,'& I r ?r V : i . h . , PRINTS THE NWS WHIMS IT I NEWS ii i '-r. Sh Iterato KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER xuh vr-N. J"rt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1914. Frit, Fit GERMAN FORCES DRIVEN BACK TODAY Rome Reports 500,000 Russians Landed In France Allies Take Offensive as Foe Retires I'.UIIK. Hi, a 11tt nr iik il.f ..n-,tp In !. hh I mom Is. M Mtlli r4-rtri frlnfnnlng lt Mi4 iUmcnl pUrfu, arr altrMtpl. tag lu lata Ittf if mww Saab, IUriNO KlakV (lemaa frf i arrally Biaa)ttrd, eltd ihrf rt trrt,4 ltOf MM!. TV tll' llk i mkM Moti, M Ihrr mwt ttrl Urfitrt dm. rrt rm ltuln ntl reittfwtrww-at arvh. In ItuM tn the $crron Id i tlfi luNer, MMd WW MHDtlUlr tn IH". Uotmttir illlrU p4rtiU)r aMMMMKrl tu Hie rrrpfllrtiU at lt Mm (Hltrf) Krtb MttMjr k ua III uftrtwlte. Ttwt JrtVMi ! ' tasting ! lite rutin ln in mM In tor lrrw rrpwlw.! wllii raw i k, ' Scene ot Triumph of Russia Over German Arms i$i& ,x 1- -rL'-v ' ''' rrj MUI m w dvy 1 K0NWSWJO f n YMHzmZ3t Qo .tT ngrJo S JucrtsrDtijr jffiWf JMQ3 t A "yM' "Igud" bsMSp-- WAfeSAWO 9 " 1A v y QWMW-fW No Further Word Sent About This - . Tilfcg am tJMt Urn It 4 HOME, Hn. 8-TotUy'. i4W of tlw ilcflnlte iafonujitkm that tbe (knun ,JwTe dm Mi4r JiImh for !rgias Ixri. Ttik i aftrHwted to the reverted Mrrtml fCMtf, ItHuUn troop la Fnuicf. Tb TrlH ian this mntnt ! with t& pU oMtlteed by Iort KMchaer, tte I Aj reMlt, H.U wmM UmU Ike kalMr Imm ; with the Kerml eta a to the beet way to 1 i -J"- 1-D r I PRTftOORAO, See. & Ckar N'toholae haa oflahia J tilt!ttt Ml4 Ibf Ufte0 tJi . fl, "ltd lt, flibtliia nlmiHt ; milked, ftn'J Htf romJ4 PrthJ(itliit turn tho lllter Ourn to ni Kgtlki Ik tU vt miwjitH J thp '' Merle Ulrei', at"t twenty-J lb Hint' iUi lint, rapturing tiJ j!lil ndln. mh or (ho nu'iul. ! klillcff ibAitMndf, j tu eftt r rfirwkilitK -J Tk ntiifr4 hr Ue (otMJ waiI tln Hlvrr Mro' ' I'm (q Um i.t, 4fP stvlnR !: Tbo r emc At llontwuit wIkh! , (MIbu tttll.lln trtrt. Th!t UjCtatlUnl reviewing lli? ltttla, bum h JuMIUUiv fBDMitdistf tb tli HI4' often ? o S iPal sa fN C ;xi( v (ftADOfSH 50. traafam OaUla aavfti . ".- LTtV n .cf S'V 3?5 '! OPPCLt .41 or, onAouc w Tlrr tf (tntitr.rUI totmru tttnt tU 0rft rpiitnl twontr-four MRt!llif Id COtlcCt tl (UbtMi nmt Utr th d4. Oentrl Kienrh, tew BwaJloc tb nttttra rt, U aU to Ut ftfui(4 Hit. Tt, folio Ine utstrnt M tl inpUJ from llanSMtti At ItSO: "Itt V(ltAl Utile All AlO lt tltiA tli OnifiAn r fekif fert Mtk, The rneray tua bi ram tIW to itlf, HitKJ)r at Matrr. iRlnst tht (iff man' rlfthi lne wn untutrliitt'tlr ut4"pful. ' Tbe )UAttlt atl n ilrUIe tntiill j wi not njiil tar vpnt !). ! 1 FORTIFIED l CITIES STRIA- HUNG 'WPM3IV '-'.'vu & QMttCSIA KumUh proitaw. Tbe Maaoarttea held lUver San, and it U reported that thejr have I Prxwjcl, to advaare age but that dtjraad Jaraelar. 1- 1 .-'BJNrfCje Word of Cheer For Austrian 3'. 'ii' ,t. jjs $ f? XI Oppose Sarrk v i, , flf Ja "'"U tf Hack to tl Job, i Untied i'reaa Service WASHINOTON, D, C. Sept. 8. K trlreleea to Uio Qeran eKbaear (from Derlla atatee that the AuUrfcuij ircoi captrcU G.000 Serrlaat at Mil- rotllcb, and ato took 600 Russiaa prisoners in Russian territory j ItuMtAtt troop havn Invaded Kwt J. II. UeAIUter lett CM mowlM ,,, b ,htf hundMd ,h0lltt8d r Ml. MIUro, Aftr a two d.y. i nd otqr hundKdjl ot ,houwvnU, aM rttr Ult In KUtuAth rail. r Arliw.i. F l Hunt ot Kort KUiuaIIi Iiaa TNl.fi win of the allien, Ittcludluxjitone to Ynata, ArU., where h will tt torti ilefnillB(t Irl, U -haw fin4 nwral elt. alllfl KNOCKS Benson Gets Nomination out stairs are operating agaUut Austria on Uio bor iter of the two couutrle,- according to dUpUchim from Hi, IVtAmburg. West Gives Vent to Spleen at M'Nary's Defeat Vnlud ife Hervlce 8AI.KM, t,t. .A i-ertlfliate of wmlntloii u a ropubllran fAudltlalo or Juitiro of the supreme court wa Hd to Judge limy 1 Hemon of KltmMli I'all thl afternoon by liar rn6r Oiwid Wwt. At the tfumi time Wct ntftile pub. Wtler IQ ent ( non, lu ' fii il(iiouiifd the Bouthern O'oioti mnn for nhnrp prACllcee.ThU 'l(l thl Ilnton'A methoda "put to wuih tbe moiccnt pettifogger In the -!nd' Tho Kovornor alto declared ' he beliove that correct return Im rol crit would have ihown 'uaa ciiarlw McNry to hive been ""wtMful candldAte. I,: "wplld tbli feeling of WMt'. tow . JJ'F' " " cnnvAMlng bosra held Duniton tocurod the republic jMmiDMl.mbr one majority. khi.'!1'1 M1, "" ".vMnta. nowllai 7 Si,,""1 off w,n ' o ', W" mti, ,,MUy hrw(jr j, f jrck. kcroM," , (.,, ifcuKjiygth P "w Pforjlo nlre up thAt angered let. wwnt to "our Juage" br the ptm- '"JBcumbent thbvltfWrlM Jgj-MIN llkewle er arite' ri ll, UgrtbMi, ate, He Mat loee without itttlug up lomo ll cordaat wall, In view nf tlm fact that Alnro the primaries on May SCllt. the quoitlou ot who wet the fourth republican nominee for the supreme bench hat been hanging In Out bnlMtce, and durlug that time Judge Utuioa baa botm tnnkluc foncwilon After con ceeetoa, and atlpulatlon after ttlpu Utlon nt tho roquctt of McNnry mntiAger. local ieoplo fell to see t "liArp practice" on tho Demon tide of the fence. Tho Judge ha been ngrwlnit rtBht along to the opening or thin ballot box, the re ceaitlag at that preelact vote, until tliefo eomcd to o obeolulvly no end to It, Thea ha made hit dnal stlpula tlea and becauie MeNary did not g?t by, Ywt U Aore. "I'm tired, and lmoet broka." nenwn told frlanda before hli de parture for the north. "Thta eoa te, and tho way It ha boon dragged out an worn m down, And now 1,'at through, I Am willing to Blt it a croH, or fill1 coIm to decda who will be tho candidate, but ! Ml eaealag ot ballot biN Aad'at toatot to drag In oaet out fcnMfte wNiMwt Mr aireat ratulti, to;Ha eh far "anyone to itaad o Iom." OAIKV WOMAN. ATTKMrmNO TO lAM ANOTMKR AUTO AN WAY INTO OAJtAQlC, RAIMCf) HAVOC Wim BUIUHNQ There was work for a carpenter at Iba tteaa leadbag U tba Maaa club thl morning, aa a result ot an nuto driven by Mrs. M. E. Salllon ot Dairy running luto tho stairway, Mrs. Ballon was drlvlag into the CeutrAl garage for supplies at B: 80 last night. In front ot the garage, when she attempted to pssa another ear, Abe lost control, nud raa, Into tho stAlrwny, tearing a portion ot It away. The car And Us occupants wcro uninjursd. Servians Will Invade Bosnia United Press Service NltW, Sept. f. The Servian are movlug with three arntlee, with tho Intention of Invading Bosnia and Hersefovlala. The troops crossed the Rave at Stavoala Mltrovl. and proceeded alone tbe north bank, Ser vian ageat ara foatariac ravolutloa In both nrotneas. Ceylon baa M00,0M sere In cocoa int 80 far aa can be made out three Jlus-ttle to tho troops of Franc Josef. The I lan armies are at work, one ot tbem ( armies In Germany aro almost at M.-!...1 FsiVe now near or In Koenlgaburg and an-, near Berlin aa tho flcrinan armies are AOaalllscll rOtCC other Just south of Poaea. The third jnear Paris. They have not, however, Is attacking Autlrla, aad was said to 1 had to tight so bard to reach thl have crotied tho border to give bat-jpolnt. 1 to Occupy Ghent Says Kaiser Has Split With Staff GERMANS MOWED DOWN IN NORTH United Pre Srvlce 81MB. Sept. 8. A Berlin dtspatcn states that the kaiser has broken j ' ' with Chancellors voa Betham-HoH-. WT U8KW lUTTKItlES, UEL- &....M mm.. I,k.u mI .liA. Iin.h tttVrt nvst "" , UVU. -.V resigned. He blames them for Engl land's participation and Italy's fsll-j ure to help Osrraaar, saying that, their diplomacy failed when the ic-j pla most needed It. OFAX FORCKa l.NFUCT HKAVY LOSSES, AND BREAK UP AT. TACK FORMATION Negroes own 3,768 farms, valued jlinltod Press Service at H7.76l.760, la Missouri. . ANTWERP, Sept. S. Tho tier- artillery opened against tbe SNOW FAILING AT CRATER RIM PARTIKft ON THEIR WAY THERE YHBTERIUY WERE TVRNEI) EACKv ON ACCOUNT OP THE SVODRN SNOW STORM .man Uelglsns tn the vicinity ot Salute Ar- According to J. O, Camp,' project Manager, who with bta family re turned last night from a two-day out. Irk at Crater Uke, there w a four lack depth of saew; t tbe nark closo tetaeHm. '. . Mr, Camp was eeenaeUed to .break eamp la a anew atom, aid be reports that eoverat paritea bended far tbe take were turned Hek; by the eterm. raaad, and a general assault was at tempted. Masked Bolglan mschlno guns broke this up, however, mow ing down tho advance, and routing It. A courier arriving says tho Bel glsm at Liege have been forbidden by tho Germans to leave their houses for three days. This Is belteved to Indicate a movement eastward by tho German troops. "Peace Prayer Day" Is Named United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 8. President, WUsea today Issued a pro clamation naming Sunday, Oetaber 4th, as' the day. for a aatloaal prayer tor peaee, QkMMjr taaaerU eavetone, eeallag awwwiiiswsj iefSTsa dwswr'SJSM GHENT. Sept. 8. The hurgomaa-iP,VMVUk RalsTaanVVaah' rat. n9 itm f.lr t..fl 'rni.f.r.an. wt.l. i' mmmmmmmf' the Qermsn commander seat to take tho city. t was agreed that only a nominal German force should occupy tho town and that tho civil guard be disarmed. Ghent la to furnish tbe Germans outside the city with food. A 5 a result ot this agreement the German force Is now ea route to the tho city of Ghent from bombardment. United Pre Servle I V ' -Sr, l. BUCHAREST, Sept. : -Austria's attempt to get tbe. support ot.Jtou maata has failed. It.ta adssMtsd that If Roumaala take part bith Scht fit will be wkh Servte aadMaaAe negro. aiB4skrrtod2to hate arraaaed to lohwrteaaaa ple. The Koamsama threefarsa tbtsea wlth-Oirmiiirbut tbtpea4e .' are pro-Ttaaslaa. .. f "3-' ,'. ? rt ..... i-: V a. , VahaaTsl rjattad Prasa dernea PARIS. Sept, ". -Ger tor Paris streets are no lesufer ! teier ated. "Raa. da Berlla" aaa'aeeeaie Rue de Liege." aad tba "ATeaaa north ot Belgium, and It also spares fd'Allemagne" to chaaged'to "Aveaaa A.( new) street, vhlthe la to be eailed'; "Rae Alesls Samala." In aaaawryot tba iJesn.Jaure.' I to unnamed. 'Alf .I. Dowa for Wlater. Mrs. R. C; Splnk aad daughter president of the Seavealer PraaeaJa. Claudia are down from Spring Creek 'who was shot by the dermaaa.at the to spend the, winter here.. "- beginning, of the war. - ' A Night School Is Next Free Bisiaess Course Offered at fVrtCrfr syejSaaaW " Now that the placing of tbejreg; ular students has been completed at the Klamath county high, echool, Principal Faugbt aad Oearte C. SmelUer, head of the commercial de; partmeat, are maklag plana lor the early opening at the night sebaal. This will prabably open nsit week.1 . The nlgbt aeheol U for tba beaasH of those , not attending Um high school who wish to prepare, for ccfi merclal work. TaUyiaamraala steaotpy, or "mschlaesherthaad.'Ja offered. Ja addition to akortkaad. WoeJtktoplM.'etmsapeeeHV arlthavstto, t? as writ lag, peamaaablp. etc. -The reTUac eJeeeeaat the alafa laebael were aH argaalssd today; aadlaapteadlaa Cm at studies forc tbe,term- comaisatodi, There la a very . lasae; Fteahnina clara, and some 'addition J'atjwr. -' . . - . ..r...'. " . t t s -w vTkJrTv-TwWK. - "- . ft Thebja Mbaal fseuKy thta torn ; is1 eamnoaad 'et: "' " Z. -, ?m . 1 43 , w- - - -.", iv ..ir'jiiiii rr.r '' fmm'tmi'tmW'i try; aaatetaat KlaetaaL' M.-.Oaata,: 3' p i---. Matorraaaateatasat ibit ill Beaaie . '::" ; i , -!.--- ,- , - - -. -Xq B,:, AMleaato, aatteh; "rav,0le-.: C -'.!(' . t. .. . Latla, Oermaaad areekr,iMarJarW'1.,f"' , SWaJWTl( eWawWaaaW WW(aVdbaw a. JSeHaaaaa j . fcoW-eeame.ir;:C ' t( tenwurelaltt .; T. ;;Haler., traialag; "Ruth-.Sauairiaaa. Yeeaaa Mstsnbaabaeaar t Waamaaaa eww'alflBasBaa 1 tkla.f'an - , ' . . ' ' it'1- V w, aaaaaat hitotx m :' IIt 'MaaWNb ' ;v w.--'.'-M " W J' t ,'i.W 4' (T I'm n ' ' ' 2. v .i- .., i'.;..&kU v