The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 26, 1914, Image 1

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    jgutmmg fflgralft
-? -im wi mmmmmum niwut
.Mitllt Vrr N. U,4ofl
Bodies of Ger
man Soldiers
Cover Ground
IMIUH, Aug, SM- Willi lit" ullle trlitfctT-l, tit aittanr f lite lei
tnA Irouf " I'"'1 '' be! clue) fur III- ptwtl, at lral. and liter- U
fcl. puMlhllilj trial ltn U4o of ImMU v tit tutu IM UixTrutun.
II U repMrtnl UmiI lU German tVHM Print- U refually In tmittuitl
Two 5cenes drount? Namur, Just
Captured by the German Army
ni ili. (Irf iun Cunt.
'tin- gmrrttl laft" rrit ttaugtiiet rrrjMt--r- along Hip I Inf. In irn
faruf lli-tirlU at"l R nrr wf lit- alle, lli- tirrtuati lialr been lalni
..u.lf (liar In rrtUlM drain.
In hw lIM Hi- turtle ut -rwi Mddi-ra w m!I to brraat Itlgtt.
mi hratj tia Hip rirr ami ili-Ut mined ilirlr rliarg-. A Urge perrewtagr
uf Itrrwti) uHWrt ate aintmg th alal ts.
Tl.- uar r- anaou, "tli big b lrjrrsUlig favorably," an.l
l ii rlMrrrr.1, It l reported thai lli Kreewit aad lUtlWi, frow Mu
Uufif Oltel. rrll tl UrawaM Mllh heavy . " I''
lug tl lr uwm line Into IMgiuMt,
the tijll Ostillu: U reported (
MtttitP. OIl, lloniroedy Mid Wni
i.uenlll The ale at Ohel.
-Iinut)ni; t OpK U-rmait attach
The Ul bulletin ucl by the war
lc(ar IntoM felti' i
'Adtlte Irow b Mont decUre the
blc battle U proemulitB favorable to; -
uealnW I PttKlUClUCKh AH JOllViiQ.N AS.
itepotu from Urriito are that the J
battle lbr U itolHC agath.1 the Oef. HCIIKII OP MIRATION. M.r
mum Tlttf rr wiUrw j lltf Hue mmoclWTIU C.MUI.TK IS
Ian are halli "ubboltcvablp uo
m" lb AUMtU an4 lrtlatU. I MTIU. IV IKtitT
.- nc)' iiiiaiiie irant aioca
holm wr (tint flcntun and HuuUn
ftmhli nr rtpurtett l
cU.h4 In tit- lUlllr ma near 111
(lull of t'lnUnd
Vienna rorU llto Au.trlau tnaJo
t rountpr attack uu ltt Huulana ami
Uoftatod litem lu Auttrlan I'ut.nd ul
tr a in hour naiiU. TltU Ittrn
nut been rnOrml.
Tli Oorittttua attacked tlto Krf ttclt t
lu tore- today atom Iho AUc't.or
raln trontlcr, but wert riuUt with
hear Iom.
Tdo rtKlitiai llttro coullnUM, tlt
Vttnth atlvanrlnn Ihulr Inlrrttrh-niPiila.
I'nUetl lrt Henlc
ult.wttnu of Ibo count and lb Urdl
nee of tlt primary returns from owr
th Ut - H certain thai the com-
pletn rigurei of tlto prlioary vUcllon
will not bo available beforo ) to
nleltl or rarly tomorrow,
It U certain tbat John U. Kralor
Ick of I.o Aimrlei. rtpubllcn. will
joppoM Hiram Joltuaun. proirMlT,
for itovernor, Krcil II. lull or Bk
mfteld. Kdwanl WhlU of Waimr
juuuru-iAJ"' -- --
(CoatlDUta on l'a 4)
U. S. R. S. Men Swamped
Extra Help Is Called in to Help on Big Estimate
J tint nboul Iho butloat plaro lu
KUmuth FnlU tntlay U Iho officii of
Hio rorlutimllon anrvlco. With (ho
lniuti(i of tho latvixton bill coiuon u
Uiitfliid for loinii daU Imundlatel)-,
"nil In tho iiropuralloii of llila unit nu
ll in .ilea for Ihu coming two yr, nil
llt'i tinployta nro fulrly up to thulr
oam In work,
lu oritur in ndlovo tho oounoidon
much m poialbla, Project Manager
Caiup Iirji ongngad 0. K. Uitrley, who
had chargn of operation In tho
HorKtty project, to iitulit here. Mr,
Dnrloy . fnmllldr with the engineer
ing work nf tho reclamation aerrlee,
nmt la a great help here,
Ono nf that arm of Iho oitenalon
sill m paJM u that congreai mint
iipprovo tlto melliod In which tho rec
lamntlon aorvlco oxpeiuU It money.
Thoroforo. vaUmntiM of futuro work
ro iiMdvd, and thoao inuet bo finished
by Hoptemotr 3d,
Ono of Uio term of the oxtenalou
ilotitlled oatlmalo of eipendlturea on
tho Kliunatli project from January 1
to Juno 80, 101G. Tho otlior l n de
tailed oallmaio of oxpoiullturctt from
July 1, ItlC, to June 1, 191C
The io ettlmatca nro rendorod more
dlltlcult In -uch abort time on account
of there being ao many po.ilbllltlo
of vxtoudlng the project. They nro
lubutltted to congroai. not for appro
priation to carry on tha work, but to
get tho approval of oongreia for the
method of expending Iho reclamation
, j ... i - T'
fv riHgKvrrVi(lngai9lf I ' gai 'fBBffi!gtgagagagaggaHII
iLgagagagagagaBf fVWlSBSBK(mml
mmL -Hji.ia-BgMl k.
aEpkr' " 'irs;4"''9-B!!RE.
-iagaga-l kapJgagagagagagagagagagagagagagagag
7Hr,ri BP9j4 Jtrif -iBJlBP
PR'.T t"''?- f'wKM 'Ha- kw-i IBK7Vfi
Br 1' -4 "" rP abipKXS:7f
tgaV!gaHV$ - KSSjII
EgV i$l&KmE9BBSm&ill
ibV aiL-a RrL N aVewHaBaBBBBBBiBBW-S
gK agaHgaBS
vtagagflOj 1TSIIIgt3fc!gtBW
so a a BWEU' .'M7 ' a bubbi n n
Kitchener Calls
for Six Hundred
Thousand Men
LO.VWOV. Aug. 38. Tli war oaV U aotr wrtnaaely
G'crnian adraace oat Parte U to be Brokcw, Tte
riico 4ulogrnli ! Vatiir,
ll.r lati-l Itrlglall ill) I" H l"
t.ntitf uf tli- t;Titi4ii irtM.p-.. P. !
ii m Natttur lll ! Hrlllli !--
,-i frnlrti-tt. nl lt IHvIhb Iwifk
nf liumit) AiVIii I mui-rl I'iiB'jh
,.,,rv to nrtf ! rit.nviv
,! nrri -u.tlla.1' uldli-r ti !''
(u.tltti'tit, IniMlnr !" tt HitlM'
Hirt U ufUrlntt imilwliuM f HC
ItrllUlt Nl.
t Tlir IUli(Uu cr i plaiturtj lor
Ilir prumttuii f ,Vmur by lrtlflii
Uio rltattrl mrr looking tin- rlty ahowii
lu llif plituri- atMUp. TltU iludrl
r utao.t. llto btlttgr, .lionu In tin'
lu plrturr-, wlilcll tin- OVnitaii linil
In rrt tu enter. Aftv .ears -gu. .
In i lie field, -ad the coautfat
Speak lag la lite boaae of
j Ionl Kitrbeaer aectU all the
Aac-tMb aaM Uetaf aa
kecaatfj-C Aaqaeta aaM H enas l
lake to think tua t oaljr lOO.AOO i
Hie huadrrd ttumaaad aae
rorrlga errice. Tbe gore taarn
briwrra the age of talrty aatd featy
It ttraa oatcially
drrd uaoailitloallr to Gnat
' froea the Gold eoaac
w. prutrftlon
i-uuualt. but under an nauli from
ilir big. toug range Krupn guaa uaed
by ilw Herman, title fortUlcaUon
protrrtl to be of little um-, and It gun
em aoon llenrl.
Xamur wae one of the point a arc- l.ili cj,y. t) u nopca for a aiwruy auio troofte tafo Uie fray to cruaa tbe
aary for the (Jermana to take If titer
mv to ruatiaue toward Pari. Wltlt
tt-rmuaaUon to ika war are blaated, I ooaderoaa, bat inexorable adraatea t
and atow the aUleja wtU rualt all arall-J the Teuton force.
Alaskan Steamer Is Rammed
Tba war ilepaMai t kte4ar
waltlag t raak
Admiral Sampson Goes to the Bottom; 12 Dead
William Gallon ay, Grand Muter of
the Indepcudont Order of Odd Fel
low . Jurisdiction of Oregon, will ar
rhe in Klamath Folia tbla erealag.
and will bo met at tbe depot by a
number of the member ot the orwar.
On Thursday Grand Haater Gallo
n-ay will go to Merrill to Tlait Tale
Lake Lodge, and oa Friday erealag
h will be the gueal ot Klaaaath
Lodge No. 137. in thU city.
It bt tbe Intention ot a number ot
the member the order In this city to
'go to Merrill tomorrow night and rUlt
Tule Lake Lodge. Several members
cwnlng can have placed them at the
tcrvlco of tbe lodge, and a big crowd
la expetced to make the trip. Among
tboae who will donate the use of their
cars as promised so far are:
j using' Brit! ralfr eU to ik
jcoatlswat. A dataaameit la rap acta
;to hare lamia fatal
where tralau wane
them, to Um fraat.
Twenty tkoaaaad Caaadiax troops
are eabarkkaC today, aad will sail di
rect to the coattaamt.
The BaLglam leajatioa bar kaa sot
as yet aay oHclal laforautioai as to
whether any ot tk; forts around Na
mur war captured.
"We feel that th, majority ot taa
foru are tatnet." said on ot ta at
tach, "altbougk tk Owbhi kaa
trarersed tha town."
Reports from Oatand aay taa Oar
moni'haira kaeat rateferead. and ara
again attacking. Oatasd's aarremdar
Is expected.
Tha aewsmapera any tka aaptar ot
Ostand by Garauns is u direct man
ace to England.
Hero'a Haw to Tkra
WASHINGTON. Ant- !. lUpre-
kentatlves "Dick" Aasttn ot Tannea-
see and Finis J. Garrett of Teoneua
today celebrated birthday annlTaranr-
lea. Tbe former U 57 and the lattor
39 today. ThU was ntoo tha blrUaay
anniversary ot former KeprcaaaUUT
SylTvester Smith ot California, who
R. E. Wattenburg, Walter Coter, S. waa born in 1868.
M. Chllcote. E. 11. Lawrence, Paul
lluiod I'reaa Service
SKATTLU, Aug. 30, A n result of
ii collision .between the Alaska Ltne
btenmor Admiral Sampson and tho
steamer Princess Victoria or tno
Canadian Pacific Hallway Hue this
morning, tho Sampson went to the
There are at least twelve dead, In
cluding tho Sampson's commander,
Captain Sydney Brown.
Tho collUlon occurred off Point No
Point, about eighteen ratios from this
city. The boat streak at t UM
u. m.
Two ot the passengers and seven
Johnson, P. L. Fountain, Fred Bremer
nd o. H. nnntm
, The members will meet at the hall
Ithla evening and go to the train la a
Thursday evening the members will
In addition to theso. John McLaughlin .assemble at the hall and tha start
ot San Francisco, aud W. L Rlcgor,
the Irelext operator on the Sampson,
are still missing.
Tho Sampson Is reported to have
had SI persona aboard.
Stukel "Erupts"
No, Gvutlo Reader, that big column
ot ainoko nppuroutly rlalng from tho
summit of Mt, Stukel, I not an Imi
tation of Lassen, or the amoko of an
Invading army. It la a brush tiro on
tha aid ot the hill.
Viewed from Klamath Fall today
the amoke give the mountain the ap
pearance of a smoking volcano.
Ah Addition.
Archlo Alexander and Uan Stayton
are building an addition to tho house
recently purchased from the Klamath
DajTalsnasat company by Hra. Kerr,
L'ultod Press Servlca
MAH3UFIKLD, Aug. 86. Heavy
firing at "n ,B Progressing today oft
North lleml. It la believed that a
naval battle Is on,
Thero Is speculation hero as to tho
ships engaged lin ths fight, If the tir
ing Is Iho sign or one,
For tho first halt of the present
year utrtnnn emigration tbrougn
Germau ports, show ft remarkably de
cline. Tho figures tor Hamburg and
Bremen show 143,168 persous against
338,378 In 1913.
United Press Service
COPKNIIAOEN (via Loudou) Aug.
26. Advices Just received from Ber
lin, by way ot tha frontier, say that a
panic ta Imminent In the German cap
ital. Fears ot a Ruaalau Invasion have
aroused tha people.
Th advices say many rich Oer
mans are fleeing toward Scandinavian
Merrill will be made at 6 o'clock,
Relative Geta Good Place,
H. P. Thomas or this city has re
ceived news that his nephew, U. A.
Thomas, who has hoes assistant to
Federal District Attorney Preston In
California, has bean appointed United
SUtea attorney to Hawaii.
Church at Si. Clean.
A force ot twenty men are at work
on a new highway from Alaea bay
Pioneer Passes Away
he fell
Louis Hesalg, one ot the early pio
neers, and ono ot the best known men
In this section, died Tuesday at the
homo of bis son, J. H. Hesslg, in Fort
Klamath. Tbe remains were taken to
Yreka Tuesday, and they will be in
terred there. ,
Mr. Hesalg was born la Illinois In
1843, and In 1849 his pareata came
to Oregon In the gold rush. After
stteudlng school at WeavervtUe, and
experiencing many frontier hardships.
Mr. Hesslg took up stock ranching In
Siskiyou county, which
for many years, still owning the ranee
at the time of his demise.
It wss la 1940 that sir,
to Fort Klamath, end
mercantile bnstnees there.
time be has don mush
in ap the thriving Weed ftssfr:-
trepoUe. "mws
In 1870 Mr. Hesatg beesaWameaar
ber of the A. F. A A- M. , Deris the !
remainder ot hie Usetlaie he tat
He in the work of tttVeat aweadf. ',