'fv tf 0f ar PRINTS KLAMATH TALLT 7SM NEWS WHIM-: TIMS NEWK w, . . tf osw;wwk Fw'"l,'0i 4 '' , 1 .,. . imztmm tivtma L K.-rffcaBji- 3KW5S - JEW iKI, it TT ,'f f ..it,,'!, - . - i. 0 &r- XtaUi Vwr N. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY.'StPTEMBER 10, 1914. FRANCE STILL BATTLEGROUND Germans Join Austrians, Preventing Their Annihilation AUSTRIA REPORTED r4 -"- JGERMANS, RETIRING READY TO GIVE UP t'altfd I'rtM iWfi UMHY, "((. li,.tWr HUM I'vOugimt ai that lltr. ltuUn (p,ifi'rertKu.MitU In Uf Ur -u hIiMm ten 't), VII NVt. J'l. tM.ll U "ffltUllr (hImImH lift tt.af In lit inlllMo irfMikm Mm far llw AnlrUH Mlbrt, wihiIhI il miIIu(,' imU mri M,kio mm, TltU I n qaaMrr f It ItTiHlti if ttt rnHif Brt llt ( lb iti, in Mi(l!, rtnumtnt iinenlltf f utllr wt munition I nor lt mxMiik 1imU 1 tio lltvufc-ttQul ilto dual empire. MU 4 tl- itMt lwl btTI rwlrt rM).lrirlr. it It khttMM i(.tHilt, llwM M-nrml ptwnlM'ttl Mnr m himittd th UI. It I t-irfrt1 thai i(tU IWriMt to ltwr ii IttrllH U KIIU. illllUI IMI" " Ikinit(Kilt,U, cH I flmMB tnn nllu 1M nlslit lime fcllr Kluf.rtrtt iIm rlrtl Analr tmU oimwmmU-rf by flctwte U CUaVI and von AShir. Mid HtM h " ' tag in OaUcI fcaa h rtfi1, TH He? ftf ttll id tram! aetf !UttltakA lWfl iln) fdpw t fxMftt km lU PtJrtir tip m4t4iue tti IlUMittt tWtki KohUs ttf (mm Wrwf mtd WAM ni'FICK HKWJKT H.41K THIS tp1ljf trtnlblUt tUm. KAWKlf fOUCW HAVK IIK Th tlc!jr rrtVAt of il,tt (lrnmio Mflt,4 IM. thOURh, n) t- TIIKATI3 T IIKVOXtt MfU Hit ce of lb fltrmt evnt of i fauirltti U wtgtaf "I'b over ( 1,690,009 ttfttpi 'tttdptiB. t Ikforc th (krmaft irrlrl, ltou-'n (Mttj-oti jun. Tl; atilut4 nmn laciad it4 nmer of th fifth cfitft. luladliic i eBtiniinder of Itic AUU ilea At lUwA.HBtka, FRENCH GAINING IN ALSACE. NOW .HAl'HUN' ltil n lfsrtlr Mr, r.J Mr, LqwU Kwetti an4 lo tblMten .totu4 la Uiki cltjr Ut bltbt on iiiu r to ihtlr bo In MtUfoni, nftvr mi ftutoMebtlt trip of mrl hundrt4 mm throuh OMtrt) Ad Kwl.ru OrHM. IIOflOKAUX, 8p, tO -Tbe r omco lo4nr nunounod tbftl Ue i'tvttch titM)iM r aealu ro-occuiijrlnit jittl f I'mmt AWw. Thla torf la tUln a rottaratton wh Frtncti fort in Lorralnp. T!w (iariotM at aalil to b rttr ltt beyond Mulhaimii. Tba war of fit ttttuka that It the CUrruan forca la dlt4 ortblof i'arla, It will b drlrB far to tha Borthwtrd. May Have Motive For Murder of J. Medill Tb UooJ-.ilHa Mddla foM.id at tha Mrl4i cabin Wlew Mldla'ltd wpi ot the troprty ot Jack Mtdlll, who l bor In July whit Frank William d Gtrtr raturaad.,- laataad, Dva Kdlr, tbu ah klitfciaima that i "O'lla wsa Molon from him akoMl tha lin Wllllnma waa la th kaao '8prltiK rouiilry, and hla daacrlpiloa U Ulllr. win, th Mdtllw f0IIBa ftt h claim wlu.rw Wllllawa mov4 afUtr lo murdar of tlia homaateader, Tbl wa lonrnad Wednaaday by at. ""hfi of tho aharlff'a oc, w,ho Pai tho aBy mitlm viBqulrt round Kcno Hpriif. 'Tlwjr haard inany utorleo whlla thai- tfcai o. ."leUd Hltli tba itorlM U)1d by Wll , mid It hi Mpaciad tbat iaw jjowlwiw tvlMaca will roon ho 'orlltwmlhf , k.i'"i flndn "' l w11! POltad j10i blood, and tba dlaaoTy of tit WMNhlp, oleaw, MpMvarM, poli(ti f '" wnclloii wlthruia iityatiry aur I oilnJu, Kaduiu, j,roy XJM wotlvo for tba killing of Mtlll, h" n war dona iv wiih W.1 .to-k,,ftW vWliS'." ilr'a taau I jT! i" "l WWW i tb.yrtk4tawHk taalat. ' (oftM 4 ai4f-waU' ka i far a Uoutid Velky, for It Mi from (h Hound Vallay ranch owned by lMIr that th widdlr- waa takan, XVII'.lAina dalinad that ho hnx had tha anddlo lu hit poaaaaatou for a long Uma, put Mid ha did not bava it with him when ho nnd Modlll left hro. U la known that ho bad It whan . raached Ilonama on lb way back. Tho thaory of tha aharlff'a olUca.ia that William alolo the aaddla at the Kdlar ranch, and that ho und Modlll uuarrolcd about tha, Modlll rcraoa atratlng agalnat tho theft, and that Wllllnma killed him. tlegardliig whero Medill waa aup. poied to have gone, WJHI t0. aeveral alorlea, none of which weo atlafactory. He alio aald Meuiu waa aa eecapad convict, and fait (earful ef being recreated he left the outfit n WIIHame' lianda to keap for him till later on, and lit out. !.aat night William .wan arraigned before Jmtjce of the f eace Oowen iTcharga ot murdering "Bcotty"' kg Iod. Ho waived Hearing, and waa bound over to the jrw Jury. W.M. A. Kenner, attorney for tha acettaael, ii.,v. wmlMa' full f name ma laak Villitg,HftiiMif,'lit tljit aTiaa net ed the latter naaia Itjr 1 BiaaaaaaaaaaaaCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa f BBHHlaHEaaa7jflHlH V lSr , aalWaSBlwBfflB aji Si j J Zld'FriiTtEt' ''aaaaaaaaaawlaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaK aaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal R BSV mi' I WlMfflilnlaaaaaaaaaaWiBIBMIiBIIHf '"l laaflaaaaVja(aa aawaaayBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl Xi'T9&r & BaaaaaaaaaaBaaBMBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBTBTMeaggggggggggggggggggggggKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaB aaaWv Vs - :'ntaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiVlla.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaani'n .if iVlalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatTTlkaaSr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaViaflaataaaaaaaaaaa&C ' ' BVaaaaatSHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV i - PfiPBaHKSaHHMlHHH - aaaaaaaaaaS I-: -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB I aaaRaaaaaaaaaOrHaaaKaaaaaaS af aaaaaaeflfaaar flafalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPfNHaaaaBliS aaaaanlKaaaaaaaV? aaEHiaflBaBaaaaI!m'5iaaaaaaaaWamSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaai aaal aaaaaMBaHBaaaaaaMh gaaWSBaaaaaBaaKBaSilK--BaaaaaaaaaaHanHlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaav' rH aaaaaaBalBVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapvnaaaaBBMHgBBBBM&a aaal gaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaBaMaaWaaWMaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaTv , ' iigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaFiaagaBaaV H aaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVahSaVJ', 'tfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaSLa? aaal aaaaaajpaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaajaaaaai aaa .-. . ,iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaajaBaaaaaiM aaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV.iacfJaM,M aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSHaBaK kaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHMHgavlw'v' waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&aMMw aaaaaB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV CROSS OVER t MARNE ur i i f i'.tUIS. fi'pt. lOVGoraw Oalaaml'a UUWet"iteWa: "Tli alltea are rcyealhag (be 'aatcaar amywbaia.Ciaaaal vaaa i.'lii.'utfuim: liare net anfredaad , rMt,,llke Graaaaw laavc lrhf ncnii the )Unw aad, atortliward towwd IMgKuau , lUtly lodar tlte Cti aiaai ttmttr nm ttimtetitu, mi aaaiia a. jajaaaaajt w r.illl Mfltf sx.r. to tM Im MhnMjf la. AlkA JtltfAr' ailri & Coh.BBttkf ..... .. ...,. . ....,,,.. .,. ,,... , , '",rrr .? iuiilttf .artiifc tlii luul tt be ahaawloaM to paawt tbe aWlef rraan liaalr . IriK tlitoaKli "! cxltmilaattag tbe cattcr Maw. ,; Ttir talrat Bordeaauc dtafatrii o the MaMtai .ftaBaaaoiLu., "Vlolmtlr nttnfknl by tb rrmrh oa Ux riabc baa a lite right tilaug of the Oraaaa anay hi rtld Ik aaweat a faaat Thr proftrraa of oar troofa t autabta awrth af Saaaaaar. -There ar lolat cacoaattn lh aKawaaHa'iaranHil moirrtucata at oar rrter -The aUtMtleai M Xaay aa-l atoac tba Voaajaa Wjeearf.; UlWm J-ITBTBf .recKaNHHoav MS I.r:onrni tuire bpea takeau by their eaTatta. Ttw fellewjaw " f?paai by tbe Mitil aaiajlt " "The cirraaaaa are rrmauag baaara .taw anaaaa-fannav'i troofa bare.iiaaaad lb Searae is aaiartbily aaraeelaav-,aamaag' aaiffa. CTaai i atlraaaaaat M , v,v,. v.,;r' Tbo Gtrmmam en rrMrled "' -t ,?, .tytctR"7?". MH Wt .-. r Tho iwo terrtW won of war wrr.. not 5.novm In tbw taat conflict lnjtwfrn franco and Oartaauy, but tly an? doing dxtdly work now. Tha rhutogratih above iho an armored jtotoiaobll. with which hundred ot Itatgtuma and French have been mowed down within the laa( thirty Shf, The auto I or high power, and contain two rapid tire gun which are ahot when the car I running at lop md. They are operated within a aleel hood, o the ganner 1 aafe rtom evtry thing except heavy ahella. The chauffeur alt nnder the hood la front covered wll aeeel. He aeea from the small opening. The lower photograph' abba an aero Diana atm operated on an autotnohlle. ThHt bave been o uaeful that little baa Iur' heard of Frvnch aeronlaaea sine the ant week of the war. The guna, built by Knipp. are believed to be daagerotia to an aeroplaaa which come near eaaugh to tha earth to aee anythlag of value whan, acottUaf. - n LOCAL TEMPLARS GOINGJO MEET HttlllK TMK KNI0HT8, A .NUM. HKB OF gllltlXKRa WIIX MAKB TMK TK1I1 TO AaU!LAM, AND TAKK PAHT IN TMK TVS Thrco or fur auto load tvl leaat ot tho ninnbera ot Calvary Commandry Knight Tamplnr are planning on Journeying to Athland, to attend tha State Comwnndry, to be held there September 8. r. L. Trua, Mil hurn Kuappj Kip Van Riper, 0rte J, Walton and U. U. Ileame. by vlr tu.. of their oirtw. arc delegatea, The oihur will ntlend ami participate In tho ccremonlo. Vnv the Miuoiu who are alao Shrlnore there will bo a double at traction, for In tbd eveulug the mem. t,i4 of illllah Tentnlo will hold a big ceremonial, and initiate a number ot candidate. Tbl will he preceded ny a parade, auu aieutum,, rviawn Kalla, Jackionvllla and, nearby towaa will nil be repreaeuieu oy veauo rioaia, H. Ofr 'Pfobnch I expected from iut.l.ml annn la confer with loeal Bhrlnura ragwrdtng 'their participation. Huvarai auto loada of county oil- clal waut-to.be oRkclnla nd plain clt lion left thtt morning .roruraaeeaii, to attendthit big rally up ikara tei morrow, iMjJarre Mer Haml. Mlaa Cora Nipper aualalaed a badly lacerated right hand white epltttlng kindling a couple ot day ago. :l Off for the WUda. Thad Mcllattaa left .thlt morning for a deer hunt. Darectora' MeeUac.- A meeting ot the director of the Klamath Water Veen AaaoelaUen will be held Saturday. At that time mattera will be taken up wHk the rec lamation aervlce. FRENCH TAKEN TO TASK BY BRITAIN RIIfORT OP aUNatHAJ, FRKNC1I aWOWS THAT BRITlnel TROOP OAJUUKD BRUKT OP TMR DR. VBNHVK WORK OF AlUVS United I'rea Hervtea" LONDON, Soft ,Af,Wln to a rtffart Jnet enbaaitto by Oenarai rreavMi. the Brltiek faraea earrled Ue anrdea nt holdln aevek the Oermaaa ! thalr advaaee aa Park! Many army oScera are.diapaaed Ht erltlelM tba French tor,aet of ea eperatten. and think they' talte te napreelate tne gravity of tkajr. attnattai. . A aeretetent report la k etraUMa that tba BrRaHt kv';.j 'tb) Oarman f rant and teat mannautaena to re. aeaUtobed wMb lava aa.. T WATER CASE IS GOING UP HIGH ATTOItXKYS VOH MRbV DAVJEX PORT STAY PORCEBDINOel IN - roUCai COURT BY ATKMPO. RARY RESTRAINING ORDER Juit how effective the city, ordi nance la regarding aprlnkllng hour la n matter that la going to be fully decided before tha charge' ot violat ing tt, preferred agalnat Mr. W. C. Davenport, la settled. At the tlmo act tor tba trial Wedneaday evening Attorneya Onelll and Manning de manded a Jury trial, so the caae waa continued until thla morning by Po lice Judge Leavttt, Last' night the defenae secured a temporary injunction algned'by Judge Worden, reatralnlag tba city oSlclala from trying the caae, ao until Circuit Jt.dge' Henry L, Benson retnraa tba ease la ,t.rent. The outcome la batag watched with intereat by xWmatb Palla people. JAPAX aUYft IMS M WITH ALURA UnMed feaavaVwrlae ':.. m LONDON; eat.lO.Jaai baa aa- lured. RngMnd that aba wlllneA enter any;,pene agaamnt wttb dayman ftW J1ajaWema HnwVaW Mww Wfm at WHM9VvV eaHavMaamBn' t- Pee'a Lee Afaaaaeaaae. One mora opartaaky wilt be given KUmatb Fall people to near Rnllte IUrt'hTiar-Tairlte'wbe gave, aucba aplaadM eeaeertTTieaday night. Mr. Peaae wnTaair at tba Sunday achool eoavaaitiea meeting nt' the ChrUUaa ckareb t natajbr, n n leave In the aamlnrwHb tor St. Paul. Mra. Rett Carl will, also alng at toalgbt'a and Rar. C. A. Pblppe ot ParUaiU will tail ot the world V8ede?,Me) coaferancata Chleacn thai year. fTf 9M9a Reaie'RXver Vaekay. MKytf' by apaaui iaea)ua "r ,.' - . ... aoewr la.wess.aae a , aa'baa aaaabt aawai ! "x? Who tj 4-4' .4"-iW5' Ai?, ,,.aajM n-c --v -"4ft ! ?! - -.J,i. v-vHm4 A5pil(JWlyjr mSm.'-' where aba will ae iko.vreajaataVi sr l .... " bbbtbv ami ama ami i mar s- mM.mMmm BVRg Fiic KUmatb Falls people are planning to take In the dletrlct falra to be held thla month at Merrill, Raaania and Fort KUmatb, and from prepaxaUeaa bow uader'way, there Mferery reaaein to expect great thlaga at tba fnaW The dlacriet fair Uke tba pUea at county fair UU year, aa Ue eaanty fair meaey was divided, between the dUtricta. Bealdea thla money, the people ot the three towaa have take up. col lections, and in every caae there wBl be' valuable prliee tor the wlaaera tn every competition. It waa hoped tbat a number ot atata candtdatea would be brought in tor tha falra to addreaa the people at eaeb district, but the moat ot them wUl be unable to be here .then, aad at tba Pendleton Round-Up Immediately af terward. It la mere; 'than poeelble tbat laatrnctora tramtha Oregcm) Agricultural College will hold insti tute at each pUce durlag the falra. MerrlH'a fair will he bei Friday, September llth.- A delegatioa freaa there waa In KUmatb FalU Weeaaa- day, and ther premUe a big Uae for e'rnL-amt'.th WnSaR Rhy i all wbe attend. Tha fair vr ho head W;V tobjbltaaito hi aa aitheeeboolhoae,aaUerewtUbe kaoiii ti aaiTali nj M enhlblta ot afrleuknral. harUenhawnl, domeatle art and other prodaeta. Tbero will alaoba ajteeaiar aalwol work, and n ataek aava andpatneVa will be bald' In; tba atla.-, i Ta Ttoltata bare VakAAaAaeVkak ea aW t waaw'alrw, eaWaarw -wTawmn', ejajaejjapjajaj tao,C4aijnneV,Oaanmrai-io: iliwi Rn eja'Rpjeal OPR RnafV Rnp JRR rgaart gaSaj "gi eRgp (.i . 'end. aaeewWaeaaadebypreaai laeat meat darioc.tha.dor, iaavdK fnm- eventec tha doyn fam vfil bakraoRhf to a eVaeewm' ao aM nesM grnavd baM... It la bollavad thMjiamenJ, hajav dred wUl rnn down tram hero for (ho. ahew. and the? Bae heaeea wit! have E. S. Torwltthwr. CBS - j ' -. . W. C. Dannlng are tha onoaotm mittea, They 'will am ataotloo to all fatnalrlaa no to eaaaaaatena, ate. (T Tha Ckmr Leaf eeaatry-a lair wtR be beU at Bonaona oo aotambar If. Iseteadtot haadathoao;-;ao: cleeaag fe4taret:tbe;llii a Ri ,?" bold thla aJfair.eo the night of tho 14th. Many Klamath Fatte mi nnrtlMllV all' ef tho will be than th,,tnl Jofeo,, JJ The nlana tor tha Booanaa ahow w if n. - w -w-., ist ailitaa..aanVbi'- " i"namnaTaiglaTr''aaWn aleaUby Mra- Oeofc-.m "M'' '' v4 toJOaaaIWaii'' '-i aM'.vdaina'heoo'aB-' & ' w are praetkally tho rilU IaaajtrUa ao to BhawM ho aefcooae to.;X 0. aUWvTa nMaja Vi W '''''JmflRw" i.' paaple hwo raJaa.n & . a:at,lle r(i T-r.. ! I -'''.- f - 'i.ei - 1 . JnM lihM ta.roniiBjaaaw ajaaaw , - t are aothlna. dednfta jaRmflM mmmmmmmgih $wB kaowa that, what OaalNHtaaWeoad" pate IVUfnto W ) VRBVR vtnleVj P Z-J3F5m TlsaaVP IS. nfpWfaaf. WPRlJnfrePaf WM awattaag taaR e , ha BBaBBaBBBBBBBBm .BBBBBBBV teTearhl ','i'i WSY"-'" V.'.'"' -. " JJt !,!,'i- t IMaMV. efe ' $K. ;" ...-. - : -$ y'''xzi&rl 4 3- X