:'.TiSi;T . v ' " -i vy . at! v 5 ir j ,vk . '-' cUje lEunfnn Wtvtxlb PRINTS THE ( KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSFAFE NIC WS Will US IT IS NEWS - jt -I i"MWWWiVf MWWmVHUIMri - BaWtBSSt-: r- . ijBCStj ,"zxsr3ci Mutt) Vr-r N. ulw' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, If 14. GERMANY'S ADVANCE IS CONTINUOUS Ullrd l'rr twnltr iilMtl.IV (l " ll), lci, t,rnuu mtnri i-tjllnut, and tltal rulct mIUi tiMjr !- l L KrHf. luctnttul. I t oiud ! 4rru PAItltf, pt , -Fuur (IrrtMiN erwlpa, tiniJrr tuk AlbtwH, art .umtln Hi IIm. IrfjttUg uf lb alllr-' .1rfrM-. Tltr alllm, InUrl, n tv lttla. .it( n.llrutttrtiiu frww HU la lrrtnr. I , iUmmu viutft W.it KoUtr t riif-l twrr .lattlrd tl. Mnt Um UlKf rrrd. 1'bhJ l'i rti V.tHHINtm4. . Cm rHi. iti.f, lUlillr, t U.r Mr,lffl vtm Mug t4. nrl iutBtri rftHrtlr f. r Hip. yurnllu, lller mortal WlM)lu wC KmIUIi lll rr. Jrttrl ilUtM vwt Itto l'rrtrli ltk ttKMi lb- H ItrtMl,1 imu-J rM Krtii I'AltIK, firflJ I- TIm Mr It lml(. Dial ll ullkV ImMiI timl ,tl !! Il rwrta ! UtnuMi miiU mjmmi Um f rmlrr l. Tli Orrwuii. wr .. lu aliaMUUr !! anwUrT f ' " a ihuIU Ulut.Hl. IIm. .! IticltKtiUKS l ww frttltt yrl. Tim ra'jlBrt U crrt Uuil lhr U B lmp.tUlc hrrw.Hjr U. cr lrr, Ijmi iirmiatltmary wtxfc rllNtip. i MIMKI.V, iiiH. I. A lH lUalaHdl Urlliali Iwt' Wltl a .tMl.1cj.ucTC. II iMt4ot nn fowl im litulnHi avt M)lnt "Tim Omim aiW Imui Ni cliwkwl loHli of ChMwiwUinr. Tly hc rtrn akrian urmtoUf In Mitor to lury UI.' Red Crok Ship About to Start I'olttd lru Karilct WABIIINUTOV 1). C, Hpt. I. t'Uet for it ai;tt of Iho Itrd Crou for Europe oro iboui complaled, Tho llmjiir la to i rechrlatarnxl "Tltit lied CroM." TIm boat U bvlni ptlnt rd whlwt, with ar4 band arouud tht hull and the futm-la nra to U whit with rod croitM on the Ic1m. Tb IMP will nr tit M crou and th AmwlCan (Inf. Tl. tout will crry doio bo. Dlui unlti. njtirtd Aaarlcaa uvtl onicom win comwand tht ihlp, and " Amtrlcftn crw will man lier. Czar Says "Advancing" W ar Oice Says All Autriu Army Now Field UiiIUq iToaa artl T. I'ETRRIBURO, 8pt. l.Tho Kovtrnmant i.y that tht antlrt Au. 'f'n array I, ,cl,r , a,cU,t mA "'l 'o Human advanct oatluta, laaTUi ,lUMl"l, r that thty will mt aU(l lnM(kf R UM M Konka to UrttrttTlU. T lntp war trtUr llr Mint lit" ' Oiwrlli r rrj w l-n atr rrMMt1 , I aoulit. FraiKr llmr. Ok nt-lc. Mr IhU Ujr l i.'rbwh lnltil. ami attrr - .Ujr bed Itm nrrd .lrrlrMi l llt Jtn-n !. I wfal (tio t'?rli llrli Hi fUuk irJ nT riT - I WI- nimui uf HrtilUi Ulrr. ! Ikvh ftl MHlUli urMrf lrlumln fntm Ur Servians Off to Start Riot United l'ra Barrle NtHIt (Via Home), rfc'l't. I. Tho untlro rkrvlan army, 'xrpi ibe itrntti rqulrd to hold th road Uidlnc hero, are balm matted aloof lh Drlua. Tho foreo will lnadc llotnla )y twon Loanllta and Uvomtck, aud It la viiwtfrd that tho Slavic popula (Ion, Inelird by tho Hrvlau, will make a big uprltlni aifalnil Auatrlan rulo. Marahlleld Walar company la put ting In a 9,000,000 gallon rMrvolr and laying a mil of tan-Inch main to North Band. Tht "war oUce Imuo tht following tattsantt "Tht Oarman dtfenio la atlRtstng, and whllt wa art aualalnlng atvtrt loaata tba arman loaa It far grtaUr, Thty will bt unablt to wlthitand our aaaault. in Oallela tbo Ruaalan army la vlctorlom. Tht Auatrlana Uiva'd lag Hutalaa Poland hatt btts rt yuUtd with Mornoua loatta. and hart btta eoaHlUd to fall back." Says They Won't Get Within 50 Miles of Paris ,gg$g(B S--Ss7 z?rs w- :? (Jru-ml JulTm I'AJUtf, Srpi. l. General JoOre, tout in ml r In chlot or ibo Krncli nruir. toJ) ptHilcttl lltat tb Otr mu aric) or luvatloo kill not gl rlOM?r than Crtjr nill Ijuiu ibt city. lilt coatvnilOD U aUDDortvU by 0t rol Trcucb. ccu:aaailcr of it Urtt- Uh tnJmonnry forte. oih of; ib llUlP tlifcl lllP BKMUll of tb 0rciBb uru vt-aktnlriK lu atronctb o ttijr A.tiro&cli, Tho French kjjW arv inaklay malt)' nAcrfrlcn, and my havo to moke'tooro ba(or (bU war It ml od," tuld Joffrc. "Hut In lb vuil Krauc will win. Tbo uallon U pM. tn tbo uprttno (rial. 'Tbo uptril of lb Trenrb iHtoplo mill troup U uuconquorntlo, Krorr tulnc la In rradlneu for n lonii war." WATER USERS TO HAVE NEW HOME I'ltOJIXT MANAOKIt (.'AMI' TKN li:iW AKHOCIATIOX TIIK VHK or iui:i: gu.itTi:its i Tin: IIKAIKjlMIITKIUi HUILDIMI Inileait of paying rental for of tlCf. tho Ktamalh Water Urt A vocUtlou U toon to be not only In (ho ctoivat pomlblo touch with the local reclamation official but will have headquarter free of charge. A movo I to bt. mndo from tho Loo ml building to tho reclamation larrlct headquarter. Project Knglueer J. Q, Camp ha Juit tendered (ho aoclatlon tht utt of two room on Iho eecond floor of the hoadquartor. Tho offer baa bean accepted, and Secretary Albert G. El der u preparing to move, American Ships May Be Seized United Preaa Service WASHINGTON, I), 0., Sept. I. Dlploinata y that If America pur- chaavd Qorman merchantmen thty would bt aubjoct to aeliurt by tho French and Brittih. They aay tht nlllea would douMleu lelie then and bold them for a ruling by tht prUt court aa to whether their purchaao violated the neutrality law. The Une county fair will urge the uia of Oregon aada products aa tht best way to cut out tht mall ordtr ktuttt. mfLM W?&?, mma gsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr JithLTxdaH mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamrK' Jvi SBK ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV Tf TllTIH "BammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW .-M 4 tw.lroH r y X iv3 S'tmPammmVe' i fxemmmmv-? ?FjvWe1 i wymsBBBBBw 6 v jf'i-NX iTHrt i BBBBBBBBBM? ? jptvX:wMIK'u i mmmmmV ' It'miijl i KflB!luiMM i. m ,r-ft ria FRENCH RESERVES CALLED TO ARMS BY THAT NATION imucatiw mo i.ohh !' mk.v iv iuttixh lit Counrctiun Wltit Tlil .touounrr. I menu CuiiAV Tlukt lit Turk' A I loll Troop tltXf tlfu OnlerrO fuj ..MIIl Ulr I'rcurli Coll ItilliK Out Kr7 Man IIcImm-h IIir i rf' uf TMiy tI Twlrn Tll Ullllcd I'ffw Brrlcj I'AltW. yu . MlaUlrr Miller ait ImUy Uaiittil caUl for all of the rwrtUU Im ttaav Frrotli UrritorUI ami)' l wnm ia Uic colors. Ttiejr arr litrrlHl lojola ullli ibr forr In Xurtltrrn nd Xorlbflcrn Vtvuer, ll U aduililrd that MUbrntad'a call utmiu tlui tli raaka of U.o Fmtcli artlva IkiIUIIom am aatlly OeplcUO, anil ltt rr4Tfe art ccll o fill In ItftM milk altaal IlV tl.M iiAl tnt Ufo ruirtrit bjr warfare. TlUa briaf mt all iIip mmtj frown 'JU ttt 4N jrtu of age. TrirgMMua r rpcdrial tedajr froin ComUaUanylf, aUUsg tfaat Um Turka are alMNat ( aMbUUe tte FlraC .iroir of Ism Uk TlUa ceMfartaM about aoo.QOG MOHMiwadaai aolsUan. Conflict Does Not Stop Pilgrimage Uniud fiMa'tftnrii) ItOMl., AopU 1. -Allbougb tba Kuropcan war cut down tbo number (o only a few hundred, tho pilgrim nt lo the ahrlno of Our Lady of Lourdcn In Franco tartd today. TramporlaUon faclltliaa bad ben arranged aa long mo aa laat iiiDsir for 10,000 klo( mtraculoua cura for allmcnU pronouncwd Incurable by pbytlclan. Uulnw prrtctil arrangeaenU arc Interfered with, tho atttlcteo pllgrimi will bo permitted to croaa tba Italian-French boundary to go to the famous ahrlni. Am trians Take One From Nicks United t'rau Service IIKULIN. (Via The Hague) Sept. 1. Tho Auitrlan crubataraUtca that the Auitrlan In Northern Qalacla, in addition to routing the Russian forces, have Invaded Russian Poland. Tho Russians have retreated to wards Lublin. The losses of both sides art heavy. Propose Tax for Railroad Tickets United Frees Service WASHINOTON, O. 0 Sept. 1. Senator 8luimons said today that tho 6 per cent war tax proposed for rail road tickets would be paid by tbt purchaser, not by tho railroad. J. Bull to Pay for the Ships Uulted Preaa Service WASHINOTON, D. C, 8tpt, t. Tho Drltlsh embassy stated today that England proposes to generously compensate Turkey for tht two btt tlesblpa aleted. Mckersoa Cast Dropped. Upon motion of Deputy District At torney Duncan, Justlot '. W. Qowtn this wcrnlug dlsmUaed tht charge of assault and battery agaiaat Roaa Nlckeraoa. Mr. Nlektrtoa, tht complaining witness, failed to makt an appeparanoa. Belgian Queen and Children, Who Fled to Antwerp v;MiWmr xrwm V aV If M'afafa ' I I sffafaT ''fSTsafafM aKiasASiHPKlBl)ui FftmWimHI MBmTffmBmTffvr BK71 L affffaHgSTffaffffJa '. j, mTiaVaaYtm "aamaYaWaYt TSbSfsWSWtVaaViaVaaViaVail ssssVawamBw aBSam'51SlaV,awHsawssssglC BBBBBVBaaSaTamaBsT BBBmPg0V vSyemBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJg 4 VBBammaBaamm mSTF& 'iajMr. YmmVsPlllBaH m laVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVa VaWl ti''.i'M aTaaSMavTTaWa1 B ' SmgmWaBimmP" ' 'SvPT3 -J sail BBWgml mM agf J S-nrkXjw3v mVaaw flaammBaVga I A CaVaBSaVaVSmwSvVaWaT -1 "iVKif SmTBVaVswB9sVJama j ;MSmmmmmM -V i Wc .?Ticl aaVFaVJar aw VtaWaWaWaWaaWsWaWaW X---'-,WH awsw BWaY ' jm Vn -ZassBgmfJL-afl rrm, i , i r "lIj-" faa aWaWal t .i ' i- ammaawBH V - Os the left la thr brlr to Uie taroae, Ma mothrr'a area U Prlace Charlea faa IMS. The little girl t their alater, Queen Elisabeth or Belgium, with her three children, the eldest. Prince Leopold, heir to the throne, baa fled to Antwerp from the Belgian capital at Brussels. There the armies led by King Albert will make their last stand. Tbe royal family may before tbl war Is over be driven from their land end the little prince may have nothing over which to reign after the Germans ulsh tbe fight The queen COPPER MINERS' WAGESLOWERED DEPRESSION DUE TO THE WAR Iti THE CAUSE ASCRIBED RY THE CALUMET MINK OPERAT ORS FOR MAKING CUT United Preaa Service CALUMET. Mich.. Sept. 1. Tbe Calumet-lleckla Mining company to day announced a reduction of 10 per cent In the wages or the employes In tbe mines, mills, shops and smelters. The depression of the copper market Is dcclsred to be the cause or tbe cut. RODEO BAND MAY SEE ROUND-UP PENDLETON SHOW HEADS WRITE HERE, ASKING THE LOCAL PLAYERS TO BE WITH THEM, AND MAKE AN OFFER That Klamath Falls' Elks' llodeo Is getting on tbt map atroager tvery year la shown by tht letter Just re ceived from tht uanagamtBt of. the Pendleton Round-Up, asking tht Ro deo Band to Journey overland to Pan' dleton. and play for tht "Let 'er Buck" ahow on tht 14-M-SI. In tbt letttr aa oftr la made to the local organisation tor Its asrvlce Tht players art asked to makt tht trip overland, In appproprlately ban atred cars, and to scatter Rouat)-Up literature aa wall at harmony through Central and Eaattra Oregon. 1 The local muslclana art highly flat ad at tbt offtr mads, A mtetlariwill bt htld soon to consider tht master, and forward aa answer to Ptadlttoa. l -mmmwmmmm asaLlgmV "" ' ' MMIm! Prlace Leopold, bora 1961. Hotdlac Tbeodorr. the Count of KUadera, bora Priaceiai Marie Jome, bora ta 1MSL mi& and her children will take L..ua &,... ..r(t. La. tt.A.9 aa.. .- rr.- w. - . . thilr nnmr In rMlat th Dsratiajl at!" tack should a long siege of the dty be undertaken. It is possible, of course, that she might slip away to England, leaving the king to fight on. C But thst would not be expected of her. It Is probable. It the Oermaaa Uke the dty, tbr will take prasoaara the whole royal family. COUNCIL DOESN'T WANT TO KNOW SO AT AXV RATE THINKS MAT THEWS, WHO HAS MADS AN OTHER ATTEMPT TO HATH THEM TAKE "TRADE PAPaTsM" Members of the city council aeem Just aa contented as ever to grope ta the dark regarding municipal ad vancement elsewhere, tor laat night they again turned down the proposal of Councilman O. D- Matthews tor the city to subscribe to "The Amer ican City" and two other magaslnes dealing with public utilities and municipal work. Matthew holds thai these would be. of great advantage to every city official, aud through them to the peo ple. Last night he was supported in the voting by Councilman Hamilton. Washington Salooas Redaccd WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 1. Reduction ot the number of capital ssloons from over 500 to 300 waa be gun, today by the excise board. The dry order goea Into effect November 1 G. A. R. Encampment On Detroit Is Host to the r United Press Service PETROIT, Sept. 1. Throughout Detroit today sounds the beat of the martial drum, tho pipe ot tht fife, the; blare of the bugle, the shuffle of halting feet Everywhere tht droop ini of figures ot tht Grand Army vot ers and on all sides floats tht na tional flag, for which tht veteran foe-tat fifty-odd years ago. he forty-eighth aaUoaal easamp- GREATEST BATTLE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD .tccouoi.xr; to advices from VIEX.VA Mor Than Tlirc MJUloei Mem Ka gaged, acMt Tide of Battle aad Flows Xo Decsslrt JReamk s Vrt, Utt FtsuU OmUMBMt Oamsnl, Loa Be DeUyed nchtia i Almoet liaad to : United Preaa Serrlee) VIKXXA, (el decordtskg to a. Um war oss Om Praeslaa fiosstisr It taw ' eat battle la tae Matter wrld.M Over S,t), fa actaal of tbe tide of battle oveWTa rsaaist art aa get i It as ttratlaai of imtem tab'ai ami le a amtu. Ba B' Jf Say They Went Without Guns Carted ST. PanWatBORO. Sett. ?.- -It SB snnosaeed that the the Aaatriaaa with eaormoas lues as.. The Ct supported by tataatry ami arttUary. fought with sabers agaiaat Use Aaa- trlaa lafaatryaaea uetag their hays nee. Thirty Tlvusand Reported Taken Caked Preaa WASHLNQTOK. D. C. Stat. 1. Aa omclal meaaage. tresa Berlim ta the Gcrmaa embsasy aaya that M, 000 Rusalaas were captared la saat Prussia, followrag the three last battles. Another Ruler Having Trouble United Preaa Service DURAZZO (Via Rome) Seat. 1. Prince Henry of Wled. recently made ruler of Albania, baa sailed for Italy in aa Italian yacht lie Is accompanied by has wife and child and by Harold Saeacer, his American aide. The lasargaata have captured Durante First Rogue River pear shipments brought growers 91 a box net wOSftwJs) MyCsi S" oaV besw the aattlt fe Aawtttaaw aad tks) atawaisma thai AaaKWSaai CaaaMa ka. fightlmg aaa fcetasjaa aJwsttt lawafi ataswlama'iaatasl Brave OWBevj tf Sixties mant ot the Oraad Army ot the Re public started today, aad btftra aav other tweaty-tour hours tat Mf tsv aual reunion ot tht aid saUlert wt be la full awlag. Tae sity w bt gJa attire; great, want stiama, jwagag- i two feet high, aad astswsft'M U'fi-: V Isrs el 'as aaeieat SeeaidsN's&.eitsBy" ; r ktarua aaa wtaawara SMammj mtmytmmtmm0tmmmrm000mti00ltt00tmfmimm (CMUaVaai ta aaaa i) I (4 !n ft!saoaatMsymia-siftwaw-aM