The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 02, 1914, Image 1

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I ,- -sr-t; JWM&r!nrmwv 'in fjuwmw -v-iWmrf-JSWiMWIWRtoiraW J
,!-- ., .
Llnlii Vri . '"
a. .nii i iaaww.. T3
ckbone of Austrianl
Forces Broken
T. J'I.'IIIHhIU'IUI, J-!'. l-,Vmlil' riii) Im Ihtn Milirt. )
dhJ liulr Nlchwlaa, leading lltn r" Imtn In lb n l" IJrrllu" I
tmwri.l rrHM that ll retreat from I-mtitirs emor rr n trrk f
)illo, altd MoWMrat ImU l Mltnlrrtl trfr.
tt ! ' rrluMn Uutttlrr. Whole Mlsailr wrtv am-
aUln, and lb Aull unit). b) If Iim- trlrrat. U uM y Itufcr
UU In I ralltviy itfMmlUl, rtI Mill m rtwrrttri) tiimmn hi !
(in lulu pnr rtkttiltutf Mull- KI.
IK nti(l cfMUtiu", lliv ltwU utulne il trirollux army.
Ttu ar tl amvuiinrrtt Ihat lh ItuuUn r(l mIiik. vfitlliiK fruw
llhrt lnMr. capturrtl wtial imi.ltUnnl an lniiintMbl piwlilmi i
im the Aulft. TtiU w tufcrn ni ( tJM flf Urn ItAjowi.
While the UHury nrtlttu lur ll llin arm), itvrr y
4,fu U ul Hie. Im llMMiMml iikuun Aim Att.iriM mwi, iiir n
land In twml rlitountrr, wtfn Inlet ptlulrl lit HiiNMalivily iiwU
The ltwln rplMTt lhlrijii 'mhimim unit a iIikimaimI Aiilrl.
Itlu-tlntf U roinnumlittK ir.
Vast Quantities of Provisions
for One English Dreadnought
ftUt I'm 8rk
WK.W.I. , St. Om the rUl.Iti itay l Hie llt tHtV brtwrrn
IIdmUu i.l AuUitM furr, i(h ,tuiiii army, flgtiileg fri f
r m. withdraw luwsrd the muiIi. Thry t!4 lrttti
l m U rrrr, i.r rt !" ', Km- rwctl Ulf
lrr.t lo Mir Uic rlljr tram IwmUMniml jr !. rr' riiUnr.
WUh Um' rrlnfurmM nJit im KwkUm .rrr. tlr ArU
Irro inuuii-.rl, m4 w Ictrtblf ImmiI pMwl. Tti Alrt "
Lilllun mat In BtW, UUllM ! Mlto ltUit.
Tl.r .lubtiurarMi r llt HsIillMM m Iwih ii rHctl In JU'
Ti MUllrry f IliP ftifMlN wmiiiinr wr m.
I -
.mericam Are German Cruiser
Anxious to Go Take Britisher
bIkJ t'tM Hrlt
WAWmil.SOTON, I). 0 8eit
Unlma I'rew Brtc
lb, hi rW .. Ikm .M .W wj . r!U. h.r. taj. J 2-
; tat to t.r upon ll. .utborJ- h,' C,:'B off1 ,ho Mrt!tlTi.w
to U itjn1 .)bl.fvert',a,"nu"u""""p",
Illb tho viriou. n&llnnii t war will. l,,l,I,"M
kcb cifcr In Kuropo,
Tho ilninu lrwJy r prc-
llr comp1(od, but other oIMmm,
mloui to go nbroAit, Are ntlll Hooil-
ft tb itepartmenla of war ut iwy
lltU rdiinU or tunclii)ni thnt
Mr ro the men for tho DlnCo.
til. S.'
Tho wcuBMIon of tho bbll Tho lUrlln forvtiu omen baa wlrert
utr It more ilanierom than that of . the Gorman ombtmy a follew:
ie'fV VL,'t'iwS9tS(HsBBBBjsj
t irrW fcr jfcfip' jsvasVvFvKttflBLCtflfklBLLLLLL
i ownnihfi,! v3jrank!oCSiIkLBaLBaLBaLBfl9ILBaLBaKI
"SEWv " 3j"H2MMSIUHiajWiMMHaajHaM
H iwioSl!'tBBFSMJiBiiBSWHij
B rfllflPCPT-!i',MMPl Mom. BNnPQnKmKBSEiBnKBNMeaitaar
I aSjS 'towk nwwi . sVfiit(LWSiwfflLB -iy
OBIB''0 itfesi ajf 'tire;. wyfUM'JEJit vwgaBaEMPfctracMftaHrg
i-K"J?j Fft , 3r V? aVyrfHMjiaSB ianBrxllT Jyi itBaall TaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT
L.i C'lb' . ;t -v(,"JJHP VtvJUliMSrfaaawSti 'VaSiBlBBBaaBaaamiiaiBBBBaaaaaaaaVB'
OR'nVkJBanrVf If'UIBBaW ifflBWrMPiMam ''TmvnaaKEaaawaalllBaaaVHBaaaaaaaaV''
IIjFS r TO'S RP''P'! BHaHBaaiaa
BLiSat k.v All !.CwvttjItaaWaaaaaa
HB i ii iirifr'-i W iMBlBSaaaamaaaaaaamaaaaaamaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -aaaaf
Cossacks Accused
of Terrible Deed
luuliott I'rwa flunrlwi
chauffeur, If wo mar truat lite
UndarJ rAtt BOi.rorod by tho Now
fork iiaio Iniuranro ilopartHiont for
lorkimn'a compi-niatlan Inmrancc.
Wlllaractlo Valley Houlhern
well Vlolalla by Octobtr J,
"Tha liauora aro full of Huiilan
horrora In Koat I'rutala. Tho Co
aack cut oil a mother' lirt, am!
Imialil her flvo etillilrcw on ft fouco.
Pour Cuaaacka ravUhcil n woman
while hanaeulfot!, and forced hrr hu.
band to wltnoo tho crime."
pay Germans Being
Needlessly Slaughtered
F 'nlted l'rca Berne
I'AHIH, Hepl, 3 AU Of (ho mill
lify lioi.ltnla aouth of Pari are
ckoi io capacity with tho woundvd
nt !n by ,)l0 , , h f ,
P Mctlina lol) of torrlblo mi
PHIm on hoih aldea.
L.Mn,)' of '" mounded men aro of
f ' nrltin, dlvlalona.
The wounded mon are loud lit their
hll n f tho curMo dliplayed by
"lough, (hat the (!..... .. ...
fairly Merllel.f (heir .
Home ay (hat tho fearful loaa of
(ho llrltlih dlvliloua.
Gorman llfo la dollbornto on tho part
of the ohlcora, n they keep (ho In
fatitrymon In action against artillery
aUack, or wlihout nooklnic covor for
tho Infantry.
Thouiand of Gorman prltonera
have boen cap(urd, (hey o Many
of theao woro acoudnr partlea, aur
roundod In tho nplaud.
A number of Gorman offlcera who
have been &( to the hoiplUl My tho
reiUlanee of tho Belglana and allies
wai a great aurprUe to them,
In Response To That Eternal Qtury "Where IS Hell?"
Hlucu tho advoiu of Chrlit wi hnv bveii lauchi lo bellove (bat hell I tho worn punUbment that
ran bo Indicted upon an erring people.
II may bo ao, but (bo bell ool Kurope cama u aliaJow of doubt. Men wboao vocation In life U the
redemption of oul aro warning u agaltm tbo terror of hell. Yet our brother acroas tbo aeaa aue
pluntioU into a maeUtrom of Ue-mructlou which put even bell ttaeif to hame. The bell of biblical
conception I pictured u a place of tormeul, luhabtted by tbo aoula of alnnera to whom the gate of
hemeu aro cloved. The hell of Kurope 1 a furnace uf deatrucdon for tbo good and the bad; tbo Inno
cent anil tho guilty; for womeu and children and babe of a day. '
A (be devil lvld hi fork out (he deuUeu of tbo tlery pit, o do (he king and emperor of
Kuropo wield (bo orU or compuUlou over (hu head of (heir aubjects, ud force them into the Jaws of
an earthly hell, Tho patriotic plrlt which permeate iery human breast baa taught us to respond to
the call of country, whether (hat call bo Just or uo(. And (bla national spirit bos permitted (bo ruler of
tho old world to launch u contest of blood and irouuud destruction, which la ahakiug tbo very world
to It foundation, aud which may uven yet Involve oery civilised nation of the globe.
Have wo two boll? Or bss tho hell of tradition bovu (ranaferred from (he regions of saUn to' (be
blood koaked baulotlelda of Kuropo? Wo are solemnly warned to ropent of our alas or suffer the
etoruul torment of hell. Ue it oven no. Hut what or (his bell on earth T What of tbo mighty engines
of destrucdou which aro devastating a fulr land and sweeping a once euligh(eued people Into the pre
euro of their mnkerT What of the chauglng of an urea of civilisation Into a congested mas of atrug
Kllng, snarling, destroying human beings, bunt aulely upon tho annihilation of one another?
YVhul of (ho tremendous explosive hurled luto cltle. deslroytng soldiers and civilians alike?
What of (ho terrible bombs dropped from (bo war hounds of tbo air Into (ho midst of Innocent and
holplcs women aud children, taklug tho Uvea which God bade men to protect and cherish?
What of (ho explosives lurking In (ho bosom of tho seas and periling the existence of ship loaded
with noifcombalaut?
What of tho broken aud grlef-atrlckeu womou and young girl who mu( toll In the Held that men
may have bread whllo doing tholr utmost to obliterate the human raee?
What of (he widows and orphaua who niuat auffer through life because war has robbed them of a pro
tector? What of (ho helpless babes who are dying of atarvatlos because armies la the field must have
tho milk which otherwise would mean llfo to tho little one.
What of tho maimed who must go through life warped and twisted with pais?
What of the gaping boles In human breasts, of limb torn from their sockets, of mangled forma which
even a merciful death refuses to release from tbelr agonies? ,
What of the millions of aged aud Infirm dependents who must face starvation before this bell has
tuu Its course?
Whatever It li-r-wherever it may be bell Is bell, but this bell of Europe is one bell of a bell.
. '
Germans Fail to Split
the Defenders
( nlled Vr Service ,
IMIilft, Hep. 2-Ttie war ottce report that Use center or taw adssea',
linn U Mill lioUllec deapjl (he repeated aaeeadte mede pea U bf Us Ger
man fori-. Ttie left wteat I retreauiaa; a rriaW, aavd It W awrt Usa4 th
rrark Genua rrgiateaU, taw kwrkfcoao of the kaiser'e arssy are to he
thrown lato the attack oa tha right ftaaJt.
Ttir alliea' left l eagaged froaa 3foatdJder lo tha Forest
Thr lH-avlt lafaatry attack It aa afaaldlder. At the fares U
klrmlKT, afirad of the advaaca gaard of the farce headed far Parts,
nr partly aarnxindrd bjr French arlkiery.
Geaerat Pan aow eoauaaada thr Freach oa tha left wlac. He a ce
Kperntiag with Grarral FresKh, the British ftcM aasrshel.
The BghUa I deeytiate atace daylight, aa the Oeraaasw hare
worklaut to prartrate the allies' Ihse aad aeaarate the
to envelope aad aaahlUte oae force. Rapid Are gaaas, sss anted oa'
were aed near Aniens fa this attrsapC
It is reported that the BrHlah treapa, ta a sortie i
tared a asuaher of raaaea,. The Oanaaa caaaalties are said te i
liritlhloaaaxteea. t
Thr nar ralmt aara nf tan nh.r .! f
"We are slowly
where a reralar siege sa sa
For two day we have
am tha regsoa of the V
United Prrsa Service
BERLTN, (rtaThe
"Grraaaa sacceeaea
lag the nelstaace est ear
lrtisU hae heea checked with
W -J-
area to Paris, aad the Bassaaa awaalan't f
to the caara teiaaa."
Zepellins Drop
Bombs in Antwerp
United Press Serrlee
ANTWERP, Sept 8 ,'At 3:30 UU
morning outlying forts slgnalsd Eep
elllna approach, 6,000 feet up. The
airships were fired at repeatedly, but
were never bit. Searchlights were
turned on the aky, but it waa impossi
ble to locate the sbtps, as they had ex
tinguished their lights to conceal
tbelr location. Several bomb were
dropped In the suburbs, la the light
ly settled districts. Early reports of
damage slight.
A twelve foot vein of coal has been
struck at Rosy Ann, near Medfard.
Hawauian Coast
United Press Service
Tha navy departntent, it nan
learned, hae Jast eesaplpeted plana
for ssobtllsJns n powarfnl submarine
fleet in tbo Pacific. The Hawaiian
Islands will be the center of several
powerful bases.
The plana, IneUd trantter of i
of the submarines along- Use
Coast to HawaU. They wttt'he tewed
by tbe battleoblpn West Virgin! aad
Sou(h Dakota. The navy general
board believes submarine defease to
an important factor of the Paelle
defense policy.
Missing Man Said
to Be in
Iustoad of being murdered, A. C.
McLeod Is in Portland or sosae other
northern city, according to Frank
Williams, who waa arreated last nlgbt
pending an Investigation Into tbe sup
posed transfer of McLeod's property
to Williams, aad tbe disappearance of
McLeod. Williams la held la the
county Jail wbtle tbe authorities are
Investigating further,
Although tbe authorities ware In
vestigation Tuesday, the matter waa
withheld freja afternoon pubUentlon
at tbe request ot the authorities, la
order to give them all the secrecy
possible in their early work.
McLeod's place la oa Lower Klam
ath Lake, shout three miles below
Midland. Since August 14th McLeod
baa not been seea there.
Oa Friday, Willisana with his fam
ily moved late the plats, sad ue pre.
dueed Mil ot ante ter Us MeUod
betoaftats. This Ml) et
been questioned by the aberiff's cduee.
and Tuesday Williams was placed un
der arrest on a charge of falsely nuk
ing an Instrument
This charge Is apparently a pretext
to give the oBdala time to auks a
search tor the whereabouts er re
mains ot McLeod. The ofiUera are '
working on the theory that WUttsaw
klUed McLeod sad nude the hat et
sale himself.
According to Williams. MeLeodi
was In Klamath Falls e August
sad that he left here the teUewaf?
morning, purchaaiag a tleket far the
north. Two local business sua alee!
stated today that McLeod was neref
ea the 14th.
Williams states that MtLeed left
"I uvvmi. eia lepdJH jajfa
K lWto Si prtiaa;
JP wosniaaai
eaerawa tl alee satd
MeLeed fenad H Isapessdrre to Isare'
KUnutb eaty wltbeai 4elr. i
i, 9, '
H !&'