w-r rVl Ma V mp EwuittQ Wvmlh PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NKWS WIMM5 IT IS NEWS . rn,amff,ifniytflff,tTlfwnii'TtiH'ritf"rj mi - -.. ,.....-. -jjjBWS. i - --- - ,-- -z wWMWBWMtt. -MAt-iiaKSirtr aju M..I, War '" KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MflNnAV FPTPMRPP -7 1Q14 Price, Five Onto 111 - " iiih ,, 4-, M N Allies Break Up German Attack Near Paris lyu-ryWii'l! "i1 " " rinrr-i-rvvruu-u-ij-ULjTj-jw.jTL-rt nn.r .m 'NNWS,', , lWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWW TEUTONS STAKE ALL ON ONE BATTLE mother BLOODY AMA2IN6LYCALM VIEW IS TAKEN BY THE PEOPLE w.ii:mim: to fiomt to tin: iiittkh kxu fl:iL. u. .!.. r...x'r i t :' iuie, iicuvuy roranea, out a Taken by the German Armies Kacicfaria nv A Iliac BATTLE BETWEEN j"""" ui "w . -AUSTRIA Penetrates Germany s RUSSIA Xli FhIm- litttt AlV Italrftftlftnt Itv tnllnc irtwrwliy f tt Hirncntr, llai ,tl M lUitrmlnnX u ist Id lt.r U(, H) ItrtHMH'il AflM. iMMrttto Army I Millte fir lb AlUk t Pjft, I'alUd lfr fli t ' NKW VOIIK, tfPt, J,ArfVdlr 10 Ut r.hiant I'alatr, Colorado ' !nt, fao baa Jui stilted from Iktllft, it,p (inun mitti arc fatlttjt tin- twlhle !uii(uu' tmrriilldK tha In a mi fitlm manner Imagln M, i "Thu fptrtl of lli people SI 3)OIU I 68j.ffu, Mlt nhW The flr i?tD komm all realls that Us life I t( Ibo nation I l take, and they r ' UH lit Ir.etttabU lost everywhere ' villi irim dignity. iMIHMBBBttkALLAlkbHMIIIiaiKad s- -" JlaSnBV'" i I in Ml i ' 'I '" 1 ' I anenBmi I I arYCriaBnBnnnannnnnnnnnnn?zrJ ' nsnSnSnSnSnsnsnsnnnnnnBnansnSn,BnjBnnrMnnsTnenk S "5rf '3?2R i&E3f 'iHB - HMiFr '14Bm.f? - J "' 7'bbHIbBbbH f i VlMfM TKVI.NU TO CltL'HH THK AVSTMASB UKFOKt THI- j CiKliMAN'B ARKIVK t J'urmtk of RetttuiUac Lxmbwrg l ftlon I Atuuidiedf and KmU f-'ortm Arr Thronni Into tlw Field tu AsnUiilate Von Aurffeitbcrg' Cuaimfti)- ItutiUn .lo AdniBiw uh Gcrsuin Ioltioa. Unlttd Vtt Srne VIENNA, (la Honje), Sepu T. jGtiicraU von Aucffanbortr sad Daakl are today eaeagln tfac OTcra-belna-Iuk lltuttin forces unttr General JUiniMlcy between 1'niblenow and tti Galleiaa border. The Ruaalana teck to orararbalm thlc part of ih Auttrlan mxaj before the Geraaaa reiafotcemeBta arrlT. and the Auatrlana. gremtlr outauaa bered. are loelaf bearUr. Line-Army Withdraws tOLLOWlNU hUItritlSl.VO RtISTAXCK FROM A1XEE8, MSK WKG OF GEHMA-V ATTACK RCTREATS TO LUXE, AWAITIX0 TXB ' ARRIVAL OF IilXFORCEMNTi TAKIH GOES WILD AT SEWS OF THIS fiETRACK FOR IXVAOER Another lmiful flty of France lu fallen Into lhf hand uf the atiproarblnK German araalee, accordtai d!tMlrh fff m rturlm T.lllc. Mvh hJ for protect ton one uf the lronitf! fori franre had built. luccum- TbiP ar no tU (dee tttefv il t4 in th? piwi; In llathl of tr a f !. rJfdlag l ho fKttrmltr f the trnilltlf. It w f h fori on lh Hrl line of French tWwnur, and waa au ImiKirlant link in the chain or fori )lm of the Oormaa la Herltn, te. runnliiK trew Clt oh the KnUh rhannttl lu Helfort In the outh of Franc. Once the Gorruaua break through hint that wont of the world mkm j t,l llm- thpli trflit. uf marrhlna- on to rarU will U mar rcalltallon that Parblana will he la daaier of panic. t'Klodked acalntt GerRmer. do not I . .- ' . .. . . "'' ..sssss Ulletn ll-.n tAltierl.i will Minim "" """" 1 . . . . I lb fearful rnie agalut aneh hljRoV ScOlltS Are lvil,l I.I, t !, ..- ....UI..J 11 fbi be lait," Excused at School HOHENZOLLERN t'nlud I'ii-m Herttte IXN!K)N', Hept, 7, -Biperte agree that (lermany It ttablac ettrythU nn one battle, the tfkt befere Purl. Thn army there bu iA000W000WWWI0WW0k (Continue e 4) Cnltt-il I'r Jtonlc LONDON. Bept. 7.AII lriy aeout on actlte aeml-niUlfar' trvlce hate i,,' ibwn euw4 from achwl attendance durlCK the war LIFE IS SAVED RING IN THE WAR BY A MIRACLE Wilson Sends Message to America s Labor! UKIItMXm IN m.KMANYVi Rt'I IX FAMILV M1X LCK WIIILi: WITH IT, HUT IHHAB. TUIt WIIK.V IT IS AWAV 1 AU.I.NG O.V A JACK8KO.V FORK, HURT KKKLLV8 HEART 18 IJNIXJtllKl) ONLY .OX ACCOUNT OF A Itlll DKFLKCTlXa T1XK United rrena Service I.0N00N, 8opt 7. Unsllahmen arc wonuerins wneutvr nmi . 'holm la wearlnK thi fnmoua Hohtn xollern luck atono. U la aald that .ilium Ihu accoaa on or r rcuonca-ui Jdreal ho found ainom tho poiaoa- " lonrt of hta father a box containing n "I fr Hut I rM to Mi rMadewrr, ami ulili n heart full of dc Jrlnj act wltlv a peculiar black atono. iMin.lrnrr, iwMil went f rheer to the workera of Amrrlr on llila Ulxir U n0(0 written by Frederick atatod y In the UtereeUag jrear f 114. Im, tho rg had been glrcn him by "So oae aw leelt ae4 Mm with rmnk eyra, dlhrr Im our beloyr.1 Injunction thai -;;.ry or MM,4tBV i Ua u, er Uan. HHk.i le cH.laatlon " would prianer ao ' "'Hr Imada, wIHhhR feelkHI that lliew le atraily mnveiiirnl both f , JJ 'JJ ne ' n() ,n (ho J,, Wrp.. n,.d of aclk- umrtt Jtlee, and MUer rm.if I.en.loH ..d rra... lm j" ,rom Kred.r 'Uo;! ;' Im eeeentW wt llbfrtle. ol mcm. ck William It by hla ml.treaa. Count- '-The mnvMaeal mf be lew, Hi-y at tluiea bi ,IUIr.wally awl ; 'L cLlonau.Ilen. U la declared, oMm,.K,r alow, but It U naH.l.lak.UI.M mi.t nil that Wo hae to k to " "?" . ,iu....r. in-1 EtbS!:4? iN.PO,o.o war.. In 1813, the year ,. " " uw " I"1- " ." " V1 ""'"" ""7, , ; '.,, of 1'ruMlan llbornt on. tho ring waa I d haaty when tere aa ireata. the wMBtry llaelf are Introlvcl." . ni. Tho blograpber of William I declared ho aavr the ring on that WAflHINQTON, D. C, ll.pt.' 7 auovo meaeage to later of Amer " In ceUbmtlag !( Itollaey today " Klien by rTeaUelit WlUoa to wmui (lompere, eroeMeat or the Ainorlonn Federatloa of Ubor. wiih it came olaera f re FerM ifMdcnt Taft, leaden, la congrew hd Isadora In the labor atoreaieat. Kollowln wm PrWMt QoaiMf'a Ma to the hoa l.tohwh" da..Wd!m ta " f daavor KreMo. eeleta ai.tai'rA (ontlMoHi earJtoy-Mit'lttiiM. BlUil .m ! rTTTT' TT7.T? -i i." :""' "'wt "n Ltbar Da e ao) fort of men nud wnmon to Nocuro for themaelvea and their children Ju ticca und llfo opportunity, "Uecaime thla holiday of the work Inf people ombodlet the character latlo aplrlt of tho nation, cltliona who have ben forceful In maklnf nntlon a jdeala, were anlitfd to write a greet ing or a meaaAKO to follow worker .who arq atrlvlng to make jtrcodoin, juitlce and humanity practical fercoi Ih dally llfo nnd work." ' Prealdent WlUpa'a meeeag toja bar today wnn unique In Btaare- peeta; U .wu hie flnt at W eaecu- life, aad a radical departure tram mi rale agatnit lyl Pecll ltwWewa er'ftateat.nt. uaon any "Jkv I raoaareh'a hand during the Franco rruaalan war of 1170. Keafeeeatative Murray CeMNratea United, Preaa Service WABHINQTON, D. C, 8e?t. 7. "nilly" Murray (not "Bill" Murray) waa tho recipient today of coagratu lotlona.;, VPIUy". la MaaaacaHeeUa' ri'iireaeatatlve front leeton. He wai H yeere of age todays He ueed to be the "baby" weatber of the houae, aad W" receatly. aapolated poitmiuHer at Boeto. "mw Murray la better kwa aa "Alfalfa Mil," Mm plctureHu f qeMreeeataa .ffat Okla- Hurt Skelly, employed by Frank Duffy, etcaped death by the narrow eat chance Siiday, whoa he fell on a Jackaon fork. Skelly waa working on top of thn alfalfa alack, aad fell from there, striking or the fork. One tine of the fork penetrated hla thigh, Another pierced hla cheat, Junt pbovc tho heart. According to Dra. Johaaoa and Cathay, who atteaded Skelly, one of hla rlba deflected the tlae, or It would have pierced hla heart, caualag Initant death. ImprisoiMd Man First to Enlist United Preaa Bervle LONDON, Sept. 7, Iaaprlaoaed for two year for hla eoanecUoa with the famoiia "Dea't 8heet' circular dlatrlbuted umoag Brltleb aeJdlera who ware on atrlkeduty, Oeerge Nee aon, a ayudlcalkM, waa eae at the drat to, be accepted, tor "eerviee with the expeditionary arav, Belgluai.. XcbneU'iralr Om t.'aiied l'reaa rvlee LINCOLN. Neb..iaat- 7. Nebraa- ka'a "forty-ilxth, "aeaal atato fair otteaed today atbh -aWrte.groaada hare; Aviator FfleiaiBayhy, la leea-the-loop aiid-,Mald dewm llghU waa 'to.be one et tba AUraettoaa. Ta fair will coatlaito teMU Ifteatber Hi United I'reaa Service PETROOARU, SepU 7. It la ex pected that the battle between the AuttrUae aad Rouaaky'a army will laat aereral days. The goverameat expecu to annihilate the enemy, and the breaking-, op of this force raeaaa practically the dUraptlag of all of Franr Joeef'a forces. Rouatky haa ordered the tempora ry abaadonmeat of tho disordered and rapidly dwindling Auitrlan army floelnf from Ita rout at Lcmburg. ln atead, all of tbe Ruaalan force la thrown against von Auelfenburg to eruah hla army at once. Ruaalaaa are advancing on fortlSed (ieraaa. petitions along the Ktvcr Dleme. The Ruaalan line extends across Poland, through Mlaw and through the province of Radom Into Eastern Oailcla. The Ruaelana are bealeglng Konig bergen. It la reported that they have iclxed the Carpathian passes British Fleet Makes Ready United Preaa Service LONDON, Sept. 7. The British fleet la preparlag to break, the Ger man naval power. The admiralty ad mits that Important events are Im pending. England la stirred up over the failure to prevent the laying of mines by tbe Germans. United !'- derrxc PARIS, Bept , T. Tlie war oaUe wire tbat a jaacttoa ef miliary Got ernor Gallieal's force with that of General JoaTre, in iijiiallag "h taw Rritish under Graerml French, today; turned back the right afcutk et the) Oar- man army. Htantliancoaaly, Brkleli foiw aatccewleel German line. TliU move Imperilled the Oeraaan right whtg, and to prevent a I itmlojl anil annltaiated. General von Klak" whligmr hla fete l.lllo. tu await eapyort. - - In the nteauUaK', Parte la celtbratla as a vktery tb faclawa at afce) Gcnn&ns to attack Parie. Tbe newspaper tax esnttanft te ajsehr afeeieav War oncer, thongh, say that the withdrawal 'of tbiranbt naag' aatal it liiudlvlty today Is a wak for twaafom aerate. Riaertea freaa low's command near Rhknae are aUeniptlng to JeJex thr right whag. may be headed oaT. It la believed that the German have discontinued their march direct ly toward Pari because they learned that tho allies contemplated a general engagement weal of the city. French troops are missed there, and a trap Is ready. Late today Military Governor Gal llena published the. following state ment, wired from Bordeaux by the war effice: "Tbe British and French forces are now engaged In a gonersl action northeast of Paris. The entire French and English lines-are In action, and the combat Is extremely vigorous." ijn iJt" ft. ' ,- 3iF How the Zeppelins Drop Deadly Bombs LONDON. Sept 7. The method used by tho Zeppelin airships in drop. ping bombs haa been described as fol- Iowa by an English refugee, whs) haa Just arrived her front Belgium. Th dirigible hovers over Its object at n sufllcieat altitude to keep It oat ot range ot the'eneaay's gun. At the) same time T It lowers a stoA sage at taehed to a steel wire rope S,069 or 3,000 feet long. This cage la divided Into compartaeata, and R, carries en man whose duty It hi ta'throw down the bombs.- The cage is sumcleatly strong to make rifle ore against It In effective, and because ot its small six and the fact that It la kept constantly in motion. It la very difficult for the heavy gun to hit It. Bert C. Hall aad his ever present canine. "Rex." Jetton their auto San day for Shasta Springs, when Mr. Hall will meet 'Mrs. Hall, who has been In San Francisco the past two weeks, and they will drive noma la the car. , British Cruiser Stranded Today United Press Service WABHINQTON, D. 0., Sept. 7. Berlin haa wirelessed the German em baaay that the British cruiser Warrior la stranded. Better Boy Winter Provisions at Once Japanese Levy Great War Tax United press Service , TOKYO, Sept, 7. Th lower houae ot the diet todypasaed an extraordi nary war budget, II,I9M00 being theteUl. Saw Wff ySw WaHr JtwrtB, whs fct eeadueUng sent Mgertaaeata agraMmy at tte jsTasce(isi aWtea) n wi jr i9r a ewsw CWMi U- It you wish to be sure ot present prices lu provisions. Mr. Householder (or your wife), it behooves you to begin at once the laying In ot a atock of ataule for tho winter. Whll (there haa been n noticeable advance hero except in tho cost ot sugar, there la no assurance that there will not be some advances. On the contrary, there Is every rea son, to expect sharp rises. It was ex pected when tho European war faroko out that there would be but a f3w weeks of fighting, aad then things would adjust themselves again. In this the world waa tooled, for all of the belligerent armies, la their move ments, show that their nations had been preparlag for Just thht situation, and are determined to carry en the light to th hut. -The agreement ot England, Russia and France' Friday to ataad by eaeh other until a treaty Is made with the Triple Entente as a unit Is th !aHt sad blow to the hopes of an early, sft tleaaeat, so the wwM ia aettllag down to expect a long grwaJung nampaaam; which la sapping th life, strength. products and. weaHh et, torn ThVV wyld'a greatest pawra. &$f -y iLeeal msjre teveM adasarr " r-i In other places But up Is a down the prices tu normal, while flurries were caused by the work ot the apeeulatora. how long they can keep thla nmhlAtn With European ntarketa unable to send supplies seat her other years, and the warring nations grabbing ev ery bit of gold obtainable and. refus ing for the present to pay on their (debts, the only thing to be expected a au advance in the price ot living. Sit la always during a money strin gency that thla happens, sad whit it might not, come right at present, we have reason, to expect. It before' the winter Is over.. Therefore, we should usa little baslBesa sense, sad d"our heavy busing etsMples now,' fr. It th prleea da net advance, they will cerUlnly ot:deHn. -. ' Aaetaer aiatter to be called to' ta attention; ot th lwusw4l;i ith , neceatuyot buying f rait: tor. th whivv v. ter oaaalng nnr. - A4lt to.aeadt ff IpsaenU. for the Wggeet r:?". MMa la ahoiti ammr. . iUMBr:t,' - .,,W. f.vrwvoT.,. 1 . . . i.lTiT). ?:xzrtzuzz Vtsnd.thpai 'ifi'&-mmi j jjuu'fflpsm" t J- t,nui nanshstt "iei vers - ? 2 it-, Zi $ 'X