Itumna literal? PRINTS THIS KLAMATH PALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWSVVHIUUTI8NI2WS SI . a- CTaLtiaJW'"'"''T'l1ffll'1w'l""',r'T'1l,ir"l''l'"rori'llr'l'fr"r',)l'11 ''T'Tm'W'tiW'wiiwiwuiKiifKi.iiU'ii ah Ye r-'. 8"' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914. Price. Fr? s OnH (fth PRESIDENT ASKS INTERNAL TAXES TO MEET LOSSES Krr. ,tr rli.klK at j rpflwll. UI.mI WMMW.a- w ,imt llMu Vir the. Kilo ot U '' ...m III s'f 1TU.S". Ht't. 4, lfJ irtt WHv ttt4r f"1 prw. bmi to t;es',, ," ,"" """ lm to twt IreUtMleu far Inuriul liutt& n l'tI4l 4Uf4 lh ,,ireBM' fntte " l r hilMits l ttUrmlu rl. He M lust l the Ml they 1,11 ta ll swath. tU ! W U trM lO,?O,O09 l OO.00 194 Jr WlUoa fcW tul It would be mtwl 4unrt uuSf the Pt tlrcu '. to trte a mowcM' doubt u to the tBtb n4 ultltt f Aerla' (iMitii), ati4 It ability to twiit, n4y ti Mitit r.Biitut tlUtiOtit Of lh t)IIOfi bUtt4 . tntltlr Ur the Pcealdaal', bwxjiio. Cnsrrmit tfdrl rtlttd roKfcrer.fc f the tw'h tttl Wr unit Meant Cummtil ii, taiUr tfce rut M ihlt, a nt lilt VIII U 1IJ4"I, the detail " ef fckb v t-cltj kepi iU. H U rov4 lhl ifHrclal tail le 114 en lln ob the ground tUt tkv ttttijwobllUl In principally! Ut mta Itu tfete to ml ibW a44l tardea. I &tttuet Ui of cebl a gl to, ! o to ui parade, t'alt4 l'i4 forvK- I'KNPLCTO.V, Or , rtf I- Coumor Oiw,i Vtt will U4 the Ite4 (r4 tU ppatttnc 4r of thp i:efid-up, Hofl-mb.f 34. IU wilt it (mou HoMn4.Up trti J4I tjtl wr tbo tUaploDiblpi fU a4 tlUurr lli miJ ilic thumj'-l louhlp iiuckitroo tut. B, A. Iluck url work ott a Ur k Uetory t Kuti (hit wwk. Sunday School Meet Program Is Arranged Oil o( th blciMi mMttnit of the Un4 vr held here li ichadutod for wtk, when tho nrth nnnuki vntiou of th KUmth Countr -mdjr 8ehool AuocUtton will b '14, ThU It to liogln WtdtiMtUy "4 b In iuon un,u Tliurdy v' ""f t tho Chrlitltn church. A uumbr of lucccMful 8uudy oftl orkr from all part of th mT17 " Cn ,h ro. In ad "Hon, Iter. Cuarlra A. Phlppi, ec "'ry of the Btale Hunday School Ao;lillon will be preiont and will "I'ltiit the Hound Tablo Talk and mo iome nddroiiM, Wedncidny mornlnK, a butlne tlln win bu held. That attornoon Ion will bo held at Pine urofo, The proKram follew: ,.,,. Wwlncada, Mondu. a-o, l.uiln mtlni; election of Wednesday Afleraooa. noii, 0W l0 HoJd You Mon '. J. (1. Camp. SUO -Tho Home Department", "w. Oh. A. Pbippg, .S1.mS.t,m,,m,,,,hw-j- oUrmlMion for lunch, !00, -The imra, iudty Hoboqj ' Hurt Ilawkina. PhlPp,' A(,(,ru W. OtaM A. Body of MIeod, Skull Smashed, Is Discovered LATEST.Willimi made it complete confession ihU afternoon. tUo ti)rfj i )", ulntf ,e iVolli r "hruUjr" Mrlruil Itaa bc tlrarot Ui TtMbk W'lllUm klllnt liliu miiintlt l hU irn niut'vUm liuiti M Hrrut"4i, lllirlnl mlMJ (r4 Irtttol tlU liUUao oImiuI Uiit frr Ultilrr TOIBl Mr l-rr. i"-if Midi lm iiHr riglil (wtititf llif far maatml In abil a bulM ImiIo Mt4tic Uimuslt l)w brain ' fuiil ItiU uumlua about II u'tltxk lif lttnrr lk"tti) wtitlr nllli tuiiutirr of irffcrr faruirr lie mm rtilni (Itu (fniilww, Iliri Iturjlitc ilcr In a na sultry ttlikti ran wtlbln aity fee if H tu. Tto ptann had bvfit rlly rotrirnl rrr Mtllt dlrl, Ant rttu craln and MmU wtilfli rr aruwIiMr altMt: ltt (utly luul tvtt rt-iidu-nt .l lilitn !) ol, TItU )ifaclcallr ralablUttr Ul Built of William, wl bt UI4 111 M.rrln ilil moritlii a few huura bfun llm f Jtat liorn fotiad UmiI U. ti. klllr.) lrll or at leaat had tttiii nllli an . A U Ik4k: nito al U fltito Uio body aa found l Uk William 10 llw daw In lti tKllof llu tt knti Mlinv IIk dd nia mu and liial hla aftioaa uttulil lli Mtim dp Ma ph U truuxd. Tim twir Mrl uxmi rtainlnalkiii by lr, Clhy 4 OoroT NhUKxk. I lull Uio Itiwrr jatt and Hio rttllro Jowrr art f I'm fatw had lni cruhrt in a lliniti Mliti an at. Al Uii time H waa fonad lUl 'Hi lew ttullot hwt vNtrrrd Uln kd un Um rtt.l ald aJftd ittrutigti lltn braiu. titnla nut n tlir Irn altlf two UrtM abow la r but it lil m biak lltp akin. Ttio bullet h found Jl ttwdkr Um akb. Tttcrf vtv rlolltc on ! tMMly ptrrpt an uadrratitrt ad an oer Ulirt thoitstt W'lllUmt aald that I tin man bad Wa ahor on. Tb taory uf llt iJIJrt-r U lhal William ahot J4r.lro.l wbllr In b aexl Uita Hiaaltnl In lit liul u tuaka urv of tin Job, William' UT7 luld lo 111 oeJrlnl. Ibla uiomlnjt aJalrd (lit It d IcIa bad Uunno rnlaagird In an atfument and lhat U 4fM of III own prtwn, UlHt tiaU a iliot un In ItU batxla, WUlUna hit 'ikuliy on ttu Um tlh the at. WlllUm ld tl McUod w t I . , llua- on Ibo bed m4 thai ho tell for- j ho found XleUod' tbouun out by ward onto iho nt-or and uMeret a"' 'hr' or (,r ,"Bd ,f"! ..... .. . . ..from the homo and he thouhl that ouuldo. II th .aid h h'lMel0(1 had ,hol hlmMlf .nd then a hot ouMiu. irne neu momma ThU afternoon metlng will be held at Pine drove, about ecn Hilton from the Fall. Ttiureday Moraiag. lt:30, Pralte flprvlco, led by Mr. J, It, Mton. IOiOO, "8oiuo Modern Probk-m." llov. CIikr A. Phlpp. 10;30, "llutldlng Up the rinnday Jirhool", Kev. 8. I). Harlan. 1 l:oo, 'Tho Ileal Purpote of tho Hunday School, Ho v. W. C. Illcbard. 11 '30, Hound Table, led by Ilev. ChA, A. Phtppt, Thurwday Afternoon 8!30, Pralto Bervlce, led by Mr. J. II, Mntou. 3 1 00, (louoral DUcuitlon by tho flchoolt, "Our Hett Feature". 3:30, "Orgnnlied Clattot," llov. Chn. A. Phlpp. 4100, "Primary Work," Mlt Laura A, lllco, 4530, "Oregon Diy," Hev. A. K. fllmmont. Thuradny Kvenlng. 7:30, Pralte flervlce, led by Mr. 3. n, Mniou, 8:00, "Graded U'on", Ml Ida Moniyor. 8,30, "Tho Chicago Convention," Key Cha. A, Phlpp. Hpoclal muilo at every enlon, All friend of the Sunday Icheol are welcome. -.Hltatait ff. u0 j-eUred he did not know whether h w dead or not. Il It probable that al the Urn Dodd and Worden ttopped at the ranch about ! o'clock Sunday nl(ht for potatoei, tho body of Method laid Jut outtlde tho houtu. The work done tu hldlnic the cone allowed carvful work and mutt lmvi taken Wllltain the re in I ml cr uf the nlghi after the vltlt- or letl to crate the trace of tho crime. The corpa wa lying on It bck In tb hole the legs c rotted and the arm itraljihtoned out along the nldut. Sheriff Low ha In hi pottwtlon now a number of poraonal paper that wero found acatterexl In a num- ber of different hiding place about the Mct.eod cbln, Tho how that McLeod hn ono living relative In Heotltnd. Up until today, though a moat vlgorou aearch had been made by Hhorlff Low and hi deputle for throo day, nothing had been found which would Imvo glon any con- cludve clue a to McLeod' raUUvaa and their roldouco. The wer found today hidden In varloua place about tho cabin with the evident In- tent to hide Information about tho man and hla antecedent. Tho entire affair, aa committed and covered up, without a doubt how that the crlmo had beea planned and worked out for aone time boforo the deed w done. While omo evidence of blood had beea found about the cabin and a little on n mall hatchet brought la by Rhorltf Low Wednesday, nothing out side the cabin, with the exception of the Npota on the row or unowr near the door, gvo an tndtoatloa of what had happened after the atruggl In the houee. The only laaleaUoa aheat ta NOT GUILTY IS WOMAN'S PLEA MHH. DAVENPORT, AKMAIO.VKD ON VHAHOK OP VIOLAT1NO mi: oumxanck. to hi: tkiko wki.nuidav A plea of not guilty w entered. tbli morning by Mr. W. C. Dvn- port when arraigned before Police Judge Lavltt on ehro of violating the aprlakllag ordinance. Hbo will be tried Wedae4ay foreaooti, and will appear al thai time. Mr. Davenport I accuted by the California-Oregon Power Company' employee of prtakllug out of hour, a4 of continuing tali detplt remon strance fro thea. BRIDE TEACHERS MEET TOMORROW ALL AHK KBQUewmU) TO HK AT CKNTKAL BUkLDINO TOMOR ItOW TO OCT ACQUAINTED WITH PLASH FOB TKRM a meetina of the grade teacher of the city tchoele will be held at i he Centra! ecaael al 3 o'clock to morrow. At tale Us, work for the rear will be taermgbly outlined by Superlateadeat ft. IL Daabar. Owing to the Uaportaace of the meeting. 11 te i canary thai aU of the teacher be protest. CzariU'i Welfare Causes Concern United Pre Service ST. PETERflBURO. (By Mali) Much coacera U felt by the Caar oa account of a reeurreace of the flu of mtlaacholy from which the Caar IU baa auffered periodically for ev- eral year. A second high wall ha been built about the Peterhot Palace to ensure her greater privacy and the door of tb palace at Ltvadla have been padded o that ao aouad can penetrate from the outstd. Tb contract for the Hood River highway waa let for f 61.000. pot where the body lay to snow that the dirt had beea moved waa where small shovelful of dirt had been barely tklmmed off the top of the ground to help All up the hole. The neatnete of the Job aad covering up by the (layer of practically all tracka wa remarkable especially alnce moat of the work muat have beau don after nightfall. It waa evidently William' Inten tion to settle down on the homeetead a latt Friday he brought hla wife and chlldrta out to the place with the expectation of keeping them there. Practically all of MeLeod'a belonging with the exception of a few unimportant personal aad busi ness latter which were fouad la a box on the wall, had beea removed to the barn and packed la boxes. Abel Ady who had beea aiding McLeod in obtaining possession of this propsrty from the government had sent word to Williams to com and see blm as aooa aa he heard that McLeod had sold out. As this laad Is expected to be released by the government In the futare he latead ed to help Wllllaau It he htf pur chased the property treat McLeod. Ady aald today that William seemed very nervous aad pretended that he wanted to get hack t the buggy aa he had left hla wit there with the team. He told Ady he had paid McLeed 1800 aad waa to pay him IIM mar for the alace aad that MeLaed had gone to Portlaad. He weald aay very little about the hemeatead or about the deal aad waa eeatlaually MwawiaaaaMwrwAMaMMHMMw (Ceatlaued a mum ) Invaders Close to Outer Forts of Paris Today United Pre Servlc IMIUH, hpl. 4. On U,e BMiveraary of FratKe'a b-xoculag republic, the tltjr la la aa ntmnely swrvow stale, with acw from the frost very !? JTV Indication are that Utr Gemaaa are within Mtiking tliataace of lite outer fort. Troop aro liavg raabed there. tiearml Galllrml laahrta that all of the acaaea are ufllcirally forti lied to rraiat lavaaioa, but tku i ia an eaodua from the city. Tn only lafonaation gtv-w at aooa waa that the allies bold the third line) of defeati, After Uila, the octal! arty lasued a manifesto caliiag the Social Ufa to the tlefVsaw) of Pari, .ill of the leaders have votuateered. Il i believed iliat iIm laaia araty will atteipt to force the silica to Utile at chc gate of ParK FaUhtg la thla, they will undoubtedly pre miuUi, aavd alaiuitaniuiisljr attack the diy at one point. Part now rUcJ liit tlw Gerataa never ttfdert to completely Invest the rlly, but will nmhahty reseat their fort destroying opera Uoee at Namur, nalae the big Krupf) gaaav While Uie War Oflre ia cUest, it I learned that the Geraaaa have occupied CowtpHgae. and lhat ItUeta i sow before the eaesay. The Preach loaaca at Aasleaa, star Owapeigwe were esores. The oMrrrs were uaable to roatrol the ates. who btelated oa reckJese charges, aad thoseasds were taowed dows by the K leer's gwaarn. ' Vresch aviator report the Oerataa force perior aaaaericaQy. It le believed that last sight, the Oerataae rcaohed a seast twearty-gve siite froea the outer osta. United Press Service ftKKUX, flee. . -The Prismas are wag g it is battle they are nashlsg the lYsach. Italy to Stick to Neutrality Ontted Press Service ROME, Sept. 4. Premier Salaa dra mado the following atatement to the press teday: "Italy I determined to maintain the strictest neutrality. This action Is endorsed by the Italians gener ally." Suicide High in German Army United Prats Service BERLIN, (By Mall) Just before the war there were more suicide la the Oerman army among enlisted men than la that of any other coun try of the world, except Austria Hungary, according to Herr Plnkau, oclallat member of the ReJchatag, in aa article la a Cbemalti paper. He alleges that la the past 40 years 10,315 German soldlsr have com mitted aulclde and S.665 attempted ulcld. The recent average ha been 160 a year. Uesse From Trip. Ml Pearl Wheeler, MUa Marjorle Week. Dr. E. C. Wheeler and Mr. Matthle returned laat night from an auto tour of the Rogue River valley and down the coast to Crescent City. Hera From Yreka. Frank R. Paddock and wife are Klamath Falls visitors, over from Yreka on a business trip. Is From Biy. Frank Obeachaln aad family, well kaowa Bly residents, are here for a tew days' visit. Hers Frees Lava Beds, Capt, I, D. Applegats ha re turned from Aaaes. Lake, where he has beea looklag after his sates in tereet. salsa Issued 141.000 buUdiaf Bar- alts last weak. oCai Verdsa aad that Daily War Cost b 55 Millions United Press SerHee LONDON, Sept. 4. Freaeh aad British statisticians estimate the loss to the warring countries at 155.000,- 000 par day. This Include the earn ing power of the men la the field. the economic loss caused by carclty of help, and the destructloa ot alps, caiualtl, commercial losses, etc. The loss to date Is estimated at 11.0S7.000.000.00. Belgians Starve in Netherlands United Press Service THE HAGUE, Sept. 4. Thousands of Belgian refugee are (tanriag la Holland. The Dutch government 1 unable to teed them all, and the mortality 1 frightful. This la especially true regarding the children. says three California Chinese Are Predicting Revolution United Press Service BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4. It It the sentiment la the oriental quarter here and report from Lot Angeles, Stattle, Portlaad, Vancouver. B. O.. aad otler coast cltlea Indicate that the view la general, that there will be another revolution Inalde ot a year. Revolutionary agent have working tirelessly all up aad down ths Paella slope and much meaey. unquestionably hat beea teat from tks United States to Isaacs aa up-, rlalai. aUtanat Presldeal Yaaa Shi Ktl.reatlst la AUSTRIAN ARMY IN DAN6ER OF ANNIHILATION Abandoning Supplies asd Gaae, Dv orgaalaed Mot I Wnisg, aad the Releatieae Punmlt By Basel as i Caasiag Esoistoaa Lee of Ltfev Believed Asetrlase Phaa Ceaw tratlos aad Figat aa Few Deye. United Press Serrlee PETROORAD (formerly St. Pet ersbarg). Sept 4. After the over whelming defeat admlabrtered the Austrian forces la the vtcialty of inubnrg. the wax omce aaaouacee that the Austrlaa army la la dagger of anBlhlUUoa. Tuesday the Austrian rallied aad attacked the Russians near LabUa. They were repulsed with heavy teas es. The Austrian are abaadoaiag enormous sapaUes, mualtloa -Ma guns. Aa they are belag drlvea est of Oalada toward the sea, it Is be lieved that plan are belag made tar a concentration at Prysemyl. where a new attack, will he made. Following the occnpetlon ot Surg, the Rattles fanes task 11- klew, tlxteea miles' aorta of taere. The Aastrtaa retreat f coaHaiiss. with the parssisg Rsstiaa eavalry cutting the rear guard to pieces. The Csar's forces la Rueslaa Pol and will maiatala a aefeaslve atti tude until retail ta arrive. WAR 6IVES ONE " wr jfWe ?a r INDUSTRY LIFT WITH THE aXBOnCAX TJUFFIO HTJT OFF, AMEBiCAX OCTPTJI OF ABBSXIO WILL FCfO H4 TKH aULLB HMstB The coaaumptloa of watt arttaie la the United States la IBIS amoaat ed to about 7,300 toat. valued at 15.3. was produced ha this esaa try at a by-product from eepser aad precious metal ameltert aad tks rs malader waa Imported 'largely frsea European eoaatriea. For ths prsssst tks Uasotis it arsenic will undoubtedly he ttrisatly diminished by the Europeaa u war. The American saaltsra earn aavt much more arsenic than they do now, for the cheapness ot ths product has prevented tks saving of aH that was practicable, and the war would ta to open the wsy for tks Increase la the Americas output. D. P. Blue, Great Fast, reports (40.000 per tea strike an, Huagry Creek. v , Ji while Just at reactloaary, la .a. itroagtr man than aay ef th sreat oHcialt ot the fallea Maaeka ii glme, tb revolutleaJett aasert eett- dlUoas la China are wen tiatvt for the last overturalag. What ta agltatort waat it a repusUe f advanced type as to avcag'a eeadltloa ot pur toelallsm. Ths view Is freely xprmtd Chinatown that matters' wsski Jadgea ot ta iMss4tta aaf "als' aaatemj BMPVamaasBsmtstptjatlxi j aaama will he ttArdtely.1'psryavk. far. Issussnes aoataaa'. ai asasi ss I tasVaafr k. - 4-W S.) "JiHA m Nssftat A T AiMlNt'V' at '' TT, n fi i ", , ' f i l 4 in . ' ... ,,. ...