Itu jmira IteraUi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Wc Mill It Vmr No, IMM AUSTRIA NOW AI 1 WAR WITH JAPAN -0.8JEIIM HlHslASH DRIVING Al'HTItlANh nm'AitD Vienna j.iuhrw .Milxtr lu A tut r la I Handed IIU l'nMwr1, and I,air a I One fur lltttlM slt Eiwttea ; iuff 'fw Martin Rale Tm HgucTi HuaeU Arml In dla Dual MumMi. United Vtvm Hen Ice VIENNA, Aug. X Jw view u( ! ((rvti altitude luMant OetwtaMJ n ltw part l lit JiWr. AMettt iu.Ujf rriMlt)r ttcttamt war ImI Jtti, ttn JwMrM mliUMrr trr lumteit III nwoH. end Milt lrc i fur llwaw. It u ahrtt AtuirU' IwrMMl iWtaratW. fBUd Press Hervic KT I'ln-tUlHMMIO. Aug. 3J.--Two IIumUu atoile ln (ntadlug Austria. Tie ftwtack bav touted th Atts irun cavalry at llodwelkctk. A Mtseral MtVW( betWeea lluUa and IVwulaln fort U ita- The utitmut announces that tbe lluUn br occupied rl ! ae let lb lMrr Crjsthlaa, and r boa to tore between lb moui; tU and the tfr4h Hirer. Ttt AutitUn rr retiring, U'clud Vt 8rvlc WAHIIINUTOS, . C. Au. !S l';!4r,; WIUom tndar ImimhI a prc Umailun of Amrlrn nuirlliy In t(rn( lo (h JapUvrtaaa troubla. WfttuJ frta rnf Till: IIAI1UK, Au li.Tlio lalt I tbf Jainro rmbjr at lUrllti ar ifvrO njy The rovtubora ha4 ba mUaliic ulntn HalurJar, atd fwra r fli for ibalr Mfaijr. t tnllnur HMrtwaUl taw. AtranKomoala am praelleally com cWloil (a iIto Hhlflwalil Club dauc, tommciiclm a wwck from frldar, tv rrr KUay ulhl, at llouilon'a opera bouio. The courlaoua Uoatmoul ai (orilrtl ibiHo aiinndlm danera glta Ut iho Hlilriwal.i Club, and thn ta rlotn Boor of lh opora houto ouihl to brine uui tirarlr all Ihota rtcolvlaR InTllathmt, AmuuK n lUt which Included a larva ttumbor of into, Mlaa Rllaa lo iiUn, :s ycara old, daughter of a Itoumanlan colonel, took fourth place t Dm ChArlutUnburg Technical Acad my of llrllu. Hha U the flrat wowan tu qualify at an englsaer. France Sees Victory Says Germans Will Soon United i'reaa Bervlce 1'AHIU, Aug1, a 5. French military vl rt. are oorlalu that tha kalaer la bii iloforiicd in th preaont war, tck)ltit tim uUvaiicva being made by bis ovorwlitlinlng army, They point ut 4CV4I3) reasons lor thU belief, till bullvt. Following a council of military o. clals in the palaru thl morning, the following statement was given th I'res by the war minister. "There la no doubt lu Ihe inluda f rranoh oHoUla nut what In thn Belgian Troops Loading MiHMaMllHMMHN MWWas.lSUieJIlliai.i.n WW ilWi iWii atBBBBBBsTyt?nvaTy3Eaa , H I ,& " JG pKyvmjhttmm ' ijwi n .' ,, ? , KSj!wJL I ns . p TliU it'ilisrai'ti Ukvn Aueui CU, lmw the UtIkUji lrixi ioodihit TIip IHM Kl lni piT4l ()) Uil which pp Mlrd ttwo Uif flTcr (rain (ulm Ihrouitb lit Ihl wny ih llcltrtniu (orrltnl lhlr Irouf. otr to California Is Casting Primary Vote Today Uallad Vtvm UrU HAN IMIANCIHCO, AUE, 36. fornl. I. r..ilR lu prlmar,- rnl. ! dar for inn paiir iin miw hth H rlwhirn mum cIiwmv at tbo Xovomtxr iain cIik-iIoii lill dvmand fur a "boil ballut," iho bal- lot at (III plIlUM) U KCVrtol feet In pDOl. Oil II tfp lh ualilFo iif 10 caudl ilalP. and o uianr 'toiltlott (hat It lakra an ovrraco of an huur lit rend thm all, Kitfl aax U I lb moil cumtwr. em ballot In CallfornlVa hUlory, and itroltablv In lh lilttoiy of the country. Candidate for the mw norhli nomlnatlont are: lleliubllran John I). Frederick. ' Tu Han FraMcUro. Mr. i: II. Halt left Ihl tnorulng for Han FrancUco, where ho will spend a few days. IVople living aloug the route of the Anthony and Northern railroad In Kansas, which run north from Trait to a Junction llh the Union Pacific, havo built a mad without Usulng.nny bonds. None of Ihe officers of the1 road receive auy salary. Be Away From Supplies llnal outcome, Germany will be de feated, "The kalser'a army I advancing In llelglum tu extraordinary strength. Kvery battle la weakening this great strength, und, In addition, ho I fur ther weakened by tho necessity of bringing 111 'uppilea audi great dis tance, 'Tho Germans nra tha attacking fore lu Western Belgium and toward tno Mwlss frontier. Our policy Is to remain defensive, and thus forco tho enosay to take the offensive, "Whan France Is rody to atrlke tha will In a position to strike hard." KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914 U Anst., Chat In X. HUhaw, Call-jAniittCli, al Kraucl J. KwaKn!- and W f ". 1P"",- 'tKimoeraur - ' - Krcd II. Hall, llakcrn- nld. John II, Curlln, Honor n, i:u ward W'hllr, Vatnnlll, Hjrdticy M. Van Wfch Jr., Hau KrancUco and Charlie Kltu, 1 1 mi ford I'ronnilr lllram W Juhiixin, San PranrUco, l'ruhltillliinllriliitnii I. Mourn of Oakland. Analortnl raudldalcn irc -Kopub-Ikati Ji?ili It. Knoltnl, Alame da, mid rtumurl II. Shortrldco, San KrancUco. Iniocrallc Jbimch I tl.Al.n ... ....I Tl,a.... . ...-in. ., '.. n..v.w., n.iu i mwmii). IP rirlrtl.. limir.xlvAlv.nri, l Heney. 8n KrancUco. and Chctcr II. Howell, Freano. I'rolilblilonlat Frederick F. Wheeler, l.ot Angelta. ENGINEERS END THE WORK HERE ftEHlIMKNTATlVKH OF ItAILKOAD COMMIHMION' LEAVi: FOH THE IKHHJi: RIVER VALLKV FORI Fl'llTHER WORK Kiiglueor Green, who ha been here tor somo time for the Oregon Rail toad Commission, checking up tho llema ou the Inventory of the Callfor-ult-Oregon Power company's holding here, has gmiu to tho Rogue River Valley to carry ou tho work thore. Other engineer left several day ago. With the re-chocking completed, the tallroad commission Is now In position to umko au Investigation 'a to thn rate charged here, In accord ance with a complaint tiled by the city council, alleging tho ratoe to be ex cessive. The rato Investigation Is based largely upon Iho physical valua tion of the plant. Cart! of Thanka We wish to exprosa our moat heart full gratitude to nil of those who so KoiuToiisly assisted us In our hour of sorrow, caused by the death of our beloved husband and father, " Mr?A,'P, Hutchlna and Family. 1 1 rrargf , i? n.7 on Boats to Jr...2 ...flaw... m lau jo ero tbe M-um HIrrr Dar l.ljo to tuck ih German force. The IJr or tht hoaU wr cuvurt-il with htt Iron lo prornt bulleU (sttka thvlr ubI analnol thvlr uul. LI6HTNIN6 CUTS - ( UP SOME CAPERS '.... .. . . .iSSDU - IX AHIHTIOV TOJ.SKTTIXa riRE TO l-OCAI. HAMDWAMK HTORK, hTtHOI I'UTK I'AUT OF TOWX IX U.UIKXKSS While bit nlcht'a rainfall aa of rltnri duration, the electrical norm at tbo nanio tlmo mad Ita pretence much tnom felt. It waa at 7:30 In the ovcnlnc that wmoone noticed ;a prra uu th driV In tba Hum hard ware atore on itre, and only prompt work hy terosu nearby quenched the blase In Ita Incipience. The telephoue coll box waa hot and " " " vwm,,M1u, Huu I La hIiAhk Hill rt mlam eaft IkIah atl It iI. Jt..tltl .it I . t. a uouavea iubi iiiuiaiof, airiains ids """" .- -. ' Mldnt In the Ttctalty of Tenth I'''"1 ,,!n -lru w,r la ,oU dMk- . nr from 9 o'clock laai sight, and It "wnr: not until late thta afternoon that (power waa available ther again. It wsi discovered this moralsg that the .Iraiufotrner wat burned out. DIRIGIBLE DROPS BOMBS-WRECKED AFTER SEVERAL I'SOPLK IX ANT. WERP ARK KILLED AXD BUILD INGS ARE WRECKED, OUTtJIDE FORT WRECKS IT United Proas Service ANTWERP, Aug. 35. A huge Zep pollu dirigible appeared over the city lato yosterdty after the outlying torts fired at It aud mlnsod. Tho craft cir cled tho palace three tinea, dropping bombs. The attempts to wreck the palace were unsuccessful. Instead, tho bomb hit nearby buildings, killing several people. , Aa the craft as returning to the German lines, tho narofttma at tko forts at Homlxom, alx miles from here, penetrated tho gag envelope and wrecked tho machinery. Tho crew of SB men were taken nrwonera when tho craft descended. Much valuo In little anace la found In. rare orchids. One told In London the other day for t7,6wv. , Cross River Uw.J-rfit't., GERMANS CLAIM A BIG CAPTURE WIRELESS FROM FORKIOX BAHM- AT WASHINGTON HAVB TEX THOV&iXD MEX WERE TAKEX Untied I'reaa Sertlce WASHINGTON. O. C. Aug. 25. The Berlin foretgn ottlo wlreleaaed the German embaaay here that the Germans have captured 10,000 French soldier. Including several general. Tho Germans claim con trol of Longwy and moat of the Belgian-Franco frontier. The French embaaay states that the French still hold Altklrch and Mulhauaen. BIG PHOTOPLAY IS MASTERPIECE NINE REEL PRODUCTION OF "THE HPOILER8" IS THE BIGGEST WORK OF THE FOREMOST PHOTOPLAY MAKERS) Reot Beach's Alaskan romance.'The Spoilers." which has been fllmUed Into a wonderful photoplay, consist ing of three acta and nine reels, U th work of Wm. N. Sells, one of the men who pioneered the motion pic ture Industry, which has risen to th rank of fifth place In th Industrie of the world in tho patt seventeen years. Not only has Mr. Sellg pioneered tho Industry, but ho it continuing along the tame lines, aad la "The Spoilers" ha has accomplished work that will live aa a monument to him and to his untiring etorta to achieve a work of art for th baaeSt and betterment of man and woman kind. 'Tho Spoilers" telle not only a gripping, Interest, pur lov story, but is Ailed with action and incident from start to latth that will llv la the memory 9t those who witness It forever. Tat story aad film sea pi Ifle aad tyallea real rd-Modd Americans.. '' This great film production of. Rax Beach's areat Alatkaa atory will be shown oaee only at Houston's oaara bouse Sunday night. BATTLE STILL RAGES i . f BELGIAN SORTIE FULL OF NAMUR DRIVES ADVANCE ! ADMITTED TODAY FORCESTO REAR EXPERT HAY KCMIAXS WILL IX. VADE BERUX XOW Tb Hague EatUnatoa the Betfiea Loeaeai at 10,eeo KIlle4 aasal SaVOM WoUMled Alliaa oat the DHmttr. Followlag the Rtasfitag to tte Frarat of Freah Oetmaa Trooye Britaaa Troope Ffglu la the XorUu United I'reaa Service THE HAGUE, A a. 23, It la eati mated that 16,000 Belglaa eoktlen bare aireavdy beem klUcd aa4 SO.OM wotuwSed, majgr of these fatally. United Pre Bervlee PARIS. Aug. 35. Germany return ed the offensive In the north at day light, attacking tho combined French and British force. A atrlet censor ship la being maintained, but along certain portions of th line tho Oar man force are mstaid to heavily that further retrogression by th alllca Is to b expected. The Belgian forces mad n sortie from -attack th rer-of the German fore, and tarnrawad tko first Its of th German, trot. Th Uelgians drove thta fore thlrt mile to Maine, where the Gersaams, being reinforced, again assumed th offensive. The war office has not staUd whether all of the forts around Na mur surrendered. It promise a full statement. With the fait of Namur and fresh Germans thrown Into the stuck, th allies on the defensive. The Ger man line is fan-shaped, enveloping the Belgian-French and th German French frontiers. The war office says of the poaltien: 'The battle contlnu along th sec ondary line of defense. The allies will hold this, while th Russians (move In the direction of Berlin." The war office announced a con certed German attack upon the i French army In Alaac. That waa di rected from Colmar, and was repaired with a heavy lots. Recently a baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byers of Coal BluK, Ind., which had five teeth. Eighteen months ago a child waa born to th tame couple which had a full tet of both upper and lower teetb. Flo wing Well Phewmenal FkwtfKhiiA Striking a heavy flow of water at a depth of about three feet souada a little questionable, but add to that the water hat a plentiful aupply of assail flib, and tho incredulous person is la the majority. We have the word of Captain O. C. Applegate for the phe nomenon, however. The Captain returned Sunday frost a trip to Fort Klamath aad other northern points with Hon. Robert A. Booth. On his way back be ttod at Klamath Marsh, and ther th Sab wall Is located. K, Loosley and Jack Pclton. who hay about 400 head ot beet oattl near the Leu ranch, about two mttas from Kokaaalka Creek, fouad this summer that their well was aoitla dry, so they decided to atak another. BY THE EN6LISH l'APERS VIIOK ALUM TO AS OX XAPOLBOX I United Pram Some LONDON, An 5. "BngttJad and Franc moat stubbornly rttwtw that, coat what may, thr wiH art sam dr to Germany. Tbalita awMtsaMc to Oarauar firw aa tkar did to Napolson'a. and nail Gernaaay down in tho ad. An tons wo nM hto as, w enaaot oumItw b TttaMy atrnck by tn ttstsay." Th abov aattjnrtd la tho Coma Id tain aitareaw. ttdtevlag: taa ad aiaaioti by taa war oano tala mini lag that Naaiar. dsf talsd by taa ait Ih, baa fnltoa lata taa aaada af ta Qenaaas. ' 7 " 7 Th Ur country It at. fthVfaM"of tha-okyr Taa aUadsaat that a vai kaiaar toward Parta J With Naavar takaa baa aadad all hops lor ta ajtiidy ad of taa war. For that reason England la nwnariac to aaad all availaMe troop to ta continent to re aforc th alllat. The newspapers loudly demand aa explanation of tho fall of th city. On this point th government I silent. It U said that th British caaaal ties are enormous. Otsdaw any that when th loss by both aid ar re vealed. It "wHI startl tha world." Falls; Harts Back. Falling froaa a scaffold. John Cell man, a well known caraaatcr. Mon day afternoon received a sprain aad minor Injuria to his back, that wUl keep him from his work for a couple of weeks. Telegraph operators la th asrvlc of the Sunset Central aad Southern Pacific Una, front New Ortoaaa to Portland. Or., bav ba ordered by John E. Cowglll. chalrmaa of th Or der of Railway telegrapher. 'to take a atrlke vote on tba auaatioa of a rals la wag. Spouts Fish This waa ttartsd a short dtotaac from th old on. At a depth of two ft a aaavy aw of water was struck, from whisk there bubbled ap wator aad mad, with numerous small Sak. WRh a pole, problag wr mad to a tea foot depth, when mud was sgaia ea countered. For this raaaoa ta pamp was Installed ovr a sip naaWag a depth of a little over algwt I., $ 'AH ar at a toss toattt'fir'W praeeae c the Sab aad thasavry Saw at water," said Ik Oaaeaiai to? day, 'Taa, theory maaUy hsHstsd at that the wall drlltors tsoek aa dergrouad itrem.wbtok may baj eeme dowa ttwti awaauia, alskftaf aaat ttvt ssassptfji a. m. -S a tau -- -a- ssstaa- " rWt tslaffp ltfgK JHfaff, sfflp tPatf lag ,rm Captawe of Xaaarar Baraat saeaatai far Maetrly Baal to tka CeagaVit, Saaat a Raaratt, AH AraaaaMe Tingsi Am Kaewm Xaot BrttataV aaai fluia LoaasTharo Wat Hraaansasaaa, body ot water,' M 'j-