vi5 HL? HZmnitm literati PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSFAF1K . --, mtotmh ii.UTfft'mfii HmTivmniimmmi jhm wtujumyji' m tnmm.n mu mi iwuwii 11, S'ljiili Year N" U,4(M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914 Germany Preparing for Another Assault BELIEVED KAISER IS TRYING TO SPLIT THE ALLIED FORCES IMIIIri, ,u. UUf 4)rriiuti) l rtitl'-iill) fi.illirf Ins lif rtiit4iip lull. Uri ItrMfiltt l" aiM-Uwr lllahlr rffitM -rirlrtt.i Mie allltV UlM . rrl ImhiJw Mr irJ.UHu the ml.aii-li.t (irtmati lliJMitf), ! liW .ccm alUfUus' ltrWu il III-tortiwM allatkllii; lurtr tu Iw-M I'M III t,i irKtIP mllli4. Tlin " I" Hi" ' U llle lie Iikii fltlnl lif llrlstaii ln-w-Ttie ItrlcUus MMjr rMa'""l Hi ! llr.lrWllil 'f l.iM.aiH, Me Ml Ant urt f lift!, jwMe lf lltU IUIU trlnfoftfnirul Mill l.willl' llll Hie I"uikIUIi (.. t OMeMil In l llk U Ills Jrfl tUol, t blil !' terk UI.MKIN. Aws. 11. Military rin y dial llie iwrnrl l IWliioH Jr ttiH Uttl Uial ttt - Kr MMlttUinbrnn! by the Crrit-n. bu Imi lhl lit aal-' ha. iltniMM llie Hier of liU artny lil il imu liuilrrt milt of bailie fnl. Tlw riper y II evMeally fUn of Uio tfermar lo apllt ll Illnl fr, etui U.-i rrMt litem lHWfcri ..(if-llMl arwile, U lite IliitWti rvlnfurt rtriU afrit. , Surprise Japs by Show of Strength t'tilifd Vtp iUinHu I'lIKIS. Au, 3, AJlcx (rom KUo CbU fw li tUt be Ito Ji ttUeimitcd lo tnU o Ibt Houlhern of KUo Cbu Oio 0r from Ujp mallr fort o vr lli h"t Wnfif CUn(Kllol l wlll ll m r rutntllo nurpflim In Ut Jl, wtio enic4 tin rlnunro (rom tli outlflnK fort. Tho mttti ijofcitie U dy far (tic lrnnt. Britons Say the Russians Invade Unluil l'f 8rvlc WAHIIINHTOS', I). C, Auk. it. Tli llrlilih forvlfitt mc fAtiUit lit lolls In lo Hlr Hprlntll, uttbaa 4ur In Awtrlta: 'At Uu VniMlft I tiolni raptilly overrun hy ilia Ituulan army, A irni part of tbat region la now luidny, and thst tbe ualKm will oon be tbe b4iuU of tbe ciar'a forrea." bankrupt. Interior China Scene of Awful Bloodshed Unlicil 'rr Service , lm boeii iloivim of aklrutUlioa nml u HIIAN0IIA1, Aug. 39. Conditions I few tolerulily resiieclnblo Imtllw, l of Ul.iinlur In Interior Ulilnu audi nu'whlcb tl bandits linvo held tluilrown 'UU noi clinructurUo oven lit Ilio revo. '' "' lllVo " ,,,,(l,l,u' No Imloimry p,rloil preceding the Muii-,ll''' '" ,,0WM on oll,lor Mv' ,ho tlm overthrow two md a half yaarspUtma Invnrlably bohaadliiK ih I'rU nun were ruported lodny by foreign "'""t "" ,n 01"0 nr,lir,nt r who arilvi-d lni from Hankow Mufmu killing tlienu mil other upiountry points, ThiouMhoiit Hunan, llupeli, Hhnusl, ti'liuaii iimi Atihwvl provinces, they "l'l lirli'ntiilnKtt la rsuipunt on such " nculu (hat cities of eveu 100,000 and 100,000 population are unaife from uilack. Scores of smaller towns have bunt sacked, Frightful aiaaaacrea liave bsen iterpetrated, and loot worth millions have beea carried os Bodies of troops agfragatlsg 10,. ooo or in number are In tbe Held against tbo outlaws, and there -r ': Kaiser Sank Three Before She Got It l.O.S'DON". Au. 2. ll u UarntJ I tjxla)1 Unl llio palatial lauer, KU er Vllhlm dor Uro nk Ibe llrll Uh ilMWiri Tublactu, Kapara and Nrania Iwlorp alio m uk ly Ihr lirlll.h cruder llltti Kljor. KlUtsl U a an armc4 tptrojrer of resniutrrv, tl. KaUor WllUolm wa ralntiiK tiavoc lth DrliUh rauimcrclat !ilji u(T Iho wtMl coaat of Africa until Ihr HlKh Flyer went aftr hor. German War Cost 25 Millions a Day United Press Service NttW YOHK, Aug. 2.--J. Ilordeii llarrlmati, wbo bas boon touring la Curopo tbl lumiiitr. reacbod here to day with otber rrfute. He says tbe r U collng Germany 138.000,000 a Opponents of thu Preutdeul Yuan ClilKul government nro said unques tlonnlily lo be mcouraglng the tmu till"' firllvll)', to bo supplying quail tlllon of nrniH and ammunition, and to be doing tholr utmost lo weld the numerous bands Into a single force for another revolution. Is Southern China revolutionary agents are busy In the vlolnlty of Canton and piracy on the West River has retched such proportion! that eves foreign shipping Is endangered. French Soldiers, Eager for the Fray, About to Leave aaaaaaaaav HMBi IHnHRVr!mKEiLXIA&" BaVsVianBYaaaaaaBBB ' w wj- gf iiBk-oBa Bs! BTVii .JB1 SVsaasBawsavsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaV No oldlr of Kutopp tiai raon? cotUuilaim ibat tb TrDCb wbn tba cll to um cn. Parte aot (mix at a ui of WBrchltjc civlllaaa anil men wbo wr auxlout lo abow ibtr loyaJlf aad tkatr hatred ot Clnwuuy, but ib wcot tbimUv chor0 at loudly aa tb taeo wbo didn't bav to go to war. Fnracb aoldlcra am howji about to board a tralu for lb from. Forts at Namur f Abandoned 23rdi .. ,,.. LONDON, Au. 29. -The war bu-. tnu today annoutjoil tbat ibv foruj around Namur ro abandoucd by lb llrliub form tit 5 o'clork Sunday af-1 t9rno0n, Tbo dffendctii ero tben unable to uitu)rl llirlr ivoilllotm In Uio faco of tin- concentrated flr. Oennao artillery Horses Fighting q . the UlCyCllStS (lulled rfMi Service PAH1S, Aug. 89,Tlie war offlce today bulletins the routing ot three aquadron ot Pruulau btcycte corps by Ituolan cavalry near Potropof. General Battle On in Galacia United Press Service PAUIS, Aug. 80. The war office admits that a general battle Is pro gressing In Gallcla, with tbe Russian central attack dlrectod at Lemberg. Neutrality for Shanghai SHANGHAI, Aug. 20--AI a confer ouco of tbo foreign consuls It wns agreed tbat tho chairman of the con sular union should Issue a proclama tion of strict neutrality to bo ob served by all nations engaging In commerce nt this port. Tbo buslnetta of Shanghai Is divided umong tho Americana, 'British, Ger man, Japanoie, French and Russians, who now express thoraselves aa sin rjro In their support pf the consular union's action. Tbo market Is groatly affected by, tho European war and the business Is temporarily disorganised. Here Froui Agency. Mlsa Edna Miller, who Is a teacher lu (he Agoucy schools, la n Klamath Fnlls visitor, on her way back to work after the vacation period, McREYNOLOS IS I TO BE JUSTICE! hK.VATB ALMOST t'.VAXIMOLH I.v'l J CONFIIlMIXa THE APPOINT- MKNT OF ATTOHNKY OENEIUl.t 1 TO HIGHER PLACE Cuttod Prasa Serrlce WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. !5, I no MJiiaio louay oy an OTorwucira lu vole, confirmed President Wll ton's nomination of Attorney General James McRcynoliU as a Justice of tbe supreme court. immediately afterward the nomina tion of Thomas V. Gregory as attor ney general was couflrmed. Qreiory, who Is a Texan, has eatahllahed a rep utation aa a "iruit buster," and band led tbe New Haven case for tbe gov ernment FORT NEWS NOW OWNED BYWOMAN Tho latest .a-uatpappor ctianKt) to be I nihil lit Wlntnitth PHUfltV ! th nilF. chn,u,t of ,h Kort KiBmti1 Nw by Catherine Prchui, editor and pro prietor of the Merrill Record, The ilenl ban just txeii closed. Announcement Is made by Mlsa I'rehm in a letter to (he Chamber ot Coinmeice, In which ake wlthdrawa her triplication for tbe position ot secretary. This does aot give any of hur plana as to tbe merging ot the two papers or the operating of the plnnts separately. Jeffrey Haeaka Tonight, John A. Jeffroy, a Portland attor ney, who Is tho democratic candidate for attorney general, will address the voters at the opera house tonight. This Is not his Aral trip Into this sec tion, as be was prosecuting attorney for this district about atteen years ago. During hla stay here, he haa found many old trteaat ameag our residents. JHUNSAKER CASE MOST PECULIAR . - OCAL MAN FOUND THJRTY FEET FROM AUTOMOBILE BELOW HOT SPRINOSBELIEVED TO ILiVE HAD A FIT Instead of belag fatally injured by dashing his auto Into a tree or over Topsy grade, aa ruraora had It, Jees Hunsaker Is at the Shovel Creek re sort recovering from what la believed to have beea an epileptic stroke, or something of tbat nature. This la tbe tidings brought back by hla brother. Ray Hunsaker. According to Ray, Jeas was found about seven miles below Klamath Hot Springs, about thirty feet from his auto. The car was against a tree, and was not injured in any way, neither waa Hunsaker bruised a par ticle. It la believed that he waa stricken, and fell from the car Into the road. find that the ungulded car went Into the tree sad stopped. When Ray left late la the forenoon. Jeu had not re covered consciousness. CROOKED WORK AT ONJJHEATER ARCH TIXDALL'8 SUNDAY AND MONDAY PROGRAMS WILL DEAL WITH THE LIFE OF TsTE UNDERWORLD "in the Hands ot London Crooks" sounds thrilling enough, doesn't It? This is to be the offering st the Or pheus theater Sunday and Monday. The Aim Is a lv real feature, eta- sldered the best ever released by tae Universal people, and cost a small fortune la the makasff. It aas Jest finished a phenomenal rua at the lyr oil theater la nan Fraselsee. WANT TO BE AN EDITOR? WELL COM'MCTI.Va DIMPATCHKi) FKOM TDK HIOXT AltC ONXV ONE OF Tin; LITTLE I'LEASCRCS DfR ISO THi: UAVH I Did tb Ocrmans defeat th Rut-j iilans at Allcniteln, or did tbe RuajttjItlM (Una lake tb cltyT iferv'a all th);" dlipatcbra at out rardln it, aad ' Olft-uro It out according to tha way you aympatblie. In Itber caa. you can Uk tbe dlapatcb from the cons try you are supperting: BERLIN, (rla AmiUrdam). Aug. 29. Tbe war offic aaaouscaa tbat tbo Gcrmxaa defeated tbe Russian forces near Alleaiteln. It aaya Ua German defesaa on tbe Praaelaa troa tier la Incremslng. and that the Rua alan morement baa been checked. ST. PETERSBURG, (rta Rome). Aug. . Mlalater Saxanoff today of ficially announced tbat the Rnaalaas bare occupied AUe&steln. London Paper Sees Retreat United Preaa Serrlce) LONDON. Ave I.The InaUU that the BriUea are seise forced back to a saw Use. asd that the Geraasa bow hold Piaknl tti j. ..-.. .. . umarva icai me utnua lareetes mi raid alt of Nortbera France. ni.. i. ra! 'wJP. United Preaa Service ROME, Aug. 29. Frequent cabi net conferences are being held. The pressure is slowly beading the govern ment toward war. The Italians are angered at reports of Austrian mobilisation on the Ital ian frontier. City of Boulogne Is Evacuated United Press Service LONDON. Aug. 29. A Central News dispatch from Boulogne aaya that tbe French report that city evac uated by the alUea. The war bureau said It baa no In formation confirming this. Yep, SelUaff OH. Johnnie Durst, wbo represents the Rockefeller Interests In this section. Is lu from Marysvllle, calling oa the trade. To Sell Some Timber in Crater National The forest service la offering for sale 86,660,000 board feet ot timber on the Crater National forest, aad the thirty-day advertisement for sealed competitive bids haa Just begun. The timber is situated oa a tract ot approximately 1.740 seres la township 36 south, range 6 east. Willamette Meridian, oa the watershed of Odessa Creek, wklch Is Just south of PeHeaa Ray on Klsmsth Lake, and thirty miles from Klamath Falls. Ths timber consists ot I4.006.06e board feet of western yellow ate aad sugar pine. 1.000,996 board fast el Douglas nr and 660.666 board feat af FRENCH WIRE OF HEAVY LOSS FOR KAISENN EAST DEAD HESTKEW THE BATTUE FIELD Wtesetaad Twearty-Feev Bay Sieae Xe r Fraack Take OCaaetre, aad Claiaa to Save of Serenl 1 United Preaa SerrUe WASHINGTON, D. The Fresch eaiiaaa) C, Aeg. tt. a tateet eshte from Paris aaya: "The Fresch hare agate takea tae oleaaiTe Is the sghtlaa; seer the Voagea Paee. "Is the reclea setweea tae Tesaas ssd Nasey, where tae Ightteg had beea oslaterrssted fer It days, the Gersum loss wsa reaiHarshli, The Freack feaad oa a treat a three klleaaeters sear Naacy t, dead. MNear YttrlaMaL oa a trsat at tar ty kUeatetera taa Genaaa. dead asav !. fm. Oae hatslltaa sear Leagwy. walek Ihad held lta tteaaakai I or iwesiy-rour asys' dsrsues. ruUted." a? United Press aarriee LONDON. Aug. 29. The admiral ty's sanosBceaseat ot tke atakiaff of i two German cruisers sad two Oermaa torpedo hosts caused a Ms; laaoatlns bar. Isdteetloaa are-that the Ttetery la due to Commodore Besttya dartag raid, la peateratlaff tke Bight af Hell gelaad to engage the Oermaaa. No dreadsanghU parttetsated. Adriatic, Bearing Refugees, Docloki United Prasa Sernee NEW YORK. Aug. It. The Sana tab steamer Adriatic, ehartered by the government to bring- heme Amerleaa tourists, docked her today with 1.71? passengers, sll glsd to get back to tke Land ot the Free. white Ir. The loweat atumpaae rates thst will be considered far this tim ber are 11.66 per tsoasaad far west ern yellow ptau aad sagar seas, aa4 so cents per thousand tor IJaaflas Ir aad white Ir. AppsroKlmstely four, years wU be allowed for tbe cuttle! sadifamml of the timber sad saymeat for it based oa the log seal la the wotdsf will be required in advaeee of iiiHsif la amounts of ealy f 1.666 aMV ThU seals will brtef ws Urn tftssv ury of th United States awVtM Ml.eot, aad Is per easd at taw west be aaeat leesHy far i ' a1 'A i W 3 4 I