iEuimmg Iterali. GUI PRINTS THE NI5WS WHIMS IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER - --- -iV-Hfi1tfV MHHI 4M-V M1?W -- -Uffi. Mntli Yner ,Vo. Ml Jur - TSHWfts, i .srrar-. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1914 BRUSSELS s REPORTED AS FALLEN mm''' .. ..i-.a. ., .r,-r,-L-1(nnnnru-jru-, PnnpPincY rWW Hie I ocf , LBWES vv. mv vvuuivu sam uuui iiiipi c qih inniiT : unuLL uniiinuuui . TO BUY VESSELS I Inability to Prevent European War Part of Cause! Taken Suddenly Worse Yesterday; Doctors Were Kept in Constant Attendance; Was 79 Years Old WAR lllriK IXtfUUA.NCK ALMO OO.V. HIDKRKO Till; I'JIOPHKCY MADK HV COUXT LEO TOLHTOI ! "The great conflagration (war) will start about 112, t by the first torch In the coua- trie of Mulbeastera Europe. It will develop Into destructive , calamity Im litis. I see Europe In ItamM and bleeding, and bear I lie lamentation of huge battle- field. "About the year 1915 a strange figure enter the stage of the bloody drama. lie la a man of little military training, but he will hold mwi of Europe lu hli grap until 192S. lie la already OFFICIALS STATE THAT THE ALLIES 010 NOT FIGURE ON DEFENDIN6 CITY, CENTERING UPON ANTWERP lU.m t IUro. M"r Vrir. Jllur U. j IMA, Muillrtl Ml Itl'W, TrrtlMi mimI I'aiIua, ' Ufdoinnl pfbrnl in IH.1. j rri -,) minle lilur yr,,,, ' j,li!lrt (.((! flrl ii( Hlutl In ll7 inm'l!r i tU" iImntw ihta. , lfarM luilr INtT. U,l.p ( Unl)i IMMl, I 4tl'Ul ami IVlUli t,f Vriillt 134 I 1 1( ,tuviti u. im;i, DM l.. U, W. tfcllrd Vie. rtfW ttOMir, au ii.popo riM x. tax. 4 (.' lliU AlUlltiM'd, fullolb 4 til kt llllir, llsufcthUI, ratarrtial aud :miy mtt.triailt)tt cia iititliTit, and on Irji of tleac. tb ntril tlfT M ircrwiy (uetattrbot) iner the ouifatrak i. the Udfupean wt, hlrli be ttte m lain tit pit-wit. Tie (' lllito hat been antra tl lnr ib announcement of ttx r c4 wb?rt tip hrd that rtshllm, bad actually begun ho woied, II"' nmjihrJ untriiKlou unlit noon, and t thai Uuur ibn t Mffitiiii Jmlfilnrr. At I 30 hU wtidlilon' drfrair, HU rnrr lnrrrxl, (.- -I f ? ' '.afvgggL A ' &, WfrlgggW SlaMfb? if '?'' -v'SigggW i&fttji-i " Jlb'Hggggs M 1 ,, f m'JiHiggggl ", : 5a. i3'iS?iBSgBlgggg Ms f"WI iv sgBggggal zf?" 'SVCSiygMlggggi W' . f1lMv54tlgggB - "f - s TilsSaigggggW f s risnvajgggggv V jaff rvBggggw c tfcvi-'v.gggggggggggT gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggM 9HBBMHIHHl4gMgfSggtlgglgSgffS ll rurrlilnx Slilj-, L'nllrif Main, lUInK Vrulral, Will IU- AbU to Car rj n OiMmrrrtt Will, OUmt I'ulttl. w,klnK " '. n of af fair. Markrt Aiurrican Crviw. "Thrro U a new rxillileal Ma for bit old werld: no empire ) I (itul In Uikrt Aiurrican Tluik C'lilllng Out lite V lllfili I'imhI I'Hcrw. Hy of r.nd klnrdoma. Imi th whou world will form a federation of ih (Julicd Static of Natlona." United i'reu Service IMK1.S, Aug. IB. Tlwr war oJk today adaalu iMNurtag Uwtf i liac falJrn into Hie Itaado of tlie Geraaaa araey. Tlicre I no rouiinuailon a yet oiltc report that the Helglaaa ktan (Jrllnliely ahanUoDnl UniMieU. CHHciaU, boweeer, adaatt tiaat 1Mb la faat bly true. They atatu that the alJle aever errioaaly eaaectadl to Mmi UriiMcU. Itwtcad, Uiey juMert, the plana of def eaae ceater ateeit Aaterarfi, bud llit ir the flelgUa gearral ala bah komc to Antwerp, ft la oetfy ta fl lilloictit of thr pbuu outllacil. , .-. '"lilH !' Serrltr , WAHIIIN'tSTON, l. 0.. AUK. IS. I ntlr fmm, iommricUl unrahlp UnrtiBl Tblo tu tt.v latent till" lo be Imv notird uron th"t'nliHl Statr. for If il.i Iatu foimulatrd today are to be' tiorktl om. i lir Unltrd State, In-! He?t of Ii.tnIiic lnutIr!oiit l.lp to' (lurrv on a trade Klib Kuropv, will' . s. f ur rH iniugb lo carry on lt w wor.u win rorm a federation of Llted iVeM Serrl ' "'""" LQSIMS. Au. IO-Oeplte oSdal denial, it U reported that tao .,.,,. , .. . .. j Liflte lort liare fallen. ToutoiV diaih occurred about ! . .. ten r n ii- -. , I AccoiUlnjf to tlftutjutanlbU arcouau. tlic defeatlm dyaaaaUed IMaa v len rar aeo. llf aa (nmutii l .... ,-.... .,- uk. nenr uwiif uaiierra oj uw icaiw wfav. VIu-m? rumor rc arririait aacoaUrmed, bat the toa af taea laalraf ilwt the rrriidflklsktii line U hard prreaed near Waterloo and Kraaatta. The early ntnta iwUy predletett th fall of Braageli, aaylas taa I LtiU.-r ha too.uuil troop in hU battle Uae la Beigiaca. v KUMixn norclltt and soclsl writ- er and worker a BOOTH SPEAKS 'United i'reaa Serrtce itrikn and Ruaaia-t force foaitht UIlL'SSKf. Aug. 13. (Moraine hjuw aloa the li-t froa Oorodok to . . .. w j ...- ..i " . " . -i. 7. .. . . iirrr Maaaaw niiinc) The esgagvtneot along tbjivuxBun, aaa to Auatnaaa vara v IfLUL I IINIIiH I Dtlrp nelglum-Prencb front aaauaed pulaed acroas the fnmtlar wtCa kaaTy IILIlL I UillUll I lhe" f'orOou ot a general e&gag- loaa. 'inent tul morning Tbo Germaca at- a moetlng of.l'rraliUnl WIUoui jtacked the outposts at Lourain. and United Preaa ftWrriea iunerii1olflrader today. niCi.Mn.nTK KOU UXITKD hTVTIS rBDOtbvr nsbt U on outh of h,re I LONDON. A 1. Taa ExpraH , It mi tailored that the Pertain clalmi that 800 Oemaa arclnitaiaa .......... ...w. ari, tjaaymg to force the allle tor. dividing the strength. ,trse wlih ilu- rntlu" world. A l -riid tbat the itoterumcnt pur jrlit.f- the trcl reulrrd to carry jAinnrlcnn comi nwattlng ihlpraentJ t.i alt t'f the foreign market now open' rnl to brine lo America the Import j thiM pre nrediM ""hU -at decided the bcl mcjiii of trfliiJK the ewcruoncy apparent In tl. raitlui: of food tirlce and hU cnpfal rotidlllon a tery ihiim: fit's ,v. tor ihn pontiff. U.t nlKbl, tlm Ht. Inatead of (mltie an eipvcted Improvemenl, lftt lo breathe wllh more dlfflcully. In addition, he milTered much pain, ! uitabln lo tlaef), I'rolM.or Marcblafavn, ho pun '"' I'bKklan, called Dr. Amlcl In tomuliatlon tal night. The profe. or and Urn pom' ier wera at the bedthJo w,e jf pwif out, leaving the ac,, prelum benign counteiianco UttiiiHl wnn ni, npreon of aptHt "l Peace, ''ore I'liu vra bum Joaepli Harto M Hliimf i,Br Vanlco, Juno l ISSI. jlf w (m child nf poor peananU, I'ut ron to a itnllou conldernl by million of peopU, l0 m0lt m.uj tn ICAar Ytin jtM aki-M ..a.L ...t.4.ltk until death tli orld TaletiU dUplayed at an In I tin ludy of iheoloK)' In l6 A .m .. , waa reonle.l that rir M' 0,,', "''? ,0 " ""'-.Jyoune Mar.o. when M. wa. ordained a U. condlilon w. deiwrate. the Vi.d,"r,r ": " Utt' "u-l"1- Kn ordrtrd hurry cable et to alll"un ',,,t ,,,, "r","J, "' L't.UI ho 31 he wa employed a C'Alhollc dlmitbri. .ii,.ii ..- "f"ain awiut iii maneuou. ucce, B runiry curate, in jro, nn waa vAmnuc iiiemtarl, directing prayer . ... . . .. . . f ., , ff tt" " i- .- -w ""(H)''1IMHVM 'MV l IUt Vt 4MtlNMWl fellow men He wm the "hope ol Thorn he worked fnlthfully for eight the pour" 'jrar Hr wa made a rantiou of the Jueph Hario' srAttdfAlher m -A 'cathedral, chancellor of tho dloceae, mldlef In ihn papal army under Oreg-'aii't (plrllual director or tho col- ory XVI, 111 father worked In the'lW' Thereafter he bee ran dean of field and a communal carrier, trug1" chapter, nerved In nn luterrcg ctllnct lo maintain nilh hi meager lie come Dm large family of iwo nn and U daughler. A niunll collage n the birthplace of the pop ituiu a vicar general, und waa ap pointed uffragan. lu 1 J SS ho paed to the dlocoe of : Mantua, whero for two tour ho un , . .. , . .-... ... Tho hoy, Joiepli ilario. first ntteud .rector of tho temlnary. Mo attracted ed the parUh chool at IMcto. Then tho nitetillon of l.eo XIII, who In in npuiuun inuurni ine lamny iH."i rrenieo mm omnop or Mantua. (Hid him lo a tchool at CrtntoUrwnro. The dlorewo wiu nt that tlmo In n wvrii mllo from homo, coiulKlou of ferment, but the tact, Al ftrhool Joneph won a acholarvhlp I'nlli'iiro niul the kindly umuuer of tho .,..,. .,.1 , .,... . ... . 11.1..1..... , i . ... .. SKXATOU WIU. taKKVIKW THIS APTERXOOX. MKKRILL TOMORROW Robert A Ineo for United SUte aa&ator. 1 due tht afternoon from Lakevlew. ThU A hill, probably atklne for an at.cvcnIn,: h W,U Pk "" lle f ;-ro;,rlatlon of 125,000,000 will bel"oul' I dmwii. It wan nlin arcued that u. bill will be luiroducrd, providing (or govern ment war rUk Iniurancc. to safeguard commerce, both export and Import. t'ougreialonal leader bellovo that tlit movement will ba the meant of more firmly ciiabllahln American commerce, and lll incroaae the de mand for American good In all part of the world, thu building up an In cr on Mil foreign bullae similar to the one flermauy ha been forced to abonaon since the war broke out which enabled him to enter the vm- limry of TrcvUo, and afterward that of Tadua. Ho dlttlugulihed himself Evidence in Crystal Case Completed Today '"to (IiIh nftornoou consideration "' tho chiirgo of larceny by bailee MMlmt Al Crystal will bo In the l'ils of tho Jury. Jut beforo "dock this afternoon the final ttl. luony wan heard, after which Deputy I'rosecuior William M, Duncan b. Kin his argument to lha Jury. v A receti was taken at tho oonolu "Ion or Duuean'a argument, to allow Arthur 0. Uwli, on of tho Juryman, o altond tho (untral of hi formw "ployo, th uu A. P, Ilulohlm. At (ha coaclualoa of tula court will rocunvi'iic. Attorney Heiuuir mid Kent for (ho ilofoiinu mid Pronecutor Irwin will then make their nriiuimnitii, ami (ho riixo will hu submitted to the "twolvo K'"'i' "inn and true," Cristtil whs on tho tund In hi own behalf this forenoon, He hold thai tho money ho I alleged to have taken was loaned to him by Thomas Love, tho complaining wltnws. Two wltnaaaea wore Introduced by tho do- rente to show that tho value of the itockat th Central bar waa amul ocurlty for the 1,000. hthop harmonlred nil conftlctlui lu tercl mid made the diocese a model of iriiiuiulllty, On June 12, I Sua, ho wan created n ciirdlunl, mid three day later wa cho.ieu prttrlarch of Venice, Disturb- ed condlttoii duo to nthelstlo hiim. Hon Unit liiul long exUtod In Venice oon yielded to tho kindly but effect- Ho Influouco of the new patriarch. As before, ho labored und made acrl. flee to belter tho condition of tho Very poor. HI hoiifcoholit wuti mulntnliiPil in ulinplo stylo, and nil hit Income ubovo mo most nei'enry uxpeuse wa de voied to the nonnllcn. Ho oncour. "KOll tho forinutlou of I'o.onnrnilv, nuclotlo and benevolent association, and Intercated himself In tho cause f tho working man. They apeak of lilui at tho best ndmtnlstrator Venice had In 200 year, two of hi titters attended to hi household. Another I tho wlfo of n tavern keepor, Throe sinter oro In a cloister, ill brother U n rural mull cnrrlor. Whou tho patriarch left Venice to d Hte conclu,e called to elect a ''""' "-" --i"w u-iruvu-ouu SPENCER CREEK WORK J START HITKHINTKNOKXT RAM8QY AND CARIK.VTi:it IJiAVK TOMOR. ROW TO tM.MMEXCK THK KX laitCHNU or THE HATCHERY United l'res SerTlce. PARIS, Aug. IS. It U announced Uooth, republican noa-;tbal :01 officer, and crew of the Austrian cruiser Zenta were drowned or killed In the action Sunday, when a French cruller sunk the Zenta. This afternoon's official bulletin says the German aro retiring in Alsace-Lorraine, and that the French) have been captured ao far. Taa taa- jnice Is given at 1,000,009 aad taa value, including cargo, at 1160.-000,000. (Coatluued oa page O Carey M. Uainxby. auperlutendeut of tho Spenror Cnnik trout hatchery, litis received word from R. K, Clan- ton, uuperlntondent of hatcheries, to commonco the construction or the larger hntchcry al Snencar Creek, Tho now htilUtluK Will have a ca pacity threo ilinort greater than that of tho hatchery nuw, In use. Ramsby aud Don J, l.ytle loave In the morn ing for Speucer Creek to start work Ion tho now structure. Tho speaklnc will twain at K o'clock. The band will escort Booth fiom the White 1'eUcan hotel to the theater. RooUi is thoroughly familiar with the needs and prospect of Southern Oregon, a he wa reared at Yoncalla, In Douglas county. He established tie first store there, and operated a sawmill a well. After this ho e tabllibed a Dumber concern In Grants Pass, and later the Booth-Kelly Lum ber lompany, which he manared for teveral year before retiring. Ho ho mad several large donations to edu cational Institution In the state, and I one of the "plllara" of th Matho. dlst church In Oregon. Mr. Pooth. while In the countr win peak at Merrill tomorrow mh, a at Fort Klamath Friday night. UNIONS QUESTION THE CANDIDATES CO.VXKCTIO.V OK THK ASPIRAXTS WITH COLORADO'S LABOR TROURLKS ARK TO UK I.VQUIR. Kl INTO CLOSKLY United Pre Berne ST. PETERSBURG. An. 18 Tie invasion of the provlacea of OalieJa. 'and Bukovlna In Austria la reported. It 1 said that 70,000 Rattltia are U- vadlng by several reatas. Tlnrlln advleMa ur nap rtalaaa are operating north from tho Swiss! occupation of Mlawa. la RBaUa Pol frontier, south from Nancy, and east last!. through tho Vosgcs passe. I called lre& Sen Ice LONDON. Aug. 19. The war bu reau announce "certain liveliness la apparent in the southern area, of the North Sea." ThU Is interpreted to mean indica tions of a dash hy German submarines and destroyers, United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 19. The American consul at Antwero wire that King Albert, the princesses and tho cabinet and foreign minister h:ve arrived there from Brussels. United Prase aartlaa ROME. An. 1.--Kaaata. eaalea that the Chines autherMesa aeT dis armed the German gunboat Vater-lsnd It Is announced tbat Qarmaa diplo ma U are on the way here In nn a deavor to persuade ItaJjr to partici pate in the war. upon the sround tknt the Japanese ultimatum la na ofeae- Ire moTameat, i United Press Service ST PKTERSBiJUl A ta. J&.-It Is cttlclaUy announce 1 that tho An. Cnlted Press Service 1HE HAQUK, Aug. 10. A hick German official asnres tna United Press that Germany Is already aeco- t latins to return Klau Cnnu to China This w ill checkmate Japan. Oermanv its ludlgnant at the Jap ultimatum. anu says mat eaginnd doubtlessly fo mented It. At Mining Camp. L. Q, VauUelleu of ta Regal Shoe Store 1 at Hlghgrnde, looking after hi mining Interests, Possibly Kuropo It adopting the only method left for disposing ol an overplus of population. United Press Ssrvlc PUEIILO, Colo., Aug. 19 Record of state and legislative candidate in connection with tho labor trouble which have rent Colorado durlne- the past year will probably bo canvassed during the annual convention of the Colorado Federation of Labor, which. began hero today. Many union leaders regard the com. tng political camnalcn a of vit.i Importance to the future of unionism lu Colorado. They want tho uniB. to take more active port In lu UCCaUSe Of this fact the COIlVantlnn It expected to be one of the moat im. portant In the history of the orgaalu tlon. Manufacture by Spiritualism United Press ttenrtce BRIDGEPORT, Ohio. Aug. IP. The only factory In tho world found ed on belief In spiritualism Is being completed here by Frank Wilcox, a glosa workur. who claims to have re ceived In vlslous of his dead father, Inspirations for Inventions which will revolutionise tho glass Industry. Wllcox'a building, where he will perfect und use these Inventions, la known as the "house of mystery." Nono but spiritualists are employed In the construction work, and a acor of husky guards, ail spiritualists, are on watch day and night to arwvaat any but employes from going latlde tho teu-foot concrete walls which sur round tho place. "I am going to make a fortune la slain " Wlli-nv lull. hi. ,.i-j. ....i , ., .,,. .v.M, Ml , all because of my belief la salclajal- um. i began my iparlmsaar' la Pittsburg several years age. but sstret service agent who tried t steal aiy designs forced me to cease aare." ,, Wilcox has iraKkased valaabia raal estate'la WheeUag. W. Va., wafaa. ptaas to erect a spiritualist ra, t cost ilt.OOO. a mesBWkU to hi dead parent. .