Tt K ft I fa uR.-'rtik' . ifc A IteralHi f PRINT THE - ar ,Va KLAMATH FALL4V P,V iS U J LgWS WHILE IT II NKWI OFFICIAL NEWIPAPJCR McanwfeBiwwaswi WMvamiwuwi ,. SBtma&ummamrvr' "-weo ssca j.Jin..f... ,.?.&, & r. meter 'SHTTirffTiTHPiaBRBnfrBas; -..,, ,,,.,.., ,.,,,, i.. y. j3-- 'ifiii'i ' grr Jtbwh Yfar--N. ll4,,T KLAilAlf! rAU,?, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1914. iv" -W.v ltittmti ALLIES TAKE A BRACE; ENEMY NOW RETREATS 1'AltlH. Hpf aHepOfU of Ibwu Made of Ucrtu ded wounded t it ttfiioir h h pr Uri lhl ih German are rtrftt IM ubt adtautr, not aamly u.lttt utiairtle w., It Ulott4 that Utaa o8ct. r U M ltPl l t"t ' '""' IHHMM MPT TII.IT HMl.Ki:i.S ltr. aatiWced thousand f .l Vm Kink' Hoof repeatedly Mk4o AMI. PAVIM! AIUH'T . A YKAIt tta iiiwfc. im M'w ". UM. , A T K AN, T , y ,. s mui ( ik rlr MM, aad. wen ' Wfi i t(r r u.i vrr htanh with more Ta r t t im following ( ttauattat tly from Iir4tit ' Tb tatl IIf Mk began 'UalUd -r Hervtr 4r elru tn Ik roryj WAHIIINUTO.V. I 0.. 8pt. . atMt i4 loerd IM A Bw wfm of raking fvnur fmiier la thf mala lb .. . . . , "IMOmiui atlark centered pe,H r Iim bs forwttlr 4vanc4 4 frtttft tlt( tl wftVt4 lo Im ilo ttou r b4 m'tt fine 4tr (at lb Jtt ltm, n4 IM Pfei l4uf, ohfw Ml rvrtu MtU of Iff riffHUAb ffwM t4vuclM. ,Mt JftlMI ,,erl,4 ,,tr(,n WMdlfiff '11ft rfnfh rMj rpr4 tot' . , . . . , Ik. 4f f lrta, M o.o.. w.MelH. U lb. .ttiMr. A tM lli lb rrtcK.flrtlit forc t.JMea t" tor r-roblUiUonUu i 0wt, td Kala4 ft lwl4v rlc'lo It7( rlM iM UoraitM Mlt. Vk1rjl ffsMOta, WM IM 0r Murxl br rtwuwrtoumi (nrftr4 on lb rru In m ttffft lftiftl to wt tb falling off or K fMk lU rrvfftt fafMtrr !. Thftjruiiwim rlpi Irl4al ,j IM rrtftta irtllUfy u ufftwatlly t- war." mII BoyU In M wworll. IM la IbU rw, m4 IM frlrwftflli t . lutwlUftfl Hffurw kMtrIng thai ift ntma ftMUlt m lrt)M to l rMftt tht lttltrntl rnu Ut Mir IftM lb Ynutk IftfftAtrr wtf on br ft4 llquom U Ijlfk, fthJ bl l to bftr( ftt)4 4riv IM MtMjr.Uilnkcn note ny ktul M Mr Ntift tafk 03 lblr tnr.', Ut.f War MlnUttr Nlltftui4 ) fkr4 Utt lh (JTBftn offMMlT Mil Wo rntlrdx brftkvn, and IM ftllUa arc on ih olleiitlvs. Ttt alraloalc rUtw of nnrl JoWrn uttff Freftth ar tet7wbrt ucrul. The tirtttan trooas ar itrMlr Ur4. l'rlionr My tM iwUkHra rtt4 but thrM hoara' alatj) dally, owlof lo tht night narclilai 4arlftff ib pan tbrw wM. "Oar tvtttmmi eonttaN," mI4 Oomttor tktaiM IMt Iba trootD un to ' pafl r af In .wjln t iM ff44 at U allln' loft. Thit rrMrti Maltr It aoWlDf, ami ih rtiht and l Otr nan Imk ri Mng drlVM Mek, aa a ratult or which IM 0m. frtitr att arrntually rttlr. 'or th nrat lima alttc IM war Urtai, the (Urman totem ! ohI aunbtrtxl by ih um ef IM larU trooix a rdnforcoamta lo tba alllM. tb Hiftr DriiK Co., rtarta a larar a of avhooi mppIlM IM ar M tort. ThU l Kood avldanc IMt IM WiUo tKtputatlon of Klamath touaty l locrftif. MediD's Saddle Is Found Officers M Farter Evkkw Afikut Suspect T he iherlS'a om la at work. In ul MlD ,ho MtraM of Jack "Ml I. who left Mr July wllk J'k WilikMu, m h ropped r-oM view. Already tMy found aoa diaatic tWwwo in tbli coBfteettoa afgkwt tM aaa m la held g im cHMiaty JJ far IM fcurder of Alhw 0. MUo4 RMr The i.te.1 i.ff u eaaaeeelea, with gr Tbla we. fM t4 tM fctel.eod , wMre WNIkaaM atored W?MeV,,kfiitf rNWl,,f BOYLE PLANS TO TAX THE PROHIS tworil lo Clilnnii Unr- wood of lit rowMlUt, 'T ib j.rhtl.UlunlH of (li (uttfltrr t ft ''fftl, ftBd )tu will tiv vtr 1160,000,000 In iTnocf ouffi Itt ttvin ftimuftUr. Ttm t'tbtbltlM lit, M aald, War dor of IbU IffJt Ho objttta to iba troOM4 nddlikwiai lai on bor and liquor. Ho dttlar tht rvnu tax houl4 U vtvuly til trlbtiUd. fetid llto liitrvlm tnor orrnly dltldvd, "It la iba cardinal prlntll't of llio dwttaU? trty." Iloylo'a wtaiorUI rMltiKl, "that o fr aa wlbl taira ikould t IcTlvd an all nllk. It U hw eeonoMlo wladom, Kren with a hMd las of S rrh for tit 33,000, eaa DrolilblllonUu, tholr iaxi would M Um than the non-prohlhltlonUta, ll ua hara 'oqual rlffhta to all. aio rial privilege to nonp. " AMKHICAN COXMUli INJURKI) HV MIXH Unllad I'raaa Hartka WA8IIINQTO.V, I). C, Hopt. 9.--Amorlrn Conanl John Hay. who w pttmngr on th Wllaon llnar Ituuo cabled IMt h waa allffhily Injured whn lha liner alruck a mine In the Kurlh Hea. Hay In now at Hull, He goea latef to OdoMft, lh not ho haa ) aalgaed to by tha alato depart IllMt. kill wklla rldlBK a Mrae, or that .William, It ho billed Mcdlll, loaded IM blooding body acroaa tbo aaaaia to nova It to a hiding pUee. Mora r eowlag to the frost who aaw WllHaaw after hla re turn. All aay IMt ha acted auapl .! wkiii. mi tin. way here, and wateMd cloaely aary vUta ap- proaekHtg freM allkor dlreetloa WUIUim and Madlll left Mr lu July, l Ika lattor'a wagoa. -Ulw WllllAM ratrnd ffloaa, wltk Mt dIU'a aaUlt coaipleba, aad aiterwrda M wor mmi of MedlU'a claJa. WWaMMd MMIW wa. twt j Ii.'ri-fcu, v. Lu oi baaa kaaeal aT3t. diaHI lHwat mrak ... , First Photograph of the Russian Cossacks aBBBBataHfibLalaBBBBBBBBBBBBL b aBW jBBBBHalBBrBaBaaaBaftliaBK W e"vw WaBBaVIBBVBBBBBB&KVBrfliSM ft ggggggggggga gMMrVBaa ggggggggggggggaBaVKwOXSggapjBf gpgggtiBgggvAiiigv jjwfti tj iaaaaaWMiW' 'TgaHaaHgaanHBayVBWBnBaaiBaaBHH 1 SaWaWJia i3!'"'BBWeMaKf!Bna S IgaBaBamiav S(ELBlJWgW.HBksBag'b Bfta BsBsvaBsff BaflBBBSBs r BfllflBiBBVHgsEgaal aV lggSliBalaPaWail I rlawBHBBKjMBaMBSfealBKaWrH!,K I Th I lh flrt pholoxmpli oi Ihc .. fMfcli. IM .lrMd raealiy of tM , ihrt (Jcrman army o not ranK wiin Jtcr.m wncn mo aaTanve u. i hu car. wl arP n prd'C rnln . fc UwW, B re. ,lflW b,,, dftnKeru. for ttvlr llitousli Kl I'ruMla. Thfy ar, jut renn0fn.nK pnrU'Mtthln EaH PrM- reputation Id tho Germana to bo- bejx, ih mtnl fnmuu cavalry w;ti tt puihlnr on toward Kotlsbunr. !ll they wllllnr watt to th city It ttt um wiiria. iiiry art aaiu 10 ue Schools Requested to Avoid War Discussion Kilraroely timely and thouibtfal U th. wfttila jiut aounded by ,, 1.1- ' . w.rHyait,OallfornlaV.uptit.nd. ;r;ottcn ,tor clvllatl0a M(1 M tat of public inimcilon, to ihetnl wtch 0,jcr., lu a dtath aeaooi leacnera or uo iae. .o re ftwlh Tivm ntir dlwmnlon nf Ino our countrr tw vonicrto ton peace nan Sropaa. war u tM atkool. thatUfrt) of the world at thU Juncture Will In auy way cu.e liltlerooM or br limply preiervlng It own ctul contention atnons tho children of Oeriottii. lingllab. French or Austrian' fxtrecllon who ar tlendlox. lu n circular lotler to all of the I JcUra. llyait urge them all to aid IVsldent Wllaon In prerlnK the lend we know not where. HWtY of tho nation, and to obtervo, "l U proper, then, to call upon thy Hrlctet neutrality In tho achooljihu ichool people of California to bo rosm. The circular follew: rh. nrA.iHni of ihr, United flutM haa rMiuctctt tho people of thl coun- try to refrain from ahnwlng partial! It) (Hiring tho progrw of th Euro; . .. i.,i. .i,.iv tnr nr ihn nr until lha war ha cloied. ntiaii war. u in r ii,wiiw mm.j .v. II pf ua to do all Ihat wo can In . . - - . .i..u ,i.i- ...iiu .if UiHWK anw euiiurui mh " our thief atwutlve. iaiiuiea biiioiib win johiik i'oiu o" .... . . .. ... ... .- ...ii..,. i..,'tn tn iirvtil Ihn children of OUP ' "fcacn oi " miii u w " ",- -- ---, ton and daughters Itt Ihla country. roc from pitting themaelvf aKttlnsl They and their children aro la ourjlho0 of another. j worhthope, on our fnnua. within our "Teach the doctrine that wo aro all echoola. They nr a part of ua. Americana here, with one country. 'pUcord and hard feeling among PROJECT AUGUST C0STS9.87S.0H OK THIS AMOUNT THK I.AR0K8T .iNtiM ITKM WA THK COeVT OF URAINAOI. WORK CAHHIEI AHKAI According to tho lodgera of the reclamation aervlce, nearly 110,000 waa apent on tho Klamath project last month. Tho exact amounl waa 19,176.01. Tha larteat item of coat waa the ..mUaionUl conatructlon work car jrlod on, In the making and enlarging of dralm, The oxponao or tua wora f twn Bxcavatora. engineering and of concrete atrneiura for the dralaa total M.IOS.Jt. Tho coat ot operation euw mmirn- anco, aa aaowa oy in iw-r, w I8.I7S.48. TM lotal coHBtrctlon coata war 7,pi.(l8. When a hydtoaeroplana fall Into u.i watara. a'aukwarlao Mat dived uaaer It aui brought It to akort HHlEjHrwi, .... 1 ,..( a u. fr irn iit norTr wjn Aiuftjuw . i M wa ap iii.aar wnicn in uuw "". iiiwiiin.j .v. ... the element of our people 1 dan IM-iW""" .mS1' .tivt.laiiul tfiil ruuTfuI naUoun havo flaUll. Tfte it an opporiuniix or llbrlum. 'it ie otalnently flitlnB that the sWiooU ehould do their aharo In pro- muting harraonr nnu avowing rnutca or coufllcU A lltllo dl.pul, wiw ami tar-eewn n avuiums imr- lbl race preJudictM ana r.ic con- Olcta brought trom over r-oa. "I'oilpono dUcutalone, debates and fur-'nnlll man recover hl aenaea. . . - - T amvlal nalim la nmootli away . w .,.,..-. . . . jone nag." lilt MAY SEE MORE FIGHTING TWKLVB COPPER COMPANIES AGREE TO PAY UNION WAGE8, HAVE UNION HOUR), RUT NOT RECOONIZr. UNIONS United Pre Serrlc BUTTK Mout., Spt "$. -Twelvo copper companlea, employing about 10.000 mlnore, today aaada the atatc raent that hereafter they would con duct their mlnea on tha open ahop plan Mcauae of tho dliaentlona In tho union. , , TM aareameut waa a'lgaed ut a? aecret moating held by tha ownora laat night, nnd the statement of today followed tholr nctlonv UBton hours and union wage will prevail, but tho Ualoautll not be. It If thought that tkla will create trash traubk in tha blg'alng town. SHvertou haa deaJdedyu. u oil on a Vara aeala oa all ttg aiaeadaw. . a . i i t. JL k Ti M j. I .. ff r'L i "M"" ...!. ., , mo . vw.r -. SMALLPOX CASE IS THAN81KXT IS QUAIL1XT1XED AT OAV1H RANCH -WAS TRAVEL UNO THROUGH TBI. COUNTRY WTH OAMJOrtEt3P County I'byaiclan Oeorju H.iler- M.nn.xm Lrroan ',VJt tlffm. at tho ranch, three ulk. below Koirlll. on account of tho d! coery of itnmtttakable arraptotn of .raa)p)K wul!a8 j0t n0, know wuero he letl the Uteease. Ho h8 been trjueimK irom roniaau lowaru v.- ifornta with a team nnd camp outfit, stopplnt whoro ho pleased, and lie jpeni tome unw ni. uraicr . . brother cam here irom uuuornia to Join him on the remainder of the trip, and he, too. U undor quarantine. BERLIN REPORTS MEN WITHDRAWN nibPATCH FROM GERMAN CAVI TAIi INDICATES THAT TURN OF RATTLE MAY BE DUE TO A SMALLER INVADING FORCE United Pre Service DEniil.N. Sept. 9. It Is rumored that tho two main German armies In Franco havo been withdrawn, and are marching toward Prussia to battle the czar'a Invasion. Troops of tho first lino roplaco the men taken from In front of Parle. It la also reported that tho Ger mans have evacuated Upper Alsace, sending tho troopa to East Prussia. Geuerala von Gotha and Nleland are said to have been killed in action. SAY AUSTRIA ON VERGE OF A PANIC United Press Bervlca ST. PF.TERSBURQ. Sept. .--Tho foreign office says that Auatrla la on the vera ot a financial panic, and, that condlttoua are already serious la that country.. Rlota havo occurred In many nlaoea. It is also aald that Austrian troopa aro aurrendering ev- erywhett. Tho ragtalrMion, books cloae at ? o'clock'toaio'rrow atternooa, aad wlH lemala.chmd until atte,r OataMr 1. A treat aumber ot rMlstraHoaa are comlag hi. treat oataMa pr4lo., DISCOVERED Altt; HIT MAHOUT e l'nltJ I'rciU Henrico. WAHHINOTO.S. D. C. HwU 9. Congrcstmitn Underwood conferred with President Wll son today regarding the war lux hill. The democratic way ' uuii commitu will draft ! the bill tomorrow-. - I niKrwood tnllnUte that tollne has f-tn taxed. It hm barn tentatively aerted to ' wafce ber and the Income Ux ' Vtoducv tho bulk of the extra (. Wi.i.a. .JI.Ill h ) Th beor Ux was today Ob- uml at II 0 a barrel. ' GERMANS TAKE ANOTHER CITY FROM ENEMIES ' IlKint A.l INCOME Anoy H.0.t.uHen, Ka, TWa b the urd43r btWeB ft,ta,w tU jOallcIan border, titrate, Ckaan Victory Since the Th.-Ufteft racalra;! aar IMt IWt War Urgna. ami Ttiat Forty Thou are many Geraaa. aoMkera aasoac tM . ...... ipriioaer takea. Tkla 'tedleaiaa tMt aan.1 Trop,, la AOdilioa to FowL execttd Ttimtarttmmim OrnrntU, Were Takm Prioaerthe AustrUna, Mt awe tMavtMfan There by tlte Katset's Forca. BERLIN. (1rele via SsvilJe), 3it. 9. Army headquarters today announcer tMt the Germans captured Mautoee. an Imcortant French city Just south of Lille, on the Betgtaa frontier. ln this fieht the French forces lost Jhijavlly. Four general, and 40,000 ((V hviu (Cfvutuu, iu Aifu.iua &w 400 Held guns, ammunition, etc. The war' ofllco ears this Is the crcatcst Cerrcan victory of tb pres- ont war. It ts stated that the crown "prince. Frederleh Wllhelm ot Hesaen. waa wounded in tbe taking of Manoege. Ml t Anxious LONDON, Sept. 9. A stirring ap- Deal has been made to the members or the XaUoual Unlou ot AVomen Sur- Among tho plana propoaed ara tMt; frago Soclotles (nou-mllltants) by lUta of women workers who aro will Mrs. Honry Fawcett, president of the (lug to take the place. orkM.fea Mr oiganlxatlon, to "bind themselves to-nesting, farm work, etc.. aMll M ara-i nether for the purpose ot rendering J pared; that acheasea ahoald M uadarJ the greatest possible aid to the coun- taken for "boardlag, oat" WH tn at this momentous epoch." 'children under S years, Ik Ua Tho Knn AmiIm r thn union h&Te.of well'to-do: that spatial aarftaw ibeen asked to make suggestions aa to thn host method for rellevine the sut - jBe DMt method for relieving the ut jforinga entailed by the war. The In London havo been organixed aa a labor exchange bureau for receiving. Big Rally Homesteaders WiU There will' ha big dotage at Cree cent Friday, according to tldlaga drifting aouth from the Northern Klamath metropolian Ca that day all ot tho homesteader will ka la town to register for tha censing ! Hon. In order tov have a big vote at tM November polling, tka party leaders In fliUU nraeiBCt hava' aaada BTMt preparationa for tka eotfbrgtloa. lit order to faduea IM hoatea4era;io leave tho JuachM tor. tM day, A big daaeei la oca of tka feature. ,, la addltloa to Ua daace. tha Mta- steaders wtH.akw.M glvmaa offar. tualty to meet Iba eaadldatea for RUSSIANS REPORT CRUSHING FORCES WITH GREAT LOSS SI'CO.MI AlT!AX AR3Y ROt'T i.m ttv ftxv. . Aldli(oa tOiRoawnky'e Wtf Tore Aitaekhag Daakl awt VeafAaaTeiK Iterg, OrerniielMtag RuiTiaa Axmf Froaa Wamir aMcM4 MwKaawv Rt-aittfleHI M Rmc at IM AaMtrlaaw t awl Onwane Wt,tt TBew AM. . 4Al v . .Ceiled Preaa aWrnoeT'- I J'LTnOQBAD. sptf S.TM war, loClce tonight aaaoaaetd tMt tM4 fAutr7an Jegtoaa ctHBiaadad wr -"eral Dankl and voa AaaTeaMra; war (completely cruaMd-M IMJta ThU fight haa trees wagtes ataaafjai - I ,1 !. tf t .112 - -J '! too voakr far Raaaakrv'a arssar. Immediately ?afta' Rsaaaaqra amy! from Rawa-RaaM UgagaH'tM Aa- triaa rlxM'1aak tM Ttasalaa War-1 saw army aetagMd tM .paar. tM iauatriaaa. lay aasaaiyaa ww e r-i mou. aad tia reaaaaata of IM Aaa6 trlan ceauaaia are Mat a iHr ordered meb. abaadaalag aaaak .. lery. amaiultlOB. aa'd atkVjnM&MT. I - -" UJ" f tTo CtoaaTawitg ; "iftTi arraBgeasamU at oaaa to kawa wood delivered, for tM street ttl- wiTb closed telerdr.torasm!t? street lmproveaent work." aaM Ca tractor T. II. Oarretrio4ay,,OMm of tb stroet wilt be.closad Mfora Ut end of thia week." fc aufrfrrtaaf V '-,w&il Sfrf classifying aad dtstrltmtiag oaTera for help. " - I should M give la CcUoal wRk jthe disulbutloa ot govemaaaat atoraa and money to reaerTtata' faaaSIa,' ileal work la office, set ap for eawr I gency parpoaaa. Meet CaaAktes . i ' s county offUe. aa tM aaadraata Mto been extended a apaatal tev4tatla to ua araaoat. ataay. laaBifwi caadUataa ar,plaaa4ac U awM IMV trla Th, . . .. -, Ahu vr Thu far tkera aiw gvaata law at Crescent 4 i i7 '; aaaaffaa 1 h Tfe 'aaeurad tori tMtitrtomV&ti" Arant win aava ka kla ear ttattf C. V, XWW,- ! MXV0i..jp1ii "'. ana ueorga a. syaw. . ar.werJ . w-. Humphreya ear wist M otwoam v . c " Wilklaa, Marlon Haadm.atvd Hawxburat.' iir'kt.-aata.'Md tMt Cotmtr Jadawi'.Wd wiRtiM: ia party of I rUada ia JMg fcaabtgh mt'. ill I i n "Ail j- fl . wi.r,,..". PHfri