Eitimttig Hralii t- PRINTS Tl IK KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Newswwu:it is news ? ' v.. 7i,lU iaiMm mm jnrjassjcwrcvi- .TrxmptBnmtsaMaimn r urir rrtirwtew MMib inn - - KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914. I Price, Mtv mh German Army Is Forty Miles From France's Capital Mill's Jtt. tt -II I rmllrl ifrtaln thai Mm ltlm lll ! rwt Hnl !' Mil ' '' furlnc"n. Already llier U i1truM(ii i. al ' MfmimlkM, Tt ! furlf -Haiti IH'tr Mill lUio tho (alp ut !',(.. the military '" " P1 tril f Um rlljr nUy. Ttn fori tv ,l mot, d ! rtiUl Uh, i. .. .- uultiafit imtltftttlttii B. Illn filial iltw it 111 txt MliiHlu-niiii " - " - UlUrlM". thMgHlf r(hL II Will lk Ihe fuini if a "Z," r(r,J. I tig ttWt l uwr L IWr, ahd lltf dlirr mihI l lllt'lm, )lrrr- I ttrf VnJso. I ...... H .) ., in i i i I lUtrt tifl dtnis l Ma JftUr Tfcn ( of ilio AutrUn l!d4 with lb" aft! gjtrtflei MlftB ciUmU trow t'arpautlon. b if fwtUM petition, 'tween in fccadtor of ilio tnUlr nu tu mrhi t (ifiw.i. to W,J '" " " r'r iiVU lb ffc and ? uelnl,'M " U fctte lb ml natural " " ' 'lj- fart oi ,,,1 jir lino ! Iitiltlltit, will otmnoom t, the trafc.f,r of t..Ml!,ll,"," ,r,,,'aff,T0U "'V"' l .fi., tb tllaalion at lb. A mttH ,h fV h n7 iltttriM .mui n fe. alll. t . --- 'rr- mmnl loo Hurr4 I, wtel.Mtic. B4 l I. IM.IM.J !. B4 luml UttW t.rUoBr.. tu M ib ilk ! Mon tenei? rim lfM irrrtt ktra frtt imI lkr V (iota lU rl(t(n rlHl ot lh line AfC InV&dillff 1 wmifr NirHMii IHNI tsua aoifctr tri tee lo tomb P41I First1 an 5econJ Defenses of Paris and Lines of Rapid German March tfccj dta tjr ComplrKfte, tjJtnH5 l'r fnlr l Orrww blKtiii MIMt inTINJK, t 2- Tb Wftnu ItUUIMt'J (has ibo Invattur wilt bM 'lfetl Vwtlnlc' column Mill ( ittn itonbrrn lln of fot. tKHn llrneflal Vrlijlo Columt Tt 0fmn fo iiln fortr mII i'''lr,t Ihr AulrUn nrr Tucbattt' of l, tun o!T,dt lr.li li wilt fcr,' ImtoMitl, m o!io thU eliy f ei" " I Adriatic Fleet ' Attacks Cattaro AUSTRIANS RUN RUSSIANS CHASE! t'nlttj lrw HertU I'AIIIH, Hvpl, 3. AwrJIns o lh? k ..fttM (Ih I'h.t.r'k Atrttillrt ,1m! !)(rd)r lomlafll Cadaro, Inflict- MMOKAI.Ui:il Ul'AHOS IIKI.Ii:V.i'" lvy tlimEf.. Ttio fortinca- jtlntt of (ho ell)' oro littmmcfl to mi iu hi; rni;p,UMX Tl) MAKi: plow, A MrtCIJNII hTAMl()Hi; III;. IMDItCIUIKMl) UHt4 l'fr, mrtic L"WT VHW.VA, (U Horn)) The AttMrUm Hrr aImumIomJuk l-'W br cr rfliifortej, hH( rv gnln HUlhg IImi Hu.lt, Tlw lut. I. rtilBK ,rr umii-rlmiUr fm '""" Hu'n I'oUimI t the Itnrl.irr "Im. TIip IIumUh torrv U much IIij linrr. ItKl l'f.4 HflfVlc. 8T, I'fnniiHiutiin u.,. M.I..! AWltrUll fflrf. , .. i I . "" "iiinij- ueuiurai r lliolr dUn.irou. oll.i-URy Bl riwr Umburif, nro rotlrlnn to b foriiflcAtion. bohind Umburc. A .,k .,,na u "P'ed t Bu Rfr, i hM,lqunrlr ut l'nom;il nod Better Move Out, Myron United ITpm Honlco I'AltlH, Hot, S. Myron T. Ilr rick, Amfrlca' nibttiadar, U thn only forvlcn dliilomnt rom&lnlUK In I'KrU. Tim other turn goae to Ilor dcaiu, ttm nw en pit til of France Sweden Declares Her Neutrality (ulted PfcM Bcrrlca HTOCKHOMtl, flcpl. 3.-Tlie ov- vrnuiont of Hwodou todity declared her niiutrnllty, and all bollfosvnta will In duo 1 1 til rocclvo uottricntlou of till action C"7V i0al i3Jfe&mm' n) -'ill PARIS rvrvVrfMr l asr? f I 1 jflSJBMESf yVfc Sf'fttSl' ffeowVbae afu H SUCOM9lMC ttmto Jcj C Tlmrr t no doubt In tbf mind of mllltarjr rx.ri that (hr- rapid In valon of Prar.to by tbr 0rmaB rmlr will cauv Um In tlio Prvacn capital within a Cow day. The Krrncb and Knllh arntlr am Iwllorwl to tiao fallen back on the Out tin of IVvtich dfcii the fort extending from CnUW on tho north to Delfort on tlio niulb. Including twclvo or thlttrrn rtt fortrr4r a abown on (bo map, and tome 140 fortlfld placr of lri military value. At tbta tlroa, o far aa ca b learned from contradictory dJapttck. ilMrv ar four arai In FtWM, nil novta to ward rrt. TImH ar 'aarthcra mnay runs- Borib la Dalgtaai aftw travlag MniMptt, and a aald to kav Ukea I.IIIp, which waa tupaoaad to bo pro tKtod by foru much atroacar than tho at Uafi. Aaotaar araay had taken Nawur and waa aaadlaa; for I'arla. Tbo third had croaaad (he bordar near Lonwjr aad waa push Inn on. A fourth araiy had taken Nancy, It was reported, aad waa well In French territory. In addttloa there. waa believed to be a !arc araay aaar Coltnar In Alraee, made up a Aus trian to (he auaiber of 100,000 aad aanaaaac -Tha tatcaUloa. of .ta com maader of that fore watald aadeubt edly be to more acroaa (he harder aa soon as French troops weca with drawn from Alaace. Theae aaVraaeaa continued succeaafutlr tor aay length of time would mean (he alUees must fall back on (he second Uae oC forti fication the forts running from Aniens, fifty miles north ot Parts, around to Le Fere, Loan. Rbelaii, Chalons and on to Laagre. Germany Will Deny Charges (Herald Special ferric) UKHMN, (ta The Hague), Bopl. 3.--(Jrnuany U ptoparwl to refute ttm chargo of atrocities In Dolglum. Mio la preparing lo pnrte that Qer- man wounded Hern killed by Uelglau nou-romhataiit. Star Spangled Banner Centenary Celebration UAI.TIMOHIJ, Hept. 3,llaUlmoro ay oponod nu elaborate program a tlio celebration of tlio centenary of writing of "Tim RUr Hpanglml uBMr," i.Tb! r""'10 of ,Uo Ubrtlon will Sw VrMB,Bton, Aauapolla, rrad- " and the whole ot Cheiapoako ote, U,U m,ln l,ro'-r"m B,UI Tlio program began today with a pllgrlmugu lo wnr nltca nlong tlio Patuxotit ntvur und to tlio grave ot Dr. Wllllnn Hoiinu, for whoio ro loano Koy vlalted tlio llrltlih fleet. It waa whllo dotnlned on tho cartel ahlp that Koy watched tho bombard ntunt of Kort Mcllonry and waa In aplrod to write "The Htar Bpangled llanner." Want America to Join in Protest United I'reis Service IIOMH, Sept 3. Ilepreaentntlvca of nil political faction have peti tioned tho government to requeat America to Join lu tho protett agalnil Germany's alleged violation! ot the rule of war. Tliwo Day Race Mt , United Treat 8ervlco 8VIIA0U81:, Sept. 3.Colncldent with tho opening of tho state fair hero today, n threo-day rnco meeting wnn atnrted, with a ali-raco program scheduled for each day. Tha atata fair atake..to which event 16,000 has been added by the owners' fund, la tho blggett event scheduled. It la a walaht-for-aae ovent at a alia and a' quartor. the beet Jaonei la tha East aro ontered, and this race la expected to lottle definitely the queatioa or tho best horse of tho year. A revolver designed for tha nerv oui woman to carry In her ranlty bag la probably tha smallest weapon ot Its kind in the world. From the tip of tha hammer to tha and of tha bar rel It meaaurM about three lacbat, and it Area itael bullet about twice the ilie of a la ' baai. DUNCAN DREW UP THE INFORMATION JUSTICE OF THK FEACK DAYS THAT INXHTKAD OF WHIN'S OFFICE UKINQ taSORKO, IT l'RE!'AKED'THE PAPER "The morning paper was misin formed by someone regarding tho procedure resulting In tha issuance of a warrant for the arrest ot Frank William." said Juatlc of tha Peace K. W. Oowen today. "The paper stated that Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin said bo 'knew nothing ot th case, although ha waa tha proper official to whom Morgan ahould have first gone.' "Now,-the fact ot tha matter la that the Information on whleb I Issued tha warrant of arroat waa prepared by tha district attorney's oMce. It ahows on Ita endorsement that It waa drawn up by Irwln'i deputy, W. M. Duncan." COMPLAINT MADE AGAINST ROUTE ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST THE ROAD FROM ENTERPRISE TRACT TO WHEELER RANCH HEARD IX COURT Sued oa Net. Suit to recover fll allaged due oa a note has bean filed by the Farmers' Implement and Supply company against Fred Smith. Hallo O. Groat- beck repreeeaU tha awUtlt. Vlakora Pram HUdabwuad. J. 8. Simon and Ralph Wllkanaon ot Hlldebrand ara In tho county aaat today oa butlasas. Duke, said to ba tha largest horse In tha world, aad weighing mora than 1,000 pounda, to exhibited by Charlte Miner of Battlebora, Tt The proposed county road from the Enterprise Tracta to the Wheeler ranch la not to be secarcd without a. ttrugglo. This was shown Wednee day afternoon, when C. W. Miller ap peared to make formal protest. Through Attorney J. C. Rutenlc, Miller alleged that the people In that vicinity ware not posted regardlnc tha road'a loactlon. aa tha typewritten description on tha notice faded wham exposed to tha elements. Those desiring the road ttate that the notice were legible at all times. Their attorney. II. C. Merryaun, also held that If they were so anxious. they could have aecured tha descrip tion by calling at the county clerk's omc. Tbo court has taken the matter un der advisement. Mlta Haiti Baraea la conaned to her homa oa Walnut street, between Seventh aad Eighth, from an atUek ot toasUltl. Cblpn-Davla. Justice ot tha Paoa B.,W. Oowaa last night unit In marriage Archie Chlpp and Kimnt Davis. Both are from tha raaarratlan. Sheridan business mn ara backing a cannery. Officers Search for the Corpse After Sweating Williams Before atony heeura etaaa there is reaeoei to atTe that the) bJr of A) Mcleod, rrtaalag alac Aaurae SB, wlU be locatssL Early In the day, Frank WlUlaana, who at hold bs conajactlaai with the cUMpvcermac, was ukaei Into tha aberlT ottce, aad waa "twaated" fer mbw time. tat this aiUrmoo MberUT Low, DUtrlct Attorney Irwin aad ilhwi left in automobile for the htcLeod boaacetead, carryhag nick, shorato aawl gum boot. JUrgmrdtag the devetopaamu at the qaevtioaias of Wllllasa. tha tlioritle rt-aaalaed atlent today. WUUaicts' voice, fat hyatarieal beard outside the aberUT otBc thosgh hie word erera when he hm retoraed to hi ceU, wracked wbh aotw, b waa aatremtly nrak, and clung; lo olcr for saapott. Altitoogh tlte uSIcera rrfase to talk. It atewa certain that Wtattaata made souie admllou that show that he at least knows where tha body - Aad there la rraaon to believe from this that the prisoner asay have uttfcMed to the killing of McLeod, holdans that ha did so ta etf dtfeaw. aad Utat lie buried the body aad took pnnwiloa of the match ta tha has if roaviacias people that McLeod left. That "lacotty" McLeod, whoa whereabout have not been diet imam lace a week ago last Sander, Angwst 2S, ha ,net wkh foal alaj aaaana pmrUcnUj estaMUhed. . Aftfr puttiac Frank WBHanas, who waa arrested em day, threajgh a rigid rvasaaaatlnei tad naoeadas. It waa certain that he rv to ronfeaeed to at least aa laapUcatlea fcn the doing; away with Mrlwd. the aheriaT ha refaaed to dliraae the resadt of tha the actions of William while retawaiac to tha Jaat finally he had aaade a niafaaalna of asat. aad that ha waa oa the waerry of the oalrhila, .He showed taa of liaahag at, aaat eaenaf -J to the atKtiat all the way to tha Jail. It waa discovered; Weeawaaaay by the aheriaT liaTtlaag hark' aad ThJai ahoat the time McLeod in, that district, and up to today the office has been unable to discover who this man It. His actions at the time In. aeemlng to make It a point to kewp away from everybody aroused the lutpleions of several who have since recalled hi presence there. The case aa it standa at present ta that McLeod has not been seen in this city or at his place since Sunday evening, August 23. At that time he waa seen In company with Williams oa the way to tha ranch by several farmers living in that neighborhood. Afterwards WllUaau stated that the man with him waa not McLeod. but a hobo he had picked up to go to work on the Drury place. Investi gation shows that no such, man went; to work for Drury. About 9 o'clock Sunday night. August S3, a man named Huntington and another farmer stopped nt the McLeod place. Williams was there alone, as far aa they knew. The floor was et. and Williams explained that McLeod had broken a bottle of whiskey on the floor, and had also spilled a bucket ot water, and thst he had Just cleaned It up. These men say, however, that tha floor had been scrubbed exceptionally clean. Williams was very excited at this time. He also told the visitors that aaw ewaay aei ess. McLeod bad take hi bad aad gone to the Drury place to go to work tor him. The sberlS's ollca has bean unable to obtain aay information that Mc- Leod waa la thi city oa Monday. April 34, aa William state ha waa. Several people have stated that he waa here, but nana ware aura of tha date, according to. tha cdaetal. That ha was here the Saturday before la certain. If McLeod aa been daa away with It waa betweea the? time he reached home with Wllllama oa San day and. 9 o'clock that night, wham Huntington and the other farmer stopped at the ranch, jfo dobIUt proof has been found that, ha raa seen after that. It Is not believed that McLeod waa made away with without a atrugglaot soma sort. It la known that bath "Scotty" and Williams ara ot ante temper. Appearance, while not con clusive, would Indicate a Sght of soma nature hsd taken place at tha McLeod house. "" v" A row ot aunfowera which atoad Just outside tha door war mare or trampled down. Blotches oa u these, plainly yWU. daeslta tha fact amBaJhswsSaanlasaaaaats (CoaUhnad am a"aaaasBwetnjsajsj )' VeniHan Cardinal Is Chosen as the Pope (Rome Correspondent United Prate) KOMK. Sept. 5. Cardinal Dell Chlay waa today chosen aa pop, aucoeesllng tha lata Plua X, Ha waa elected oa tha alath ballot taken by the Colleg ot Cardinals. FUty-aevea cardinals participated In tho oondav. The mew pontlf baa chosen tha aaan of BenedlcUa XV. His corona tion data will ba set later. Tha alawUea of Delta Chios is a tribute to tha late pontlf .and Car dinal del Val. hto. waa Matetaataaf- retary ot state, under tha pontlf, and f later cardinal and archMohap at Venice. Prior to (hat time tha maw poee waa archbishop of Belagna. Ptj Beaedlctua XIV, eleeted la 17i, mat auo arcnaisaop of Botaamt, "a.Uerakiei." .aaW ktaenM year ha laawad,) aVaas ,aiinlatlm a( the Wugo'aad aJtarr. naamaaa I! til ejS j 1 i m a daareaaf that type. 1 . ' 'flt