lEuimmrj linral& Pn PRINTS THK KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NBWS WIHUSITISNKWS - -jyi.nnmininifiLiLimmni inninwwswwwui'H'iroMiitw iWMWUNWi'Wft. -7 jartJKJB LipirfaatiMPiMMsaBBals: .amnnraaae Mnlll Vrnr No. J.m KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1914 Prlea, Ftr EARFUL OF AN AERIAL ATTACK, BRITISH ORDER THE MARINES TO , HELP THE BELGIANS AT OSTEND British War Office Is VnlM l'f Mrvlee MINIKIN, Au. UTr England) lm il,o Noitli H" flrT "' 'rrT "1UI'Ik furuitnl I" Oiiltl til" OrriiMM. 1tr iwtln l eUllotM at III" p(Trt of anU ralda l) Urruiott air ( n If Hip lMrr' fortr laha M rtn. For llotl irnt, llir iurlir i .ir kuI oit I" eld lit" RrlgUn nuil 'trpil (irrotaii) from Kallilng ' irrtttiirul I. ! Mrd OiuiyMII ! annoMW.! that lltr marine air alrredi al CHIrnil. , ,. m. fc) tlir rJrttlllotarjr forr irait; to ull arr Urgr, liut illil hot ni'Ul' ll'" altrmtll In wumlwr, i tt, .r Miiwim U llrl a to ooralW In IWtglMMi. A lllrl ruor. ' ,1,1,. I. Mitfi iitalHiaiunl, at.il It U .lnrunUntUlljr romorrl tint lh alllr- Mir i.'t Mill, .wlou. trrrc. , mwul d.r-c.r Ihralllchatn l rtn fn of tu-ltium. When VJ In ! ioum "I rm taoni itirtllht tlp Urk of frum u Irotsl. I'fewler Aiultli m4? ilic ptolnc uirtaftl -Tto lirlilib sorriotil l illr coi of thine llo mp iry nil of Up lformlltt tprillii to f b U tfr4lblo I) J COIllt ret "Ittl pUt)fC lue(rt. "II t tn mrr lo ollbtiolJ BENSON GAINS A VOTE J GRANT UWtm.ST AT CANVOK CITY FUT Kl.iMATIt X)f .VTV CN!llATi: IN Till: klUtl OVKH Jt'HTKT. Mc.VAItV CANYON CITY, Otr Auk 37 Ibi lln UlDnll JUitftV Montf I. Iletl- an of KUinailt Fall and Ju.lKo Cliaa, I. UcNry of Halrtn fur tbo reiub tlratt nomltiatlon fur tbo ut,rwma rourt b broken m m rvouni of tbo ballot, uf ttirrp prprlneta In tbla CoUlf T Jmi ilcluuil KalnltIC ollt Vnle, ThU ttiKu Ilia battlvcruund for oir. to Multnomah, Wa.hlnclun ami rillamiHiV count!, It liplnc undrr ttiMht drrp tiiot It lint bepii MiiIaII Mrtti Hip wo cnnillilhlr. llml Ui" uallou lil I,, rc-tounieil In n nuin tor ol prrvlucu In -ucli tit th rounlUi ACCOnllliK to tllil frlrmU Of tbo (Mil rntidhlAt a doth Imvu prpclncU In Muitnomhli rnumy wlilrh Uoy tlrlro to fKotllit dm Imllot., ami JuiUp Hiii "jii it n nl), baa a numbar or pra liH In WnaliliiKUiti nml TlllninoitU founllia In whlrli ho unlit Ilin voIiti ricniiitm, To Appraise On This, (he Next Construction Charge Is Based Willi lh nr.,imrllnii of .l.,lnllil 1 lmir. of .ho ox, dlturiM, on lho!'V" 't lln Klh Vnir Vn A. Kltitnnili prujml frum Jiimiury I. I IC, to Juno 30, llllll, Ihn woiK or riiohiiiiiiilon iienlco olllrn burn to I'u niiliui ,y tho imaanRo uf tho roc. lAiimtlon rxtoiiiloii bill will not ho "''i. Artur Una mi uiiruUni or lliu project must bo mmlo, ) This afpruliml In iiImii in bo made under tho terms of the new re4a iAtlon bill, u will bo cotuiiluted'bo foro December, It Is bell.ived. ' A roprosentatlve of Him dopsrlrau'iit f tat Intsrlor, a representative of Dm Silent as to Belgium lrlpKl all of Hip r"prr lil of uieHtir. i liir Iibip Iwro. rnl - - M rllrrl illltrw ftm Ihr Miutli I i W(ly ft.. but .- . f T,MeUn lrwn,. taUon hfrt Bfp',0jx U)ftl tha rvUo, i.tej lh, m7 .win U llfl-4. B,.iiB- bpit, ilsilioM and liro - . A. ). Ullo I une.luf4. bui lh-r-l.frf.lMlMlb.innl. lc to tl.r rrmrb amb.Uer llr or. tbo .d.anco euarU .Unm.lirJ with tbn flermant, who rctltel a I unablo lo WJhflfW tbo ri(l tbt lbs cliy l not ix rui in chm lbrp eflou t)vtmn moro. mH. CITY HALL WORK WELL UNOER WAY on.Nrit.M-rfiitt iwfwtth iiavi: I'iltMT NTtlllY IIMHIIFU THIS U'KKK, AMI HUIUUNO C.MIfll KOOF XOON 'llrlOIP tho wrK plldt p will bara tho llrt .lor j ronipl''li'il ) Frd Cofr of Cofpr llro.. who nrw rrrct liiK Hi" cltr' n 1 36.O0U clly hall on niih and Walnut irt, A forc! of ma.on. plumbers and lctrlclan are huilly vtigniivd. ' The mnlractom rippct to null tbr htilldlne r lattit rIoiik nnw. mid If tho mi? not held up (tuy morn by nuppllfj. ili . thpy lll bv lb" city's struc ture undwr roof In tho full. Word will tp rontlniipil on tbo Interior n nurh aa pollilr durliiK tin wlnii-r tlit. city hull U to b two torlt hlfili ullli a full baiumnit. l'rpil hrlik and enntrelo tire ImliiK um1 In iht Mii.ilrnrlloii. mid tho trlmmliiK Ik to ho of in Uncial loti whlrli I. il'iw hrliiC li.m Ufatliircd b Hclinflrld & Cnniimti) Im n Fiom ClilliMiulii. Mr, II F. Hiiiiimt'mloy wim aiuoi8 tho iiatarilRiTs rotlllliK III Wodlndiiy fiom Cltlloiiuln the Project rtscLtlllnlWlll KOrVlCp llllll roprt'iO'lUll 'aiH'lutlim will iiiuuirlso Iho biiiiul 'l itniirnlMitl. Tltn bniiiil will no mor mi of ilio piml nrcounlK of llio projt'tl, ami iroiu tlifaii will tlcclilo wlinl will lu the propiT hiillilliiis rhnrg" till yimr Thu rvcommundntlon of lliu hninl a HI ho uont to Wuuliluglnn, wlieio It will bo con.lilorcil ngnln by tint Do psrlroeitl of tlic Interior, uml tlio amount of lliu cuurgu will tlien be mi iiiitinccd. Thin form U to lio utd on all of tho proJooU to iloliirinlno (In Maavt l.k tlallaiB tainVai. GERMANS PUSH INTO FRANCE l uUh I'rocB Hrvlc I'AIIIP, All it. 7 Tim flgMiiiiC lrtnr-ii lir Grrmaii army of luraaioii lillllll.llU 11 ly Iu.IIhwmI ,,.- !. L.k-. .,-... 1 .... Ibt.. ,,-... ,.. .1 . Dl.patchra from thp front J kUuKltlrr iuiijc the alllrd trooi. At wma xln( along tbn I'rrticli Hnr. Tim icorrriitnriu ha hrru allot rui hail !, r, ivpulwl. Thrrr lot i,. tdlrf iIanli r lo IVtturn L Mtiitt'lnrtit vilili nn rtlnlr ttnkliiK niorriiirtit. Ttir uar ofTWp In.l.ls, hoMrTcr. flint prorlaiooa hare been lait lo inrt and tijurf't IliU jut I on bpforr Iho dilation progrr" rry far. 'tlirrti arp uno(ntal rrxrl to tltr rffrl tlwl lln (irrnuwt lao prtratrl tint aillca' IUm bwc Monfjitnl) aim) Unib. tlw Ktitmitoriil, Hlillc lol latlnf If IliU la trur, adnilu that the Orrmao rtrtnglh lliolr ttlll nr, ltull) Muirtl llir nltamlonmriil of hiith of liuwctlUra. - i:ij , H Allf. llt.'MKI) 'hIJUVIA.NH WIN I.V FOfll KUKOI'KA.V WAIl PUTS lUlsTHOVl.VO HAUJIUAIW lAVH' IMTTLi: AT lUtl.VA OFF TBCST FROGfUM fnlltiJ Viet Hrrtlcr IWKIll Aus 37Wo.t of til' N1HH, Aue, IT. It U anoouncttl , WASHINGTON. 1). C An. S7 .it tfwn.a .unonl hpf ar.oJxthfttth8rYU0. !.futcd tho',lrg'd'Dt W" r told eh vl - "' uM,roylnE i.- rw,. olnor MpMl, of MBimailte.. c,tl M(.,, wUUU) , UM,, ,(,(,. w,ti ,(i lMf 8(UcK t(pgn lJ( c,y t;iii.ii J. j,um. - .ent WII.I. NOT HKVI AIIAfHTUIA.Nh ItOtTKO IIV S . : COtMCn AT TAHSPOOlLtCTpj,, ma;4TE "Hll-l lt- U,!,-. i , WAMIINGTON. I) C, Auk. 27. '! lrr- "ic ,IUfon ChintU, Hip Japunnw ainba.M-' ST FISTKItBIIURO, Auk 27. It dor iotx wid Japan do nut ln'wi atinvunrrd today tbt th Co 'tend to ipJ lln army mid nnry iulo'tU had completaly routed o lar Kuiojh to bi'lp HusUlid HpaIm dc iiUh! tin, rturt that Japanrtv war- j.hlp will aturK, Au.llU, j "Ihrm l lifithliie tmr abturd llinn Hip iniirnlnr tll.iuitrliM lhat u wou)U an,Wpr , ,tccUnuUm ' ur b) tlupatrhlnic tbr Mpw," linincw. llpftpr talcpbone In your ub-I .Aid British Sailors "Worrying" Over the Prospects of Some Sea Fights yry-trBr71MBBBBajkaakyBKBaBsaBHkaBa jSlfcj CftaTyc BU'ffilKTHt' T TfTarPaTgl'yaanflallaWaaaaaaaaaaaw'w Paaal TtraaY aafaaaaaraTaaaaaaaaT f ' iZ'"t' 't 1i ?v Bn45 ammmmmmDWRlJn3V Wr !WISSt WSm'JVJlVV'iJLVL txt aaaaaaL 'aaaaaaaaaH7 " 'lM 'f L ' aaaaBBaaaaamv'" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaC JaBBaaV V V i eBaBBBBaaaaFSAl IaaaaaIRaaC laKS aaaataBBBBBaaaV AV'aaaBaaWjIaaMiaBaaaaaa fmfii i aaail vJaaaPiV M VS aaaaaaaBBBBBaaJilaal ..llllHr'.aamaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl " i Sff. aBBBBBBBBBBBT MaaaflaBBaaaaaP WaBBaaVaal r.XfrM4 x aaBBBBBaaaaal S SSfSSMmWSAfSSwkjfwSSSWJSwfm.L W Jft JJ( fSSSf aaaaaULaaawLU S BaVBaaaaaaBai W " t j aaataaiaaaaaaaai XaaaB nSJfMHCVV iAB ox' Ma aaLlt i bbbbbVB aV T 1 tt aaaaaar aaaraaf aBaaaaaaaaaaaJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaltJ MUS9Jlatt ' 14 ' -Hll4 TlamPaammmmmmamP WT 1 BAflHHH TO HkBBni3BJHjKdFs M a laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflaBBaf if aaT J aaaS JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI w 'BBBalaBaaaHBBBBBf fi BKjR7H fljjVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB S aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBata HaBaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBSBB " Tl - a a,k " T-1 T -e. a ? aek for new uritrm and .uppllr to Ur IU-lK(ul'rvit li frontier llir righting l lln If in nUUtncot lt night to tho cdnt I hat irt of Ilia lln of (lw tlr- U-rn no roiilSrmalloii of ptntuatlott of luiMirtaiit frontlnr renter. fioiu iln- not Hi, ttlwro tb (ic-rtuaas rn combining mulling forward UnluJ l'm 8rTlc """.conaitloe. brouht about br the '". HJ. . r ml . Tb.r !!:,. .r. bo u not Incline to " ' " " bvo conro. act now on the wllro.d .linlua. !curitl rtguUUon bUL T'14' JprUni liojm to cut off tbci nv ii0 itnlel tbt tbe antl-truat AuilrUm aud annihilate tholr force. I fori-" of Au.trlant at tho Klrcr Soruth near Tarn pool, sad captured Otej suns. 300 prtonr and inuch xiulp.i aot. I The Herald prints tbo lalwl ar J i.crlptlon nd krp up to date. rl !! I'muh and Kagllau troop ...-.1. ru.hrtl north. This ladleaU heavy ld to Im Iwrnty-fWe mlli-s Inside the Uultctl Vrtn Sorrlcfl JrIdt Wllaon todr told , of the MUM flnanclal )pr0tram will b dropped for tbo prw- SOYJMAMAAH TOtUV Ucltod FrM Srvjc 1'ARIS. AU. 27. The SarrUa legation today rectrpd Udlnca that tbo Auitrlaoa bavo eracuatnd Nortb. saar today. TbU was In anticipation ota stroag HorrUn-Montcnegrln attack. ,n Toira. J. II. Short came In Wednesday I from the Fort on a business trip. WIRELESS REPORTS COMING IN ARE TELLING OF A FEW SMALL ENGAGEMENTS ON THE SEA British Ship Sinks a German Off West Africa ''"' Oblted I'rut 8rtte WAHHIXOTO.V, f. 0. A UK. 27. The Grmaa ewbaVMf here toOJ a. BiMtttcd that Iteriln haa w Ircleaaed the new of the small Oerauim ciaaW Ul:bunC Ix-liJf blown up near thfl talo the" nationality of IImj attacklBK "tntounlrrfd a auprrior fore." Unltad Freu Serrlce liONDOV, An. 27. A CetUsje rrularra and right Uirpctlo boat today made an attempt to fjoaabard Ba dua, the Uolmation city recently occapled by the Moateaccrte fore. Thla waa prcrrnted, howerrr. by the arrlral of British aad Framch aquadrona. WTjen theac were alhud tbe AaetruuM ram. United Pres Serrlco LONDON, Aug. 27 Lord CburchUl In tbe bouro of conooni todar an nouncd that tho llritlsh cruller High Flyer tank the German ship Kalir WUholm der Orow off tbe West Af rican cout. According to CburchUl. one Briton SERVIAN PROTESTS BEINGSENT OUT ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT RE CEIVES A COPV OF THE COM PLAINT AGAINST AC8TKIAX SOUIERA ACTION!! Oalted Press Serncr BUCHAREST. Au. 37 The Span ish mlnUter today recelred a copy of tbe protest Serrla has oOclally di rected to the powers against tho Aattrlan troopn. TbU alleges many atrocities on the part of Front Josefs men. It charges that aged men and women and chil dren were murdered without pretext by the invaders. GIVEN BOOMSITE IXIHAN IIVRKAU GRANTS ilUTUAL W AM N MHIINOOOMIM.VVTHHL'SEUK, W. C. Dunning. B. 8. Terwllllger innil C. S. Blake comprise the male ONI. Hl'XUREn YARDS FOR A meWhers of tbe Merrill board. They Hit) LOU IHINI) iwtl1 appoint two women as members. Tho tlrt eoncc3lon made to lumber Interests by tho bureau of Indian af fair since Spraguo and Williamson rlvors uoro closed to logging somo time ago was made today, wbon a tcIeKram was received from Washing ton, stating that the Mutual Mllllug Russians On to Berlin With Eight Million Men, United Preas Service ST. PETERSBURG, (via Rome). Aug. 37. It is olDclally announced that Russia has made detalWd plana to attack Berlin within three weeks. Simultaneously, It it stated by the war office that mobilisation it com pleted, and that 8,000,000 men are uow under arms to fight for tbe csar. u . I Bay of Flaiaail. The tBcaaaga dM asC force, bat old that ta IMai Mal dUrwtcfi Uta that fowr ill was killed and Bra woumded by the guns of the Oeraaaaa. The admiralty has not beea ad rlaed as to the loss of life sustalaed by the Gertnaas, If cay. A telegram to the Excnaaga today says a Danish trawler la the North Sea ltruck a mine early this atoralaf and sank. Four are reported drowned. MUCH INTEREST IN COMING FAIR PETERSON AND MeCAIX VCtD FORT, MERRLU, AND BOXAltlaV PEOPLE EAGER TO AMHe Of THE WORK t According to County School Saper- lntendsat Fred Petarsoa aad Coaaty Agricultural Ageat Max A. McCaU. Interest In the district fairs to be hold at Fort Klamath, Bonanta aad Mer rill this fall Is great In each commun ity. In these places thre are a taw who say "It can't be done." but there are many wllltnc and anxious to pitch In and show that It can be doaa. Tbe tentative dales set for the I shows follew: Fort Klamath, Octo 'ber 7th; Boaaaxa. Octoher 3th; Mer rill. October 9th. j McCaU and Peterson have named Icommlttevs at Merrill and Boaanaa to .Like up the work, and will soon name a commute at the Fort. At Bonaaaa , J. O. Humaker of that city, Roaa Snt Itou of Dairy, Mrs. L. D. Burk of Bo nauia and Mrs. F. L. Morris of Poe Valley have been named. company was given permission to use 100 jurdg along Williamson river lu front of the mill as a log pond. This docs not open the river to log ging, howeer. It only givea permis sion to put u boom across the river there to hold the logs, which must be hauled and put Into the river. Czair Expects Quick Move United Kress Serrica LONDON, Aug. 17. Wlralata dkv patcbes from Berlin, picked up by the Marconi sUtloa bora aad ataaa aaMla by the government, say that R la -dally admitted In a Oerasaa war bul letin that the Oerauas have "teasaa. rarlly retired before the aavaaaa of the concentrated Rustlaa foreaa Itt Eastern PruasU." .!. I""' "" ' '