fEu inting Herald PRINTS TUB NICWS Will LIS IT IS NISWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER - Vif mmstfm-nermma jiiaMi,Mr ,! -i f---,-, nngnisratuiajj n iiari t rawm r.nnwwn n i Ninth Vrat No. u,ih KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1914 mh GREWSOME LOSS OF LIFE IN LAST FIGHT '' WNVSiSwnw "AiWtFl"W-VV ViiVWwyVlMWWVWWMMWMIMMMnMIMMmMtMWW BELGIAN FIELD RESEMBLED A SHAMBLES AFTER OVERWHELMING GERMAN ADVANCE WENT AHEAD Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, the Man Behind the Cans iii.M'in. iKimitii.i; iih mph. ji.umam imivr ,t l.l.l K3 llt.'MHIi: linwlt MUpairlie InttUolo tin 1 1 laWnS '' MlittiaHM-ll l'fMi !(. Jrt nunt(,Mrl Ti'" anil .IikuUm ICiali lU .Vutlitetli ll"Ultlltl halo licwtl ttittlpsIM 10 tctlJ" btlllfe M "Ur wlatlmlnK (for man liifoiilr; nihiiitr Alt AltuH-filJM ilia(rli j) h M-tfi(n hstic rtcusid Ialti' Tlio ar uffito otil- ilidl aur HrliUli irit tm ru4o4 In fiiilittue Tbl infi" Hit m)irr f Uinr tallr' cm Willi. Tim IMeUu e-trta urt lata to. day Dial H tirtill ,nitlii tf rlIHl H-rrvl lllln Itr. Ml lfPr(U l ..mU UCllOH. llr.mMI ,,!! iolU--!! IwiollM. IS-""" ttrt ",,,'r hM- ,,,',,u'", TWlt-miml HwkiN f tho Kalwr. .. I ftltd Plr lWtr PAW, Aug. I", tutlt.l' inn oJni t'nlil l'i rir- HT I'ltTHHHItPICU. Aw 1 Tit f department illr ritnrl mti :tit( AunrU l itlipaUUn ilftrribo fraU-rita)' dgttl In txrurr lUlaiuln a Irritable bulrhrr). "Hii liftman ! alow l .-tlmamt i a.tmo, Tim Infant 'tf f llr 1t bian army mm lirlittlmt, A t irti!frfi, CoafL rtutbrd lh Auifa raialry guarding (tit frtt tlof United lrM Service I'Altltt, Am. 10 TJin cotettimrnl tfctlay nnnnunrrtt Mat lrnrtt iriMiti. l a. turt Hint Itl Iw do rr-rti.',,,, tf,.,wfM,,tii Multiaitl, tttn Orf.f ltITrmrtila tMiMltl tuall M, tt Ih tv mKn r( i,ej. raplUtrd about lull Unllr nntTli Im.arO MrrU Mould ;ay at, and (hen l(l brittle a (tiMtnnr aooitic (tnrmutt ilrtc. ttlfut ., Iuli.tf tllite4Ml ! Ttirt titUlf I aj,V- tli rlir flt ll a .-..., , . ... .,.-. , j -, .. -,- ... -., - llirt liwwr, lK- Urrtuatl atilillrr ltl rhCaeclltrMt. laalltlC ltCn Mn dit"t (lr.cmUrll. Ttw IWllum!iir Tim t!ormni otaruall ihclr "rtr (tf trsl lu abamtsn thrir a&vftirrSMii "l f U'" ln aflrr Wine !.-, n itu f-rp i.f turi, .lllo. ItlifllrJ by h Trrnch ituntiirr. t'lttilfllK M lrNs( m Artrliu4. ' Our rttltrn moii I. P.rrllcnl," ll.c IMxIum. ll.rn MittH Uk rt..''14 U,B r o8,w' "T,n I" iMitci.n.tt.1. .).-.- .i .,i,AL(.Ur.-lu roRilnu. Tli ar- inlrl ilwlr artlllrrjr In llu mikmW. .MII.hiIi thrj itMiMrtl Ihr ermjr, Im (Jrmwut ail ! rtmliuMnl, ami lltf IMsUn niMtljr rtiTAinl. Tti llcliian IrsMlhiN i1rlr thai IIihmtU luw fullm. It ulati Itoltt llial lajutaln liaa MH ! lakm. Tttn rotithtiiPil urmlfa Hno trtoljr rtttrrnrltrt txliiun MMr HnuM-la, Tim Omtuit ntltrmir for Km wt imu tUa b lwn alow, but (only, win, n,uilM horn. Vamur U Mlt lu Im In tt Amm Krr ( r4urt . I'nlt.J rvM 8rlr LONDON, Auk. 30. Tho war omc atioounctitl a ronllrutiiiioii ha been n-celvetl of U)o report that th Ul- u.ant riHrt of a Krrttcli Upfoal a! l-a (lraf l ttlilioui foumlailon, aa itt (lertuati mirtal loaril Blrattburi: cotillhuoa. "Tbp French forrr tiuioumbvra Hit Oprmana." kt, i'irri:uHi!Uuo, aus. so, Nov po Vroniya 1ticbr4 cotitlrm th rKrt of mutiny- anion Auttrlan (rto(. Hlrrlln l: Mr. anti Mm, J. V Htorttnc anJ Urn Uttor't trnta, Mr. and Mr. WjtIIp, left tlila morntnc for Callfor nla. Mr, HIcrlliiR baa Juit Ultpotc.1 of lilt Intcrcala In the Orphcua tha alnr in Arch Tlndall, who U planalug omo Improramanta. Are Making Twenty Millions per Day 'iIBflafilifflftBHB I ininrnn numiun rArcndumiinM NEWS IN TELLING OF POPFS OEATH ii'itH:iiii:.NT wilso.v wilt us hvm. IMTHJEM Firsf Notable to Be Killed in the War I'tlllrt) Pima Mfir Fllr Hon-Stoop 1 in llip Ollirr Vm ,iciclr o. Ile U'otl.l Xrt iif llw I'opr'a U.n.tli l Aunoumtl Ity llip 1iurch ll nltarlc for a I'ru' Hour Am iKiiilirrltirnt lflarl. fiM SAYS EUROPEAN WAR IS CHANCE FOR KLAMATH CO. it) m:i.v woou Home- Comipomlfitl Ufillfd Tie H0;i:, AKU, 2. Tim death of Cop iv lu X, wm offlcUllr aaaouoeatfi by ll. burth dl6ii:tft at 1:20 l.la wo nlnit. but itfion In clo touthl with the Vatican know thai Mm poa tiff breathrU hU Ut at C o'clock en 'UVN-notday evnlmr. J'rJnc William of Upp wa th Tie delay In th announcement UiOrst Kuropean notable. o far as the not unuaual. Similar delay wfrejmitre reports hate made known, to nou.t when I'op I.co XIII and Pojjb killed la tfco Eurojvean war. H llu IX. dpartfd tbU life. Tha and hia on led a charro against the fnltvd l'rta iKored a acoop of four BelfUn foru protecting Liege, and . f i .. .t-.-. .fc... i.,1. -AMh Vttl4 or fl hour nvir u contemora mi Iho gU ns of the new of the dcrat?".' 1 "The European war a Out Pan ama canal afford Klaasatk cenaty tk blggeat opportaalty It ever k4 to - tabllab Itself aa a crop pro4adac word ba coma that both were killed. Thu u a reemt photoRTnph of CliBttrt-ltur llotlimatin UotUpX, the man bnhltul thn cuit .NVxt to the vuttMror, ho U the mutt ptivrful man in Oi-rtuar,), ,Hrhtii in Kuro It l Kciivrally botlntrd thst th? 0rman not only .nw Atttliia wa to dclnru war on Srla, but toiuciiU-.! to tha itnn. Thua lllhmauulloKi-R may hate msnaerd thu wboto situation. It I bcKi'Vt'd that thero I a vUatice tor a foreigner, poaaikly an American, 'to become pope, Uuriax bis admin istration. Pope Piua raised the car dinal college representation from oth er countries until there are as many .,,., ,n6 . u, -..., ,n olner countries aa there jll huu'i the poer of IJUmarck. who.arc B ,ulj. Tbore M lau fUty. niiwj nu' same ,uuiuu ai iup nuie oi ,, eardlnala the Kraneo-PruMlan war. but this war; .... n .MBi.arrlaf, r I ma, .no m '" ""'-, threatened, the pope aent by Cardinal no Kmpcror Wllhelm shine as lhe:CanJ),nem a ,e,.,r urftojt ZmttKr trot.r. m It. (Sermany. lU.marckKrant Jowf of Au,uu ,0 ,w.n. had in ei.ii.ernr ! ablMtml forceful wth ,lp nlMi and boin; ,lln thu ;riJfaiI.cr of tho lal.yr to cot-- with ( Herald Special Hertlce) WAHIIINOTON, I). C Aug, 30. Twonty inlllloiiM uf dollars lit national Uhk nolo uvory twnnly-four iioura in thu rocnrtl of tho production of tho human of printing aiul-engravlng, tho ciirreiiry thtu Issued being author I'i'.l y ,t, Aldrlch-Vreeland bill, which pormlla the socretary of the treasury, lu an emergency, to accept "Into, municipal and Industrial bonds siciirlly for national bank note. I'ihIw the terms of that art, which It today looked upon ai on of the Krootost plucos of constructive legisla tion accomplished In (hit geueratloa, Hiti total which tho treasury way Issue under lit act amounts to the enor mous sum of 11,100,000,000, Thee notes are full legal tendor, and art Mug distributed to banks throughout th country as rapidly aa the press can produro the money and the aocro- lury'a oltlce can ship it to the appli cant, "Had It mil hetu for thl net and tho prpArtdiutittf uf tlto dcpitrlmept to turn out the emergency currency with promplucMa and dispatch," salt! Jos. K, Knlph, director of tho bureau of tmgrnvlng ami printing-, "a frightful monetary panic might havo occurred," Apropos of Mr. Kaiph, who has boon "on tho Job" twenty out of twenty-four hour every day for the past wei'k, looking after tho work of turning out thl new money, hi wlfo iinld to him tho nlhor mernlnn: "Dear, 1 would llku to havo f 10, I mo aovornl ontlclng bargains ndvor Used nt the stores, and now I tho time to buy." "Joe" skirmished around through hia pockets, and finally fished up 11.70, all tho money he had, "Isn't that tho Irony of fate." he remarked to his better half, "only a dollar and soventy-flvo cents and I mad a million In th last hour." T11K NAME OKTHKWAIt llj V. S. Tltttalo In Kresiaf Trlegras -' tillrvr Wendell WUc U. U. Wa urlllni; lilmaelf M ito-rvo. He fared tiltp eil llh Hip anrieni Hreeks; he iivt by rleati with the Turks and KIMit. Home and Kioi't "tid lUbjIou ho tuet and ctiniuerel then oae by one. He tanged hia war mid he lagged 'em right; there wask't a single aa- In sight, Till lu got clear iIuhii in the present year, and the scrap oa the other lietuUphere. Then he srralrhed hl tthlaker and he scratched hi head, but finally gave it up and said: $' "There's no way out Initial call It ' w " Tb (1 ra eci-1 lelg- Po rt ug Heap-Serbo-FYako-Jpassj. Anglo-Turl.o-Itulan-Prusslaii. Wr." Military Styles Reign With the War. Paris Turns to Brass Buttons, Etc Uulted Press Hervlce Cl.KVKI.AND. Ohio, Aug, 20, "Military lu modo uuil touu" I tho dictum of Oluvolnud munufucturors for fall niul wlntor stylos In Indies' cloaks and suit, No longer will tutludy uppour lu the sheer blousy witUt and peg top skirt. Present stylos In coata and jackota are doomed, for war mad Paris has de decreed that ladle' wear must be mil lUry . Skirt will bo plain, and only straight lines wilt be tolerated. Jack- eta and cout will also be plain and button close about the throat. Low or ' V necked waists, too, must conform strictly with the new modo lu dicmi. A long straight step and Htlff carriage, of th body will bo the only mode approaching good form. Meanwhile buyora and other people who lay down the law of drws are marooned In Pari, becoming fully Imbued with the military spirit. They Hill be back soon with their trunks of samples. With, thm will come the "military." not to begin bloodshed. The em peror delayed ten day before recelr Ing the mtwn ger.and by that time tho war had started. Another source of heartbreak to th aged pontlS wa the fact that hundreds of foreign youth studying (for th priesthood In th sraUiart there were forced to return horn to Pgbt. !.arge crowds stand uncovered to day la St. Peter's Square. Prayers for the pope are offered up In all parte of the world. The Eternal City is plunged Into the deepest mourning. Bells tolled all night, and the newspapers, edged In deep black, Ignored the war new In extolling the virtue of tho depart ed pontiff. The dying pope protested to thoso about his bedside, asking them not to weep. He bade farewell to his sit ter. Anna and Maria, but when told that hia brother. Angel o Sarto. would rrlve Thursday, said 'That will be too late." These were hi last words. ' ..- WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug 20. At the request of President Wilson, Secretary Bryan cabled the following to the Vatican: "The president deslros me to ex press his sense of the great lota the Chrstllan world has sustained through the demise of his holiness. Plus X. lly his pure, gentle character, his un affected piety and broad, thoughtful sympathy toward hi fellowmen. he adorned his exalted station, and at tracted to hlmelf th afecUonate re gard of all feeling hi wide Influence." VISITING MAYOR SEES PROGRESS SPRINGFIELD EXECUTIVE AXD FAMILY LEAVE OCT THIS MOR NING FOR CRATER LAKE AND MEDFORD Hon." said Caarta W. EserMa. ideat of the Eaterpri Laa4 aac lav rectaeat compaay, who t aro fro Saa Francisco, atuadta? to oteM matters. Europe cevatrl urn aow oa tao point of actual tarratlm. Too aatt Itary actlvltl of too eeaatrssa at war hare absorbed. osTtaialy aU ol the surplus prodaata, ml aval, rjrjr thlag. and with tho meat temnUst to tear their work la tho SoMs aa4. ge to the froat. tal year asoo arc rot- iungUth loU. If the Esropoxs flgtiat cosUa six moaths. It will bo thro years be fore normal crop will bo raises jaaa iorar mere, is aoaruos to eatuac ror all of the available prod nets, tho ' time wUl also malt la the Ing of. tha seed stock of the Esroyoaa farmer. "Now thl aerasow aeaett has to be made op by hipsaaU from oUet places, aad tho greater portlom will come from tho Uatted State, rot that reasoa. tho proaaoU of the America farmer will tad a ready market abroad, aad the pries r "It has been several years iace I ceirea ww so bettor. visited this section, and 1 can seel -vmai ceaaiy precaeu aa aow some wonderful Improvement," said nna oaust tbat taoy aoror foaad Charles L, Scott, mayor of Spring- berore the Kuropoaa market. With field. Ore.. Just before he started hl,u,e opening of the Panama eaaal, tha car out of the Central garage, bound cot ' "klPPUif to th Atlantic ki eat for Crater Lake and Medford. Mr. Scott and family are touring Oregon, coming In here via McKentie Pass. Bend, Paisley and Lakeriew. A stop was made at Paisley to vlist the Brattaln brothers, who are cous ins of Mr. Scott. All In the party unite In pronouncing their drive through Eastern Oregon as delightful. more than half, ao both tho prodettet and the ultimate consumer will be benefitted. "Crop war aover bettor la the Klamath country thaa thla year. Th crops will soon be la demaad at high prices, and the Klamath farmer, ta addition to having- aa ontlet .fer his - --n- i.r 1. 1j IIUI.IL (Coatlnuei em aago 4) A Novel Sight, A aim of mor than usual Interest Is one depleting trout culture, from tho egg to tho full grown ash, which Is being shown ai the star theater. The aim was made la mm f Um world' blggeat hatcheries, and every atep 1 carefully spllae4 and pi. lured. State May Print the Textbooks for Schools SALEM. Aug. 20. There U a. prob ability that the next legislature will be called upon to pass on the ques tion of whether tho state shall print text books for use in public schools, as arguments are already being ad vanced to show that such a mov would bo a. good thing. It Is pointed out that California has such a law, and it U said a larg saving to tho taxpayer has resulted. It tho legislature should enact a law providing for the printing of school text books by the state, a much larger printing plant than the state aow has would be required. Advo cates of tbo plan, however, assort that the cost of the snlarged prlatiag plant would be saved In one year to those who have to buy school books. It Is pointed out, also, that a savlag would be made In the cost of prlatiag the luitlatlvo and other lctioa phlets, owing to th faster better printing facilities the slat would have. The question of whether tha stats i to operate a state prlatlif pleat at all I also likely to be foaabt mt ta the next legislature, as the law aaaot which the plant is aow operatlag will be succeeded January 1, IMS, by a law reverting to th contract system. Th law whUkjwlH go lato t January. 1 abolishes ta etestire esse of state printer, aad provides for ta appolatmsat of a state prtater by tho state board at a salary. t ll.Sb a year, ItglvoctsWsoaMMIaataor. Ity aad eeatre, over; all tao paMto priaUag. but aaahos ao sfosM sioas for tho, spsrsHsa of a pnating piaat UipsovMo far IsaV ting tho prlaUaf oat KBEKLEf.V SEES OOOD PWCM FOR CHOPS I'rt-UtkTit of Eaterprkte Lao4 aad ta ! trt.iaeat Compsmy, mere oa Bawl ' t nas. Say That WstJs rarposoa Countries Facfasg Faaaaae, asat WKh f No lnapt?cf of a Noras! Crop) fer , Ttiree Years, M t. Look Here. I