if -il '1 PRINTS THE NKWS WIIIMC IT IS NEWS Mulll Yrni No. U.HH Germans Near Brussels; Wilson Asks Every American to SAYS THE WORDS ON THE STREET ENTER INTO i-ituiniM iw.ii srmvirvr tO 'lilt- PIIKN. Kilt ,l.l. riii; I'tuiru' 1 1, 11,1., IUr.uUi 1'iduL Out IImI llto (ttititurt lf llir IV"le i Till. lUt. Will, II. witftltati lu mUUuii. Mmi,) Mm'Ii 1twnl Knr. Ins tl,rrh Alunf I'lwwt the War ul Hitt N'allut,.. S-rrUI In the llrroltll WAUIIINGTON. D U. Aug I rMl)l Wt.W trtday U.Ued .UUlOftil lo the pie... arcing elery American trail)' logins America in u and pak In iho Kup t 1 f 1 1 tit neutrality He urged iwxi txrneilly lts tort ot it and conduct which II tbe tt (Urd lor Iho UftllOU lt,i dtitm end dltaiur. "M rllew countrymen." ld the lrild?nt, "I auppoo ery thought tut roan lit America ha asked him iclt what Influence the European war my nri upon A mot leu, I lake tho liberty ot addreailng (r ward la iu io wlrtl out that It li entirely llhlrt our choice what effect It be on ui, and to urge moat earntly upon you Dial choice nf speech and conduct which U Uel io furd Mir nation agalnu dttirU and pot I'jIp dliatter. "Kreryone realty loving America Hill act rniil pek In the (rue spirit nt neutrality, which U Ilia plrl( of Impartiality, ralrne ami frleadllne to all concerned, "the M'lrlt of thti nation In thl critical matter U largely lo ho (later mined tiy wlmt Individual, society aid thoio gathered In public meeting ln and nay, what n, newapeper and magailne contain, what Iho mini ton utter In (heir pulpits, and what intn tiroclalm n their opinion on itio itreets, "Our people, are drawn from many natloni, and principally from Iho na tion i now at war, and It Is but natural Kriegh Awarded $1,000 Jury Returned a Sealed A verdict, awarding 1 1,000 dam tttea to C. I-'. Krltgh for Ilia lots of "riii in (ho plant of the Mutual Milling company, wa road In the clr nilt court thla morning. Tha Jury returned a vimled vordlet laat night. I" thl action Kralgh brought suit nL'wImt tin, chlloquln concarn lo re luvr 7,r.00. Ho wai at work for Urn company when hi arm wa out up In tho odgor, and In lili aUlt ho al Itgcd A acarclty of aaftguard. In hla null, Kralgh alio itt forth Hiat In addl(lo to U low of tba mh s-rm--!. L-mmmmmammimmmmumimmiuMtM afxwtx'ttjzrjszTVzjsiirsr OF THE MAN WILL LARGELY CRITICAL MATTER l,i! Ii.r, .labia thai Uioro .tiimi.l le (he utpil taflrl) ( lt)4tlo and tr-t ftimuij; tbelll r-ttdlH III" l in lnl Iho rirrulntliiliio of run Ctrl U'liim a III Hiih uno nation lo win, while other, will lone lor tbe urvo. of another In th tnmneniu nu trtttto l'inl-r iho rir.m Utifc. II onuld Iht ) lo rirllr ta..lun. tnd dirTtrull In IU) H "Thtu rrip.ill.ltil" lor rirlllllG thr iMUlB hill AMUlnr hot) ' ,lri.lbilittc a rc:mlhlllt) lr no lr IhltiE (ban lhat ihr etile n( Amrlc. h?w loe for thoir coun U) and Ui)llr to It cowninent ibould unite IIipui a American., all houud hy honor and (TptHn to thlriV Ort of h-r und br lnlori, may l dlvldod Into rami with hu.ttlc ulnlm. hat acaln.t och other, in ohl In a r In lmiul and epln Inn, II not In action "ituch a dlrUlou amoiie u would h ratal to nur (oCr, and mlcht .orlouilr itand In the war or the prwr rxrlormacca at our duly a one great nation at peac, one people holdlnc lUelr readr to plr the part or Impartial mediation, to ipeak couneela ol peaco and accommoda tion, not a partUan. but at a Mend "I Trnturc, therefore, my fellow countrymen, to apeak a aolemu word warning you ajtatnit thai deepait and iikkI subtle brtach of neutrality, which may iprlnk out of partliamhtp. hy pmlonaiely taking tide. "America niuil U neutral in tcl m well a In nam during thru, day that ar lo try men'i oul. V muit ho Impartial In (bought a ell a In aftlnn. Wa muii curb our acntl mnit a well a every Irattiactlon which might bo construed n prefer ence to una parly or another, "My thought nrt (or Auwlcn. It I for her I am ipeaklng, nnd I feel ure dial It l Ihn earneat wlih and purpofto or every thoughtlul Amer ican that thl greal country of ourt, which, of courae, l llrat In our thought and heart, ahould abow hnrieir In thl lime of pocullnr trial, a nation lit beyond all other lo ex hibit that fine oln of undUturbed judgment and dignity of aelf con- (Continued on Pat 4) Verdict Into the Court nrm ho aiirfered from norvou head ache nrtcr tlu accldfltit, To dliprove Oil tho ileft'iuo brought two wit nciie from I.iiiio county, KrolgU'a foriniT Iioiiii'. to le(lfy Hint before rnmliiK t Klaiimtli county, Krlegb wa anilclnit with theie hvadachtw, W, II, A. Itmuior, Herbert I). (Inlo ami Joiuph H, Kent uppaarod for Krwlgli. The dofenae wa conducted by J. W, llrocl:, of Shepherd A Orock. Brock Uft Ihl morning for Portland without doflnllcly alatlng whether or not na will nk for a naw trial or PPM). feuimmg KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUOUST 18, 1914 q- e'fa"i,FNl Commander of the Death's Head Regiment Wounded Called Pre Service I.ON'IH.'. Aug. IHr The llagu r-prt a rumor thai H OtTwaa Crown Prince ha been wounded la llclglum. II la til tliat h baa Imw taken to All U Ctuipfdie. Prrderlck William, crown prlncu uf (lormauy, and heir to tho throno of the koUer. woar proudly the helmet of the Death' Head regiment of which he U commander A hln Ing. gaping ikull. with crou bonea worked Into the texture aland out prominently on the cap and helmet of thl crack regiment or tho Oerinan army. Tha akult and croa bone mean here what they have alwaya meant death. RECEPTION FOR WOMAN SPEAKER MKKTINGH IX TIIK OAUHK OK ti:mpi:hanck a in: nicu) at MKHKU.I- AND IIONANZA HY W. V. T. V. OFFICIAL (Irvnt preparation arc being made by tho local whlto rlbboncr for the reception to bo tendered Mr. Mitch- oner, praildent ol tho Kama Wo- inou'a ChrUtlnu Tompornnce Union, who I holding meeting In tho coun ty. Tim reception wll bo given to morrow ovcnlng at Ornco M. K. church, folowlng Mr. Mltchener'i lecture there. lu addition to her lecture horo Saturday nnd todny, Mr Mltchener locturod at Pine Orovo Sunday nfter noon, at Merrill Sunday ovenlng and yesterday at llonanta. Sho li a clear, forceful aponkcr, and bring out tome Intoreitlng point about the prohibi tion itatu ot Kamai, The meeting tomorrow afternoon at tho Ohrlitlan church haa been can celled. At thl mooting Mr. Mitch onor wag to talk on "Woman' Place In Clvlcgj'' ih, aaaiei ENGINEER FORCE IS WORKING FOR HOUSE NUMBERS m i, i tun i io iti nt r 'rin:iit xtii:it.i.s I In on llffurt t lla.tro I'rrr IK-IUrry In Klamath fall.. Oi) Knglnrrr , i I j-Kti'k I'orcr Ha. Ilrrii Takrn I'ioiii itir-l Intprturiurnl Work, ami Ioii,Imt ,lrr (Siting Proper NiiMilx-r. at IIoum-. I. your houtc properly numbered? H not, get buy at once, for It may mean free mall delivery for Klamath Kelt I'ftttal Inspector Wotd of Itoe bure, uho l here looking oter the cli) to roKirt on the feailblllty of malt delUery here, mentioned among other thing that all, of the houcii are not numbered. ThU defect li to be remedied at one. ThU ariernoon City Engineer Mo !.en' force nf men l devcticg Its attention to the work of giving the proper number to the different houiot. The force ha been divided, and each tec Hon attlgned aotae cer tain part or the city to work In. Where a home 1 not numbered, or 1 Improperly numbered, the proper numtwr U given In order lo haiten the work r numbering, the member or the numbering tqtuda will put up tho proper metal numeral for the Imo cott of the tame. Anyone who 1 unable to figure out hi proper number can get It by calling up the city hall or the city engineer CRYSTAL TRIAL STARTED TODAY KOHMCIt KAMHI.V MAN 18 UEFOHK COUItT OV ('IIAHGK OP WITH IIOLDIMI MO.NKY UY.VOSQISU TO ANOTIIKK MAN Trial or Al Cryttal on charge of larceny hy bailee began today In the circuit court. The Jury waa aelccted and thn opeului; tnterneut mado thl morning, and taking of tritlmony eoiumoncod thl afternoon. Membora of the Jury aro Jacob llouck, K. K, Klrkendall, K. 11. Hall, J. Colwoll, T. J. Jackion, II. H. Hoyt, A. C Lowl. Mauuel Vlerra, T. M. Cuunlughnni, K Steukel, M. I.lppert, P. lluru. Crytal I nccuicd by Thomaa Love of keeping f 1,000 belonging to Love. The tato hold that Cryital secured poeulon of the money while Love was Intoxicated, and Instead of giving It back, tried to force Love to take a chattel mortgngo on the Central sa loon, bar and stock. The dofeme contenda that the money was loaned to Cryital by Love, the agreement doing that Love was to take n mortgage on the saloon stock. W. H. A. Reuer and J. 8. Kent appear for Crystal. i4 Vtm. cuttng Attorney John Irwin and Dep uty Prosecutor W. M. Duncan for the Ute. ... " x - " Mtmib Russians Mobilize Speak HVW MWWMWWMWWMMAMMMMMMMWM New Member of Reserve Board Frederick A. Delano, president of tbe Chicago, lodlaaapolls and Louis ville railroad, was the last ot the Ave member of the currency reserve board to be nominated by President Wilson. He was Quickly confirmed by tbe senate. Mr. Delano U from Chicago. He take tbe place of Mr. Jones, the Chicago capitalist who was rejected by the ?cnate. He was born In 1S6S In Hong Kong and be graduated from Harvard In 1885. He went Into the railroad business at once, and raa chosen to his present position Isst year. With the completion ot tbe board, It haa begun active work In caring for American finance during the European crisis. RECOUNT MADE IN JACKSON CO. OX COUNTING OVER THE UAL- LOTA AT BARROX PRECINCT, McNABY STILL FINDS SELF WITHOUT A VOTE According to advices Just received, the recount of the ballots cast at liar ron precinct. In Jackson county, has been completed, uccordlug to stipula tion lu tbe MrXary-Bemon see-saw. Tho recount failed to make any difference in the rosult. It was found that McXary did not receive a vote thero, tho only cross alter his name being on a ballot on which nvo can didates oero voted for for the su preme court, and this Invalidated the ballot. Return to California. Mr. Neva Burroughs this morn ing left tor her home In Southern California, after a visit of several weeks with her relatives In Langel Valley. Going Howe Tomorrow. Mr. and Mra. John Forbes, who have been In the city for several days, Mr. Forbes being on Jury duty, will return to their ranch near Bonanw tomorrow morning- gBBVaiBjBBVaiBBBjBVaj. PAeawawa BssBBeawawawawawawawayBBeawav and Act i "WW000W100000W0W00A THE KAISER'S LINE IN BELGIUM, BUT IS FORCED BACK FROM THE FRONTIER OF FRANCE I'.lSrilA'ri IHO AllMY I'L'I.I.V MOUIMZKD TO CO IGAIXST AUSTRIA Oar and Unmlly Take to the FWil. llougkent: IUirt Tito German ' ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 1. Mo-c-rulM-rs Itadly niblerf, Taken by bnlMtIcn of tbe RuMUa army Is eosa- the IlrttUli Kitchener Head a'pteted. In brilliant time. It wis .,.,..-. . , not thought It could be finished b lVronal Card to Kadi Member of I. ' " ... ..w Sfore tho end of the month. the llrilUti Force. Culled Irea Service URL'SSELS. Aus. 1. The cap ture of UruascU ua certiln. Slow- ly the German force Is rolling the' Uelgtan-French line back toward Bruuelt. A desperate censorship l maintained by the war office, but It Is known that there has been hot skirmishing since daylight. The greatest German strength la southwest of Huy, and this force la being Increased. Rapid fire runs, mounted on automobile, are sup porting the skirmishes ot the 0rmaa cavalry. This afternoon the Germans are re ported driving the Belgian outposts back on the main allied army at sev eral points along the line of battle. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 18. The following Is from the war effice: "The French advance continues ateidlly driving the enemy In the general direction of Strassburg. The Germans are abandoning huge quan tities ot war materials, such as artll ery, ammunition and commissary sup plies." "On to Strassburg" Is the French battle slogan. An Immense army is pouring from Belfort, through the Prisoner Is One Taken to Hospital; A. G. Pumford, held in the county Jail tor several weeks awaiting a hearing before the grand Jury, was today taken to the county Infirmary under the orders of County Physician Merryman. He has been sick for sev eral days, and shows symptoms of typhoid fever. Frank Meader, Isadore Mauseshell and John Gllmore, three ot the four remaining prisoners In the county bastlle, are also sick. Like Pumford, they have been under the doctor's care for several days. All of these men were arrested during July. Pumford was arrested on charge ot forging a check, and In dicted on tho same charge. He waa liberated by Circuit Judge Benton when his case came up for trial, as the evidence produced by District At KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Neutral MOVES AHEAD .Voigw ptut into the Schrlemeck K XOw!v'r- The German In Upper Alsace are retiring slowly, evidently In obedience to a pre-arranged plan. It 1 expected that they will make tbelr flrt stand al MoUhlem. rolfA1 Trm !i.rTf Ctar Nicholas, It la announced. Is) going In the Held to rwamaJa during the campaign. Other members of the Imperial family are also reported in tha campaign. Russian cavalry and Cossacks are operating several miles Wyead the) Austrian and Prussian frontiers. There have see mlshes with heavy aklr keca sides. United Press Serrtea ATHENS. Aug. IS. The Serrtaa molisUr wires that the Austrian! at tempted to penetrate the Safest mountala fortHcatlaaa but were com pletely routed, with tosaea- running Into thousands. A wire from Pola says tha Aus trian torpedo boat lv struck a mbae at the harbor entrance and waa sunk: One member ot the crew is reported saved. United Press Service BA8LO. Aug. IS. Aa esersMus French army Is prcsains taa Qermsns along tha Rhine. United Press Service TOKIO, Aug. 18. Hongkong wires that two German cruisers, disabled as the result ot a battle, have been taken in the harbor as Britisa prism. (CoaUaued em pace 4) Very Sick Three Others Abo U torney John Irwin failed to show any forgory by Pumford. Pumford was rearrested on the duy of his release, on charge of pass ing a worthless check. On this he was bound over to the grand Jury. All of tbe other prisoners are await ing hearings before tbe grand Jury. At ths time W. J. Shaver was ac quitted upon aa Instructed verdict. Circuit Judge Benson ordered tba calling ot a special session of the grand Jury, subject to tbe district attorney's order, for the purpose t correcting the detective In'dletmWt In that case. 8berlf Low sUrtad ta call the jurors, but was ordered net to do so by tba district attorney, f Had tba session been sailed, tha four prisoners now In the eeantir JaM, would all have been examined by tba grand jury, and either llberwted awaiting trial, as tba grand Jury should decide la eaeb