The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 14, 1914, Image 1

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mnitiQ Wvmlft
" litili c.n N"' i:'m
Irf, Ftra
Deposed Superintendent Gets New Support
KttlMiNT U'lllllM:" lUM'ITl
m.hia soi.tiH hi i.i m.
ttlb-lwl I Mil ! Ilr(tlllt j-KKh.
,Un HrMllMK U"l M,.!! t.e
Argued i) l"itIHr Vijjtlin1li
ItrttUMiU. lld Urif-lliK Itllfft
Tuulrixt III U (I I'll II Jvrtll,'
rjiiJi)r, ( Ujll'll) trlli.r.l, j
Ttp ruttlrftltUM Of V J'laitt AfaHt.
fufmtr flililpfi4-Ht l Cfalw 1,1,
,Sji.iij I'nVj iii. (I J, il, Coniahsn.
Mi MiMntr, Uit Aran! t u rlvll r
tier nl'i'i'lhlfr, nt Hi! inn J"!1?!
ttmt ef lit" interior hd no tlM l'
iirqip him ami frpUrr mm bj Will
0 tiUrl er folllUftl (raMiti. ! Ht.
-ntlt4 b) the National Civil iniT
llu(ci Ueiii'. an f ennlistion rim-tH-l
ol unin Ol Ihn nation' im.Ii
Ufm ana liuHi.ta men, who nk
lw. it'Al tl. M.lrit uf iIhi rltlt tr
k U ii( t ty rarflrJ !.
Mr AUUl ! Hi lrrl('t uf the lot
luim Iclrtfaltl (rum r'tirlurr C
Generals 0 German Armies
iiv ;i:km i whips
Czar Sampling Food of Soldiers
Mrflu Citmi llii lUltli li.lil IrlU i.f
liillin Dill,.. WIhi .l. In lt
Untied In Hie i.iiiuo Willi III.
fiimrmlf -lU'tllu .a) Nt- I'mni
I'rMiite l llrliia Wlllilirlil (or Wis.
Ii-bIi' Iti-nMinu by i.Vrnmii).
renrf tro'iH Pari Mini l-on-
ihe defeat uf the German
OMSK At . .. . it
TJl-e M' llo rU-ial jf tiJ
I.rrillxll aruile trill l 'lie dfSir.n
,M.Mii. iiih... 1 1 ........... -1... .f.w imw ul Pt 'or in tH-k ilm
pt ""i.n iftctt ll"l (MMlllt ll "-
WjTi? Y ALliVCCNft
n.ii i I mail l-i' KjwI"i5
Willimn t.atl nlmlli.r fortlirr jv.ul''
wlilcli in iH.llinml to !m. (xr 1. ml
i.ui.hie nitMiIllt w.iwur.I t . tn-
Arm rafl Midi i Ipiiv txe Wti MiitiniS winl lnl. wre,. wm, n,o ftrmin Itom Hip tuirili
"lla'.n Jmi rrfrh.. iIip OrrUltiu uf M. . ui . irp Iwim.i nt Hie eUf mrtrdiiMs mt lrl. (lomrsl tun
Nlnl Chll IVrtlti. Utlirm.lf j(, f,t wt)l ,,,0 Hr,rj ftU i., Hwrtur.-ii U Ihtt furmnr mlnUitr nf
litxr fttim Now York rllf, itlif- Sw WM( wlI i.h,,,, ( u. Ucm-inlUar m hi miuiimiid uf lh ll'rtuni
l )our ra. hoit itiiuilne Irsal Bvvwl HHrrtw w. rfrrhMy 4 tUlor lii'nrnir "lilrh li Ij-vh tryliiK to ilrlto
ihotHlr, P.riy ihitnc ( Ihc 'n'n litirinni wuilwn n I'rrnoh mill Uho lnnoh fiom Uvor Atwee. H
Anoinc) l)iiPfd llonat'orlnln Alm-. ),)r( WH, Mt mt mttPtt ) nn Itnimrtani llKr ni Uio t4m
"'(f '""' mon- ilMn U kiiu (rum itf Vnif ti of lli KmjJ niiiaU a your bro, iU
The Uasuv lw tommlttrv f rtif w))1 m(U(). ,,lM,),nl )(. IhI tlm army liU tiamo tttm (i frrely inoitiloiirtl In
Ittrtij iy.n, t intluiihi r.uinilon of ll(1 )tot( Mlr( WH,,S (f,nl () ilmm ilmi la- nUlmiiuly r.-ilKn.l
UmwiK Uinta tin. n-MMiirtip) Bm'lMlj r ,(PEq WjW lAlP (imn.i Klmn lliwi h M-miw 10 Imvo trealnoil
; mi ..ii.immim.iy nvrtrum Ui t,u ,llmrlil f Hnvurln a In win- liU lanroU liy lil mi.fiwmi u;ilni
niaitil of Ui iriKiiw nWU Imtk Nv tln I'f.-nrli Tlmrn liati ihi.n .Miri-.
mur. ilm mii-iMwoilly lmiirpBnnlili fur ilm w tw ilnya Out KnUor
(urtr. flr Htr ln of nilnrl. Wlllmlin lilmwlf wn wllh tlm crown
I'rlnce Itiiniinlii ha 1'I nn nrmy tirinw, nun mhhiu im'" "
taiiirh pi.nit.rxi nlmiil l.ujominirp. nrmy iinui i?
iha fct w it IIIIb' 3 J f.) fj!
oi i itu iii i.mi.m: ncENCH korck
l.s I'llWUI.VU Itain Arc FhIUb( Xorth o
I'jiiL-. llln.lcriiiK tlir I'rogif of
tin. Anuy :iml .Makini; It Xcccwry
In .Mi.nnilon n .NuiiiImt u(
Ir.-nrli War onirr Hay Cera
Orrrcoiillilcnri" Canncil Hetbiick.
( I'ftlted l'ttr inlcr
IIKIU.I.S'. (wlrc-lW tin Havlll).
VU H Tli Vkfr nRtcw UKlnreii
bni lli
l'IIt of
f(frrii arc batt uhm n mUuiccj-
lion f ). xllunllo!. It ttatr Hint'
, fBVurflUlt"iti ttmtiifn " rtx-t'H'cU
from Krnnte. Iiui tliht for iHratcKlc
InaHOtl It mtut bo wlthliol.l.
Illisilturi; niiortu tlu cat'turo of,
t " cun mill from Sii.UOu to 3U.000
Jitl litfort' tit (IuhI, 1'rlnco lvarnot
' Saioii) l;tia!t kouiuUmI, linmleil
.h nolilfor a taicm'il rxjirosslnc a
.-l-l. ..k I... I.... W...I ..... I.. .. .IllMll
-..,. , . ..... ..v. ... - "" lUui, .Mcholna has taken a Breatnr torvground Is tlte cook, who haa been
.mauao oiiAi. but In n Krnyo lth ita n lhu ftaf than WM tf te ot'dlrectC(I to tako 8OW0 ot bu fooU lo
,r,.mni.l. mI.o jm with blm Mm Thta phoW.rat,ht ,aken on xllt. lh cxar. He H)K- u out ,a a ,ttate
; lltu of the advance Into Germany, fend the cwr, after tastlnu it, ivas sat
,luiu'g him wimpllnr; fiwjd of tho sol- Uflctt tlmt tho soldiers wer being
.dU'M of III army, Tbo flpure In tin? well kd.
1'iwtil nlinriii'y eviicrnl'ii unlrn and
AhUuiii Atinnmy iJciurnl tint r In
JuUI;iMB Kvrt.nry l-ino in yonr t
woial, tltlttiPd In have bivii Ida nr.
ourary rlchl -..,... r.,.i i,.,i t.uininhiiri:. nrmy until Iho fliml bnttlu boforc-
lou ar mm' held In hnVo brtti '.. ..... ..- ....... i...,..i r t.ini i',.rl wnn li.-k-im
full ,.,, , . , . . . inoiiBn mim " " "- " -
mil mil .r-i-viftj nltlrlnl lih com--. . rrn :
III!- 1. ... ...... - .. .m . 4
' "n,mll 01 til,, civil imrvirv , ,,...' ,...i i... ... nlvll rvlr aiiiinlntro.
(ii'i-Hi.i.s say i:(;i..xi viii.
Xdt' t;osni:u this um-ii
k.isi:i; W11.11K1.M is ntusiiKuj
OS ia.l A XI I SKA
I'ArtlS. Spl. ii The war
tIuKrapbt'd a statement that tk
r.urman retreat continues cverywhMV
lu Fraticc. it Is said the Genuat
prepared a lino of defease 1b the
tirinlty of IthlcrasTind attewpte la
luaSre a stand, but orerwbtete
Frentli Dtrcusth compelled a re4lr-
War Minister Mlllerasd does sot
ts.pect tho German to be able to es
tablish a real lino or refliitaacs la
Kranco. Hu says the Marae defeat
vfas cornplote, and that at least por
tion uf tho Hermans are In dancer of
being cut off.
Torrential rain have traaatorsMtf
the roads north Into quagmires. Omly
the German guns drawn by tractloa
engines are sated, the majority of th
others being Immovably mired.
Over-conQdence and overwork cost
tho Germans tho losa of the BfttUa
'on tho Marne. according to the review
Issued by tho war ofllce.
Tho latest advices from the aortb
'arc to the effect that the Qeriaaa i
Italic I'roni the Uncut.
Without deer, grouse or trout, Gar
rett Van Hlicr Jr., reached clvillu
tlon Sunday, after
Kocky Tplnt.
weather caused him to chauBo lU(MacuatlnK Kranco -una concentratta
,deer huntlug plans, but his friend 'in the East, where the fighting Is get
.,..,,,. ,lay It to the howling of a dog or oth-'ting hotter.
.14 trvli.t. t. .Af..vnl... II0 t nrrir.M
a sojourn near " " .".. .w.w., .
.... 'bt as a result tho retreat la itewuc.
Garry says the cold ,. .,. .. ,w "T
4 k -viua uitucuw mail iuc cucmj
wJi.,M ttlll ur rmmval. tte. miminiMrntmn -' ' ."' V"." "V " - ".. 1
l,i in ItvMKII, mill Hi' H'liin'i "ii ' uini ll cikwr nmi vvvn .. ........
niliiiltiUlrntlnii lie wan titjiii'Mid by,wn n
fonlllll' In 11... t. .-.....- ..,...,...., .. ..-
""" iimi". ... ,., ,. .. ,.,i Mrvr., .,tn. ..,. ,.,. , .. ,..ii
iiifrai and in Inlntlon tlmri)f nml of i'""""1 "" "" "" "" rimvuihi"" "" ;....
lU cUmiip. ,,-rvli.. mid nf tho law ,,,,'- ','1"' ,UU "?lt" "''? "''''."'''imamlml to the park, howovor, and ro-
- the 1 ...,, h,, '" " "''' hM. e: ?i : ::r. :.: m.m,i a...
Mr. Aram U nl. j r.-folpl of rt n"'".oy Kon..rn, r ,. ,. . .,r .
ton i.r 11... ...... ... I Jine nttnln notified Arnnl to unit. ' "" '" l"
Arant wa r Z'rd will, tin, liosv'" A,.... Ainiil refu-wJ. I.WIwb ho, victory for mo." ,n.l Mr. Aram. "
! nma w"" "w w , KvftH rlKht In my contoullon. nnd stll
Parly Will Explore
the Modoc Lava Beds
TIik ili'clnlim of tho iiii;itn In n hlg
Irnnleiiil that way, nml this orgnnlrn
J linn of nldo nttorneyH lm romph'toly
It Indicated mo In the Debt 1 nm mals
Mug for what I nm entitled to."
t'ultrd Press Service
LONDON, Sept. H. -Kuglnnd will
not cuuslder ptce until tho Prussians
are rruahed on hind and so.i forever, j
War uillflnU niv .minted nt the ang
ler terrifying nocturnal dlnnrbance.
i.: ATTouxr.Y, yi:iisti:k's I
I Mil... HUn Aum Truck.
iri.-Ai. ri:i.' vvm immii imiim
i As tho result of a collision bclvi
irvii:xsi ix Tin: list
Amviidetl Complaint Filed.
Attorneys Onelil and Manning this
ween forenoon lied nn amended complaiat
the -Morrll stage auto truck nnd a bl- ln ln RUlt OI " - wavenport at to
cycle rlddeu by Yaudcll. ratchet get-ltratn tne city omciaia irota tryiag
tor at tho Ackley mill. Yaudoll sus- th- h,",s of wasting water preferred
Warrants aggregating $2.T7t.7l. tnlned a number ot bruises and wa.;t DnvenporL Aeconllag
,.,.. rr,....i i.v n,.'..m , 'cut on the face, though not Injured!'0 "o attorneys this sets out more
gcsllon Iiv Ainoilra for n pence im.!Io S)U ftlw, ,ha,ou hv lu N. seriously enough to keep him from '"- the onuses for action. City At
irromlso. nnd says that America can ( ....... ..... ... . " ... wnrk-. Th accident occurred at toruey Ituteulc has filed a demurrer
not undcrMnnd the position of thejln(mror nm, restralnlngSUth and Klamath
nlllos. Tho Times says the only peace ; r.uiJ ,i, VJm,h nn rr r
that can be considered must be con-l,. or wynB
ciuiieu III iiiiriiu "J niu uiaieir.ii '.
1 to this.
Intrepid Captain Rutenic Id Be the Guide Sunday
Tliu Modno l.uv.1 IIimIh, impeclnlly
mi Portion of (hat vulmnln region
ro l, Wy nmi(Kt Bl Bli,
JJMrr.1. of Pnii,.,! Htafnt Holillnn
PlltC-.I IIRulllHt ,C, 0,(,r ,,,
lorty vi.iru ,,,,,. .. ... , . ...
a,w , " " no oxpioriMi hiiii.
JJ " iwiiy ,r Kinmntii Pall pro.
Uln0j"nlmU" Jl,''"'" ni"
a,,' ,,' ' u"tt'il nro two prominent
mm ' cniitnln hnviiiK nnrom
lu Kiililo lht putty, nml rhnw tliem
tho Ktrongliold, Jnck'H nivo iinil other
hUloiicnl polnls, Mo Is well uunll
lied to do this by loasim of liln num.
eriiuu exnhirnllou trips.
I Ai'ConlliiK I" I'roseiit plriiiH lhu par-
iv will leuvn liein Snliirilny oMinlng,
h-numllng the nluht In Merrill. Knrly
Iho next diiy II will i-iom TiiIo Lnlio
on n cliurlered boat, ami spend tho
lilny In the mil llo ground.
Send lo I'liM.i VMl.
Kred H, (Hlmnn, innunger of tho
Pnclilo Conat depnrlment of tho
American Lumborinnn. Is hero from
Henttle In tho Interests of Hint great
publication, llo Is nccompnnled by
Mrs. (llluuin. Hiiiidny, lu company
with tleoilgo 15. Youlc, nlsieof Seattle,
they were taken to t'rnlor Lalto by
(lliuiu Johnson, mid miuln a slop at
Point Comfort ns the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. H. O, JoIiiikii. Mr, Gllmnn
wait clinrmed by Crnlei" Lake, nnd
predicts Immense tourist trnlllc. llo
stntcs Hint the roads nro In flno con
dlllou, mid that the nnow In nil gone,
except lu spots.
the Germnn tleet, tind Hint no lesser
hiimlllnUou of Her many would be
considered by Knglnud.
1 tie! Three Ihvr.
( Jlmmle I.ytle. Jlmmle Poster, Mc
Knerny nnd O. A. Smith are homo
ngnln, nfler n hunting trip on Hie
.South fork of tho Itoguo. They lug-
l i.a.1 11..-... iln.. .....1 p-nt ltii.imi..rnlili.
.,,... ..v... ..-
In this action the warrant issued to
M. Duncan for salary as depub .
prosecuting attorney Is attacked. All,
of the warrants for county poor farm
expenses are enjoined, ns are wnrt
rants Issued U. 11. Henry for ex-1
penses nnd a ?300 warrant to Judge
Lionel II. Webster for legnl services I
for the county court in the Injuuctlon j
suit tiled in the federal court by the)
timber Interests. In nil sixty-nine 1
U. S. R. S. Looking Into
the Horsefly Project
trout, the only mishap being when hi ,, mmill, rrt nPk.,.i
gh'brushed I.y tie's mustache 1
plua hough
off his lip.
George C. lllower, recently elected
Party Is Making a Soil Survey for the GoveriMLt
I -,- ...... .f Mir. II1H 111 f1(llllllilN ill
Work litis begun on the foundation --w " ".u ... v... -. ...
from Portland to tnltu up his new, with n view to gntheriug data en, preliminary tYork thero. for taa !
work. 1 which the reclamation service will ba trlcv organization, which sought la
,ublo to mnko u decision regarding tho , prlvntoly reclaim tho laad.
K. P. McCoruncli, who Is reclaim-1 feasibility of building tho Horeolly Darloy left lust week, ulah4 rua-,
ot tho Kugeno armory. Coutract for
the building will be' lot In two weeks,
Lodge Meeting.
Tho regulnr communication of
Kliiinnth Lodge No. 77, A. 1 & A. M ,
will bo held this evening nt Mnsonlo
Astorln is to linvo tho largest whc-i
Ii.uvj uiiitliiii nn llio Puclllceo nst. on I
I.tllMV... ....-... ..... t. --.,..,--. -
'the south Bide of Youngs nay. Ing a tract hf tunrsh land on Upier IrrleutlotU'roJoct, an engineers tone ,nlK the lines nnd outllalag tMWW.f
j ,I.ake, enmo lu Inst night from Salem. ,U uow In the Hold there, making sur- Today, with a forco of mea, ha bagali
Tho Klees Klectilo company of Ho wus nccompauled by Alfred Col-fvoyn and Investigations, the making ot test holes la lana
iKiimmnrvillA in exteiidluir' Its lightlller. o, Kugeno onglueer nnd brother. C. K. Darley Is in chargu of tblstVutley, and the gatherlag of,4alaffv
nnd power system Into the Grande of Andrew M. Collier. Collier will party. Ho Is thoroughly familiar igardlng future dralaag efAwMaM,!
itoudo Valley.
i spend a fotv days here.
with conditions there, as ho did somolsoll etc.