V A "C- &.:. r: -y. I, Hi -j , 8 ':" ?Pi Is. IV. '.V I1' i' 1OT?.. ! 9?. rA" mj' K 'A . 4i au. l zji". ,-v.r- t'.r ; T :. ., i: IfiV .'-"1; 7? " 6 'V,., llSf. l. r.,p;.- . . I! ' : PlFSOTIUIfitJU WIRUl if ' -- -i ! - jtmfa . t J-"- WVWPW egmjtmtfaJ ICITYAIIDCOUNTY ABtTKACT COMPANY . A. a. LOWhtA OIIIOPIAOtOI Oases aad Phase 115 HW eer. 7th aad Mala OLiVTON R. WRRRLER a ll:M il ail a ts .; TMI Wood! Wood! Wed 4-eT Bedy West 4-R. Lamb Was . r PC CARLSON WOOrD arty KLAMATH FUEL CO. amta,in ur. i4 WiMMR wfkkmmmi is QUICK TO GRASP A POINT Claaialaa valnaa raejvlm sm taiacoaaeBta." We (tfo oar csataaur gamBlavalaa. aad th wo- mea of our comaiUBltr have w beamajutek to raapsBal.- Warte4.froa exaarleaca that It vara U8 to gtTaOUR CVriOUKfta geeuiae ral- uaa, for THEY BRING OTRBRS-t Jela, tha atarry bunch, eat wall, Ur long, and forge to W. &.& vm BROS. "g iafy OrocerW -f '.Th) Herald, tfelHarai at raw I atatw, eeaee ar heaw, ft Klamata rale, Ore. . nm niiafiTai rtiM Hytiam esessftsa a 'as' BwtaeahM ' -ft . 1 1. at " - BBbLbbbbi MNii1lNtlV - P MiKvjVBVBff 1MW esjjwJssmssl SswSJBJbbbb) '"" mBBB t jaswsBwJJ swWSjJBbb('4jVvPJ w .a lWe?eTl Y 4' , ies,Bj m ' sii ' wiWr-ir?, &&r.fi c: -t Front Livery y Wiriarly the ''.ir-rfti s 4 WKXMtyjifiJWaUywir ak lW(.i" . rfl-" S- ' !' f l '" v t . ii'' SL7J M. . isVl,mK & ' 'iiIiHij Ijaf l(lMaaUl:ATw 7 MS-W "M The Evenkf Herald W. O. aUaTfaV PahHshed desty WMK , W The Herald Puhltealag Cemeaay of Klamath rails, at 111 Fourth sKreet Entered at Ue pceteBee at Klam ath Falls. Oregea, tar traaaaUeelee through tha mails aa oecoad-claaa attar. Subeertattea terms ay mall to.eay ad dress la the UsMed States: OHmr ObsbmsU r WUUtATal PAUJB. . . OeUKON BATUKAY. 8S3TS3amCK IB, 1H ait anr as KLAMAia VAU4I Data 1Uz.MIl Weather 1 .IS 47 PtCTAy S U 41 Clear t ?t 44 Clear 4 74 41 Clear S ,.. St Ft-Cfay 7 5 PtCl'dy VAIiCK OP BCOQBSIIOX Copyright, ItlS. by Geo. E. Pattersca Whoa hailaaaa la good advertise aoaao to cat more, aad vhaa baataeea te had adTcniae mora to get aocae." Thaa haaUeea Is always kept brtk. But the real value ot perpetaal ad- Tertiaiag is that good adTertlaemeBU have a coaataat teadeacy to eaggeet thlaga the pabllc aeed aad abould have. Let us aee why the aaggeetlve ele- ,t la eo vanaUa la advertttlag. Through advert talag ideas are u geeted aad these Ideaa aaggnt actios. When one Is coauaaBded to do a cer tain thing the arst Idea or thought couralag through the mlad ia to re- apoad or obey. Ot course there any be a counter or negative idea or thought. The. trat Idea or thought, however, aaggeau actios, aad actios aslght follow If the thoaght carries with it a reason. It le all la the way the coauaaad or sugsjeetlna is aude. For laatance, "Let Gold Dut Twins Do Your Work" is a command, an Ideais. suggested, aad we are willing to act favorably,' oa. the au'ggestloB If Gold Dost has the value suggested. To further illustrate the value ot inggestloa. suppose a man in a crowd said, "'Look! Look at the sea!" Everyone within the sound ot his voice would look, voluntary or In voluntary. Row long they would look' would depend on what there wss ta aad around the sua to interest Now in advertising there must be something in the sd to attract the at tention of the readers ot the paper aoasethlas la the ad. that says "Look! Look!" Then, there must be some thing la the ad to Interest them or the attentjon will not be held some- thlag la the ad to suggest to the lndl ridnal that here la an ad telling ot an article the pessessloa of which will give him greater comfort or bappl- aeaa. When the Interest Is centered If the ad is convincing sales result. The ads in a paper that are read are the ads that are suggestive, that com pel the atteatlos of the readers. Setter ed Shots TUB RULERS of Enroee'are. all Uaked together ay marriage. This is proof that a family Jar Is about the worst brsad of-scrsp oa record. EVEN TURKEY wants to gobble. Greece Is also .ready to slide In. THE INVESTMENT of Paris may appeal to the kaiser, but we would rathe take ours in pork and bean. THE RAREST creature on earth U the who keeps bis romance at home. THE BEST WAY to obtain the greatest amount of nourishment from egga Is to eat them. WAR IS A GAME at which every body lose except the winner and he feels aa if he bad been sat upon by a sufrsgett. , Flftaea million rati hare bees kill ed aa aart, at the preveatire measures amtlaat tha spread of piegae made by the JBStreaoUtaa poliee hoard ot tbeeRyafTakye. Eugeaa fruit grower sssoclstloni ha Urge order for 191S logan bcr-j ry Juice. Andrew Jackson, seventh presi dent of tha United States, wa Hrt employed In making laddie. According to an Italian uiatheiua-1 tlclau, every pewon In the world could stand comfortable In an area ot 500 square rallw. white a graveyard about the also of Colorado would) bury all of them. I j 8ubacrlb for the Herald. 60 cents! & month. WAITS .NOT HKAVEX It' turning cold. You need a bracelet. If you are going to chool you need a fountain peu. I have the Conkltn self-flllen. It' going to rain. You should have an umbrella. I have some new ones at reason able prices. The season's latest. See my prices. g-St McIIatUn. TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA IF MIXED WITH SULPHUR IT DARKENS SO NATURALLY NO BODY CAN TELL The old time mixture ot Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked aad faded hair la graad- mother'a treatment, aad folks are again using It to keep their a good. crea color, which Is quite sensible, as we are living la aa age when a youth ful appearance la of the greatest ad vantage. Nowadays, though, we doa't have the troublesome task ot gathering the aage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth's Sage aad Sulphur Hair Remedy" for about BO cents a bottle. It is very popular, be cause nobody can discover It has be applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking oae small strand at a time; by morniag t gray hair disappears, bat what de lights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is that, besides beauti fully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also produces that soft lustre and appearance of abun- adnce which is so attractive; besides, prevents dandruff. Itching scalp and falling hair. Advert! semeat. Impounding Notice Notice Is hereby given that on the 8th day of September, the following described animals were impeunded: One red and white spotted cow. branded ST on left shoulder. One red and white spotted calf; uo visible bread. One white coir and two red and white spotted cows, all branded HP connected on right hip. Two red and white spotted calves and one black calf, all branded HP connected on right hip. Unless said animals are claimed by owners they will be sold at public auction at the city pound at 11 a. m on September IS, 1914. ED. OWENS, ll-3t Poundmaster. Eeeaomr suddIv ststioa for the thrifty motorist. Everything here to de crease your nuaaiag esy peases, aad increase your ooaatorU sad pleasure. Wesfeeiakse ia Nobby Tread" fwei lis m ar saw Was stsSesdsraWUessdsssissTh Ctaasay's rssjnhr wsrraaty tadsl-JW 'my iframsiTw' eatmisef 5,000 Milc$ mi mm mime THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON sNflM1 fM LaBBafT I j: i.iaWaatararrw-iniiAarfci HV M.tWl.lRKT MAMON (Written for the United Tree) The Autumn maid la military mad. "or Autumn clothe are military made: 'n frog and button she'll be fiercely clad, ' -A1 yard and yard ot shiny gold. 1 oa braid. hart. Till ho surrenders to hrr dushlug charms; And then a captive to her warlike rt. At her command he'll sladly "irt. neat arm"! NEW YORK, Sept. IS. -l)rmak-vr and tailor won't have any chance to soldier on the job, even though therv I n big de mand for martial apparel. All fash ions bto fvmalea are adapting to their sartorial uses the best points ot the uniforms ot the warring nations. To be sure, you can't tell where my lady's aympathy He by the way she is dressed, with a beautiful disregard for tha Btaees of "things or else tUmrmitxH strict adherenco to President Wilson's neutrality advico aho U apt to wear a Uhlan's capo aver a Russian tunic or a Cossack's coat of Prussian blue. Coat drts fastening across the front of the coat effect with highly ornamental military frogs of black silk braid are very smart, and al most invariably show the new mili tary collar. Msny of tbo long-skirted Cossack coats or Redlngoto suits have two rows of brass buttons down their fronu, and are girdled In with belts like those Tommy Atkins wears. The dashing military cap are per haps tho most stunning when they arc developed In the bluo with a scar let lining and a glint ot a brass but ton or two like our very own U. S. A. fighting boys wear. The penchant for gold braid, how ever, cannot be blamed entirely oa the war along with the high cost of living, for It takes tho form of crav ing for all sorts of metntlxed trim mings and embroideries worn on street costumes as well aa on evening Hotel Arrivals Hotel Hall Artlo Nichols. Oensnxa: VY. S. Hovt Merrill; T. O. Hagan, Frank T, Ber-f ry, H. M. Cubrey and wife, Portland; ' F. S. Flsb. Mrs. N. Dennis, DorrU; Miss M. I.. Dennis, Moyton; Mr. Chrlstman and wife, Pasadena; C. I.. Tcrricn, Eureka; W. D. Rboun, San Francisco; I. Olender, San Francisco; A. McLean, city, . White PeUeaa C. D. Marks, P. C. Clayton, Sacra - mento; Louis Graham and family. E.l Dosqul, W. M. Shepard, Joe Danne Lbaum, A. B. Moon, Un. A. Dubs, San, Francisco; A. F. Hoggins, N. H. Ru-j bottow, H. C, Skinner, W. A. Cad well, Portland; n. C, Parsons, Berkeley; A., Euler and wlfo, Willows; Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Cheney, Miss Cheney and maid, Los Angeles; E. 8. Grant, Algo- ma; Fred H. Oilman aad wife, -Seat tle; Mr, and Mr. L. T. Case, Francis E. Wurklc, A. Qregody, RedUads; Mr, and Mr. F. D. Olaey, Fallon.Neb. Tlirre are twotfMs4e of tasaraace. Clillrote writes the hied (hat fju. WK Mala. ' COME IN AND HEAR THE NEW MACHINES TWO OF TMK VERY I.ATI.8T EDISON PHONOGRAFRH JUHT HHCHIVEB RY KXPRES COME .V AND HEAR THE GRAN CONCERT EVERY EVENING FROM 7s TO tiM AVE WILL BEPLEAHKD TO ENTERTAIN YOU KliphFAMiBflsiif H. ORKM, i3bbbbbbI m drev Evening gowus. by lb y.. are mere wisps ot t or Uco and chiffon picked out with sold and all, r thre.idi. a ian8lo or twn, or crushed velt slrdlo In Irttd them stability. ! Onu ot the wrd-t of the wlerd evenlag toiietU'. on recoru i Kllwi.el at a rtvent theatrical open.' luc. It borv all the earmark of n ea:.ttv I'arlsUn creation, even It did lOOK wo rui roire wn acu.e . . , inviiKesuon. The bodlc -what there we ot It was worn sans corset, and wa n shapeless bag atfatr of black satlu.J sprinkled wn urgo yellow ro ltlicht-J onto this at th hip line with a heading was a full ankle length Uri ot yellow crepo meteor The bodlc was not content with being cut law and V-shaped In front and back, but was rut away also to a depth ot about five Inches under thoarm. Ab solutely sleeveless. It waa held on the wearer by shoulder straps of wld black tulle pleating that looked for all the world like a uiallne neck rue tin rut In two parts. Naturally, the stage held little of the audience's attention. A chic Now York matron ha Just returnel from Pari without her baa gage, but with the fashionable Intel ligence that basque nren't being worn at all tbrso day In Pari. Cossack coat and ItedlnKOtrs. how ever, are the order of the day, and promise to hold good throughout tbn winter. lllc hat also are en on every head, alt with flat feather trlmmlnic Single spray of Paradise laid around tho brim I tho favorite trimming among French belles, such feathVr being allowed in France. Hut on the model to be worn Into American ports whom on entering one must leave all hope of Paradise ostrich feather sprays are used instead. Skirts are all much fuller and braxenly boast ot their Increased I width by being openly gathered onto their waist lines. All shade ot blue save Prussians are very good In Paris and purples, browns, greens and taupes are winning colors. Many of the Russians coats are finished with wide bands ot fur on their edges, but this certainly I Russian It a bit too much for us. The present crown of the English king wa originally made for Queen Victoria at her coronation In ,183!. The principal Jewels were taken from older crown. 6LASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS ( ,,,, vnim .. YOUR BACK IS AOUKO OR BLADDER BOTHERS, DRINK LOTS OF WATER When your kldaeya hurt aad your back feels sore, doa't get seared aad proceed td load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kldaeys and Irritate the eatlra urinary tract Keep your kldaeya cleaa like you keep your bowels cleas, by luahlag them with a mild, harmless sella which removes the waste aad stlmu IsUs them to their aormal activity. The fuactloa of tho kldaeya la to Mi ter the blood, la 34 hours they strata from it 600 gralaa of acid aad waste, so we caa readily aadsrstsad tha vital importsace of keeping the kldaeya active. Drink lota of water you caa't drink too much; also gtt from aay pharmacist about four ouaces of lad Salts; take a Ubleepoonful la a glass of water before breakfast each mora Ing for a few days, aad your kldaeya will act aae. This famous salu la made from the aeld of grapes aid lemon Juice, comblatd with llthla, and has beea used for gsaeratloM to clean and stimulate clogged kldaeys; also to neutralise the adds la arlae so It no longer is a source of irri tation, thus ending bladder weakaes. lad Salts Is taexpeaslve; caaaet la Jure; makes a delightful eVereseeat llthla water drink which every oae should take aew aad tbea to keep their kldaeya cleaa aad active. Try this, aUo keep up the water drlaklag. aad so doubt you will woader what became of your kldaty troaMe aad backache. IN ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN-COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH rin.) ,'.y liUrharge, Clear IMastesl llc.1, HU laaawetl Air Psseagea Hiid You Unreins Krvetjr. Ttx "Hj' Cfesiu lUlat," tut s uull bollle anyway, Jusl lo I try It -AH'lr a IIKI H' miru ,a ,lwwU y0Mr fggged Boee h4 ( M f ,,, 0, , head ,, , ,,, i.,n,., ttMlu ,, K'lia u,th ,tM'r, ...,.,.,.. P.l.l.lu.hd or I I Iflt '" """" " catarrhal sore throat will dlsapper. Knd such misery now I (let the mull bailie of "Kit' Cream llalrn" at su; drug slore. This sweet. fre 'zmmi aSBSSHSSSMMVMBaBMal Uwtr Prk en Forrf Can Effective August 1. 11. la Attftut I, 1911, and guaranteed aalat re ductions during that time, All rare (ultjr equipped f. o, b, Detroit. Ituaabuut ............. $440 Touring Car . . . . . a . . . , . $490 Tw h t'sr 4 .' JJWO In the United Htates of Amsrlca ealy ItUYKIM HIIAHE IN PttOFtTB All rvtatl buyers of new Ford car from August 1, lH. to August I, IsIC, will share In the proBU of the tompany lo tho eiteat ot 940 lo pr car, on each car they buy, I'rtO VIDEDt w sell aad deliver l0.o new Ford cars during that period, FORD MOTOR COMPANY Go. Biohn, Local Afwtt gasaaisssssMSM eiMVnsseiVMkwB BALMACAANS Though ilw ww, ry ftlilng IU1huh Otriiwat sIhmsM be Ioumi suit roomy, still It showld At well arotMMt t rsJtar, aad have Itm l sliunr Uiat It liaa beesi MMile for yoa. Wr have ma!? a study of till ruat, aad arv Siiaennl la wwrt your ilenuiniU la fit nasi fabtlr. If you have not irlrd oar nurkiiMUtshii n wmM amyrsrfale s wrt of your bwiat, aad gua raster sIMartiu. sxtt Ns h h4l la uall order or wtlter so-railed UUorlasT. LOEWE BROS. TAILORS t.... ....... ...-..- ', - t - t - THE BRIDE fl rav' IsVV'vUbbHbbbbbbbi gju ' FIRST STATE and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON ammmmmmmjmmmmmmmmmmmm BwtUr gat yur bafora tha war an iR4uraaga In arlca. good anat. UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY "es mmmt mmrn IBB . lU tctaut helm dleealvee by lbs ht lbs noeltlUl iweelratee aad b u luBMi4, aweiUa membraae whleh Hue (he atste, head aad tbroatj clear air passages J to te(y tts. fltrge and a faellag ot cUaastag tKithlati relief ceesea lmmdlaiy, .a't Isy awaae toaighi strssv cling lor breath, with head stuffed; niMtrll closed, hawking aud bloslag. Calsrrlt or a cold, alia it rustles, mi, fuul MUtfiita drepvlsg lalu th ihroal, aad raw dryates Is dltiresslai mti truly aeedteet. Cut your f alia last oec ig 'Kl's Cream Malm" aad your raid tr catarrh will awrely dlaaapesr. (Paid AdvtrUemeet.) BMiKtMm Af w - tnt - irtfulJJLPJtJUUUUWUtJUUUUJUWkfli'ir - - AND GROOM Who start life together with s savings hank beeh are starting right. We advise all yens ros Plr to begla aavlag as aeon a lb honeymooR It ever. A Joint f rounl by which either husband or wifn can withdraw mswey In l abnro or illaeaa ef the olber H IfCAt. Ask u abeai It, Wa ham Frag $1JS aa :M 31 m NATURDAY, ?i J t f..S "if