iu iming IHraUi PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NKWtPAPBK fcVS WHILE ITISNKWS . mwmmmn mmrwf fmwj v awiwiwiiaiwiiMwi . .vtwswtM"ma!iuMSEW-: niii yr,Nu, u,n KLAMATH PALLS, OKEGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1914 t ermans Break First Line of Allies' Defense in 3-Day Fight Empe toy Wilhelm and Aides in the Field Studying War Maps EL1EVED GREATEST FIGHT IN HISTORY OF THE WORLD I' Mil, AK. 'Jl, 'fit "H- beOrT lite UrftMJMi anil lllr In lr .. .. I-. I.u lIlftMM ilta "ft1i Matt- ..JM... Kl lliM ." Mattl ft 1 1 ! hill iu'ir rnwi ' .---. "- " - - r- . L.i. ..uinuml-rr tit 1M If say ittudMW Itatlle. Tlte ngllllug I tlc- Llr. artil lb IW I appalllag. ! M Iwnllr "H4r lltal Uic U. ill li kituMtt tur 'irtnl !) Mrr. U uitiu- fotuU lit'' Malt "I III1 allkV ttrlrM- ti. ItrcM tilvhrM, ttllllr Ui lb llrrtnaw I"" tlrlrt ImiI lit iutlttuti, Tlte He of tiai -,wiul.r. ", rliUMa frwtt Audtttatite Itt ItrwtfcrU, m Mutt. ait rtjtr lit VMlM. The Joagth Otr le tWltlllMll itttr-ii-g. II the UrfittaM lwJ r iwtetl, llwtfi,r, lltr) f lit tUitgrr l .tins lltrlr tfttv tu Iw !, Utt lualglil lit war ut tfic lit tllxuw lit lluallUM al lltr Irtml. thctr U w erteralhut tf lit $- Ittai ibr tiwuait ltir hn-hcw ,rvutt I tie tllcV crwlrr. tlilu JttiiHI liiloif-lliiK. Aflrr bavin their car overhauled a iliu Central ears, II, T ()lrdur, I.. I,. Collin, ami C. . Molteer left Ibefe on ihlr way toward Hacramento on a pleasure jaunt, Th party left HacramciilM Autfiut IUIi (or Ibo llt'giif It lrr Mnrlt, maklnji lht trip tin HUmhi, Alilnil ami Medford, The) fiji lulu ita Cmtt-r l.ake, a ml Mill o in Harraiitniiit .In Kail Itltt-r jMIIU ami Carbon, rt limine la uy r. at the Carlton ranrli (or hunt In and (i.hltie. Mr. (tlnliifr la a re 'llrtl raplulUt. ami Mr Collin U In tUnrtc oi lr-dclns oirailoiu of ihi iNaloma OtixiUJttf.l f California, lb unrlil. Urcnit oll lrmlln Uomtat) lillo Mr Mk1U-" l ttrll .k.iit.tii Hafmi-io nitorti" LONDON CROOKS IN MOVIE RIM I.OMMtV, ,u. Ut, Tt rra buirau loaJltl atmuuixnl lltal Ilia ltrl . in .!. u. ,....4.. !. !. t . ....- - I,alliii m htvt t ll.r atitr ti-Ftrww w nwvii --. wt . --m - itli.liHl of fkt ttf lh for lt U urilMal paction on lltr Ifratltti Irvollrr, Tt.U Nlltukwt mm aaM lo It In aruntr lo lh oHflMl 4an for llralrgifal ,. Anttti lu uflktol aMMtwicvwaM, Itt HrtUUt ifw4iUaarf lorroa bi.SI (. rttrwiy r-jr y4mty In IIm tkteliy of Mum. and lltrlr Ha . .till ItuMin. i:iirU airc Ittal If !! (Immm. "'- - - - - --- Jrtril In ibU lialll Itter H '(Uruiaii Invatior (rom Mlawa, ami '(vuHN 10 Unlit ult the lr(lvjital Ibrltt4 Holdati, lclrlt.r . -J. " ' tt. r ome U llnl fonlgbt f-!toil4 lrM tkfviu' tifdlBE lb? lieisUn aliuallon, whlels coti.Ufrl rrlllral. The public U mrtirtl ibal It mutt not expect loo huch, Cit-crt ny tlitt If tb alllM ratlr Io toatl()r (mmUIodi It will bo tar r a ttrte ruoretaoot. CrcUhi) U ruiltlnit preparation to hmi mntn troop to th rtmllnoat. jUltl'HI.lS ttlt.t.Vl TO !im' .1 nvi: hi.ki, n:.iTUitK sumjav I AM MUXUAV- Till." TIVtlt.1 I'nlteJ l'r. t)nrte NIHII, auk. 34, it la annountJ lht Auttrla hai abandontd bar cam MUn acalmi Hrtla, followlcc tb lrrUti vktnrlr-a at Drlna. TbU may rt)tn tbo wndlna" of br troopa to llUUn Oolda. Onltfil I'r.M tonne LONDON, Au. 14, Home. I'arU pJ other rltlMt wire (bat Kmperor Irani Joint u narloualr III. Tlivro la i" conDrmatlon from Vienna. United 're. Hartlc I'AltlH, Auk. 34. It U announriHi ht ilio Ktuilana haro mpulMKi lit WABIIINQTON, . C, Auk. St. Hfrrtary R4BM f iba rommrrct ttrpartincni ntln4 iitf ilrrmau lrr-U-,. atatlon at Tuckrton. S. i tbat It ra oirailnK contrary l la, and under tonally of lorUlturv of appar atu, Ha rdir.l It rloatHl Utilt4 lft4 Haftlca r lBTKH8IIUH0, Mt. 2 tlrnoral ItennrnVamn, rommandlnit lb nulan advanro In Prucala. re port : "V bold Ibe rallroadt, and bavv enpturod four dtle. Tbo Trentlt?lh (trrman cortw wu practically cut to plum and aoircral tbouaaud man arc prUoucm." Unltad PrM 8rttc KOKM, Auk. 34. Tbo cabinet l In tottkiant conference wltb tlio kluc, nnd It I feared Italy will bo forcod Id war with Aunlrln ooti. Tbo pre mier U determined to maintain neu trality If poaalble, 200 Pheasants Coming Distribotion No t hut two yenra of experlmentnl wrk linn proven tlml tho Cblnrao Mit'ttintil thrlVK In Klamntli county, Hio Mate gnino department, tlirnuKli ilio Klanmtli HporUmon'a AMoclation li tukt'it up In earneal Ilio work of liilro.tucluK till, groat gam bird lit M Mrlnlly Towurd tbat end, 00 lilicnannta nro boliiK iblppvtl baro to ' lltivniiiMl, lUcretttry W. U. Hmiib of Ilia KUm. "tli Hporiauion'a Aifloclntlon la In rt rolpl of Infoi iimtlon from lb Hlwp "m Pliennnt Urm al Conrallla, to Ut ITct thin olrcht crnli-a of "Ohl. '"Hi" will b ablppad from Utart to. Iiy. and tjleht more i-rnloi tomorrow. Thi .douid rtrrJvo Wtdnieilir Tbruiday nvMlngn, Th auortiMM wo tlrMty arraatd for thi dlitrl uutlon of tha blrdi through tba ooun (r A lumbar of raftafcaa hkVO bMB elected, a ml about twenty-llvo of the 'blrila will bu aenl to each much to be liberated. Tim rituehva choaim nre: I William TJngley, Midland; Alox l)avl. Midland; Charlea IMckclt, Rand Hollow; I). Kill Young on l.oat IUv or; IUx llord, Olenw; Hhook Hatich, Unity; Jack Dounelly, Langoll Val ley; Charlea A. Hunting, Merrill. In uddltlou, the ruuebera will feed the blrdH, If nereaary, llilu winter. The alnlo IUIi nnd gniue coiuinliiloit provide for thU by making gn np proprlRllon to purehus whoat for winter feeding. In addition, tho renehara and aporUmeu will watch lb birds at much aa poaalble, In or der ( prevent any "pot-hunterl" from fruatradng the latreducllon plau by killing the blrda before they have chance to become, accuitoaed (o title eectlon, -NOW OX AT, WjZA "eagg4g4g4g4geg4g4g4g4Mgfy T"SlilBQPzStKOtS w vw v (SBlaaTB. " eatiaBBBBBBm. v- j ' JaHPam J" Ia ' flrWRl VEjdnV TUF4aBaBKaT VIbRbbbbbbbk tW&icmS$MlM& ..nSm :." -X VmBbbbbLbB i T'lt' mmli mwTittmWM iBBnil TtmM Wmtm UbbbKbbVbIbbbbbVbbbbbbbHbbBbbbVbbbV' 2r 1-31 RHHBjbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbK' JbIil; j9B BaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTayyjeaaBBBFjaBjaBTaBTaBa bbtbm B-(m ceBBBVBWjJBTHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BfeaBBWfBriaBPOAlBBBBraHBBHBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBl H&LbP9bbW Caf m t IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmyBBBl bbKbbBbbbbbbI VVH la kpH BtiVllBW ABBBBBBBBefir 9 1 BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaH BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaeK BBefl (aHaateHr leBeSeSeSeSeSeSeSeSeSeSeaeK t: I i: ! . ! 1'rununc.UlPn of Smme Mad e I'mmlneat by War All La Cbaptxtlle Akt-U-aba Pell. AImco- AI-Rtu4. Uoniiomrnt' Hon-Hom. Cettlnjo ChTecn-Ya. Cbarlerol 8bar-Ih-Vol. DJwt Dotal. Ofnliloux Ztiom-Illoo, lffllgotand Hl-Oo-!int. Hewrorlna HwU-Seh-Oo-Vee- Na. Liege 'l.-Aih. Mont'-negro Mon-Ta-Ka-Oro, e) Namur Na-Mur Halle Ze-Lah. 8t. Trond Baa Tron. Hhloraonnlk Ogg Sbeer-Mon- Ik-Og. Tlrlemont Ter-lb-Mon. ! Tongrea Tone. Voce Voth. . STATE DEPT. SAYS JAPAN WILL KEEP FIGHT IN ORIENT MVK VIIJM).VH REMARK WAS A MKXTAL SUP OAKLAND SWATS ; MAXIMJILENCER IIIKAVV n'E TO UK IMPOSED OX POSSESSORS IWEXTIOX IS HKLD TO Bi: A BIO AID TO THK CltlMl.VAL CLAAtiEH Coaraaellor I alag la Coewltieriac the) FnMiaJiiac of Um Cetat e Hw JaptUMM .Vote t law I'alte lilee, Hbowbw Um lateaUem of Mm Xlev Field of CoeAtct. United Preae Senrie , WASHtNOTON, D. C. AC I-reaJdent Wtkea told celled today tbat Japaa fa!U4 to deflme her imtem lions beyond Ibe iiiwiciaiwt that tbe would Uke Kal (Am freea Ger many, and had aei aaeared AaMrtea tb coafllct woaM be tocalteed ta Ike Ubloeee proTlace. "In lbp band of London Crook." one of lli- inuii tocrful atorlra of Hfo In the Ullderurld, talll be pre- nited In ne rt.U al tbe Orpbeua theater Itunday aud Monday ulgbt. TbU picture li creating a MttMlton at Ibe Ttvoll theater In Hau FraucUco, taberp It U now appearing, and Mas axer Tlndall look for a big run here. The picture grip Ibe attention of the (octator front tbe tari, and Ibe Internal milurr tbrouKboiit ib portrayal. from left to right Emperor U'Ubel kalrrr'a wUIUry atalf; Qearral t t of ibe army. TbU photograph ahowa Kmperor V llbvlm actively engage Jn tbe field mudylcg war mBpi. Tbat la jut what he It doing now, according to reports tbat bate come from Hewaad. It baa been Mated that bo wat south to MI. LAKI NEWS (Herald ttpeciaJ Service)) MT. LAKI, Aug. 34. Mrs. L. A. Weal, on Oerald and little daughter Mary, returned home Hunday evening from a visit to Kansas, where tbey have apeut the last threw monlba with Mrs. Weal's parents. Tho lecture at the Ml. Lakl church unt largely attended Sunday evening. A rarge number of sterluptlcon views were shown of the Life of ChrUt, also Illustration of tho slum work being dune In Philadelphia. Mr. Avery save an Intending talk about tbe work thore. John Johnson has returned from a ramping trip. Mm. Mclllan aud daughter. Mrs. Ilobson, nro visiting Mr, and Mrs. MeLellan. Clmrl.vt Dorr or Klamath Palls Is vUltlng Austin (Tare for a few days. Ho expeclN (o return to the Falls the llrst of tho week. niaroiilJiiUtt Dance Parllce, Tho ShlrtwnUt Dancing Club baa discontinued Its Saturday night daures nt Moose hnll. Thero Is a pos sibility tbat Messrs. Veghto, Miller nnd McCoy will hold a aerie of Invi tation dancee on Friday evenings at Houston's opera house. Doing lo Eugene, Andrew M. Collier, our fast rlatng young financier, will tomorrow even liiK forswear the Juggling of ahecklee for n fortnight, while he visits rela tives In Kugene. The European war la booatlng prices of Oregon products, and will stimulate many Industrie. One new Industry, the manufacture at pepper mint oil, will be establlaaed on a large scale. mi: Prelhcrr voa Ly acker, chief of the oa MoJike. chief of the geaeral etasT bead bis army meeting the Preach vebo Invaded Germany, and aUo tbat be went to lead ibe army ta Belgium. It was Impossible to gel news from Berlin aa to tbe dtreclioa la. which be had gone. PUBLIC PEN IS COST OE FEATURE LATEST MENACE FILM ENORMOUS (Heemhl Wfierial sa-eiee) OAKLAND. Aug. !. The ataxia silencer, declared tbe means of aaay a noueiees murder, and oaa of taa greatest of scleaUflc aid to crlae, haa beea declared unlawful la Oaklaad, and In future I he poesessloa of oat of the appliance will be punwhabw by a maximum nne of f 37S. ThU Is the gist of aa ordiaaace Jutl paaaed by tbe city couaeU. and which goWtito eaTeet at eaasiT CLKVKlM) HKALT1I OFFICER NKAlttiY 150.O0O D18TIXCT F1C- I PUTS THK WRITING APPAR, ATL'H IN THK HAMS CIlW I t WITH Till: ROIXKR TOWEL TURKS IN "THE SPOUVERS," WHICH WILL SOON BE GIVEN AT THE OPERA HOUSE United Prcaa Service CLEVELAND. 0., Aug. 24. Ilewnrv of the public peat A a spreader of dUcate It Is In the same elm with the roller towel and pub lic drinking cup, and If health o Ul cer of Cleveland have their way, it will sink Into oblhlou along with Its evil companions. "Every person who nlbblea a pen Is lkely to contract almost any dls else, from tuberculosis down," said Health Officer Frcdrlch, In advocat ing an ordinance forbidding banks or business houses furnishing pens. "Tbo nibbled end of a pea can car ry as many dlvuu Kcrms as any roll er towel that over hung oa a hook. It must go," Will Elect Ottcer. ):ictlin of oitlcctK lor the conven tion year, which bctMus In October, will bo r. foaturo of tho meeting of the WomenV Christian Tomticrnnco I'nlnu tomorrow at tho rapt In t church, This meeting will start liriituptly nt .' o cleil: ;n.C th prcsea o of nil tho members U desired. Have Long Journey. Mr. anil Mrs. Clms I. Roberts have returned from u 1,500 alt auto trip In California. Leaving here they visited Crescent City, Eureka, For tuna, Red Bluff, Surrumento and oth er points. Thoy mnde the trip with out any troublo. Tho state highway camnalsu through Central Oregon will turn travel through the great Interior, to the loaa or lb Wllmaaatt Talley counties. When It come to a pictorial pro 'ductlon of Rex Beach's masterpiece 'ot fiction. "Tbe Spollora." Wm. N. 'Sellg gave carlo blanche to all asso ciated with tbo enterprise, to spare neither time nor expense to secure 'tho besl, results possible. Producer Colin Campbell took bis task very literally and seriously, (bringing forward A every detail dls tluctly nnd with exactitude. In the original outlay he filmed 14,500 feet, making In all 333,000 dUtlnct photo graphs ot,tho big moving story tbat rtutlejsly drafts from Washlngtoa to , tho far-flung shores ot tho city ot j Nome, on tho Bering Sea. Then began tbe work of most care ful curtailing to reduce It to a nor 'mat site, practicable for an evening's .entertainment This seal finally Htttled upon nine reels, glvlug a graud uKgregato ot 144,000 distinct pic tures, which seemed suftlclent to cov er tbo action ot work from prologue to finale with a Arm, spirited grasp upon scene and situation. Primarily, n cacst ot unusual strength aud callDre Was secured, selected with a view, to make the character register Impressively a soon as Introduced, studied car and unusual liberality was exorcised to give tho actual atmosphere and tbe real environment, so tbat the action should retain it Integrity at all timed, This most interesting of all modern motion plcturee will receive Its only presentation In Klamath Fall at Houston's opera bouse oa the night of August 30th. Off lo the Woods. ' D. C. Morrla nnd Karl Chandler left today for Um wilderness to their vacation tlae. LIGHT HOG AND SHEEP OFFERING LAST WEEK'S BEEF LIQUIDATION WAS FAIRLY GOOD DEJtLtXD FOR PORK WAS MUCH IN EX CESS OF SUPPLY (HeraM Special PORTLAND. Aug. 34. Cattle liquidation was ot fair volume last week. Tbe market was about steady, top steers selling around 7 cents; cows, $6; belters, 1 6.25; top oa bulla, 14.50. There was an extremely light re ceipt ot hogs for tbe week. Business was active and the outlet broad. Demand exceeded the supply, and the market held tbe highest position of any American market. A comparatively smalt supply of mutton offering. A thousand fancy yearling wethers selling at 15 was tbe outstanding feature. Tbe ewe trade was sluggish, sad the quality or lambs offering was only medium. Tbey brought IS. Uallad Press, Sarriea WASHINGTON. D. C. Aag- 34. SMte departaMat afftetals say WH so&'s atstexeeat this Borates; was) a slip of the alad." " Counsellor Laasiat I-taas) to yhsaih statement corertaa; tk Janata here la Jsaaa's alartisa ta taaeUfo eatataa af ttw Otfaat waf geaerauy iingsraaag to aav glrea The Japan aan eatoaar ana li i leu aa to th Japaae eahaa word ha Saturday. '' ak C.tha Ma raatt as Mrs. M. K. KsaassL MJm Ora. left Duaaauir. where thay wtt rlst far several weaka wJU taatr Mr. aad Mrs. -8 l far S dssr.. J. B. McAUIstar waa aara Saaaar from ML Hehroa. AsaTerUlJeraastetwtAlBNura i are certala atreteaaa of natt ta tain aeetsea that rnaahUa at tasaehn.tBTst I isiswaar. aaa taat w waaM a prefftaata to ban a lata valley. Taaraisaa ot kaaUa. accordJac to Mr. IJaajvaaa. aad much, feldanar. whJsfc aarraa na a lux. which Imparts ta pnraelaln Ma suength and traasluceaer. Metifnrd Sun. Agrtcmitswai Kxpart VmtA An effort la now hatna aaaa ta aa- cure tba servieea of aa acrleakaraJ expert for Ue faraara of Laka.eaaa- ty. tba need of which nay oaa will scarcely deny. w. T. Bakla. faraar- ly of Astoria, but now of Arrow, tma uadertakea the work af aeeariasr taa expert, aad to that end has feaaa hi correspondence with the heads of de partment at the Oregon Agricul tural College. Lake County laer. Fort Trims K. F. Gang Both the Ball Game aad the Bent Were FiittfJ Fort Klamath 8, Klamath Fall 3. That's the way It looked on the Fort score board Sunday, when the county teat aggregation beat la back. And at that they have their bard luck story. In the llrst place, neither ot the regular pitchers were there, Brows. being out la tbe woods aad Foster otherwise employed. There waa a shortage of ball player etlserwia, and to make up a full nine taa eeauf feur of the machine used for the trip waa conscripted, and forced to do a suit aad play aaklag aereral er ror thnt let la runs. Shlve want la the bos for the taenia ' and Jonea twirled for the FerL Jag Walter played a stellar sjaaa nreaaa station 1 far Ue XwaMthttaa.'lv '' The boxing contest whieh nrdd the gaae resulted la a vteterr ' Shaarock. In the irst round Jaaas puaelled the KM ibiaed um- Mt taat he seeaaed oteaeeed to wkjt) M a the fearth aaBawaa slipped ever a awawHir ta (kip bmi Irlah clever all ever the let, aadT 1