av A . 4f . . PRINT! THE KLAMATH FALL- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER - - - - " - NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS .f'''S jHMU iii-r"" " ' KLAMATH PALLS, OKarOON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, ltM sefc Cupumn w dBBmf gaSM Jjtf lUrralfl wwBiHilt -J--.' .-jt - ' ' -i , ii;7;;;--ftMM.Miiiiiiiii immhh t"Ftea Tnw VMM V- - If BENSON HAS MAJORITY OF ONE VOTE OVER RTNARY i i.... ....w.-. -,,.. myww,IWiwwlu.-mv RUSSIANS STILL HAMMER AT THE AUSTRIAN ARMY VIB.WA ,Hllj I'tlUIIT OF TMKJ itixu timet: ,(rr Jlttt I"!'. IIhmI ItrtVf II" 40ii).i lln OllrNUr in l'rtlt ul .W HartlMg AH Marthl Tutl UmtiaN fMiilA. Tacllr ItlUtUll (VutHMHtVf lttlt liMI failed l'f Ml(r IIKIU.lV, (U T!w llaxw), Hrpl j ,V It . uiolrfMt! iImI UtMi.omr (ifitutn rrKMUt Mv ftm dl lttUnt t tlfwr Uk AitrUna In' ftU, Ithlll llt ettwy I rrraMt Iwd. " ", ? ' ...-, ,, Dr. Alexis Carrel, of Rockefeller Institute, in Charge of Wounded Ktl'ltMI.Uttt.V, tivi. a-n.P lttln )-slot.eMi'v IImI Cr MibfcU lt ilrererii that Jew a iway i Wtue IIuWUn MWijr Swt. ' i I'alttd I'ft rvke YIKN.VA, (! HoJ, Bept. 5 AtiitrUn army ha mat with wt kiIj trirf All o( IhU week, Tke hlUre of the Hi my under Gtknl iWoUr lu hold the lis at Teattar iu. UiiMlan Poland, j t14 miHifc Male tor i root and annihilation. T!.i' rwU' tommattded by Genual YprauBcnUtg sh4 former mlnUter u( r, 0uerl t)Rkl, IteOH drtltiuud, - .MriSSflSHBlB. SBBJ tohfat-., -.. M I iftHBsisisisWi I K 'S1"' twVBr iBSSSSSSSSSSMn SI iSSI llPJBihr ukiiliBSSSSSSSSMSlc SB fae&&Pi ' l ( I" '-h ' J JVBSpf is SB rw!! f '.fci-. JsyBHBvSvSvSvSvSSW S H . bsibT IsbbbvsvsvsvsvsvsvsvsVI B WiBaSvMBBSBBvSvSvSvSvSvSvSvSa S 1 itWBBBHHsBBBBBBBH 9 MRVstMNsl mvijh JARB IS CALM HOLDS WILLIAMS nili p rrairi GUILTY OF DEED? tvt " n 7 X.VFKWlO.V (iV WUA.IAHH IKTKOUfCKO XT Tu CuatfMtoti f llir Hod, d H. ,. KmiwJu Totil of III. Talk Witt Urn Vritomer. WlUUrn Akkra to br.Jit tMi H"t Urt IWfo "cllJ l'f( 8rvlni J'imtOOJUl) (Cofwtfly 8U I'tl.l rtbure), Bpi, 5.-Ttt nuiln bt rranm4 tb o(Tnti In North ( ml lioutdtrti Kt I'rtmls. Wli JtnndfwJ iliouttl mtii r leotliiic fn tUe airllo of Hull. "Tfi Au.irltii rwy feu bn tmj.ticiy ttuihcd a m mull of it nrl fjffttW matMHU r ke M fortM urt!er Ortnd Duke Nlelc , r An omc r tprtMtit lttnrfn otr. tr. At-U Cartel, nn f b lofp uuib I'fraclimsu, )rmtw ikm kla mom lnv("4tlc!or In j't'J llJ' In country roulJ um kla tka k tall Hip vrorlt), xho txHramr Cmmomh by'thv Imtltutc ami hutrltl home. Jl ItU tirk at niKUMkr (nUr4, In nMlftsrd o l.yoiu aud there hu Now Vurk Clt'4 U now lh rkriU)of tru worklnc mUIii an it day to at4 th amhulauH? notiko In cotttKKtloii the outnSsl lu Hip tncautlme with Itiw Irpiinwui of the Houudrtl'tclcntri In tho United State Iom oa In the ar at l.jt'i. Pram. No hi tllieovrl har ben of la- tootjor had tht doctor, who U k ihorj calculable value. L'nlird lrea Scrvk IMItltt, Kefii. S-Oa flic rrc of taw battle that will dttble lk fat ' , ilw cliy N Iranian. Trie riodu coatfaiHf. j Anwr ltj AMlMwdor llrrrlck hc wmmwl AH-ricnn itat be catmoc WlltMora Mttrtmmr TmUM -,i p,o,Ik. piolrcllo. If they rtmxl. bat tnany are itUrmlmta to atay awl "m tlio rnav." To wtlJUry rrcttiatiotM rc trl. Food l plmUfal aad the ahoa an. all 09m aaut ftrirra have rot been rained. ji u aonrnica iruH tae dcrtoajM ar roawemtmUaa; fortes for a .rm. eaTon to crm4t raria. The eacaay baa mored eaatwartj of PaPrte. and atroaw rorcea are reported eavit of Mcaux. It to beUerca tbat the CerHiaaa pUas to force a rrrl engagemtut before anaktaa; a aertoaw oaTeawhe MOTeaaeat .igaJaat (lie city. Military Gorenaor GalUrnl aaya the troop, to defrad Pari are aow la coauct Mlth tlic racmy. Tliere Itaa bcea ao aerloaa Igbtlac today. It la feared that the alilea are la danger of behtc aanoaaaVd. The IIHtiabrracJi farce cajiw left talac have beea ba8y hauaaatd. aa4 today Ml hark oa tbo re'atrrcs, arraariag to aaake aaotber aaaaak. Three Gerataa armlet rnwacd Hie Maeae yeateraay aad drere back tlia Ft each eratrr. , The Preach are tald to bare takea a aetr battle Iter, aad are awak las the at aaalt. It t aot kaoara where the aaaaak rras eoaacv The Goreraaaeat laa aarchaaed CM,M mm, f wheat, to he at coat whrmw jaHcea hare hern aadaly aaraace. ABOUT PAPERS THE ILEOAL kUIXOTS ARC XOT COCXTKD 4 aw .eeK aad ' H - Maa Beea la Japan Nedt a Big War Budget Uo!il I'rcM Harvlca VOKIO. Haul, 8. a atrial iwaa'oa of ih Dioi oprtaed today aad ith Mklaam wa dhjpUyad. Cernil omima (.ij.)aia4 (hat aa aitraerdla- VI r ,'l,d"t w Ml Mid "T rmy and navy arc data th.tr 'HI duty and all ,, MV bf I'roud o ilicm." HEPPE IRATE NEW SECRETARY AT TREATMENT CHOSEN TODAY MAS AHItKMTh'D AT HIM PLACi: foKTMND MAX HKMXTED MV OX KT.iTKMJBNT OK WIIXIAMi M NOT YET FOHMAI.LV I!. CHAKUCO FROM CAiB CIUMBKU OF COMKKCr IS TO Ut: OIVKS A CONTRACT FOR A VCAK'S WORK nV, the Jary. latpaaHed aad awerr Coroarr Karl Whltlock. la the nbor ealltled rae, find the foltowlac oar vertttett lia via aau that the acraaa dead la AUea C. Htlod, a white aiale, of the age of fortyfoar yeara, aatlrlty Hcutck. (Sad) That he carae to hat death oa the Sari dwy ot Amrawt, A. D IBM. at Ma rlalat or hnaarataal aa !owr lUaaaaah aiflea aaaah af the tewa at (ard) That he aaaaa by ataaaa wf a baUet waaad aad a Mow atrwek wWt a aacb aa aa ax, both ea the aad W the we believe theae la have A. D. 1914, Hfc a aa aad a haaat iaetraaaeat Ja tba-laaaaa af Fraak WUUaata wboat we hellew 10 be SaUty of Hie crbwe thereby. Fatraaaa, W. P. Araat, aett. Fred Nod. C. K. Moyt, J. C. Jarrte, Ceo. U Hauaaiaray. Tfea above verdan wa aaaded la at tke coaeloalaa of tka taaaaat to day. .None ox wuiiaata' coataaatoa to tba nuikorlilea waa aroackt out. bat wltaeaaea told ot the eadtac of tko body, WllUaa' coatleUaa; atorUa. etc. Wlllhuaa aahad aa altaarad ta attead the laaM, bat darlag Ha pretraaa. ha waa retaraad ta the Jail At hla ova rrquaat. BeaMea tke ! quaat. there haw baas So Sew da ralopateata In the Called Preaa Servlea LOXBOV. Seat. O-Str Edward Grey aad the Preach aad aaihaaaadara today alawed as aaycraieat tbat the war wfll roathiaa. iae ewa ia aoae or we three awea n be perwdtted ta Say War Will . am m aa -jf - Not Hurt Fair Wnltad I'rtwi garvtaf ' DAN rftANClHPA a. p. J-ommlMioncr aera Moor' of the y. ""mt from hit trip. Ha WaTaxR ; Some Dwcusjjaon AX?70' t'Vr- wsr i " tat rata, ? , uynj 'Way wai I brouabt ta KUaatth Palki aad ktpt htra two vdaya, at t lertldi y work at UoasaT 1 don't kaow," aaya K, M. H4b, a wall kaowa" Mldlaad mnn. A((r Wll llama attawnted to altlft tht hlaaio for tba killing ot McLaad or m, of lccra'Va to aay place and quwi Honed me. than naked mo to to ovar to (ho McLeod plaea with iham, which I ald I would do If tbay would brJnis ma backhand thoy proatlaad W." "t waa (jutitloatd a lltUa shtst tho affair, and eaally proved that 1 wai In tho Lava Dada at Hit tltua of tha kllllnv I aVcd If I waa under arreal, and then a warrant waa thown ma. "Wl)n I waa brought to Klamath Palli, I aupixiied they ,1ihod to iitloa further, or to eosfrost Wllllawi with me. Thouh I waa not locked In jail I waa detained, and though I waa nn queetloned by ot flcaia ulnce coralni hate and Wll- llama la aald to havu made a clean coateailon, aa yet 1 have not heal faraMlly dlihnrged, though Sheriff Low hat been lutereited enough to Mime that 1 would not be detained bate any oger." J atrldea are being made rj ef dlamonda wade ta the At a meting of tho dlrectora of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce thla forenoon, deorgo C. Ulower waa ehoien at accrelnry, to euccoed Lewla Wylde, recently reelgned, DloVer arrived laat night frost roillaiid. He waa recommended by 0. 0, Chapman of tho Portlasd Oanv merclal Club and a ceatraet to U bo drawn up today for a yoar'a engage. meat. At thla meeting, a. tetter from M. J. Muray waa read, etatlagtkelJbe'had no Intention ot belngfi aaaddaU fey the poaltlon, , tc v. Ureat the a laa lla'rhf' Jumace and n, avjm to produce talk la fresehsuw comstoreial Valon TeaiMerasea Meeting. There will be n union temperance meeting nt the Preabyterlaa churek Sunday evening at a p: m. to dltcuea and plan for tho Oregon Dry ean palga. Mlaa lola Smith, represent Ing ihe W, 0. T. U. of Oregon wilt apeak, alng and play the auto barn. Other apeakera 01 'tke oveawg are Kdaon Walton, Jobs Hutaaea Superintendent of Hehoeta rrad Pat- crtoni atra. neri u aolo, K. OF P. IN ITS 60LDEN JUBILEE PIFTUiTM AN.VlVEaVMRY OP THE POV.VOIXO OP ORMaR M aUKXQ CaUaRRATEn IM CatJCAvO TO. BAY DerasUtion of I German v Savs the BdLgiuin Awful! Tax Is Not Set BUtte Caavaaetag Beard He Work ta the Fa 1 -r Neck Race, Which the Balaace Shece May lStav Jaat Abeat Two MeaMheUaiM Thaw Per the Geaeral WaeHaa , j United Preaa Servlea SALEM,, Sept JwTkaettta eaa lawiag board today toaaaT that cir cuit Jade Henry X. Beseem af KMaa ath Falla had one morerotetbaa Joatlce Charlea McKary, of tala aHy United Preaa Service ANTWERP. Sept. . 6. Refageea arriving today from the Interior aay tbat Belgium fat a aceaa of devasta tion and waate. where the Qerman army aaaved through, Tba mlnea are all Idle and alt la- duatry la paralyxed. There were ao wasaa aald aaywkera la Aaguat aad very able bodied Belglaa la at the freat. Igbtlag. AGRICULTURIST COMES TUESDAY FORMER INSTRUCTOR IX ENTER. PRISE HIGH SCHOOL WILL TAKR I'P DCTIES OF MAX A. ? United Preaa Service BERLIN, (via Aauterdam) Sept. A. The following atatemeat waa made today by tha geverameat: "Naturally, the varloua cltlea cap tured by the German forcea muat pay a war tax, out me amoaais reported levied by aonrcea cloae to the enemy are uatrae. "The exact flgurea have aot beca fixed yet. Tha goreraora ot the, cap tured territory will lx tke tax rate. Kugeao Areeau af Madrid, Spain, to 19 yeara old, tore feet all lathee ta height, weight III pounde-od ottll growing, Showaegaa. Me., baa t'Sradigy ta tho form of a 6-yeei'.b!dby who haa sYr, beta to ockool, but oas road aaytalag piaeed ,bfore'vkbit. ' United Preaa Servlea CWCAQO. Sost. . Tweaty-lve thetuaad vialtora Cram adJoiahur auteo ware expoetod ta arrtvo hare durtat tho day for tba three daya celebration of tke golden jubilee of tha Katghta of Pythlae. u eoajuac- ties with theae ceremoalea the forty. Hfth asniveraary of1 tha KalgkU of pytaiaa organwattoa is Ullnola will ha obaorved. Today la Pythian SeM day. Qraek drill teama competed Um afteraaaa at Comlakey btoahaH park aad laore wopt atkletlo and vaaaVville feataree. A reeeptlon waa aaid at tba tadltar- turn hotel tor Hythiaa Sietera. ' Pel lowing a banquet thai evaaiag a jubilee page claaa waa la bo laRktad at tho Nadlaah Tompta. Oar'-Ral. atoaVof ladiaaa, aaeaadatadta addtooo, a meetlsg sada aftarsoaa la the Auditorium, theater, A btc MreWMoaeejr wtU brisk tba eat., oarattaa to.eHe," u "1 !-lM i ' - 9 fS K.I krcAUi Gatherlag wlMatoaa m j lata b bat taduetry. ta OhJabap oossty. daTaitahia Word haa'been received that Har old C. Olaayer will arrive Tueaday night, ta relieve County Agrlcufturlat M. A. MeCall, who haa realgaed to ac cepi ie vice otrectoraaip or tne dry land demonstratien: experiment work ot Uo Waealagtoa State College. "Mr. Glaayer attended Waahlngtoa 8Ute College and later, graduated at the Oregon Agricultural College. 8ince then he haa been laatructor la agriculture at the Enterprise High echool, and assistant" agriculturist of Union county. Ho is a epectatlst in eeml-arld land matters. LOOKS FOR BEST YEAR IN CATTLE M'LEMORE SAYS THIS YEAR'S BUSINESS WILL EXCEED THAT OF LAST YEAR. LEAVES TO LOAD CATTLE ' ' Sf9tamaKBwmaatHBBBaaaaH0 BBBBBBBBBBBBHPRP"aaii '' UnHaHSaBmBHaHSaBmBHaHSaBm -BJPH' trH' vtf -fr . aTJPQR BCNSOK Wedaaag a Sarpeita At tho borne of tho brida'a mother. Mrt. Jamio M, Maore: Mlaa" Qertruda Boala and Raymoad Court, two pop umr youag reataasta of KlamaU raila were united ta marriage thla moratag, by,Rey, jr. a. BtuaWoSeld. Immediately attar a weddtag break faat, tbay; took tho trata tar CalMovi am. MrCNHtrt botag emptayad to Sea Fslaear a,;siUoaW aurage and 5 T "The outlook in the cattle market waa never better than thla year," aaya D. M. MeLemare. "I aspect to do better thta year than iaet.year. when I handled 11,000 head.'v 4 MeLomora leavea In tha maraiag for Arlaoaa. whore hVhas coatraeted for aaveral taaueaad head t Arlaoaa eatUe. and wiM.at aaea atari aklp- Plng Hta trat abtpaMat.wlll be to tha middle West, after which, be will ahlp 8,000 head to California buyere. The cattle ln Arlaoaa are ta weal lent shape thla year, aa the gvaaa la tne beet Uere ta tea years. for the Kenublkaa aomlaatioa for Jusuce of tha Supremo Coart- Pbkla ataatmlafaaa avaai vaaakaaAxaaatt aarvdua 4ft aa ,."oai-(BweemBamBBjmamam ma.waj Judge Beaiaoa..retae4ztaat"rea to a counting ofUetBrteB"ballo h legally throwa out ta Sixea Preeiaet. Carry coaatr. aad meMarha4 balked at a recount of' tko stall la . r . ""jciV z. v w precincts stipulated jay Sinsea, , ' Whether or aot ' aoTeraor ' West will Issue a certilcate of aominaUaa to JudgeT Beaton la coaeJdered prob lematical here owiag to,taa, eatreaae cleaeaeaaiot tba ceatastvr "h a . Benson, and. McNary were oasdl- datea tor the RepuhUeaa namlaatiea for" Juatlce ofthe SuKeesVCoart at the party prtmariea'btayil. rer alace that date the queetloaof which waa name, aa taa rartav party eaadt- data haa beea ta doubt. s i, At one etaga;ftb gan Bosaoa would have a load ; the next day would revena tarn la MeKary'p favor. atveryTMunty:milr.sbeetIbaa boos rcchecked repeatedly and la aeverat precincts the ballota have boos re counted In aa effort to break tha tie. ". Becaaoeef a teed of perpetual mo ttea Hiteatapplleatieaataa'UBlted Statea pateat;aeaee baa deelded ta eW tllaa to receive aM tbat are aaaeeem pasWby warkfsf moaeet,, ' : ' " ' i ' ' ' Mra: Agaea MavwarTtawe, owaar af that aHlwaubea uM elub, ie atsdytag tor s?eapml r' , 4 ;,,n"t)lV.T . & a Cestral Oretos hMt'waak. aeilMad ' "m. Z.K-'-i iraiatawaffa 'H "i Sugar Bewl la Lata last night, Claude Coaohoota disposed of 'Tba Sugar Bow,' 'tba popular confectionery and lea eream parlor to P M. Oarioh. who ejurttor in the day sold hla Interest la tba Suaeet Oroeery"to y'd a4 Peray IvVaaa,. Tha aaw owaar wiu take charge at once, and Caaehoom.MwB ulfi vt mm to Garrett, Vaa Riper yeateraar tare-!.. BOOB, la utaaal&ar nn lu.la. tL ttk'tfi - T- mmr raeaeeeB mm, aieaaa aiH-aiB ,.- r . . . . . r r-T-'T3T. Tp Mf. isaraia later l..tba year, Mra. Coaeboam wl be.graaUjr hy the atanypatraaa.af taetr "eass irfi " A -t . -, ti i mm)mmmmmmm41t$Wr:?y$t-ij "(rWalWe WawVonVSJSJMBBB WamBBiv Lltf W) F br THtdaJPa six l v. lV-P, T lu .til Wit: Ml 'l wrx w Vh - '&& .e & 'S.WBSfi lOrlV Ha'1 ' fwv M .- t-'qXK T ' KT v. .- A- V "'t r ' i .r