V Wqv lEuntnn Mttalh KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEW1PAPM PRINTS THE NEWS WHIMS IT IS NEWS rfwwiMmmwwanmmmimi mnwmrMmmm.wwmauBBiaMKtMhi iiinnnriiTiugaBgB3 Ninth Vwt So, 11,451 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1914 GERMANS MAKE FORMAL ENTRY INTO BRUSSELS; ASK PROTECTION FROM KAISER I'ltllN't'll minis ADVICE hAV uim. Ml p-amem to winr HI AS' THE HEMIIANH tuunMMlrr ! tkwli IVrv riuWr, t l'rxrt ll liiliaMleMJ u( llllutti' CapUal. ItMl A44 it.i Tif Will iw itrptu-u ir IUUIumi tllUrw AllruH Any In Ircfrr& Willi I'laM. Coma i'ir Htrtu ANTWERP, Aug. si. (Via Tt IUa) Ttile ciljr Ult stale of In. '!: IH l Bk4 lu ne. King Alto Mil ItU geewfal ID Uctv, Mitt lit ferta are MUMUI (ur rvlsr ilIAo m thai I Ug, Meajewr here Mill ukr all .. umbtaMe In Kaglaa4 and Free", a4 Owm IW clly will b 4fr4U lo the Uu. t'sll4 I'reee Service GHENT, Am. SI, Th a! Oer mm amy. Ue led by law genual lair, rive4 Br ilt balay, after taw fairy rtilry teotvtUey. The ealfT mm tu4e by lav malM rued frwtM Uttaia. ft ISttttfunwMitrr, avail! In tut tvbrt, wrt III Uraa, mm! tuat4l prutrrtlaft for tU fOfle ilrr Uh talrmatlueial Um. TliU the Germ rjiiMMiWv erven lt, nttousli Im 44I that rrirt. t h III follow nay ftllrmpla of M gun Utrrfrm with liU (4am. UnlllJ I'TMM NKT1 IIOTTKHIIAM, Ae 31, ! palrbf ar lltal llio burjCOt!mter ut luIu met Itio Uvrmiin fr l tho rlij gi. Tbo 0rmn boi4 trlrmltr lllluj, ntt4 JTOmlKl tu cav iho cliy unhrmr4 If tbo lrbb (Unt 414 not rtUt. t'otiH l'ri lUrvlc TIIK IIAUUK. AUK. 31. IWrlltt 4 vlrp aA- Dial i big jilrlollo ilnmoif trmlon followml tbff announrvmrat til tho fall r luvaln. Al that lima, iho fAlllnit of llruMol wm uol knows In Hfrlln, Tho Herman general alaff oiKt no further check, staling that Ibe Prrnch will not put up aa stubborn n flKlil as did the llelglan. Tho papers print long list of caa ualtle. United I'reM Service ANTWKIll', Aug. 81. According lo Uio nrrtval. Hie condlllon of reel- Expect Two to FoDow the Break (tailed Press Service HIUNGIIAI, Aug, II, That China will split Into two aeparate countries I the growing conviction here among men lu close touch with the republics politic, That there la about to he a success ful revolution In the provinces south r tlm Yangsie, these judges of the situation declared was certain. The revolutionary oveant was nld lo be practically unanimous, even though President Yuan Shi Xal Might win a boreer battle or two, shout he try to prevent Southern China's aeees lon from the north. It was pointed out tbat It would be hopeless for htm to attempt te aeheue a territory halt the atae ef the Ulw4 States, with a CITY FATHERS item u( itio pri of IMaiUM fU. iM by tt German U pitiable, It l llenl that Hi German nave apcil fO4 lUff, (Uld tllBl many Ikiu have lxn burtit-4 The gov eriimviu t rrmxtKK to care fur the POPE SHATTERS INSTEAD OP BODY IIEINU KEPT FROM VIEW OF ALL BUT .NO WLITV FUtt THREE DAY. IT I REMOVED TO CHAPEL I HOME, Au. JI.TU bod of lh ,ll I'oix. rim X, t IttU MornluK rwof4 tivm lu vilc mrono room (o tip Ctjl of iUrniBMsU In UU l'vlr'ft. TW tloUtc trkiililou t4 otutilUt4 prc4w(. but thv tp ltl b 414 not wui bl n main to Up la ttt tbrouv room tbr 4m lor I be eielvilv Ulu of ib trltleT4 (Um. sobUUr, tte.. aad Id t4 tl4 ll CIV0M4 lu 81. l'Ur' (pr rlfb 4 foor Uk. Tbo trtdlllOR Utt (b iH)p'i r( fc ipo4 lor lbouoJ it kU hIm iAUr4 uy riun II rM)ut4 tbat ibU not tP 4on, CARNEGIE LIBRARY NEARLY FINISHED MIW. HHOCKUXIlllOltlH IlKTUHNN iiiom h,x nwNiw), wiikiii: win: hah ni:t:,v stuovi.su. MHM, TAI.ItOT IX ItlltTIXU Mr, t. C llrockenbrougb, who U to p librarian ot tbe new Carnrgle library, baa returned from Han Fran ttaco, where abe uprnt aevernl wreka ludylug library ruatnlenanre work. Mra. Talbot, former librarian at tho Women' Ubrary, I now In Portland, .atudylng, and will return to bo n Utant librarian. According to County Judge Worden the new 134,000 library will bo open In the public In about six week. Tbe formal dedication will be made a big event. All of the eilerlor work I complet ed, with the exception of tbe steps and entrances. Men are now At work on tbe Interior. Chinas population approaching 300,000,000, solidly united against blm. It was agreed, on the other, baud, tbat the north showed no such dispo sition for popular government as tho south, and It was admitted tbat It would bo a Impossible for tho south lu boat tho north on Its own ground as H would be for the north lo hold the south against will. The southern leader proposed n republic, with land on something like a single lai basis, and the state In control of most of the treat utilities. They plau railroad building, the es tablishment of free schoole, and as rapid development aa poMlhle by the Chines of the country's latent re ANOTHER CUSTOM sources. Czar and French 3 -Httfe ThU j'boerib ol jrriirni lotn in of Kraw nd Cr Nkbola of Ituuta locvlhiT Jul bfor r a tlK I fell ifc r 1 V 1 'Ht'S J 'fc-' aBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBH A J f WJb'bBKb ) 1 .H BBT fJ TBa BH AV V BB" VK ISbbbK. BBHIM l IftBBf BBB .BBBBBSSSlf A"S,Bt'( bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMbbbbb!bbbbbbb, V': l:! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbWKI IHHHaBBBk ''''bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbCK ' BBBBBBBBBaiBBBBBBBBt mBBBBBBr , i& f BBBBBBBBBBBBbVBBBBbIBBBBBBBBBBBBBbK ii aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBllBBBBBBBBBB lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBfflfiBBHPBBBl.BBBBBBBnaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BaKBBBBBBBBBBBBBfaBBBBBBll BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi' I bbbbbbbIbbbbKbbbbbObbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ii 'bbbbbbbbHbbbbPbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUbbHbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb f bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBSw Ij " '" VVEfeBBBB!BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ?'.. .J? ' S"" V -1.. ... 'SiL 1 ijtiiJiLLi'll-Sl'.. W tlCiluJiw. jfaaJit MBfa AwlWiLf-j JhMfa., nAsJJMjua-iM,hXaifcaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB lMPriVIKf blr9dBBBW7TVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB flBVBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfSBBBBBBk.T T 'rrO' VXnW K yJ'XM. CTUbBBBBB" ,&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb1bBBbHb KSPf-AHEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkXfl -- i Tii arffiiir J ' iVvi. aBWaWfa'JlJrm iWWHHPHBBWBBBMaWIMBBMBBMMMBBWiBBBBlWTWWWMBTff jffrtfr- .TTHJIBWBBWBlBBBlWiWyrffPlr'f 4lar4 on 8rU by Auntrla inflJ- iiw.,tv .. ..v - , and tbe vUIt Was due 10 tbelr 4aslr riM to mnr that tbrlr mrttln u'0 Ktnsul tbe TrifJ EntnU bor not a ntrr Interchange of plaij- wlr. It l oiio of tbe many Inct4nu COURTHOUSE Expect Structure to Be IWoro winter nte In, the roof will U. on ihu m Klamutb county court home. Hchorteld Co hie prac tically flnWlicJ tbelr j.rce4 utone conUrttl, and a force of mu r at work puttlnc up lb" atone on Ihu up per urt of the butldluc The erection of tho twenty-two or namental columni baa been complet ed, even to tbe adjustment of tbe or namental capital, and with tbt done the building begin to take on a more FRONTIER DAY CLOSES TODAY CIIAMPIOXHHIP HONORS WILL BE HKMTOWEI) UPOX THE WIN NER! IX TODAY'S COMPim. TITIOXS AT CHEYEXXE United Press Service Clir.YBSNE, Wyo., Aug. 31. The rar' champions In all classes of cow boy's sport will be dlclded here be fore nightfall. ThU It tho closing day of tbe elghlooulh annual Frontier Day celebration, and tho fluala In all conteata nr bolng staged, Principal Interest ceuters lu the amateur bucking contests, ladloe' championship roping, bucking and pitching conteU, cuttlug out marked steers, men's cnampvonsblp bucking and pltchlug contests and men's championship steer roplug competi tion. Tho most Aery and untamed horses that could be found were brought out today for the rough rldera. Some ot these have never been broken to the saddle. Here on Visit. Mr, and Mrs. L. Ra. Jones arrived last night from Paris, Ills., and will spend tome time In Klamath county as the guest of Ur. and Mr. Robert A. BmmUt, President Together jwmsmt&t zm wlilrh Indlrato lb m)r of Kurope L.1Hw .Mmflitni I rrt.nilAll M5-MA ltn "J ...,-.- ii.i. fJWlaVu taM ' w- KtM t now ce that tbe cr ud jj,0 oatbrtk., Earlier In tbo year tbo Frvncb praald t bad vlaltad Ka- ROOF IS NEXTTO CHANGE THE Covered Before Wnter attractive appearance aa It approach completion. Tbe work of putting the atone cor nice In plactt U now occupying Super intendent Anctln'a force. After thl It completed, tbe putting up ot tbe re mainder of tbe brick will bo flnUbed lu abort lime, leaving ample time this fall to put on tbe root before tbe now file. Whether or not the Interior work will be taken up thla slater depends upon tbe severity of the weather. COURT OF CLAIMS AGENTOJMJECT WILL SPEND SEVERAL DAYS KEEKING INFORMATION AS TO POSSIULE Olt PENDING LAW SUITS, ETC. " ' f With a view to Investigating any possible suit In which the govern ment may bo Involved, and to ascer taining tho status ot auttt already under way, S. B. Athhangb, connect ed with tho United States court ot claim, Is here from Waahlngton, D. C, conferring ulth reclamation ser vice offlclala. Ho will spend several days In Klamath county. Mr, AahbauKh devotes a portion ot each year to making thla sort ot a vl.lt to government work throughout the United States. A ReUilve Every Plaee, Joseph Putman, who, with his son, operates a big cattle ranch near Mon ument, In a rant county, left Thurs day afternoon In hi ear, after n visit with his niece, Mrs, D. V. Kuyken dall. Since leaving hia home Mr, Put man has covered 1,100 miles. At ev ery place he has stopped he has found some relatives. Mr., Putman 1 a grandson ot the well smewn Oregon pioneer, Jesse Applesjate. Just Before War &$mmM&mmmm$$ land, tbe otber urtnbr of the Trtpla Entente. It may bare baa on tbt tame mUllon. At any rat tbo cola- cldcnc of tbe meeting of tbe rnlrw of the nations making up the Triple Entente Juit before the war U rery Interfiling. The photograph showi tbe cur and hit gueat rerlewlng a regiment la Su Peterabarg. DISTRICT LINE WILLOW VALLEY DUUGATIOX PROJECT FAR FROM ARAN- DOXED OX ACCOUNT OF THK OPPOSITION OF DOME The Willow Valley Irrigation dis trict U tar from a dead latue, according- to Charles J. Ferguaon, who re cently made a trip there to confer with those Interested. There baa been some opposition shown, but those fa vorlng the project contemplate alter ing the boundaries to eliminate some ot these people. The Willow Valley project com rrlace practically tbo Tuttle project It begin a few mile south ot tbe Lorella poitoOoo. and extends to near Langell Valley postofflce. LEWIS WYLDE IS READY TO QUIT BECRKTARY OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TENDERS HIS RESIGNATION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stating that In hi opinion the Chamber ot Commerce needs at this time a secretary who has experience In tho preparation of proper publicity work, Lewlt Wylde, for two years sec retary ot the Chamber of Commerce, Thursday tendered his resignation to the board ot directors. Thla was ac cepted, alter high tributes to Mr. Wylde bad been paid by all. The resignation is elective Octo ber 1st. At the Afsacy, Mrs. J, O. Camp and daughter Carol are spending a few days at ths Klam ath Agency, vUlUng tho oHelnls. Uoaae Frees Miss Ferns Hoagltnd, who has hoen visiting la Bonansa tor aovornl day, returned homo Thursday evening. rooi) piucr. iiaisk is CM.LEt) AltTiriCTAL OXK WA8III.VGT0.V. D. C, Auj. 21. A bleb rorerataont oC.dal today tUteJ tbat many allc4 booiler of food prlco-i are toon to be (Billeted by tbo federal court. It It lcarntl tbat tbt depart ment of )uitlc baa coaelaiT crldnc oPartlficlal Inflation of prJcm. WASHIN'CTO.V. D. C, AufcV 31. The nate, by a rWa voce rot today paKd tba admlnla trallon's ar rltk Inauraoce bill. MEOFORDITE MAY STOPJN KLAMATH FORMER SHERIFF INVESTIGAT ING LOCAL RANCHES WITH A VIKW TO LOCATING IS AN OLD FRIEND OF SHERIFF LOW With a view to renting a Klamath county ranch, Wilbur A. Jonea, for mer sheriff of Jackson county, la here from Med ford. Jonea has met many old frleade tlnce he has been here, but about the oldest acquaintanceship ia with. Sher Iff Charles C. Low. The two were schoolmates la Jackson county year ago. CONCRETE USED FOR CROSSING RECLAMATION SERVICE COM PLETES CULVERT TO CARRY THE MAIN DRAIN NEAR nENLEY RANCH The reclamation service has Just completed the construction ot a con crete culrort. to carry the waters of the main drain under the Lost River diversion channel near the Henley ranch, nine mllea from Klamath Falls, on the Merrill road. With the excavation work progres sing on the mala drain, the level ot this has been lowered considerable. For that reason, the former culvert became useless, so a lower, perma nent structure was put In. Marriage Lice. A marriage license was Issued this afternoon to Dtdwell Riddle and Juae George, both from the Klamath res ervation. Riddle Is a grandson ot Toby Riddle, or Wlaema, who waa the heroine ot the Modoc War. Visiting KUaaaath Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Daltou and sons drove In today from Malta for a short visit Seattle High School Trying Segregation United Press Service SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 81. Bdn catora today began work on tho plan adopted by the city school board to segregate tbe boys and girls In the Broadway high school at the begin ning ot the fall semester, t will bo the Irst time the experiment haa been tried In Seattle. ' School oHclala demy that mersi questions had anything to do wHm tan adoption ot the plan. Studeata whose parents oppose the sevrognto sotnr- BIG BATTLE MAY BE F0U6HT WITH FRENCyOVANCE LAItOI! GERMAN FORCE M BKIXQ MAMKD rrcMcti CwnUli o Onwum OhnI Ua Kwataaa mwI PraaalM Tko Day, aad Batli HcavUy AawMMM fcah Ib Fnaacti Armay wtImw iM M teawCrlM Ma1 Daf M AaMri. United Frees Serrtee PARS. Aac SI- United Frees Serrlee PARIS, Aag. 3L The clearing the Oermeaa est C Alsace, hat the Lorraine are eiauaee- TafraaMeesYSlryi has dJeeerereS the irminss C tar Geraaa fere htraaa Ctmilesn Sav Use and Mcrshhisin tsaa faree Is entrenehei aa tar as Om I and to heavtir nnwlsjS hf i UdtcatktaT a atrea spyssHUsi to tat) Freaeh a4vnawe. Patted. Fraaa nSsi T TOKIO. As. . Ja in tJI ready to strike, ba mot comely wKb the JaraJUststnm fey Husday. The guvsrimsmt Is fxleadly to Asseriea. oH-e has edereA tlanewsns)srs to play up an eaMal.Aesdai at a raatav that Jaam wemramplslss terrHertal aggreeatom toamrvt United NldH. Aag. 31. The Sarviamt awn punning tawAantriaa army which waa defeated Swaiday.' Th rorroathaa; forco la sat ertec severe 1 t Called 'PARI?, Anc . Theorems are completing a eroteat to tax allegls harhnrlHes fey the and citing many allstisd I United Press Servtoa ST. PETKRSBURO, Asg. 31. The war office states the Rssslsss have defeated the Germans la Bant Prussia The csar'a troops occupy Lyek, alter two days ot hard Sghtlag. with heavy loeees oa both sides. United Press Serrlee CSTTIKJB, Aug. 31. The Mento negrina have routed the Anetriaaa at CrtvoaclnL capturlag 600 niter aa al day batUe. ate class room Idea will have the nrtv- Itoge ot attending any otter high school la the etty. Not only la R planned to aegrotat the beys and garla,;bnA SntisdMnad' eat ot Sshtok.Coafer wsU sssagm;. eI onW BJP9swsofa faw nJweBJs'BjIWI " bovb' - ' . "Beeauae ot lateUeetsai'sM'toov persaontal sUlswaetoaaannaB, nrnti Snpertatondeat Cooner to4ar "at -- an sTOJOVmmjBBgffJBJ gffB they ornjo swam Borstal tsweav qeertat a taw Motel dam InwaaMa array, Miamy irB he teemeeaU The ,ssmmatUt algal siiiglid ax) esHeaetl ismhlasw ream. e wad avtasiem eawfav ismgnsd erf Amstlisi ,i