The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 28, 1914, Image 1

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    Wkp fawning, Mvtala
nui urn ..- 'aawe -
-7; r-rnrrr " "
Miillt Vrr X. ."?
Fife FtT
Report Ge
of Calais, Close to
riivr iiiLHi: l
GltltA I Jl'lih
i.uiN 0u.1t riii:..vorHHfMi,
in' iMitiur.wr vi;- j
ioiiiki ns uintMA.v tihmi
rr4 ! Hervlcr"
V AHlilNtnO.S. II ' AtU 2 - J
. c.oi -n :iiulrK MHIWUbfP! Ill ttlr4 tU tUYtlle bfWWebl I
.c. iii hl tb German ! n
it output of tstl He td Hint
if. nlorwsMU'U MWo n8Vtlly
1 Sole 1 i'4lal ii a (MrpwUilrin ol
COO afiil t Mtlly nbtJUl eltitri
tn.lti lrt.rn Ibc turo lllir ul tllltlstid.
m h route in Uuidou
t nllrd i't i-tt
I'AIIW Au 3 Tltllir I
rt jTVrtloe fur iMlbl pi
tl lb tlrmR. the r mv d
tail that tho (ivrinaru furewl
llil.iscb Ikr alllw llttt't lr
faft but lljftl lb lfvrh f
idy lu th;l n)r further aiitanr.
tirrt tnifp)nHm U ltl hprp.
u4 faroienom am wr."Fl l Iovp
N'pSir tf lllo uundl ar ti be
trtmli! t,t". t thir emernrntnt
lfcr 10 rTtlurw tbn population ll A
mlmmurn TI10 sutrtitmonl ItuUl
1I.111 tb trnb Ittio ar
Ihrif (Htlltlttb
' Ullrd I'fWI Jlortlco
til:ttl IV (la Itumol. Auk '"""i
'b.r, t, Kf"At jubitaiiiiti brr " r I
h'um sicinri.. iiUiiecuretiuini'
tic Urrmatt Infanlry baitiuollrd tbi
llinl Hum at many atr
! i drla:.Ht I hat the superiority !
of tb Urrman lufaiilry plainly I.ON'DON, Auk :k TIi I'm-m bu
rldni at Mr-ubetier), linswy and Nn- Trail .ays that Uuvaln has b-vii r
mur The entPriiunint admits that ilurn.l to ruins, tiimmn of the bltlorlr
hr ones Id l tin Gnrmnn Inrnps wrre'tnid Watitlful biilldlne bfltic sparcl
t"y It l now coiitldr-red erf tain, t ho cjermans -t tho iuu nflf' at a
that ttin (Irrmnns lll rrAfh I'arl hutilri different points, usIiik es
wlihimt btliu srrlmitly rlufkr-d jplwlvp. and bombs. The Inhabitant
1 'are held prisoner at the conct'iitrn-
British Defeated;
French Are Routed
.....-. Newn illtpitdt from Home states lliftt
l'n toil prr Stlce a HtltUh drstrojer sank nn Atislrlnn
liCHU.V lla Aiiutoidnin). Au dittro)itr near Corfu Tho report Is
3S The Gcrmiiii war ultlrc hiiumiiiren'uot roiiflrmed
Ibal llio llrllUli wermlvlentrtd at Man- A 8t. IVtersbtirr tlUpnlfli slnte
bit- and ihm ilmKreiicti wen ruuiiil thai iho Austrian nre fortlfylitK
in Hniith Namur The losses were Vlnnnn. Tim official reason Klven I
hiy nlihotieh mi details am uUeii ,ki "pnnldo work for Iho niiem-
ptoyid "
I'liHr-d Press Hervtio I
I'AUIH. Aug 28, Thero U llBtitliiB tlnlled I'ress Herlro
viTyiwr, TI... second lines of lbs HltUH8i:i. oln AhiwitiD, Aim.
illird furies lire r.-porlml to bo hold- 38 Th Onrintiiis linvo inminl-d
"IK It... ilerinniis In theck, allliouuli mpl'l "re etui nl the nortliorii
Hie Ull.r Kimitly ium.iinb..r lliein. twnce In Iho tlly AtilnnutllP Ritnii
It fs nitmlttul thai the ii mutinied 011 nilli.lruck. are pntrollliiR
Chinese May Revolt
European War Is Opportune Time for Uprising
Chinese r.tvoliilloulils will take ml
vnnlnBo of tho wnr lu Kuropo to nt
lumpt l'roslduiit Yiitin Bill Kill's ovor
throw, nccordlnif to I'ncltlu Coast
OKeiiiu ot Iho revolutionary parly.
Thu tlino Is deemed opportune, thoy
rmans on Outskirts
lldll Hil)la "l.clo the tlltmi
alt) limit tiuiuffutit IT. war (Ttc
iltiiln iittu i lie Ticurtt position tm
1 bcn turned H until thai In "prop-
L.J lllim" ll, a III, will Ihio Ilia Of.
t.p miu.b hold the tntf
Kite of MUd It It brllttf4 IttAt thl
jtMMiuwN u in front of iho lamnu. chii
,m. ,rvir, inrimKU hiih iiiv iimn
miu aimi; 1 im-uiig
War Is Declared
Against Belgium
t'ullr.l l'r HrUr
VIENNA Aue : Austria iht
woriiiiie liinnll tlcWrr ar u
ixmb un Colilinti on tbo first day of
t'ntud Trrns re lbn war. d Mid Hint lth Antwerp
VIKN.N'A, (U i.oiiduit). Aue. ti ,rufll udc uo dlffcrnr'in
Tho Itelelau mlultter b bu tmtidrd jr bombardm.nt from an Jr-
bit pMtutt, and all iKlatluti bo- i1'11 "" rhlp
twrwu ltlelut and (JFrmany i'
ben broken
I'nttod l't Hrlc
I.ONIK).s'. Aue i -U l bellord
that Hi" dUy rau-d by tbo br4y
Gcrmitii Ur In thlr lialtls In HpI
Kluin lll mak It nttwry for the
(German tty m rrturn to fr the
rtar ahd cbrk th adtanr of thrt
1 lit jitulsn brlorr limy can lay slefin to
InilillnBJ., . i.r-,,.r A.millh Inilala lhal
.ttin tltuatlPti It talltlnclorj to the Kn)
tlth and nllN troop. ,
- , n .
liprmans ReHuce
Louvain to Kuuisj
, I
',d ''" ""f
lion cninp
Pulled lrs ttertlro
LONDON. AuiC 2! A Central
explnlneil, In Hint tho poweru will ho
(00 inui'li absurboil with tho utrtiKKlo
among thoiiiKelM to undurtiiko Kiabs
of Clilueso territory under cover of
tho confusion Yiiuu'a downfall will
necinrlly InvoUo for time.
The) predicted it tumoral uprlsliib'
In a short tint.
In ri'O-Sn li)4iIIIS to IIU) tlburl. Olid
'ir prtautiutt U lakdi against a
(...j,U. t.utbrnk I nly u lalltl
Ituigt utiuiier Mm linn r.'fuwd to
Him tho city hall ltn lln on nine
!t) "( the city by the German IK
firiniir hat rnol til in the r-i-ct
. Dm Oormntit, ami th.'lr mmmniider
11 .1.01116 hint v-ry rourwsy
I'nlU'J IpM Men Ira.
LONDON, auk ii -I'tomier A
(imili .4I1I unity la (In Iioum of torn
h.oiiii ' Ou U' llo
oUtfalll"! lliit aiaittJll of 0e complete
Omtiaii ii)t. Our lurre hold the
C foil lid UMlll the)' Hrlc) IIKt fill) lll
urunt ol tiio aturk, tiiey tiiu r
fH, ,0 a ,c,(,ly ,,,
"T!i llrltliti lufllclnd ntiurmou
ii on ilm I'tiriu)'. tint I irRtft t
uio iimt our Iiium wt rorr(iuml
t 11 iu J I'tto riirU
OrHuMit AmtiBi!or UciuiiurtT do
i.IknI that Ibv tit,rmu dud tlulatr-il
Hip rulfo ot rhllUfd arlam ti;
Uniililiie Aut.ri lln nuMtrtci) ihm
tbtt PlTllCh BvrilltlStll llAd llruflOed
Japanese Funds
Held by Germany
l ItlKd l'ir Ucrvlte
lli:itl.lN. Auk : -Tb. Gentian'
guiernrarnt hfcs Impounded alt of thej
fundi of tbo Japanrse KOterumcnt
which veto held by German banks!
1 1 A Y rlliT IfllrN
lli: lll!MHti:ilTIIOl'HAND IIOIi-
I.AHS k iii:i.i.nqi:i:.t
Next Monday will bo the last day on
ntiliti to pu) tuxes without IncurrliiK
lu. pruMlr of 1 per cent and Inler
est nt 12 per rout.
On Tuesday. September 1, tho tax
roll Mill bo turned hut Jo tho sheriff,
allhouch It will bo soera days ue
fore they ulll bt removed from the
county treasurer's olltco.
Out of the total tux roll of H3t,
000, It I estimated that ttiu delln
ijtiout unsvssmuuls will 11 mo 11 nt to be
twien 175,000 iiu.l 1100,000 when
tliu book re 1 timed over to the
klwrlif Tho Inreest sIiikIu usicas
iiunt hlch Iiuh not boon paid la that
iiKitlntt thu Houtlieru rncltlc compuuy,
which Ih hold up nwiittltie u division
011 itrtalu county wurrnuts, which
were offered 11 purt pnymunt and re
fiiHOil by the treasurer.
Whcro thu firm liiHtulliuuiit of
tux cw bus been mid, 110 penalty at
tache If (ho second liiHtnllmout Is
paid by Mondiiy, tint In en 80 tho first
Installment lnu not bcuu paid, u pen
alty of 1 per vent per month, or K per
cent, Is collected on taxes paid before
September 1. After September 1, it
ill per cent penalty is collected by tho
vhorlff, with an additional 19 percent
Interest, 1
lllSHH'tlllU Mill'.
J. W. Metciilf, dlvlalou utiporlu
tondoiit mid C. A, Wcslur, division on
h'luoor, wont throiiBli to Klrl; tlilo
uiornliiK lu the uiiwrluteudout's prl
vuto car. Thoy nro iiiukliiR tholr reg
ulnr tour of inapnctlon ot tho lino,
mid will roturu to Dunttuulr In the
City Hall in Antwerp, and Another
View of City Hall to Be Under Siege
. iii HlrTvWHnMnnx
Tho city lirill In Antrrn. Ilka many.
.... I.. .I.- I.h. .!.. Ilw
mm m,j,.r n,.et. by tb Oerma.t JIJelKlans are now here, and aro mevt-
gnit. j VPfy aurarthe structure. Ins with the Belgian uff.
a 0r ,hp,e prvparntlons hae( Thcro U doubt whether the German
t,rcn made for a long lcKe. The last, plans consider anr serious slere of
,und for Independence will be made Antwerp. The defenses of the city
there, for the UelcUns feel that If arc considered imprecnable. There
Germany wins lht war she will cease
to be an ludcndcnt nation. Many of
. th smaller hou&i In the suburbs and
nlonit the canals have been destro)edlpronb from the land Is carefully
and the tms outside of the city cut Kuarded. while Urltlsh or French war
down, so that any German attacking ships can be sailed directly up the
farce will be unable to take corer. Scheldt to aid (n the defense.
Now a Heap of Ashes
United Vrn Srvlc
LONDON. Auk. JS. Concerning
tho destruction of Louvatn the Del
Klan location Is In rocoipt of the fol
lowing from oftlcers of the stricken
"After the city had fallen Into the
hands of the Gormnus the commander
started In to destroy tho town, and re
fused to listen to tho protests or de
nials of the city officials.
"It was announced that tho town
would Immediately bo destroyed, and
directed that sewral of the prominent
clllten bo shot, as an example, which
was done.
"The inhabitants were ordered to
lenvo their homos, Th men were lm-
King Carol It
Seriously 111
United Press Service
HOMi:, Aug 28. A wlro from
Huchnrost, tho capital ot ltoumnnla,
states that Kiu. Carol I. Is vurlously
III, and that bis abdication of tho
throne la expected,
MUs Cnriwntor Safe.
Those who havo been Interested lu
Iho welfare of Miss Abblo Carpenter,
who tins been touring tn Scotland,
Kuglnnd uud Knuico this suuimor, and
hn lucii In thu "war sono," will be
Kind to know that sho hi wired tho
superintendent of schools In Seattle,
Hint she will bo thoro for duty Sep
tember i, us Instructor ot homo eco
nomics. MUi Carpenter waa elected
to this position several weeks ago, but
no detluttu acceptance had been sent
until recent
It Is said (hut lu Khartoum, Egypt,
I thu
a man may bo flued f 3 tor every mo
squlto found alive on his property,
Officers detailed by General Joffre
trnm fti VtirU HlilffmrfM f1 aM fhM
are three lines of forts, the final and
'uaturally the strongest, havlns been
completed In 190S. Tho entire ap-
mediately Imprisoned, while the wo
men and children were hastily loaded
on trains and hurried to unknown
"Soldiers won. furnished hand
grenades, and directed to go Into all
sections of tho city and Ore It.
"Among tbo flr&t buildings to go
was the Church of St. Wertv, ons ot
tbo most noted churches in Belgium.
The next to fall were the great uni
versity buildings iind scientific es
tablishments. Within a brief period
tho Intellectual metropolis of the
loucr countries for upward ot fifteen
centuries was given to the flames, and
nothing now remains but a heap of
Tobacco and
Whisky Exempt
United Press Ssrnce
The house ways and meaus commit too
has tentatively decided to place war
twx on cocoa-cola, pepsin-cola, wine.
beer and biueball and theater tickets.
At prevent thero Is uo IntenUon ot
taxing whisky and tobacco.
Huvo PltMMiut Time.
Local Odd Fellows and Rehekabs
who wont to Merrill last night report
n very Interesting meeting at the re
ception given Grand Master W. M
Gitllnwuy, About twenty attended
from Klamath Falls. Following the
roKtilar lodge meeting a general meet
lug and banquet was given.
Home From California.
Mrs A, J. Lyle and daughter hare
returned from California, where they
spent several weeks, following a visit
to Mrs. Lyle'a old homo In Minnesota.
.M iiuiKiirr 11U.1. a ncmw
ItftUblr Inrorriuiliori of I'lnanc-lul
Coiiilllion of Hit; Counlir of tln?j
StaU U i'o!!tc an a lUkult off
Srtrrn of ltokkrt-lnit KtaMUhil '
tijr hlnli- linurnucc t'oiiiiiillonfr. i
Publicity CaUM- Cut In Kxra.
I!. M. Duffy of Salem, a rcpreon-t
tatho of tbo sccountlne ytem of thej
ktate imurance department, ! In tho
cltr advl.loe the countr offlclaU wUh
refcrenco to the new uniform system
of accountlnc and bookkrepini; pro
vided for the counties of the ttttc un-J,
der a new ped by the lat toftata-;,nd1.U.
AltbouBh th limited appropriation
madu It lmpolble to tend represen-
.taiirc to each county to Instruct the
officials, tho new uniform accounting
system planned by Commissioner J.
V. Ferguson Is now welt established
In tho counties of the state, and Is
proving successful.
For the first time in the history of
the State It is possible to secure rcll-
able data for comparison of the finan-
clal condition of the counties. This; Two hundred thousand RnesUas.
information, which is contained la a) with General Wana commanding,
report msdo public each quarter, is j are attacking the entrenched Aus
havlng a decided Influence on the . trians in the Sereth and Dnekter Tal
curbing of the expenditures In the 'leys. The ob)ectlre point of the Rus
countles ot the state. The last report alans Is Lemberff.
shews that only eight counties out of,
tl... nt..!,.,. ll.lHv.fnii. ... ..... ..,..
w Uh.,v -M,,..WU1 IU MtU AWIU,
have deficits.
Mr. Duffy stales that the budget
bill, a companion bill to tho uniform I
accounting system, both or which'
were introduced in the legislature by!
W. O. Smith, has resulted In a saving
to the taxpayers of the state through '
reduced levies of millions of dollars.
A million dollars was cut from the
published budget In Multnomah coun-
ty alone. The reduction made In the
budget in Klamath county last foil
was 180.000, and a corresponding re
duction was made In all of the other
counties of the state.
Ten tlOUr LAW Not
to Cover Laundries
SALEM, Aug. 2S. Attorney Gen
eral Crawford has Informed Labor
Commissioner Iloff that laundries do
not come within the purview of the
ten-hour law. This law, says the
attorney general In his opinion to the
commissioner, covers only factories.
milts and manufacturing Institutions,
and a laundry cannot bo held to bc-
long to either class.
In an opinion rendered at the re
quest of State Superintendent ot Pub
lic Instruction Churchill, the attorney
general holds that n temporary per
mit does not allow a teacher to teach
la a high school of the state.
Big Waste
Forty Per Cent of the Toilets Are Defective
Au Immense wusto of water which
has caused a heavy drain ou the plant
of the Callfornlu-Oregon Power com
pany ttuB been caused by defective
tolletb, Is tho discovery made by tho
officials of tho local water company.
For tho past week or so H. E.
Rlaclily has been mnkng a personal
Insjiectlon for tho company ot all wa
ter connections tn buildings and resi
dences. He finds that about 40 per
cent of the toilets In tho business sec
expected hoox
KaUcr Will Cure for IVumIom Drlvra
From Tltcir llomtn, Within the
German Line of Defaurr, Until tlie
lliumliin lnatoo l Clicckcit Two
lUttlot Son la lroxTM in rjntrrn
I'ruMU anil Austrian Galnda.
liulted "re Srric
IJKRMN, (ta Home). Au. 28.
The katner telegraphed from thi fltd
to fall cabinet, ordering that the Prus.
- llMf whom lhe Ruwlan Invadcn
( ,ir0ve from their home, bo cared for
Mntlde the Ocrman lines of defewM
unlit the Ruuian Invnxlon U checked
Uv po1'
for them to return
j Steps to meet the RuMlan UtTadcri
late betn taken. Additional reserve
have been rushed to tho front, and It
- 1, MMCUd that a general haul will
ensue as soon as the Russians com la
contact with the first line of fort..
United Press Seme
m PETERSBURG. Aug. 2 Two
(general battles bY begun, one in
Eastern Prussia and tae other lm Aw-
.trtoa OsiocU.
flT fsfliyf) IDTD
"' Ullflllll III II U 1 1 H
ThU Ii lo b 1 hlr nlrht arannv thv
llocal 0dd Fellows -nd Rebe-ohs, as
all the members of the several
brttachc3 of the oiir te
to greei . 31. uanoway, the arand
Muter of the state.
A short session of the lodge Is to
ne held, and this Is to be followed by
a general meeting, to which not only
all members, but a large number ot
friends outside ot the lodge have been
The entertainment ot the Orand
Master Is In the hands ot a committee,
and a banquet Is to bo served later In
the evening.
Ilaldttin Home.
Judge George T. Baldwin returned
last evening from Portland, where he
has been for a week or more on busi
ness. of Water
tion 01 tho city are defective, either
lu uot being equipped with floaters
or In Home other way that permits a
large leakage of water.
The company has been forced to
keep their pumps going day and night
for Nome time to keep the elty pro
tected. The company claims that th
i.e cess Ity for this has bea caused y
the vast amount of water that Ipa
been absolutely wasted dally, WKhsat
benefiting anyone.
1 fil