latest mercantile establish- 'ment for Klamath Falls villi bo open-' Jed by J. F. MuKUln. Saturday Ma-j Kulro liurchaod the Mock of C. U. I Atkinson. j ; Jiaguire leu tnis mornins tor saui ! Francisco, where he will make pur-' 'chases of linen of dry goods, men's' land children's furnishings, etc, to I complete all tho lots. On September United I'reas Service LONDON'. Sept. 1C A Central Xe'Asi dispatch says that 14,000 Ger man troops, including General too Kluk, have been surrounded and cap tured at Dieppe. Thbt Is discredited t army hcidquarters. The officers .ay the French would have confirmed this If It was true. The report that th French bare re taken Maubeee with a big capture Is also discredited. Mrs. U. C. Mitchell and children re turned last night from a visit with relatives. SAV KAISKlt SKKKS 1'KACK I HENRY DISPOSES GARAGE INTEREST wii.ii t. i.i:i: taki-s ovi:n iii:n. hvs ixti:iii:sts, and will foxurrr tiii: hhsinfsw ux- HKItTIIKSMi:oi.ll.V.Mi: I'ur amateur purformauce toiuur row iiIbIiI the OrpheuK has necured V'hnt In declared to bo tho hlKbesl priced wuiiti'WIlo act on tho I'aclllc coaat. ThU I no less than the famous Keuo irlo, eompoed of 1'ro (otor llutchmaUler and his troupe of (nl trained lolces. Tho trio comes lilglily r e u o m m a it d ed, hat lut; "shuMed" all of tho cities of any Im portant fiom Illy to Keno, This act Is now off tho Orpheum rlt cult, uud will no doubt stuy on. It Is xeldom that tho people of this city liti'.o tho iiiiportuulty of wltiusshtK nu ad uf this calibre, and It is to uo hoped that the people of Klamath Falls will show proper appreciation of tho occiibIou. The amateurs will appear ill it o'clock, nhnrp lomorow ovenlne. Two other ucti bcsldo tho nbovu will bo nbott." United I'ress tjervlce ANTWKIU', Sept. 15. The Del Klaus have returned to the Arst lluu of Antwerp's formications, after four dais of liarrjing two German corps. a heavy unit of German marines nud 10,000 rciorie sailors. This tlKht by tho Helstans was an effort, tu prevent these reinforcements from reachlug von Kluk'a weakened flank before l'arls. Althougli outnumbered two to one, tho Ueli-laus fought desperately. KltiR Albert pursonally directed tho opera tions, and so swift were tho llelglan moves that they were almost In llrus sols boforo tho Germans, reinforced, took tho offensive, and the Ilelfilans lellrvd. Spends Night in Open His Launch Disabled, Bishop, Children Marotted "HI'Hl'LT DtirilTI'UL" SAYS (9KH.MAX STAFF A dual has Jutit been closml whole bv l J. II. Iloin-y bus retired fiom tliu IVnliiil KiiriiKu OreKon-Uiillfuriila Aulomubllo compiiuy, dlsposlug of his slock to Will T. Loo, Leo will coutliiuo to miimiKo tho business unilor tho sumo mime, Cen tral RiituKu, Tho repair depiu Uncut Ims been leased by Wllliutii Imincl, 1 United l'res Service lUIULIN, (wireless via Siiyvlllo), Sept. IS. Tliu geuerul stuff unnouue iud that tho lighting continues In j Fiance, with tho result doubtful. It hnys Fionch ulTorls to break through .and envelope Isolated commands hnvu ibcoii lu valu. United Press Servico. l'AUIS, Sept. 15. It la declared bore that General von dor Holt, the Gorman military governor of Uol- ,Klum, visited Antwerp recently uuder safe conduct, and made overtures for i tho eudlng uf tho war its It effects .Germany and Uelglum, In return for .'curtain concessions. It Is said that lu view of tho "all for one, ouo for nil" agreement of thu allies, Helglum refused to consider thts proposal. Flio Chief I'M Wnkotluld and John Ansel returned luut night fiom a hunt In Hie Bnvon Lukes country, They got ouo buck, OH' to Lot. Angeles, Mr nud Mrs. Cluudo V. Cosoboom, lllUTISH SUItMAltl.Ni: SINKS GKlt.MAX SHU LONDON', Sept. 1G.-A llrltlsh sub marlua today suuk tho German pro- I who recently disposed of tho Sugurltuvted cruiser "Hola." Thoro nro no ')uw tu Fred Clarlch, left this mom-'details given out, but it Is understood jlug tu their auto for Los Angeles. J that It occurred oft Heligoland, uud 'lhoy itpcct to rt'ilde there. 'that tho cruiser's crow was saved. Xlarooned at Squaw l'olnt on tho Upper Uike by a broken timer In bis motor boat, II. St. Geo. Ulsliop nud small children, Marbara aud U-onard, spent last night lu an open boat, and remained there until late this morutug, when they were picked up by the mall boat Spray. They reached homo this aftornoou, where Mrs. Ulshop, with mlsgtvlugs, awaited their coming slnco yesterday after noon. Alter attending to business inter ests lu Klamath Falls, nishop left vestorduy afternoon In his launch for "Tho Cedars," his pretty homestead above llocky Folut. When botvveeu lluck Island aud the Pelican Day cut, his timer became faulty, and ho was towed back to Uueun VUta by John Llnueman, uud his timer was repaired. Bishop's departure after this was about i o'clock, and until ho was heaid of this morning the where abouts of himself and children was a cause of ns much concern to his many frlcndd In Klamath Falls aa to tho little wife and mother, who spent a sleepless ulght on the homestead, As soon as it became knowu that lltshop's boat had not put In, search lug parties scattered in all directions. J, J. Parker took charge ot tha work for the local Klkr, aud after be wan telephoned regarding the matter, 8. O. Johnson sent several launches out from Harrlman Lodge. The Kagle Ridge boats were all out early, and Hay Telford went to Algoma In au auto to go out from there la the Al goma boat. Wickstroms, Llnnemans and other people along the Shlpplngton water front also took up tho quest. Tho Klktf woro Just starting for the land ing to embark when the message camo that Bishop was safe. "I was right close to shore when tho timer weut bad," phoned Bishop to the Herald this afternoon, "and so I paddled the boat lu and prepared to spend the night there. There were a couplo of comforters, and the kiddles, far from being exhausted or cold, looked upon the affair as a huge out ing. "Squaw's Point Is so isolated that It was impossible to reach a telephone to tell my wife that we were sot Im auy danger, so I had to wait (or the mall boat. Since we got lone ooCee In us wo aro as good aa new, tut while we heartllyi appreciate the fra ternal spirit displayed by the and our other friends, we ffel that circumstances prevented mi fre allaying any fears felt by anybody." r 1