tit i' I pj l&wntn$ Iterate PRINTS THE NBWS WHILE IT 18 NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER - ;;j3Sre"lmWi'0lW1''",'ir''Wm'n wiwtmum&iiamttmtxttTafxi-uriMi!&silttiMii. .an itnHnmffi CTmrartiterh-M. Mulli Vrar No. . KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1914 a Deutsche Soldaten" Are Still Advancing w'A0yi00f m wwssess-ss 0ifm0r0i0r0w00i000w0m00vww Ml Germans Believed Sixty Miles From PUJIh, .us. ill Allfttiugti iUo ur ufflr ttlll urn witirtnafV nr MfMiliuM I' ''"" r " t brllr-trtl lirn m I tin (truiinii anil U l I lull! lttj luilo llMI lirr". lHlfi Hut. li -r-...(r. (r (l. il m., U. l..lC llftrU lu i.llitr fluto. till lllll"H IfAlUM lf Itlir NMMHUmrlttrlll i I III" Ulllllll.l llml tin Urri'MU nllntk In III MT nl III" itifrMm lm .unnM llin ri'JMMlmi i.f trurtnl tmtSr'"'' l U brllrtrtt lIlM till llulli-rtlr. Iic.tt) rrlw (n,rvllrnU (ur llio (irniMIt. It." r officr ciitirtiirni at mim (mIIumi '0w uur Irll, by a rlr u tlrriiliilniur Milled liiritnt In tnnr t l,n .VntitMi. U10 ,Mcl"-rrur furr Imp lrn fi.nnl In alir )' lii lli trtilrr, l1r altrmat flirts ! utrr-. , (fiirtnt ritsli''"'ttl I. nun In rtf , i mir HgM, lt ltrrwiaw, . ttr lk Uw iirtrnlr. ami ilir tui) ) twins' tlrlvr hath, "Tt moral ol ottr liirrr U eurltrttl, itrplit itie tir) !.. llirr I r twins mini Iri'in mttMIUiliti eitier. Tlw JrPi In Utti nurtf, rv plaint) ilttg lltrlr linturti-- ritiriv In l.irk llio alllr' rietraee." Selling Their Decorations Palled I'mt aertlce it:iti.t:. (vu Th Hague), au, 31 ()fttrr VB Moltke, Ill u. f.(m High thief ol be Ojrama Mur. fc Mita nil ui hi ituia. t:a tilth ar,4 Jjwnci decoration, and Mtr Utr mn general have town of. UrN to set olmlUrlr Wants Turkey to Join With Them Ueltft) fret Bervies HOKIA, Auk. 31. rrotu CoaUa tlner-tn tunui ih report thai German diplomat are urn Inn Turkey to par llcirata lit iho pretest Koral war. It U mdally UI1 that Iluliarlft. Oiro. Koumanla, Her la and Won lRcro ar tig4 to combla 'ilcl Turkar. Mulfarla'i arwr U ltely parilr raobtlliU. l lniruvlag. . Mn, Philip J. Hlnnou, wlio recani I)' utiilfrpnt an opeiatlon at lllack liurn Ijwplial. r(orlel by her r)i;itc!ati an rallying aplendldly. Circuit Court Clerk Oeorao Chat inln, accompanied by Judge William UMlowAy, motored to llonauia Hat urdy and remained ovr Sunday, Boy Drowns Sunday Ronald Elliott Goes to IjmIiir IiU hold im thii pole with. hut wti tinitbla to on ncocunt of the which liu wna Iniiiyliig hliimnlf nvriMirileptli of Iho watr, o they droimod ! poo) iiiiuto at Warm Rprplng l.itko'int witt for holp. It wn nearly two 'ii ihunin. Lowl ranch hour Oleue.Jliuiiia hoforn tho body wn rnlaed, Honulil Voting Klllotl, H yeara of uml Ur, Wright, who wit In the Mfo, nnl mid drowned In fifteen feel'noluWiorliond, made every flTorl to f vtcr. Tho tragvdr occurred Jiin'reiiirclinin, hut o no avail. I'Kforo noon iluiulity, . Voting Klllott und I wo uthcr hoya, LHiimril l.owln and Clharlca Dultom V'uro In Mwlmmlng at Iho pool at (ha Hn. rilliitt win not a good awlav 'U'r, and waa uilng the polo to hold IiIiomU up, and the other boy were "t limning one dUtaaea away. Tlie flrit Intimation they had that tdolr companion wai lu dangir waa wlton he ihouted for help. The hoy turned in time to loe him throw up l'i lundi and ge down. Hoth boya tried to ralao the body, Paris Today ARRESTED ON AN ASSAULUHARGE ItlHi-J MCKKIOMIN MUTTH UK AC7T:i l, W MCWINMK. AND .HKM XW A JVtlV TMIAI-IUM NO ATTOKNKV Charged U'i uuuli and battery upon the tton of bin lf. Uom Nltkeraon aa artatd dunday by Conitablo John Bchalloek. The oc currvneo ldlng up lu th rret oc currvd lain Saturday night, and It Mat alleged thai Nlckrtou struck hit wife wlllt a revolver. Nlckenon. whtn brought Into tho juitlce court thU morning, asked lor a Jury trial, which will he hold to morrow. He will conduct hU own cat, and It la undarttood he will late that he took the gun away from bla wile, laauad or (trlklug her with II. Ilrre Front Itlchwtoad True Do Lap. a prominent Itlctt mniid. Calif, attorney. U here vlilt. In hta parent, County Clerk 0. It. U Lap and wife, Portland'. Pint National bank building I to coit $400,000. Death in Spring at Olene I.'lllolt uhh n ion ol Mr. and Mr vir T l.-lllnt t u'lui Iisvm h riincli Oil ,,, .. -.- .. l,ot lllvnr ud a rcldanco on Wmt Main Htrocl. lie would tmvo htxn n frenhuinu In the High School tht j(nr. Ho wo ry prominent In tho grammar achool athUtlca. The luucrnl aervlcea will bo hold at I o'clock tomorrow afternoon, at tho Klllott home. Rer. B. 0. Rich ards, paitor of Grace M. H. church, will conduct the aervlce, Interment will be made In the I. O. O. r. cemetery, German . l ! I JMfcTaa-aaaaS "TailffliBWatiii ajafB aiaaati mSIKlMAXmrmiimS'i i i -aVm aanLLraaaaawV'aawPBK!jKVPHEvKaaaaVam9VMKV jTaaW 31 nCTMBWJBBiaaKSKlHL f i&rtwUZffl s lX'alaWSlWVi' f&arlfcS?Wtf. i f A- ,,.: vtjr S:.I.'.f'i yJBr r.SL.,5:i x nd,SSlaVEaaSSBaB9HaKnBSHHs& w V - vCx irafcTwL - CvT MnBDaVLLBsSaHaH ISLLLHHLr H.4 4L1 iHaafisvJaLLHLLLLVLBSHBBJilHHL LLLLLLvESaLLLLLLLHaLBIaHLLLLaLPLLa IIKiHUkViBVImatiSH tt tjy. f v HiLLRjnaDfllWlLLLHaLLLLLLiHnvTSPKa ijwmLtmmMcmzmmmmi.--mimm0 . . KHsyinaLLLLLLLVSCkiHiia : iiLLLLLHHaLLHiLHk'i&laiLLLLBliLailiLLaLLLLHi t-.i. JSlaaaWB-rhl,"TW" J a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aTa-a-a-.B-a--a-a-a i&ci.atr&lift3.iri mmmsBgmmm LOCAL GIRL WRITES FROM PARIS Dick lUtamoud U happy Mo ha at lt hoard from IiU dnUKhtcr, IImm, who U at prvteni lu Kuropc, and who Mhercabouu Muru irry uncer tain, to ny tho leant. In a letter to her llcr, Mr. Tom Meldrum ol PortUud, Minn Hammond talk qulto Intertttlucly of Iter vxporlvnc. Ml Hammond evidently did not have much faith In a letter mailed In Europe at thli lime reaching Ha dea tlnatlon, and entruited It to Mr. Win. P. Slmpion, of Klk Ororc. Vu., who wa rvturnlng to America, and Mr. Slmpiou mailed tho Utter afler rrachlux til natUn land. The letter follow; "PAiUti. Auguil s', m, "My Dear Jo.' "Came to Pari lat Krlday. t caught a terrible cold in Kugland, It waa o cold there, o camo here on account of my throat. War broke out Saturday, and 1'iu having my Oil of excitement. Ktrct'of nil, I don't want you to worry about mo there la no danger. I can take care of my oil perfectly, but of coureo my trip POLICE FORBID FIRES IN CITY AKTKll THE KIHD DEPARTMENT WAS CALLED OUT TWICE SUN DAY ON IIUIUIIKII KIHKH, THE LIMIT WAS REACHED The police department of the city Is going to tako drastlo inetboda to protoct tho city from tire during this period ol extremely dry weather. Chief of I'ollco Smith announced to day that he would rigidly enforce the ordinance agnlnit tho setting at fires lu the city for burning rubbish, etc., antl that further violation of this or Infantry Whose Advance Into France Is Hard for the Allies to Check if - 44 tHjn4M .tAarf?.r-.",1, ' tkik Mil tifwild &y&ii cH&AXiiSiltxJ' ll . -J3 4v U all to ler. Kvery place o( amunomeut. art lauicum. and nearly every rcttaurant 1 doted. Bute and car are only for oldlr. o oue can't go anyahcrc. Don't think there U a French mau between SO and 45 jear left In Pari. Thouaand left yentcrday. Men and woaaea go about with their ee red and awollen from crying. Trance haan't any army, E cry man In the ago limit baa to go ttclor. waiter, etc., alt alike. "1 tood all morning, or rather un til 3 p. m. In Hue to caah a check. Am cortaluly lucky to have American Uxprc chcckithey are the only one that can bu caabed lu the city. Many American are atranded here. Pood la going to be rery acarce; that will be the wont feature about lay ing here: but think thU it the tafeet thing to do tor the preaent. There la no danger In Parte, aad by laklag paisago on any line on this aide one I In dancer, o Americana tell me. "American tourlita meet at some hotel nesrly every day to talk thing over. Thero are a number of amui lug Incident. Jack Johnson tood In line uear mo for quite a while. A dlnance would probably result In the extreme penalty being administered to the offender. The fire department was called out twice Sunday to extinguish rubbish Pro, set by residents, which had got ten beyond control. Tho section of tho ordinance apply ing to flre. which la printed else where lu thl Uiuo In an official no tice by the chief of police, prohlblU the sotting of (Ires within tho city limits, oxcept on a permit by tho chief or police Chief 8Ua states that absolutely no pormlta.wlll be granted while this extremely dry period con tinues, und a warning Is given to all rostdeuts of the city, Home From Visit, Mrs. Ueorgo A. Haydon, who has been vlsltlug relatives In California, has returned. She U accompanied by an old classmate, Mlaa Helen Brltton, who will remalu here a month. . -wrfii-WKiiJWlS: man paid 11,000 lor steerage paaaage on the France to America this aorm - Ing. I am ashamed of ay country men at time over here, Uiey get so) excited about getting home; even broke the glass In' the American con sulate oBce crowding around in a regular mob. On the other hand, the French go marching by to war grim - lv. with no fuss at all. Not a head ha played-haven't even beard , .tr..m. i i. l - -! wHtj e e v eea av isvmvw wv- !onally. ThU U a horrible thing. My sympathies are all with France.) ThU will con her million In J-mrU alone. She cortainlr reaoonda to a call to arms. "Americans tell me they are taking care of their own room la the Urger hotels themselves, the waiters having gone to war and tho maids taking their places in the dining rooms. "Jewelry stores and shops are all closed. ThU Is a beautiful city, and I wish I could have seen It under other conditions. Am perfectly safe, and will remain here until further notice. I have no plans for the pres ent. Hope you are all well and bar lng a nlco summer." PRESBYTERIANS ACCEPT A SITE The offer of Major Charles . Wordcn to give the Presbyterian church two lots for the' aevf church has been accepted. It has not been decided yet. though, Just which two lots at Eleventh and High atreeU will bo used. Worden gtvea the lota tree If the congregation will erect a IIJ.OQO building, aad hare it free from all but the hoard debt by January 1, 1917. The. board will soon start the work of raUtag funds, so the new ed ifice can be started la the spring. Rebuilding Baadon will be lnas,ced with Willamette Valley R has PARALYTIC SIDEEs J ' ' ' THOUGH It ECO VE KING COX- 8CIOC8XESS. JESS 1IU.BAKR CANNOT lUrCAJX THE CAC8E OF IIS MISHAP 1 'stn J h" recovered coa "louaneea it has been dlacovered that he is suffering fro paralyala. HI rlht Ide to -" This statement was made today by J. A. Hunsacker. brother of the a found unconscious in the road be- yond Klamath Hot Springs last week, with hU automobile stopped la frost of a tree. According to Jack Hunsaker, Jess. since recovering, Is unable to recall what happened alter he left Klamath Hot Springs. It Is believed, though. that he was stricken with paralysis pnd tell from the machine. Hunsaker' condition is better today. A New Imgationist Veteran Coming From Idaho to Work m Project To assume tho position of Irriga tion manager of the Klamath pro ject, C-eorge Q. Fry will arrive thU week from Durley, Idaho. He will assume the work carried oa by B. . Hoyden during his time here. Mr. Fry comes to the KUmath project with the highest recommen dations as an expert Irrigatlonlst and a practical farmer. He haa been con nected with the Mlnadoka project la Southern Idaho tor six years, aad has had charge of the lrrlgatiea at 48,000 acres on the south side of the project. Allies Are Cut FromBase,Say Berlin Reports I'nUcl I'reM SttUCm IlfcUU.Y, (tU Tb tUgumit A. :M. Tho war otlce lodaf Uaacd tb ibllowUlK aUtataMMt TIio UritUU uml Fttmch bate beam cut ult Iron UKlr teu by the ateak lug mofeurtt Jt roaaplt4 h$ I4W f.Vrnuut, Ute Gtrtm arasy kamraBf bB iujutrf crcU (sto yoallloai bv tuca IliC UriUali araijr ail Uw coaat. It b prrJictnl that the Chimb artajr Mill tooa he hi a eatlai to threalem 1'art. aad alo Aiutrlaaui artd GenMM la Itare aanaanctl the offnaatve. ttie ttlama . It U the plaa to lavade Rnaslajt I'ul- aiid. It to alee declared that the eaUjr 'aUcea la Eaatera rnnela that have 'brea orcaaied hjr abaadoaed hjr a before the arrival of the Re More Russians Go to Battle Front j Halted rreae Sarvlee I ST. PfiTBRMDmO. Ave T-;Taa isecoad Ruailoa law of effeaee taeajr relaforeed the fret law. raalllst; the Genaaaa aad Aaetrteaa ta Oeiteaa t'aad Eaetera Piaali The Aaatriaa raid la tntitatt Roeete aad Poiaad tailed, aad, the AuatrUaa hare Called ; WA8H1NOTON. D. &. Aug. 11. En today tomally preteaUd the fpu to build up aa IwaiWala smt 'chaata-rlMhTtheaurchaaaofaer- man salaa la nmartes- aarta. i lag to a hlh aatterKy. The) pretest has reached tba state i A similar protest has 1 ed for France. England claims that sash i would vtaUta the aeatielMy law. AUSTRIAN ATXACK' -OXTZftYCMN rot Dnlted Press Sernce CETTINJE. Aug. 31. Tea taeaa. and Auttrlaas Saaday ttssnltsd'Uae Montenegrin position oa Mt. Leweea, aad silenced two battalias. At this point French aad British skips shell ed the Austrlaae. who were 'them routed by the charging Moateaegrtas. Prior to that time Fry was aagaged in private reclamation work, for twelve years he had charge of the construction aad operation of the big irrigation ditch system la the Balsa Valley. besides his work as aa kriaaelea ' engineer, Mr. Fry has qaattted teat-'. tend to the work hare by his awa sac cate sa aa Irrlgatlea farmer. He ag- derstsads the problems of a Hivu oa a rttlamatlea prajtet, aad la way, Who Mr. Heydea. R la irsileted -that be will tea be aa the best -terms with alt at taa swear mmmp , the project. ' -- "J a-!