PRINTS THE NIWS WHIMS IT If'NlWI 3tff Eumiitg Umtlit KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER xwll Vmr-N". U,4t KLAMATH FAI I q. nRPHOM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 1, 1914; Prtea, Ufa Allies Are Still Driving Back the Invaders Arrival of Germans Puts Russians on Defensive in East CENTER IS CRITICAL POINT IN THE FIGHT BOTH SIDES RE-WFORaNG THERE. IF THE, GERMANS BREAK THROUGH, THEY MAY YET ENTER PARIS fiMKYT, tU 0lrnl), Mrft, ll.Ttt Urntum mr xiltutrnttJus oil Ibn lw)4 In Aiwfhun tlllHW t rvitt(M llw lrii huh liel.lluii tt ili- la ". T(t Iwuf rrrrwljr tiUfiM htv r mow ih.IiIub m.miIi mIHi M puultiU ptrl, tWI(luUi lluw at pMMJ thf ttdlMtaa, ibHidiNIt MIM'll lUnusr It i tUtrJ (mi lit UrtttuUtm MM IMrlxl lu rtatlMIr aII tif Voflli. erMrrft t'refs and ttrlgtaiw. PUHPHWWW" German Governor, Belgium Organized the Turkish Army I'.tltil, hrp. IITlM(JfwiiM tOaf feentliy rrlNfcrrrd ihrlr rraler, l4kltut at thai Ik rrHlral fed In IIh ftlltra Km- hi fcr Vila?. It Ml wlag f aMtM itmltSHtra 10 ewera lw wtNln north. U tha Irrwrb ar a4 ta tvamn lew tint rrsMrr, tkmimtttmmt ih HrttWIi MMtwMwi i!m left k aaarae mm! (ternta HI Im rfoaretl nal f ah ul Wrtrm FraMfr. If Uh flrntMM break lb venter llwt attMalruti Mill bo 'teatl aa gram far itio ellis. Il at mwiirwl that ita HrHMt May let toi era lo la aM i.f iho Firaxti fioMltel cMr, for wurli 1?mmW upoa th Umo haMta. Ttw itaVaatva iiprtallen f ItrMUli troop arc moat rffrrtlrr (a U4r thtmtior, The English nark tgMraasi'ijS jaafc -fa SrfMn ?S Ctt "tltil it SERVIANS ROUT AUSTRIANS IN A BLOODY BATTLE KMI.IX IH T,Kji .r l-lT K t H.ivoyirr 1 Belgian Troops Marching to Battle I r fji It nuuiiiit tit I'tiHl Jo'l' Tmujsw Vie SUIn In M-ii.iiim, IttUm al ! flu ) Hitnilic .frnlaii Trwii. l-il 4t Tlirlr C'ruMN; I'rlnce Hmrral UrIIjihi Um( ratal Umt ,tr? Mailr i X .lulrlan CefcMr fluartl. IMMblp M Wh0l U lM4lr, tt4irfullr tTortlVA a Ihn pitvalU 1st Haft. Ilrnrral (lloi rli)WH ti hultll? to hi tufrflon ft followtu "TIik ljt!ln l)ci 8tUMlKr th. ifl h (Irrmitn right u twpIM lo Mlr la neat tivlotMt ky ll IIW, o pitrd aa to tapiur mi4 ! Mroy ihU rcHtm. Tfc rslil crlp4 ot mpvaMtnt y tlsk ana tltrjr atlck4 th nlll 04ib of Mrr llora Ihe rrtwo iai llllry moH .iown Ut Owmm, ! il freneh InfAnlry chart lror I.OSDON, Heiil. ll.Tlt. follow. I l from ihw war ocu "Tim (ttrutaii rtrai rontlnnrit. Tlicrp in fvMrntca r noruo illortir lniirui,4t ,,(.'oiilil.rfttlo IioUIm of ilw wy'a Irrxijiji r tlnK frniuJ lilJInj; In II10 vrtMMd, where Itmr KHtk rpfn wli0 ll a tHlxk.l(jp 10 fcrcp up wlilt the ruAln Uno of irttvnl Thwtt siirrroilrrfiJ on lhi. 'Tim llshl of thMp mn tioInU lo tltorallMilon In (t rank. Tht I'umuU U lo b tontlnoml." I'i lur VUli. Mra. rmncl It. nrrlxl Unt nlihl from HucraiiK-nto, 10 iml fontio of wftfk with Jmr huibaml. Mr. Old U alluittiiK 1iiiIiihm col !!! Ilinra. 1 Uenerat von dcr OolU, 0110 of lit rrpal oiaaHUer or ii orranu innny Um bHr uniacl xoiprnor tva (pfftl of HpIkIuhi liy the fcwtwr Ttm lltttv munli U now hMd tt a jirot- IUC0 of (lermnnr. ft tnnny public 'iar lafarls htt bn uaIKh up Mo notify tho iiiipulatton ihoy are now .nmnan nnU no lonsr Itrlelan iiib. JmH. " Oonpra! von tier Ooltt It jbft known for his work In oriwu- lilna- tlirt Turkloli nrmr. Ho u am itbvro to mak orcr the ludlffcrenl ol. illr of Turkey bwatuo the kalr twUhvtl Ihe frUndnhln of ih Turk. That nrruy, which U now belnit mo- Mlltod In vx(cctatlou of war, U catle orlnK on tho plana tahl down by hint. In fart, ho hax biwn commit! within the al fow day aa In (do niftlioJa. i'tiiit a I'reiw 8rvlc Nliill, Ht. Il.AoiJlog 10 a ttlrcleM mniiaan jont rtcWd( tba Brvlan trooa, Ual by Crown Prints lAlianilr. today occule4 Smtlu, an Aurlan city on the aouth bank of tho Danube, ; Tula CgUt, acconiiic to lb . : retailed, waa lb fcloetflaat gbl lu which tho tferrlaa treetta have par Ilclpatrd tCnrv tho outbreak of th war. Tho Auatrlana put up a kanl tght, but thy yetn rapulaad daetatvrly, and thouaand wro alaln. TIh SarvSau foroaa. altar aevcral 1 hour of Babtlnc, took Dualla at tho foini or i&cir oayoaeta. tuc au trlana fll In dlaorder, after the yell Inn 8rb, all veieraaa of tba Turko llalknn fighta, awoopad down on the cnomy. la dwcrlblng tho battla tho roporta say that tho loaa toileted aiada tho batllo tha bloodlcat alnoa bafora 8ba bat. Tho color guarda of aovercl Auatrian orsanttntlnaa 'rnada gallant alanda by their colora. and wer all killed. Th main part of tha army Had In a panic, howevrr, abandoning cannon and aupptl. tJnlag lo I'ortUad. Itaymond (lloppcl Utldgoa lun In a few daya for Portland, vhro ho will rolde. Ilia mother, Mr. J. N. ItrlilaoB, who formorly conducted the Argravtvt. la already In tho Itoao City. RUSSIANS PRAY BOOZERS' CURE Austrians Would Quit Glizeos Fed RetaiMit Toward Germany OltTHOIHIX CHt'IU.11 L'StCH TIIIH hucauhk itihthk..vm. vi:iihauv of tiik hkhkaoixo ok john tiik iwutiht IUd I'rtaa Karma VIKNNA, (via Koma), Hcpt, U, roin nnll-Oariwa faallaf la grow. in throughout the dual monarchy, M tho damnrnl for pac la praetlo. y nnlvvraal. .1 T,.'. rron Wtarggieiit ( crlll mod l.y iha Auatrlaa ta4a bwauaa "irla waa coianalM ts aiatt Km w Invasion atoaa, whlla Oaraiany nuded K-ranca, At a raault tha Ana '"ft forcct Irj (ha iM havt Mm ttuihed. ! bv4 tod tki AwTrkm wMft aro avtw grattar tkaa adailtUd, , lovamiBHtt today adMlta that Wo railroad facllltlaa ara Ml ada .Ma to baatu taa jHgaagM auataff wouadai, V :p? ,' i-,' Tha botpiiaj, ara alt tUa;.at4 Mll M private kagata an aataa utlllaad lo raro for tho Injured nol dlara. Tha proionco at tha front of Arch d'uko Krant Carl and Archduke Krattt Frederick la n atrong ImMcntlon that tho govarament reatliaa that anothar awaapiag victory by Ruaala will forca Auatrla to Immedlataly au for ponce. Th atrona faallni of tho paople, It la aapactad, will forea tha govarament to ylald and ana for paaca bafora long. tlaUaa thta la dona. It will ba dim- cult for tho govarwatnt to avotd aft OtM Iglarnai irouom, narw i whara lu iho tmplro. A dlaaatoU fro Trlaato atataa that tha Auitrlan fleet liaa crulaa the Adriatic waat wlthaat amtlag aa mmm Thar u a akoHaie of foad Itaara, bualataa H auapaidad, ajM Maah aafarlag aaiaag iaa wrm. lliittiul tlrr Birvko bt. pirrcRaiiuna, Bopi. n, Whllo their Inubamln and fathert woro nghtlnR with tho Ruaalau army In tho oait of Germany, thoutanda of woman throughout the empire, today attended tervlco In orthodox churchea to pray for thu cure of thoae afflicted with the evil of drunkenneat. Today had been ael apart for thta aorvlco by tho holy aynod, which act ed upon tha tuggeitton'of tho Metro politan of Moicow. John tha Daptlafwaa baheadad oa Soptamber 11th. Thla act waa at Iributed to the Inebrlty of Herod, Ja ddltioa to tha eervlcea there 'were rollgloua proceNlona, with holy rellea and etableaat. ni iirv. tho "tialnleaa dantlat." who baa vlilted Klawath county aev- Wal Uaea la thelaat elghteaa awitka. came la leaf nig t from rortiaaa. 350 TONS OF HAY LOST IN A FIRE GERMANS STEP IN i NICHOLAS' ARMY woTiintt ma uattIjU is1 uc I'RNDI.VG J While niirlans Arr Mtterly Ceaa. .lain!u Abont Gcrmaay, a4 Are itfndy to Qatt. Kalra Anmf Hand u Defeat to the Bnaalaaa, Who Hare Ba Plaria Havoe With the Aimriaa Fore et late. Thla la a photograph of actual, war. Delglaa troor were balag hurried to lU Troad eiter Use- place, was at tacked by German. They faced the (icrman troopa In thla laatance aad drove them out. Hut tt waa only oae of thoae temporary aetbacka. Since the photocraph waa taken tho (Jer aaes. Jsssdrsds cf thaosssds c! thss have oTerrua all of Belgium except the towna lu the extreme northwest ern part. MRS. 6RI6SBY IS A6AIN ELECTED I.OCAl, TKMPKRANCK ADVOCATE 18 RE-ELBCTKD AS PRBaMDEXT OF THK KLAMATH COUNTY UMO.V- INTKltKUTIXO MEET. jSMeaoat a'ot. I Through. J. H. Carsahan, D. I Doak Thursday began autt In the c!r-i cult court against the Long Lake Lumber company and S. T. Summers to recover 11,199. alleged doe on a Bote. United Prese Servlc nmtU.V, tvti Amsterdam) S5C 11 It la ansounotd tonight that the German army ha achlateda notable victory in the -cistern campaign. de featiog tho Ruaalau invading force. DUpatchoa-from the front aay that the IfftflaaU, ot thd Uuaalaaa InIYa. ita ha4 been crushed.!' Th-RuaalaW aro lu full retreat. TfaO-WariiSIce In. lia.anaouaoaaieat says that aa a result of thla vlctorr over thu Muscovites, the way la now open for a Uerman attack upoa tha Russian main array, now in Rueataa Poland. United Preaa Service PETOOGRAD. Sept. 11. Tha Rar sian force la. Baat Praaila.ara raitr Ins to now defenaea, to be la readiaaa to meet and defeat a.large Qerxaaa army arriving from the weak t Thla Gerraaa force conalttaot aav . .... oral nrmycorpa wltharawm, tract uo a "uwf rv,.. ,, mUt for a party ot government em- ecom, "ne lo, oioiocai 8urTy. in- Tho ,r offlef b( daeWva Central Oregoa. I. hero tba JbaUle. to to , Klamath Marsh to remain over Sun- I Here o a Viatt. George W. Frey, :oo,000 troopa et CIHM.KII STILTO LOSE KSOH MOV8 CHOP Aft MttUIVr OF flONTANEOVB OOMRVftTfOX AT 1MK1R HAY llAatN Bponuaeoua comhuatlaa thla mom tag started a a re on. tha Crlaler BtilU, ranch, which malted la tha burning or a big bay barn, contain ing 380 tona or alfalfa bay. There were no other batldhag within a quarter ot a mile ot thla, aad there haa been no one near It tar naya. According to tha aaan la chart ot the ranch, hit attenUe waa attracted to tha Ira Just attar be gat ap thla morning by tha aeUana at twa tarn daer'ba a corral near Um hanae. Both aaaaad greatly ajHaial, and beat watching tba barn, aat braaktaf Into flame. - "W are certain that tba Ira waa causae; by tpoaUnaiTaeibaMoa.V taM Mr. ttllu thltfiraMn. ; "Tbre hundred and fifty tat ta a" great ameant at hay tin4 1m oaWbarn. Tha bnrnlni of tba Vat bar earaa at (taaeMa a ehert tltn aa;aa nnia? 6jrft , rt While the attendance at the Klam ath county convention of the Women' Christian Temperance Union Thurs day waa not aa large aa It might have been, owing to many attending tho Sunday school convention, there waa a good representation of white rib boners, aad tha meeting waa a great success. There are many branchea taken up by thla aociety, and aoveral ot theee Uaea have been carried on In Klamath county. Especial attention haa bean given to tba allvor medal coateet here, and on thla, and all other activities, tha Merrill Union gave a aplendld re port, ahowtag that tha people are In terested In the work, and are co-operating with the union. From now until the first ot the year, however, all ot the maabera ot tha W. C. T. U. In Klamath county wilt throw all ot their efforts Into the prohibition flght No other work aave that toward a "dry" Oregon, will be taken up, and apeakere will be aeat through tba eowaty by tba Union In the Intereet ot tha oanaa, At the coaveatlaa Mra, B. 8, arlge by waa egela eleeUd praaWaat, -ealte her atarta ta withdraw. Mrs, Qrlgaby waa alao elected aa a dele gaU to tba atataW, 0. T. U.,eoavn tlc at Tha DaUas, In addlUea to Mra. Fraaeea Bayd, and tba taar eaaaty oSaara ebaaaiijw'ere: Mra, Mabbe, ot MarrlU, ta praataeat; Mr. I, D, Ha rlta " rrtTTalaw an4 0rTeatanbM eaaaaa eaaajsl; e af Tw aaaani ep --- BaatafatAvaAaaUnaV BntaM. aLtMatalW aMaTsAMnaV. sbMbbW aPajlFaawy ( aavapsf4nn) sanpaajafnnvi paw twtlr. - r. r ' n ,, day wlU hla family. , I Gravy- Staamera. I A marriage license was tsaued ,UuachGolnto"U." lu addition to Fred Dunbar, already to-'on the Job, and Robert RIgga, wba Sim- tWll soon leave Tor Kugeae, Kraeai tday to Frank Gray and Edith mere. Both(are well kuown resident Nail, Leland Uaiuca. Edwin Cox, Roy ot the Pine O rove country, the proa-'Orem and Harold Foese all Klamath pectlve groom being the son ot Mr. .High graduates, will leave aoaa ta and Mrs. Charlea Gray. tenter the University ot Oregoa. Benson Replies to West i NtaWMcNai OUifated to FurtljrDtlayjMtteT J taiued only- at tho expense ot a crlt inal violation ot the Jaw. "All ballots cast, except only counted under tha mutual agreement Tho following atatement haa been issued by Judge Heary L. Benson In answer to the scurrilous, Jealous at tack, made upon him by Governor Weet, la hla blind rag at not getting lot Judge McNary aadmyaeU. are a. hla protege, Judge Mcfary, on the ticket: "The keynote ot the governor a statement appaara to ahow'hla Arm coavlettaa that a correct return ot the Yotea eaet at tha primary electioa'or evea thoae, whara errora have baas, reported, would have, eaowa that Judge McNary Instead at myaelf.bad been namlnated. ?,'.- $ '.'It la perfectly apparent to.tne and U nay an that, 1 either Qaveraor Weat'a oonvlatlaaaa be aalla lt,aa nat alait aagtaaUtn at evldeaeja ennaort M. ar.tbat ha k'lgTposttaalen ,-WJ5SF curely pealed. No. orderot any haa been obtained; to aaamlna aayaf those ballots, and eyan tba garernara Impetuous tpttaf vlawaBas lKJHKa1, lent to auggeai.taai ha tan m such a crime MwMfurnlak anqrw: "?, deaca ot.'whath'aaeJaalMa afetm therefor taba I'Tko .nnnrU bjw freely) and knowledge upon aVrm-convleOaa ulsh all tha baala for ail tta nroaadleaa ' aiattmeataC statttnag kU Utim ' .a JWW -H- m mmwm a i, rV I yt taW"m 1, w "JiaTsT fully raIUaaf;aarr. upon which, to Nsav'ttai'ji ton. wbtah aeeata f ?; c ' -f ",i' ' V ... S.V rs' m w Zjk&i? !&&&, XVt A A ' 0 irV- s "! s & V r"sv I,,.-!,