lEunmg literati PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FAULT OFFICIAL NEWtPAPIR ry &- -iwm w awm'iHHiWBwvwpi'imwfc 'zyw - ?- MWHI3iiHI2,'2. Mill It Vwr . U4ftl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1914 h FRANCE WILL STAND BY BELGIUM WAR OFFICE SAYS THE FRENCH WILL SPEND THEIR LAST MONEY TO DRIVE THE GERMANS AWAY a tidal flood It la rumiirrd tliat in o:hm.n aiimv, i'iucru?,i.i,,i"' t u aiiim u to retrt n forti- ft! tohlott on i lip French baun I'Mil'ltiMIUf, mVKKI'I.VtJ 4ry" THRU UEMilUM "" ;uoiua rrM ftit. uirrriNJi:, au. sr.it u at. 1'nctUli tWtr'jHiM'Irul Itrfrfw u lltp miunrpJ that the Austrian t If ,.,, , ... ., 'puUwl U day rprly lii aii altark T"""' ""'"'Wtt..r.!((ii tuHrrtUi, million .1 Orabato u). ilinii Itituln MmI IVrtr ilt' flip r offlc, rWetrlnc to Jim , .. . . , ,, tbtep d) tUlo l Drlna, a Ibp limn ..f ttLur. iu tta. . AtttlrUn W, ssooo UIM 011lllW III- lUlltc I Immlucttl In llw Mill. d captured ItaUM-M HUlrlrl. Called 11 1 K-olo I'AIUh. Am. Tiittui r o( livikr lP (ulliittlnjl lalrmrai ImUii i I'mhcr I unmlu'lrul if lltr M I ul lUUIum in lltU rr4K lrr t"w ' ih4 Ittlrtul It mImukUmi Ihle ally In ( M rWlrU.il, ftudilng Mill t led uttkM Iu lrw ltltu ftttfM lirtnuM u(pfMlui, , 11,p Ut Front It mMIt us! lh ..... -i l I'trmli iwumpj Mill Ik wmi. ii irrr4r), fur Itrlglum'e pturHa. TlirfP l Mriou concern ovr ibo IMgUn ultuttltou. Official admit Hot tU (Jprtnan r Drruu all or Northern llolgtuta, and outpost In lit toutb orp retiring ifore (be d- ft actlritllr unopposed, ibe Gr wn fo sweeping toward OsUbd, lifnlns both bank at IIm Mumo, Nmur l UoUirtl, Tti tlprmntn unit AuttrUu r tlitlrAKirlllK (M PllYPtof "in KrBh lurcn i MullmutPii, unit k 1IIIp U Iwtnltirnt. Clilitt on Tongrr. Iirlilum, ar !il lo bktr ctr4 from tbrlr houi wtxin a rmtmptil of UtiUna. Th Ul Irr riIUl(Ht by burnlnx U town, ml rnmipBl Dm Inhabitant to marrti t(,ir two tulip wltb tli'lr liando In tb air. Tbn nr olt1r ml in I In that (bit al lp am (imiii to fpl tbo ullrn Opr man Mrpuntli, It tulmlu that Hip ntiincrlcMl atrciigtli of tbo (lormana tim romtppil Ue French to rptlro from l.orralna, L'nilea l'fM flrvtrt LONDON, AttK, 2S, Tilt TIp graph' HIkUii rorrpioiiilint wftnu KnuUtiil to protar tn twar the brunt nf I tin renlalnncfi nalnt Orrmanr. ylltKJ "Tli Orrttian aro ativaticlnt IIWp Ball Game and Boxing Sunday Card at Fort Theie will be big doing at Fort Klnmuth tomorrow, for In addition to i ball gnmii to settle for thn year at loal lh rolatlVM staudlng of the Klnmuth Falls and Fort Klamath tiam, them wilt bs a card of boxing bout. Thn main event will ba a ten round bout between Uurd Shamrock of ls ttlilo, claimant of the Northwast llghtwslght championship, and Harry Jonas, a Salt Lake boy, Doth are Is the pink of condition, and a good clean mix la eapacud, llestdM Ul thera will be a four- I'nlted lr rtirp ht i'irri:iHiii'j. ahc :j -tiip ar tueM nnnuunrr tbcntlr llu tan Army U laalnit nltnulvp point ii n the entire l'mtn nJ AutrUn ffontlrr, FATAL MISHAP AT ELGIN MTO RACE hfKM'I'JI U'MHAItT Wl HCUI.KD Flitm TIUCK I.MO HITCH AMI iuttvt:u 14 Kti.i.t:n M'IXTa 1tIW IXJI'MKII Hutted 'tp 4rii( KI.OIN, UN . Auit, ::In tbo 6Q0 uilto rat lipid li today, tbo oar drlvpii br Uiwnrcr WUhart muck th rar drUsn by Drlrrr llniulnic and ft plutied Into a dltrh Jut out Ida tho rourvr, killing WUbard and Injuring Mocbananle Jrntert and five poctator. Tb machlna IcatKl twrnty-nvti (ppI Into tbo air. WUberd' cbett ha rrunhwl In ouch a mannor that bo dlpd Almimt luttantly, wbllo Jon Irr' right arm m aliuoat nevrrcd, Italph Dpl'aluia wou tbo rarp, with I'iiIIpii erotid and Olilncld third, t'nlliullc Hrrlrr Tiliiirrw, Hpv. Kprii, H. J former paator of lilt. Catholic church at UVovlow. hut now pantor of a church In Koattlp, It the giitl uf Itrv, Wllllnm McMillan, H. J., thi wc-pk. Father Kern will (olrliratp ina at tbo umiiaI hour at Hut rod Heart church tomorrow, while Father McMillan hold worries at Mprrlll. round preliminary between n Plr of tho Fort's hopeful. Tim bout will atnrt at 1:30. It I probnblo thnt thu following imrn will accompany Mnnngor I'urry De Up on hi Invaalou of thu Wood Kivor Vnllcy: Motschenbacher, Hay den, llrown, Foster, Dle, Wallers, Maxwell, Mesner, Noland, Nool nud Haum. Other Klumath Falls people nr fgurlug on motoring to the Fort, to take In the big athletic carnival. The boxing bauti"Wlll lo staged at the eaaekall perk. yyylVVVSVVMSSVWVWMyWIWWMMyWh German Rapid Fire Gun Shoots With Aid of a 79LPHiwp?2nBHiHH jliiiHlliHnSkvlHHilfllalLFHHlBfl I JV lliiiiHiaffiS2B8"i4aiHiiiiiH MaHLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLB Tb rtriAM army l riulptHl with many autouiobllp hearlug rapid Ore cuu and wr-archllght for uo on tb rliPiny at htlit Th"V Indicate, a M'CALL SECURES BETTER POSITION tt TV AtllllCULTUtAL AKT l TKMIEIIEIi A VH7K DIULCT OIISIIII WITH WAHIUXQTOX STATE COLLEflK Max A. McC'all bu tfCvltpd (till Buotht-r promotion. Thl morning be rrcolvd a tolcgrnm from Ira D. Car illflf. director of the uxpcrlmont ta- Itlon of the Wathlngton lato col- lege. tatlug that ho was authorised by I'rwtldrnl Knock A. Ilryan to len der McCall tbe view dlrvctomhlp of Hip dry land demontratton and ex periment department. Thu wire urgMi McCnll to accept, und thl he will do, It will be sev eral week bpforw ho lii, how- .nor, n ho will mako hi ucccor here thoroughly acquainted with con dition, McCntr uew poaltlou, In addition to lucreacd salary, I alio desirable from the fuel that he will bo given an opportunity to pvclnlUo In dry laud itxperlmonl work, at which hu I 'pe- clully Mucrtful. It wn In 1010 that McCall grad uated tho Oregon Agricultural Col lege. A year after ho tlnlsltod ho wn called bnck to tho college, and was an Instructor there for two years. leaving to come to Klamath Fall to take charge of tho new agricultural course at Klamath County high school. Iu this noaltlou, McCall In two yonra made windorful progress with tho work, and tho courso uudor hi guidance became ono of tho moat Im portant t tho high school. Iu addi tion to hU work In this department, McCall Uo Instilled now Ilfo Into high school athletics, and his work with tho football, basketball and oth er teams wn exceptionally good. When the legislature empowered the countlo to take up farm demon stration work In co-operation with has Alrrady.Ufrea'proefiJby Uie night attack on tbe Uelglan. that the Ger man purpop ualng moro than twclte ,hour a day for their fighting. Tbe , powerful ncarthlighta will locate aa the slate and nation, Klamath county people turned to the Oregon Agricul tural Collcce for a man to carry on the work hero President Kerr and D?n Cordley lol no tlmo In uggel Inic McCall. and they lauded bit !H clvncy Iu hlebei term. In the short tlmo ho ha tn agricultural agent, bo ha atuliiM results that ibow for thenuolu. and white hi friend In and out of town rejolco at his good fortune, they regret hi departure from Klamath. X DISTRICT FAIRS NOW A CERTAINTY COUNTV PAIR BOARD, AT MEET NAMES I'lrrKHSON AND McCALL TO AUIUNOE THE WOltK FOR THESE Tho couuty fair board met Friday and appointed M, A., McCall and Fred Peterson to act'' as agents for the board In arranging for fairs at Fort Klamath, Merrill and Uouauin, giving them full pun or to apportion funds, iinnolut committee, iccuro speakers nud attrnetlou, or do any of the thing thnt may soem to further the Interests of these fairs. The major portion of tho funds will bo nllotod to the above mentioned localities, and each community given practically a free hand In planning It own celebration, If possible, the various fairs will bo held on successive days, o as to mako n circuit through the county. Arritni!omoUta Will bo madO to placu the matter In the hands of local committees nt once, so that work may be begun. Iteturu With Ducks. joe P. Drett Md Harold J. Lincoln leturned last night from a fortnights sojourn around Camp No, C on the "outh Fork of the Rogue River, Bach shot a buck, Ready to Searchlight enemy' camp many hundred yards off. Tbe rapid Are gun, which U the beat the Krupn factory has turned out, can fire many bullet a minute Into tbe sleeping troops of tbe enemy. FARMWORKERSTO SEE BETTER YEAR CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON 1M MIGRATION MAKES SOME CHANGES, FOLLOWING RIOTS ' AT THE DURST RANCH Untied Prsss Service SACHAMKNTO. Aug. 22. The California Commission of Immigra tion and Housing does not maintain thnt living conditions will be Ideal ithls (all for the army of migratory laborers who will harvest the sea son's crops throughout tho state. But one thing It does assert that con ditions will be better for this class of tollers this year than ever In the past Thu change Is the result of tbo riot on the Durst hop ranch at Wheatland, In August, 1913, In which four Uvea wore, lost, and In connection with which two men are under sentence to day to life Imprisonment In tho Fol soui penlteutlary. Some question of wbkc were Involved In this outbreak, but In tho main tho trouble was duo to complaints coucornug living con ditions on the ranch. Tho Immigration and housing com mission made a thorough Investiga tion of these conditions during the trial, and returned a report so strong ly worded that much of It was un printable, more than corroborating the stories told by the workers. More over, It was asserted that a similar situation prevailed on many another California ranch, and employers were warned that there must be an Im provement or Industrial troubles of tho gravest character would be Inevit able. During the summer members of the commission have Inspected aearly 500 labor camps. They announced that employers have met their sugges tions more than halt way. (JVOU1JTXwviinriinrinwTrv - w - - i - i FIND NEW BURN IN LAVA BEDS DU.VItAlt AMI VVMITt: UKIJF.VK THEY AUK DISCOVERERS, AM, ARROW HEADS. ETC- WERE! ALL L'.NTOCCUKD back from sojoura of vral Ukr In the Modoc Lara Bed can Fred B. Dunbar and Kirk Whita taut nlebt, with th report that thtr Ixlk-Tu tber dUcorer4 another In dian cremator-' Their Snd la in the klnltr of Bearfoot Cave, torn dU tanre frota the stronshold. According to the explorer, tbl burn 1 made out of one of the num erous "blUters." or bubble la th Ura caufed by steam preuro In IU molten day. The Boor of the burn showed no atens of recent tUltatlon. and a number of perfect arrow badi were found amons the asfaea and bone. JURY CALENDAR , JUST ARRANGED ALL JURORS IX THE CIRCUIT COURT FA.VEL ARE EXCUSED UNTIL SEFTEMBEX 14-MAD-DOX-LOOMIS CASE FIRST After dismissing all of tbe Jury- cun from further duty until Septem ber Hth. Circuit Judge Henry L. Bern son has arranged a calendar of Jury trials tor after that date. The Judge, In the meantime, will go north for a short vacation. Following Is the calendar arranged: Maddox ts. Loomls. September 14. Horton vs. Nichols, September 16. Sauber vs. S. P. Co.. September 18. Dyer vs. Nell. September it. Stowman vs. Savldge Bros.. Sep tember 21. Stowman vs. Savldge Bros.. Sep tember 22. Brower vs. Southwell, Septem ber 24. I. O. O. P. HEAD TO VISIT HERE Committees htn.i boon appointed I by tho local Odd Fellows Lodge to larrauRe for the eutertalnment of Clrand Master William Galloway, who 'will be in Klamath Falls Friday even Ins. Auguit 28th, on his ottlclal visit. ' A program is to ho arranged which Is to be followed by a banquet. The meeting will be for members or all branches of the order. Including the Itebekah Lodge. Old Tuner Is Here Visiting His Relatives Floyd Farrar Sr. Is here from Rich mond, Calif., visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. H. De Lap, and family, aad hU granddaughter, Mrs. Claude B. Coou, besides renewing acqualataace shlp with old friends here. He will make an Indefinite stay. Prior to his departure from Klam ath Falls about twelve years age. Mr, Farrar conducted a grocery store at the corner of Fifth aad Mala, where NOW - - i1 r" mwmwwii OUR WAR OFFICE SAYS WAR SO FAR ALL PRELIMINARY BRAZIL COA9T Accordla; to Waw fil rwHi X BtlflM Waw An Mfll to ato lilfi BlajaiB MkkUr Make Fiirial PtotoK to of Oermmmt'm Xmmmm m BelgUa .Vetatrmlkr United Preast SenrU WASHINOTON, D. C, Avg. tt- The felfanrtac ts leaves! by the war department: "Neither tU ha the Ettropeea war can claim what esrnW, hsj ealled a de cisive victory. "The Freaeh are steadily eeatiaa lag to gala greaaal I Aleee. at the Germans have feree a lerte part eC the Belgmm-Fi th army to retire oa Antwerp, bat the hfe probleme at the coafkt arc attt aaeatUesl. "These rrfnUajgaT ihlrlahm. and are oily a arelaej't'th) hwsje task whe th maia . BeJtma. MhHator ggiwltt tcslay. formally prteete to Bryast th Oar mas TlotaUoe, ef Betgewm's aesHral Itystasd. ' "Every Belaiaa wiu resset thm vto. latlon uatU the laat," he aaU. GoTsrammit dlepatehse (rem Rla Jaaerto say the RrRJah eraleer Olao gow has capiaree th Oerauu er Saau Katrla. amsl the cruiser Dreedea, ham teak the Britten steamer Hyaaea oeT the coast. United Press Servtea LONDON, Aug. 1. Tha Jspaaeee) embassy sUtes that tha time of re ply to Japaa's ultlmatvat to Oermaay expires at 10 toalght. New Tark time, and 4 o'clock Saaday aeeraiajsj, Pcrlla time. United Presa Senrtea SAN FRANCISCO. Aag. SS.Wlth her decks cleared for aeUea. tha Jav anese cruiser Idaamo steamed oat of the harbor thu afteraooa. All Like the That "Lucille Love" la a aerial aim of uauaaal tataratt as aaavvi by the attendance at the Orpaeua last night. A crowd of over 400 atteaded to witness the lastallmaat. aad tha theater was packed to eaaaatty at tha opening show. Here Frosa Mhwaaolm. Mrs. F. H. Rogers of Mlaaeapolu Is the guest of City School Superin tendent R. H. Dunbar aad family. She Is a cousin of Mrs. Dunbar. the liurn hardware store la iaeatad He owned that treat C Mad; pai ddn ! y K'tmw amvmms araammneaa ,, .,! m I . IsadLW Tmadhsa QIC. la addltkm Mr. Farrar, swaadiha BaJaJHsjJJ'fAa'aj) fgaw aoReam property sew PlOCe aw Waw wnPa W aemesW J esWaV AKheaah abeeA M yaara ed,'Mr. Farrar la' far frag hata 4earaaM, andheUkeathaay grcetlacs wtth aW 'it V " 1