r.mWJMWCHH, 1114 WBEOF j KIDNEY TROUBLE THi; EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OI.'EGON I'AOK TH Belgians in Trenches and Officer Directing Their Fire Herald's Classified Advs. Lk MM TCI rM'HH MW.VKVH g, Ml' HUHT ,m K,,,N,:V" pinit-H .. i. -- ki.nr Uaat atfftfV II axirJ MUM --w, wt r ju. tu lells us that meat tome ,n .tU aetcb almost pafalyi ll ilettii I """ ","" ,u """ " , U blood Ttr OSCOlUe SIWB' ,ltkj tiaiti, im ru euaer- .ia dull laUary lu lb kldaey re-' ska. ' I' lu ,b twk ur ,ek at, 4tliM. your sioesecui league l coaled, aad wbsa i tltr U bad you have rbeu- j I lat Tbs urine gate cloudy, ,f allaiat, lb channels ufUti I lwt aad Diluted, obllgleg yo' l,al )!' ',u ur "' HM dor- luftieattki, t strain tut irtiiauag ImiImw Ibt klJusis and flush off IM Mr' urlbuu watl get fear! of Jail Halls flues aay paar-' laaryWrt; take ubUepooaful la a likes c( '' before breakfaat (or a Ira 4; uJ your htilawr will (baa Mt lee- Tbte fseious aaita U wade fro lb mM "f ta a4 feme jtlet, tsle4 "Kb lltala. aa baa Ma m4 ir isAsralloes lu flush ut illaslal lb hldaaye. eleo to MetrelUe Uf sMi la urlae, o It no Irlttt, tfaut eedtog bladder Thl. .l.i..Krt., .,N. Mt,u In i, u,,,..).., mw ,,i, ... o Iho pp,..l, Urniai,.. and mi ntticr m,M,,, , ,, , "" """ ' "'"'" w"0, "" "' l mmh. Tl... lUlKlati ot.r III" Ifxlltli Mr Ml Itml r,r III.. (itiilrrlKlii (if l,. uii'li rifr4 :v mi j tin ;'. MKs, TT -. -wwtawoSa ''uwwmIli-. ... . 2 aoto . T " cifc, c TT ""r" "'"UaA -P"Vr- -i - BaftaYma J7-C .PrdKfN.; ' . .- - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal fBaaaBaaaabaa a r "T v -w- k. .IIH. .. .tlV.' vv ' rx ' ' ,. - . i, . ..' . r -3 sv ' - r.- t.- " r " r iiO'-v.i'j! iaWL ( ' vtfiri- TOi5: via aw' . .i"j- iwh , I'OK RENT KUIINIIIIIKIi ItOOMM Nlc tool roi at tliq Ulmiont. s-ia-lm" ePJ'lCi: HOOJIS hok. .uKm In Hie Odd I'allow anJ Wllllt build. tiiti lnl lociitlon lu the city. Dm '.V. 0. iBillti, Herald afCco 20-tf M)ft HKNT Pour or fit- unfurulnJi mj rooin. rr CMi .J HikIi 12-51 nmd rtcfrnilnnu, nI Alt othur Krtonf, If any, tmylnie Ar claim-" inr to liarff an lnlrei In the' tmiI property heroin dwtcrlUiI. In Mm tiAtne of tho gtato of On-gOD, you aro hnrouy notified thai l.tlneton Itcalty company Is (ho hohUr ut eortlllcnlo of lr- lluriAonry numhartd 254, iMutid on the? lit day of Aui;iut, I'JIZ, by the tax collector of tho county of Klam-1 atli, atato of Orcxon, for tho amount olrig. In thn city of Klamatb fall, formerly tho town of LlakvMa, Oregon, ahoTo dcicrlbod pramlaao frontlriK ami abuttlnK oa Mala strttt tnranty-nve (35) fet and I'lna atrect twcnty-flvo (26) fot. Togathcr with tenementa, hrd Itnmenta and appurtenance there unto hlonKlnic or In nnywlM ap (KjrUlnlnK. Tftkrti and levied upon aa lha property of tho tald It. C. Splak (aUo known aa Hohort C. Splak) KOK SALE ViWVW I 'till RM.K Hprlni; blcfceu. atcr nr,t wrigbt 2 pound. 0 cauu oach l.-llrorod. C. K V,'ldiJo(, I'hone 22 T-Cf uovnrjUilM funiUar far sain lk4i, drWHM-. rbaJra, tabic, .to, rues, t. Call 8nday or telling after 6 o'clock si 115 Ore' ni svpnuB. Dr. A r. Oravcu. 10-Ct of T and 10-100 dollara (I10.1C), th aaino hjlrif; tho nmount then duo and A. U. Spink (nlto known aa Allea and detln'Ujnt for taxea for the yr-nr '- plnk), or an much thereof aa l'J'J, toffethcr with penalty. Internal, may ho ncccaury to aallify the aald and (U Ihrnon upon the real prop-' Judgment In faror of aald plaintiff, criy aweaed to you, of which you ate Itlchard Melbaae, agalnat aald d- the owner aa appear of record, ltu- eted In aald county and xtatc, and par-, tlcularly hounded and dencrlbrd aa follow, to-wlf Mail half ( 'i ) of the aoutbwealj runrtr ( ) of unction ftllrly-four MISCELLANEOUS j.,;, .'-- 5, wr fMV.A " .--.. -5. ' i tm -J "T iff V". . .s:' ttS: ;V2?iAKtW . . kfeoCp&ot 'V. WANTKU TO IIIHI-: On.) ;od vac on. (Mam Htnl lmrii'-, to uw for ilijt one fijoiilh Alilr- . A 1M-lr-r, box'tt2,rIty. 10-3f VYAJiTlM)- Women cok, iinmrtllaie ly fllarkhuni hoiplul 12-2C lcal newa appear Brat la The Herald, tOc a month rtiitrtlb for lb lUfala. to real aualb, SOME MINOR WAR NEWS FROM EUROPE I Will GItc (1000 If I Fail to Gore ; Any Caaeer f Twmer. Ma knife, na Mi"( Mir ""til aurvd. Any lumn In eaaman'a kraaal la it haul Wb babr luffer alib toa or ' '1y lwrt tl-ji Umlumlcr thr 1U IU U laaitalt; caaaoi la ! Mt u4 atakae a dalbjblfal ater? ' ifU UUla water drlak. AJMI otel( MTTI.l: MUltlim I'ltllM Till: I'IHINT Til VT Mil. tfiMINf. I TllltOKMI Till.' OAl'ITAlJi OP T Hi: TH)Ns t) I K.UTI.Nfi laCII OTIIKIf hOMi: Alii: TIIIVIAU MIT AM. A IIP. ISTKItlWT. IN'O AT THH TIMIi une helne th amounl then due and dtlUnjuont for uxm for the year 1909. toother with penalty, lnter- ,rt and c.ot ibvroou upon tho rut property aattwioil to you, of which (3(. towmhlp thirty-three (33), " II, VjU range flfte'in (lf) wiat of Wlllara- tl'j meridian. Voa nr further notified that aald IxixlnKton Itealty company haa paid taxes on aald premise for prior ami utgc'iucul yeara, with the rate of fnlernt on ald amount aa follow- Year's tax. 1910; date paid, Aug- liit 7, 1912; tax rendanta. with Internt thereon, to gether with nil coit4 and dlaburae menta that have or may accrue. C. G. LOW, Sbarlff. Hy Oto. A. llaydoo. Deputy. Dated at Klamath Pall, Ore., Aug- lG-22-J.5-12h .Vol lire of VacatJoai I, M. It. Doty, hereby five nolle that I will, on the nth day of Sap Umber, 1911, present to th city council, at its regular meeting oa that date, & petition requeatlng tb vacation of a certain portion of liooxevelt street. In tho city of Klaa- recelpt number, fath Pall, described a follows, to- I.03C; amount, I1C.C1: rati of Inter-j wit: et. 15 fer cvnt. Alt that portion of RooMvalt lears tax, 1911: date paid. 0-,Jtreel lying between blocks 17 and 18, la the First addltioa to the city of Klamath Falls, Oraajea. 15-22-29-E-II h jrou are llm ownur as appears of i llfkUl tkta trouble, u Doaa'a I arm ami kilt juirll?. Any tumor, lump, or .ro 0uiiL A ttttl of li goe a loag on Iba Up. fcv or lw.lv r ui II Is safe for children rifty wnfweanrrr. rtnittaod nati a boi at all drug store, "Or. TkeauM' t$clal oil la lk but resMdy for that ofi.a fatal 4b creup. St ka ba mm4 Mb i la ear laaUlr for 4k( years.' -aVs. L. Wkllasct a, MaftTaia. N. T. plant tJwirr ami bll mm J.l (tM. IS9 HM KS trtl , TVMbwt 4U4IU).4 ft v ut, A Kt IJ fliKlli ltil.1 - Mat. I MrLf,Ctt)tttC .5 lmUi yt r-uMiw. ,t m,hi aa i (. iu nmm I ) om.i (!, tnl(rd pri rUrviro li-Uys Prolr,n nanm lune not oaly LONDON. Hi-pt It - -Th follu-ib lpel oil tile signs, bet Tt-n Ine a ni to llm Khiku Ut nJfr0 ot ot faro. VhM Berlin roe llcflm roipondr.nt heforn comtnun-) UuiAitU gncra1ty adtortlwd a (ration lth llrrlltt a nil o(T.' 'rrmo douhla" (Prencli cream !' It jiok eallod "boppeltar i (roronl. glluat-Ml lu said county and jstate, and particularly UrserlU-d as follovrs. to-wlt: Government lots Nos two (2), three (3) and four (I) of section iwo (21. lownnhlp twenty-five (2S), range ten (10) -ast of Wll-lami-tto meridian. You aro further notified that I llCltl.tN tSrrm.io. It Im ut'u liahm." which nolhly underUnds tmUi v- a- li,K' ,ia 'aW '? xcs on alJ l-r.u Mid. I. Mip land it! forbidden ,ltuuilrat. Itiut hen cbgl Ihio ',""lw.,"r ' "ul " ""vh"v (AdtofUtetami) TH AOrm'MKNT, md 1IU Uf of HeptemUr, A l, tlt. r U4 bftaeeti Kknilh fVuini. M, , , -" -rf,Mt Uirfrtuio at (blue i:rrjililrir. 1 "-rllrM.",n,miMHrlis. In reitauraat wlioro I and man) thine am strrne wImii.J iv1 the wttltar for some "Worceav n (trlitlr Inihlddriu. This Ifl.I.lilr.- aBC." 1 rtmtdtd flml i. aua. (tliue of -ar- Vwm ma). th'r.'Ior.!j.coiHi filsiio. then was told grimly: iuiII Imagine hu llilnit. axe lu lime W no lotigor wll that w m Kn- of ar A llsl uf tiling Itirlildden lu.gllsti sauco"! plrr the iiiirt-iion nnd for llm iru j Itrrlln would survl) coer several. I fit of ( Roatal AfreoM. for (he Cowry Poor Farm )!? anotit. J35.5C; rato of lnter-jatl ,,remes abovu named t.M5 per cent. ! .. .. ,. ,,, tJm a..&.i.a . . .. vwri anu pulllir of invirlald luu of Oron, of tho nii tr(. audi for firt pari) agrfwItiE to pay tl iiurliiK and iiinllral mini. t. C fcUrkwstdl of KUroslh t.'oiiui),! Itoti. whnh same l drvmrd ipt " of Orvgua of the woiudlwrr. Iitrludlng mJlriiir. mid ( l plbrr for thralllirlll, llio rrOlid VITNUlMtrril Thai I ho aldpartr agrlng to l4inl nuttm at IhUI'1 " '" " lrl). iratooalily roiumtit of (he ):pr-im, hut It would jl'nltrd frem jnlce nfoiMItiR o llm abuiiv of nurd ln.;ho todlou. The mom rhnractrrUUc,' PAltlS. Sept. H. Tho striclue-M lmatr, 4ld nrl vrly to m ! I bnavtrr. U that it U forbidden tint to. of tbt? I'nmch urotw cenMrshln cru IPgutar wasr.tifllrr Hhat tho Wolrf Inlegraph 'mi lliurv forcibly r?RlISiHt When OJle agiitcy a ahum Herman Wciorlrn. 'leads tho law passed by imrliawcnt In tlrimnny etrrybod) w) far li-lli'v.;l'it'rnltiK imbllsblng of now. The Implicit)- that Wolff raiinnl err jl'. In wrt, rld Hhoul.t thi'te bo aii)on roiintKnnm, "Jourimltsts arc forbidden to pub- unilUKli lo dlilltil h would hn run. ' .l-l. lnr.irtH5.llrm i.il..r than llial mm. i tl. 1911: UlX reccll't number. 1.493; Idnrrd n foo and a sp). And th.-n muiilvtitcil hy iho Kovrriunwit or lhe tmouut, 119.01, ralt of Interest, 15 j i;er)lhlug forrlBii has, of cimrsn. mllliary nulhorltl.s on tho follow lnj j ?cr cent. bnn eradlraled from Merlin for tlio.polius Mlllt,ir nporallona, mohllls-j Snlil P. C. llurgess alias Fanny C taut wim. A shop III tho Frlederleh- 'nvlim. transport of troops, irsusport I 'lurKos alias Fannie P. Uurgess, as by wilful! nrglcct tlrar MAtatmoi demollnhrd tiy tho of Mar maiorlals. composlllou of dl-j'hc owner of the legal '-t!o of tho the flrot party to yetirs, with the ralo or interest on sntd amounti as lotiens: Year's tax, 1910; date paid. Aug ust 1. 191S; tax receipt number, 4. MS; amount. 123 2S; rate of Intcr fetl. 15 per cent. Year's tax. 1311; dale paid. Aug ust i, 1913; tax receipt number, 4.- tohcr 2S, 1913; tax receipt number, rdt 201; amount, 121.22; rate of in terest, 15 per cenL Year's tax, 1912; date paid, Aug ust 7, 1913; tax receipt, number, ouaimoDJi tor I'abUcaUoss la Fa 3.C25; amount. 111. 53; rate of inter-l closure of Tax Lira. est. 15 per cenL r.quuy boz. Year's tax. 1913; date paid. March j'n thc Circuit Court of tba Stat of 31. ISM; tar receipt number. 2.78S; Oregon, for the County of Klaattk, amount, JU.23; rate of Interest, 15, " J- '-okwood. Plaintiff, per cent.' " Said J O. Copeland. as the owner f tvi K. ikrrltt (sometimes of the l"gal title of the above des-l Frl ilrrrltt). Defendant. crlbed propcrtr as appears of record.. Fred K. MerrJtt (soa and each of the other jiersons abova Iea,,e1 Fre1 Merrltt). the above aai named rre hereby further notified (defendant. that Ixlngton Itealty company wlllj In the name of the SUt of Ora apply to the circuit court of the coun- ecn: You are hereby notiflad ttet II. ty and state aforesaid for a decree 'J. Lock wood, the bolder of crtlf!eat foreclosing the Hen against the prop-jo' delinquency numbered 457, lsraa erty above described, and mentioned ,uS,oa lD 6" day of February. A. D. eaUad In said certificate and you arc here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of thlx summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and de- 1911. by the tax collector of Xteav aih County, State of Oregon, for laa amount of nine and 40-100 doUara. the same being tbe amount taaavttaa and delinquent for taxes for U year ' '14.1.1 .. ... . . fend this action or pay tho amount ,"" ""s"" wu peu,u. wtaroK dun rv .nliovn iliown. ImrPthor -,ith I- "-"""" aai psaa- costs and accrued Interest, and in case " ' ". of -htem yo of your failure to do so. a decree will;"6 l.he. ue,r PP '. be rendered foreclosing tho Ilea of t ,., lnrl, h, , J?" said taxes and costs against the land I , ,,.. , . .. ..v, tw-n.t. Ynar' tax, 1312: Cato paid. Aug; ust ", 1913; tax receipt number, 3.022; amount, (15.93; rate of In- tt-ratt, IS ir cent. Year's tax, 1913; date pald March lilt nallin prlt! U agreed that shall bo I la hi p a InitlalpR, and It j tho sreoud party only for ! audi Jy oi tto orsl art. in rontld. U of tUrovroanls and agree Mu " the part o( iho party of ist awomj partt hereby loaam, d breakage fuil as sad lets lu iho aald party .and rafpanr, h u saroad part, commencing ibe.ropUro alt worn article and mp rst 4ay of October, 111 4, tho aald iclally worn ami ui.l bcidlng, KUanih Couaty'a jnior farm ranch. ,whr the condition Is not olug sss tksi psrt above tbn ditch, for a In neglect of rcitnd parly, and tho period of Dtp years, for the follow-! Prat party agree to pay for all ma Ul rraisl The aald party of thn lerial nrli for InipriMi'iiiPiit aul ewad irt to pay Three lluu- repairs, Mm second parly at Ills 8,, Thlrly.Thr and J3.00 fit I.) supply all wood and light 11111.13) Dollars r year for the uecrary for luwtlug and lighting lis rr' '",,, Uo ""''"' i 'P building In cao of los, dam- (1500.00 Dollars cash per year for age or destruction hy lire or the lbs remaining iwu ypr,,, no aaidvlemul or rasualiy not owing to WMy of the Orsl trl agreeing that neglect of second parly, tho first " frBlal for the first Ibrwi yrariariy Is to repair or nibulld, or " OS ORipI , KB irlv ,, il.-'il.U li.a.. ..' I... lnr.iil.inl.1 hi IImi . ."-- mrmiM ,..,',.... ,..!-.. IIIH, l l.-l ....!... .. ... ..... crowd bauo It I callcd'Tlie Priiicu ltons, etc., strategii plnns. llst.i of jahou dctKrlbed properly as tho same of Wain.," and aihrrtlk4 In big let- uouiided, killed and prisoners, fortl-isppesrs ofrecor.'. nnd each of the mons la the 11th day of August. 1911. All process and papers In this pro- ccudlnc may bo served ujon tho un- Jderslgued rcildlnc within tbe state of Orvgon at tho address hereafter mentioned. J. N. JOHNSTON. Allnmov fnr PlnlnllfT. apply to tho circuit court of tho coun-;AIJrw!i: GranU Q Kot rotir a semi 110, Ct m flit ciimmtiriii let it Ktlavt cr1 her rtr . " d...- of tho Honorable II. L. nenson.to KIaBjatn FaU Qreg tormmir JudKo of the circuit court of tho state .Unkvnle, Oregon), according to taa of Oregon, for the county of Klamath. auIy TwttieiX pIal ,nereof B0W up9m and said order was made and dated n! ,n ,he ottlc of lhe cotxaty eJrk this 10th day or August. 1914. and at Klamath Palhj. Oregon, the date of first publication of sum-) you are ruriher notified thi uis other persons aboo named are here by further notified that C. 11. Hoe will ty ahd state itfornsald for n decreo lers that it sells "t'lslnr coats." An I eu (Ions, piovtstons, moxometlt of the Inilliiu ten room has thought tt nru-' bi . l, etc, mid in gencrtil nil Inforiua snry lu lake .way lhe word "Indian" ,itou of n military oi dliilomatlc char from lis sign before tho mob does It, j net or li'inltiii; to foor tlm onciny and 1'hnsaiiii. thing for French Nlgmt. Tliuidnmn ltu spirit uf ib nrmy mid ihoifnrecleslni: tho lien against tho prop Merlin "tjhate Nolr" tins bocomo the public." jcrty above described, and mentioned! ' tfchwarti" Kater," whlcli nnun the, The law forbids any corrwiioudent i in sold certificate. And you aroj "black cat," mid t ?rfoiily sense- in niiporech nearer than lwuiily-!ii.u(reb) summoned to appear within-' ll-IS-25-l-S-15-22h NotU-u of MlifrlfTH Sale My virtue of an execution and or- T'" doing tho necessary proveini,t work within said twr W, cousl.tiu, of ditching for drain lu. and generally such Improve at work ss the judgment and ex Writnr. of ihn parly of tho second W" Indicates as needed; the ran JOMble value of such Improvement Is red lo bo tho emu of One TboussBj (it.ooo.00) Dollars. lh ''""y " h flrsl part agrn-s law i ,H'on', pMjr 'n"u ,m " to farm sccordlag in his besl JUdgnaut. provided the work In done '0 hu.baiidllke maiitn.e. Th. Im further agrees to pay monthly to id. trty of the second part at it.. ..." .'. ' "-""' " '"" ", lrly dollars jier month IHL . 0"ra w"n,. lMPln c MMnodailona. ani, m c,rn nf " oa every adult Inmaio of wupoor farm, the said second parly ds!T,0? l"vld a good mid ful home and for (he general WW. or the inmates, e first fas.?. ' ",v trvm '- ot ou". Uiira bedding, farm machinery JM I Itoplenisnta and chattel. .. per tl PVt',-rM ! tho couu torr,0t Mld KUBlh Cuui d alii H, .!! U, "WB "cording lo the JJJJ rMr to require sucb "0'-. to aarfom work un- t upiioit in uio icoiiii pari) i ur second party agree to buy of the first party all live stock as follows to Im paid for by said KiM-ond urty nun tenth of purchnsu price it month. 2 horses, finn.00; 3ii hond of hogs, 1255,00; 4 cows. 1340.00, 1 stiwr, 145.00, 4 calves, fCO.OI); making a total of 11,000.000 to be paid by the second party ttald leu percent to ho deducted each mouth by said flrsl party from amouuts duo said second party for euro of poor, . II Is finally agreed hy tho parlies that In ul! matters pertaining I" Irrigation, tho first pnrty In to pay nil construction charges, mid tho sec ond party Ihn cost of mitluteimuce. IN WITNKBH WlltiltKOF, tho mU parties of tho first mid fecund part liavo horomito sot their hands mid heals tlm day mid year first heroin written, to thin and another Instru ment of even duto mid tenor huro with. Hlguod, knuled mid delivered in presence of tin: Witnessed. KLAMATH COUNT V, lly WM. H, WOltllKN, County Juilgo lly N. H, MKUHILL, County CouimUsloiiur. Hy JOHN HAOKLHTKIN, County Comuilsslouor. F. 0. MAHKWAllDT. less, of course. A resiaiirnnt ou Iho Kurturstcn- Unite lluu may bo. datum was destroyed few nights ngOj . bifftilne nomcbody had thought (ho , 1'iilU-d Press Seolfe, baud played a llussliiu souk; lu the: 1'Altl.S, Sept. H. same street the restaurant miles lo tho frontier or wjwrovor thc.,ixty days after the first publication Ooueral Cherlf called Pnrhu. who l a TurHisli refugty) lu of thin summons, exclusive of the day of wild first publication, and defend this action or pay tho amount duo us abov nnd accr I!. J. Lockwood bos paid filii premises for prior or aul )tars, with tho rate of intereat oa aald amounts as follows, to-wlt: Year's tax, 1911; date paid. Feb. 2C. 1914; tax receipt No. 4317; nt of Interest, 15 per cent per aaaasa. Year's tax. 1912;; date paid. Feb ruary 2C, 1914; tax receipt No. 4787; .rute of luterest. 15 per cent per aa inum. Year's tax, 1913; date paid. March ,31. 1914; tax receipt No. 24S0; rate 'of luterest. 15 per cent per aaatua. I Amount paid for the year 1911. der of sale duly Issued by tho clerk i.. . of the circuit court ot the county ef: Amouut pa,d for Klamath, statu of Oregon, dated the'., ... I .t. , .... n, , !......'' j lllll U3J Ul AU&U81, 1911) IU M IUI- "Munroiirt" changed Its iimiui un nc- I mis. tins written tlm minister of wsr j)otir failure to do so. a decree will be c shown, together with costs! ta'tt at' '" "" e'rcuIt court for J3.5S rued Interest, and lu case ot,sa''1 county and state, wherein Hlch- SaI the year lilt. Amount paid for the year ItlS. I'oiitil of the French siiunrllv uf that inkliiK iernilsnli.u to serve In Hie hiime, which Is really taken from ti nrmy of Fr.uue. bla "siroiid fatliet- chararter lu ono ot Klelst's pitti (title liind." Said Fred K. Merrltt fiameUi ara Melhuae. as pialuttc. recovered (caMod Pred Mcrrllt) M tne JudKineut against It. C. SplnK (alsoluwn,,r ot tho aboVo described dmb. ! rendered foreclosing the lieu of said (taxes and costs against tho laud audi known as Uohort C. Spink) and A.lerty a8 the same appears of record. ,pramis" nhavu named 1.. Splak (also known as Alice L. Hubscrlbe (or the Herald, 50 cents' a month Legal Notices l'tin COME IN AND HEAR THE NEW MACHINES two op thi: vp.it y I.ATPST KIHHON PIIO.NtKlltAI'llS JUST ItmUVKIIIlVKM'IIKSS (,'OMK IN AND 1 1 t:lt Till! OltAND tXIN'PKKT kvkhv i:vi:ni.h l-'HOM 7l!IO 'Hi Uliti) U'lC WILL Mi PLKASKD TO L'XTIIHTAIN YOU WaalliFallsMiisicHouse H. OHKM, Proprietor This summons la published by or- sl,lnk fot- tlltJ 8um ol lUreo lUoas' .der ot tho Houorublu 11. L. lleuson.! !lVo biiutlred sUty-slx aud 23-100 Judge or tho circuit couit of tho state f JoMara taid attorneys fees In the lot Oregon for the county of Klamath. ! al" r huudred dollars and said order was made and dated l'v-ooj anu cosis auu uisuurse- rf this 27th day of July. 191 1. and tho' mo'"s :txod at forty-seven and iday of first publication of sumiuous! 1G-100 dollars, on the 14th day of August. 1914. .Notice la hereby given that I will I.Miiiiiiioiim for PtiMlattlou lit tioMirn of Tuv Lieu In the circuit rourt of the stato i Oregon, for Klamath county. It' 0. Itoe. plaintiff, I ' nllaslMnnlol'. Mur8o.'...ndallj"B,u,,, rM,'u ',lt,"n l 8,'Ua ' other porsous unltuotvn. If nny, j liiivlnr. or clalmlni; to hnvo nn interest lu or to tho.jeal prop erty .licielnatter described, de- jl Iho 2Sth day of July. 1914. All process aud papers lu this pro .ccodltiK may bo Fened upon tho un- fuudnitis. To P. O. Muigosa alias Fanny ('. llur gt'Ks alias Pauulo P. llurgess, Iho nhuo named ilufendimt, mid all other porsous unknown, U nny. liming or clulmlnn an Interest lu the land hereinafter described, lu tho ntnmt ot thu statu of Oregon, you me hereby not I (led .im, n n iiiw. lu iiu. ii.tt.i.,. .-.r t.ltl. V., ... .11,11 .M (., ..ll.l.U, U, i Ihn ccrtlllcato of delinquency mim-j hoi't'd 1151, IhsiiciI oa thu lat day or August, 1913, hy tho tux collector ot tho county ol Klamath, atato of Oregon, fur (ho muouut or Tweuty two mid SO-100 doUara (J22.S0). thu lor Oregon at tho address hereafter tueutloued. J. N. JOHNSTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Addross, Ornnts Puss, Oregon, 2S-I-11-1S-25-1-.S-15-22 h Siiiniuiiui for Publication In Pore tlosiiro of Ta Lltti In the circuit court or the state or Oregon, ror Klamath county. Lexington Mo.ilty company, a cor poration, plaintiff, vs. Altliea II. Orator, J. O. Copeland. Altha 1), Gates, and all other persons unknown, if auy, hnv Iiu; or claiming to havo uu lu- teret lu or to tho toal property herein described, defendants. To Altlieu It. Grater, J, O. Copeland and Atthu 11. dates, tho abovo on tluu 14th day or September, 1914, at thy from door of the county court house. In Klamath Falls, lu said county, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon ot said day, soil at public autlon to aud each ot the other persona above named are hereby untitled that H. J. Lockwood will apply to the Circuit Court ot the County and State afore said for a decree foreclosing tke Uaa atjakiat the property above deecrlead, and mentioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first pub lication ot this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication. a4 defend this action or pay the amoaat dt o us abovo shown, together wlta costs and accrued Interest, and la case of your failure to do so, a decree Uio highest bidder, for cash, tho fo.,wm be "'nd" foreclosing tho Ilea lowing described propurty, to-wlt: iUl SH1U ,ax RUl C08ta 8m " UeglnulDE t tho southwesterly I UnU anU Prw'" oove naasd. corner orf lot two (2) iu block t8 dUwnion la published by order elghtccu 1S) in the city ot Klam ath Falls, Ore-sou, formerly I.luk vllle, thoiwo northerly along tho lino of lots two (2) and seven (7), two huudrvd Jorty (240) feet to l'lnu street; thence easterly along tho southerly lino ot Pine street tweuty-llv) fedt; thenco southerly aud parallel to the westerly lino of lotB Iwo (2) and seven (7). two hundred forty (240) (cut to tho northerly Hue or Main street; ttusjce westerly along the norther ly line oC Main street twenty-five (25) tent to tbe place ot begin- ot thu Honorable Henry L. Beaaoa. Judge of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon tor the County of Klamath, and said order waa made and dated this Gth day of July, A, D. 1914, and tho date of tbe first pub lication of this summons la tba Ufa day of July. A. D. 1914. All pro cess aud papers lu this proceeding may ho served upon tbe uuderalgaad resldlug wltlilu the State of Oregon at the address hereafter menttoaad. O'NKILL & MANNINO, Attornoys for FtaJatKf. Address, Loom Is Uulldlag, Klaav atb Falls, Oregon, T-HUI